Wednesday, March 2, 1955 THE NEBRASKAN UN o biraska Art Assoc 5a13"Din) ireseon'S'S Amnmyai . HiihibDii'Doini Realism, Geomefric Abstractions Highlight 65th Show By LUCIGRACE SWITZER Staff Writer Realism, geometric abstraction nd welded sculpture are the three styles of art being featured in the C5tn annual Nebraska Art Associa tion exhibition at Morrill Hall The three artists represented in one-man shows are all in the tradi tion of realism, but in point of view the three artists represent a wide range of individuality Walter Stuempfig, the only na tive American in the group, shows ttie European influence. Darticu larly that of the late Italians in terms of color and composition, "The painting 'Tony' is, in its way, pure traditionalism," said Norman Geske, director of the University Art Galleries, Tonal Effects The use of a very restricted palette to obtain a wide var iety of tonal effects is exhibited in Stuempfig's "V i a Partenone Practically the only light in the painting is that which illuminates the faces, typical of the romantic Stuempfig's interest in the rela tion between man and his environ ment. Other paintings in the show by this artist are "Backstop," "Pish ing Boat" and "Apple Street." Raphael Soyer, the Russian-born humanist, represents a point of view which is distinctly American. His sympathy and feeling for his subject , seems to permeate his paintings and blend with the draw ing, color and technique to create a feeling of response and sim plicity. Illusionist Geske explained that the illusion ist point of view as represented by Walter Murch has been developing rapidly in the last few years. Murch deals with the ordinary ap purtenances of society but repre sents them as symbols of man. The effects produced by his rich blending of color and texture com bine with the effect of the symbols to produce a totally different effect than the purely visual "Some find him fantastic and astounding in technique," Geske said. In addition to the one-man shows, the exhibit represents many other current styles of art. There is a large number of non-objective paintings, many of which are ex plorations of pure, unmodified color with emphasis on surface texture Some of these are simplified al most to the point of only one color, "Black" by Lawrence Calcagno is relieved by only a few muted streaks of aqua. What these paint ings may lack in color range, they make up in texture and sponta neity of style. Welded Sculpture Another style represented seems to indicate a tendency on the part of some younger artists to return to subject matter in their painting. 'New York" by Hedda Sterne and 'Woman" by William DeKooning are examples of this tendency. Welded sculpture, the other ma jor style of art exhibited in the show, has been developed mainly in the last 25 years. It is primarily based on the technique of the oxy- acetylene torch. This form of sculp ture expresses itself in terms of space, not in the usual sense by space itself but by "open, fluid, changing colored by light and tex- 'On The Social Side- Coed Follies Hamper University Romances ture, moving by means of struc tural tensions, animated by the un limited suggestivity of the imagi nation," Geske said. Examples of this type of art in clude "Cylene" in chromium bronze by Ibram Lassaw and "Big Rooster" executed in welded steel by David Smith. Although not so typical, one of the most eye-catching pieces of welded sculpture in the show re sembles a cijoss between a geo metric mobile and an architectural structure. Called "UN No. 1," the George Rickey piece is com posed of a series of colored slats suspended in the structure which revolve when . the sculpture is tilted slightly. Talks Planned In connection with the show, a series of talks to discuss specific paintings, sculpture or prints is scheduled for Sundays at 3:30 p.m. and Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m. The speakers will be be: March 1, Rudy Pozzatti, assis tant professor of art; March 6 Norman Geske. director. Univer sity Art Galleries; March 8, Freda NU To Open Morrill Hall Rental Gallery r aintings irom the rental gallery in Morrill Hall will be available Spaulding, assistant professor of art; March 13, Eugene Kingman, director, Joslyn Art Museum; March 15, Peter Worth, chairman, department of art; March 20. Al den McGrew, chairman, depart ment of art at University of Colo rado, and March 22, Tom Shef field, assistant professor of art. Announcement of acquisitions for the Frank M. Kail Collection and the Nebraska Art Association collections will be announced on the final day of the exhibition, March 27. The hours of the exhibition are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday, Wednes day, Friday and Saturday; 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday, ana z to 5 p.m., Sunday. No Lion This Year Sacrificial Lamb Considered Symbol Of Purity, Supplier Of Wool, Mutton Ndyes Coed Follies stole the show from cupid Monday night. Coeds were too busy presenting their skits and curtain acts to announce pinnings and engagements. The pinning of Stephaney Sherde- xnan, freshman ia Arts and Sci ences, and Norman Francis, Arts and Sciences junior, was an nounced. Norman is from Lincoln and Stephaney is from Beverly Hills, Calif. Yvonne Tevebaugh, Teachers' College sophomore, has announced her engagement to Duane Dalluge of Fairfield, Nebraska. Congratulations to Barbara Clark who was presented as Typical Ne braska Coed and to the 12 Corn husker beauty queen finalists. Sue Olson, Gamma Phi Beta jun ior from Norfolk, reigned as Sweet heart at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon formal dinner dance Saturday night. Sue was escortedtothe dance by her pinmate Jim Car eon. Other couples attending the formal were Delores Tietjen and Roger Scow, Gretchen Winkler and Dennis Smith, Clare Hinman and Joe Mesmer and Cynthia Noble and John Wisenstine. Some of the couples who attend- By ALICE TODD Society Editor ed the Phi Gamma Delta Pig Din ner were Judy Anderson and Bob Kirkendall, Lou Sanchez and Tykye Camaras, Barb Olson and Charlie Ferguson, Roberta Welch and Walt Gerlach, Nancy Nagel and Jim Focht and Ann Lindiey and Phil Patterson. Alpha Gamma Rhos and their dates donned festive costumes Sat urday night to attend the AGR Mardi Gras party. Among the couples at the party were Carol Morehead and Phil Stark, Rhe Yeiter and Dick Schaffert, Karen Smets and Dick Kiburz, Helen Lo max and Steven Pederson and Connie Klein and Ron Bath. Socio Calendar Friday Navy Ball Dinner Dance. Theta Chi Formal Dinner Dance. Ag Country Dancers Square Dance. Saturday Cosmopolitan Club Dance and Floor Show. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Bowery rarty. Phi Kappa Psi Pledge Party. Towne Club Formal Dinner Dance. Shell Representatives Will Visit Your School MARCH 4 Shell Oil Company Manufactur ing (Refining) Shell Oil Company Production Department (Oil Field Produc tion) For interviews with students receiving degress in the following fields Chemistry Electrical, Mechanical Engineering-- Geologists with Mathematical 6nd Science Background Please See Dean Colbert, Adminis tration Hall Room 104, For Ap pointments And Further Details. You Can Obtain A Copy Of Our Booklet, "Opportunity With Sheir From Dean Colbert's Office. to the general public next week, according to Norman Geske, di rector of University Art Galleries. Thirty-four paintings ranging in price from $50 to $500 will be rent ed for $1 to $5, depending on their value. There is also a $2 service charge. During the first two days that the rental gallery has been open to members of the Nabraska Art Asso ciation, eight paintings were rented, Geske said. " The rental gallery is located on third floor of Morrill Hall. NU Poetry Competition To Close The Lone Gardner Noyes Mem orial Poetry contest closes Friday. As many as three poems may be submitted, and each must be sub mitted in triplicate. The name of the author is not to appear on the manuscript but should be enclosed in a separate sealed envelope with the names of the poems, according to Miss Bernice Slote, associate professor of English. Poetry may be submitted to the English department office, Room 207, Andrews. The contest is open to all under graduate students. Poems must be original and unpublished, although there is no restriction on length, form or subject. j-asi year, Konaia uobry. now a graduate student, won the first place award. Valetres Nollendorfs, graduate student received second place. By LEO DAMKROGER Ag Editor The ushering in of the month of March like a lamb enables a per son to stop and try to realize the importance of the . Ovus aries (sheep to you). This animal has de veloped over the years from a good luck effarm to the present day ani mal whose wool alone amounts an nually to a $5 billion industry in the United States. M.A. Alexander, professor of an imal husbandry, said the sheep and especially the lamb once played an important part In religion. The lamb was seldom worshiped, but universally sacrificed. v Luck Charms Alexander related that in Hun gary and Czechoslovakia a ram is thrown from the church tower to in sure a good harvest. In eastern Europe, lambs are sacrificed on ly at taster. Lambs were con sidered lucky animals and a skull hung over a door was said to pre vent theft. Alexander added that today the sheep is still thought of as inno cent and purs. Lamb has always been regarded as a delicacy and used as a symbol of purity. He added that on the altar of divihity, the lamb is a select ani mal. Because of these conceptions the lamb can rightfully and prop erly be selected to furnish the meat for the annual Christian festival commemorating the resurrection of Christ. Nebraska Ranks High According to Alexander, the transfer of raw wool from the pri mary producer to the first con- ADVERTISEMENT GUADALAJARA SUMMER SCHOOL The accredited bilingual school sponsored by the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara and members of Stanford University faculty will offer in Guadalajara, Mexico; July 3 - Aug. 13, courses in art, creative writing, folklore, geography, history, language and literature. $225 covers' tuition, board and room. Write Prof. Juan B. Rael ,Box K, Stanford University, Calif. sumer is the first stage of a pro cess that engages thousands of per sons in employment and serves a consumer market valued at $5 bil lion in 1952. Alexander said sci entists are having a difficult time finding a fiber which will duplicate the spinning and textile qualities of wool. Nebraska and Colorado rank high in commercial lamb feeding. To keep the sneep producers in the state well-informed on the new developments in the field, experi ments are conducted at the Ag College and instruction of students is provided. The sheep plant at the college U made up of discarded sheds and the facilities once were located at what is now a parking lot for students. X. I ft-- - I11EI CIGARETTES f ODERN SIZE FILTER TIP TAREYTON Gives You The True Tobacco Taste You've Been Missing! PRODUCT OF SHOP WEDNESDAY 9:30 to 5:30 Lincoln'! Buqr Oapartmoit Stow California Originals . PdDIBII cuuuuu Usually 5.95 to 6.95 its: iSf T H v( ' QjJ each -r ; ft A y .. f A V f lljj Washable and Sunfost W' cn-- ' Shrink Resistant .vis :. ' Vat Dyed J .-"' . Long Sleeved Select from 10 unusual styles . Every shirt "UN I FAST" processed we give green stamps Wrinkle resistant Certified by United laboratory tests SMrU designed with real Call fornia know-how of fabrics that re quire a minimum of washing care. Just toss into tub or eend to tho laundry. Color combinations and ' patterns with detailing that you don't UMjaDy e-e & st thli price. Sizes: Small (14-I4JS) Medium (15-15) Large (16-16) Ex. Large (17-17) GOLD'S Men's Store . . . street Floor Use Your CHARGA-PLATE Token t