THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday February 23, 1955 'Glad To Be Here' Jacks on 2) By SAM JENSEN Copy Editor Colin Jackson, visiting profes sor of political science, is sincere when he addresses an audience and says, "Im glad to be here." The Britisher spent last sum mer in North Africa where lie was in a town In which 1,000 persons were killed by an earthquake two days after he departed. Jackson left his hotel room in another African community and the ad joining room to his was demol ished by a hand grenade an hour after he handed his room key to the desk clerk. Jackson, a free lance reporter for the British Broadcasting Com pany, is teaching international re lations at the University. He is filling the place of Norman Hill, professor of political science, who is on a semester's leave of absence to teach ut Washington Univer sity. Recently In Paris Recently returned from Libya and North Atlantic Treaty Organ ization headquarters in Paris, Jackson hopes to travel to the Far East after his term at the Uni versity expires. He plans to visit Japan, Indo-China and India. Jackson has had personal con ferences with many world leaders including Prime Minister Nehru of India and Chiang Kai-shek of Na tionalist China. "Nehru appears to be a very worn out man whose days are numbered," Jackson said. "He is not anti-American and he is very much anti-Communist in his own country." Jackson stated that Nehru will probably become more anti-Russian now that Malenkov has lost power in the U.S.S.R. Malenkov was a cultured, moderate man who favored co-existence while Kruschev is a "crude, vulgar coal miner," who hates intellectuals. Nehru planned to visit Russia in the future, Jackson said, but it is doubtful that the trip will take place, now that this change in gov ernment has taken place. Jackson described Chiang as be ing an "unrealistic, bitterly disap pointed man." He lives simply m his mountain home and believes that a Nationalist invasion of China would be welcomed by the people of the mainland. Chiang also believes his forces could have successfully attacked the mainland long ago if it were not for the lack of transports, Jackson said. Formosa's local self government is quite good, Jackson said, and there is a literacy rate of 80 -per cent on the island which exceeds most other Asiatic countries. Chiang's son runs the Ministry of Enlightenment which is actually a secret police system, Jackson stated. The army's average acre is ap proaching 30 and most of its equip ment is old. but they are well fed and clothed, Jackson said. The English reporter visited Formosa in 1953 at the invitation of the Nationalist government and had tea with Chiang. Like 'Containment A war in the Formosan area would probably bring assistance from Britain, Jackson said, al though the United Kingdom is 'Mademmoiselle' Shorthand, Typing Useful In Career By CYNTHIA HENDERSON Staff Writer The gates to writing careers are often opened by an adequate knowledge of shorthand and typ ing. Miss Polly Weaver, colle&a and career director of Mademoi selle Magazine, said. In a Nebraskan interview Tues day, Miss Weaver said that most young women break into magazine editorial jobs by first being a sec retary and then working up to a writing position as they show rich ideas and talented writing skilL A native of Falls City, Neb., Miss Weaver is a graduate of Smith College and former general editorial assistant and associate editor of Harper's Bazaar. Miss Weaver, Mrs. Arthur J. Crone in private life, is visiting the University and other cam puses to interview College Board Members of Mademoiselle and other women interested in jobs in New York City. She will inter view approximately 30 women here. She is also determining the 'special flavor" of each campus, the way in which one campus dif fers from another, the strong de partments in each University, the advantages of the schools, and the main interests and thoughts of stu dents. Asked how Nebraska compares with other Universities, Miss Wea ver said that although she had been here only one day, she be lieved ihat must Cfiiversity wom en she interviewed were quite ma ture and had sensible end practi cal ideas about careers. She said they seem very alert and gave an especially neat and attractive appearance. Fashion-wise, Miss Weaver said, women at Nebraska dress with great smartness and style in comparison with several other campuses. Other stops in Miss Weaver's tour of colleges will include the University of Missouri, University of Arkansas, Stephens College, Rice University and the University of Houston. College Board members are Bar bara Sharp, Berne Rosenquist and Cynthia Henderson. Board mem bers send three assignments to Mademoiselle for judging. In the spring, 20 guest editors are chosen from the Board Members for a month in New York editing Mademoiselle. "not keen on a two-nation fight over Quemoy." "We don't want to leave Amer ica to go it alone, however," Jack son said. The British people like the word "containment," but they do not like the phrase "massive retaliation," he said concerning British attitude toward United States foreign policy. Jackson said that Sir Winston Churchill will probably come over to America for another "chat" with the nation's leaders. Asked about Britain's recent an nouncement of manufacture of hy drogen bombs, Jackson said that this move was not a lack of con fidence in the United States but the adoption of a policy of not keeping "all our eggs in one basket." "In international politics today." Jackson said, "you can talk softly if you carry a big stick." Jackson pointed out Britain's progress as evidenced by the end of rationing after IS years. "Things are going well in Britain," he said. An election is expected in the fall and Churchill will probably lead the Conservative party again, Jackson added. The 360 million people of India are in the most danger of suc cumbing to Communism, Jackson stated. He said that if India turned Communist, the whole of Asia might be lost to the Communist powers with the possible exception of the Southwestern area. Jackson said he believed the money spent on the defense of For-; mosa could have been more gain fully employed in aid to India's agriculture program. The work of former Ambassador to India Chester Bowles was praised by Jackson. Bowles was a great influence on Nehru. There is no reason why the United States and India cannot get along, he said. Jackson attended Oxford Univer sity. This visit is his fourth to the United States and he has vis ited 46 states. -On The Social Side Marilyn Heck. Chosen Pledge SX Sweetheart By ALICE TODD Society Editor Happy Birthday to the Phi Kappa Psis who celebrated their 103rd an niversary Tuesday. Phi Psi pledg es and actives were up before dawn taking care of last minute preparations for their open house from 3 to 6 p.m. Enthusiastic workers wakened their neighbors, the Kappa Alpha Thetas, at the early hour of 6 a.m. by hammering the last nails into the giant birthday cake that deco rated the front of the house. "We had a busy day," com mented Mike Shugrue, Phi Psi from Lincoln. "We are happy that the University received us so well." Marilyn Heck reigned as Sigma Chi Pledge Sweetheart at a party given by the Sigma. Chi pledges Saturday night. Marilyn, freshman from California, Mo., was escorted to the party by Bob Langhauser. Other couples attending the dance were Marilyn Anderson and Kieth Crowley, Ruth Warner and Bob Hodges, Barbara Ayers and Jim Hubfer and Karen Dryden and Dick Lutte. Some couples donning night shirts and night caps to attend the Delta Tau Delta Hangover party were Phil Dosek and Dick Bennett, Sue Hungate and Don Erway, Dinny Weiss and Brien Hendrickson and Luanne Raun and Dick Farner. Seen at the Gamma Phi Beta formal dance were Nancy Kiely and Phil Shade, Ginny Hudson and Al Overcash, Nancy Dedrick and Reading Agronomy Club Agronomy Coub will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 306, Agron omy Building. O. W. Green of the Soil Conser vation Service will speak on the topic, "Job Opportunities in Sou Conservation Work," Rolla Swan son, club president, said. Pi Lambda Theta Pi Lamb a Theta, Teachers' Hon orary, is giving a tea for its na tional vice-president. Dr. Helen Sor enson, in Ellen Smith Hall Wednes sy from 4 until S p.m. A meet ing will be held following the tea from 5 until 6 p.m. Red Cross Installation of new Red Cross toard members will be fceld Thurs day in Union Room 316 at 5 p.ra Anatomy Dr. Bloom To Speak Wednesday Dr. William Bloom, professor of anatomy at the University of Chi cago, who is internationally known for his work irradiating particles of dividing cells, will lecture at 11 a.m. Wednesday in the Ag Plant Industry Building. Bloom's lecture is the first of a series of five on the topic of cellu lar research. A grant from the Cooper Foun dation through the University Foundation made it possible for the University to sponsor the lec tures, said Dr. Donald Pace, director of the Institute for Cellu lar Research and the University's physiology department. Lecturers who will appear at later dates are: Dr. Glen Algire, senior surgeon of the National Cancer Institute; Dr. Charles Pomerat, professor of cytology and director of the Tissue Culture Lab oratory, University of Texas. Dr. Georges Gey, director of the division of cellular pathology of the department of surgery, Johns Hopkins, and Dr. Wilton Earle, cytologist and head of the tissue culture division of the Na tional Cancer Institute. Jr. Division To Utilize Innovations Three new mechanical devices will be tried in connection with the Reading Improvement pro gram this semester, announced Lyle Edmison, guidance consult ant at Junior Division. The Ophthalm-O-Graph, an eye movement camera, traces the eye movement as the individual reads. By analyzing the developed film, fisations and regressions can be read. Fixation is the lenghth ofti me the eyes pause on one word and regressions record the re-reading of a line, explained Edmison. By the use of the Telebinocular, vision efficiency at reading can be obtained. This machine is being used through the co-operation of the department of elementary edu cation. In co-operation with the depart ment of audio visual instruction, experimental evidence will be ob films. These are controlled reading speed films and range from 270 words per minute to a rate of 447 words pr minute. Phalanx Picks New Officers; Initiates Six Phalanx, national military fra ternity, initiated six members re cently. New members are George An dreasen, Dana Eurich, Ray Gei ger, Jerry Humphrey, Barry Lar son and Dick Meddam. Officers for the spring semester are: Commander, Don Keerans; Lt. Commander, Bill Neef; Fi nance Officer, Barry Larson, and PIO Officer, Al Anderson. A talk on explosives and their application to military use was given by Col. C. J. Frankforter, associate professor of chemistry. Next meeting of Phalanx will be March 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Mil itary and Naval Science Building. Junior Women Ceres Club Scholarship Available To Ag Coeds Study Offer Slides To Be Shown At Ag Economics Club The regular meeting of the Ag Economics Club will be Thursday at 7 p.m. in Room 116 Dairy In dustry Building. Dick Johnson, club president, an nounced that the program will con sist of slides shown by Bruce Maunder. Job opportunities for Ag economics majors will be dis cussed. Israel Trip Scholarship Available For the second consecutive year, the Israel Workshop Alumni or ganization of New York University is offering a tuition scholarship for summer study and travel in Israel. The winner will travel this sum mer with the seventh N.Y.U. Work' shop for American teachers, stu dents and social workers. The workshop is designed to provide first-hand study of Israel's langu age, literature, educational system and governmental and cultural in stitutions. The award is made on the basis of scholastic achievement, charac ter, financial need and desire to promote American-Israeli friend ship and understanding. Money for the scholarship is contributed by members of the organization, for mer participants in the Israel Workshop. , Applications must be made be fore May 2. They should be ad dressed to Jack Mandel, chair man of the Workshop scholarship committee, at the Israel Workshop, 2 Washington Square, North New York 3, N.Y. Dennie Smith, Sherrie Finnerty and Ken Reiners and Dotty Novotny and Rex Fischer. Engagements Cupid visited the editorial office of The Nebraskan over the week end, delivering two engagement rings. Jan Harrison, Nebraskan editor, announced her engagement to Tom Beal, Delta Tau Delta alum from Omaha. Jan is a senior in Arts and Sciences and a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Tom is stationed at the Lincoln Air Force Base. Gamma Phi Beta Kay Nosky, as sociate editor, announced her en gagement to Gary Fusselman, Kappa Sigma alum who is sta tioned with the Army at Ft. Bliss, Tex. Kay is a junior in Arts and Sciences. Howard Vann, Zeta Beta Tau senior from Omaha, announced that ho was engaged to Judy Milder, Alpha Epsilon Phi at UCLA, also from Omaha. A junior in Teachers College, Al pha Omicron Pi Ruth Kleinert re veals her engagement to Jack Da vis, Sigma Alpha Epsilon from Omana. Alpha Omicron Pi Marcia Beb hardt, sophomore in Ag, announced that she was engaged to Chuck Kuncl, Tau Kappa Epsilon senior. Residents of Terrace Hall had an exciting weekend with the announce ment of three' engagements. Vivian Boland, junior in Ag, to Kenneth Rose, freshman in Ag. June Woener, senior from West Point, to Dale Gibson, graduate at Iowa State College. Enid Levey, junior, to Lawrie Pollack, senior from Omaha. Pinnings Excitement mounted at the Pi Beta Phi house as a lighted candle was passed around and finally blown out by Betty Kruger, junior from Schuyler, to announce her pinning to Bob Pfann, Phi Kappa Psi junior from Lincoln. Pi Phi Jeanne Greving, Arts and Sciences junior from Central City, revealed her pinning to J. C. Hauserman, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Dent Student also from Central Jo Knapp, Chi Omega senior from Lincoln, announced her pinning to Norm Rasmussen, Sigma Alpha Epsilon senior. At a candy passng at the Delta Delta Delta house Virginia Bauer, Teachers College junior, revealed her pinning to Jim Nors worthy, Phi Delta Theta senior from Gothenburg. Kaye Don Wiggins, Alpha Gam ma Sigma junior, and Gail Tenney, sophomore from Herman an nounced their pinning. Terrace Hall junior, Gloria Har ris, announced her pinning to Dick Swanson, Delta Sigma Pi, sopho more in Business Administration. Social Calendar Friday Delta Upsilon Orchid Formal. Phi Gamma Delta Formal Date Pig Dinner. Saturday Adelphi Sweetheart Ball. Sigma Alpha Mu House Party. Alpha Gamma Rho Mardi Gras Party. . Alpha Gamma Sigma House Party. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Formal. Theta Xi House Party. BABW and Selleck Quadrangle Informal Dance. Palladian Society Program. AIRLINE HOSTESSES TRANS WOULD AIRLINES If you are i nterested in this career and will be twenty-one by next June and are 5'2" to 5'8" and able to pass a ricrid physical examination, write for an application form. Address: TWA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 10 Richards Road Kansas City, Missouri. Cz'.:.Z c.i a trip? I 1. U u Keed a place to sleep' ..... $ i " s V :; "-: Usejj.TSTra UNION Hotel Reservation Service! Next, time you have to trvel let Western Union find you a place to sleep. It's so easy. A call to Western Union's Hotel Reservation Service. Then the facts: where you're bound, how 'ong and how much you want to pay. That's all. Western Union makes and confirms your reservation immediately. Get the full story on this handy service. Just call your Western Union office. WESTERN 121 South 10th St. Lincoln, Nebraska TeL 2-6894 Ceres Club of the College of Ag riculture is offering a $50 scholar ship for meritorius effort in school life as well as scholastic attain ments. Any woman registered in Ag College who will have sufficient hours to graduate in June 1956 or at the end of summer school may apply. Conditions of the award are that she must have earned at least one third of her credit hours in home economics at the University, have a scholastic average of not less than 5.5 and be wholly or partially self-supporting. Candidates may secure applica tion blanks at the office of Miss Margaret Cannell. Blanks should be mailed to Mrs. Robert Staples, 421 So. 38th St., before March 7. Inside World AIE Meeting Marvin Robinson, chief designer of the proposed Lincoln City au ditorium, will speak at the Amer ican Institute of Architects' meet ing Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in Room 217 Ferguson Hall. The American Institute of Elec trical Engirieers will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, xecnnicai pap ers by various students will be pre sented and a short film will be shown. The American Society of Mechan ical Engineers will also meet at 7:30 p.m. Before making application, candi dates are requested to give the Registrar's Office permission to send grades to the above address. It is also necessary to send two letters from references testifying as to need and character. Applicants will meet with the committee for personal interviews in the Home Economics parlours between 2 and 4 p.m. March 11. 3 N0W- ...Out of tl pg of tin toot mixing ttory eTr written com of theta all! -i war - Ik 'J JJ n ML I CHILDREN 35C I f ADULTS 65c 1 to 2 p.m. 75c I to 6 pan. 90c 6 to close 1 linn CIGARETTES ODERN SIZE FILTER TIP TAREYTON Gives You The True Tobacco Taste You've Been Missing! moDUCT OF PtiRW(eftvaa i m rTsi Mil - - T4 Ma TTEMTION SENIORS Does a Sales Career with the Larqetl Rubber Company Interest You? GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. has several open Sales training positions for men receiving diplomas in June who wish to learn the tire and accessory business. Permanent positions with good starting salary. Unlimited op portunity for advancement due to policy of promoting from within the company. Free Pension, Life Insurance and Hospitalization Insurance, Programs. Liberal Retirement Income plan also available. A sound training program at full salary is given on the job while working under competent supervision. Mr. R. B. Hoehn is scheduled to be at th University of Nebraska, Wednesday, March 2, for a group meeting at 5:00 P.M. in Room 208 of the Social Science Building. Thursday, March 3, interviews will be held starting in the morning, with graduating seniors. The interviews can be scheduled in advance in the Placement Office.