The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 14, 1955, Image 1

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    High Scholarship
Add m (ma I Ta- HIirsiir
Ten senior women who have earned more than 90 credit hours will receive special
recognition for outstanding scholarship at the annual Mortar Board Tea, Sunday after
noon from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
Women receiving special recognition and their colleges are: Mary Gattis, Arts and
Sciences; Joanne Malicky, Agriculture; Eileen Marie Miller, Arts and Sciences; Ann
Louise Workman, Arts and Sciences.
Mrs. Bonnie Bronder, Arts and Sciences; Delores Ann Gerdes, Teachers; Kathleen
O'Donnell, Arts and Sciences; Mrs. Mary Maude Bedford Hanson, Teachers; Joyce
Laase, Teachers; Mrs. Fae
Amendments Pass
SC Representation
A petition by the Men's Co-operative
houses to give them separate
representation on the Student
Council was presented to Council
members at their meeting Wednes
day. The Council also passed three
motions to revise special elections
statutes. The first change provides
that faculty members would no
longer be required at special elec
tions, while the second says a limit
will be put on the period for in
validating an election. A re-vote
will have to be taken on the faculty
representation issue.
Dan Rasdal, elections committee
chairman, announced the member
ship of his recently organized com
mittee to investigate Ivy Day and
make recommendations to the
Council. Another committee was
formed by Murt Pickett, holdover
member, for the purpose of or
ganizing some special spring event
to let off student energies.
The Council acted upon a spe
cial petition presented by Louis
Schoen, representing the Student
Co-operative Organization, asking
for a separate member on the Stu
dent Council. The Student Co-operative
Organization is the central
organizational body of the five
m e n's independent co-operative
houses connected with the univer
sity. The Co-ops have been represent-
ed on the Council by one member,
who also represents the Men's Dor
mitories. The Co-ops felt they de
served separate representation on
the Council since they are in many
ways apart from the Men's Dorm.
Murt Pickett moved that the Coun
cil accept the petition and vote the
Co-ops a separate representative.
The motion will be acted upon at
Student Council meeting next
Revisions of the Student Council
"By-laws', Which had been presented
by the Council election committee
last meeting, were then discussed
and voted upon.
Rasdal first propcced the Coun-
Frosh Actors
To Perform
'Fumed Oak'
The last of a series of one-act
plays will be presented Saturday
at 8 p.m. by members of the
Freshmen Actor's Workship In the
Temple Building laboratory Arena.
"Fumed Oak" is a comedy by
Noel Coward. It is the story of a
hen-pecked husband who saves his
money in order to desert his
The play cast includes Larry
Carstenson, the husband; Gloria
Temple, his wife; Jan Christensen,
his daughter, and Graznik Nar
keuicius, his mother-in-law. '
There will be no admission
The Outside World
Staff Writer
Ike Asks For Draft Extension
President Eisenhower Thursday asked Congress to extend the draft
law four years, grant pay increases to "career" servicemen and create
a powerful military reserve to deal with any "aggressor so criminally
unwise as to attempt an atomic attack."
The President said the measures he proposed would give this
country the "proper military posture" for the first time in peacetime.
He said extension of the Selective Service Law, due to expire June so,
"is necessary because experience demonstrates that acive armea
forces of the size we must maintain cannot be raised by voluntary
enlistments alone." " ,
On pay, he proposed increases only for men willing : to , serve longer
than a minimum time, saying it is necessary to maintata g
fenced hard core of the modern fighting force." Calling for "J"
rise, Eisenhower said there should be no ease for of hcers in the
first three years of their service and none in the first two years for
enlisted men.
Court Martial For Red Informant
- The Army plans a court martial next monft for Master Sergeant
WiluVm H Olson on charges of informing on his buddies while a
prisoner of the Reds in Korea. t ,
Olson was charged with eight counts of violating an article of the
Uniform Code of Military Justice concerning communication w tn an
enemy, an offense punishable by death. The Army said Olson is one
of some 40 former POWs slated for such charges.
Olson said he was "completely amazed" by the charges and knew
of "no foundation" for .them except, possibly, a paper he read to
fellow prisoners in Korea requesting the United Nations to help end the
war. i j
McCarthy Target's Promotion Canceled
Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-Wis) said Wednesday night the Army had
promoted to corporal a doctor who had invoked the Fifth Amendment
on questions about Communism. A few hours later, the Army reported
Pfc. Marvin S. Beisty's promotion had been canceled and his com
mander reprimanded. 1
McCarthy, who likened the Belsky case to that of . the former
Army dentist Maj. Irving Peress, said he had learned the promotion
was made "within the last six weeks." He said he had asked for a
report from the Army. Belsky is on the medical staff at Murphy
General Hospital, Waltham, Mass.
At Waltham, Col. Arthur J. Redland, the commanding officer,
declined comment and a hospital spokesman said Belsky was on leave
until Jan. 19. He could not be located for possible comment.
Told of the Army announcement, McCarthy said he would be
"curious to see an explanation of why they waited until our subcom
mittee got into the matter before acting."
Thoreson Freauf, Teachers.
Co-ops Seek
cil strike from its By-Laws the
section requiring a faculty member
to be present at all special elec
tions. He argued it was difficult to
get faculty members to "sit around
that long" and a Student Council
member would be on hand at elec
tions anyway
Dick Fellman then stated that
faculty members might serve as
an added safeguard against fraud
at special elections. Rasdal an
swered that faculty members could
be as easily deceived as Student
Council members and pointed out
that if the Council is to keep the
law, and require faculty members
at all elections, then the Council
must automatically invalidate any
election held without faculty su
pervisor, whether that election is
fair or not.
Norm Veitzer said that since the
Student Council is going to publicly
bear the criticism for any election
difficulties, as it did in the Honor
ary Commandant election investi
gation, then the Council might as
well have complete jurisdiction
over elections. The motion failed
the first time but was reconsid
ered and passed the second time,
20 to 8. Jack Rogers, Council presi
dent, announced that it will have
to be voted upon again since origi
nally it was supposed 20 votes did
not constitute two-thirds of t h e
Council, and the question was an
nounced as defeated at the meet
Rasdal's 'second By-law amend
merit Drovided that a special elec
tion which is not invalidated with
in 60 hours after the votes are
counted will be considered valid.
After discussion. Rasdal changed
the time limit to within 72 hours
after the closing of polls, and the
motion carried.
Ai the last order of business:
the Student Council discussed the
recent action by the University to'
investieate fraternities for drink
ing violations, but no action was
taken upon the subject. The Coun
cil finally decided to bring up the
problem in the next Cornhusker.
Council meeting with uianceuor
Hardin next- Wednesday.
The members of the Ivy Day
committee revealed at the meeting
are Dan Rasdal, chairman; John
Gourlay; Bernie Wishnow; Glenna
Berry, and Norm Creutz.
The Spring Event committee will
be composed of Marv Stromer,
Tom Woodward, Jo Knapp, Jim
Cederdahl, Ken Philbrick, Ann
Kokjer, Don Novotny, Mike Shug
rue, Joyce Taylor, Al Overcash,
Sara Hubka. Jack Rhoden, Roger
Berger, Dick Fellman and Court
ney Campbell.
Murt Pickett. Special Events
committee chairman, pointed out
that the committee is composed
of representatives of all classes
and of both fraternity and sorority
members and independents.
Sophomore, junior and senior
women who have attained a 6.5
average or better will be guests
at the tea. The freshman scholas
tic honorary, Alpha Lambda Delta,
and the 10 top senior women will
In the receiving line will be Mrs.
Clifford M. Hardin, Dean Marjorie
Johnston, Jo Knapp, Mortar Board
president, Jo Meyers, Mortar
Board vice president and Miss
Elsie Ford Pieper, Mortar Board
Alumnae president.
The two Mortar Board Society's
sponsors, Mrs.-Virginia Trotter and
Mrs. Chris Sanders, will attend.
Betty Hrabik is in charge of
the arrangements for the tea.
Hoover Tells
Of Semester
A detailed procedure for next
semester's registration has been
announced by Dr. Floyd Hoover,
Director of Registration and Rec
ords. Junior Division students will re
ceive copies of their worksheets
at the Military and Naval Science
Building beginning at 1 p.m. on
Tuesday when their . number of
hours entitles them to register.
Junior Division students whose
number comes up before 1 p.m. on
Tuesday must go to Temporary
A to pick up their worksheets.
Students in the colleges of Ag
riculture, Arts and Sciences and
Teachers do not need the signa
ture of the dean of their college
Engineering, Architecture and
on the worksheets. All Junior Di
vision, Business Administration,
Pharmacy students will need their
dean's signature.
students registering lor more
than 18 or less than 12 hours with
the exception of those in the Col
lege of Agriculture must have the
special permission of their dean
written upon the worksheet. Per
sons registering as- students-at-large
must have the signature of
Dean Rosenlof.
Registration for students hav
ing 100 or more hours on record
as of Sept. 1, 1954, will begin
at 9 a.m. Monday. Students with
approximately 75 hours may expect
to register at 3 p.m. Monday, as
hours will be dropped at the rate
of five each hour. . Registration
will begin with 70 hours Tuesday
morning and is expected to reach
40 hours by 3 p.m.
On Wednesday registration will
begin with 35 hours and all stu
dents having hours on record will
complete their registration on that
day. Junior Division students with
numbers below 200 may be able to
register at 3 p.m. Wednesday also.
Registration on Thursday may
begin with students having num
bers below 500. The rate is ex
pected to increase by 200 num
bers each hour with all students
Me to register at 3 p.m. of that
The Assignment Committee does
not guarantee that this schedule
can be followed rigidly. This
schedule is merely a guide to in
dicate to students when they
may expect to register.
Students who do not register
when their hours are reached may
expect to find the courses or sec
tions they wished closed. Hours
will be posted in front of the Mili
tary and Naval Science building,
Regent's Bookstore and on Ag
Each student should bring a
pencil and a copy of the schedule
when he comes to register. Stu
dents not completing registration
on Jan. 17-20 may register with
the new students and graduate
students on Feb. 4. Graduate stu
dents will register Feb. 4-19, as
will students working for an Ad
vanced Professional degree in
Teachers College.
Fees will be payable for under
graduate students with names from
A-G on Jan. 31, from F-N on Feb.
1 and from N-Z on Feb. 2. Fees
may be paid in the Military and
Naval Science Building. Students
who do not pay fees on these
specified days must wait until Feb.
7 and pay the late fee of $3. Late
fees for new students, graduate
students and those working on ad
vanced degrees, in Teachers Col
lege will begin on Feb. 14.
Cornhusker Sales
Reach Final Month
The sales campaign for the 1955
Cornhusker is swinging into its fi
nal month, Phil Shade, Cornhusker
business manager, said.
Cornhuskers may be purchased
from any Corn Cob or Tassel work
er until the final deadline Friday,
Feb. 18.
At that time all sales books will
be called in for the final tabula
tion of books sold. No books will
be sold after this date so all those
interested in buying their new
Cornhuskers should contact a Cob
or Tassel or buy at booths set up
in the city and Ag ctmpus Unions
the week of Feb. 14 to 18.
Vol. 55, No. 43
Noted Jazz Artist
site Bum
Student Inquiries
Henninger Explains
Inspecting Functions
Students are urged by the Uni
versity's two new investigators to
ask questions of them and seek
explanations regarding the cur
rent liquor situation, Lt. E. R
Henninger said in a Nebraskan
interview Thursday. .
Lt. Henninger, hired by the
University with Luther Yeck as
special investigators, is a mem
ber of the Lincoln Police Depart
ment in charge of checking tavern
reports. He and Yeck were hired
because of their experience as
liquor inspectors.
Yeck, formally with the State
Highway Patrol, was until recent
ly a deputized state sheriff and a
qualified liquor inspector employed
by the state liquon commission.
Ke left the liquor commission to
seek other employment, Tal Coon-
rad, state liquor commissioner,
No Set Pattern
Henninger and Yeck have been
authorized by Chancellor Hardin
to "visit andor inspect any social
functions" sponsored by campus
organizations. They will be check
ing for drinking and violations of
Mixer Planned
For Saturday
As 'Final Fling'
A Final Fling Mixer will be held
in the Union Ballroom Satureday
nigni aiter tne basketball game
to celebrate the beginning of fin
als. Music will be supplied by Bill
Albers for dance starting at 9 p.m.
Students are invited to come with
a date or stag. This will be the
last Union dance of the semester.
Tickets are being sold for 50
cents in the Union booth and will
be sold the night of the dance at
the door.
Hostesses for the dance will be:
Janet Aunspaugh, Marilee Ply
mate, Sherry Young, ifiileen Aks
amit, Kay Krueger, Sharon Evens,
Barbara Bartlett, Kay Williams,
Rhoda Klute, Jean Johnson and
Phylis Kapustka. .
Union Dance Committee chair
man is Marilyn Staska. Commit
tee heads for the dance are Shar
on Evans, publicity, and Janet
Aunspaugh, decorations.
Sigma Gamma
Epsilon To Sponsor
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, hono
rary geology fraternity, will spon
sor an open house for all geology
students and friends Tuesday night,
January 18, at 8:00 p.m. in the
Morrill Hall auditorium.
The speaker will be Dr. Gilbert
Lueninghoener, professor of geolo
gy at Midland College, Fremont,
Visit To West
Features Editor
Ask the average student what
Photographic Productions is and
he'll say, "Beats me!" This re
porter always heard it referred
to as photo lab around the Corn
husker and Nebraskan offices and
concluded that it was just a still
photography service.
A visit to the west stadium and
the home of Photographic Pro
ductions was an eye-opener. From
a two-man laboratory equipped
primarily for still pictures back
in 1946. it has grown into a com
plex organization working in all
phases of the specialized techniqu
es and aesthetics of photography,
The staff now consists of twelve
full-time employees and eight part
time workers who are students.
Wendell Hoffman, the manager,
studied photography at the Uni
versity of Iowa School of Journal
ism before coming to the Univer
sity in 1946. Photographic Pro
ductions was organized in 1939 un
der the direction of Ray Morgan,
assistant professor of journalism
at the University.
New Processor '
Student workers and their jobs
are: Earl Barnett, sound engin
eer; Don Hackbart, engineer; Dar
win McAfee, photographer; Rog
er Metcalf, artist; Robert Moser,
motion picture processing; Lawr
ence Rice, photographer; David
West, motion picture processing,
ill To.lfeafyire Lum
city and state liquor laws, Hen
mnger said.
The pair have been working for
the University since October, he
said. They do not have a set pat
tern of inspection, the number of
nights work in a week usually de
pending on the social schedule for
the week.
"I hope the fraternities and
sororities will ask us in to explain
the situation," Henninger urged.
Both men will be glad to clear
up any doubts or questions stu
dents have on liquor laws and
. Pressure From Taxpayers
Henninger said one question was
looming large in the students'
minds as to how much authority
the inspectors have. Both men
arp qualified by the University to
see that liquor laws are not vio
lated on the campus. These in
clude state and city laws.
Henninger said pressure from
people out in the state have come
to the state legislature regarding
drinking on the campus. They are
interested from the point of the
taxpayer and parent, he explained.
Students do not realize the teriffic
pressure applied by the home
folks, he said.
As to whether the inspectors
would actually search fraternity
houses for liquor, Henninger said
they would not unless the situation
called for it. If it were apparent
that much drinking was going on
in a house, the officers would first
get a legalized search warrant be
fore any search was made.
"I don't think that situation
would ever arise," he said.
Assume Innocence
If a student is picked up on sus
picion of drinking, he said, "if
there is any possible way, we ex
plain the situation, and give any
benefit of the doubt first."
In dealing with fraternity houses,
the inspectors will assume the
houses are living up to their agree
ment with the Universiy that no
liquor is on the premises. Unless
the situation calls for it, there
should be no grounds for investi
If there is drinking at a party
sponsored by a fraternity or soror
ity, it will be up to the group's
officers to explain to the admin
istration that the drinking was
not sanctioned.
Individual Violations
If only a few persons are found
drinking, they will be arrested be
cause of individual violation of
state and city laws. It will not be
a house situation unless the house
is obviously sponsoring a bar or
otherwise sanctioning drinking, he
Persons over 21 may drink on
private property, he said, unless
the organization owning the prop
erty exists only under the sanc
tion of the University. This per
tains to fraternities and sororities,
since their premises are under
state jurisdiction through the Uni
versity. No drinking by anyone is
allowed on state property.
and Sandra Keene, receptionist.
Hackbart's biggest job at the
moment is the building of a new
processor which will process film
automatically. When completed,
the machine will process film at
the rate of 50 feet per minute.
It will be fed 1200 feet of film
at one end which will come out
at the other end ready to be projected.
Photos Processed
Don Hackbart, kneeling;, and Lar-
ry Rice test the continuous mov-
ie film processing machine at
Louie "Satchmo" Armstrong, noted jazz musician,
will play for the Interfraternity Council Ball, Friday,
March 11 at the Turnpike Ballroom.
IFC's intention was to present a good band at reason
able prices, Bill DeViies, IFC president said. Bill Tomsen,
Phi Delta Theta, is in charge of arrangements for the
dance. Tomsen is IFC social chairman.
Cost for presentation of "Satchmo" will be a $2000
promotional deal, according to DeVries.
Tentative plans are being madei
to present a scholarship award at
the dance, DeVries said. Accord
ing to present plans it will be rec
ognition of the fraternity which
has raised its house average the
most during a given semester.
Armstrong started playing the
cornet in a New Orleans reform
school, Waifs' Home for Boys. He
didn't learn to read music until
later in his career.
"Stretchln' Out"
Fletcher Henderson, jazz orches
tra leader, gave Armstrong his
first job with a name jazz band
in 1924. After playing a year in
New York, Armstrong returned to
New Orleans, where he could play
his "stretchin out" style.
. "I got my professional start in
the flask-toting Twenties when
people wanted their music hot,"
Armstrong said in his autobiog
raphy. In 1952, Armstrong was elected
to the Jazz Hall of Fame, which
is sponsored by "Downbeat" mag
According to the Chicago "De
fender," Armstrong is one of the
greatest jazz coronetists in the
United States.
Armstrong has recorded with
both the Columbia and Decca re
cording companies, and has been
awarded the Esquire Gold Medal.
He is credited in music journ
als with having done more for
the Negro in commercial .music
than any other musician. Arm
strong has done several Broad
way revues and motion pictures
A six-man orchestra and a vo
calist will comprise the group to
appear in Lincoln. This group has
made all of Armstrong's latest
recordings with him.
"Heebie Jeebies," "Muskrat
Ramble." "When the Saints Go
Marcing In" and "Basin Street
Blues" are some of Armstrong's
most famous hits.
Red Prisoner
John Hayes
Speaks Today
"Brain-washing Its Purpose and
Techniques, and How to Meet It"
will be the topic of a speech by Dr.
John D. Hayes at a Student-Faculty
Seminar Friday at 4 p.m. in the
Union Faculty lounge.
Dr. Hayes, a prisoner of the
Communists for 10 months, will
tell what he learned of the People's
government when he was in Chi
nese prison. He was released in
September of 1952 after surviving
the brain-washing techniques.
He also has carried responsi
bilities in mission administration,
including many years as executive
secretary of the North China Mis
sion. A major emphasis in his work
has been fostering the growth of
the-Chinese Church, student evan
gelism and the student Christian
movement in North China.
The processor is being built on I
the basis of parts of such a ma-
chine which were brought from
New York. Staff members have
been working on it in their spare
time during the past year, and
they expect to complete it within
two months.
Hoffman said, "Photographic
Productions has been built up be
cause of the interest and enter-
Photographic , Productions Lab,
while Sandra Keene looks on. All
are part-time students.
Friday, January 14, 1955
Editor Fox
To Deliver
Ag Address
"Ag Days," Friday and Satur
day, is designed to fill the request
of friends of Ag College who have
wanted an opportunity to gain a
broader view of its progress and
accomplishments. .
Dr. Franklin Eldright, associate
director of resident instruction who
is in charge of the plans, says the
public is invited.
Guest speaker for the Friday
afternoon session at 2 p.m. will be
Kirk Fox, editor of Successful
Farming magazine, at DeS Moines.
He will discuss the "Role of Edu
cation and Research in Agricul
tural Progress."
A dinner will be served by the
Farmer's Fair Board in the Col
lege Activities Building at 6 p.m.
Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin
will speak on the University's
Saturday morning at 9 p.m. the
various departments of the Col
lege will have open house.
Agricultural engineering will dis
play developments in corn har
vesting equipment.
The dairy department will have
its milk plant open for inspection.
There will also be a cheese dis
play including samples. At the
barn, the self feeding silo will be
on display. There will also be
a feed mixing display.
- Two programs- h a v e been
planned by the agricultural eco
nomics department. At 10 a.m..
Dr. Everett E. Peterson, extension
economist, will discuss- "Planning
the Livestock Program ' on Ne
braska Farms."
Dr. Philip Henderson, manager
of the University Development
Farms, will comment on farm
management problems in eastern
Nebraska at 10:30 a.m.
Coed Counselor
Filings to Close
Filings for Coed Counselors will
close Friday. All girls who have
not applied are asked to do so
before 5:00 p.m. in Ellen Smith
Hall and the Ag Union.
The Coed Counselors board con
sists of six sophomores, eight jun
iors and two seniors. All girls
with a weighted 5.7 average are
elibible. you need not have been in
CC to apply.
Commencement Orders
Orders for commencemnt an
nouncements, folders and individ
ual name cards for June gradu
ates will be taken Jan. 17 to 21
in a Union booth.
The booth will be open from 9
a.m. to 6 p.m. This is the only
time that these order will be
prise of the workers themselves."
He added that among the other
equipment that they produced
themselves are two drum proces
sors and an automatic film-drying
cabinet, using a vacuum cleaner
and metal clothes hanger as basic
Triology Films
One of the organization's main
jobs, the making of 16mm. pictures
for educational purposes, grew out
of the fact that the Army made
great use of such films during '
the last war.
Currently, Photographic Produc
tions is filming a series of weekly,
30-minute films called the "Ne
braska Trilogy," sponsored by the
University television department
with the co-operation of the Uni
versity Museum, the department
of anthropology and the Sticte His-
torical Society. Jack McBride,
head of University television, sup
ervises the writing and directing
of the films.
Six copies are made of the tril
ogy four are for national dis
tribution, one is placed in the Uni
versity film library in the exten
sion division and one is circulated
to television stations throughout
the state.
In September Photographic Pro
cuctions made a $6,000 film en '
titled "Someone Pays the Piper
for the State Highway Depart
ment." It was a report from the
Continued on Page 4 I