The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1955, Page 4, Image 4

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Friday, April 22, 1955
Placement By Board
H H cjj
Staff Writer
There is more of a demand for
well-trained college graduates in
business and industry today than
the University is able to supply.
This statement was made by
Dean J. P. Colbert, dean of stu
dent affairs and chairman of the
Board of Occupational Placement.
The function of this board yj to
place graduating seniors in out
standing jobs throughout the coun
try. As Dean Colbert said, "Our
Philosophy, .like that of many oth
er colleges and universities, is
that in higher education, we must
not only discharge the duties and
obligations to the students until
they get a degree, but also must
help them make the transition
from the University to employ
He observed that the demand is
co great today because there are
fewer young people available to
fill the jobs. Abundance of env
ployment opportunities is expect'
cd to continue until 1960.
lo Ihree
Three faculty members of the
College of Arts and Sciences have
been granted leaves of absence
by the University Regents to ac
cept Frank H. Woods Fellowships
in humanities.
The three faculty members are
Dr. William Pfeiler, professor of
germamc languages and litera
ture; Dr. John Alden, professor of
history, and Dr. Carl Schneider,
associate professor of political sci
ence. A gift of $40,000 for the fellow
ship was established through the
University Foundation by the
Woods Charitable Fund, Inc. of
Lincoln. This fund was established
for the purpose of encouraging
scholarship in the humanities. The
year grants are for $5,000 and
the half-year grants for $2.50.
Dr. Pfeiler will take a semester
leave Feb. 1, 1956, to write a book
on German literature between 1933
45. ' .
Dr. Alden plans to take a semes
ter leave starting Sept. 1, 1955, to
visit a number of libraries and
. archives and to write a history of
tha South in the American Revo
lutionary War.
Dr. Schneider will leave Sept. 1
for Bonn, Germany where he will
do research on German political
parties since World War II. He
will be gone a full year.
YW To Serve
Drivers, Cars
For Project
Seling gasoline, checking auto
mobiles and washing windshields
will keep YWCA members busy
Saturday as they perform these
services for University and Lin
coln drivers at a service station
t 14th and Q St.
Costumed in outfits unusual for
regular filling station attendants,
coeds will work from 8 a.m. to
10:30 p.m.
Profits from the project will be
pi en to the YWCA Centennial
Fund. The organization sponsored
similar project last fall.
Members participating in the
project are Jackie Kilzer, Carrie
Rhodes, Pat Schaller, Jaonne Fre
ricks, Betty Parks, Mary Thomp
son, Glenna Berry, Jody Chalupa
and Bev Deepe.
Eleven Sent
horn Dorms
To Convention
Eleven University students at
tended the Mid-west Dormitory
Conference April 15-16 in Columbia,
Representing the University were
Ruth Vollmer, Eleanor VonBargen,
Marjeanne Jensen and Jackie Kil
zer from the Residence Halls for
Women; Don Besom, Vic Musil,
Ed Eemble, Varro Clarke, Ken
Ilif iske, Doug Jensen and Lowell
Vestal from Selleck Quadrangle.
Although the functions of the
Board of Occupational Placement
are highly important, most stu
dents are unaware of this service
the prospect of getting a job is
near at hand.
Actually, this board performs
an extensive service to Univer
sity students. Board members in
elude representatives from the va
rious colleges on the campus.
They handle relations with firms
who desire to send personnel man
agers or other members of their
company to the University to in
terview seniors.
The work of the Occupational
Placement Board begins when a
company representative writes for
an appointment to come to the
campus. These visits may start
as early as Oct. 14. The dates
of the representatives' visits are
kept on a calendar in Dean Col
bert's office. The fact that two
such appointments are usually
scheduled five days a week from
October until June is indicative
of the size of this program.
. Some companies who w a n t
graduates in only one field con
tact that particular college direct
ly. However, the majority inter
view students of different colleges
and these interviews are handled
by the Board. Last year 165 or
ganizations were granted inter
views by the Board. Dean Col-j
bert estimated that altogether over
200' companies sent reprentatives
to the campus last year.
Organizations that participate in
the program Include the General
Electric Corporation, Bell Tele
phone Co., R.C.A., United States
Steel, Chrysler Corporation," Colgate-Palm
Olive Co., Sunbeam Ap
pliance Co., Quaker Oats Co., and
Eastman Kodak Co.
Allis-Chalmers, John Deere Co,
Proctor and Gamble, the West-
inghouse Corporation and,the May
tag Co. also send represents
Notice Posted
After an appointment is made
for the company official to come
to the campus, board members
post notices on campus bulletin
prior to the visit. If a student
boards . approximately two weeks
is interested in the organization,
he is able to go to 209 Admins
tration Hall to look through a
brochure published by that com
These brochures explain the ben-
efits, salaries and opportunities
for advancement in addition to list
ing the jobs available. Many bro
chures contain descriptions of the
cities in which company plants
are located. The organizations
are anxious that prospective em
ployees become well - acquainted
with the company and its aavan
Scholarship Important
Dean Colbert observed that stu
dents often ask if high grades
rand beaus
E,"0C and back
bench boys go
forms!. Styling
1 V 1 "M(walJ "stain-
shy" finish so safe
from spots! For
more fun go
nam Schedule
9-12 a.m.
2-5 p.m.
9-12 a.m.
2-5 p.m.
Labratory classes meetin for several continuous hours on one or two days shall
meet for examinations as follows: Classes meeting on Monday or Tuesday shall be
examined on the date scheduled for the first hour of their labratory meeting; Wednesday
or Thursday classes on the second hour of their meeting; Friday or Saturday classs on the
third hour. .
Classes meeting on the half hour shall be examined on the hour which has been
halved. For example, classes which meet 2:30 to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays
shall be examined at the time set for classes which meet at 2 p.m. Tuesdays and
Thursdays. , ......
Unit examinations have been scheduled for all sections In the following subjects:
Business Organization 3. 4, 21; Economics 3, 11. 12. 115; Education 61, 62: Mechan
ical Engineering 1: English A. B, 1, 2. 3. 4: Home Economics 41, 42; French 12, 14;
Spanish 52, 54; Mathematics 11. 16. 41, 105, 14. 15. 17. 42, 106. 107; Speech 9. 10.
Sociology 53; and Naval Science 102. 202. 302. 402.
If students lave regularly scheduled examinations conflicting with the above schedule,
arrangements to take specially scheduled examinations at another time should be made
with the department concerned on or before May 28. For example: If a student is
scheduled fo an examination which conflicts with a specially scheduled examination
in French, arrangements should be made with the Romance Language Department to
take such French examination at another time.
Saturday, Mar 2S
All sections of English A
Tuesday, May SI
Classes meeting at 8 a.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two of
these days
Classes meeting at 12 p.m. on 5 or 4 days or MWF. or any one or two
these days
Classes meeting at 10 a.m. TThS or any one or two of these days
Wednesday, June 1
Classes mee'ing at 11 a.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two
of these days
All sections of Education 61. 62 (Coliseum)
All sections of Business Organization 3, 4
Thursday, Jaae 2
8- 10 a.m. All sections of Math 11, 16. 41, 105
11 a.m.-l p.m. All sections of Math 14. 15. 17. 42. 106, 107
2-5 P.m. Classes meeting at 4 p.m. 5 or 4 days, oi MWF, or any one or two
of these days
Friday, Jims t
9- 12 a.m. Classes meeting a.m. "5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any on or two
of these days
2-5 P.m. AU sections of English 2. 3. 4
Saturday, Jum 4
9-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 3 p.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two
of these days
Classes meeting at 5 p.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two
of these days
Classes meeting a 5 p.m. TTh or either one of these days
Classes meeting at 7 p.m. TTh or either one of these days
Classes meeting at 7 P.m. MWF or any one or two of these days
2-5 p.m. AU sections of Naval Science 102. 202, 302, 402.
Monday, June 6
9-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 2 p.m. 5 or 4 days, ot MWF, or any one or two
of these d?ys
2-5 p.m. All sections of Economics S. II. 12. 115 (Coliseum)
Cli'- meeting at 2 p.m. TTh or either one of these days
Tuesday. Juue 7
9-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 10 a.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two
of these days
2-5 P.m. Classes meeting at 1 P.m. TTh or either one of these days
Wednesday. Juue v
9-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 4 p.m. TTh or either one
of Jiese days
Classes meeting at 8 a.m. TThS or any one or two of these days
2-5 P.m. All sections of Mechanical Engineering I
AM sections of Home Economics 41, 42
All sections of French 12, 14
All sections of Spanish 52. 54
- AU aectiong of Business Organization 21
Thursday. Juue
8- 10 a.m. All sections of English B (Coliseum) ,
1 1 a.m.-l p.m. All sections of English 1 (Coliseum) '
9- 12 a.m. Classes meeting at 3 P.m. TTH or either one of these days
2-5 p.m. Classes meeting at 9 a.m. TThS or any one or two of these dsn
AU sections of Sociology 53
Friday, Jus 11)
9-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 1 p.m. 5 or 4 dais, or MWF, or any one or two
f these -ays
2-5 P.m. Classer meetin- at 11 a.m. TThS or any one or two of these days
AU sections of Speecn 9. 10
mean anything In occupational
placement. "The answer is yes,"
he said. But he pointed out that
personnel managers do not hire
for scholarship alone; they want
someone who will be an asset to
their company.
They do, however, ask for a
student's average. Most company
representatives are most interest
ed in a student who has done welel
in college. They believe that if a
student is interested in his ca
reer, he will denyx himself a few
good times in order to achieve
good grades. This type of
person will be an asset to any
Provisions For Women
"It is not difficult to place wom
en in important jobs today," said
a on
Dean Colbert. He added that many
large companies make special pro
visions for women employees.
Companies such as Braniff and
United Air Lines send represen
tatives to the campus to inter
view women students for positions
as hostesses.
He observed that In some oc
cupations, "it is still difficult for
women to advance at the same
rate as men," but added that this
is not true in all instances.
He stressed the fact that it is
possible to place students in all
types of occupations, but said that
the greatest demand today is for
graduates in the fields of engi
neering, chemistry, physics, math
ematics, business administration
and geology.
Your Church
God Has A Place
On The Campus
Custodians To Acquire
Dog For Blind Veteran
Staff Writer
Wanted: the assistance of the
University students in gathering a
bushel of red strips gained from
packages of a 1 1 brands of cigarettes.
This red strip fund has been in
stigated on the campus by the
Union custodians in an effort to
acquire a seeing eye dog for a
disabled veteran at the Omaha
Veteran's Hospital.
The partially blind veteran who
was injured in the Korean War
has been hospitalized in Omaha
for the past two years. His in
jury was inflicted while a mem
ber of the parachute infantry in
the 82ndAirborne Division.
Interest in the veteran was
gained through a union employee,
who was the platoon ser gear t of the
82nd Airborn Division. For the
past month the ex-sergsant and two
other members of tha division have
been collecting the red strips.
Up to date the custodians and
friends of the disabled veteran
have gathered eight pounds of
the valuable strips, but approxi
mately seven additional pounds are
needed to fill the bushel basket.
The required 15 pounds will be sent
to the leading tobacco manufactur
er who will exchange the strips for
the seeing eye dog.
Money for a harness and other
equipment for the dog has already
been collected through the mem
bers of the 82nd Division.
Students interested in contribut
ing to the land may deposit their
red strips in the container placed
in circulation boxes at the Union.
Palladian Society Plans
Variety Show Saturday
The Palladian Society Spring Va
riety Show and Party will" be held
at Temporary J Saturday at 8:30
The party will include dancing,
games and a short program feat
uring music drama and talent
acts by the members.
Dennis Johnson, president, said
the party is open to all Univer
sity students.
Episcopal Chapel
The first in a series of three
sermons on "Christian Marriage
It's Nature and Problems" will
begin Sunday at 11 a.m. by the
Rev. W. A. Cross.
The series will include "When
One and One Makes One" which
deals with marriage iu the light
of the sacrificial character of love,
"The nd of Marriage Divorca?"
which is concerened with the caus
es of divorce and "The Fifth Col
umn of Marriage" which includes
problems of mixed marriages.
Sunday ' 9 a.m. Holy Commun
ion; 11 a.m. Morning prayer serv
ice. St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel
Friday, 8:45 p.m. The annual
Newman Club Spring Dance will
be held at East Hills with music
by the Trend Four Combo.
Sunday Masses, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
a.m. i
Daily masses, 6:45 and 7:15 a.m.
Sunday, 5:30 p.m. "Supper and
Newman Club meeting.
Presbyterian . Congregational
Sunday, 5:30 to 7:30 D.m. Forum
with the topic "Revelation."
Monday. 7 to 7:50 a.m. Bible
Study; 12 noon, Luncheon discus
Methodist Student House
Friday 1-p.m. Wesley Founda
tion Auxiliary.
Sunday, 3 a.m. Council; 5 p.m.
Fireside discussion on "Meth
odism's Social Creed."
Lutheran Student House
Friday, 7 p.m. Visitations; 8
p.m. Miniature golf meeting at
the student house.
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Vesjwrs; 7:S
p.m. Choir.
Sunday, 6:30 a.m. Choir meets
to leave for choir tour; 10 a.n..
Bible Hour; 11 a.m. Worship; 5:30
p.m. LSA with Chick Sterner
s; 'aking on "Have We A New Re
ligion?" Student Fellowship
Of The Baptists
And Disciples of Christ
Sunday, 5 p.m. Supper and Rec
reation; 6 p.m. Worship and
University Lutheran Chapel
Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Worship with
Pastor T. Jocket speaking. There
will be no Gamma Delta meeting.
Religious Soceity of Friends
Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Meeting
for worship; 10:30 a.m. Business
Coffee .Schedule
By Cosmopolitans
, Cosmopolitan Club will hold an
informal get-acquainted coffee hour
from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday in Ellen
Smith Hall.
The purpose of the coffee, ac
cording to Gunnar Green, Cosmo,
politan Club publicity chairman,
is to acquaint more University per.
sons with the club and its functions.
Cliff's Smoke Shop
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115 So. 25th. St
See it
Drive it-
Staff Picnic '
The annual Cornhusker-Nobras-
kan picnic will be held Saturday
All reporters, workers and staff
members of both publications will
meet at 2 p.m. in the Nebraskan
office. .
Hit R
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Driving a beautiful new Chevrolet is
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For instance, your drive wiil show
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You'll discover new fun whether
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Come in soon. Pick up your entry
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