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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1955)
(the Married Students TMl n n IrdOHaSDETD' A A ! 12)000 vOViSUO Vol. 55 No. 58 17 PT' Ey3 Innocents Reject Proposal From Phi Mu Aphcr Snfona Kosmet Klub will again handle the Inter-fraternity Ivy Day Sing this year, Marv Stromer, president f Innocents Society, said Tuesday. The decision was readied in an Innocents meeting Monday. Kos met Klub's jurisdiction over the Sing is subject to approval by the Innocents, who were granted au thority over the Sing by the Stu dent Council. "We didn't feel that Kosmet Klub had done such a bad job in pre vious years," Junior Knobel, vice president of Innocents, said. Proposal Rejected A proposal for joint sponsorship Kosmet Klub and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, men's professional music fraternity, was rejected. The In nocents felt that such an arrange ment would not be feasible. The groundwork done by Kosmet Klub merits the organization get ting the responsibility, Knobel said. The Innocents recommended that the Sing be an all-University event next year, Knobel said. Any deci sion regarding the handling of the Ivy Day Sing next year will be made by next year's Innocents, Stromer said. "Kosmet Klub will make this year's sing as good as it can be," Art Raun, vice-president of Kosmet Klub, said. Kosmet Klub president Al Anderson was un available for comment. ROTC Meeting A panel discussion on ROTC aummer camp will be given by Military Police and Infantry sen ior members of the Provost Corps Wednesday. The meeting will be held in Room 206 of the Military and Naval Sciences Building at 7:30 p.m. The Outside World Dulles Reports By DICK Staff Writer Secretary of State John Foster Dulles reportedly outlined a firm no appeasement" policy toward Communist China in a report before a closed session of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Dulles is said to be of the opinion that Red China Is not bluffing in its threats to take Formosa. However, he didn't say whether he expected them to attempt to take the island by force or subversion. Dulles also was understood to have outlined repraisals, possibly with atomic weapons, against Red China from Korea, Formosa and South east Asia in case the Communists should attempt to take Formosa by force. Crash Feared The United States may be in the earjy stages of a boom-bust cycle similar to that in 1929 according to Harvard Economist John K. Galbraith. Galbraith told the Senate Banking Committee there are "formid able safeguards" against another such crash. But he said there are "resemblances" between present conditions and those leading to the 1929 crash. Galbraith urged that the government be ready to halt credit buying f stocks and apply other brakes if stock prices continue to rise. Parity Bill Advances Legislation to require price support of major crops at 90 per cent ef parity, and thus ditch the Eisenhower administration's flexible price support program, was approved Tuesday by the House Agriculture Committee. Chairman Cooley said the vote was 23-11 and that it "crossed party lines." He predicted the bill would pass the House, but declined to comment on its chances in the Senate. Chiang Withdrawal Asked . British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden Tuesday called on Chiang Kai-Shek to withdraw his forces from the coastal islands off China. Reporting to the House of Commons, on his Bangkok meeting with Secretary of State Dulles, Eden said "the necessary conditions for progress do not yet exist" for peace in Asia. Eden also praised both the United States and the Chinese Communists for relaxing tensions over Formosa. Flood Affects 2200 Over 2,200 families have been affected by flooding along the Ohio River, according to Red Cross estimates. The crest, highest in seven years, is expected to reach nine feet above flood stage. West Virginia, Kentu'cky Ohio and Indiana have been hit by the flood. Communists 'Laughed At' There is no possibility that Burma will )oin the Southeast Asia Defense pact, Burmese premier U Nu said Tuesday when he arrived in Bangkok, Thailand for a good will visit. Queried concerning Communist rebels in the interior of Burma, Nu said, "In our country, the Communists have, now become a joke fMjbjects to be laughed at and not to be taken seriously." Wesleyan Wins Nebraska Wesleyan defeated Geneva, Pa., College Tuesday after noon in an overtime to climb the first hurdle of play in the NAIA Tournament. The Plainsmen rallied in the closing minutes of the game and went into an overtime with the score reading .76-76. Paul Fredstrom cored sevenof the team's ten points in the extra period. 'Shennanigans' 'nion To wo I urn Dances will be held for Univer sity students and high school stu dents attending the basketball tournament both Friday and Sat urday nights from 9-12 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Tickets may , be purchased for SO cents apiece at the Union Booth beginning this week each after noon or at the door on the nights of the danse. Friday night the theme will be "Shenanigan's Dance." Johnny Jay's Orchestra will provide the inusic for the evening. Decorations University of Nebraska The rules governing the Sing, altered, Jan. 20 will still hold for this year, according to Raun. According to the new rules, only fraternity songs may be sung, the minimum number of singers will be 15 and the maximum number will be 25, and no medleys will be allowed. No soloists will be allowed, Raun said. No one1 person can be made more prominent than the rest, he said. An entrance fee of $5 and the University Citizen's Responsibility Physicist Compton Mvocates Balance 01 Activities, Studies for Students A student who is doing his part in University activities is accept ing the-responsibility of citizen of the university community, Dr. Ar thur H. Compton, Montgomery lecturer, said in a Nebraskan inter view Tuesday. The question of balance between campus activities and academic work must be considered, of course, he said. Dr. Compton named organiza tions such as Red Cross and the blood banks as examples of worth while organizations in the civic community where the citizen must co-operate to further a free society. The same philosophy can be ap plied to campus service organiza tions, which are working for a bet ter university, Dr. Compton said. Academic work remains the prime function of the student but RALSTON will be green and white In accord ance with St. Patrick's Day. Saturday night the "Madhatters" theme will be featured. Decora tions will be worked around the character Madhatter of Alice in Wonderland, and Jimmy Phillip's band will play during the evening. During intermission, three Coed Follies acts will be presented. Free refreshments will be served dur ing the evening in Parlors A, B and C. The dances are sponsored by the Union Dance Committee. Sponsor ey Dances UN ETQ name of the song chosen by the fra ternity must be submitted to Al An derson, president of Kosmet Klub. Fraternities must also state Wheth er their selection is original or not, Raun said. " Mortar Board will handle the de tails of the women's sing in the same capacity as Innocents. Fall Petition A petition circulated last fall con cerning the definite rules and re strictions set down by Kosmet it is advisable to establish a work-, ing balance between studies and activities, he added. Preparation For Life Task In college, the student is prepar ing for his life task which is more important than relatively minor student activities, Dr. Compton contended. The student who serious studies and enters upon task which is im pertant to the community is doing his part, evert if it is in an imper sonal way, he continued. "I do not wish to make activi ties seem unimportant, because they constitute one of the really essential parts of education, which are working together," he said. It is imperative that students do what they can to understand what is now being done with other na tions and within the United States, Dr. Compton said. The real hazards of society, such as destructive wars and society breakdowns, will come to the seri ous active stage when the genera tion now in college is at the helm, he said. Dr. Compton stated that he was convinced that Communist inter ests bear real ill-will against the free world. "Hate-Communists" Philosophy The nation is at present being subjected to a "Hate Communists" philosophy that is often dragged into issues where it is irrelevant and damaging, he said. "It is, however, an effective propaganda device for gathering support for the government," Dr. Compton said. Of all parts of the world, the peo ple of the American Middle West are more at home with science and technology than any other area in the world, he said. Recently, Dr. Compton was asked to speak at the laying of a cornerstone for a new fraternity house at Washington University. Fraternities Have A Place He said fraternities, and other similar student groups, have a place on the campus as long as NU Symphonic Band To Begin Concert Tour Eighty members of the University Symphonic Band will begin their three-day concert tour Monday, Professor Donald Lentz, director of the band, announced today. The itnerary for the concerts in cludes Ogallala High School, DeUel County High School, Sidney High School, Gothenburg and Osceola. Soloists on the tour will- be Stan ley Shumway, trombone; Roger Brendle, trumpet; Jack McKie, trumpet, and Lauren Faist, trumpet. Nine New Buildings The University College of Medi cine in Omaha is growing with the addition of a new $25,000,000 medi cal center. This medical center, which will include nine buildings when com pleted, is intended to . show how several types of medical institu tions can co-operate while each re tains control over its own services. Part of these buildings will be financed by the University and the rest by private firms. They are all being built on the campus of the College of Medicine, and the Complete area is called the med ical center. New Buildings The hew buildings will include an addition to the University Hos pital, the new Bishop Clarkson Me morial Hospital, the J. P. Lord School for Crippled Children, the Children's Hospital addition, the Crippled Children's Home, a chil dren's rehabilitation treatment cen ter, the Nebrafka Psychiatric Insti tute, a doctor's office building, the Memorial Research Laboratory and several others in'tthe process of planning. Wednesday, March 9, 1955 rvQSflon Klub caused the re-evaluation of Ivy Day Sing administration. The petition was signed by fraternity Ivy Day song leaders in protest of the Kosmet Klub action. An Innocent-Mortar Board com mittee met Friday to consider Kos met Klub or Phi Mu Alpha Sin fonia as possible sponsors of the Sing. No decision was reached at the meeting. The Innocent decision Tuesday settled the question of sponsorship for the Sing. they serve the university commu nity. Dr. Compton is a distinguished service professor of natural phil osophy at Washington University in St. Louis, where he served as chancellor last year. In 1927, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his work on X-rays. He directed the first atomic chain reaction and the first quantity production of plu tonium in 1942. The famed physicist is the reci pient of many awards, including the Franklin Gold Medal and the Freedom Foundation Award. He will present the second in the series of three Montgomery Lectures Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Love Memorial Library Auditor ium. Meeting Thursday YW Panel To Discuss NU Student Education "Are University Students Get ting an Education?" will be dis cussed at the YWCA mass meet ing Thursday, 7:30 p.m., 'n Ellen Smith Hall by a panel ixard of three faculty members and two students. The discussion will be concerned with those phases of education taking place both inside and out side the classroom, Dr. Arthur Photos Fourfssn Contribute To Contest Fourteen photos were entered in the second weekly Kappa Alpha Mu photo contest. Winners of the first week's con test were: Ray Magorian,, first; Dale Lewis second; and Leroy Marquardt, third. Each week's en tries will be displayed on the bulletin board near Room B-6 Burnett Hall. The contest is open to all Uni versity students, and prizes will be given each week for the best photos. Entries must be no smaller than 5 by 7 inches nor larger than 8 by 10 inches. The photos may be turned in at Room B-6 Burnett. Anyone wishing to vote on the photos may write his choice on a piece of paper and place it in the box near the photos. Additional in formation about rules is posted on the bulletin board.. 1 The new Bishop Clarkson Me morial Hospital, now under con struction, will cost approximately $4,000,000 and should provide 300 beds. It will replace the old Clarkson Hospital and Nurses Home which was purchased by the" Lutheran Hospital and turned into the Lutheran Medical Center. The Clarkson nurses quarters have been converted into the Lu NU Psychiatric Nearing completion on the University campus in Omaha is the Nebraska Psychiatric Insti tute. The new building, shown above, is part of the $6 million r& n 1 TQloinrDoiniairy Approval) Preliminary approval was given by the Legislature Tuesday to a bill which would allow the Uni versity and the four state teachers colleges to build housing for mar ried students and instructors. Legislative Bill 138 removes the provision in present state law un der which the Board of Regents must set up a "dummy" corpora tion to issue bonds for building dormitories for single students. John K. Selleck, Comptroller , of the University, said Monday that "this act will enable us to finance student housing legally, if we think it can pay out." Dormitory bonds are retired over a period ot years irom student rentals. "It is a broad bill," he contim ued, "'that will provide for the Weekend Hours Closing hours in women's or ganized houses both Friday and Saturday will be 1 p.m., AWS president Marilyn Brewster an nounced. "We feel that since the Inter fraternity Dance is over at mid night," she said, the additional half hour will enable all students to return in time." financing of many projects. This provides two things: it broadens our ability to finance in new areas, and the Board of Regents can put their own name on new bonds, thus eliminating 'dummy" corpor ations." State Sen. Beaver of Beemer, co-sponsor of the measure, said the act would enable sale of the of interest, and enable sale of the dormitory bonds at a lower rate of interest, thus effecting a sav ing. Sen. Metzger of Cedar Creek said the bonds would be "an in strumentality of the state, but not an obligation of the state," Thus by-passing the state constitution's prohibition on state debt over $100,000. Selleck said Feb. 28 that the University could not force married students to live in University-spon sored housing. He added that the University would be running a Hitchcock, moderator of the panel, said- "This question is one faced not only by the University, but also by the society in general," Dr Hitchcock said. "In all probabil ity, the panel members will dis cuss the question of liberal vs. a specialized education. "Although the definition of edu cation will be limited," Dr. Hitch cock said, "such general topics as the depth of study, the opportuni ties for discussion and extra-curricular activities will probably be touched on " Panel members will be Frank Hallgren, associate dean of men; Dr. Nathan B. Blumberg, assistant professor of journalism; Dick Fell man, junior in the College' of Arts and Science, and Joyce Laasa, senior in Teachers College. "All Uhiversity students are en couraged to attend the meeting- including the male segment of the campus population," Jan Osborne, director of the YWCA, emphasized. Pantomime skits by . various commission groups will follow the discussion on education. Pie and coffee will be served after the an nual YWCA report is given. Col I -Agri Fun Board Filings Due Saturday Filings for Coll-Agri Fun Board are due Saturday in the office of the Dean of Agriculture, Room 202 Ag Hall. . Election of board members will be held March 16. Requirements are that all applicants be juniors the coming semester and be able to serve for two years. theran Old People's Home, and the former Clarkson Hospital will house the general medical and sur gical patients. The present Luther an Hospital wnj be used for psy chiatric patients and an annex, now devoted to psychiatry, will be used for convalescents. Also planned for the medical center is the Children's rehabilita tion Center, which would consist of Institute building program of the College of Medicine which will put the Universe's medical facilities on a par with those of other leading schools in . the midwest. Costing I financial risk if it built housing for married students. "Any University building would be modern and fireproof and would probably be heated by the Uni versity power plant," he said. mi . J . mn ." 1 t -. .3 . t mere are .1,219 marrieu siuuems on campus, according to a survey recently conducted by the Nebras ka University Dames, an organi zation of student's wives. The sur vey revealed that a majority of married students are in favor of more housing facilities. Married University students pay a rent of between $50 and $70, ac cording to the NU dames report. Selleck said that housing for young professors is another prob lem. They have a hard time in finding adequate housing at rea sonable rates, he added. University owned apartment WUS Representative McArthur To Speak To Campus Groups Gilbert McArthur, World Univer sity Service field representative, will spend three days on the cam pus and will address more than ten groups, Andy Smith, All Uni versity Fund president, announced Tuesday. McArthur's trip is sponsored by AUF and arrangements are being handled by Gail Katskee, AUF vice-president. His first talk will be tothe YWCA noon discussion group Wednesday. At 2 p.m. he will meet with the AUF Executive Board and at 4 p.m. he will address the Student Council. Following the meeting with the Council, tentative plans call for him to meet with the .YWCA discussion group on "Com parative Religions." McArthur will talk with Cosmo politan club at 7 p.m. to conclude his Wednesday schedule. Studied In Kansas For the last three years, Mc Arthur has studied at Friends Col lege in Wichita, Kan., where he received his B.A, degree. He is listed in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities" for his participation hi extra curricular activities and his academic achievement. In his pre-college days, he was selected as the outstanding Boy Scout in Scotland. He came to the United States under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America. According to WUS sources, Mc Arthur welcomes the opportunity to speak to American students. He is enthusiastic about the non-sectarian and ncn-partisan character of WUS. McArthur will attend a luncheon Thursday noon at Presby House where approximately 60 campus leaders have been invited to lunch. Fraternity and sorority presidents, activity and religious leaders have been invited. YWCA Discussion Group At 4 p.m., McArthur will attend the meeting of the YWCA discus sion group, "It's News To You." He will be present at the regular AUF Board meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, and will attend the YWCA mass meeting at 8 p.m. Following that meeting he will speak to Alpha Phi Omega, a group made up of former Boy Scouts. McArthur will be present at the Ag YWCA-YMCA meeting at 10:45 a.m. Thursday and the Ag YWCA YMCA executive board meeting at Hardin To Address Four Ag Groups Chancellor Clifford Hardin will speak at a joint meeting of Ag College departmental clubs at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Auditorium of the Agronomy Building. Hardin will discuss the future of the University. Don Beck is chair man of the event, which will bring together four clubs: Varsity Dairy, Ag Economics Club, Block and Bridle and Agronomy Club. a new J. P. Lord School for Crip pled Children, an addition to the Children's Hospital, a crippled chil dren's home and a treatment cen ter building.. Plans for this program will de pend On a bill pending in the Legis lature. If the bill is passed, giving certain property tt the University, I Courtesy Sunday Journal and Sur $1.5 million, the Psychiartic In stitute is a joint effort of the University and the State Board of Coihrol. houses at 16th and R Sts., 15th and S and 16th and S Streets provide housing for University em ployees. 1 , Chancellor Clifford Hardin said, "We hope it is possible to proceed with the program of University-of-Nebraska - sponsored housing for married students." Selleck said that no definite build ing plans have been made. Ha explained that at least two-and-a-half years would pass before the unit could be built. Other future buildings planned for the city campus include a law library addition to the College of Law building, and administrative building south of Teachers Col lege, a pharmacy and bacteriology building, a physics building and ad ditional classroom buildings. 11 a.m. He will lunch with the Ag Exec. Board at noon Thursday. McArthur visited the University several years ago in connection with a Boy Scout meeting and re cently spoke to an all-student con vocation at Hastings College. Ha has traveled throughout the South ern Midwestern area visiting cam puses and advising them in their "campjis chest" programs, besides speaking to interested groups. Scottish Kilts are usually includ ed in his baggage and he some times wears them for especially interested organizations. Psyclnatrist To Lecture Thursday Dr. Roben, Faucett, distinguished Mayo Clinic psychiatrist, will speak on "The Emotional Problems of Children' at a public address Thursday at 8 p.m. to the Union , Ballroom. The free lecture is in occasion of the sixth annual meeting of the Lincoln and Lancaster County Child Guidance Center and is spon sored by the Child Guidance Cen ter, Nebraska Extension Division and the Community Service De-' partment. Dr. Faucett, nationally known for his work in Child Psychiatry and counselling and guidance, has consulted at the Prince George's County Mental Health Clinic, Ro-chester-Olmstead County Counsel ling Clinic and the Rochester Child Health Institute. He has also been editor and pediatrics consultant for Good Housekeeping Magazine where he edited the Children's Cor ner for a number of years. The speaker received his M,D. from the University of Kansas and did graduate work in his specialty at the University of Minnesota. Executive To Interview Coeds For YW Work Coeds interested in professional YWCA work after graduation may talk with Doris White, of the Na tional YWCA field staff, any time Wednesday. Appointments may be made with Jan Osborne in the YWCA office in Ellen Smith Hall. - . Reef Cross Meeting Red Cross mass meeting will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Burnett Room 108. Purpose of the meeting will be to orient students on the work of Red Cross and activities of Red Cross Week, March 13-19. A panel discussion will be featured. construction should begin within a year. ' The J.P. Lord School will cost from $500,000 to $750,000 to build. When the rehabilitation center is completed there will be centrally located all facilities necessary for care of crippled children. . A new building for the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute being built at the medical center at a cost of approximately $1,500,000 is neap ing completion. This is a co-operative effort between- the University and the State Board of Control. - Nurses Dormitory "The University Board of Re gents also approved a $1,OGO,000 nurses dormitory. Construction will begin in May. Besider the new res idence, the building program will provide a research building, class rooms, offices, end addition to the University Hospital and service units. Also to be located at the medical center will be a new medical of fice building, built, by the World PublisMng Co., at a cost of $2,009,-000. i f. I 1.' r i i v Si, I- ,...