The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 18, 1955, Page 4, Image 4

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    Cosmo Club Delegate
'The Studtnt Council, within the
limits of as Constitution, is function
ing extremely well," said Gunnar
Green, an exchange student from
Oslo, Norway.
Green, a representative of the
Cosmopolitan Club on the Student
Council, thinks that a student coun
cil is very valuable for students in
order to acquaint them with parlia'
mentary procedure.
"Modern society is highly organ
ized and, therefore, people need to
know how to run their many or
ganizations according to demo
cratic principles," Gunnar said.
He told that at the University of
Oslo there are very few university
sponsored organizations, so there is
no need for any controlling body
like our Student Council. At the
University of Oslo, each department
has a student committee which dis
cusses problems regarding their
curriculum. Every department has
their representative in the All-University
Council where representa
tives meet with the administration
and voice their opinions.
"I am for the secret ballot in so
far as it prevents undue pressure
being put on representatives," said
Green. He believes that the rep
resentatives on the Student Council
should act to the best advantage,
first, to the student body as a whole
and secondly, to the organizations
which they represent.
Since coming to the University
from Oslo, Norway, in September,
1954, he has observed many differ
ences between our University and
Oslo's. First, campus organized
activities do not exist in the same
sense in Norway as they do here.
la Norway, they have social organi
nations such as their University
organized sports clubs. These Uni
versity sports clubs are exactly on
the same level as private sports
clubs. Anyone who is enrolled in
the university can belong to the
Career Head
To Visit RfU
A representative of Mademoi
selle magazine, Miss Polly Weaver,
will visit the University Tuesday
and Wednesday to interview any
woman students interested in
working for Mademoiselle or go
ing to New York to look for mag
azine jobs.
Approximately 500 students from
over the country are selected to
be members of the College Board
from applicants who write a criti
cism of a specific issue of the
magazine. These board members
are then given three assignments
and for the 12 students who do the
best job are brought to New York
to work for one month on the
August college issue of Mademoi
selle. Students interested in talking
with Miss Weaver should contact
the Office of the Dean of Women,
Ellen Smith Hall, to arrange for
an interview.
Universal Day Of Prayer
Students To Speak
At Cotner Chapel
Student-planned and conducted
services on Ag and city campuses
will be included as part of the an
nual University Day of Prayer
Universal Day of Prayer for
students Is sponsored by the
World Student Christian Federa
tion which hag members in more
than 40 countries and sponsors in
ternational conferences and proj
ect. On this campus the annual
event is being promoted by spe
cial sub-committees of the city
campus and Ag Religious Coun
cils. Three students will share in pre
senting the message at the city
campus service at 7 p.m. in Cot
ner Chapel. Forrest Stith, Metho
dist Student House, will speak on
"Prayer as a Communication with
God"; Joyce Laase, past presi
dent of YWCA, will speak on "The
Significance of Prayer for the
Christian Student," and Paul Jer
sild, Lutheran Student House,
"What Should One Pray For."
Taking part in the service will
be representatives from YWCA,
"Z3r n i
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" i l J
sports clubs.
There is a special "Rowing and
Sculling Club" in Oslo which is,
perhaps, the best rowing club in the
country. The boys and girls belong
to separate sports clubs, but they
work in close co-operation with one
another. Green stated that there are
no fraternities or sororities at Oslo
"Living at Acacia as a guest has
helped me understand the cam
pus better," remarked Gunnar.
"My main objection is, however,
the lack of privacy is not so bad,
but the housing problem is terri
ble! There is a large building proj
ect that is going on at the present
time, which provides more hous
ing for students all of the time."
The housing project is called
"The Students' Town." In the
apartment buildings, each apart
ment consists of five separate
rooms. There is a separate
roo mfor each student, and then
the students share the kitchen,
repair shops, big living room with
fireplace, and game room. In
the summer, the apartments are
closed to students and opened to
tourists as hotel rooms. Some stu
dents work there during their sum
mer vacations as maids and bell
University Dairy
Importance Of
Ag Editor
"Outstanding Bovine Award."
Illogical? Unreasonable? Not un
less you consider the cow to be
Not many students recognize the
importance of, the Bovine (cow to
the uninitiated) to the University.
Each day milk from the University
dairy herd is served in the Union
and in Selleck Quadrangle.
Other outlets for that white fluid
termed as milk are the Ag College
Cafeteria, Love Hall, Raymond
Hall, Terrace Hall and Interna
tional House.
This milk which comes in a pa
per carton or in a glass goes
through a series of processes be
ginning in the milking parlor at
the University dairy barn. The
cows are brought in and their
udders thoroughly washed. The
milk is collected in glass contain
ers which go through pipes to a
500 gallon stainless steel tank
where it is cooled.
The next morning the milk is
transferred to another tank
mounted on a trailer and brought
to the creamery. It is then pumped
through stainless steel pipelines
into 100 gallon containers. , The
milk enters the pasteurization vats
where it is submitted to a tem-
mature of 143 degrees Farenheit
for twenty minutes.
The purpose of the heat treat-.
Methodist Student House, Luther
an Student House, Congregational
Presbyterian Student House, Epis
copal Chapel, Cotner House and
Evangelical United Brethren.
Student services on Ag campus
will be held at the First Evangel
ical United Brethren Church, 1333
North 33rd St., at 6 p.m.
Prior to services, a 5 p.m. din
ner will be held at the church.
Robert Conzer, former missionary
in Bolivia who is now attending
the University, will be the student
I ram Mat ftrmrjM
ilka ftsa OS m mm
To show that an acute housing
problem does exist, first semester
students usually live in tents until
they find a place to, stay. Some
times they live in these crude dwel
lings as long as a month.
In "The Students' Town," the stu
dents do not have a house mother.
"They do exactly what they want,
within limits," said Green, "and
everything seems to go very
smoothly." He also pointed out tha
the University of Oslo does not con
trol the students' spare time; may
be because they are older when
they start college, on the average,
than they are here, and act more
Green remarked that gaining a
university education there is more
important than here; it is not as
common and it means a great deal
to every student to be able to furth
er his education. The students get
general education in high school,
and then in college, they concen
trate in one special field.
All classes are lectures and most
of them do not have compulsory
atttndance. The medical and dent
al students, however, do have com
pulsory attendance. Green said,
"The students go to college to learn
and are not pushed in to an edu
cation by their parents."
ment, according to Dr. L. K.
Crowe, professor of dairy hus
bandry, is to insure that the pro
duct will be safe for human con
sumption from a health stand
point. Following pasteurization the
milk is pumped through a small
cone of steel wire at a pressure of
2,000 pounds per square inch. This
is termed homogenization. Crowe
said that this process results in re
duction in the size of small glob
ules of fat.
The milk then goes through pipes
to the bottling machine. This ma
chine takes a flat piece of card
board, already printed, forms it
into the shape of a milk carton,
dips it into a chemical solution
and drops it in a refrigerated cab
inet for cooling.
The machine, finally fills the
llilXJ o) Jl vuAILAj is really going to town!
IV' m t ::rr:;r;::;:;: r,;1 l.;;:;mmmmm&
V-'A , ; Ywy, ' rrs'..
No wonder so many college men and women are getting to
gether on Winston! It's the filter cigarette with real flavor
full, rich, tobacco flavor! And Winston also brings you a finer
filter. It works so effectively, yet doesn't "thin" the taste.
Winstons are easy -drawing, too there's no effort to puff!
God Has
On The
Church Editor
(Missouri Synod) 15th and Q
Sunday, .10:45 a.m. Holy Com
munion and worship with the ser
mon topic, "Our Preparation ior
lent." Gamma Delta will have
discussion on "Witnessing for
Christ" after 5:30 p.m. supper.
Tuesday, 7 p.m. Christian doc
trine group.
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Lenten medi
tation. 7:30 p.m. Choir.
NU Film Society
Tickets On Sale
Membership tickets for eight
movies sponsored by the 1955 Film
Society are now available in the
Prices are $2.50 for students, $3
for faculty and $3.60 for local pa
trons. Tickets will not be available
for single shows.
The movies to be shown at the
Capital Theater, Wednesday eve
nings at 7:30 p.m. are: Wednesday,
"The Strange Ones;" March 2,
"Kind Hearts and Coronets;"
March 16, "Eroica;" March 30,
"The Louisiant Story;" April 13,
"Leonardo de Vinci," and "The
Fifty First Dragon;" April 27,
"Symphome Pastoral, and May 4,
"Hello Elephpnt."
Busy Bovines
By Students
container with milk, closes the
top and places a staple through the
closing. It operates at the rate
of 20 cartons per minute.
Crowe said that every precau
tionary method is taken to protect
the milk during the process. He
added that all equipment is rinsed,
then brushed and rinsed again, and
finally sterilized with a chlorine
According to Crowe, the two
fold purpose of the University
dairy is for research and to pro
vide instruction to both students
and faculty.
Other products marketed either
through the sales room or to the
various houses on the campus are
cream, skimmilk, chocolate drink,
buttermilk, orange drink, ice
cream, Cheddar cheese, spreading
cheese and cottage cheese.
tastes good liko a cigarette should!
A Place
Sunday, 5 pm. Supper followed
by the Student World Day of Pray
er Service at Cotner. '
Tuesday, 7 p.m. Kappa Phi de
gree of pine.
Wednesday, 7:15 p.m. Lenten
service with Pastor H. Irvin of
the Second Baptist Church giving
the sermon. A pre-service break
fast will be served each morning
at 6:30 a.m.
333 No. 14th St.
Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Meeting for
worship and 10:30 a.m. discussion
535 No. 16 St.
. Sunday, 10 a.m. Bible Hour. 11
a.m. worship. 5:30 p.m. LSA.
Tuesday, 7:15 p.m. Christianity
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Ash Wednes
day Communion service. 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. For
um will be held with Dr. Charles
Patterson, professor of philosophy,
speaking on "The Old Testament:
Monday, 7 a.m. Bible study.
TuesJay, 5 p.m. Cabinet meeting.
7 p.m. Sigma Eta Chi.
Wednesday, 7:15 to 7:50 a.m.
Lenten Devotions with Rev. Arthur
Taylor speaking. Lenten Devotions
will be held Monday through Fri
day at the Cotner Chapel from
12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. during Lent.
Vespers will be held from 7 to 7:30
p.m. with a discussion following.
Cardinal Newman Day will be
celebrated Feb. 27 at an annual
breakfast at the Cornhusker Hotel
at 10 a.m. Guests for the occasion
will be Chancellor Clifford M.
Hardin and the Most Rev. Louis
B. Kucera, Bishop of Lincoln.
Speaker for the breakfast will be
Rev. William Kelley, S. J., Dean
of the College of Arts and Sciences
at Creighton University, Omaha.
Newman Club members are now
selling tickets.
Religion courses are conducted
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day at 7 p.m. and Tuesday and
Thursday at 11 a.m. by Father
R. F. Sheehy.. Msgr. G. J. Schus
ter will teach the course at 7 p.m.
at the Ag College Activities Build
ing, Room 3.
Sunday, 5:30 p.m. Newman Club
Saturday, 1:30 p.m. Choir prac
tice. COAST -
Ideas, Techniques
Knoll, English Professor,
Compiles Afeiv Anthology
Staff Writer
A fresh approach to the presen
tation of literature has been cre
ated by Robert E. Knoll, assistant
professor of English, in his edited
anthology "Contrasts; Idea and
Knoll selected two short stories
by past Nebraska graduates to be
included in the anthology. Miss
Bernice Slote, assistant professor
of English and published poet, is
the author , of a poem which also
Dick Miller, a graduate of the
class of '53, and now a translator
in Paris with the Army, is the
author of "The Image." "The Im
age" is Miller's first published
short story although he has pre
viously published several poems,
and has written one unpublished
novel. "So Late" is the work of
Nancy Pumprey Winkelman, also
a University graduate and Phi
Channel 6
TV Show
To Feature
Four University students . will
join Dr. Kenneth Cannon, associ
ate professor of home economics,
in an Omaha television broadcast
Saturday at 4:30 p.m.
For the weekly program, "Doors
of Knowledge," the five will dis
cuss phases of home economics
courses in marriage and family
relations. The broadcast will be
over WOW-TV.
Dorothy Matzke will represent
married students, and Herb Meiss-
ner will represent unpinned stu
dents. A pinned couple, Steve Pe
terson and Helen Lomax, will also
"Doors of Knowledge" is a
weekly program in which the Uni
versity participates every third
Saturday. The. University of Oma
ha and Creighton University, Oma
ha, are the other participants.
Mass Meeting Tuesday
The Union Activities Committee
will hold a mass meeting Tuesday
at 7 p.m. m Union Room 315.
Students may sign up for Union
committee at this time. There
will be information booths to ex
plain the functions and meeting
times of each committee.
Friday, February 18, 1955
Beta Kappa.
"Contrasts" is an anthology for
students interested in writing,
Knoll explained. The book contains
essays, poems and stories which
contrast both ideas and techniques
of expression. He cited as an ex
ample of contrasting opinions, an
essay by Frederick Lewis Allen
claiming that the American stand
ard of writing is becoming better.
Following this, an essay by Ber
nard Iddings Bell expresses the
opinion that the American stand
ard has lowered.
Knoll continued, "each statement
of opinion" is greeted with an op
posite opinion from a second au
thor. "The ideas and techniques
are paired and contrasted," he
said. :
Knoll stated that he based the
anthology on the "true assump
tion" that students learn best from
controversy. He added that the
two basic ideas of the anthology
were to point out the differences
in ideas and techniques, as well
as the contrasting ideas of one
generation from another. "These,"
Knoll said, "should lead the stu
dent to the point where he can '
draw his own conclusions."
At the present time, he is writ
ing a "rather elaborate manual"
for instructors use in teaching
from the anthology.
He has compiled a selected list
of paper-bound books for student
reference and use. The list, printed
in the back of the book, is "to my
knowledge" the only list of this
type published today, Knoll said.
Four Groups
To Conduct
Lenten Series
Four campus religious organiza
tions have announced daily Lenten
devotional services to be held in
the chapel of the Cotner School of
Religion from 12:30 to 12:50 p.m.,
beginning Wednesday and continu
ing through April 1.
The services, which are open to
all students, are being sponsored
by Presby House, Wesley Founda
tion, the Albright-Otterbein Fellow
ship (E.UJ3.J and the Student Fel
lowship of Baptists and Disciples
of Christ.
Rev. Rex Knowles, Rev. Richard
Nutt and Rev, Robert Davis will
each speak orice a week. Guest
speakers will give talks two times
each week during the series.
The purpose of the services is to
provide a period of worship each
weekday during Lent.
. J. (malda Tobweo C..WIiutio-ala. M. O.