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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1955)
( w.. "' - -v- , '..WW.., - ,. , , 1. Wednesday, March 9. 1 955 THE NEBRASKAN o dd U w lF a cm A i trims V V -The 'Fairer Side- 'We're All Off Says Racy AFCW Group We're" off, we're off was the cry as the delegates to the AFCW con vention in Omaha started off. Upon arriving, meetings were held start ing ,at p.m. Friday at which six topics were discussed. Six o'clock found the group al the Omaha Athletic Club with an outstanding speech give n Sports A t on a d the World." Crowning the program was wa ter show put on by the Omaha Uni versity girls. Not to be outdone, everyone followed suit and donned their best mermaid togs and plunged in. Breakfast was at S:00. The Con stitution Committee met with none other than Shirley Jesse at the helm. Then came the business meeting with guest speaker Miss Mulvany. The Nebraska' delega tion tried fheir best to talk every me into leaving but she threatened them so they were forced to stay After lunch, Flayday was. held in the new field house at Omaha U. Everything from trampolining to wiskit was played. A coke party from 2:30 to 3 p.m. ended the con tention. Their home aain home again, jiggity jig. Guess I will sneak the Co-Ttec schedule in when you're not look in': These are the teams who play tomorrow night: At 7: IS ALPHA XI DELTA and SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON, KAPPA ALPHA THE TA No. 1 and DELTA TAU DEL TA, KAPPA DELTA No. 2 and THETA XI, GIRLS DORM No. 1 and MENS DORM, CHI OMEGA No 2 and SlGMA CHI. GAMMA PHI BETA No. S and PHI DELTA THETA Seem to be some ties which need to be played off so the following teams will stty for a game at 8:00: ALPHA XI DELTA and SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON, THETA No. 1 and DELTS, CHI OMEGA No. 2 and SIG CHI, GAMMA PHI BETA No. 2 and The Grid Front Glassford Moves FB Outdoors By BOB SCHUYLER Sports Staff Writer ' "With the advent of spring weather Tuesday, Coach Bill Glassford moved his 80 football candidates outdoors for the first time during the 1955 spring drills. Two days of warm sun and wind hardened the sod and enabled the Buskers to go at full speed for the first time this year. The ends, guards and tackles, as well as the centers went through extensive blocking drills on dum mies and push-sleds. Backfield coaches Bob Davis and Phil Young ran their charges through funda mentals in ball-carrying while John Bordogna, 1953 Husker quar terback, worked with prospective signal callers. Glassford sent his ends and quarterbacks against guards and tackles in a contact scrimmage on passing offense. Rex Fischer and Chuck Smith looked the best of the spring field generals in the early rdrills. Eldon Hoelting, former 8 man standout from Lawrence, was moved from end to tackle and Paul Toms was switched back to quarterback. This was the second shift made by Glassford during the spring session. PHI DELTS. Dont forget that applications for council are due the 16th. If you haven't gotten an application yet, there's waly one solution Get one Yon can pick them up outside the W.A.A. office. Check with your house represen tative to see if yau. arc on the voting list. If you are sure some one has made a horrible mistake and youYe sure you played eight games of Nebraska Ball actually if you had you probably would no longer be with us), see Dot Frank about the situation. BY BRICK BRUGMANX Sports Editor In intramural action Tuesday night Alpha Tau Omega moved their A and B quints into the finals by edging the Delta Tau Delta in the A contest by a 39-35 margin and escaping the last half on slaught of the Phi Gam clan in the B game, S0-2R. The Delts had only the night be fore nipped the ATO s by two points, but the Taus protested that the Dells had used an ineligible player. In a conference of the team managers it was decided to replay the game. The Delts, playing without their floor leader, John Beideck, and top rebounder, LeRoy Butherus, led by a two pointy bulge at half lime but wilted tn tne last irame unaer a barrage by the tall Tau trio of Al Blessing, Bob Brown and John Swanson. The tide of the struggle turned shortly after the second half start ed as the superiorywheight swept the boards itlean. aoed by Duff Olson andl&ob Coy, the Delta fought backaiy but Tourney Pairings Wednesday Canfleld B vs. Alpha Tan Omega B Friday PW Delta Theta A vs. Alpha Tan Omega A Geologists vs. Canfield A couldn't break the smooth stall which the ATO's used to salt the game away in the last five min utes. The ATO's will meet the Phi Delts for the fraternity champion ship Friday. In the fraternity championship B match the ATO's flashed to a fast 10-1 lead at the first quarter mark, working the count to 18-7 by half- Play' At Boulder Rex Bewail Takes ward For 'Star O Nehraskan The Week' """--- tv By BRUCE BRUCMANN Sports Editor Rex Ekwall, sophomore forward and second high scorer on the bas ketball team, has been selected as the fourth "'Star of the "Week" on the strength of a fine defensive r l " - I - mm - xm It " I ! Courier Sunday Journal and Star EKWALL X X X X f: '.::v.v'iiVk'''" : CIGARETTES kX MODERN SIZE 1 FILTER TIP TAREYTON gives you the full, rich taste of quality tobacco and real filtration, too ! PRODUCT OF J&JnuJueam. 3r"f and rebounding performance in the game with Colorado last Saturday night. Though he notched only two goals from the field, Rex played the type of game he has typically turned in throughout the winter's campaign a smooth, steady per formance sparkling with fine de fensive work, rebounding and floor 12.4 points and 11.4 rebounds per contest, the 6 foot 4, 187 pound jumping jack was a vital cog in Coach Jerry Bush's evenly balanced scoring machine. In 21 games he hit 8 field goals in 194 attempts for a fine .402 average, adding 85 gift tosses for a .261-poiat total. - . Highly Respected Highly respected by other coaches and players around the Big Seven circuit, Ekwall has been placed on all mythical all-sohpo-more quints. He has also been named n several second team aH Big Seven cage teams. Completing his first year of var sity competition, Rex has been busy living up to the fabulous tales about him from Southeast Ne braska during four years of high school play, where he scored 1,984 points in a four year span. Great BS Star A few years ago Don Maclav, a former 1CU basketball great and a sharp critic of cage finesse, ob served from his superintendent's post at Auburn High School: "Ekwall is one of the best high school players I ever saw. I think he could make any of the state college teams right now." ""My biggest thrill in basket ball?" Rex asked. -"That's easy. A few of us in the seventh grade were practicing one evening and the high school coach watched us fflr a time. After practice he asked me to play with the high school reserves. Tou could have knocked me over with a feather, I was so sur prised. I'D always remember that chance to play with the Holmes vflle reserves as my proudest moment in basketball. BasebaB Pitcher A pitcher in baseball, Rex found the Omaha Cardinals, the White Sox nd the Pirates all beckoning him after graduation from high school. Rex decided to enter Husk erland, where he is a two-sport man, planning to work with the baseball squad this spring. A good hitter, Rex plays first and third base and does some catching in addition to pitching chores. Last year Tony Sharpe, fresh man basketball coach, said Ek waH was 'one of the best fresh man players that I have coached at Nebraska. Bush says as a ball player Rex has plenty of poise. "Rex should develop into a tre mendous player by the time of his senior year," he added. Sasicr Cards Now on Display Large Selection Easter April 10 this year. gOLDEflEQD SIS North 141k St -ft, i , SPALBtRiC . v..:...$t : At .t -woe, -Vfy The best ball for your game has the exclusive DURA-THILM COVER Hera's amazing new durable ify in a high-compression ball. The DURA-THIN cover provides this great new Spalding DOT with real scuff resistance ... keeps the DOT uniform and true, even on rugged high-iron shots. The new DOT has a greater compactness for truer, more uniform flight. It's actually an economical ball for you to play. And, with all this new durability, new DOTS stiH oSer the long, long carry every hard-hitter wantst At school, or on your home course, make your next 'round a Ifencr one with this greatest of all golf balls, Spalding DUItA-THIN DOTS. SPALDIMI sets the pace in sports time. The Phi Gam B quint was ice cold and not until seconds re mained in the first stanza could they find the mark for a single field goal. Refueling their scoring guns, the Phi Gams hit for 11 counters in the third canto while the ATO's were able to notch only five. On the strength of Phil Hart'a three straight fourth quarter buckets and Bob Bentor's jump shots, the Pni Gams knotted the count midway IM Cage Card Monday Sigma Na C 4S Alpha Gatnma Rha 41 Tuesday Alpha Taa Omega A 31 Delta Taa Delta 35 Canfield A 7 Manatt A 47 GelogtsU 42 Phi Epsilra Kappa 42 Alpha Taa Omega B 39 Phi Gamma Delta B tS Hardly bothering to play defense, the Canfield attack sprinted to a 16-8 count at the first quarter buz zer and didnt slack till the final gun. The triple play combination of H o u f e k-to-Torcion-to-Torcion was raxor sharp as the trio amassed 59 points. Ho"fek, hitting from all positions, dumped in SO. Verone Gibb, with I , spearheaded the losers. In the O team finals played oa Monday afternoon the Sigma Na quint came from behind in Frank Merriwell fashion to squeak by tha determined Alpha Gamma Rho at tack, 43-41. Paced by Bob Martin, 12, and Cecil Vilker, 12, the Sig irt Nu's blast back from a tive count deficit at the third stania mark. Dick Deets with 18 l-t ail scoring. AT miLLER S ASOOOOOOOOOCSOOOOOOO Shop Daily 9:30 to 5t30 Thursday 10 to 8:50 m Uie lust quarter. Sparked by Wayne Gunderson's final minute shooting and an effective stall, the Taus staved off the last second rally. Bob Bentor led all scoring with la points. The Geologists, leading all the way, whacked Phi Epsilon Kappa by a 42-85 count. The gravel agi tators sped to a 10-7 mark at the end of the first stanza and, with the double-barreled assault of Gary Heinzle with 14 and Dwight Deardoff with IS in usual form, had no trouble holding their bulge. The Phi Kap scoring parade W'asl paced by Dave Barnes, 10, and Ron Kaiser with nine apiece. The Canfield A squad, scorching the cords with effortless regular ity, rolled over Manet A, 7-47. Nehraskan Want Ads Bring Results WILBUfc JUST WOKE UP TO THE FACT THAT HEf IN OMS! KZtPAimfORA BETUR POINT AVERAGE! Don't let that "drowsy feel ing" cramp your style in class , , . or when you're "hitting the books'. Take a NoDoi Awakener! In a few minutes, you'll be your norTil best... wide awake . . . alert! Your doctor will tell you N0D02 Awakeners ire safe as coffee Keep a pa r rdy! 15 TAIL7S, 35c "Phi -Beta" Back 35 tablets k tnndjr tin 9t mxmmMm short tuxedo If our new coal Is at once straight lined, et supple; simply styled, yet importantly detailed Sportleigh does it all in boucle for Spring 'iiy, letl, kelge,, JSlact tO to 16 sizes COATS . SECOND FLOOR fTliLLER C PAiflE If -i:: -i LEADINQ PRODUCER OF ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRIC ACCOUNTING AND COMPUTING MACHINES. TIME EQUIPMENT AND ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER!. n 1: f i Whst you should knew about International Business Machines International Business Machines Corporation ia one dt America'! leading engineering, manufactur ing and selling erg&niza-tic-Bs, serving business, industry, government, sci ence and education. You'll be joining a company with a 40-year record ef growth, stable employ ment, and one of the lowest employee turnover records is the country. Your future will be as big up pem make it, with ad vancement entirely on merit. Excellent salary and em ployee benefit program with life-long advantages for you and your family. Complete initial training In each of the. employment classifications listed. OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL CAREER CPrCSTUKITttS TO 2nd INTERVIE17S - - MARCH 10 & 11 Sign tntffriMr irltwN'jt t?i II yaw degree tr wcjor h: Liberal Arte Business Accounting Engineering Mathematics ......... Sales fhysics WtitNematict Engineering ..... Appisa! Sdmm fhysio Mechaiiical Electrical Engineering Physics. ............ Engineering Ind'jtfria! Electrical Wechaniral ...... ffcmirrscturhif if Accounting Administration Management Auditing . . , Bustles JLjavMstrstk V CALL rOUft COLLECE PLtCtUIKT 9fHCf fOK APF0IWTMr, PATI If yon CMiaot attend iotervitwi, writ far - more infermtio to Mrv B. N. Lpther lciraiona BuniBen Utiram Corpontiea E96 Madiaon Ave, Sew fork ZZ, N. . - , Sales uoi Service Ofjcei ia Principal Citief throughout tfac O. 6. 1? it 'It I n Trade-mark