Page 2 Lincotn, Nebraska Friday, January 14, 1955 Editorial Comment Co-Enforcement Drinking Rules? The Nebraskan suggestion of and request for a change in administration methods for enforcing its anti-drinking regulations have borne no fruit as yet. Whether they will be acted upon to bring about the desired change; be ignored, or if they have even been read by the administrators are matters of conjec ture. The Nebraskan has no wish to keep a sensitive area in 'administration-student rela tionships open to pointless discussion or useless suggestion. However, it does feel there still is time to bring a shift in methods on the part of the University before the issue dies down and is accepted by students as another show of strength by the administration, a show of strength for which there is nothing to do except grumble and obey. The regulations concerning student use of alcoholic beverages are not being attacked by students. Certainly, these rules are not popular; Jiowever, they are accepted as law. The fact the University must enforce the law is readily apparent even to the most anti-administration minded student. It is in the area of enforcement and enforcement methods students are justifi ably unhappy. It seems the major element of this unhapplness is the result of having en forcement methods thrust upon students which demand compliance when the administration supposedly requests and invites student opinion on bow rules and regulations shall be enforced. Their suggestions, opinions and position are not appreciated. The Nebraskan believes the administration should realize its most recent action is un necessarily unpopular. An effective public relations campaign could do much to remove the stigma. Of course, the administration is in a position to enforce any policy it should instigate; however, the administration does seem to be at least partially Interested in gain ing student support and interest in its policies. At least it has given lip-service to this fact by requesting student support. The administration could go a long way in gaining the student support it seemingly desires by following a plan akin to this: 1. The "se curity officers" be requested to appear before the Inter-Fraternity Council along with the administrative personnel to whom these men report. 2. The "security officers" be introduced to the students on whom they will be check ing. 3. An IFC officer or representative be allowed to accompany the "security officers" on their inspection trips that involve entering fraternity houses. In this way, fraternities will have some voice in the policing methods, and will feel they are actually a cooperating agency in the enforcement rather than an inspected group. 4. First violations of drinking rules be reported to the IFC as well as the University administration. These "first violations" would be punished by IFC penalties on the organiza tion while the individuals involved would be dealt with by the administration. In this way the organizations involved in the inspection process would police themselves to a certain extent, while organizations thatrepeatedly break rules will be dealt with by the administration. The ideal policing system would be one in which the IFC would handle all enforcement rules and be held responsible for effective policing by the administration. This would sat isfy public demand for increased University re sponsibility for the well being and law abiding ness of students which the administration says is the reason for the "security officer" program. The degree of interest the administration shows in suggestions for cooperation between their officers and the IFC will be an accurate yardstick of the sincerity of requests for student interest in living up to University rules. Should the administration turn deaf ears on plans for co-enforcement of the rule and show no interest in student (particularly IFC) suggestions con cerning this necessary enforcement it will be obvious our University officials are fan more interested in good public relations outside and not inside this school a questionable virtue indeed. T. W. J Jul TbtbAoAkan FIFTY-SECOND YEAR Member; Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated Thu Nehraikin a nMUri or Undents of the Uni versity ot Nebraska as expression at students- ne) optttasn emir. According, to Article 11 of the By-laws overaing student publications and administered by the Board of Publications, "II Is the desired policy ot the Board thai publications under its lurisdiction shall be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Board, or oa the part of any member of the faculty ot the University, but the members of the staff of The Nebraskan re personally responsible for what they cay of do or tun to be printed." SnbseriptJon rate are ft a semester. S2..10 nailed or 3 for the college, year, 4 mailed. Single copy Sc. Pub lished three times week durini the school year except vacations and examination periods. One Issue Is published durina August by the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the Committee ot) Strident Publications. Entered as second dans mutter at the Post Office to Lincoln, Nebraska, under act ut Comma, Mareh V. IHTu, and at eveclal rate of postage provided for r Reetton 110.1, Act ot Congress ot October M17 authorized September 10, 1922. EDITORIAL STAFF Kflltot . Kditorlal Page Editor Managing Kdilor News Kdilor Copy Editor . . Ton Woodward Jan Harrison Kay Nosky ... Marianne Hansen .Bmre Bragmann, Dick Fellmnn, Bam Jensen, Marilyn Mitchell Sports Editor Howard Vana feature Kdltor Grace Harvey As; Editor Gury Bnrehfleld Night News Editor Bruce Brugmana BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager . Chet Singer Ass'l Business Managers Beg Belmont, Barbara tick., George Madseu Andy if ova Circulation Manager Nell Miller CHICKEN DELIGHT PHONE 5-2178 Free Delivery We How Serve 35 Chicken Delight Dinner Chicken Delight RCw OIIObB Shrimp Delight Dinner Shrimp Delight Snack 35 85 Open Seven Days A Week 115 So. 25th. St. ?rT?y THE WORLD'S HOST 3Br BEATIFVL ANIMAL . . . jTTT pT If . -3 gpwm'wMtiM Minn " b'i immmtamm1mdm SHOP SATURDAY 9:30 to 5:30 , WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS pi . . . . . In GOLD'S Men's Store . . . ALL WOOL! ALL ORLON! PUJILIKWIEnS IE ATT IE DC at a tremendous savings for only . . . Wonderful Sweaters you would never imagine euch quality for this low price. Sc them in H the new colors to go with Everything you own. GOLD'S Men's Store . . . Street Floor ;SaZg. English Imported English imported diamond ariryles in 12 as- jT CTl, sorted colors. Solid color 6x3 English rib that O J) J) 1 1 is shrink controlled and has nylon reinforced S?j SfS. - J 1 heel and toe. Size 10V4-12. r" ' GOLD'S Men's Store . . . Strtfei Floor f Use Your CKARGAPLATE Token Letterip To The Administration (Kdltor's tratei The following letter, re ceived by The S'ebraiku, If directed to the 1'nlverstty AdmlnlMratiou. The Nebraska carries the letter tu Ms editorial column ax ( part of Its function as a studeat forum. The author's line is deleted at his request.) Dear Sirs: It is very pleasing to this hum ble scribe to note the admirable restraint you exercised in the pol icy embodied in the recent em ployment of the two "security of ficers" to combat the heinous moral laxity that, alas, is so prev alent, among the affiliated stu dents. We right-thinking members of the University community have long felt the need for such a pro gram of moral custodianship. Knowing your zeal in attempting to combat this problem of moral anarchy, I highly commend you for the restraint you have shown in putting this investigational pro gram into action. The fact that you did not give these "properly trained" investigators search-warrant jurisdiction or compel them to carry arms will effectively In validate any so-called student pro test on the grounds of constitution ality or common decency. To have gone any further at this time with your avowed uplifting program (pun intended) might have jeodar- dired it in its entirety, but by gradual piecemeal integration we will soon see the day when we possess an adequate moral stand ard on this campus. Also I wish to congratulate you upon your keen sense of timing in the announcement of this invest!, gational program. It comes at a time when any Communist in spired manifestation of student op position will be held to a mini mum by the cold weather and the fact that most of these playboy students will be cramming for final examinations, having wasted most of the semester in wassail and debauchery. Another excel lent timing aspect Is the fact that the State Legislature Is now in session and your investigation tac tics will quite likely coincide ex actly with the political tenor of a great majority of the elected rep resentatives of that august body, which might be of no small bene fit when appropriation-time comes up. In the vein of constructive criti cism I would like to make one or two modest suggestions. I have noticed that there are a great many empty beer cans scattered about on the campus lawns, a sight which offends the dignity and aesthetic sensitivity of many of us. My proposal for the re moval of these eyesores and the just punishment of those respon sible for putting them there would be this: 1. Place the two part-time "prop erly trained" security officers on a full-time basis, and each morn ing (when there would be a mini mum of licentious activity to be investigated) have them collect all these promiscuous beer cans, noting the location and marking each for later use as evidence. 2. After these beer cans have been collected, the fingerprints could be lifted and compared with a master catalog containing the fingerprints of everyone connected with the University. 3. The person whose fingerprints match those found on a stray beer can would be called before the Dean of Student Affairs and, faced with such Incontrovertible evi dence of wrongdoing, would be cashiered on the spot. This pro posal would not only help elimi nate the campus alcoholics and beautify our University grounds, but it would also provide interest ing and profitable laboratory ex perience for the criminology classes. Wishing you the best of success in the continuance of your pro gram of moral enlightenment, I remain, Sincerely and Devotedly Yours, JUNIUS SCRIBLERUS It's Or Its Dear Editors: The University of Nebraska of fers several excellent courses in English grammar. These courses are lettered A and B; the course to be taken depends upon the stu dent's proficiency in the language. May I suggest that the person who composed the front-page head line of Tuesday, Jan. 11 ("U.S.A. Now Starting It's Own Musicians") might benefit from either or both of the above courses. In case this unknown headline composer is not inclined to follow my advice, J. wish to state for him a rule which he might do well to remember: The contraction of the phrase "it is" is "it's" ("i - -1 - -apostrophe - - s"); the possessive form of the word "it" is "its" (no apostrophe). These forms cannot be used interchangeably. ELLIE ELLIOTT 'Barefoot Contessa' Theme Shows Humanness M: 1 Vi -o By ELLIE GUILLIATT Here, in "The Brefoot Contes sa," is a new insight into the lives of those society crucifies on the cross of fame. Looking at the movie from the aspect of substance, this film has something important to say whether it Js successful or not is a moot question; perhaps it tries to say too much and gets a little confused now and then. As a whole I thought it very absorb ing; and it certainly does not walk easily over the well-beaten paths, but rather takes itself off on an original and interesting side street. Mankiewicz, the writer-director, shows a great deal of creative imagination In the filming. I have special reference to the cabaret scene in Madrid when Maria (Ava Gardner) has not yet appeared in the movie, but whose dancing is obviously the center of everyone's attention. The wonderful, mute studies of character in the faces of those looking on is worth the price of admission. These people, seem ingly unaware of being photo graphed, show the many and varied reactions of audiences to a performer there, is the - boredom of four young women ordering din ner, the fascination of an old white haired man, the insinuation of a not-too-pure reaction on the part of two gentlemen and the com plete oblivion of two young lovers. The sequence runs approximately 30 seconds or a minute, and in that time Maria is established more firmly than 30 minutes of dialogue could have done, as a woman of mystery, exciting, en chanting, beautiful. Another fine part of this movie Is the character of Harry Dawes, the beaten down director, played by Humphrey Bogart. Usually Bogart's dead pan portrayal of film roles gives me no excitement whatsoever; but the sensitive way he underplays Harry delighted me. Dawes for me was the epitome of the disillusioned artist in a world of material values, the one man who saw through the alluring ex terior of Maria to the human be ing she really was. But perhaps this kind of specu lation Is misplaced when discus sing a movie I don't think it is, however. "The Barefoot Contessa" is, in essence, an aggregation of a great many diverse values. It is a comment on life, it is the product of an industry, and it is an attempt (rather more success ful, and restrained, than "A Star Is Born", I might add) to givr to the movie colony a quality which is not too often apparent human feeling. Granted, there is more to "The Barefoot Contessa" than just the fact that someone with money made Maria a star; but there is my point what were they saying? There are traces of many dif ferent human problems, each of which if exploited to the fullest would, make. a. fine, story;, but which, In this film, are left unful filled. It is full and rich in honest effort, and if you sort out the questions It raises for you, you will spend more than just the length of the movie trying to solve them. My own reaction to the film was mixed. I enjoyed it because it was well filmed and took a re freshing point of departure; but I was disappointed that with so clear and fine a beginning it got bogged down in the abyss of try Ing to say too much at once. km r ONLY NEW OWE LUNGS AE coveeeo by thi one-year WARRANTY FOR CI HOMES. THE WARRANTY MEANS THESE HOMES WERE gUILT IN "SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMITY" WITH VA APPCOVED PLANS. for full InffirmatioM eentset star swereet VETERANS ADMINISTRATION elbre Chevrolet's stealing the thunder from the high priced cars with the greatest choice going of t engines and drives! Look at all the ways you . can go when you go Chevroletl You can have the new 162-h.p. V8 or you can take your pick of two new sweet-running 6's. Then there's Super-Smooth Powerglide, new Over id rive (extra-cost options) and a new and finer Synchro-Mesh transmission. Come In and See how m f much fun it is to drive the exciting new ways to go! moc s a your choice. 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