The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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Fridoy, Morch 11, 1955
4 , .
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Nobraskan Editorials'
fraction Rises
For the first time in the memory of most
"knowing students," the All University Party is
on the move using legal methods and established
channels in which to operate. This is a pleasant
and healthy change in the modus operandi of the
Faction; since, the past record of the fraternity
organization has been everything but legal.
. Late Wednesday evening at the Faction's
weekly meeting the group voted unanimously
to submit their constitution to the Student Coun
cil, seeking that group's approval of the Faction
as a legal student organization. This move was
made under some duress, caused by the report
from the Faculty-Student subcommittee on stu
dent organization recommending that "certain
inconsistencies" in the Faction should be investi
gated. Faction leaders, showing qualities long absent
In the organization, have decided that they have
a legitimate place on the campus, and they now
are prepared to fight to get it. They claim that
they are a type of political party. They want to
be legally recognized. They seem to be willing
to incorporate any rules of the University in
their own laws so that they might assume what
they consider to be their natural role as the
spokesman for fraternity interests.
The Faction men have a good point. There is
room for legitimate political parties on the
campus, and there should be no reason why
tne Faction should be the sole party. The pur
pose of a political party is to get its representa
tives elected to office and influence legislation
in its favor. This is the function of the present
Faction. For the University interest, this func
could certainly be better, performed in public
than it is at present under cover.
There are complications that come with this
move by the Faction. What is the relation of
the Faction to the IFC, the natural representa
tive for fraternity interests? Can the Faction
prescribe to Council rules and still keep "teeth"
in their group?
And, finally, is the Faction really ready to
assume a role as an adult group on the Uni
versity scene? These questions must all be
answered before complete approval can be
given to the Faction as a new political party.
But current proceedings indeed look encourag
ing. K. N.
Expediency Jlfof Enough
Responsibility for providing student members
for the Pub Board has traditionally fallen on the
Student Council. Any decision on how these
students are to be chosen are of great concern
to The Nebraskan and Cornhusker staffs which
are, in turn, chosen by these student members
plus the faculty members of the Board.
In the past, all applicants for student Pub
Board members have been interviewed by the
entire membership of the Student Council. From
this list of applicants thre students were
A proposal submitted to the Council Wednes
day would change this procedure. Under the
new provision applicants would be narrowed
down to two students from each class, to be
interviewed by a special Council committee.
From these interviews the three Board members
would be chosen.
The machinery envolved in the new proposal
has its merits. First, it would eliminate the
long procedure of interviews, not only for the
Council but also for the majority of applicants.
Second, a more conscientious selection could
be made with fewer people doing the selecting.
Not all Council members have a knowledge or
interest of the student publications and cannot
be expected to really know which student inter
viewed is best qualified for the job.
The procedural remedy has long been needed,
however, this is not enough. It is hoped that the
Council will take more into consideration that
just the expediency which the new proposal
presents. Because Pub Board members have a
great responsibility in judging other people
abilities and knowledge of the job these mem
bers themselves would be chosen on the same
basis. This is more to be desired from the
Council's decision that just the external matter
of procedure. If a committee could be set up of
responsible Council members who would feel it
their duty to chose responsible people who are
oriented to the functions of The Nebraskan and
Cornhusker staffs, thin the new proposal is
worth merit. J. H.
Kosmet limb
Sinfonia, in a letter in today's Letterip column,
pointed out that one issue of the Ivy Day Sing
controversy was ignored in a Nebraskan edi
torial. Sinfonia's rules, which were published in
the news columns of The Nebraskan, allow for
the participation of all groups with between 25
and 100 members. Kosmet Klub has opened the
Sing to fraternities only.
Kosmet Klub has said that it changed its rule
this year, because independent groups in the
past, when invited to participate in the Ivy Day
Sing, showed no interest in doing so. However,
if an independent group should decide this year
or next that they would like to participate, it
would be unfortunate and harmful to Ivy Day
if they wen denied the chance to do so.
The Sinfonia members should be given credit
for the interest and work they have put into
making out rules and attempting to be given
sponsorship of the Sing.
But there is no advantage changing super
visors of Ivy Day sing on that basis if groups
other than fraternities will not respond anyway.
The present controversy has provided an excel
lent chance for independent groups to show their
interest by backing Sinfonia. If these groups
are dissatisfied with being left out of the Sing
they should make it known.
Kosmet Klub received a great deal of criticism
last year, and is anxious to keep control of the
Sing. Because this control has been challenged,
Kosmet Klub should see to it that this year's
sing will go off without snags, and consider
seriously any changes students may feel are
If Kosmet Klub doesn't, more power to
Sinfonia! K. N.
The Lenten Promise
Obedience To Moral Law Is
Secret Of Man's Achievement
University Pastor, Wesley Foundation
There is an ancient Chinese proverb which,
reaches far back into antiquity to reveal how
love of possessions threatens a man's soul. The
legend tells the story of a wise man who visited
miser. "Look out the window," said the wise
man, "and tell me what you see." The miser
replied that on looking out he saw many people
passing to and fro in the streets. Then the wise
man led the miser to a mirror. "Look into that
mirror and tell me what you see." "I see only
myself," said the miser. The wise man replied:
'Both the window and the mirror are made of
glass. But in one a little silver, painted on the
back, comes between you and the people."
The story ef the Rich Young Ruler written in
the Bible is the story ef a man who failed in
his living a full life becaute he loved his posses
sions more than be loved God, Be would not
make the surrender to God and thus release
the tremendoos moral and spiritual possibilities
in his life. More deeply than he knew, the love
ef laxary and possessions had fastened Itself
a his life. "Life's moment of strategy had come
and gene, and he had failed," writes Dean Lynn
B. Bough
To every man there is given the choice of
belr.g the possessor, or of being the possessed.
What too many fail to realize is that it is their
soul which is at stake, not their possessions.
Too many men let realty values come before
- real ralues. This was the one great weakness
of the Rich Young Ruler for be asked, "What
lack I yet?"
Jesus gave a plain and comprehensive answer
to & young man's question. He told himself
that if be would have eternal life he must do
three things.
First, he must keep the commandments. Only
cs cbf.y the moral principles can we achieve
great living. As a matter of fact, obedience to
law is the secret of achievement in any realm.
Do we desire good health? We must obey the
laws of health to achieve it. Do we desire to be
good musicians? Then we must obey the laws of
harmony and tone. It is as simple as this.
Second, Jesus told bim to ell what he had
and give to the poor. Christ does not tell every
man He confronts that he most sell or give
away his property. Rather, like a good phy
sician, Jesas diagnosed this man's case and
decided that his gold was his god. He must get
rid of bis false god because a man cannot serve
two masters.
Third, Jesus told him that if he wished eternal
life, he must take up his cross and follow. What
is the cross? It is not some affliction or some
disappointment. Such things are "burdens." A
cross is a voluntarily assumed obligation which
signifies loyalty and trust in God. It means
standing for the truth of God no matter whether
the crowd likes it or not. It means walking in
the right direction no matter which way the
world is moving. And this entails sacrifice. Men
hate and despise those who do not conform to
their prejudices and bow to their little conven
tionalities. It means defying the crowd when the
crowd moves against you, and this is usually
a costly thing also. When others are hating, the
Christian is loving. When others are showing
bigotry the Christian is showing brotherly kind
ness. When others are" looking out for number
one, themselves, the Christian is seeking to
help others.
The Rich Young Ruler could meet the first
requirement. He had kept the commandments.
Bat be balked at the last two. He refuged to
part with his money and he was afraid to live
above the average. And what happened? He
missed the faliness of life. He turned away
from bis chance to become one of the great
figures of history. It was indeed, a great refusal,
because it was tbe determination of his eternal
The Nehraskari
wrm-szcoso year
- tUlzn Asftoeiiei Collegiate Press -vf;lato
t -zmTt'Sftt NaSaaal Advertising Service,
yr-- H rrVixhcS trf oroImtt f the t'r.
?.,;.-,, ej-.'-r the atnianrtzattna of the
,.!..... f ... A ; m M KtnmMl of pro--
t's-'-!fwi anoer the furtedletloa ef Ho
t . -.n on .jw. FuiftMnMon mhU bo free trots
..J -.; 'p m ttm f of the fiiiiMnfpjnlttf.
rr f m" fxrmm eutf4e the taSmltr, Tho
t,r,:Wr irf Tm !Kraiti.. trlnff Ma aenwinallr raw
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V A nmriA Tm E Altar
XoMwiot IbUMa ....
Km bdltf ......
tpnrti Mttor .......
Coor Kauoi
Hay fcoafcr
................... Monoiioa M wtttt a
... Dick fnimoa
Hmca ttnwomna
.......... Fml !, Korcai Honfclo,
M Jraom, Marllro K MrHHI
Kltfnr o lmk TOO
9 lartot ftowf Editor Hooor UoRkla
Kooorton . , Krwrfr Dm, iemom junto. Hal
jTtmrniiH, Ijocliraa Swttror. ItiHo Msrr, Kuril rthant,
Jtrm ImV.'IMm, Horoara Halltvoa, V.lnuM film, Poao
Vol. orrin KkMMHn. rrao ttoMorft, Jmtr Hoot. Koo
Aartmttl. lIHtoa HovoolMro. Aanrtto Itkaa. oft Mo
HurM. Rathe KnoMKiulnt. I'mX ftrmtn. Mortem SMtln,
ttma JoniHMMi, Kar lmim, Rmrxr Halt,
Jest J est in'
Student Detective
Foilecl By SC Stooge
Want Ads
I've been thinking, and you know,
there just aren't any good myster
ies being written about college stu
dents. To remedy this, I had in
tended to write a mystery in the
r -
iorm oi a verse fr,w'''"'''"'''W"o
p i i 7 cauea
"Murder i n
the Coliseum."
However, sev
eral of my
friends, brand
ishing c lubs
a n u, knives,
convinced me
that t h
wouldn't work
out very well,
Still, I feel that
something should be' done, and
toward this end, I have written
a little sketch. It isn't complete
in its present form, but some oth
er author may want to expand the
idea. He's welcome to it.
Dick Drill, student detective,
stood by the window of his room,
gazing moodily into the street. A
sudden scream split the air. "The
painters again," thought Dick. He
quickly strapped on his shoulder
holster, tossed down a hooker of
Grade A, and rushed into the
Gilda, the lovely coed, was seat
ed on the front steps. She was cry
ing. "They painted greek letters
all over my jeans," she whimp
ered. Dick leaned over and kissed her
(Editor'! Notot Ioften to The Xohnwkaa
nut bo tyooiri llloo. doable aoocrd mi mt
mot oxcord uutmai of ISO vordi. Too
Krbraskaa rewrro ffcc rtiiM to odlt Mtcn
Mbmhtcd. So letter will b prtatcd If tt
It aot accooioanled by the name ef the
aotbor. Name will bo omitted froai pobll.
carloa apoa reooest.)
All The News?
Dear Editor:
Yes indeed, this Rogers resigna
tion has many curious aspects. As
regards withholding information
perhaps the moct curious fact of
all is this: that Jan Harrison is
happy to express her opinion on
the matter for an out-of-town news
paper to circulate over a four stat
area; but when it comes time for
comment in her own newspaper
she tells us we should reserve our
judgment and wait for facts.
This campus is far more inter
ested in the issue than the sundry
residents of Nebraska and border
states! Do the readers of the
World-Herald have a right to the
news which must be withheld from
the readers of the Nebraskan, and
if 'SO, why? I hope Miss Harrison
can explain to her readers what
seems to me to be a highly incon
sistent position.
R. Wayne Berger
fEdltor'f aefc: If too woald Cher wKk
Mr. Roam, Mix Rarrumi aod Ir. Weaver
tner all three claim to have been aalsta
terpnted fa the WerM Herald story to
which yoa reft. Aho M rna died' fho
otatemeaif made by tbte editor yoa woold
fmd Oma to be of rather moral aotvro
ad not based oa a pro or con ooioioa ef
the (itaafloa per e. There wao ao sowf
withheld, from rhe Kearaakoa whk-fc o
aeared la the World Herald. The aewe
which was witheld to (till Hernf wit held
nth fMpen' acwi cowan.)
Other Changes
Dear Editor:
In a recent Nebraskan editorial,
it was stated that only one signifi
cant change was included in the
rules governing the Ivy Day Sing
submitted by Phi Mu Alpha Sin
fonia. We would like to submit our
entire set of rules for observations
since we feel that more than one
significant change was involved.
In view of the controversy and
petitioning over the previous man
agement of the Ivy Day Sing, we
of Phi Mu Alpha only offered our
services for the benefit of the Ivy
Day Sing.
Phi Ma Alpha Sinfonia
Hoom tor rant, 3211 Starr, employed
woman or matur atudent. S-8170 after
Loit: Grey tweed topcoat on 2nd floor
Union Sat night. Ph. b-MHH.
Vnn: Pair of ilian, Monday, Peti. 2.
vicinity of Sociology Blus. Kewara.
Opening and boarding co-op. Food bill
2i to 3 per month. Baptlat Boarding
Co-op, 215 North 18t Street.
Loot : Blue Mi; fold. Return content.
Mail. 1201 D. S24t0.
1Ott: 1 pair glauei In red leather cfcae.
Helen Schaberg. 2-T971 or 2-6b.
roughly. "Stand up," he ordered,
"Your getting paint all over my
steps." She stood up. Plucking a
weed from the lawn, Dick stuck it
between his lips and fired it.
Then he climbed into his new Jag
uar, which he affectionately called
"my new Jaguar," and began to
comb the streets.
He soon sighted the object of his
search. There were seven of them,
running down the street carrying
paint cans and brushes. When they
saw Dick, they immediately began
slinging paint at him. But he
had a surprise in store for them.
He whipped his spray gun out of
the shoulder holster, stepped out of
the car, and sprayed them all with
red paint. Awed by Dick's superior
fire power, the offender., meekly
surrendered. Just as Dick began to
congratulate himself, a cold voice
spoke from behind him. "That
will be ' just about enough, Mr.
He whirled, taken by surprise.
"Gilda," he cried, "What is the
meaning of this."
"Poor Dick!" she said. "You
thought I was just Gilda, lovely co
ed, but in reality I am a secret
agent of the Student Council. This
was all a ruse to make you solve
a mystery. You can't be a detec
tive on this campus; you haven't
submitted your constitution for the
Council's approval."
I thi"k 111 write that verse play
after all.
Harold's Barber Shop
223 North 14th
IVa Mock$ South of
Student Union
Send friend a
Funny April Fool Card.
On display at the
215 North Uth St,
Municipal Airport
A Fashion In Dining
For Reservations Call
Accommodations For College Groupi
A Campus-to-Cccreer Case History
. u.
' ' '
"This is what I did yesterday"
"I like a job that keeps me jumping,"
says Bill Jermain, C.E. from Marquette,
'52. "And my first management assign
ment with Wisconsin Telephone Com
pany does just that. Ira Service
Foreman at Sheboygan, with nine install
ers, and that means variety of responsi
bility. But judge for yourself. Here's
a quick run-down of what I did yester
day, on a typical day
8:10 "Checked day's work schedule.
Cne of my new men was putting in a
buried service wire, and I went over the
job specs with him to be sure he had
things straight
8:30 "Answered mail while my clerk
checked time sheets from previous day.
9:30 "Out to supervise installation of
the first aluminum Outdoor Telephone
Booth in my exchange. Reviewed the
assembly instructions with the installers,
then arranged for special tools and bolts
to be delivered to the job. vs
11:30 "Drove across town. Made a
complete 'quality inspection on a tela
phone we mstalied las. week. Everything
checked OX
12:00 -"Lunch.
1:00 "Picked up film for next day's
safety meeting. Watched the film, made
notes for discussion.
2:00 "Met with moving company
manager to estimate cost of telephone
cable lifting for a house moving job.
Drove the route he had planned and
worked out schedule for construction
3 :30 "Returned to aluminum booth in
staOation. Went over wiring specs with
the electrician.
4:00 "Stopped at Central Office to
pick tip next day's orders. Met installers
at garage as they checked in and assigned
next day's work."
Bill has -been in bJs present job about a year, end Is
looking forward to new responsibilities as his expe
rience increases . . . as are tbe many young college
men who have chosen telephone careers. If you'd be
interested in a similar opportunity with a Bell tele
phone company ... or with Bell Telephone Labora
tories, Western Electric or Sandia Corporation ... see
your Placement Officer for full details. '.
electrical mechanical
alaei Maatver
Aat'l Bastaeaa Meaan
Ctaralaftoa M
t.Hei Mtnret
Sen RohnnM, Harnara r.N'ke.
irnnraa Kmittn, 4o Hoe
bachelor master doctor
research development
field . engineering
, V in
computation communication
March 16
iigiheerhig ResearchAssociates DIVISION