The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1955, Page Page 2, Image 2

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University of Nebraska
Friday, February II, 1955
Nebraskan Editorials-
by Dick fciblor
30 Minutes Of Politics
In one half-hour the Student Council Wednes
day completed action on the All University
Party petition which may eventually bring down
the roof on the Council's head.
- From all appearances the Council acted 'with
one thought in mind to squelch the Faction.
It was made perfectly clear before the meeting
began that no one from the sidelines would be
allowed to discuss any subject before the
council which might affect its voting and a few
minutes later criticized the Faction for remain
ing in the background and not openly submitting
the petition in Council-styled protocol. The Fac
tion representatives were present, ready to
answer any question which the Council may
have had. There was no vote taken on the
petition because the Judiciary Committee for
warded it directly to the faculty committee
on Student Affairs, where the recommendation
of the judiciary committee will probably be
followed. The petition, therefore, will not appear
on the ballot in general election this spring.
Regardless of the Council's reaction against
a Faction backed petition they should not have
acted hastily on the matter of a secret ballot.
This haste was reflected in one of the reasons
given by the Judiciary Committee that a secret
ballot alleviates pressure situations.
True, there are pressures to which Council
members are submitted when voting on a
measure but these pressures may originate
from more sources than from the Faction.
Whether or not these pressures are important
enough to merit the Council's taking a secret
ballot is questionable. For example, in a case
where Council members split on a certain issue
there would not need to be a secret ballot unless
there were inner politics being played within
the Council. These inner politics might most
practically be displayed between Innocent mem
bers and junior prospects. Crossing an Innocent
is the worst fear of a junior who possibly has
a chance of making the Society come Ivy Day.
This form of politics is deplorable, but a secret
ballot could alleviate the junior uneasiness.
If a group from one of the colleges wishes
to sit in in a Council meeting to check on how
its representatives are voting but can not do
so. because the voting is by secret ballot, then
this is a form of politics best described as
No legislative body, composed of elected rep
resentative members, has a right to keep from
its constituents the way in which their repre
sentatives vote. Therefore, the Council has no
plausable excuse to hold a secret ballot unless
it is willing to admit that it condones inner
politics or wishes to keep from the students
their rightful information of whether their rep
resentatives are supporting what they want
or not.
It is unfortunate that it was the Faction which
submitted the petition outlawing a secret ballot
because the Council's obvious reaction would
be one of complete rejection on that grounds
Unless the Council has something to hide,
either from the students in general or from
the Administration, a secret ballot is not neces
sary nor is it democratic. If the Faction petition
is killed in the faculty committee or ignored by
the Council in some other way it should be
renewed by another campus group, perhaps
from the College of Business Administration
or Engineering or from some campus organiza'
tion which is interested in keeping Council meet
ings from becoming a series of secret gatherings
in which issue dodging is accomplished by play
ing politics in their most dishonorable form.
J. H.
A Good Beginning
The Student Council action to restrict student
participation in activities has been attacked as
a dictatorial move telling students what they
may do and when. The basic argument against
the action is that regardless of the principles
involved, it is up to the individual to decide
whether or not he is overworking himself. '
Essentially the Council has come up with a
good idea that requires a central body to ad
minister the machinery which is necessary to
put a plan such as this into effect. Actually,
the action will effect greatly only the men.
Women are already restricted by the AWS point
system, a fact which has been recognized by
the Council. The basic provisions of the proposal
do not nullify the AWS point system, but, on
the contrary, fit into its structure.
But men until now have had no supervision.
The basis for the proposal was that a situation
has resulted whereby the top posts in organiza
tions are manned by a few, preventing others
from sharing in these positions; and that these
few are greatly overworked, which is harmful
to both the individual and the organization he
This situation does not necessarily exist by
choice. Activities have become a bandwagon
which is impossible to get off by the time a
student reaches his junior or senior year. This
is obviously because of pressures resulting from
the selection of Innocents and Mortar Boards
in the spring.
Unfortunately, a wrong set of values presents
itself. Once a student gets far enough to "have
a future," he realizes he is in "the dog race."
While the action constitutes a protection for
the student, a great deal of caution will be
required on the part of the Council to avoid
the evils which could result. Only the basic
principle has been presented. Unfortunately, a
great many details have been left up in the air
which the Council realizes.
The AWS Board has spent years in setting
up the point system for women. The Council
will have to work with AWS Board members to
iron out inconsistancies in the two systems. The
machinery for men must be set up similar to
that of the AWS Board, and the Council has
not had the experience of the mistakes of past
years such as AWS has had. The principle will
have to be broken down to apply justly and
fairly to the many borderline cases that will
A strong cooperation of the Student Council
with all the organziations and individuals in
volved is suggested. K. N.
A Monkey's Uncle
It looks like the University of Colorado is
having trouble with a religious group which is
trying to outlaw the teaching of evolution in
Colorado colleges. The religious group should
take a better look at college students. Maybe
they would change their minds if they saw all
the monkey-business that goes on on college
Campus Preview
'Prince Of Players' Displays
Powerful Acting, Directing
It Is a shame that so many of the descriptive
adjectives in the English language have been
o much overused that one is no longer greatly
affected by their use, even when the use is
eincere. Still, I must say, in all honesty, that
there is no other word for "Prince of Players"
but "powerful." It is one of the most compelling
movies to hit Lincoln in a long time. As I sat
watching this story of the turbulent life of a
man of genius, I wondered just what it was
that made this film so much finer than the
general run of today's movies.
I think the explanation Is fairly simple: here
ts that composite of moving subject matter,
acton who have the ability to act, sensitive
direction and aa environment which neither
overwhelm nor is Insufficient to the progress
of the plot, which is unified to produce a crea
tive work of motion picture art.
About the only defect in the film is Miss
McNamara. I do not feel that she was reudy
for such a large undertaking as the character
of Mary Devlin This is not to say that she was
bad, for she was not; she was, rather, tech
nically unprepared. She has had too little real
dramatic experience to do justice to the part.
Particularly in the Shakespearien scenes,' one
could detect an accent much more Eastern
than it should have been. She does not have the
pure stage diction needed to portray Juliet.
As a whole, her appearance, her voice and
her actions were a fine contrast of gentleness
and delicacy against the brutual, fierce char
acter of Edwin Booth.
Richard Burton brought Edwin Booth to life
with restraint, intelligence and exciting energy.
His Shakespearian scenes were beautifully done.
with the exception of the scene he played with
Eva Le Gallienne which I felt he played too
rapidly; unless one were familiar with
'Hamlet." I fear a great many of the lines
would be incomprehensible because he spoke
them too fast; but he more than does justice
to the immortal soliloquy "To be or not to
be . '
John Derek did an amazingly good job with
the ego-centric, envious character of John
Wilkes Booth. This Is the first decent role he
has been given since "Knook On Any Door,"
in my opinion, which only goes to show that an
actor only emerges In his true colors when he
has a character worthy of interpretation.
The father, Junius Brutus Booth, was admir
ably handled by Raymond Massey. He gave
Booth a flamboyant spirit and a perceptive
melancholia for which one could forgive him
his weakness as a person and remember Instead
his theatrical genius.
One of his most beautiful scenes is the one
in which he turns to his manager and says:
"I can no longer act." For this kind of agony
there are no tears and Massey projects the
feeling that although the king has abdicated his
throne, his spirit is forever crowned with the
wreathe of immortality.
"Prince of Players" is a film well worth
seeing. It will leave you vaguely saddened, it
will give you a sense of humility in the presence
of greatness, and it will fill you with joy that
there is the vital, driving force in some men
to make the world a more beautiful, meaningful
place for all of us.
The Nebraskan
fTTTY -SECOND TEAR "WW rafa af mm BrarMe- for tr ftacflr
. . . " raa octobw a. 1817. MtfeofUM
Member: Associated Collegiate Press . m.
Intercollegiate Press EDITORIAL STAFF
SepreseBtatlve: National Advertising Service, Klj i. -
. - ' fcimortal rave Editor Kay ofcj
IaCfirporatea Mnasinc Kdttor Marianne Him
onto a ftaara a mama at Mr a- ua j-lill m .fI ullu
aM mitt. Ar.a ta ArrWI. II of Dm Br-Law, , . B,m "
orauat "" wbueattom m4 admtafaaar- Br la aVkahZt i7? itlTk!
- a PaWtraftow, "il . Ota mr4 lle of tiw CJLht 2r.' Editor' h JiT iSIJItl
lmx4 that wMtamow ") M tubdicriaa aaaJI ba iililJl Y in,L tT.Mf
fra tnm cabana. tka aarl or ffca Boar-. 7L?,j11,u "El, J !
owrtiHi ma ara ( a MMn SZ.S4 nana at Haal, Hatha RoMoqolrt, Pat Browa, Mariana Santin,
lor tna collem roar, M walla. Hioala roar 5c, Pah- ' Joaaao", Lawinaj.
h4 flkraa tta a waafc Carina (ka arbool raar ami BUSINESS STAFF
mmUxu at aiamtnarto aartooa. Oaa turn aj aanlbhr-
tfnrm Aatuaf ar tna Vmhtnto at Ntbratfca eti4 tka Batlataa Manaear t'kat Htnt
fnerrtoa at tna t'otnailttra aa 8taat Pahl.mrtoat. Au't Baslaata Manaaari .... Bra tahnnnt. Barbara kk,
tntrrr aa ami! da aurtar at taa Pool Ofika Mi Uaoraa Madam, 4d Hov
UacoU. Nebnuka, mmn aa a Coasraa, Mare 187, Circalattoa Maaactr La fe)uKf
"I better help that new student stretch
pretty anxious to get started."
this canvas he seems
Your Church
God Has A Place
On The Campus
Sunday 10:45 a.m.: The worship
service will be held with confir
mation and installation of Assem
bly officers. The Delta Gamma
supper at 5:30 p.m. will be fol
lowed by a discussion of the topic.
"The Development of Values," led
by Dr. T. G. Stelzer of Seward
and a short film.
Tuesday 7 p.m.: Lecture dis
cussion on Christian doctrine.
Sunday masses 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Weekday masses 6:45 and 7:15
a.m. and Rosary at 5 p.m.
Saturday 8 p.m. Married Peo
ple's Club.
Sunday Communion breakfast
will follow the 10 a.m. mass at
the Mayfair Grill. Mrs. Bush of
Teachers College will be the
The Newman Club is now offer
ing regularly scheduled night re
ligion courses for all Catholic
students. The courses will be un
der the supervision of Msgr. G. J.
Schuster and Father R. F. Sheely.
The 7 p.m. Tuesday evening
course will be a study of scripture
readings and the classes on Wed
nesday and Thursday at 7 p.m.
and Tuesday and Thursday at 11
a.m. will be devoted to love and
Friday 7 p.m.: Visitations to
Sunday 8 a.m.: The LSA Coun
cil breakfasts with the Bible Hour
will be 10 a.m. and the worship
service at 11 a.m. LSA will have
installation of new officers and a
discussion on the topic, "Do You
Know Your LSA."
Tuesday 7:15 p.m.: Christian
ity course.
(Editor Not! Iyrtrc lo Tka Xabruhaa
mma ba trpewrittaa. doable nacd and aiaal
ot td a maximum of 130 words. Tka
Nrhraakaa rarrvf tka rlaht to adit toffen
avbmlrwd. No letter will b printed If H
b not accompanied by Ike name ot tka
aalkor. Name, win be mltted from anil-
catioa po reaacrt.)
Dear Editor:
An editorial appeared in The
Nebraskan of Feb. 8 announcing
an award to be given to a Univer
sity of Nebraska professor for
"Americanism." We wonder what
Is meant by "Americanism." We
susfect that the J. Leroy Welsh
definition of "Americanism" is
loyalty to the extent that free
thought is excluded. We sincerely
hope that no University professor
would accept an award based on
such a principle.
(Editor's note: The Nebraskan
did not think it necessary to
question the motives of Regent
J. Leroy Welsh.)
Just Wandering
Dear Editor:
Which edition of "Alice in Won
derland" did you read? , In my
edition, Tweedledee recites a poem
for Alice entitled "The Walrus and
the Carpenter." Part of it goes
like this;
"The time has come,' the Wal
rus said,
'To talk of many things:
Of shoes and ships and sealing
Of cabbages and kings
And why the sea is boiling hot
And whether pigs have wings.' "
I suppose the misquotation and
the business about the whale tell
ing it to Alice is part of the ac
curate reporting you promise to
try for in the same editorial. May
be your next editorial will tell us
that P. G. Wodehouse wrote the
Yours for accurate reporting,
Harold's Carter Shsp
223 North 1 4th
lVt blockt South of
Student Union
Sunday 3 p.m.: Council meet
ing will be held and at 5 p.m. the
Fireside group will meet and dis
cuss "The Acts of the Apostles."
Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Kappa Phi
rush party.
Friday 8 p.m.: Service with
the topic "Moses and Lincoln, Two
Saturday 9 a.m.: Service, 10:45
a.m. family service.
Friday 8 p.m. service with the
topic "The Jews and the Civil
S u n d a y 6 p.m. Canterbury
Sunday 6 p.m.: Student Fel
lowship supper and meeting.
Sunday 5:30 p.m.: Forum meet
ing will be held with Rev. Waser
of the First Presbyterian Church
leading the discussion on "Old
Testament Ruth. "
Monday 7 a.m.: Bible study.
Tuesday 4: 30-r: 30 p.m.: Coffee
hour with William Colson and Wil
liam Henzlik from Theological
Seminary; 7 p.m.: Sigma Eta Chi.
Jest Jestin'
Advertising Woe
Shatter Confidence
K seems to me that our world
has become much too complicated
for the ordinary person. The pres
sure of life is too great, and an air
of fear and uncertainty is notice
able in the words and actions of
modern men and women. I have
recently made a study, using my
self as a human guinea pig, in an
attempt to determine the causes of
this state of affairs, and today you
shall learn some of the results.
A little background information
is necessary, I think so that you
may know from what heights I
have descended. I was not always
the pitiable specianien I am now.
There was a time when I would
awake to face the morning with a
leer cn my
sensuous lips
and a smutty
little song in
my heart, go
through a day
o f strenuous
activity, and
relax at night
with a cool
drink and a
low -brow book.
Now I lie in
bed all morn
ing, too tense and frightened to get
up, and if I venture out at all dur
ing the day, I am soon driven to
distraction and return home, where
I sink into a dark corner, moaning
and shivering.
It is difficult to place the blame
for my present condition on any
particular person or institution, yet
I think some generalizations can
be made. I believe that American
advertisers are largely responsible.
Everytime I opened a newspaper
or magazine, I was Informed of a
new danger to my person or repu
tation. Television was just as bad,
scaring me silly with warnings
from the sponsors.
Admittedly, news of impending
atomic war, and an increase in
traffic deaths is a bit discouraging,
but I could learn to live with that.
It was the discovery that my old
friends, cigarettes, were no longer
safe to smoke unless attached to
cylinders of micronite containing a
certain minimum of tiny filters that
really shook me.
Then tne television set told me
that my formerly reliable body was
now the residence of millions of
repulsive evil-smelling little ani
mals, and only a mysterious sub-
stance called hexachlorophene
could rid me of them, and then
only for a day or two. No normally
sensitive person can stand up
under that kind of pounding.
At this stage, the university, an
institution that I had always con
sidered trustworthy, suddenly
made it known that I was subject
to arrest pr search for an. infrac
tion of various medieval laws.
Under normal circumstances, I
might have withstood even this on
slaugnt, but reeling and staggering
as I was, I collapsed.
I am finished now, and I urge
all those responsible for making me
the wreck that I am to gaze at
me and be ashamed. For myself,
I ask only one thing from the
world. Please, nobody tell me to
buck up, keep a stiff upper lip, and
face the world with courage. I
can't do it, and I wouldn't if I
could. I'm a nervous, frightened,
quivering mass of flesh and, just
for spite, I'm going to stay that
way. Try and stop me.
The definition of a MORON is
something which in the winter girls
wouldn't have so many colds if
they put.
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A Campus-to-Career Case History
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Manager Ray New explains the importance of good service to one of his assistants
His Individual training" paid off
When Ray New-Business Administration, Buffalo, '51
started with New Vork Telephone Company, he never suspected
his work would face him with problems of this sort
"My job as business office manager
is to see that the customer gets the best
possible service. One of my assignments
took me into a section of Manhattan that
hada large Puerto Rican population.
'Frequently our people would get
somebody on the line who couldn't speak
a word of English. So I saw to it that
each of my representatives learned a few
standard Spanish phrases enough to get
somebody to the telephone who could
speak English.
"There are no two days alike in this
work, with new problems coming up all
the time. The best part of it is that the
training program here is tailor-made to
the job. First you get a general back
ground in the business, then you go into
what I call 'individual training. That's
where your own special abilities are de
veloped and you're encouraged to think
out new ways to solve everyday prob-lems-like
the one I just described.
"Right now I'm Business Manager
in charge of an office doing $250,000
worth of business a month."
You'll find these things true of college men, like Ray
New, who go into telephone work. They've been well
trained, they enjoy their present jobs, and they're
headed for responsibilities and greater rewards. If
( you'd be interested in a similar opportunity with a Bell
' telephone operating company, or with Sandia Corpora,
tion, Bell Telephone Laboratories or Western Electri-,
see your Placement Officer for full details. '