The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 13, 1955, Page 4, Image 5

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    Wednesdov, April 13, 1955
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NUCWA Delegate
K n
Staff Writer
Charles Gomott, junior in the
College of Arts and Sciences, was
Dominated "for the national vice
presidency of the Association of
international Relations Clubs at
the AIRC eighth annual conference
in St. Louis April 1 to 4.
Gomon, mho is majoring In poli
tical science and mathematics, is
president of the Nebraska Univer
aity Council on World Affairs, a
Kebraskan editorial page column
ist and a member of Sigma Nu
and Delta Sigma Rho, national
forensic honorary fraternity.
Indonesia Visitor
Also attending the conference
from the Uni-
versify was
Roger Walt,
bef. He served
a a recorder
for a round
table discus
sion at the
A BUI Chris
tensen, a grad
wate student in
history at the
University, was
elected to serve on the nominat
ing committee of the conference.
Ke is a past national president of
the AIRC.
Approximately S75 legates at
tended the convention represent
ing over 100 colleges and univer
sities. Also at the conference was
Wartomo, a 23 year-old Indonesian
trader who visited the University
campus before spring vacation.
Be attends the University of Indo
nesia at Djakarta and is vice
president of Indonesian Moslem
Student Union and Secretary of
the All Indonesian-Moslem Youth
Dr. Henry Wriston, president of
tsymrtt iTniversitv. delivered the
grows restraint." Restraint,
added, is also necessary in
use of political power.
But perhaps the greates compe
tition is in the ideological struggle,
Dr. Wriston said. And, he pointed
out, "we doubt our own system's
The important fact, he empha that we do have an ide
ology. One cornerstone of it isj
the passage in the Declaration j
of Independence which reads; j
"All men are created equal;
they are endowed by their Creator
with certain inalienable rights."
And Lincoln, Dr. Wriston pointed
out, said in the Gettsyburg ad
dress that the U.S. has a "gov
ernment of the people, for the peo
ple and by the people."
"Either our democratic faith is
valid, or it is false," Dr. Wriston
concluded. "If false, we were de
feated before we started. If valid,
we cannot fail We must rejoice in
our strength and our obligation to
use it,"
TreuMe Spots
Howard Cook, chief of the Pub
lic Services Division of State De-
partment, briefed the conference
on world trouble spots, and
Dorothy Fosdick, author of "Com
mon Sense "and World Affairs,"
suggested that Americans who to
! her are a bit too idealistic, should
bring themselves to see more
clearly the practical side of world
Speaking at the concluding ban
quet on "the Citizen's Responsibi
lity in U.S. Foreign Policy," Dr.
John W. Nason, president of the
Foreign Policy Association, stress
ed that Americans prepare them
selves "to face 30 to 50 years
of tension and possible war."
Pointing out that the world looks
to the U.S. for a war-or-peace
decision Nason "aid "this is no
time to dodge responsibilities that
go with education."
He urged delegates to "galvanize
your own and nearby campuses
into ? w se of urgency at the
international situation now."
The delegates were guests at
"Ten Nights In A Barroom," a
vaudeville melodrama shown on
an old-time Mississippi River showboat.
On The Social Side
Vacation Brings 13
Engagements, Pinnings
Distant Home
Society Editor
Four Speakrs
Meeting To Consider Jobs
kmlhbk To Ag Students
Job opportunities for Ag College
graduates will be the topic of a
meeting Thursday at 7.30 p.m. in
Room 308, Agricultural Hall.
Franklin Eldrtdge, associate di
rector of resident instruction, said
the program, designed primarily
for juniors, is to help students ex
plore job possibilities in industry.
EWridge explained that recent
studies indicate a large number of
Brown umversny, . , graduates change Jobs
keynote address, we spokc w u.tvia vShoit jmt after
U.S.A., Paradox of rower.
Dr. Wriston, president of the
Council of Foreign Relations,
stressed that speaking of political
issues in mathematical terms of
finding "soltkww to problems"
kads to a national "feeling of frus
tration we have.'
He said feat the U.S. and Rus
sia are competing in four major
areas: military, industrial, atomic
end ideological. Russia and Com
munist China outnumber the U.S.
ji, manpower. Dr. Wriston stated.
Alihouch the U.S. has "Vastly
tkm. The reason for this varies,
he said, but tt has been suggested
that the college graduate is not fa
miliar with the actual work in
volved in some jobs,
William Loeffei, chairman of the
animal husbandry department, will
give a talk on "What's It ATI
About." Howard Elm, secretary of
the Nebraska Grain and Feeders'
Association, will discuss opportu
nities to the grain, seed and feed
Carlvle Sorensen, industrial re
lations manager of Swift A Co.,
Audubon Tour
The next Audubon Screen Tour
program will be presented Satur
day at and p.m. in Love li
brary Auditorium.
The film "'Mormonland will be
presented by Patricia Baitey With-erspoon.
more industrial power than Russia i Omaha, and Kenneth Logan of the
and Communist China," Dr. wris
ton said, that "'does not tB the
whole story." In the future, be
said, the U.S. will not have two or
three years to mobilize. It will
be the primary target.
Dr. Wriston said security for the
U.S." 4s not ttained by possessing
numerical superiority in atomic
weapons. Americans have arrived
at the '"ultimate irony, he com
mented, "to possess power so great
that no one will dare to sue it."
A stalemate in atomic weapons
Tnas been reached, be said, which
Ss reminiscent of the stalemate in
World War H of poison gas and
bacteriological weapons, ""An an
alogy" Dr. Wriston aid, "'is sug
gested by this stalemate: Just as
the power of weapon grows, so
The annual AWS Workshop, pre
viously announced as scheduled for
April 20, will be April 26.
Agricultural Marketing Service will
discuss qualifications of their em
ployees, A round-table discussion will end
the program, Eldridge said the
meeting is open to all interested
Union Talent Show
Applications Due i
Wednesday is the last day stu
dents may register for auditions
for the Union Talent Show.
Auditions will be held in the
Union Ballroom Thursday, from
(, SO to S:M p.m. The Taknt Show
will be May L
Studenvs interested in perform
ing may sign up on the bulletin
board in the activities office, '
Med College Admission
Test Date Announced
The Medical College Admission
test which is required of all sta-(
dents who plan to enter any ac
credited medical college next fall
wiU be held at the University May
AH students desiring to take the
test must bave their applications
on file in the office of the Educa
tional Testing Service, Princeton,
New Jersey, by April 2S.
Application forms may be picked
p to Room 306, Bessey Eai
Thirteen engagements and pin
nhigs were announced in Monday
night festivities. Couples report
that a combination of spring fever,
vacation and Easter parties cant
be bent. -
Harriett Ruegg, Gamma Phi jun
ior from Omalta, and Don Ashley,
sophomore from Indianola, were
married April 3 in the First Pres
byterian Church in Omaha.
' Donna Steward, sophomore from
Sidney, surprised her Alpha Chi
sisters by announcing her engage
ment and pinning to Bert Linn,
Phi Gam senior from Kimball.
Theta Marilyn Stanley, senior
from Omaha, announced her en
gagement to Phi Psi Larry Frans
en, senior from Holdrege. An Aug
ust wedding is planned.
Ruth Ellen Sorenson, Kappa Del
ta from Tecumseh, revealed her
engagement to George Strassler,
Kappa Sig from Lincoln. Ruthie
is a senior and George, a junior
in Dental College. A September
wedding has been planned.
Ethel Marblestone, sophomore
from Rock Island, 111., announced
her engagement to Marv Stein
berg, senior from Omaha. Ethel
is a member of Sigma Delta Tau,
and Marv is a Zeta Beta Tau.
Alpha Chi Lynn Turner, senior
from Lincoln, is wearing s diamond
given her by Pat Darling, fresh
man from Albion.
Marilyn Mitchell, Pi Phi junior
from Omaha, announced her en
gagement to Bob Severs, Phi Psi
alum from Lincoln who is a lieu
tenant in the Army at Fort Carson,
Another Pi Phi junior, Betty
Kruger, also revealed her engage
ment to a Phi Psi, Bob Pfann,
junior from Lincoln. Betty is from
Don Gruber, FarmHtuse senior
from Cozad, announced his engage
ment to Shirley Knispd of Coaad
who is to nurse's training at Lin
coln General Hospital.
Alpha Xi senior Barb Kokrda is
wearing the Phi Delt pin of Bob
Selden, senior from Lincoln. Barb
is from Plamview,
Cathy Olds passed candy to her
Delta Gamma sisters to announce
her pinning to Marvin Bridges,
Sigma Chi alum from Omaha.
Cathy is a junior from Omaha.
Dottie Orchard, Chi O senior
from Omaha, tnnounced fcer pin
ning to Willie Kittfeman, a Sig
Alph junior in Dental College from
Gamma Phi alum Nadine Dunn
visited the bouse Monday to an
nounce her pmnir.g to Boh Oberlin,
Sigma Chi senior from West Allis,
Wis. Nadine is from Omaha.
Dick Schaffert passed cigars at
the Alpha Gamma Rho house to
announce his pinning to Charlotte
Stacey of Chicago. Dick is a senior
from Dalton.
Socio Calendar
Kappa Kappa Gamma Formal.
Kappa Delta Formal.
Sigma Alpha Mu Formal.
Cosmopolitan Club Party.
Win Phalan
A squad from the Engineers'
Battalion of Army ROTC won the
annual Phalanx Drill competition
March 31
Navy Squad Two placed second
in the competition and Navy Squad
One placed third.
Members of the winning team
each received an engraved loving
cup and the squad leader received
larger loving cup. The sponsor
ing unit was awarded a traveling
trophy and will carry the Phalanx
Honor Flag during parades this
Bill Parrish was squad leader for
the winning group. Other members
c! the drill team are Frank Lind
strom, Roy Keenan, Jerry Dierks,
Phil Robinson, Ben White, Don
Sherwood. Don Bucy and Bill
The squads were judged on the
basis of performance, bearing of
squad and squad leader, variety
o commands and appearance of
squad and squad leader.
Keith Corbndpe, Jr., lieutenant,
USA.: Frank D. Dollar, Master
Major, Nebraska National Guard;
Student Visits Italy
For Spring Vacation
which arrived simultaneously at
tha same parking space. To
remedy the situation, a policeman
ruled that both cars drive around
the square and the first one to
return wuld receive the parking
space. Maunder said spectators
gathered to cheer the drivers in
their race.
Maunder returned to Lincoln Mon
day evening. In the past he haa
shown colored slides of his trips
to several organizations both oa
and off campus. '
He is a member of Alpha Zeta
and Agronomy Club and scholar
ship chairman of FarmHouse.
Panels Show
Five Phases
Of Theater
"Theater from ritual to Broad
way" is the theme of the exhibit
to the Union lounge. The exhibit,
which will be shown until May 1,
is composed of photographic pan
els depicting various aspects of the
theater and drama.
Prepared by a national snaga
line, the exhibit includes 29 pan
els. The first panel describes the
beginnings of the theater, from
ritualistic ancient Indian dance3
and Crucifixion enactments to clas
sic drama. Other panels interpret
five phases of drama entitled th
Senses of Destiny, Comedy, Hu-
Maunder related that the traffic . Prdkent
. Af Editor
One University student, Bruce
Maunder, had " travel more than
5,000 miles to reach his home in
Rome, Italy, for spring vacation.
Maunder, a Junior in the College
of Agriculture, left at 9 a.m. March
3 by plane and arrived at 7 p.m.
the next day in Rome to visit his
parents, who have .resides there
since 1951. Maunder's father is
chief of the Institutions and serv
ices branch of the Food and Ag
ricultural Organiration of the
United Nations.
The transportation to Rome was
paid through the courtesy of F.A.O.
according to a schooling agree
ment. This was Maunder's third
trip to Rome under the agreement.
Visit Te Florence
He has made four trips to Italy
and has spent one year of high
school there. He has been in 32
different countries including Switz
erland, Holland and England. Some
of the countries he has visited are
Iceland, Axores, Sicily, Tunisia and
While in Italy during vacation
Maunder spent two days in Flor
ence, the center of art and edu
cation in ancient days. He said
17,000 Americans reside in Florence
Some of the highlights of Rome,
Maunder said, are the new sub
wars hist recently completed. He
said almost all the people live
to apartment buildings, some of
w hich are quite modern, and there
is a contrast between the modern
times and the ancient ruins of
Caesar's day.
problem interests American tour
ists in Rome. There are very tew
laws governing traffic He said
that once the traffic policemen
of Rome went on strike and re
fused to give tickets.
Maunder told about two autos
Robert D. Ballard, Master Ser- fVn-i-J 'CtcfAP
reanL USAF: Max A. Merritt.jV.OcH WlOlCf
Captain, USMC; Donald R. Long,
Master Sergeant, USMC, were
jwiges for the competition.
Tea squads, composed of nine
men each, took part to the drill.
They were selected from Army,
Navy and Air Force ROTC units.
The Military Police squad. Air
Force Group 105, Artillery squad,
Infantry squad. Air Force Group
ICS, Ordnance squad and Air Force
Group 1M also competed.
Phalanx, a national fraternity of
Epsikm Morae Phalanx, is open
to junior and senior stxicVnts in
advanced ROTC Current officers
are Don Keerans, comroaaw r; Bill
Neef, lieutenant commander; Barry
Larson, finance officer, and A3
Anderson, public information offi
The Sense of Destiny explains
briefly the distinguished character
istics of classic tragedy and is fol
lowed by a group of seven panels
arranged under the Sense of Com
edy. Beginning with 4th Century
B. C Tanagra figurines, the text
and pictures follow the comic line
from the Commedia dell Arte of the
15th Century, Moliere &ad Con
greve, to modem f antastiques and
"xanies" t Ethel Merman, Bobby
Clark, Harpo Marx, etc.) and to
contemporary, musical comedy.
The Sense of Humanity picks up
Deadline for Coed Counselor UVmwni n, cW th r.
big sister- filings is S p.m. Fri-j diStTtact Greek
and Elizabethan tragedy.
Freshman, sophomore and junkr xhe Sense of Predicament focus
coeds who bave a S average are qq present-day drama and
eligible. Applications may be ob- ranges from Cbekov and Ibsen to
tained at Ellen Smith Hal and at j odets and Richard Wright
the Ag Uakn Building. j TUe final section, the Sense of
Each vear aroximatelv 129 ' Alienation, gives cogent reasons
Filings Opened
By Counselors
women are chosen as "big sisters.
Responsibilities include assisting
why too tragedies are written by
our current playwrights and in-
duriag New Student Week and t- eludes pictures from The Glass
tending weekly board meetings, Menagerie,"" The Respectful Pros
Penny Carnival and other func-t tataAe," The Medium," "Death of
I Haas of Coed Councekra. I a Salesman and other plays.
Cool Crest Twin Links
220 N. 4SA
Haw Opta DsH Fcr Ycst Ecjsysiiat
WHAVS THIS? For aoV. i porcgrcph below. J i t- ' -"' "I ' 1
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WO ATH WKEM TDU Jtf, re more &tszrt roa
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Drask tbave, th,lfd;7l2- daeBea divert enja Laddes.
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fesa&ar, xzoenhsr. Sa. mhm if fe. htvpttl
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