the TV V (? Cobs 1 X2J Norm Creutz was named presi dent of Corn Cobs at the annual initiation banquet Wednesday. Bruce Martin was elected vice- president; Marx Petersen, secre tary, and Joe Krause, treasurer. Awards cinque To Close E-Week , The Engineering Banquet which concludes E-Week will be held at the University Club Friday at 6:30 p.m. At the dinner, the 0. J. Fergu eon award 'and the Blue Print award winners will be announced. Winners m the open house window display, -Lanquet ticket sales, E ribbon (.ales, Blue Print sales and the Field Day competition will be presented. Al Holbert's band will provide dancing music after the smorgas bord dinner. Tickets are $6 a cou ple. Field Day will be held Friday at Pioneer Park, or if it rains, in the West Stadium, in the after noon. Tickets are 75 cents to cover the cost of the meal W. A. Schmall, supervisor of cre ative enginering at General Elec trice, will speak on "Creative Ap proach to Engineering" at tne convocation at 11 a.m. in the Love Library Auditorium. fJedaesiay Election Se id Creutz is a member of the Ameri can Pharmaceutical Society and Student Council and president of Theta Xi, Martin has been an alternate del egate to IFC and is a member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Madrigals and Sigma Chi. He is a junior in Business Administration. Petersen, junior in Ag, was a member of Builders, past Nebras kan Ag editor and is a member of Farmhouse, Student Council and Alpha Zeta. Krause was in AUF and is Delta Upsilon president. Each year's new officers are elected by the four outgoing offi cers. Retiring Corn Cobs officers are Junior Knobel, president; Len Barker, vice president; Phil Shade, secretary, and Doran Jacobs, treas urer. Vol. 55, No. 77 University of Nebraska Friday, April 29, 1955 For ilz A Election of next year's mem' bers of the College of Business Administration Executive Council will take place Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Social Candidates for senior positions on the Council are Warren Burt, Allen Hesson, Mary Alice Ostdiek, Allen Overcash and Phil Patter son. Two men and one woman must be elected. Running for junior Council posts are Marilyn Staska, Richard Swan son, Richard Walker and John Morrow. Two men and one wom an will be elected. Competing for sophomore posts on the Council are Louis Lenhart, Patricia McMillan and Robert Schuyler. Two candidates will be elected. Students registered in business administration are eligible to vote. Voting will be by classes. Students will be classified by hours for balloting purposes: less than 36 hours, sophomore; 36 to 70 hours, junior; and more than 70 hours, senior. Junior Division stu dents who have completed at least 12 semester hours will vote for candidates for sophomore posts. The Council consists of three seniors, three juniors, two sopho mores, three carry-overs from the previous Council and one repre sentative from the professional business fraternities, Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma Phi and Phi Chi Theta. The dean of the college and one faculty member elected by the Council are ex-officio members of the Council. Dean Earl Fullbrook and Dr. Curtiss Elliott, professor of economics, are the present fac ulty members. BABW Tea Scheduled For Sunday The annual BABW recognition tea will be Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. in Ellen Smith Hall. Twenty-six independent women who have chosen outstanding work in activities or scholarship will be honored. The independent women's house having the highest scholastic average will receive a plaque. Marian Sokol is in charge of the tea. Jane Conger is .in charge of invitations and Gertrude Sokol is in charge of refreshmentos. Newly-electtd officers of BABW are Carol Anderson, president; Marion Janda, vice president; El len Jacobsen, secretary; Joan Hathaway, treasurer; Lou Selk, historian, and Ekaiior von Bar gen, publicity chairman. Biz M College To Sponsor Program For High Schools College Day, an event for high school students interested in busi ness administration, will be held for the first time Saturday. The program is being sponsored by Alpha Kappa Psi, professional business fraternity, and the Stu dent Council of the College of Business Administration. Elsworth DuTeau, Lincoln busi nessman and former president of the Nebraska Alumni Associaton, will be guest speaker at a free luncheon for the group in the Un ion. The day's events include a tour of the campus conducted by stu dents and several seminars. Dr. Paymond Dein, professor of accounting, will conduct a seminar on accounting. Campbell McCon nell, assistant professor of eco nomics, will preside at a seminar on economics. Dr. Charles Miller, professor of business organization and manage-; ment, will talk on finance, and H. Robert Dodge, instructor in busi ness organization and management, will conduct a seminar on market ing and advertising. All seminars will be held con secutively from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. The afternoon sessions will deal with general information concern ing college in general and business administration in particular. Dr. Arthur Hitchcock, director of Junior Division and Counseling Service, will give a short talk on entrance requirements for college Charles Ferguson, Bus Ad jun ior and president of the Bus Ad StHent Executive Council, will speak on the student s viewpoint of college. Vocational opportunities will be discussed by Dr. Richard Bourne assistant professor ot economics and labor relations, to conclude the afternoon session, scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Administration Replies Ny SysftaiDiHis Stmspetnisooin) Journalism Day Linford To Address Luncheon Saturday Ernest Linford, chief editorial writer for the Salt Lake Tribune, will speak at the fifth annual Awards Luncheon at Journalism Day Saturday. The luncheon, marking the cli max of the year's activities in the School of Journalism, will be at noon in the Union Ballroom. Students To Model Union Show To Feature Styles, Talent Program 'Manhattan Party tst By International House "Manhattan" will be the theme of a foreign students party to be given by International House Sat urday from 8:30 p.m. to midnight. The party will be informal and all foreign students may attend. Style and talent will combine in the annual Union show Sunday at 7:30 in the Union Ballroom. The style show will incorporate fashion showings from five Lin coln department and clothing stores The clothes will be moderately priced summer vacation and late school wear for both men and wom-l en. Gretchen Teal will model a cherry-colored summer suit. She, will be escorted by Rex Fisher in a tan summer suit. Bob McDonald and Mary Zellers will show black and white sports wear; Eddie Lou Thompson will appear in a waltz length white and pink formal; Marilyn Beideck in a brown linen sheath cocktail dress; Addie Dubois, a tangerine Italian cotton dress for sport or dress; and Ardelle Wilhelm, aqua knit tor eador pants with an aqua, lavender and purple striped T shirt with boat neckline, and carrying matching lavender shorts. Barbara Thurman will appear in a print dress with matching avo cado coat with Tom Olson, wearing a charcoal sport coat with a rust splash weave and rust slacks. Sue Delehant and Jack Skalla will model swimming suits, and Marilyn Miner and Herb Meissner, matching Bermuda shorts, Mary Gattis will show a white eyelet over ice blue cocktail dress, She will be escorted by Joe Poyn- ter in a black and purple tweed. Barb Clark and Andy Loehr will model casual cottons, Courtney Campbell in a formal will be escorted by Andy Smith in a summer dress suit, Barb Leigh v.'ill give the fashion commentary. The theme for the show is Vaca tion Travel and will take the form of a European itinerary with each of the acts taking place at one of the stops on the trip. Bob Eaton will be master of cere monies for the varied program of the talent show. , Acts will include Diane Knotek, vocal solo, "Summertime;" Bonnie Young and Shirley Hurst, piano duet, "Spanish Dance" and "Boogie Woogie;" Sue Thomas, ballet, "Venetian Carnival;" Gary Sher-, man, show tunes; Pat Aovord, pi ano solo, and Rod Sindelar, saxa phone solo, "Body and Soul." j Fifteen silver keys and 32 certi ficates will be awarded to state high school journalists for outstand ing work in news, feature writing. sports, columns and editorials. Sigma Delta Chi, men's profes sional journalism society, will pre sent a plaque to a newspaper edi tor or staff writer for an out standing piece of work. An honorary member, selected for her contribution to journalism or some related field, will be pre- sented by Theta Sigma Phi, pro fessional soceity for women in jour nalism, Gamma Alpha Chi, women's ad vertising professional honorary, will announce the "Woman of the Year in Advertising," a woman from the immediate area who has contributed significantly to the ad vertising field. Kappa Alpha Mu, photo-jour nalism organization, will honor the current winner of its traveling award for the best work by a Uni versity student in the basic course in photography The 1955 members of Kappa Tau Alpha, scholastic honorary in jour nalism, will be announced Lyle Denniston, Seacrest Scholar ship winner, and Nancy Odum, winner of the Nebraska Press Women's prize, will be introduced, First Election In a closely contested election Thursday, Doug Jensen was re elected president of the Residence Association for Men by a vote of 295-269. Lowell Vestal was elected treasurer in the Selleck Quadran gle balloting in which approximate ly 60 per cent of dormitory men voted. Vestal won by 361-202. Jensen, Burnett House, is a sen ior in Teachers College and past RAM president. Vestal, secretary treasurer of Canfield House, is a junior in journalism. He is past RAM secretary-treasurer, editor of the 'Quad," dorm news paper, chairman of the Presby House house committee and a member of Sigma Delta Chi, men's profes sional journalism fraternity. First Election The RAM election was the first regularly scheduled one to be held since the men's dormitories were constructed. Past RAM officers, were elected provisionally in De-j cember. Roger Berger, Burnett House, was elected RAM activities di rector. Berger, a sophomore in! e' ctrical engineering, is chairman 1 of the All-University Fund dormi tory solicitations committee, as sistant editor of the Nebraska Blue print, on the varsity debate squad, a member of the American Insti tute of Electrical Engineers and E-week program chairman. Berger received 220 votes out of 570 cast in a three-way race. Gene- Torczon, assistant intramu rals chairman of Canfield House, was elected RAM intramural di rector by a vote of 297-253. Torc zon, a freshman in Teachers Col lege, is a member of the freshman baseball team. Policies, Programs Andy Anderson, president of Ben ton House, was elected RAM scho lastic director. He won by 329-211. Anderson, a freshman in chemical engineering, is a member of the Symphonic Band and the All-Varsity Male Chorus. The results of the balloting for secretary and social director will be announced later. RAM officers make up the Exec utive Council of Selleck Quadran gle which formulates and admin isters RAM policies and programs. The Outside World ( ike OK's Negotiations By DICK RALSTON Staff Writer President Eisenhower has clarified the United States position in regard to negotiations with Red China. He issued a statement that the U.S. is willing to confer alone with Red China on a ceasefire in the Formosa area, but not on matters affecting Nationalist China. Eisenhower said it may have been somewhat of an overstatement when the United States insisted last Saturday that Nationalist China be & party to any negotiations on the Formosa crisis. However, he stressed that the United States is not going to deal behind the backs of the Nationalists on matters which concern the Chiang Kai-shek government. British Diplomats Active The coming British election on May 26 is reportedly lending urgency to British diplomatic efforts. According to British informants, Prime Minister Eden is hoping to achieve a diplomatic grand slam including Formosa peace talks, independence for Austria and an approach to Big Four talks in time to swing votes to the conservative party during the election. As a result of this political diplomacy, Britain has asked Premier Chou En lai of Communist China to elaborate on his proposal for direct negotiations with the United States on Formosa, and is taking the initiative in pushing for an early Big Four conference. British, Ameri can and French officials are now meeting in London to draw up a plan for a conference with Russia to ease world tensions. Immunization Set Back The nation-wide campaign to immunize school children from polio was set back in several areas after eight children innoculated with one company's output of the vaccine were reported to have contracted the disease. Public health officials say there is no cause for alarm and have stopped the company from producing any more vaccine until it can be tested. Saturday Evening Block And Bridle Show Set For Fair Grounds The 21th annual Block and Bridle Livestock and Horse Show will be held Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the State Fair Grounds Coliseum. Guests will be Governor Victor Anderson, Mayor Clark Jeary, Chancellor Clifford Hardin and Dean of Ag CoUege W. V. Lambert. Co-managers for the Show are Don Novotny and Charles Watson. Committee chairman are Gerald Schiermeyer, program; Kay Kelly, tickets and sales; Harvey Jorgen son, publicity; Kaye Don Wiggins,' coeu riding contest; Steve Peterson and Jim Peters, coliseum; Pon Leisy, awards; Dryle Hulme, mu sic; Dwaine Trenkle, Cards and clothing; and Dwicrht Jungt, Bpecial events. Master of ceremonies for the showmanship contest will be Kaye Don Wigpins and M. C. of the Horse Show will be Robert Plumb of Oma ha. Fifty-six students have entered the showmanship contests. Division superintendents are Stan Eber cpacher, sheep; Val Markussen, hogs; and James Svoboda, beef. Judges for the showmanship con tests will be M. A. Alexander, sheep; Paul Guyer, hogs; and Tom Dowe, cattle. Willard Waldo of De Witt, Nebr., will judge the grand champion showmanship. Medals and ribbon will be presented to the top platings ii, each class. Twenty coeds have entered the coed horseback riding contest. Par ticipating in the musical chair con test will be Lincoln businessmen. There will be six horse classes: parade class, palomino pleasure class, five-gaited rlass, three-gaited class, fine-harness class and Ten nessee walking torse class. By SAM JENSEN Copy Editor Richard Glasford, former Busi ness Administration junior, was fined $25 in County Court Thurs day for disturbing the peace in connection with the April 14 riot. Glasford did not deny charges that he had been on the first floor of the women's dormitory and had placed a handkerchief over his face to avoid identification. Glas ford said that he had not harmed anyone or taken anything. He said that he had entered the dormitory "to see what was going on." Glasford was identified in the hallway by Dean Frank Halgren, associate dean for men, and was told to report to the dean's of fice in the morning. Acting Judge Ralph Slocnm said that Glasford knew what he was doing wrong as evidenced by the attempt to conceal his identity. It was also reported Thursday that no court charges have been filed against Clarence Swanson, suspended student whose case was being considered by the Univer sity administration for possible re instatement. After considering the case of Clarence Swanson, the University has decided to sustain its previous decision to suspend the former sophomore Agricultural student. The University had previously re instated William Doleman, 23-year- old graduate student. Doleman has been placed on conduct probation. Dean oPStudent Affairs J. P. Col bert said the case was reviewed when Doleman, a graduate student, after first admitting he was in the woman students' residence during the disturbance, later insisted that he remained in the building lobby for a brief period and then left without entering the area reserved for living quarters. 'We have no evidence to dispute Doleman's statement," the Dean said. "We do have evidence that his conduct earlier in the evening was not what we expect from stu dents and on that" basis he has been placed on conduct probation but he has been reinstated. Queried concerning the basis of suspension for the 19 students, the administration answered, The Ad ministration has considered as the basis for suspending students the identification of those having been i'i the living quarters of the wom en's residence halls and the soror ity houses during the demonstration on the evening of Thursday, April 14." Doleman has testified that he was on the first floor of the worn- Union Plans 'Elephant' Free Dance The "Pink Elephant Club in the Union Ballroom will be open Saturday from 9 p.m. to midnight. A dividend dance financed by profits from Union dances during the year, the second annual Pink Elephant party will feature Nat Towles and his Quintet. Table reservations may be made at the Union Activities Office. There is no admission charge, al though admission will be by cou ple only. Reserved tables will be held until 10 p.m. Saturday. Students will enter the ballroom through a white canopy and will be ushered by the head waiters to their tables. Candles will light the ballroom, and a bar, with such drinks as "The Block and Tack le," will decorate one end of the room. Cigaret girls, who will serve free refreshments, will be Sharon Evans, Rhoda Klute, Mary Rice, Eileen Aksamit, Diane Major, Jean Johnson and Catherine Watts en's dormitory, but did not par ticipate actively in the violence. Doleman appeared in County Court and paid a fine of $25 after pleading guilty to disturbing the peace. One student who has been suspended paid a fine of ?10; another student paid a fine of $75. The Nebraskan, in an attempt to clarify issues which have arisen be cause of Doleman's reinstatement, attempted to interview Dean Col bert Thursday afternoon. Colbert and feruce Nicoll, administrative assistant to the Chancellor, told the Nebraskan that the Administration would be willing to answer any written questions that The Nebras kan would offer, but they did not think that it would be wise for one person to rUte the University's views without conferring with other University officials. The questions, and the Adminis tration's anuswers are as follows: Was not Doleman positively iden tified? Upon final review the Administra tion could not get adequate proof that Mr. Doleman had been in the living quarters area of the women's residence hall during the rioting. Was consideration made in his case of his graduate status and pasi. record? No. Was consideration made in other cases of suspension of past record, good or bad? Conduct records were considered. Is the University considering rein stating next fall any others bus pended? No. If Doleman is not guilty of leav ing the main entranceway of the dormitory, why did he plead guilty i:i court? Is there not a case of a student who was suspended who paid paid smaller court fines than Doleman? These are questions which must be answered by (a) Mr. Doleman and (b) the County Attorney's of fice. The evidence considered by the University ant by a court in this instance need not be the same. What bearing will the court de cision have on the status of those students who have pleaded inno cent to charges? None. Why was Swanson's case being considered for reinstatement? Because of its relation to other aspects of the riot, the Swanson case was reviewed, but not neces (Continued on Page 4.) Questionnaires Sent Men's A dlvison? All Men's Advisory Board has been newly formed for "closer co operation among men's groups." It includes the presidents of the maj or all-male activities. The first project of the organi zation has been to send question naires to fraternities and living units on campus in order to de termine if outside activities inter fere with Monday night meetings. The advisory board is interested in the effect of play practices, song practices, organizational meetings, and sports activities on the func tions of fraternities and living groups. The advisory board has been asking for responses concerning this question, in order to take ac tion to remedy any problems. In a letter sent to fraternities, sorori ties, and co-ops, Monday night, the advisory board asked rapid responses in order to fix the sched ules for the coming year. The All Men's Advisory Board is composed of Marv Stromer, presi dent of Innocents Society; Junior Knobel, president of Corn Cobs; Al Anderson, president of Kosmet Klub; Jim Cederdahl, president of N Club; Doug Jensen, president of R. A. M. Council; Bill Devries, president of Interfraternity Coun cil; Walt Brestal, president of In-terco-op Council. The advisor to the group is Frank Hallgren, as sociate dean of men. The advisory board stated in its letter that' it had no officers, no constitution, no legislative powers, and no treasury. It's wish and purpose was to "promote thing, that are constructive." Dean Hallgren was instrumental in initiating the organization, which will act in the capacity of a stu dent forum for all men students. They stated that one of their pri mary concerns was encouraging greater participation by men in student activities, especially by independent students. Bill Devries, member of the ad visory board, stressed the impor tance of the co-operation of men's housing groups in making this movement a success and felt that it would be useful in making needed changes in the structure of men's activities. Campbell President Blr1 (C 1 R A .rir 6 y La II II t&j Hew fficers Panel Planned For Meeting Of NUCWA AWC-UN" will be the phase of United Nations work discussed at the bi-monthly NUCWA meeting at :30 p.m. in Union Parlors B and C. Argument, Work, Co-operation equals United Nations' represents NUCWA spelled backwards. Be sides United Nations discussions NUCWA work extends into discus sion of civic affairs and foreign student relations. The program will be opened by panel of four students who will discuss controversial areas in in ternational affairs. Discussion top ics are Israelio-Arab conflict, Brit ish elections, change of power in Russia End the Formosa ceasefire eproposals. A question period will! follow the discusioa. William Campbell, Phi Gamma Delta, was elected president of the Interfraternity Council Wednesday. John Gourlay, Beta Theta Pi, was elected vice-president; Dick Trupp, Delta Tau Delta, treasurer; and Sam Ellis, Phi Delta Theta, secre tary. Campbell, a junior in Business Administration, is secretary of Phi Gamma Delta and is past president. He is past secretary of IFC and member of Canterbury Club. Gourlay, Arts and Sciences jun ior, is managing ed;tor of the Com- busker, treasurer of Student Coun cil, a member of Corn Cobs and vice president of Beta Theta Pi. Trupp, junior in Business Ad ministration, is chairman of the IFC scholarship committee, cor responding secretary of Delta Tau Delta and member of the Lincoln Project. Ellis, a sophomore in Business Administration, is treasurer of All University Fund, member of Stu dent Council, a Kosmet Klub work er and Alumni Secretary of Phi Delta Theta. nienraiernny els Rush L7e Council eft Dsfes Fraternity Rush Week next fall will run from Thursday, September Jim Carson, chairman of the Inter 8 through Saturday, September 10, Fraternity Council rush week com mittee announced. This is a change from previous years, when Rush Week started on Friday and ended on Sunday. The reason for the change to Thursday through Saturday, Car son said, was because early reg istration proceedings for the Uni versity have been slated to begin Sunday, September 11. The fall semester classes will begin Mon day, September 19. Fraternities have been divided into six groups for the rush week open house periods. During open hours on Thursday, September 8, rushees will be required to visit at least one house in each group, or a total of six bouses. Open "hous; hours have been ex-' tended to five hours m Thursday,. running from 10 a.m. to noon, and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Allow ing a ten-minute break between each open house date, the extend ed open house hours will give tht rushee 40 minutes in each house. Last fall there was only three hours given over to the open house period, giving the rushee a maxi mum of 30 minutes in etch house he visited. . ' There will be eight regular rush ing parties over the three dsysi Thursday: 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday: Noon to 3 p.m., 4, to 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. to 10:39 pjta Saturday: Noon to 3 p,m S: to 5:30 p.m. arid p.m. to f;S p.m. There will be early registration from 10 i.m. to 10 p.a. Wednes day, September ?. An orientation period for all rushees will be held from 9 ajn. to 10 a.m. Thursday. The fe for going through rush week wia be 15. i a, 0 -