ai i 91 1 31 1 5 Your God Has A Place On The Campus By BAPS Student Fellowship of Baptists and Disciples or Christ Sunday, S p.m. Supper, vorship and discussion on "Where Will You Be Sept. 1?" Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. Chapel. A Spring Retreat will be May 13-13. Registrations should be in by May 10. Lutheran Student House Friday, 7 p.m. Visitations. Sunday, 10 a.m. Bible Hour; 8:45 a.m. Ag Bible Hour; 11 a.m Worship and Communion; 3 to I p.m. Open house; 5:30 p.m. LSA (joint) "Ashram Previews"; 7:30 p.m. Lutheran Student Home Choir Concert at Sheridan Lutheran Church. . Wednesday, 6 p.m. Lutheran Stu dent Banquet. University Lutheran Chapel Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Mother's Day worship with sermon topic, "Moth er Hannah"; 5:30 p.m. Gamma Delta cost supper and discussion on "Social Welfare in the Luther an Church" led by Pastor Luther Martin Docotor of Omaha. St. Thomas Aaulnas Ch&Del Sunday masses, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12a.m Daily masses, 6:45 and 7:15 a.m.; MOTHER'S DAY-MAY 8 Second Sunday in May FATHER'S DAY-JUNE 19 Third Sunday in June Soled your Rust Gaff Cards for both NOW - ear (fopJcry a reody for yoe - G0LDENR0D STATIONERY STORE 215 No. 14th Arts & VSS7 BRUCE BRUGMANN Frosh Basketball NEBRASEAN Sports Editor Dbat Team Mmber Journal Star Award Alpha Tau Omga Remember (hem on their Day TEACHERS VEFal HALL Cora Cobi Z. Z. Worker . Students Union , BaanU Scholarship Theta XI Church JELGERHUIS daily rosary, 5 p.m. Confessions are held before all masses and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. Presbyterian-Congregational Fellowship Sunday, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Forum, 'Preparing for a Christian Family" wun Jessie and Rex Knowles. Monday. 7 to 7:50 a.m. Bihl study; Noon, Luncheon discussion. Methodist Student House Saturday, STE banquet. Sunday, 5 p.m. Fireside Club, 'What Have We Done With rw Opportunities." Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. KaDoa Phi Spring Banquet. University Episcopal Chapel Sunday, 11 a.m. Service with the sermon, "The Fifth Column of Mar riage." EASY- DRAWING MILDNESSl" P s"THE FILTER I ' X f YOU'LL REALLY f U , rL!voHE HlkdeRT TAREY1DN J j CIGARETTES v Ik "j "DERN SIZE ) FILTER TIP TAREYTON with the Pearf-Gray Activated Charcoal Filter PRODUCT OF ti4osacwce-aa STUDENT Science f mm SAM VAN PELT X. K. Worker Honor Boll Phi Dta Theta -'M .ink.. KEN VOSIXA Gamma lambda Sinionia Marching Band Symphonic Band Sigma Chi Iris Becker Wins Award Iris Becker, junior majoring in vocational education, has been chosen to receive a scholarship award presented annuallv bv Zeta cnapter of Delta Kappa Gamma nonorary for professional teachers The award is given in order to encourage young women to con tinue in the teaching" professidn Only junior women are maiorlne in education and who plan to teach are eligible for the scholarship, Miss Becker is vice-president of the Vocational Home Economics Association and a member of the Home Ec Club; Rodeo Club; Phi upsuon Umicron and WAA. CLASSIFIED ADS Lost: Tlieta pin; black and gold with peuris on Domer. Name on back Bobble Danlelson, ph. 2-3287. TVPINO DONE Theses, terra papers, reasonaDia rates, experienced, e-1183 i Business Administration i ... N : i L MICK NEFF E. K. Worker Alpha Eappa Pel Regents Scholarship Delta Tau Delta Th ese are we U-kn own men whose record in activities and other college affairs on this campus speaks for itself A vote for these men is a vote for a more active, alert representa tion in Student Government! 'Slurping' Saxes To Give May Band Aler; Sound for Coliseum Spring Dance The new sound of the Billy 'May Band features "slurping saxes" and unique arrangements by the originator of the band. May began the organization of the present group some 22 months ago, but is now devoting most of his time to arranging nnd super vising production at Capitol Rec ords in Hollywood. Sam Donahue, By appointment purveyor of nip to the r I 1 (! 1 I M I I Yardley brings you good grooming in a bottle London style From London, the world's center of fashions for men, comes Yardley After Shaving Lotion. It softens and braces the skin in wondrous style. It helps to heal inadvertent nicks. It counteracts skin dryness caused by hard water shaving. It was created for those who value good grooming. At your campus store, $1.10 and $1.50 plus tax. Makers and dis Itributors for U. S. A., Yardley of London, Inc., New York. I i 1 t MARV McNEICE E. E. Worker Cornhusker Regents Scholarship Elks Scholarship Delta Upsilon tenor sax artist, fronts the organi zation on its nation wide tours. Donahue and the May Band are scheduled to appear at the Coli seum Wednesday sponsored by the Union and Corn Cobs. An hour and a half concert will precede the two hour dance. The concert portion of the program is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. and dancing will begin at 10 lit King Georjt VI, Yitfley t Co, ltd., tondofl Engineering mm JOHN FAGAN Blue Print Treasurer E. E. Worker E. Week Board Regents Scholarship . Beta Theta Pi This p.m. Tickets Tickets are being sold at Union booths and by Corn Cobs for 50 cents per person. UhTHE THAT CARRIES ITS OWN BOUQUET This new scented telegram is the perfect way to send your love on Mother's Day. Lightly perfumed with the fragrance of carnations it will be a keepsake cherished for years to come. Call or visit your local Western Union office today and give them your message for Mother's Day. WESTERN UNION I2l South 10th St Lincoln, Nebraska Tel: 2-6894 J 1 DON BUCY Cornhusker IFC Rush Book Phi Eappa Psi I. crPaid Political Advertisement Sociology Honorary Martha Morrison was elected president of the University chap, ter of Alpha Kappa Delta. New initiates are: Charles V. Anderson, Robert M. Anderson, D. F. Clark, Carolyn Auld, Ann Lindley, Martha Morrison, Ken neth Olejnik, Anne Palmer, Mrs. Catherine Riggle, Dean Sloan, James Wengert, Tom Woodward, Patricia Zimmer, R. L. Haag' GREETING Pharmacy ROD FJNSPAHR A.U T. Worker Com Cob Builders APH !FC Beta Sigma Psi Ik K If immi rirrtt t tk iTmrrmimmm rvrrwst X,