The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 18, 1955, Image 1

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ri r
Charles Gomon, a senior In
Arts and ' Sciences, was elected
President of the General Assembly
of the mock United Nations ses
sion which began the three-day
NUCWA spring conference.
Gomon was cha rman and secre
tary general of the NUCWA mock
United Nations in 1952.
Dr. Ruth Seabury, world traveler,
lecturer, and religious leader, spoke
on "The Modern Student and His
World." We have to want democ
racy to make it work, said Dr.
Seabury. It takes application of
Vol. 55, No. 50
Percussion Featured
j ipe
The University Collegiate Band,
will pesent its annual concert Sun
day at 4 p.m. in the Union Ball
room. The band, composed of 89 stu
dents, was formed last year in ad
dition to the regular Symphonic
band and is directed by Jack
Snider, instructor of brass instru
ments and theory.
A highlight of the program will
be ""Rondo for Brass and Percus
ion," by Canning, featuring Bfl
lie Croft and Ron Becker, both per
cussionists and members of Sym
phonic Band.
Others participating in this num
ber will be Roger Brendle, Jack
McKie, Dinnis Carroll, Gene Hazin,
Of Poetry
Set Tonight
Allen Tate, well lcnown Ameri
can poet, will discuss American
poetry -of this century at S p.m.
Friday In Love library Auditor
ium. Tate, who is regarded as one if
the balf-dozen most respected
poets in contemporary America,
will Tead and Interpret selections
from bis six books of poetry.
""The New Criticism," a type of
literary criticism in which Tate
participates, has been debated a
great deal since the name "was
coined by an American critic,
John Crowe Hanson, in a book of
A professor of English at the
University of Minnesota, he has
also taught at New York Univer
sity and the University -of Chicago.
Tate has served as editor on sev
eral literary reviews.
Tate will also speak Friday at 2
p.m. to the Sixteenth Century Lit
terature class of Robert Knoll, as
sistant professor of English. The
discussion is open to faculty mem
bers in the department of Eng
lish. Flag Presented
f nfmrmmn f rr
ormer inaepBmeme uay
In bonor of the old Lithuanian
Independence Day Wednesday,
Kazys Alminas and Grazina Keva
liauskas, students from Lithuania,
presented a flag of their homeland
to Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, Dean of
Admissions, who accepted the flag
for the University.
Feb. 16 is the Lithuanian count
erpart of the American Fourth of
July, with the exception that Lith
uania lost its independence again
at the close of World War II when
the Russian Army occupied the
country and other Baltic cations,
Latvia and Lithuania.
The countries were annexed by
force as Soviet Socialist Republics,
a status which is not recognized
by the "United States.
Alminas explained that the pre
sentation was on behalf of six
University students from Lithu-
principals by everyone, she added.
Communism Is result of a
world which has failed to meet the
ieeds of the people, Dr. Seabury
said. Half of the human race is
hungry beyond the point of starva
tion, she continued, and half of the
human race has no access to medi
cal care and can not read or write.
People of the United States dont
realize how lucky they are, she
"The trouble with too many peo
ple is that they dont want to be
disconnected from the boundary
tog u
Stan Sumway, Richard Goettsch,
Eddie Velte and Robert Maag.
The program win include March
Slav," by Tschaikovsky; "Over
ture to Martha," VonFlotow; ""suite
Francaise," Milhaud; ""Western
One Step," Bennett, ""Buglers'
Holiday," Andersor "Hollywood
Serenade," Davis, and ""Maricho
Scherzo," Moore.
There is no admission charge for
the public.
Members of the band are:
Flutes: Margie Copley, Barbara
Jones, Paul Cook, Marlyn Herse,
Ruth Ann Richmond and Janet
Clarinets: Gloria King, Stanley
Anderson, Janice Sacks, Jerald
Hurts, Margaret Samani, Frank
Tirro, Arnald Epstein, Marshall,
Nelson, Amer Lincoln, Don retard
ing, Wayne Burhrer, Edna Cleve
land, Gerayne Swanson, Donald
Hagensick, Kay Parker, Phynes
Ditus, Joanne Bender, Edwin Sny
der, Yvonne Tevebaugh, Joan Mar
shall, Joan Grass and Jim OHan
Ion. Alto saxophone: Larry-Strasheim,
Phyllis Kapustka, Barbara Eicke,
Larry Evans and William Hay
wood, Tenor saxaphone: Dale Marples
and John Ludden.
Baritone saxophone: Jane Mack
enzie. Bassoon: Pat Alvord and Edward
Cornets: Robert Heiss, Ron Yost,
Kay Cunningham, Bob Owen, Joe
Scott, Doyle Hulme, "Wade Dor
land, Nefl Miller, Roger Klepinger,
Robert Warrick, Marlin Clark,
Wayne Shipferling and Stanley
Trumpets: Al Holbert, Ken Wal
ker, Eldon Beaver and Tom Mc
kee. Horns: Jack' Rhoden, Hal Var
ney, Dick Oehring, Ronald Green
and Robert Larson.
Baritone: Karen Greenlee, Nor
man Riggins, Herman Anderson,
Lee Kovar, Kick Kautzman and
Clark Alexander.
Trombones: Jim Clark, Anna
velle Blencoe, Jerry Bitney, Wal
ter Schmidt, Norbert Schuerman,
James Feather, Sharon France,
Jack Erickson, Gary LaVoie and
Dale Isaacson.
KehmkM Photo
ani a.
- All the things which symbolize
the lost independence, such as the
national flag and anthem, are
banned and to observe them means
death or exile, Alminas said. Be
cause of this, the symbols have a
deep significance for Lithuanians
in the free world.
"Its true significance," Alminas
said, "lies in the faith that the
Communist conspiracy like the to
talitarian governments preceeding
it cannot survive and that some
time the day again wiU be cele
brated in .its full significance."
BecSuse of Dr. Rosenlof's assist
ance to foreign students, the Lith
uanian students asked the dean to
accept the flag for the University,
Alminas said. The flag is now
part of the University's collection
in the Administration Building.
lines," Dr. Seabury said. If you go
high enough, the boundaries disap
pear, she added.
The United Nations is the only
political hope for the little people,
she said after speaking with the
people of South Africa.
Some countries feel that America
is a "meddling busibody" and that
relief funds too often bring pres
sure, continued Dr. Seabury. Re
lief is both help and irony, she
said. America too often contributes
just material things, she added.
Dr. Seabury, who is Educational
Jniversity of Nebraskd
Basses: Dudley McCubbin, Her
schel Graber, Richard Baker,
Charles Rickel, Frank Shaughnessy
Richard Cook and Harrold Spick
nail. Mourning Becomes
Fangman, Leigh, Peyroux,
Clute Selected As Leads
In University Theatre Play
Joyce Fangman, Barbara Leigh,
Eugene Peyroux and Morrel Clute
win portray the Mannon family in
Cornhusker Sales
To End Today
Sales for the 1955 Cornhusker
win end Friday at p.m., Phil
Shade, busir-s manager, said.
Students i ested in buying a
Cornhnsker ild contact Corn
Cobs or Tasseu. or stop at a booth
in Ag and city campus "Unions.
The yearbook may also be pur
chased at the Cornhusker busi
ness office, Union Room 20.
The tentative delivery date of
the Cornhusker is set for the mid
dle of May.
The Outside World
US 'Alert
Staff Writer
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles bas warned Red China that
the United States will be -"alert" to defend Quemoy and Matsu Islands
if the Communists try to use them for an invasion of Formosa. If
what was caUed a major policy address, Dulles said the United States
was not interested in the islands 'as such", however, and he appealled
to Peiping to solve the Formosa crisis peacefuny.
Secretary Dulles made three other main points in bis address to
the Foreign Policy Association of New York.
He rejected the idea that Nationalist China voluntarily surrender
the offshore islands, a proposal favored by some British officials. He
said ""it is doubtful that this would serve either peace or freedom."
DuUes also advanced the opinion that the upheaval in Moscow
which gave the premiership to Nikolai Bulganin was ""an elemental
personal struggle for power." But he added that it may also reflect
a "basic policy difference" between the Russian Communist Party and
the Soviet Government.
Fear among Asian people that the United States bas no real
intention of supporting them in opposition to communism "'has mounted
to the danger point," he claimed.
GOP Chooses Convention Site
San Francisco wfll be the site of the 1956 Republican presidential
nominating convention. The choice was unanimous by a seven-member
subcommittee of the Republican National Committee.
The subcommittee also Tecommended that the date for the con
vention be set at Aug. 20, the latest in modern political history. The.
Democrats bave tentatively scheduled their convention for Chicago
beginning July 23.
House Votes Salary Increase
The House of representatives has voted a $10,000 increase in
salaries for congressmen, and democratic leaders of the Senate "indicate
that body wfll do likewise, but for a Taise of only $7,500. In that
event, the two bills would go to a joint conference committee in an
attempt to find a compromise between the two figures.
The bfll which the House passed by a 5-2 margin would also
increase the salaries of Supreme Court justices and federal judges,
the vice president, speaker of the house, federal attorneys and con
gressional staff employees.
SLeiifz Fl
Concert Scheduled
Donald Lentz, professor of wood
wind instruments, and his wife,
"Velma Lentz, wfll present a flute
piano concerto at 8 p.m. in How
eU Memorial Theater Tuesday.
Lentz, who is also conductor of
the University Band, wfll play
several flute solos, and his wife
will present some solo piano
pieces. Part of the program will
include some -flute and piano du
ets. Lentz wiU play "Syrinx" by De
bussy, "Echo" by Hindemith,
"Sonance" composed by himself,
"Serenade" by Hue and "Poem"
by Griffes.
Mrs. Lentz will; present piano
solos of "Prelude -and Fugue in
Secretary of the American Board
of Commissioners for Foreign Mis
sions, is a graduate of Smith Col
lege and holds two honorary de
grees. She has spoken on many
campuses and has written several
books, besides traveling extensively
Dr. William Jordan, officer of
the United Nations; Sharon Man
gold, president of NUCWA, Dr.
Frank Sorensen, adviser of
NUCWA; Homer Kenison and Al
United States; arid Qaus-Dieter
Von Schumaan and Robert Cotton,
representing Russia will appear
Percussion: Nancy Hollste'm,
Harold Dey, Don Wolf and Don
Tympany; Phil Coffman.
Librarian: Harrold Spicknall.
Mourning Becomes Electra,'
University Theater production to
be presented March 29 through
April 2 at Howen Memorial The
ater. Lavinia wfll be played by Miss
Fangman, junior in Teachers, and
Christine by Miss Leigh, senior in
Teachers. Peyroux, sophomore in
Arts and Sciences, wfll portray
Orin, and Clute, Arts and Sciences
senior, wfll play Ezra.
Other major parts include: Seth
the caretaker, by. Richard Marrs,
graduate student; Adam Brant,
Bill Wagner, sophomore in Arts
and Sciences; Peter Nfles, John
Forsyth, Teachers College junior,
and Hazel Nfles, Doris Ann Grow
cock, Teachers College senior.
D Major" by Bach and Busoni,
Chopin's "Nocturne No. 2," a
Brahms "Intermezzo." "Etude No.
3" by Scriabine, and Stravinsky's
"Etude No. 4."
Together they will play Proko
fieff's ""Sonata for Flute and Pi
ano." The Tecital is being sponsored
by Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia, profes
sional music fraternity, and aU
proceeds wfll be devoted to schol
arships which are swarded each
semester by the fraternity.
Admission is one dollar per per
son, and tickets may be obtained
from any Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia
on KUON-TV Friday at a.m. to
give a preview of the Friday aft
ernoon General Assembly.
The fifty-one delegates represent
ing 28 countries will discuss revis
ions of the United Nations charter
Friday afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m.
in the Union Ballroom.
The closing session of the mock
United Nations will be Saturday
morning from 9 to 11 a.m. at the
Union Ballroom. This session will
consist of consideration and voting
on resolutions.
Friday, February 18, 1955
Follies Tickets
Tickets for Ced Follies will
be sold Monday through Friday
la city and Ag Union booths.
The booths win be opea from 11
a.m. U 1 a.m. and J U 5 p.m.
The animal FoRies, entitled
"Mainstreet, U.S.A.," will be
presented Feb. 2S and Mrc 1
at the Nebraska Theater. The
Associated Women Students
board sponsors lite Follies.
Skits will be presented by Pi
Beta Phi, Kappa Delta, Gamma
Phi Beta, Delta Delta Delta, Chi
Omega and Alpha Chi Omega.
Others in the cast include Linda
BeaL Len Schropfer, Keith Wil
liams, Don Aulds, Larry Carsten
son and Wayne Hunkins.
Ted Nittler is production man
ager, and Jean Weddle is assistant
to the director.
Seldom Oa Stage
Max Whittaker, assistant pro
fessor of speech and dramatic art
and director of the play said,
"Mourning Becomes Electra"" is
considered one of Euzene CNeilPs
masterpieces. It is read and stud-J
Tickets for "The Consul" .op
era are sold out for Friday and
Saturday nights. Students may
leave their names at How ell The
ater box office and they win be
notified if any tickets are re
turned. ied, he said, but there is seldom an
opportunity to see it on the stage.
Whittaker believes it a ""tremen
dous challenge to the cast . and
crew,"" in addition to a great op
portunity for University students.
Aeschylus Trilogy
The play is based on the Aeschy
lus trilogy "Oresteia," a Fifth
Century B.C. Greek drama. O'Neill
has adapted the Greek legend of
the curse of the House of Atreus
to the 19th Century, the close of
the Civil "War, in New England.
His story concerns the curse of
the House of Mannon.
The original Greek drama in
cluded three plays, -'Agamemnon,'
""Choephori" and ""Eume
nides." It concerns the murder of
a Greek ruler, Agamemnon, by
his wife, who is in turn murdered
through the efforts of Agamem
non's daughter, Electra.
The O'Neill trilogy is actually
three plays, ""The Homecoming,""
"The Hunted" and "'The Haunt
ed, but University Theater bas
cut these to three acts.
Candlelite Room
The Union Candlelight Room wfll
be open Saturday evening from
8:30 to 11:30 p.m. for informal
dancing and refreshments. No ad
mission is charged.
Ivy Day Authority
Mrs. Ruth Levinson, assistant
professor of physical education for
women, was elected by the Student
Council "Wednesday a: the new Stu
dent Council adviser to replace
Miss "Mary Mielenz. Miss Mielenz
has retired after being adviser for
ten years.
The Council presented TVIiss
Mielenz with a plaque "in thanks
for her contribution to student
Miss Mielenz expressed her
thanks to the Council and said that
the plaque indicates that students,
in spite of what -some people say,
are grateful for the things done
for them.
Art Baun, chairman of the Ju
diciary Committee, reported that
the petition to amend the Student
Council constitution to make hand
voting mandatory was in the
hands of Faculty Subcommittee on
Student Affairs.
SC ISocts L0vinis!ni
As MenF Conjmseioe
Russia Meets U.S.
Secretary-General Sue Ramey
introduces delegates represent
ing Russia and the United States
preceeding the NUCWA United
Nations session. Left to right
are Allan Overcash and Homer
Kennison, U.S, delegation; Dr.
Jordan Hails Veto
As 'Political Fact1
Dr. William Jordan, officer of
the United Nations, is a specialist
in the political affairs of the Se
curity Council. He is chief of a
section in the Department of Po
litical Security Council Affairs,
In a Nebraskan interview Thurs
day, be said that even if the veto
power of the Security Council was
abolished, the divided decisions of
the Council could not be enforced.
"The veto is something that ex
ists as a political fact in the
world," the former university lec
turer and tutor stated. Even
though this fact were to be abol
ished, the unanimous decisions of
the Security Council would stfll
make this fact remain."
Dr. Jordan explained it would
be ""unrealistic" to abolish the veto
power of the Council
Actions by nations depend on
the political forces of the time, not
on decisions of the Security Coun
cil the London4)orn author said.
Americans tend to misconceive
the principle of the veto because
they compare the Security Council
with the Congress, Dr, Jordan
said. When Congress and the Pres
ident approve a law, it is enforced.
The Security Council bas no power
to back up its decisions, Dr. Jor
dan commented.
It was "an accident"" that inter
national relations became his pres
ent field, Dr. Jordan remarked.
He was originally stactying history
and economic history. During
World War H, be was affiliated
with the British Foreign Office.
He remained with it after the war,
switching to United Nations work
following the San Francisco Con
ference. Author, lecturer, professor, and
bolder of three university degrees,
Dr. Jordan showed interest in the
Scripts Available
KK 'Bloomer Girl7
Tryouts To Start
Students desiring to try out far
the Kosmet Klub spring musical,
"Bloomer Girl," should sign up in
the Union booth now for a tryout
Scripts may be secured from
Von Innes at the Pi Kappa Phi
bouse. Tryouts wJH be beld Tues
day through Friday evenings.
Leads for the show wiU include
five or six sisters, the Bloomer
Girls, and approximately 10 or 12
other speaking principles, accord
ing to Innes. He estimated that the
dancing chorus would include six
or eight male and female dancers
and that 20 or 25 would constitute
the chorus itself.
The annual spring show wifl be
beld April 21 to 23.
''Bloomer Girl" is a musical
The petition was first submitted
by the Judiciary Committee to
Dean Colbert for action by the
Faculty Committee on Student
Affairs. From there it went to
the subcommittee.
If the subcommittee lakes action
to put the petition to fJ;udent vote
in the spring elections, it will be
checked for validity by the regis
trar. The Council voted to delegate
complete authority of Ivy Day to
Innocents and Mortar Boards. This
vote was taken to emphasize the
approval of the same plan by the
Council last week.
The motion was presented by
Dan Rasdal on behalf of the prasi
tients of Innocents and Mortar
Boards who requested from the
Council more specific and firm
statements regarding Ivy Day.
Norm 1'eitzer read a letter from
the IFC stating tlie IFC's interest
f 5 ;
G. W. Rosenlof, Deaa of Ad
missions and NUCWA sponsor;
Claus-Dieter von Schuman; Mis
Ramey, and Robert Cotton. Voa
Schuman and Cotton represent
the Russian delegation.
University curricula for different
fields, compared textbooks and
methods of study and appeared
to be amazed at the low cumber
of courses students are required
to take.
Da Vinci
Union Group
To Display
Original Art
Original sketches by Leonards
Da Vinci used in the creation of
many of bis paintings are on dis
play in the Union Lounge spon
sored by the Union Art Committee.
The sketches include details and
corrections which Da Vinci worked
out for bis paintings before putting
them on a canvas, including figures
from bis painting of The Last
The exhibit is presented in four
groups. First, there are samples
from Da Vinci's Florentine period.
The second consists mostly of
sketches from bis portraits of wom
en, including several of bis madon
nas. The third group contains studies
of anatomy and figures. The fonrtli
comprises a selection from allegor
ical and satirical drawings and
from caricatures.
The display, set up at She be
ginning of the semester, wfll be
continued until Feb. 26, accordix
to Dee Synovic, chairman f th
Art Committee.
comedy about a boop-skirt manu
facturer. In 1944 it ran for nearly
700 performances on Broadway
starring Celeste Holm.' The music
was written by Harold Arlen.
Bill Walton, who bas directed
various University Laboratory
Theatre productions and the
Masquers' presentation i Char
ley's Aunt," will direct the show.
Mary Sigler and Bob Antonidea
wfll assist bim.
Miss Sigler, who taught at Fre
mont for three j'ears before com
ing to Lincoln, will be technical
Musical director Antonides baa
taught at David City and Lincoln
High and directs the Lincoln 3ena
in .keeping up the long tradition of
the Ivy Day Sing and offering to
take control of the Sing U the
met Elub drops it.
Some discussion followed as to
the powers of the Innocents to re
voke constitutions of other group
by delegating other authority to cer
tain organiations.
DincusBion On Ivy Day
The discussion followed the ob
servation that Kosmet Elub's con
stitution states tiiat Kosmet Klub
shall bave charge of the Interfra
ternity Sing. If Innocents gave con
trol of the Sing to an orgEiiiiiiiaa
oilier than Kosmet Klub they would
be acting against Kosmat ESi&'s
Council President Jack F.oE-firs
said the Council cannot give t wiry
power to change constitutions, lie
added thnt the Student Council woul
not pasB on anything the lnn:cents
do unless it is nwyfisiirj.
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