The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday February 25, 1955
-Nlebraskan Editorials-
Sidestepping The Issue
In a recent meeting the Student Council voted
on a motion which Would give the Council con
stitution a standing rule calling for an open
ballot at all times except in the annual election
of officers. The rule cannot be formally passed,
however, until the Council finds whether or
not a simple majority (the result of the vote)
ill put it into effect. If a two-thirds majority
is necessary the motion will be defeated and
must be proposed again in order to be passed.
By merely approving the rule, the Council
has shown how much they think of having an
open ballot in their voting. On paper, it looks
very impressive. The faculty sub-committee
now evaluating the Faction proposal to amend
the Council constitution to call for a strict open
ballot might very well discard the petition on
seeing that the Council has already provided
for the open ballot in their standing rules. Then
everyone is happy.
The Council would have provided for the
secret ballot, just like people think they should.
It would even be. written up where everyone
could see it. A very rice situation for all, except
that the Council could move to dispense with
the regular order of business at any time, and
by a two-thirds majority could use the secret
ballot on any measure they wished. At the
present time it takes a simple majority to put
the Becrei ballot Into effect.
It would be unfortunate if the faculty sub
committee should discard the petition submitted
by the Faction if this standing rule should be
passed by the Council. If the petition would be
abandoned, the student body would have no
chance to Vote on the amendment. The student
voice would not directly be heard in the matter.
Approval of the amendment, or voting it down
is of small significance next to the fact that
the Council would have spoken out on the issue
for themselves.
Since the Student Council is set up as a stu
dent representative body, it is only right that
those students the Council represents should
decide how the Council members should vote.
That is what is commonly known as the demo
cratic way. The Council, by a nifty bit of broken
field maneuvering, is Very likely to sidestep the
secret ballot issue by instigating a standing
rule which they can easily dispense with if the
situation warrants. It is doubtful that a need
for flexibility in the Council constitution is a
good enough reason to keep the measure away
from the student body in the spring elections.
F. ft.
Qohsnu To 1956
The fact that the NUCWA Spring Conference
!s over by no means makes it a dead subject.
Those who attended this year's conference were
enthusiastic and for this reason it was a suc
cess. From the viewpoint of numbers of students
participating, however, it did not measure up
to the conferences of two or three years ago.
This is what the Nebraskan would like to
see in 1956: a student enters the Ballroom,
crowded with delegates and onlookers, and is
immediately impressed by an air of excitement
and tension. Lincoln reporters and radiomen
are milling about because this is the biggest
event of the year on campus. Onlookers are
gaining an understanding of the United Nations
they have never had before as debates are
seriously and energetically carried on. Partici
pants are discussing among themselves the
proposals on the basis of knowledge of their
countries accumulated through nearly a year
of research. Faculty members and Lincolnites
are attending because the conference presents
the same challenge of a meeting among nations
as an actual UN meeting does.
This can be the case only if students realize
now that the conference requires the year
around effort of all those who expect to par
ticipate. A complete knowledge of historical
factors in 60 nations must be obtained by the
conference next year. It is not too early for
students to begin work now. With extensive
knowledge obtained well in advance through
research, the conference delegates would have
more time to devote to details giving the event
the finished touches evident in past conferences.
This calls for committee meetings, speakers
and discussions aimed directly towards the
1956 conference.
The faculty can and should lend its support
to the conference. A definite relationship exists
between political science and history courses
and the mock UN General Assembly. The en
couragement and co-operation of instructors
would add needed strength to the conference.
Students are continually being urged to par
ticipate in activities of one sort or another.
NUCWA is unique in its legitimate application
to the educational process. It deserves the year
around attention of a large part of the student
body. K. N.
The fa? Fro Years
A few blocks away In the State Capitol Build
ing a small group of men is pondering a problem
which means a great deal to every University
This legislative committee is conducting hear
ings on the proposed University budget for the
next two years. The University has requested
a state tax appropriation of $18,830,299. Whether
the budget is granted as requested depends
largely on the recommendation of these men.
The committee may recommend the whole
amount be passed by the Legislature next May,
or they may recommend only a part of the
amount. The University has requested an
increase of $3.8 million over the last biennium.
The increase is to provide for increased main
tenance costs, salary boosts and the expansion
of present facilities.
In the next 10 years, University enrollment
is expected to jump (p between 10,000 and ISjOOO.
Already enrollment has increased over 7 per
cent since last year at this time. The increased
number of students will mean more classrooms,
more housing, more teachers more everything.
Which, of course, also means more money.
The budget includes wage boosts on a merit
basis for staff members. The Administration,
in estimating the budget, considered the pay
raise necessary to attract and keep top-level
instructors here. Last year, staff turnover was
about 25 per cent.
The University has outlined a wide expansioa
program for the next few years. These develop
ments will not be possible, however, without the
adequate funds. One of the needed improve
ments, for instance, will make possible Love
Library service on Sunday afternoon. Frank
Lundy, director of University libraries, has said
this would be inadvisable unless the budget
request providing for this is granted.
The University, and the entire state as well,
watch the committee proceedings with interest.
The last few years, the Legislature has not
granted the full budget amount requested by
the University. The Nebraskan hopes this time
a precedent will be set and the entire budget
will be granted. M. H.
The Lenten Promise
Naked Souls May Discover
Spiritual Raiment In Reality
University Pastor, Presbyterian-Congregational
Written especially -for the lntrii veaxnn by panto and
Workers of the University student relttinns croups )
How like the king in Hans Christian Ander
sen's wonderful tale we are! We go along feeling
that We are splendidly clothed mentally and
spiritually in the raiment of practicability,
scientific reasoning, objectivity and common
sense. Then suddenly the probing eye of the
Lenten season reveals to us that our souls are
We cover our shame with scraps of negation
and self-denial. We give up cigarettes, or candy,
or desserts, or movies, hoping thereby to delude
our contemporaries, but knowing ourselves that
we are still unclothed.
Why not use this Lenten season to find attire
for the mind? Why not avail ourselves of the
opportunities offered by the various religious
groups on campus to find the richness of
spiritual raiment available at this season of the
church year? Why not start shopping now for
Easter clothes for the soul?
Why not put away our preoccupation with
things that we can feel, touch, see and jingle
In our pockets; put away our idle thoughts our
selfish desires and the continual gnawing of
Ther are two times when we feel uncom
fortably undressed; in our higher moments when
we meditate to see what man can be with the
help of God and in our lower moments when we
think of what we have been and are continuing
to be without His help
To walk for a while with Paul, Francis of
Assisi, Joan of Arc, John Wesley, Norman
Vincent Peale, Fulton Sheen is to cower in
nakedness and at the same time to stand forth
confidently in hope. To realize that each of
these great minds found shining raiment as
they put on the mind of Christ is to discover
the way our Lenten season directs us.
The command of hevt is simply "Get
dressed." Take a good look at the threadbare
condition of our Inner self and get dressed.
Paul, writing to his friend Timothy, expressed
it this way: "Set your heart on goodness, Christ
likeness, faith, love, patience and humility.
Fight the good fight of faith and keep your grip
on that life eternal to which you have been
To the people at Philippi, he expressed it this
way: "Now if your experience of Christ's en
couragement and love means anything to you,
if you have known something of the fellowship
of His spirit, and all that it means in kindness
and deep sympathy, do make my best hopes
for you come true. Live together in love as
though you had only one mind and one spirit
between you. Have that mind in you which was
in Christ Jesus."
If we are to have the mind that was in Christ
Jesus, this season is the time to start dressing
up our mind, stripped so bare by our pride of
intellect and cur preoccupation with things.
Lent is the time to get dressed.
Tho Nebraskan
Frrnr-EECGND teas . ,
timber: Associated Collegiate Pres. tnT " IM "m'"M"
Intercollegiate Press EDITORIAL STAFF
rprescBisSw National Advertising Service, 'VTEg
Incorporated ;imw! fcttttat Martmna Hnmrn
TV I' PBMMn r trtnetotrs f the it. jwns Mirnr '. '. '. time Mrmwrna
s-c- f hehriwha, nnrfe, tho snthortrstlnn of tho Cow Editors ,. Vre l4r, Hor HenVI.,
"..on MMitt Affairs as mi expre,tnn of stu- Sam Jewm, MarHm MHcbell
. i, . .n. Fut.ilrntloas nr tho Jurisdiction of tho MHor lo Wamknwer
. .wwiN on Protons PaMlrsttena shall be free from KM News Editor Marlh MWrkell
oriel rnorhlp on the pert of the Sithi-nmmltl'-e. Rernrlert . . . Mererly peeaa. .loaoos Jwo. Hers
rr on fbe port of f pereoa ontli!o tho t'r.ifv. rn, J-tmrhttli, lttcttrse Hwltrer, Julie Marr, Herb tOiara.
ri.en-h-r of The bnts fmn staff re personally res. J 're DevllbtM, Kernara Snlllvn, Kleenor IMfrr. IVrirr
.-r"t for what they say, or do, or ratno to In Yb. CorHo Kkrtmm. Vrmn BeMtnrft. Jrntr Host, Hon
Wartaskl. Milton HssrnafMes. Annex Sins, CTMntla
c .r-fia rntos ties M a semester, It.tU) valla) or Vnm, Hot tioenntt, Pat llmwn. Marlon Smth.,
i lor Ins ei'" rear, 4 meiled. Nml tnpy it. Pan. Jen Johnson, Kay I.nweon, Bner Walt,
t three timet a wee onrio, fh trhool year erreot BUSINESS STAFF'
n end eomS"titm oertoos. On ewtw It mrhHthed
t the l'niert of Wefcnmfca iier th Pnlnnt Menaaer .... 'net ntneet
of t'ommme on '.iai Pvh'tmtfufn. A sit Holiness Manaaefi .... Ben Belmont. Harhnra
J in --" e'am m't at rfc P utter hi tieors Maa'ssn, .n Hut
...!, v oni..ia. onaei ma ul Conxresa, Hare a, 187. Circalatloa Manaeer -f I Htatei
by Dick libit
"Ok-&, yon gnys! Let's quit clownm1 arotin with that shot putt!"
Campus Preview
'Bridges Of Toko Ri'
Is Honest, Intense
"The Bridges of Toko Ri" is, to
say the least, a very sobering and
thought-provoking film. Perhaps
the most basic of the reasons why
I think it is a good film is the
honesty, the brutal honesty, with
which it is presented. It is not
overtly spectacular; although jets
are inherently thrilling, no attempt
is made to "glamorize" either the
war or the men fighting in it. I
never realized, and I doubt if too
many people on the campus have,
the silence and aloneness of war.
Here, with an austere, quiet un
derstatement of plot, character and
action, Is presented the enormous
loneliness of men surrounded by
the sea, the hollow sky and the
ubiquitous tension of impending
I cannot honestly say I enjoyed
this movie, for I doubt if anyone
could really enjoy watching 90
minutes of relentless, increasing
mental anxiety. I will say, em
phatically, that I am very glad I
saw it. As for the acting, the set
ting and the directing, I can find
little to criticize. There was a
unity about the filming which was,
in a word, Understatement.
The real crux of the situation,
for me, lies in the unspoken and
inexpressible war within the man
himself against the fear of dying.
Much more is said by implication
than by stirring dialogue or dra
matic action.
The intensity of the picture starts
on a high pitch and gets even
more intense as the story prog
resses. It is not the intensity of
excitement, but the intensity of
facing the inevitable, of living with
it night and day through each slow
minute, and retaining your sanity.
The Bridges of Toke RI" has
the atmosphere of a documentary
more than that of motion picture
entertainment. This Is not bad. On
the contrary, I can conceive of
other suitable representation for
this kind of story. It is tiot de
pressing, at least not In the sense
of a reaction to pathos, nor is it
obviously tragic; it Is simply a di
rect and compelling presentation
of man facing his own serf-created
hell mechanized war.
You will respect the people In
this film, for without exception
they manifest a characteristic that
is all too often not apparent in
human beings except under pres
sure, the quality of quiet and un
assuming courage, You will admire
them for accepting their fate, and
I think you will be secretly glad
that you are not in their shoes
I was.
'The Self-Governed'
NU Housing Policy
Oversteps Authority
It has seemed, at least during
the past year, that the Unofficial
hope of University officials is that
in the not-too-distant future when
sufficient housing is provided all
students may be required to live
in either University-sponsored
housing, private co-operatives or
fraternities and sororities.
They have not announced this
Tiope publicly. Some officials might
be Inclined even to deny It. But
it has grown Increasingly apparent
with emphasis on University-sponsored
housing for students. It has
been openly Indicated 1n some dis
cussions with representatives f
organized houses.
These University officials seem
to feel it their duty not only to as
sure that sufficient housing is
provided on campus for all stu
dents who desire it, but to assure
that all students live in housing
under University control.
Evidence of this attitude lies In
the fact that a large number of
apartment owners in Lincoln, in
order to maintain University sanc
tion, prohibit consumption of al
coholic beverages in their apart
ments. Probably in most cases,
the prohibition is largely superfi
cial and not enforced. Yet it rep
sents the Univerrity's position.
And the University apparently will
not be wholly content until it can
virtually forbid apartment dwell
ing by students.
In the instance of non-veteran
undergraduates, the University
perhaps has at least a small point
in favor of such a policy. Its of
ficials consider it the University's
responsibility to ensure that stu
dents do not violate state laws.
Whether this actually is the Uni
versity's responsibility can be ar
gued. But In the cases of veterans and
most upperclassmen at least
seniors any attempt by the Uni
versity to control tbeir residence,
Is, I think, abominable. Vlrtaully
all of the persons in these two
groups are of legal age. They pmj
sess all rights and privileges and
are subject to MI responsibilities
provided every U.S. citizen. The
University should not by any
means attempt to Testrlct their
actions unless they voluntarily sub
mit to such restrictions e.g., by
living In organized houses or
property rightfully under Univer
sity Jurisdiction.
There are many legends some
true, more false about life in the
so-called 'dens of iniquity," or
apartments rented by University
students. But notwithstanding their
validity, these legends provide no
excuse for efforts by the Univer
sity for forbid most student resi
dence in apartments.
Particularly in the case of an
upperclassman, residence in an
apartment can become an integral
part of bis college education. It
can prepare him, before be steps
out into the rigorously individual
istic life of the average citizen,
for the usually minor difficulties
which may lie ahead, but which
without preparation can btcome
major. While maintaining his col
lege contacts and friendships, he
may be preparing himself for
and beginning the adjustment to
a new and entirely different social
I would predict that any Univer
sity regulations established with
the intention to control the resi
dence of all students will be
flaunted. Efforts to enforce the
regulations would lead probably to
riots (shades of parking and
panties) and definitely to a drop
in the student population.
I cheer I wish a wasleader, Jn
stands the all of front.
I cheer I wish a wasleader, to
hands my wave and grunt.
But cheerleader be I never will,
for neasons rot unknown.
I illable get the wrong aylaways
upmixed in my T-wme.
A modest girl never pursues a
man, nor does a mousetrap pursue
a mouse.
The world is full of willing peo
plesome willing to work; some
willing to let them.
Want Ads
Jest Jcstin'
Gone Is The Charm
Of Careless Youth
Modern life is becoming too pro- presslon of ferocity on our faces.
Bale. Let us hearken back to the Once outside, we sheathed our cut
j , . . . t - ct ru lasses and continued on our way
days celebrated by F. Scott Fit- UugMng mmy and pagglt
gerald, when disenchanted youth w(ne Bkm
was burning the candle at both K was nearly midnlght when
ends and mothers had no idea we ntiche Alec's place in the
how often their daughters were country He met Us at the door
accustomed to being kissed. Here Bnd lntroduced us to his mother
is an engaging tale told to me by mA glstergi His mother turned her
one who was a young man then feack and we )5lssed his sisters,
and who is now a well known Then Alec k5ssed mf Btsters, who
trustee in one of our larger pris- had lnSisted on following us, gay
ms- little minxes that they were.
"On a fine spring day, four of we sent the girls scurrying off
us began a trek into the country t0 the haystack, and settled down
to visit our friend Alec. There t0 talk, Each of us recounted his
was Kerry, of the laughing eyes; latest disillusionment, while the
Burne, of the serious mien; Dick, others interrupted with such witty
of the trim, athletic form, and comments as 'Oh, you Baudelaire,
myself, Amory, of the bitter wit. yoU( anj qo tell it to the foreign
Feeling that the sight of four such legion.' Then came Alec'a time to
graceful youths would gladden the speak, and his words prompted
hearts of those who might see us, such a fine and graceful gesture
and being penniless, we had de- on our part that I shall never for
cided to walk. We strolled four get it.
abreast down the sidewalk, singing "'He said, 'Gentlemen, I dont
a bawdy song and knocking other know how yon will receive this, but
pedestrians into the gutter, from nothing has happened recently to
where they smiled up at us wist- disillusion me. In fact, I really
fully, captured by the charm of believe that the world Is a Jolly
our careless youth. good place In which to live.'
-Growing hungry, we entered a "Wdid him nuwith" ""P1
fashionable restaurant and ordered souP tureen flnd un his
a huge meal. When we finished, beside the little brook that ran
Kerry called for the check, and beneath his mother's window,
tearing it Into four parts, handed that time w Tr 100
It back to the lang able little talk further, and went off to
waiter. The proprietor, captured Jo the girls, confident that if the
by the charm or our careless youth, Police ever came to question us,
shook Ms head and smiled wist- they would only smile at us wist-
fully. We backed ut of the room fully, captured by the charm of our
In single file, maintaining an ex- careless youth."
Hands Across The Campus
Estonia Parallels
Western Culture
Amor's f .Wr, ,. cepts of America and my home
series of arlWes SrrHfen W Valverrtty fXr- .
hm so:wi cmeirtt " country. One thing which was the
lamb an a" iff ream IWte Slats..)
. , . , most impressive at the first mo
Estonia is a borde country be-
tween the East and the West, but fa f
its culture belongs predominantly
to the West.
The Estonians lost their inde
pendence in 1217 and until 1918
the country has been under the
rule of the Swedes, Danes, Ger
mans and Russians. The country's
location being on the northern
trade route between the East and
not know how many Americana
realize that they, with their stand
ard of living, are at least a half
century ahead of my home country
and of most of the European coun
tries. It seems to me that the principle
of equably between men and
the West, the Swedes, Danes and
,A forced than in my home country.
Germans have always tried to
make Estonia an important mili
To explain it, I would point cut
that American women do not en-
tary and trade outpost, at the
' t. ., Joy a preferred treatment in such
same time coiiuiuuhus vuuoiuci-
ably to the culture of the country. asure home
The Russians have been mostly country. The men do not feel
interested in plundering of the obliged to give up their seats in
country, so that there is not much the bus or on the train to women,
left in Estonia to be called '"Rus- because the "vomen do not pay
sian" in culture. more than the men do. On the
la the time between World War I other nand, men are expected to
and World War IT, the Estonians do t1 &she X they bave not been
enjoyed freedom agaia, as aa In- ble IuiP th household with an
dependent and democratic nation, automatic dishwasher.
Despite the fact that Estonia was It seems to me that the women
tinder foreign rule for more than m America aave taken ever many
700 years, the Estonians never lost f the Jobs which previously had
the feeling of being a nation. Dur- been considered as taba" for
ing the period of independence, women. On the ether band, women
the culture of Estonia begaa to try to shift to the mea many re-
flourish agala and so much was sponsibillties "Which until recently
accomplished that on the eve of were considered women's duties.
World War IT, Estonia was recog- The mass of Americans do noC
nized as one of the progressive care as much for good literature,
countries in Europe. fiiie arts and music as the general
When Estonia was reoccupied by population did In our country.
Russia again at the end of World From my own standpoint, I
War n, many Estonians made the vould say that it is not too bard
choice of living in exile rather to live in this new world. I have
than to live under communist tyr- teen catching myself at times
anny. I was one among the few of listening to jazz-music and read-
those people who had luck enough ing the "educational1 side of the
to manage the get-away. newspaper. On the bus I do not
There are no big differences be- give up my seat under most cir
tween the social and cultural con- cumstances.
W r w
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