The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 04, 1955, Page 4, Image 4

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    Fridoy, March 4, 1 955
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Block And Bridle
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DG's Feud On
Lynn Holland carries the ball
for the Delta Gammas as she
sings the blues in their winning
skit, "Feud on First " Two feud
ing families finally resolve their
differences by laying down their
First Exhibition
Electrical Engineers Began
Annual E-VJeek In W
,'. . Guest Writer
Love, says tradition, is where a
young ma's fancy turns when
spring is in the air. Since 1894,
however, spring finds student en
gineers at the University turning
their time and energy to En
gineer's week.
The department of electrical en
gineering gave birth to E-Week on
Feb. 15, 1894, when it decided to
put on a small exhibition for Chart
er Day.
According to scribes of the day,
the crowds who visited the new
electrical engineering building
were thrilled and amazed with dis
plays consisting of an artificial
coin tester, the production of cal
cium chloride in an electric fur
nace and a "Big Electromagnet."
In 1895 the electrical engineers
added many other '"splays and,
deciding to make a iition out
of it, called it their ' . t Annual
Not to be outdone, the mechanic
al engineers stepped in with their
new mechanical engineering build
ing complete with modern labora
tory equipment. The other engin
eering departments picked up the
idea, and in 1913 the first Annual
Engineers' Week was held.
These hardy pioneers of annual
Engineers' Week had many other
ideas which seem to have fallen
by the wayside. Among them was
the depositing of their brother en
gineers who "goofed off" into a
water-filled horse tank. They also
held an annual skirmish with the
law students.
Engineers' Week has grown a
good deal since the first efforts by
the EE's. It is a time when the en
gineering student shows to others
the interest in his chosen field.
The slogan of this year's E-Week
is "Engineering Its All Around
You." It will be portrayed by
J. C. Seacrest Award
Journalism Scholarship
Offers Advanced Study
Applications for the $1,000 J. C.
Seacrest Scholarship for advanced
study in journalism are being re
ceived in the School of Journalism
office, Room 309, Burnett.
Deadline for applications is noon,
March 19. Interviews will be March
S3, and the winner will be an
nounced by April 19. Seniors in the
University School of Journalism
re eligible.
The 1955-56 Seacrest scholar will
be the 14th in the group of Uni
versity journalism graduates since
1945 who have received the award,
created in 1942 in honor of the late
publisher of the Lincoln Journal.
During the war years the award
was not made, and in 1945-46-47
there were two grants annually un
til the unfilled earlier grants were
used up. In 1953 there were also
two scholarships, one being the un
used 1951 award.
Recent Seacrest Scholars and
their subsequent professional ca
reers are:
Low Geier received the 1950
ward. He did postgraduate work
at the University and handled pub
lic relations for the Salt-Wahoo
Watershed project. After doing
television work for the University,
he went to the Department of Ag
riculture in Washington, D. C,
where he is now doing editorial
work.-' '
R. Thomas Rische used the 1352
Spsc'ml Activities
Ths Special Activities Commit
tee will meet at 3 p.m. Friday in
Unioa Room 307. Murt Pickett,
committee chairman, urged all
rsembprs to attend.
t;i Ir-ir- ;E i : If
Courtesy Lincoln Star
weapons and participating in a
singing and dancing contest. No
one wins and no one loses, how
ever, in the production which
shared top award with the Pi
Phi skit.
many andf varied displays put on
entirely by the students in the Col
lege of Engineering and Architec
ture. E-Week will be April 28 and
Secondary School
Rosen lof Completes
Puerto Rico Report
By jim McCartney
Staff Writer
There is no middle class In
Puerto Rico only extremes of pov
erty and wealth, said Dr. George
Rosenlof, Dean of Admissions, aft
er his recent visit there.
Dr. Rosenlof has returned from
San Juan, Puerta Rico, where he
was sent by the North Central As
sociation of Colleges and Second
ary Schools to examine the sec
ondary program at Antilles De
pendent High, School.
The school is run by the U. S.
Government for children of offi
cers and Armed Forces personnel
stationed in San Juan. It is under
consideration for full accreditation
as. a standard high school.
Dr. Rosenlof inspected the school
and drew up a report of his find
ings for the North Central group.
If his findings are accepted by the
Association, graduates of the school
will be eligible for acceptance in
any college in the United States.
The program at the high school
is college preparatory and approx
imately 90 per cent of its graduates
will go to college.
Dr. Rosenlof said there are sev
eral private schools in Puerto Rico.
Spanish schools are fair academ
ically, he said.
The Dean visited historic Fort
El Moro where he received a desk
lighter made of the wood of the
award for obtaining his advanced
degree in history at the University
of California in Los Angeles. He is
working for the Torrance Herald,
Joan Krueger and Norris Heine-
man won the 1953 award. Miss
Krueger studied at the University
of Paris, France, and is now plan
ning a career in foreign corres
pondence. Heineman took his M.S.
degree at Syracuse University,
N. Y., and is now program man
ager for KUON-TV.
Kenneth Rystrom, who received
the 1954 award, is taking graduate
work at the University of Cali
fornia. Candlelite Room Open
Saturday For Dancing
The Candlelite Room, located in
the Union Round-Up Room, will be
open for informal dancing Saturday
from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m.
Students are invited to stop In
for refreshments or spend the en
tire evening, Marilyn Staska, Union
dance committee chairman, said.
Hugh Hunt is in charge of this
week's arrangements. There is no
admission charge.
Stationery And Notes
S!din:ry Stcro
Fifi Favors Pony-Tails
Cecilia TeSelle, as Fifi, is
shown telling the Pi Phis that
they must wear "pony-tails" if
they are to" be in fashion today.
The Pi Phis agree with Fifi and
win first place honors with their
God Has
On The
Sunday 5 p.m. Fireside supper
and discussion on "Invest Your
Wednesday 7:15 a.m.. Lenten
service with Janice Osburn, Uni
versity YWCA secretary, speaking.
Fort which is more than 400 years
While visiting a Rotary Club
meeting in San Juan, Dr. Rosenlof
talked with some native Nebras
kans now living in Puerto Rico.
For Title
Campaigning for the Most Eligi
ble Bachelor contest has started
in preparation for spring elections
March 16.
Each organized men's house was
entitled to nominate one candidate
who was at least a sophomore and
was not pinned, engaged, married
or going steady.
Those nominated and the houses
they represent are Roger Brendle,
Theta Xi; Ward S. David, Pioneer
House; Rex Ekwall, Canfield
House in Selleck Quadrangle; Bill
Engfelkemeier, Beta Sigma Psi;
Fred Kidder, Sigma Phi Epsilon;
Robert MacDonald, Delta Upsilon.
Herb Meissner, Phi Delta Theta;
Bill Miller, Sigma Alpha Epsilon;
Harlan Moore, independent; Tom
Olson, Alpha Tau Omega; Leon
ard Singer, Zeta Beta Tau; Tom
Woodward, Sigma Nu; Charles
Smith, Selleck House, Selleck
Keith Leech, Delta Alpha Pi;
Mel Hansen, Sigma Chi; Gary
Renzelman, Gustavson House II,
Selleck Quadrangle; Hugh Os
mera, Acacia; Ray Schiefelbein,
Tau Kappa Epsilon; Jack Skalla,
Delia Tau Delta; Andy Smith,
Beta Theta Pi; Charlie Trumble,
FarmHouse; Boyd Stuhr, Alpha
Gamma Sigma; Joe Poynter, Phi
Gamma Delta, and Jim Schultz.
Phi Kappa Psi.
The six Eligible Bachelors will
be presented at the Kosmet Klub
Show, April 21 to 23. ,
Opnln(t and boarding co-op. Food bill
$25 to $30 per month. Baptist Boarding
Co-op, 315 North 15th Street.
...Out of tli pagei of the mort
mixing story Tcr written comet
H. NOW-n
of them all! I
U KAIS Sum maim j
65c 4 to 2 p.m.
75c 2 to 6 p.m.
90c 6 to close
1 1
Courtesy Lincoln Star
skit, "Fifi's Mane on Main
Street." Although the Pi Phis
shared first place with the Delta
Gammas, they won the toss for
the cup and it is now residing at
the Pi Phi house.
A Place
A pre-service "cafeteria style"
breakfast will be served at' 6:30
Sunday 5p.m. Supper and rec
reation followed by worship and
discussion at 6 p.m. The first Sun
day in the month is the monthly
question night. Questions submit
ted in advance to Rev. Davis will
be considered.
(National Lutheran Council)
535 North 16th St.
Friday 8 p.m. Old-Timers Party.
Sunday 10 a.m. Bible Hour; 11
a.m. Worship; 3 to 5 p.m. Tea
for Lutheran women; 5:30 p.m.
LSA. The LSA discussion on city
campus will be "God in Christ
Reconciling" and on Ag campus,
"Kierkegard and Christendom."
Tuesday 7:15 p.m. "The Gospel
and the Evangelists," by Dr. Syre.
Wednesday 7 p.m. Lenten vesp
ers: "I, Judas, Betrayed Him";
7:30 p.m. Choir.
Sunday 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Forum
"Do we Betray Christ?" with Rev.
Thomas Huxstable of Eastridge
Monday 7 to 7:50 a.m. Bible
student (light breakfast provided);
12 noon, Luncheon discussion.
Wednesday 7:15 to 7:50 a.m.
Lenten devotions.
(Missouri Synod)
15th and Q
Sunday 10:45 a.m. Worship; 5:30
p.m. Gamma Delta supper followed
by a discussion on student prob
lems. Wednesday 7 p.m. Choir rehear-
Weekday masses 6:45 a.m. and
7:15 a.m.
Choir practice 8 p.m. Wednes
day, and 1 p.m. Saturday.
Sunday 5:30 p.m. Newman Club
Lenten devotional services will
be held at the Ag Student Center
every Thursday morning at 7 a.m.
A breakfast will be served at 6:30
a.m. The Ag YWCA and YMCA
are sponsoring these services.
monday thru friday
10:07 p.m.
Sponsored By
Plans are being formulated for
the 21st annual Block and Bridle
Show to be held in the State Fair
Grounds Coliseum the evening of
April 30.
Social Work
Institute Set
For Weekend
Dr. Jerman Rose and Miss Mary
Hester will lead sectional studies
at the 10th annual Institute in
Social Casework Friday and Sat
urday at the University.
Dr. Rose, assistant professor of
psychiatry and neurology at the
College of Medicine, will discuss
treatment of disturbances in parent-child
Miss Hester is an associate pro
fessor at the George Warren
Brown School of Social Work,
Washington University, St. Louis,
Mo. She will discuss casework,
About 70 social workers from six
Midwestern tsates are expected to
attend the conference, sponsored
by the Graduate School of Social
Work. Lecture sessions will be held
in Burnett.
Filings Due
For College
SS Testing
Applications from eligible stu
dents who intend to take the Se
lective Service College Qualifica
tion Test April 21 are due Mon
day, H. G. Stroh, Director of Vet
erans' and Selective Service Af
fairs, has announced.
Students may obtain applications
at any Selective Service Local
Board. Lincoln's Board is in Room
202, Veterans Building, 12th and
"O" Streets. Following instruc
tions in the bulletin, the student
should fill out and mail his appli
cation immediately in the envel
ope provided.
Applications must be post
marked no later than midnight
Monday, Stroh said.
Friday afternoon
3:00 Listen It's Music
3:55 Campus News
4:00 Sports Roundup
4:15 Bill Tomsen's Show
4:45 Campus News
4:55 Sports News
Monday Morning
6:30 Recorded Classics
7:30 Campus News
7:35 Yawn Patrol
Monday Afternoon
3:00-rMusic Recital
3:30 Listen It's Music
3:55 Campus News
4:00 Forrest Stith Show
4:30 Here's to Veterans
4:45 Campus News
4:55 Sports
Tuesday Morning
6:30 Recorded Classics
7:30 Campus News
7:35 Yawn Patrol
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Kav rnn Wteeins will be mas-
roromnnips for the Uve-
stock and horse show sponsored
by the Block and Bridle uuo,
animal husbandry aeparuneumi
' Committee Chairmen
Co-chairmen of the event are
rhorioc Wnt.snn and Don Novotny,
club president. Novotny announced
the following commmees ior me
Dwieht Jundt. special events;
Ray Kelley, tickets; Harvey Jor-
genson, publicity; Kaye uon wig
gins, coed riding contest; Steve
Pederson and Jim Peters, coli
seum; Don Leisy, awards; Doyle
Hulme, music and intercommuni
cations system; Dwain Trenkle,
cards and clothing; Jerry Schier
meyer, program; Stan Eberspach
er, sheep showmanship; Jim Svo
hoda. cattle showmanship, and
Valdean Markussen, hog showman
Dates for registering for contest
events will be announced later.
The contest will stress showman
ship and grooming of animals in
By ppointmtnl purveyor of sop to tht
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throughout the TJ. S.
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hog, beef and sheep divisions.
Jundt, special events chairman,
said the number and kind of horse
classes are still undetermined due
to limited time of showing of these
classes. He added that an event
is being tentatively planned to in
clude talent of local businessmen.
Potato Race
Jundt said another event in the
tentative stage is the potato race,
a competitive event consiting 0f
two teams on horses attempting
to complete the transfer of pota
toes from one end of the arena to
Some possiblilities. for classes
being considered are palomino
class, fine harness, Tennessee walk,
ing, jumper, parade, three-gaited,
five-gaited and western pleasure.
Jundt said being considered for
the first time is the family class
comprised of two or more mem.
bers of a family exhibiting horses
and riding skill.
Jundt said another class under
consideration is a pony class for
children under 12 riding poniej
generally under 46 inches.
late King Gtorgt VI, Yirdley I Co., ltd., Londoi
10 & 11
VJant Ads
215 North 14th