THE NEBRASKAN Friday, April 22, 1955 Nebraskpn Editorials A Different AVJS Point System Until definite arrangements are made be tween Student Council and the AWS Board, a certain amount of confusion must exist in the minds of women students participating in ac tivities. At the present time, women are sub ject to two sets of rules governing their par ticipation in activities, and there are differences in the two systems. In some cases AWS point system would be more strict; in others the Student Council's. The major difference is that AWS has jurisdiction over sororities and a few women's organizations not included on the Stu dent Council list. Therefore, many cases might arise where a woman holding offices in two organizations and also her sorority would be overpointed, whereas her position with the Council would be safe. As it stands now, a woman would be respon sible to which ever ruling was the most strict in her particular case. However, the Student Council is on the top as far as jurisdiction s concerned, so that the AWS point system would be of value only in fringe cases arising from in consistencies in the two systems. For the most part, the previous work of the point chairman and her committee in AWS will be adequately taken care of through Dean Hallgren's office and the Student Council. This means that a reevaluation of the AWS point system, unless it is to claim a responsibility that is no longer necessary, is a necessity. At first glance, it seems that the fringe cases previously cited would not justify con tinuation of the point system in AWS, since most of this would be taken care of by the Student Council without help or advice from AWS. However, differences in the two systems are due to differences in the reasons given for the two systems. According to the Council president, the SC action was taken for one basic purpose to pre vent one person from gaining too much prestige, authority or power. The AWS point system has a three-fold purpose: 1. to prevent a woman from being overworked, 2. to protect organiza tions from having officers who cannot perform their duties and 3. to spread positions and of fices among more women. The reasons for the AWS point system allow for exceptions to the rule. According to AWS philosophy there might be cases in which a woman could be overpointed and still not vio late the basic premises upon which the system is formed. For this reason, AWS has an ap peal botui. Student Council will not have an appeal board, becUe a person has too much prestige, authority or j ower as soon as he vio lates the system whlc'a they have set up. Regardless of any machinery which the AWS Board may have set up, a woman is respon sible first and foremost to the Student Council, except, as has been stated, in certain fringe cases. The question then is, taking the three principles upon which the point system is founded, does AWS have a legitimate reason for continuing the point system in view of the Stu dent Council action? Sorority offices constitute a broad area on the campus. The Council has no authority over sororities and fraternities, and they are further more unrelated to the Council's basic premise. A house presidency does not entail prestige, authority or power in the same sense that presi dent of AUF does. It does, however, entail an amount of work which makes the first two AWS principles applicable. Granting the principles of AWS, then, the organization does have a legitimate reason for continuing its limitation of women in activities. However, AWS will not be operating the point system in the same sense that it was prior to the Student Council action, and women would not be responsible to AWS in the same way. There will be dual control, but not over lapping of control. The AWS point system will be merely an extension of the Student Council rules, justified by the difference in reasons for the two system. K. N. Mother Political Faux Pas The dismissal of State Department executive Edward Corsi has thrown the Department back into the tiger-pit of party politics and once again embarassed the Eisenhower administration. Corsi, who was a political power in the Dewey machine of New York, was lifted by Attorney General Erownell into an important State De partment position, administering the Refugee Relief Act of 1953. But Corsi had made political enemies even before he entered the Department, and he had expressed a disdain for the Mc-Carran-Walter Imigration Act. v Corsi claims to have never disparaged the refugee program, but admitted he was an out spoken opponent of the general immigration pro gram. This attitude, and what was described as "poor judgement, loose treatment of the truth, and scorn for the law," by Democratic con gressman Francis E. Walter, led to a series of cloak-and-dagger high level meetings and fin ally to Corsi 's dismissal. A Senate subcommittee is investigating the case, but whatever its findings, Corsi will still be out of his job, and the State Department will still have another scar to heal. These scars of periodic purges and "axings" of Department underlings are beginning to embarass the Ad ministration, and hurt its prospects for alluring future career diplomats and top liberal politic ians. Corsi told the Senate committee that just be fore his dismissal he had been told by Secre tary of State Dulles that it would be less em barassing for Dulles if Corsi was dismissed, thus averting a hassle with Congress. In this case, Dulles was proved wrong, but regardless, this , seeming weakness of Dulles' part con tinued a harmful precedent in government serv ice. Every conscientious government official that is released or demoted because of political pres sure shows up a weakness in the administration. Too long a continuation of this precedent will prompt other talented and hard-working politi cians and government men to think twice be fore accepting a position with a government agency. It seems only reasonable for a conscientious employee to expect to be courageously and vigorously defended by his superiors, and to expect a certain amount of safety from outside pressure. It seems only reasonable to also ex pect one's superiors to consider one's case main ly on the basis of work done in the department and not be influenced by what one said outside of the government about politics. It is quite pos sible for someone to do a good job with a pro gram he does not necessarily advocate. College students, planning to enter govern ment service or the foreign service, must con sider these factors carefully before going on in those fields. Working for the government has become too precarious for many otherwise tal ented and interested young men. The turn-over in these fields has been too large, and the effects of such an incident as the Corsi affair are too devasting. No matter how many counter-charges and accusations Corsi may make, he will still undoubtedly suffer the greatest damage him self. Such a dismissal is a smear on his name and a difficult one to wipe off. The point is not whether Corsi deserved to be removed, but how he was removed. The de tails will be forgotten quickly, but the memory of the quick dismissal in an atmosphere of po litical pressure will hang on. It will be re called again, along with the other half-remembered cases like it, when the young men in col leges and high schools today consider devoting their lives to government service. And those young men are far more important than Corsi. R. H. Campus Circuits World Of Shortcut Knowledge Harbors Intellectual Softies From The College Eye Iowa State Teachers College Since it was raining the other day, and we had nothing better to do, we dropped into one of the local bookshops and began to browse around. We performed our scholastic duty by duly noting the Modern Library and Mentor selections, and then moved on to those paper bound Volumes which bring joy to the hearts of college students. But before we had left the more academic elections we could not help noticing some of the mighty titles of these learned tomes. There before our bewitched eyes paraded in all their glory these weighty works: Van Loon's "Story of Mankind"; Durant's "Story of Philosophy"; Wells' "Outline of History"; great and small treasuries of poetry; cuttings from the. writings of the great men of history. These books struck a responsive chord in our American souls, and caused us to reflect just a bit. Why is it, we asked ourselves, that we soph isticated Americans ask for and receive all man ner of shortcuts, compressions, selections, anth ologies, condensations and outlines when we go In search for knowledge? Why are we seldom satisfied with what a writer says or the way he saya it, but must seek out what someone else thinks about what the author said, in a streamlined, cut down, shortened and inevitably weakened way? Perhaps, we thought to ourselves, we as a nation are becoming intellectually soft. We have eome to expect our culture to be served to us on a foreshortened platter. So accustomed have w become to technological shortcuts that we feel any attempt to educate us must be equally quick, fast, and easy as a do-it-your?lf kit. What is the use of reading a novel when the Reader's Digest will give you a version that can be reed during the television commercials? Why torture yourself by wading through War and Peace or Das Kapital when any number of learned gentlemen will explain what these folks meant to say, without all the fuss of actual reading? We find that anyone can learn to speak French or play the piano or become an irresist able salesman if one has ten dollars and is willing to study one hour a day for three weeks. However, we reminded ourselves, we must not be hasty in our condemnation of this tend ency. We must be objective and thoughtful and slow to make up our minds. It might well be that our craving for the easy way is not so bad after all. After all, it certainly is good that peopHe want knowledge In any form, even if they do want it in three easy, painless installments. It could be that this is the way to wean people away from their television sets. , But a wee small voice, hidden way down deep inside of us, raised its ugly little head and asked in a critical voice if we really believed that nonsense. It follows, reasoned this destroyer of complacency, that anyone who wants Faust in a thimble really doesn't want Faust at all. This parasite, our remnant of an acadence conscience continued, wants only the ghost of Faust to dis play before his admiring friends. Not knowing how to answer the arguments of our conscience we stunned him with a quick blow to the head with a copy of humorous quotations and merrily went our way. The Nebraskan FIFTY-SECOND YEAR Member: Associated Co&eglate Press IntercoOexlaU Press KsspreseBtailve: National Advertising Service, tacurpoi-aied f Th. Kefcraskaa ta published fer atodmtf af tba CiJ vmtdty of Nebraska under Uu authorisation of lb Cm tnte m 8tnrnt Affair as an axprossloa af student eptntoo. felrfkwtlona nndet tha Jurisdiction ol tha Sub- Mfiuntttea aa Stataat PuMtratfoM hall aditnrtai ecnaanhlp mi th part of tha Suhcommlttf, ar an th part nf any cnrmbor af tha faculty of th Univer sity, r on the part af any person ounrta th University. Th mem Iter nf th Nebraska taff ar parwsmally re nonclbl for what they say, ar da or eaosa ta b printed. to. izx. EDITORIAL STAFF Hoitor Editorial Pair Editor, Maaasfcif kditor .... Raws bailor I ditar Copt Editors Hay Ntwfcr LlTTLI MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler "Anyone else like to disagree on what the test shruld have covered?" Nebraskan Letterip At Edits M(ht ftetrt Eldtar. Dtafc mimaa Bratnaana Pred Daly, ttoaar Hwikis, Saw J roam. Marllya Mitchell Lea Itaaikrnpar b t rad Dalr Dear Editor: A study of sociology, mass psy chology and spring can provide the only reason for Thursday even ing's riot. Inspired by the wel comed warm weather, a group of students started a harmless water fight. Crowds gathered as crowds usually do; and without using its head, this mob moved by emotion rather than by brains as crowds always do when under the spell of mob hysteria. A study of psychology can pro vide the only reason for the State Legislature's possible use of the riot as an excuse for refusing the Chancellor's budget request. And the same study might show one reason why the Administration is taking such serious steps against students identified in the riot. The University has had similar riots, some not so serious, others, perhaps, worse. It is fact, not opinion, that few can be expected to "think" once a riot starts snow balling. Nevertheless, this is no excuse for the riot. It is, however, an important con sideration for v the Administration. For their thoughtlessness, a few students are being severely pun ished. The black mark on their records could easily ruin their lives, although it is to be hoped that they have the mental stamina to face the black mark with chins up. Nevertheless, expulsion from school will always be present to plague their lives and ambitions. Of course, such action shows the Legislature that the Administra tion is "doing something." There fore these few students must help the Administration to appease the budget committee and public opin ion. Punishment, it must be ad mitted, is unavoidable, and it is inevitable that some students must serve as examples. But the life long punishment for those who had no previous offense and who did not damage property is inexcus ableeven at the price of $3,000, 000. In addition, one fraternity must suffer social probation for its water fight a spring prank which was hardly intended to start the damag ing riot. This punishment, too, is unavoidable; the members knew better. But its terms are unreason able. With its spring formal only a week away, the fraternity had reserved a ball'-oom and had pur chased favors for dates. Instead of allowing the fraternity to continue with its formal plans, the Admini stration began the probation im mediately. It is one thing to be just; another to be blindly un reasonable. Some must be punished. They did not use their brains and de struction was the result. It is hoped that after the University budget is decided and after state-wide comment calms down, the Admin istration will contemplate its ac tions and consider, justly, fairly and calmly, appeals from the ex pelled students. Also it is hoped that in the future (for there is the possibility of a future riot just as there are more springs to come), the Administration will punish its examples with probations and fines, not with a black mark which can never be explained nor erased. JUNIOR COED Dear Editor: The pantie raid seems to me to be the result of a request which was made to me when I left for college: it was "Have fun, but behave yourself!" (I'm sure this was also told to many other stu dents, too.) The answer seems to be this; "Well, mom, what shall it be, have fun OR behave my self?" The students have chosen to have "fun," as they choose to call it. Little more can be added to the story in the Rag except to say that we have lost the increase of funds which we, the students, so earnestly desired; part of these funds would have gone into the opening of Love Library on Sun days. I am not an honor student nor a playgirl. I am simply a person that enjoys to study as well as to have a good, clean and re spectable time. It seems to me that this excess energy could have been devoted to a little bit more studying; that is, if the students can find the time. Because, after all, studying DOES interfere with such delightful occupations as frightening people into hysteria, waving bras and panties in the air with a cry of "look what I have!" the complete and abso lute destruction of both clothes and property, and bringing the bolishment of our won privileges as well as abolishment to the rep utation of . the University of Ne braska! SHARON S. MOORE National Guard Dear Editor: After four of these bastardly re hearsals an air of indignity is pointed at the people in authority and time is draiwng near. If I had the responsibilities of the University of Nebraska be neath my jurisdiction I would proper channels to use the services of the National Guard. This must be a known fact. On tccasion should property damage approach an unreasonable figure, the serv ices of this unit would be in itiated. The burden of related property damage must be assessed against the mob concurrent to civil law procedure. There are methods for quelling and controlling mob action and the mobber. Furthermore, the neutralizing effect suggested by the Nebraskan warrants merit. It behooves one to take hold of himself once in a while and accept our fellowman's suggestion. This two-fisted approach will stymie events and will save our beloved female a panty or two. The stage is set every spring and. as a pessimist, I must admit, panties and what have you will be swiped, but on the other hand, mob action will not persist with the in evitable and dare you not doubt it. Respectfully suggested to The Nebraskan and Lincoln Evening Journal. RICHARD L. MARUSHAK Hlrf-maKCE EXPOSE! hirtw Br TTP" The Heat-Heller I Hft f if lit, J Mid Lea Mortimer It af iCIiaiLi COMING! "THX LONG GBET LIKE" Hortenco 'n Gertruds Human Behavior Amid Foodstuffs By MARY SHELLEDY and JANET GORDON "Hortence, I went to the grocery three women played Bologna Jum store this afternoon." ble. When they were finished, they "Good. We eat again! I trust had a game of Braunschweiger you came home with three six- Bust." packs of tonic water." "I couldn't pronounce Schweppe. We're back to Cliquot. However, that's not the point. I was observ- Couldn't you find the beer sa lami?" "I gave up. At the fruit counter while searching for a really big ing human behavior amid the food- orange, the pyramid collapsed. Knee-deep in oranges. "I told you to wear Bermuda shorts." 'So I thought, To heck with it, stuffs. "Greedy little fingers, eh, Ger trude?" "When I ' ent in, I extracted a metal basket from a swarming we'll just have weiners.' Off to nest of such objects, bounced from the bread rack I went. There was it a small boy, and went to the an old harridan wearing flowered vegetable counter." chintz, playing Loaf Squish. I was "Getting awfully healthful these glad that I only wanted buns." days, aren't you?" "Dreadful." "Standing right in front of me "Every single loaf of bread had was a Lettuce Hefter. She was been dented." the female counterpart of "After" pictures of the 93-pound weakling. Not a head of lettuce was left "I hear the wheat crop is going to be smaller this year." "Plague, drouth, disaster and that she hadn't played handball riots! I'm going back to grits and with against the plywood display- cornpone Where's the grits department at the Hinky-Dinky?" "There was no use. I finally bought three boxes of tea bags rack." "How absorbing." "Some people can't resist heavy heads. Next to her was a Canta loupe Puncher. With one horny, and a bag of candy corn." calloused thumb, she dented in "That's nothing new." the ends of 43 cantaloupes before "After paying the greasy-handed she found a good one." cashier, I escaped. And if Wash- "Obviously you were disgusted." ington wants to support agricul "This wasn't the worst. At the ture, I'm not going to even ask for meat counter, I stood aghast as my tax refund next year." Jest JestitV New Philosophy In Troubled Days By JESS BROWNELL This column isn't going to be be a lousy soldier, always on re in my usual vein of light-hearted rort. humor. I fear that my readers, if "It happened that soon after such there be, are beginning to these two entered the Army a think of me as derelict and de- global war broke out Jim and Bob praved. Of course, that isn't true, were both sent into action with I'm really a pleasant, uncompli- the same outfit and were killed cated fellow, trying to perform in an atomic bomb blast." Mo some service for my community, ral: Some people can't see the In order to remove any miscon- forest for the trees, but when the ceptions people may have about bombs start to fall, it won't make me, I'm going to tell a rather se- much difference anyway. rious story today. "This is the story of two boys. I shall call them Jim and Bob, because these names bring to mind typical American, boys, tall, athletic, not handsome but good looking, bright but far from intel lectual. And In truth, they were of this sort, and like all people of this type it was practically im possible to distinguish them from many thousands of their counter parts. - "There was, however, one qual ity which they did not have in common although this difference did not appear until they entered college and enrolled in ROTC. They soon discovered that while Jim liked the military system. Bob didn't care for it at all. Jim wore his uniform proudly and always carried himself in the military manner. Bob, on the other hand, was sloppy and sarcastic, often re ferring to his class as "people killing' or 'blood-spilling. "I am sorry to report that this difference in opinion became a point of contention between them and led to a cooling of their friend ship. Jim insisted that being an off icer . would be a good deal in case a war broke out, but Bob just couldn't see it that way and stub bornly refused to be persuaded, saying that he would wait for the draft and take his chances. "After the necessary four years, both graduated. Jim received his commission and soon proved him self to be a good officer, finding the life quite to his liking. Bob was drafted, and because he had such a poor attitude turned out to Use Nebraskan Want Ads MOTHS OTvta t MOTHERS GsUNDMOTHBt SUNDAY, AAAY 8 Tell her how SPECIAL she is with KUSTJ r9 Get them at the "G0LDEI1R0D" 215 North Ulh SL CAFETERIA 1325 P STREET SUNDAY NITE N.U. SPECIAL BACON AND TOMATOE SANDWICH O POTATOE SALAD 4-pjarWlftw I as,n .in, uaMiMlijaaa ...i i . i u ui.n-..,uil.l,. ,. aasaasaaaassssaaaaaasaaaaaasasaaaaaaaasaaaBBBaa f.1ftflWn1?rTa B-BUT I'M VAITIN v tt.JMXi AW FER MEOLD MUDDERJ? I . ""-- , aanasnsir -- V VT IVIJr' I I WILL HAVE. TO 1 I PARDON) ME, u.hJt Tt ARREST VOU L rJX ( MADAM I .fel IS FOR ILXEGAL, I tfc&J I if 1 USUALLV HATE Q fvl A PARKING.'' U TO SHOOT ME TO SEE MESSY HAIR- AND fyDEtfJ LOOSE DANDRUFFS' 1:11 SMART MOTHERS U GROOM HAIR AND REMOVE LOOSE DANDRUFF WITH WIL&ROOT CREAM OIL, CHARLIE.'.''- pF3 ILLEGAL- MS NAMES SHERWINU r Lf ' l,WS1HSrSl CREAM-OIL GfcOOMS AND CONDITIONS HAIR THE NATURAL WAY 'm'vr- fisv'r-- tw V a- jrt 4,",ttm "'Nay -f