The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1955, Image 1

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    First Place Tie
Pi Phi's,
the rrTrrrh AfcW A1M1
Vol. 55, No. 55
Farmhouse Sets Pace For Eighth lime; Chi Omegas First
Loomis Ball fed crganixed bous
es in scholastic averages with a
SS77 mark. Dr. Fiord Hoover, Di
rector cf Begistraiian and Rcords,
airaauoced Tuesday.
Union Display
Shows Items
From Norway
Norwegian bonsehold items are
cm dispy fa the glass showcase
in the Union lounge.
The display was made possible
thraririi the cooperation of LadO
Cjpreaxsscm, jnstroclar of speech.
Same of Che articles are a Hur
ricane lamp made fa 1864, a salver
egg cup audi a saHver riirinw beS.
Tbere is a wooden cfl painted but
ter dish which, is mare decorative
than tiseM as well as cher wood n
articles wfek3a Miss Cypreansea's
mother fusted, tasng a Xarwegiaa
The Outside World
Britisher Aids Reds
Staff Writer
A EraasB scieiiast wio disaypeared five years ag has revealed
t-.i-mof-tf to be working cm "peaceful" atomic projects in tibe Simet
Oram. Ealaa-borm Braao Podtecorvo sent tetters to Soviet newspapers
in which be claimed to bave sought asylum in Russia becasase prepara
tions among tbe Western -power for military ose etf atomic power
made ""ashamed off my pnafeaiEiaa."
QSriA ia Washington are said to bave labeled Poiflecorvo the
second mySwA spy ia testary. Top "banors" are given to British
vrhn- Eaas Fsiribs, wba lhas been imprisaaed in Brstjaa siace 1258.
Tbe Marmalaai given J2ae Rusimaiis by tbe pair is estimated to bave
advanced tbe Soviet atomic prccraa M soarJtlbs ahead cf where ft
would ctberwiBe be.
US Asks Release Of Civilians
In a meeting raff American and Bed Osmese d&anaas in Geneva,
Stoerfand, tbe VsStad Sato presented to tbe Commas a w
teBaxid Sar tbe releaie eff fi Americans beld prMsmer m
Ia vsm to tbe mjaest, tbe Eafl Cbmes .
bas been gr cm aaxe laflt Jaoe, witSa o results.
These Eegciiitians are beiag sealed stpaneteJSy from 2m b-
eesming 15 imprisarwd UA airiDen.
Eavnf Reports Atiac
A band cf Isras bas been dharged S4f TSl
Palestine AJBistiDe. Egj-pt claims to bave auSered cmaltaes tf
kOfd and 21 w.cmnfled. An Israel Army spokesman ctoei J&e
eS; wiadh . . . caatinaei in to tbe iTptMe Caa Stop.
It is especftefl tbitt W ffl flay
tbe U JS- SeDurity Caancl.
Churchill Discusses U5. Power
Priiae MmiBber Oiardbill told tbe Eritiiih Eana cf Cf
Aay that tbe IMtcd SUA" to tbe oa3y eoontry n the world I sMe to
corned farther that tbe US. bad an cwrnelmm Head
wsnns mr Eussia. and that at wikM be at BeaKt four yars before
EuEEia wwld be dak to deliver as B-bamb attacat against I5.ad2a
Ridgwoy Opposes Army Cur
Army Chief aff St3 Mattbew B. Kifewiiy bas repeated bis fitand
agsanst PsreEiflent EsenbOTm cots fa Army manpswer. Gen. Eii3g-ay
tcQd tbe Senate Armed Services CtamiHe fiht tbe Army, deployed a
danger spats tbrenjgfcaat tbe world, k t3 the primary detaarrent to
CammBnut aggreBEioa.
Eidgvay told tbe crammittee be Jhaugnt 1.4 million men, tbe sa
eff tbe Army beioire She aflmimiitja1acB''s mjmmxa est. was aeeeefatry
to aaet al tbe Army" aBBigned iiffigaticjns.
Senate Committee Defeats Cut
Two IDtmocrsts, Senators Byrd s VirgMa and George cf Georgia,
Joined wfe EfsaftiLeaw to a 2Bpersa focxae tax a n
the Senate Finance Committee.
Tlas wits a ftempcffitry vkJtory far President Esenbower, wbose
afiminiBtrtion bas ppm& tbe cUL Leading Senate JDemaorats, bow
wpr, anfiicatei that tbe tax cut wwld be bmognt to tbe floor a tbe
&enKte for a wot thene.
Tbe Bauee jrecently apprnd tbe tax cKt by a vote ff 218 to 2t!5.
5J tbe SenEte sSaould cgabdid this rate Sn Sts rinanoe Gannmaaee. then
tbe two Ikgitlatwe branches woiM bave to iroa oitt diSccSties betweea
them. '
Variety Offered
ilk fl M fs It A
Applications for taSH adbolar -
sl4ps and grants-8ia wu we w
Itfardo 1 t 4 pm. fa AdmiaWra
iisaj Fa 1TA.
A3 applicarfJ wiSb the vtssam
eff jetaars tr exoars-43e and 4
StxcAs fa tbe coder DentiiSry.
Law and Mediciae are fxsm to
Ukt a general etnpmbnKre ex
amaniliaa. Tbe exam w31 be g5y
AAditianal reyjiremeMts for av
licants intlufie a sdhdlaittic awwr
age iff aprorjbauattly f J eff abwe
and at ki4 24 tears of crt&L
r&ed at tbe Uurrerdty.
Ttus yeia" Daajsenaty E-gents
ScbmiMps totaling fSttW w-3 be
avarded to semors, Juniors and so
wbamores. Other leibalaTiaBps are
TaIUible tbrofgh tbe specific cei
University of Nebraska
J Li
Farmaoose led fraternities with
SX11 average aad CM Omega came
out on top of sorority scholarship
amassing a 6.S2S mart.
It first senjester's all Cniver-
sfiy average was and the fra-
terny-sorority average was SJOL
The all men's mark was 5.329 and
the all women's average was 6.1B4.
Tbe average of fraternities was
SJM and tbe average of all sorer
jes was 6J7Z, the highest of tbe
cumulative marks.
The second semester all Univer
sSy average last year was 5.707
and tbe al sorority mark, the high-
Semester House Averages
MM Waata linr
ia mJ alia ...J.'...'.""".I-..vas
AM rlwll Am I ..SAM
In- -5T
Tmm Baaa
CM -
wa ma
ls adlitloa there are 22 general
adbciuarttps to f.-e arrjtrdei.
Studexrta worthy e Rramrfal -fiiitance
xnsy reoeive tbe loosing
;scbdSM2pi: Wi2iam Eyte, fli
Vjy; f jmmr W3 pu 3a3.
1517; Margxrei M. McAmlSy.
I3.W; Minerva DtPue IfieiiiEaer,
EteTa SSrker MasjEaer
nJ9-P'J; Fred W- Putney. 1159
f2KW. and ftctctftufe RjS. 1'J8-
PreJepesnae w'Jl be girea to plys
k. msjers fa tbe awarding eff tbe
i-Jtm E. Ata..y Award for V&tfi
and tbe Benry SL Marvfa M.emo
lial for t"J3.
Tbe Frederki A. Stuff jtcbdVar
akip, Il.y6-I3'ja. fa vH&hle to a
anior cr aeraor Ejoracg ia Ezg-
i r
est, was 6-195. Hie all women s
average was 6-113 and the sorori-
ty and fraternity average com
bined totaled 5.902. Fraternities
came out with a 5.711 average last
spring and tbe all men's mark was
Tbe greatest increase in cimmlat
ive averages was shown in the all
University average which jumped
.153 points. Tbe greatest decline
was shown in the al men's average
which dropped .210 points.
Farmhouse ted the fraternity
group for the eighth straight time.
Kappa Kappa Gamma came out on
Frosh integration
State High
ULare than 808 feiedamen met wit2a
tbeir farmer bigb sdbodl cfficMs
at The Knit Amraaasl Prinrapal
Fretbman Cor&remce Tneasisf
Tbe emiSerenee was beld tor the
purpose off integratting tbe fcigh
sdbaBfl and CEffleg e vxm&nmxt w e
bracka. Tbe pndblem as mot to find ways
to "spasm feed wmszmg itaSemli,!
Chanceillor CUScrfl Eardia aid.
TCt is, ratlber, to make the step
rm biga acbssfl to csElege as ef
ficient as pontile as that Haeses fa
ti.ipf aad money to the sstiafleots.
tinea parents and to tbe pt&Ue cas
be Tt&xxSJ
SSta&snts whs drfflp etft eff csfi
lege for reasons cttlber tban insM
4ty to &9 ewllege watk are bring
ing Sons to everybody "b Ifaelj
psy our ediicitictaaj hZli." be saii.
Tbe UiBverKi. ClbanceJlor Ear
din said, is atttimdtimg to h1p bt-
jmm HomsI Hj CUT
Kama ikta Tkaa
Toner BaM LS7t!
Mm Cm, ri
aha CH Omnm i
aMa XI Ma MC
n Bca lU -!
SliBM .Utl Ma CIS
Lw Bd -IM
r na Ba ;
JUi Oailuw n Jt7ti
Jwaa m .!
MB Ma Ma !
mm Ma Tu ajwij
n e- n s-is
fiiii Ma SJKS;
Ttaa Xi
ua r n .ii ca sjtui
aoda ai
flu i n Badi
Aaaa Ci faai S-
HmtOa -SM
Mi Ma Thaa SA7W
Mi n
rm CM .UH
Ika la ! JJ.
saaa km ..aati
CiimHii'iiia HfMHC II ......... -S-m
Staaa m S-
Ta gain Enata SJ(?
Ma laa Ma
aeaa n Eawafa .Ull
Ba taw N
f aan-ria Haaw -X2t
rm cimiibi Ma
Ma Ifwitaa iS
Cajaa 1W law
falliM Binan ...................
LlnBaa"lII"lIl"l""l. U
aair Baaa iJX
Himwa WnMir ..............
LI i an If i ii ..S-Mrtt
Ma Saw H
Eaa Ba laa Jr
Mia nan
naia Hat I ..SAM
Mm raunt tac
f-W Kaaa
HJMIm Hwat
a nan Maw '
Hmmm Hume
aaniltwa Oa
m mmm kmc .....4Mi
ftwu CJB , .
l-awatat Hum
War Ua Hwmk
llnaaia aHawa lac .4-M
peraiaB off a mem fcadlej week j Twif ard eff tbe JTtibiraj&a Dp.ant
nr.ogrnio, gxudanoe send cccmdiKgi naetS dL EduacstasaD wfas moderator.
l&iih. A jtaniar or stsuor wnsaa
majorfag ia ErtfSii is tbe pre
ferred reripieni for fibe Kaitlnin
M. Mclitii atbdarsfcfa eff fK(S-1C2ii9.
Tie Geiarge Borrowmaa award
eff 1'1'J is cvailablle to stmdexttc fa
cbeaditry and geology. Prefer
eac s3 be gjrea to a HziTj e
JKr for tbe Ida L. ZtA&ka award
etf f3f2&8.
Stadents frees Seward C&t&j
may receive either tie .Jones 3a
tianal Esaok award far I'l'W cr the
Jesse T. Lanfw1&y saleAarriafa
far flWMtwa.
He Eerj MocaJky FeUoviiip.
WJ9, lis araHhle to tbe senior
JhAlftd to tare done most lor pro
motion eff fcilw-fsdth on campus.
Prtf.srjDt w21 be g:va to tntm-
Wednesday, March 2, 1955
i top of tbe soronttes last semester
Lu, a 6.510, aver are, Chi Omega
compiled a 6.401 average last se
mester. Farmhouse had a 6.632
mark tbe second semester of last
WHscm Rail was first last se
mester with a 6.721 average. They
are listed fourth this year among
organized booses having dropped
to 6300.
In the case of some freshmen wo
men, their averages are jar-laded
in both the women's residence balls
and sororities, Hoover pointed out.
This is the first time many cf
the durm booses bave been listed
can the scholarship list. Tvo-thirds
est the men's dorm residents are
tarson Named
Phalanx Drill
Meet Leader
Barry Larson has been selected
as the director of tbe annual
Phalanx drill competition, Don
Keerans, Phalanx commander, an
jaocmced. The drill meet will be
held at 2 pjta., March 3L
Five eqpaads from Army ROTC,
.11 A a?Vwu DIVVY" MmnnAK itvl 9
two Xavy squads wH engage in
dralL Tbe judging wiH be based on
the exfixe saad's psrfammance in
basic drill movements, the stjaad
leader's commamds, the variety of
ooiavemeEits, and tbe general bear
ing of stjaai and leader.
Each memSser off toe wiHintng
sipiad wal receive a trophy and the
ixJKsariag ROTC tmit wl bave a
recaiEJiutaoin to carry in pa
rades. The Phalamx camnpeSaSaain
wil be covered by KOLN-TV and
Council -Sponsors
Procedure Lesson
Tbe second seEsaam in pariliamen
tary pnocediire will be beld Tbnrs
day at 7:39 pjnn. in Temple 36L
Esmx KwmTJj asfMjmft. praffes
scr off speech amd dramatic art.
wiH cooSatt tbe final staaatu s
tihe series spansoned by t2ae Stss
jteat ChodcjL
programs, sttcdcxlt frifaMn services
and carefsTj plamned darmittgry
In the a&eracitm. tbe edncators
attended twiB panel cLcat&aE
""Beffler Ie.graJiaB off High Scnoeil
and College f" Ijs&irm&mr
and ""Better Integralaom cf ISigh
Scbodl and CcCtege GastneeliEg and
Fanxipaxtts fa tbe EngSrit
cxtEtuon were D'jndny Larson t
B(l&ege; Irene Martia eff Oanoto
Migk Sctoofl; Mary L. Mat'leco,
siaperiatendenlt and ttxit pro
fesor eff Eaagliiiihi. Teadbers Culege
High SdhaoL and Dr. Praflley Baa
Iky. aEsitajt pevsteww ff EjiglaftL
WJISiam Eiopsr, prsndpall off LimDuta
Kigi Scbsnfl. a matterator.
Participant fa the seaond pand!
were Gerald E. Cige of FaaUentan,
Mrs. Duns HcGafiey eff Rebrai&a
Oty, and Dr. Artbtar A. Elcbcadt,
mers eff Alpha Tava Osaeg.a lor tbe
rvlht E. Grirv.&ll Memerial eff
Juniors and setigrs cf outttnd
ing aitSty bave preference for
tbe F. , and Orfaia Jdsmsos
award eff j:i'.iVr.'9. -.pbtcnore fa
iOu-w'Cltuural C3?33 wlTC
available ti WHliam E. Sharp
st-boIarElap etf l.tt2'.i.
The JJeir. Amsrkaa Legksa Akx
sHary is spxarkg a sAarsifp
lor a sjwjMire woman wb.o Is th
d5tugt2r eff a veteran eff the
Armed Fi.
Applkation forms msy be e&
ttiaaed at tbe offioes etf dJt
cVass, the Associate Dean for
Kom a.'.d the Dean etf the Di
vkiaa etf ttxit-JL Affairs.
Cd! Folio
Pi Beta Phi and Delta Gamma ,
were awarded first place honors in
the annual AWS Coed Follies Tues
day evening.
Gamma Phi Beta was named
third place winner in the skit
competition. Delta Delta Delta
won first place amorg the curtain
acts and Joyce Straiten was award
ed top honors in the traveler act
The Delta Gamma skit, "Feud
on First," concerned two feodirsg
groups who decided to settle their
differences by sieging and danc
ing. Carole Unterseher and Lynn
Holland were featured in the pro
duction. Barbara Turner was sldt
master for the Delta Gammas.
"FiS's Mane on Main Street.'
was the title Of the winning Pi
Phi Skit. The part of FiS was
played by Cecelia TeSeHe. She pre
vailed upon the Pi Phis to adopt a
pony-tail" hair do. Diane Knotek
and skitmaster Lou Sanchez were
also featured in the skit.
The Gamma Phi Beta skit, "So
phisticated Seams, bad as its lo
cale, a modern dress shop. A mix
op occurred and a Cinderella type
'Bloomer Girl'
Spring Show Principals
Enthusiastic Over Parts
Staff Writer
DiufereM reasx.s were given but
al the leads in the Kosmet Etch
flHTifflnnl Spring show, "Bloomer Girl,
expressed esfihmsiasm for their part
and far the show in general
Cecilia TeSeBe, fresfomar in Tea
ers who rS play the part of Eva
Ina, gave ber reason for trykg
ct for tbe shew; "I tove stage
work and I tove ymgrmg and acting j
and this part calls for both." Eva
loa is sweet boat impetnoiigs yraig
thing wiSfa a mfad of ber own. As
Miss TeSeEe pat it. S a real
gnangho om woman asrage."
lAartty McMahon, who psrtrays
JeS, the ralasat young lover, ex
plained that be was fa the chorus
d Si last Kttasmei KM show.
ywii9rn Baiiinbow," and enjoyed
tbe ezpEraance so Etach fiat be de
cided to try oust tar lias year's
Je3 is tbe roving RiOmeo type,
boat be meets bis match when be
fals fusr Ealiaisa, aaaar.dting to Mc
Mabon's dtsritjXira eff bis part.
Peggy Larson, who plays the
maid Daisy, explained that she
tried out becaase she enjoys wsark
iag ia KotEmet Kluo productions
and because "be!n I listened to the
records eff "IBloraaer CM," I dis
cwered that Daky is tot a good
stager, sa I thmaght tbe part would
as Harailas as being a part like
Father fa "life aith rather, dam
faate yett saicie.
ASaaiat tbe. s5aw itself, Sareraaer
said, "I tbmk that it is a differ
ent type cf sbcw and s at is gokg
to be a lot cf fan. It has a kit
d coaaedy htot it Is aat the load
type eff csmedy icore like kla-
tot eff toaJlaos."
NU Junior
Reigns Over
Mardi Gras
BiUie Etowal, Kappa Allpha jiw
iar, was cricnrintid cjtuecni of the an-
noial Kjsagbls etf CfiOiKimhitss Marda:
Gras of tbe li ctitssrzStm m
Sxxax Fa2k, S. Feb. 2L
The clelxatin is patterned after
tbe Ak-Sar-Biffl x
baU and tbe . jw.
a a sa e eff the
(? an e e o was
kept secret wo
U tbe celehrav
t i o is. Rowalt
berstlf cM taot
know she ..was
st&ectoi.. wj
the time etf the
The prlii-
cisHs for tbe
cetoijrataso were spsct&srtd by
local bmsxxsmie aand a commit
tee eff three selected fee caeea,
Mju jml said.
TL was rA Ml&s K'wlt fa ft
experience etf this type; she served
as a BormlKv etf He vuiut at tLe
WasfiEgton Riga Scfosxl Orange
letter Day ceiratlon aad is a
past H.otaored Q-itea eff bdl for
Jidfe's Dasjtf,
Ber fcCSiriiies at She VMttvtAj
faedude ALT far wlkb e was
stlecteid s one eff three auted
feg workers last year, and Bed
Before cotsfag to tbe UotverrSy,
Mii Kowalt atte-nded Strpihens
Ccge al Cev.r.i'.a, Ud.
S Inloini
heroine, played by Norma Bossard,
was given an evening gown. Shirley Skit and curtain act judges were
BoScomb was skitmaster. Earl Jenkins, assistant professor of
Winners of tbe curtain acts, the voice; Frank Bock, instructor m
Delta Delta Delta group presented, speech and dramatic art; Miss Dor
"Red Shoes," which concerned ajjethy Kanpeter, instructor in wo
congressional investigation of the I men's physical education and Rob
wearing cf red shoes on campus. J ert Knoll, assistant professor of
Helen Schaberg was skitmaster. j English.
"You Cant Get Man With af Miss Dorothy MaxwelL instructor
Gun," was the title of tie winning j in women's physical education;
traveler act presented by Joyce J Clarence Denton, instructor in spea
Stratton. Honorable mention went j and Dean J. Phillip Colbert, Deaa
to Norma Bossard with her singing I of Student Affairs.
Despite flu, Fire, Fever,
Coeds Go On With follies
Staff Writer
Despite fire, pestilence,
and ominous forecasts of
the annual presentation of
Follies went off without a
Every participating group
J.cunrm mit Sow
Suramcr , ODaaaell
'"DcEy Btoomer is fig!rtsr.g for
Women's rights; she is a crusader,
Kathy OTXtmeU said in explaining operative material, according to
why the part appealed to ber. "Al- j, the Thetas.
so, she doesnft sang munch." J "Regardless of the outcome, bard
Elbe Giilliattt said she likes ber j: work and long practice sessions, th
part cf Serena "first of al becaase effort was amply rewarded by the
it is a part fa a play." One other ii trill of being om a stage, said
thing she liked about the part is one bigh-sSepping coed,
that it gives ber an cpportMnity to SeH-oast andiences for both
skg a short sd&o which is some- nights made tine USS Coed Follies
thing she has isever done before j a bowing success, AWS mem
fa ssch a prodUdtiiciiL i bers said.
Fifty Women Needed
Fifteenth Sorority fkors
Reality for M Campus
Staff SriUr
A fifteenth sorority on the camp
ms came cl&ser to being a reality
Tbesdsy as a result cf a meeting
eff all wtQEien interested fa formfag
a mew gr.Kjp.
Tbe meeting was called by Made
line Girard. Paaieiesaac Directsr
and Helen Snyder, Assistant Dean
eff Women.
ItCss Girard told the IS wessen
at tbe meetkg that tbe
tits usiader consideratikon are Alpha
Delta Pi, PM Ma and Zeta Ta-.a
Alpha. AH three eff these grosps
have been on this campos fa previ
ous years but let diirkg the de
prsiaaa &o to financial diffxeut
ses. Miss Ssyder tolld tbe wiomen "-e
v3 try to give yon some selec
titon" as to wtiich one fit wSl be.
She adiltd that the choke alss de
pends pon the wijfagnes eff the
matiional chapter to pay fcwm 17.8,
W to $WMM fm a bswe.
AkheBigh cesilly IS girls were pret
est at the meetiag. tmufit eff them
t.uM Mit Girard that tbey bad
frikentSs who iB'scid te fatereited fa
fc3pfag to form the mew sorority.
It would be rsecsesrary to bave ty
wnea isstaresled before the Jtii
Kiiite steps eff orgssisis&ixM cmld
take place. There were 15 fnea&
men. three siphevsieres and one
jb&aor pesexat at tbe meetiing.
Eight were fream Iinoes.
Smwritj S64
"M.wtt of the groups on campss
Lave already filled their cMtas,"
said Miss Giirard, "bat it isn't fair
to yeui girls if ym bare no op
psrtaaity to belotcg to a sorority
I if yoa want to do so." She added
that this was tbe primary reaon
for cmiitjiffrfag the liah soranty.
Another reason she meotioned
was the expected increase fa ear
air vvrn
So Heat
ii w
1 A f
J"ike memhers off tbe Naval Ee-J Mrjkdain&km; com namkatkiBai
serve OiScers Trainkg Corps al rVrer, Blaise B. Park, serix ia
iSBversiij were tamed as bai- j Zz&atxiiiLg i-oZsrg e.
toSon oSkers for the second se- Sepply oSker, Robert E. Mort
ttMUter, Catais W. O. CaTeryJ wecE. senior fa Teachers CcZeg;
chaarmaa of the Kaval Scie&te de-jj chief petty offwer, Lawrence H.
parteint, aaaasxed today. YoJt. Law Ccje ses&r; txm-
The new bafcklioa cws.marjdr!j curjf tT cf Cccysa-sy A. Walr J.
si Waller P. Wright Jr., sttikar fa
the College of Baatbess Aimijus
tratioa. OJhr ppfsuAact are:
ExssJ;ve of.leer, George W, Re
gan, senior fa Eirjeu
tratioo; peratvioias effrer, Peier
A. ETgisteo, ssr fa E,a'i3s
of "Italian Street Song."
ported that flu, fevers and broken
toes took their toQ of performers.
Lynn Holland, one of the Delta
Gamma leads, appeared while run
ning a temperature of 102. Georgia
Anderson, also a DG, was suffering
from Cue and near laryngitis.
The Pi Beta Phis were moving
tables to practice their skit, "Jlfi's
Mane on Main Street, and one of
the tables fell on Peggy Mather's
foot, breaking her toe.
Willie Desch and Mart&a Hunter
Alpha Chis, did a rendition of Mary
Martin's "South Pacific" hit "Hoo
ey Ban." Miss Desch sang the cum
ber in swahhie garb and Miss Hunt
er brought WaJdki to the campos
with a b-la.
-T i . i r i v a
Joyce Stratton, Delta Delta delta,
said of ber record pantomimes. She
said the most embarrassing inci-
Ii cem d rae snow vx Dtr was ujo
five mimites she stood on the stag
waiting for music. Someone back
stage bad forgotten to put on th
The Kappa Alpha Thetas bad
dye troubles fixing costames for
their traveler act, "Cactus MaSo-
'drama." Long underwear used in
1 the act was not of the most co-
roCgnrot fa the next few years.
She said that it was for these rea
sons that plans for the formation
of a mew sorority are "beginning
to click" althpogh it is met definito
as eff yet.
The major prohkm of the tew
sorority, that of boosing, seems to
be near settlement. One or two
sororities re contemplating braid
ing bowses fa the very near fit
tore Miss Ssryder pointed out
that their present booses wotli
then be available to the cew group.
The actsal organization of the
sorority would cot take place until
sometime cext year. However, if
ssfcient interest is shown, a pro
gram eff training for the women
wndkd be started as soon as pos
sihle. Meetings would be held each
week sst as u dsme by the regu
lar sorority groups. The Latlosal
chapter eff the dbosen crganiiation
woild bave to bey a bonse and
each woman woold pay fatoa basse
fmnd D:e the ether pledges and ac
tives m campus.
Ckarter MesnWrs
Miss Girard went on to klarm
the girls that they wocld all be
pledges. Ko actives wocJi com
here from other camposes, bot the
girls wcxM still bave regular ac
tivities,, fimztio&s and pledge 6rzU
ies. When they were faitiated, the
women wosld be charter members.
Alpha Delta Pi was fotmded at
Wesleyan Female College on May
15, 1L It bas a total of 43 chap
ters and 12$ atenffae grozps.
PM Mm was founded at Wesley
an Cevlege, Macon, G., on Jan. 4,
KZL It bas a total etf SI coOg
chapters and 1S2 akmsae groups.
Zeta Taa Alpha was foonded st
Virgizza State JLormal SctxA, Oct.
Ii, tits?. Tie cvege chapters octsv
ber 2 and there are tfi alssssaa
hf Chossn
Fitie, seaios- in the CoCege of
Agrio-lture; comaaafer rl Com
py B, Js&j P. Getia, senkr fa
tie Cste f" Eriaeering, i.-.d
tzxzzzzzder cf Ccvr.ery C, V.'
tam L. Devrifts, Eisiseas
. 4