The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1955, Image 1

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    Corn Cobs
Workers If
Sixteen new members of Corn
Cobs, men's pep organization, were
revealed by Cobs officers Monday.
May 3
Plan Club
An organizational meeting for a
pre-law club will be May 3 at 7:30
p.m. in Room 101 of the Law Build
ing. All men and women students at
the University, Wesleyan and Un
ion College interested in entering
the College of Law are urged to
attend, said Gerry Fellman, Law
Association representative. Invi
tations have been sent to all known
pre-law students.
At the meeting Dean David Dow
will speak on the scholarships
available to law students. Other
topics will include entrance require
ments, law as a profession, job op
portunities for graduates and the
law curriculum for the three ana
four-year programs.
The faculty, student leaders and
presidents of law fraternities will
be introduced.
A coffee hour in the law Asso
ciation lounge will follow the meet
ing. Students will have a chance
to meet the professors and will be
encouraged to ask questions, Fell
man said.
The organizational meeting will
be the only one this spring. Next
fall the new club will hold regu
lar student-planned meetings. Pro
grams will include films and spe
cial speakers on various phases of
James Lake, professor of law,
is in charge of organizing the club.
Three Groups
Three discussion groups will
be held for the AWS workshop,
Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the
Union Ballroom.
Time elements, preliminary
judging and limiting backdrops and
and costumes will be discussed by
the "Coed Follies" group. "Mak
ing the Most of Our College Op
portunities" will consider stan
dards of school conduct and school
A discussion of rules, AWS court
and the point system will be in
cluded by the group, "AWS and
Its Responsibilities to the Cam
pus." Ag Awards
Gerald Schiermeyer, junior in
Ag College, received a wrist watch
as winner of the senior division
of the Block and Bridle judging
Other senior division winners
were Stanley Eberspacher, second,
Allen Trenkle, third; Charles
Thonven, fourth, and Dwain Tren
kle, fifth.
Don Beck won the junior division
followed by Paul Yeutter, Dick
Deets, Jack Todd.
The Cy Winkler trophy for the
high junior division team went to
the Alpha Gamma Rho team com
posed of Beck, Deets) Hagemeier,
Rathjen and Bob Clock.
Ray Kelly was announced as
winner of the merit trophy award.
Summary Of Year
Meet Af Oklahoma
Ends Debate Season
University debaters won 67 per
cent of their contests in the last
debate season, according to Donald
0. Olsen, debate coach.
"The outstanding thing about this
debate team is that the members
are active in all phases of Univer
sity life," Olsen said. "Most are
involved in a number of activities
and are also good students."
The Delta Sigma Rho regional
congress at the University of Okla
homa wound up debate for the
' forensic season. The debate team
participated in 233 debates in the
past season.
Nine contests were audience de
bates and 224 were decision de
bates. The team won 149 of the
decision debates and lost 75.
In all events the team ; won 28
superior ratings. University de
baters participated in 11 intercol
legiate debate and discussion con
ferences. Many schools only use their best
debaters,' but the University de
bate team has a policy of giving
as many interested and capable
students a chance to participate
as possible, Olsen said.
"We feel debate is an education
adventure," he said.
To Initiate
The new members, chosen from
the top workers of this school year,
will be formally Initiated at a
Corn Cobs banquet Wednesday.
The sixteen new Corn Cobs
Tom 'Olson, Alpha Tau Omega;
Don Beck, Doyle Hulme, and Harv
ey Jorgenson, Alpha Gamma Rho;
Mervyn Schliefert, Alpha Gamma
Sigma; Delmar Hahrt and Rod
Einspahr, Beta Sigma Psi; Leo
Pamkroger, Bill DeWulf, and Char
lie Trumble, Farm House.
Larry Hanson, Sigma Chi; Jerry
Nissen, Sigma Phi Epsilon; John
Nelson, Ron Blue, and Vernon Hall,
Theta Xi; Dick Fellman, Zeta Beta
Formal inititation of these new
actives will be held Wednesday
evening at a banquet in the Un
ion. The inititation will also be
the occasion for the announce
ment of the new Corn Cobs offic
ers, selected each year by the out
going officers.
This year's Corn Cobs officers
are: Junior Knobel, Farm House,
president; Leonard Barker, Theta
Xi, vice-president; Phil Shade, Sig
ma Phi Epsilon, secretary; and
Vol.. 55, No. 75
Wafer Ballet
Aquaquettes spring water ballet
will be presented Thursday and
Friday at 7:45 p.m. in the Coli
seum pool.
The theme selected for the show
is "Aqua Daily," with the numbers
depicting the various aspects of the
day's news.
. Aquaquettes presented its first
spring water ballet in the early
1940's. The production has become
an annual affair. This year's show
will feature members of the men's
swimming team for the first time.
Special lights will be used to il
luminate swimmers in "Stormy
Weather," the local weather re-
port. The pool will be completely
blacked out and the lights will be
taped to the arms and legs of the
An aquatic rendition of "Dry
Bones" will represent the obituary
column, and "Street Scene" will
portray the national news.
Aquaquettes' rendition of "Lili"
will be used as a typical movie ad-
Lady" will represent the women's
vertisement and. "Sophisticated
pages and fashion news.
"John and Marcia" will be the
group's interpretation of a love
lorn column. Society' news will be
"Bell of the Ball," and news of
Chess Tourney
Set Tuesday
The annual chess tournament
sponsored by the Union will begin
Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Parlors Y
and Z.
The tournament will be contin
ued Thursday at 7 p.m. in Room
315 and Saturday at 2 p.m. in
Room 315. Bill Steen will super
vise the tournament.
A trophy will be presented to
the winner. Diane Knotek, Union
recreation committee chairman,
urged all interested students to
The team also has a policy of
preparing debates for any organi
zation with two weeks notice, 01
sen added.
This year the team debated four
separate questions, while some
schools limit their arguments to
the current national college de
bate question, he said.
Debaters are not enrolled in any
one college as a rule, but come
Yrcm all colleges on the campus,
Olsen said.
There are 26 debaters on this
year's roster. They are Norman
Alexander, Richard Andrews, Rog
er Berger, Bruce Brugmann, Larry
Carstenson, Ernest Enke, Dick Fell
man. Robert Frank, Russell Gutting,
Diann Halm, Connie Hurst.Gerald
Igou, Homer Kenison, Sharon Man
gold, Jere McGaffey, Allen Over
cash, Ken Philbrick, Sandra Reim
ers, Jack Rogers.
Barbara Sharp, Kenneth Sieman,
Darrina Turner, Joan Becera, Rog
er Wait, Kay Williams and Robert
Zaber. .
Olsen coached the debate team
and Bruce Kendall, assistant pro
fessor of speech and dramatic art,
had charge of individual events.
Doran Jacobs,
Zeta Beta Tau,
New Corn Cobs are selected on
the basis of work done for the or
ganization during their sophomore
year. Workers sell N flowers at
football games and handle all ar
rangements for the annual Home
coming dance. This includes not
only selling tickets, but making
decorations and advertising the
dance. The card sections at the
football games are composed of
Corn Cobs and Tassels and fresh
man pep organizations.
Corn Cob workers sell Corn
huskers throughout the year, and
this year they sold tickets to the
Chancellor's dinner. Each member
is required to attend . all sports
rallies and to handle arrangements
for those rallies.
This year about 31 students en
gaged in Corn Cobs activities as
workers. There are sixteen ac
tives and four officers now in the
During the three days preceding
the Corn Cob initiation, all new
members are required to wear red
sweaters and tiny corn cobs on
ribbons around their necks.
At the dinner Wednesday, all
Junior members of the Corn Cobs
will be presented special keys.
Set Thursday
the music world will be represented
by "Jazz Pizzacato."
Interpretations of the internation
al scene and foreign dispatches will
be portrayed by "In a Persian
Tickets are 50 cents and will be
for sale at the door.
Officers of the group are: Ann
Kokjer, president; Nan Engler,
vice-president; Mary -Clare Dod
son, secretary; and Mary Gattis,
treasurer. " .
Beverly Becker, instructor in
physical education for women, is
adviser for the group, which is
sponsored by WAA and depart
ment of physical education for
Bok To Discuss Criminal Law
In Roscoe Pound Lectureship
Curtis Bok, presiding judge in
one of Philadelphia's Courts of
Common Pleas, will deliver the
second and third lectures in the
Roscoe Pound lectureship Tuesday
and Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Love
Library Auditorium.
He will discuss the human and
legal side of many problems in the
administration of the criminal law.
Judge Bok will lecture Tuesday
on "The Substantive Law" and
"Penology and Treatment" Wed
nesday. He lectured on "The
Trial" Monday.
The Outside World'
Chou Stymies Talks
Staff Writer
The recent offer of Red China's Chou En-lai to confer with the
United States on easing tension in the Formosa area seems to have
reached a stalemate. The United States is insisting that Nationalist
China would have to be a party to anyasuch negotiations, and Chou
reportedly refuses any negotiations with the Nationalists present.
The offer to" negotiate the Formosan problem came during the
closing session of the Afro-Asian conference in Bandung Indonesia.
The conference ended with the adoption of a communique condemning
colonialism "in all its manifestations," appealing for an end to racial
ism, asking world disarmament and prohibition of atomic and hydrogen
bombs and their tests, and promising closer cultural and economic
Pro-Western powers at the conference won major victories when
the conference approved the formation of defense alliances under the
United Nations charter, and when they won Red China's willingness to
approve such principles as the United Nations definition of human
rights and self-determination.
Block, Bridle
Horse Classes Selected
For Annual Club Show
Six classes have been selected
for the 21st annual Block and
"Bridle Livestock and Horse Show
to be held Saturday at 7:30' p.m.
in the State Fair Grounds Coli
seum. Classes for the horse show are
parade, palomino pleasure, ' five-
gaited, three-gaited, fine-hamass
and Tennessee walking horse.
Judge for the horse show will be
John Dean of Glenwood, la. Bob
Plumb of Omaha will be master
of ceremonies.
Participating in the opening cere
mony and tne nag presentation
will be Governor Victor Anderson,
First Ribbon Sold
Chancellor Hardin bought the
"E Week" ribbon Monday after-
noon from Dan Rasdal, senior in
electrical engineering and chair-
University of Nebraska
Annual Tea
Twenty-six coeds were chosen
as Tassel pledges at the annual
formal Tassels tea Sunday.
New pledges must accumulate
ISO points before initiation next
spring by selling Cornhuskers, bal
loons and tickets; participating in
rallies and pep skits; attending
games; helping with University
novelties,, and ushering at Univer
sity funtions.
Pledges are:
Mary Laura Prather, Alpha Chi
Omega; Nancy Tucker, Alpha Phi;
Donna Sawvell, Delta Delta Delta;
Kay Gleason, Gamma Phi Beta;
Judge Bok handed down a deci
sion in 1949 which protested nine
American novels from charges of
obscenity. Some of the authors
involved in the case included Wil
liam Faulkner, James T. Farrell
and Erskine Caldwell.
Judge Bok's decision was later
upheld in the Pennsylvania Su
preme Court.
The lectureship is sponsored by
the Committee for the Roscoe
Pound Fund and the College of
Chancellor Clifford Hardin. Major
Clark Jeary and Ag College Dean
W. V. Lambert.
The show will include a potato
race between representatives of
Denton and Plattsmouth. Lincoln
businessmen will participate in a
musical chair contest.
In the showmanship contest in
dividuals will show sheep, cattle
and hogs.
Admission is il for adults, 75
cents for students and 50 cents
for children. Tickets are available
from any Block and Bridle member.
man of the ribbon committee. Rib-
bons went on sale for 15 cents
apiece and will be sold throughout
the week.
Sandra Kadlec ek, Kappa Alpha
Holly Hawke, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Barbara Millnitz, Kappa
Delta; Janice Shrader, Pi Beta
Phi; Ruthann Chudacoff, Sigma
Delta Tau; Elaine Sackschewsky,
Love Memorial Hall.
Laurel Morris, Terrace Hall;
Janet Felt,- International House;
Mary Fritts, Loomis Hall; Patricia
Schaller and Shelia Scott, Alpha Xi
Delta; Marylan Zulke, Adelphi.
Pal Gillespie, Mary Jane Phelps,
Shirley Hornby, Marilyn Waechter,
Ivy Day
To Meef
Directors for the Ivy Day Inter
Sorority Sing will meet in the Un
ion Friday at 5 p.m. Each house
must be represented and bring a
copy of their music to the meeting.
Important announcements con
cerning Ivy Day will be made and
if the director is unable to attend,
another representative should at
tend, Jan Yost, Ivy Day Sing Chair
man, announced.
Names of the selections and di
rectors for the Sing are Alpha
Chi Omega, "A Toast," Joan Mar
shall; Alpha Omicron Pi, "Over
The Rainbow", Dee Garrett; Al
pha Phi, "Memories of Alpha Phi"
Barbara Jones; Alpha Xi Delta,
"Sweetheart Song," Jeanine Schlie
feit. Chi Omega, "I Love Life," Alice
Logie; Delta Delta Delta, "When
In the Night," Carol Newell; Delta
Gamma, "Delta Gamma," Carol
Unterseher; Gamma Phi Beta,
"Bound Firm By," Margie Hallas;
Kappa Alpha Theta, "Theta Lips,"
Mary Jo Shainholtz; Kappa Kap
pa Gamma, "Kappa Blue and
Blue"', Jan Beal.
Pi Beta Phi. "Brigadoon," Ellen
Svoboda; Sigma Delta Tau, "S.D.T.
With Torch So Bright," Ruth Chu
dacoff; Sigma Kappa, "Softly as
in the Morning Sunrise", Marlyn
Herse; Residence Halls, ' "Ameri
can Lullaby," Marilyn Blackburn;
Terrace Hall, "The Lilac Tree,"
Laurel Morris.
Towne Club, "Black is the color
of my True Love's Hair", Hanna
Rosenberg; University Hospital
Nurses, "The Night Has a Thou
sand Eyes," Janice Hensel, and
Love Memorial Hall, "I Talk to
the Trees," Jan Lindquist.
NROTC Presents
Middies Awards
Twenty University midshipmen
will receive proficiency awards at
the Naval ROTC Corps annual
awards program Tuesday at 3 p.m.
in Love Library Auditorium.
Byron Dunn, Lincoln banker, will
deliver the address. Capt W. O.
Gallery, professor of naval science,
will make the acknowledgement to
the 1955 donors and Comdr. J. M.
Bowers will introduce the donors.
Midshipman Walter Wright Jr.
will present the battalion.
Donors of the proficiency awards
are Lincoln business firms and
r)l r
patriotic organizations. ,
E Week To Begin Thursday
Displays and exhibits showing
the role of engineering and archi
tecture in modern living will be
featured at the 43rd annual Engi
neer's Week open house from 2 to
10 p.m. Thursday in all engineering
An electric chair that passes
half a million volts through a man
without harming him is one of the
displays featured in the electrical
engineering exhibit. Color televis
ion will be on exhibition.
Persons may hear their voices
over the telephone at the audio
sound display by the electrical en
gineering group exhibit.
The civil engineers will explain
and illustrate the O Street viaduct
which is under construction
Underwater welding and flowers
frozen in liquid air will highlight
the mechanical engineering dis
play. In the department of architec
ture, the "Living Cube," recently
reatured in a national magazine,
will be the principal display.
Tuesday, April 26, 1955
Caroline Gay Boswell, Janis David
son, Sharon Toner, Joan Kluge and
Jackie Kilzer, independents-at-large,
and Sue Petersen, Ag-at-!arge.
Auditions Open
NU Film To Dramatize
Pershing Rifles History
Auditions for parts in a "dra
matic documentary" film on the
history and present-day activities
of Pershing Rifles, national ROTC
honorary are open to all men stu
dents from 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday
and Wednesday in the photograph
ic productions office in West Sta
dium. The tentative title of the film is
"The Highest Ideals," writer-director
Anthony Groslein said Mon
day. Groslein, University motion pic
ture production supervisor, said
the film will be distributed nation
ally. "We feel this .offers student ac
tors a rather unique opportunity
to participate in a professionally
produced motion picture. It pre
sents a definite challenge to ac
tors' acting abilities," he contin
In order to try out for parts in
the movie, men students need not
be members of Pershing Rifles,
experts in military matters, or
have had previous movie acting
Research and writing of the
script for the film began in Feb
ruary. Shifting of its scenes will
be completed by the end of the
semester. Editing and final pro
cessing of the movie will occupy the
The plot of the film will revolve
around portrayals of men of the
Population Up
Merits Bia
The University's enlarged pro
posed budget for 1955-57 is due in
part to a recognition that the Uni
versity is growing with the state,
Chancellor Clifford Hardin said
in a Nebraskan interview.
The budget which the University
has requested is $18,830,000 $3,
830,000 more than the budget for
the .present two year period.
The University budget is taken
from the state's General Fund and
is part of the total appropriation
that the Legislature must make
for every two year period. The
Budget committee conducts hear
ings for other institutions of the
state and then decides the
amount that it will recommend to
the Unicameral later in the year.
Two and one-half million dollars
of the proposed increase would be
used to support the existing pro
gram at the University, and the
remaining $1,300,000 of the pro
posed hike would be used in the
development of new activities.
Displays of corn harvesting, soil
tillage and irrigation will be fea
tured by the department of agri
cultural engineering. Emphasis
will be on advances made in the
field of agriculture by engineering.
Precision measuring, such as de
termining the width of a human
hair, will be included in the de
partment of engineering mechan
ics display.
Various procedures for soften
ing hard water will be demonstrat
ed in the chemical engineering dis
play. Overall chairmen for E. Week
are Roger Whitmer and Edward
Doll. Co-chairmen of the various
engineering societies include:
Wayne Wolf and Verne Dvorak,
agricultural engineering; Alan Pet
erson and Bill Rudd, architectural
engineering and architecture; Jack
Stiehl and Tom Tillman, chemical
Pete Schmitt and, Charles
Wrobleski, civil engineering; Glen
Norris and Gene Yost, electrical
engineering, and Tom Smith, en
gineering mechanics.
Committee chairman are: Barry
Larson and Kazys Alminas, pub
licity; Paula Broady, banquet;
Daryll Wood, contest; Bob Dostal,
convocation; Frank Sazma, field
day; Murl Maupin, inquiries; Bill
Nagorian, photographer.
Roger Berger, program; Dan
Rasdal, ribbon sales; Bill Neef,
sledge; Ken Philbrick, traffic;
John Fagan, window displays, and
Wade Dorland, guides.
The Engineers' banquet will bs
Friday at 6:30 p.m. A convocation
for all engineering sudents and the
public will be at 11 a.m. Friday in
Love Library Auditorium.
Engineering classes will be dis
missed all day Thursday and from
11 a.m. on Friday. Students should
consult their instructors about dis
missal from classes not in the Col
lege of Engineering, Barry Larson,
publicity chairman, said.
Faculty advisers for E Week are
Bruce Meier, assistant professor
of civil engineering, and Donald
Pierce, instructor in engineering
different eras of Pershing Rifles
The society was founded at the
University in 1894 by then 2nd Lt.
John J. Pershing. The ROTC hon
orary, whose headquarters are at
the University now has 130 chap
ters in 43 states.
Technical advisors for the film
are Col. Chester Diestel, chair
man of the department of military
science and tactics, Lt. Col. Ernst
Liebmann, associate professor of
military science and tactics, and
Virgil Holtgrewe, national student
commander of Pershing Rifles.
Paper, Yearbook
Filings Announced
Students wishing to apply for
paid staff positions on The Nebras
kan and Cornhusker for next year
may obtain applications from the
Public Relations Office, 1127 R
Coriihusker applicants will be
interviewed by the Board of Stu
dent Publications at the Union
May 5 beginning at 4 p.m. Corn
returned to. Public Relations by
pleted application forms should be
April 29.
Interviews for Nebraskan posi
tions will be May 24. Business
staff applicants will be interviewed
first, beginning at 4 p.m. Appli
cations must be returned by May
Thirty-six per cent of the pro
posed development fund, Hardin
said, would go to the University
Medical center in Omaha for more
adequate staffing, promotion of
closer relations by the Mtdical
College with Lincoln and (hnaha
hospitals and expansion of tne out
patient department.
The Chancellor told the commit
tee that approximately 1000 addi
tional students might be attending
the University in 1957. Although
no formal study has been undertak
en, he said, a higher percentage
of high school graduates, are going
to college now and fewer students
are dropping out of school.
Merit increases for faculty ac
count for $1,200,000 of the proposed
budget. Hardin said that the pay
increase would not be of the blank
et type and would go to those fac
ulty members who have done and
are doing "meritorious work." The
increase is aimed at retaining key
members of the staff, both aca
demic and non-academic.