The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 05, 1955, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
Suggestions Offered
To Simplify Displays
A central theme for all home
coming displays was suggested in
a meeting of Homecoming chair
men in tne women s division as
part of an attetmpt to cut down
the elaborateness of displays.
Some of the chairmen said that
the ruling prohibiting male help
with displays should be removed
because it has been frequently vio
lated in the past. Others felt this
was one reason behind outsized
Cutting the price limit to $50 is
still being considered, although
Big Red Drive
Du Teau Says
Total Near
The Big Red athletic scholarship
drive sponsored by the University
of Nebraska Alumni Association
has brought in a total of $36,447,
slightly more than 90 per cent of
the $40,000 goal, according to Els
worth DuTeau, campaign chair
man. Du Teau said that 987 persons
contributed to the fund to help
build a stronger Nebraska tth
letic scholarship program, contrib
uting an average of $36.93 each.
Of the total amount raised, Du
Teau said, "a tabulation of the
figures shows that 264 Lincoln peo
ple contributed $25,400, or approx
imately 70 per cent of the total.
Omaha, (63 people), contributed
$1,215, or three per cent."
The drive, launched in August
with a special issue of the Ne
braska Alumnus, brought in con
tributions from 383 people who live
outside of Nebraska. Their contrib
utions accounted for 17 per cent of
the total.
Two-hundred seventy-seven Ne
braskans in the state outside of
Omaha and Lincoln, Du Teau said,
contributed 10 per cent of the
The money raised by the Big Red
drive will be used for scholarships
to worthy athletes who prove that
they are acceptable academically
as well as athletically. Each schol
arship will be screened by a spe
cial faculty scholarship committee.
The drive was held to make up
a deficit of funds needed to estab
lish the new scholarship program.
The Athletic Department allocated
$60,000. Another $40,000 was needed
Du Teay said .
The Athletic Department is ex
pected to be able to finance the
expanded program entirely by
itself next year, Du Teau said.
Those persons who have
pledged but have not paid their
pledges to the fund are urged to
do so as soon a? possible. Addi
tional gifts received by the Al
umni office will be transmitted
immediately to the 'Athletic De
partment, Du Teau said.
RC Applications Due
Applications are now open for
Fed Cross Executive Board. Blanks
can be picked up in the Red Cross
office and are due in the mail
box by 5 p.m. Jan. 13. Interviews
will be held Jan. 14 at 3:15 p.m.
in the Red Cross office, Union
Boom 308. '
Present officers are president
Marv Stromer, vice-president Fran
Locke, secretary Natalie Katt and
Treasurer Joan Knudson.
Art, Fiction Competition
Contests in art and fiction spon
sored by Mademoiselle Magazine,
are open to undergraduate women
under 26 years of age.
Any medium of art work la ac
ceptable in the contest. The two
winners will illustrate two win
ning college fiction contest stories
and receive $300 each for publica
tion of their work.
Honorable mention will be given
to five other artists and photostat
ic copies of their work will be kept
on file for possible future assign
ments. A maximum of five samples
may be submitted.
The samples may consist of
tfork previously done or work spe
cifically done for the contest.
Samples done specifically for the
contest should be illustrations in
terpteting a piece of fiction pub
lished in Mademoiselle during the
past year.
Original work may be submitted
if it is no larger than ZVi by 11
inches. Photographs of the work
slso may be submitted instead of
the original. All work submitted
should be unmatted, unmounted
end unframd. Entries must be
postmarked no later than midnight
I,! arch L
Entries in the college fiction con
test should run from 2,500 to
4,000 words. The two winners of
this contest will receive $500 each
and publication of their stories in
the magazine. Runners-up will re
ceive honorable mention and the
magazine will reserve the right to
buy their work at regular rates.
Winners of the fiction contest will
be announced in the August issue
along with the names of the art
contest winners.
More than one story may be
many chairmen reported their
groups were opposed to any such
cut. These groups felt that a cut
would lead to the eventual elimi
nation of competition.
Defining rules sent out by the
Innocents more specifically was
also suggested. Handing in . ideas
and approving them at an earlier
date was also suggested.
Maximum space limits and re
duction in moement are still un
der consideration, although, some
groups opposed these ideas. It
was suggested that the Innocent
in charge of Homecoming displays
meet with the chairmen and offer
his ideas on Homecoming prob
lems. Kay Yerk was appointed chair
man of the committee investigat
ing the situation. Billie Howalt
was named recorder.
A subcommittee to draw up a
defenite plan of action was ap
pointed at the meeting. Tish Lowe
will act as chairman and Billie
Howalt, Jo Larson, Leah Gittle-
man and Marilee Plymale will
comprise the committee.
The next meeting will be Tues
day, Jan. 11, at 5 p.m. in Ellen
Smith Hall.
(Cont. from page 1)
In discussing the third objection
that the girls are old enough to
decide for themselves what time
they should go to bed, several
counselors stated that it would
be even harder, should the pro
posal be accepted, than it is at
present to enforce any type of
quiet hours.
A freshman member of the coun
cil said that the girls regarded
the rule as "childish" and that
"it was only natural for the girls
to resent some rules." She added
that many colleges have not found
it necessary to have a lights out
rule because the hours for study
ing are left to the discretion of
the girls.
It was then pointed out that the
existing rule could be clarified
to the extent that girls who found
it necessary to study -past 11:30
p.m. could do so if they obtained
permission from their respective
housemothers. If the girl was re
garded as responsible and if she
did not overuse the privilege and
if the added time was actually go
ing to be used for studying, it was
agreed that the housemothers
should grant permission. The com
plaints were attributed to the
lack of a uniform enforcement of
the existing- rule which makes it
necessary for some girls who want
ed to stay up past 11:30 p.m. for
studying to hang towels over the
transoms of the door or do their
typing in the clothes closets.
Clarified Rule
In discussing the clarified rule,
Mrs. Hastain said "You can tell
whether ot not a girl needs to
study past the 11:30 deadline or
if she will use added time to
study. If the girls would come and
explain why they needed the ex
tra time, it would probably be
A vote was hot taken In the Dorm
or at the Council meeting, but the
representatives generally agreed
that the clarified form would be
acceptable. If the other girls in
the Dorm have any complaints re
garding the lights out rule now,
council members urge that they
tell their hall counselor. If there
are numerous complaints, the
counselors will have another meet
ing to take action on the ruling.
entered by a contestant. Stories
that have appeared in undergradu
ate publications are acceptable if
they have not been published else
where. Reguiar size typing paper
should be used. Entries must be
typewritten and double-spaced on
only one side of the page. All en
tries must be postmarked no later
than midnight, March 1.
Work in both contests must be
clearly marked with the contes
tant's name, age, home address,
school address and school year.
An 8Vi by 11 inch manilla enve
lope, self-addressed and stamped,
should be enclosed with all entries.
The magazine will not guarantee to
0S f?f?
On The Social Side
St. Nick Loses To Cupid
Who Pins 8, Engages 37
Social Editor
btudents returned to campus
Monday after two weeks of holi
day socializing and, . for some, a
journey to Miami for the Orange
Bowl game. Popular.topics of con
versation for the . returning Ne
braskans were New Year's Eve
parties and newly-engaged couples
Monday evening eight couples an
nounced pinnings and thirty-seven
couples announced engagements.
Carolyn Lawritson, Alpha Chi
Omega junior, to George Barlow,
Phi Gamma Delta junior.
Colleen Turner, Alpha Chi
Omega sophomore, to John Peter
son, Beta Theta Pi junior.
Cynthia Johnson, Alpha Phi sen
ior, to Keith Bntton, Delta Tau
Gwen Uran, Gamma Phi Beta
senior, to Bill Thayer, Sigma Chi
Donna Stephenson, Kappa Delta
sophomore, to Charles Parks, Del
ta Sigma Phi sophomore.
Janet Kauffman, Pi Beta Phi
sophomore, to Lauren Faist, Kappa
Sigma junior.
Shirley Denman, Kearney State
Teacher's College, to Dick May
berry, Phi Gamma Delta sopho
more. Jackie Peterson, Chi Omega at
the University of Omaha, to Jim
Donelan, Phi Delta Theta senior.
Helen Schaberg Tri Delta senior,
to Ed Mueksch, junior.
Ruth Slavin, freshman, to Merle
Potash, Sigma Alpha Mu alum
attending the University of Omaha.
Barbara Farnsworth, Delta Gam
ma sophomore, to John Stebbins,
Beta Theta Pi junior.
Peggy Halverson. Delta Gamma
sophomore, t6 Pete Jeffrey, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon senior.
Pam Peterson, Delta Gamma jun
ior, to Orville Glass, Beta Theta
Pi alum.
Jo Ann Joy, junior, to Kenneth
Wulleschleger, sophomore.
Marilyn Beideck, Alpha Chi
Omega junior, to Dean Sloan, Phi
Delta Theta junior. 4
Janice Hussey, Alpha Omicron Pi
sophomore, to Bob Admire, sopho
Pat Uehling, Alpha Phi junior,
to Lou Jipp.
Beverly Ross, Alpha Xi Delta
junior, to Jerry Blue. '
Nancy Hall, Alpha Xi Delta jun
ior, to Chuck Shaw, Kansas State
Polly Gould, Alpha XI Delta
senior, to Bill Webster, Wayne
State Teacher's College alum.
Joyce Taylor.Chi Omega junior,
to Bob Young, Alpha Gamma Rho
Crew Named
For 'Consul'
The crew for "The Consul" have
been announced by John Tolch,
technical director for the Univer
sity Theater production playing
Feb. 15 to 19.
Manager of the scenery crew is
Bev Engelbrecht with Shirley El
liott, Karen Peterson, Bud Stew
art and Len Schropfer acting as
members. Al Brinkman, manager
of the lights crew, is assisted by
Lou Cohen and Bill Doleman.
Gary Miller is manager of the
stage property committee and
Leroy McCoy is assistant. Hand
property committee includes Amer
Lincoln, manager, and Nadine
Bosley. Dolly Ann Redja and
Margaret Samani make up the
costume committee.
ire ire'
send back any entries received un
less they are accompanied by a
return envelope.
Judges in the art contest are
Bradbury Thompson, art director
of Mademoiselle; Thomas B
Hess, executive editor of Art News,
and Mildred Constantine, associ
ate curator of graphic design at
the Museum of Modern Art.
Art entries should be sent to
The Art Contest, Mademoiselle,
575 Madison Ave. New York 22,
N.Y. Address for the fiction con
test is: College Fiction Contest,
Mademoiselle, 575 Madison Ave.,
New York 22, N.Y,
Wish 'em
' - I 1-
' ' ! R
I I :
J? '
Lincoln, Nebraska
Shirley Hawkins, Chi Omega
sophomore to Rob Garfoot, Sig
ma Chi alum.
Marbara, Padley, Chi Omega jun
ior, to Don Kuhlman, Beta Sigma
Psi junior; i
Eileen Mullarky, Delta Gamma
senior, to Bill Weber, Alpha Tau
Omega senior.
Ginny Franks, Delta Gamma sen
ior, to Jack Scofield, Phi Gamma
Delta alum.
Ann McKamy, Delta Gamma sen
ior, to Jack Moores, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon at Colorado University.
Jackie Ray, Alpha Phi alum,
to Jack DesEnfants, Alpha Tau
Omega junior. '
Shirley Lentz, Gamma Phi Beta
senior, to Ron Weddle, Delta Tau
Delta alum from the University of
Nancy Odum, Gamma Phi Beta
senior, to Bill Holloran, Sigma Chi
Leigh Cartwright, Kappa Alpha
Theta senior, to Joseph Malec,
Hope Miner, Kappa Alpha Theta
senior, to Ed McClure, Delta Tau
Delta alum.
Rachel Foote, Kappa Alpha The
ta senior, to Dick Wakeman, Beta
Theta Pi senior.
Barbara Thurman, Kappa Delta
sophomore, to Burl Spencer, soph
omore at Kearney State Teacher's
College. '
Carolyn Abbott, Kappa Delta
junior, to Chuck Lindquist, junior.
Joey Dingman, Kappa Delta jun
ior, to Ron Ramsey, Delta Up
silon alum.
Libby Russell, Kappa Kappa
Gamma junior, to Larry Dunning,
Sigma Chi senior.
Susie Opitz, Kappa Kappa Gam
ma senior, to uiarue wrignt,
Beta Theta Pi alum.
Mimi DuTeau, Kappa Kappa
Gamma senior, to Andy Button,
Sigma Nu alum.
Shirley Rosenberg, Sigma Delta
Tau junior, to Bart Rochman, Sig
ma Alpha Mu alum.
Zelda Kaminsky, Sigma Delta
Tau sophomore, to Gordon Fried
nash, Tau Epsilon Phi senior at
Denver University.
Sally Bartling, Delta Gamma
alum, to Dick Duling, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon senior.
Jackie Svendsen, Sigma Kappa
freshman, to Henry Wehrman Jr.,
Kappa Sigma freshman.
Janet Villm, Sigma Kappa soph
omore, to wenaeu xoung.
Doris Frank, junior, to Bill Nelf
Sigma Nu senior.
Neala O'Dell, Kappa Delta alum,
to Wes Lubberstedt, Phi Gamma
Delta junior.
Barbara Raun, Kappa Kappa
Gamma alum, to Wes Barton,
Kappa Sigma senior.
Delta Tau Delta formal Lin
coln Hotel.
Exam Schedule
Laboratory classes meeting for several continuous hour, on on or two da" ,h!jl
meet tot examination! ai follows: uaases
examined on the date scheduled (or the first
or Thursday classe on the second hour ot
their third hour.
Classes meetim on the half Hour snau
halved. or eiample. clasaei which meet 2:30 to 4 P.m. on ikhot
shall be examined at the time act for classes which meet at 2 P.m. Tuesday! and
Unit examinations have been scheduled
Husiness Organization 3, 4. 21; Economic 3,
Engineering 1; English A. B. 1. 2. 3. 4: Home Economics 41, l: frencn n. u,
Spanish 51. i3; Mathematics 11. 16. 41. 105. 14. 15. 17; 42, 106. 107; Speech 9. 10.
II student h.;ve regularly scheduled examinations conflicting with the above apecially
arranged schedule, arrangements to take Mich specially scheduled examination at another
time should be made with the department concerned on or before Jan. 22. For example,
it a student is scheduled for an examination which conflicts with a specially scheduled
examination in Krench. arrangements should be made with the Romance Language
Department to take such French examinations
HatnrtUy. Jaa, 2:
AU sections of English A.
Tuesday, Jaa. 23
Classes meeting at 1 p.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two
of these days.
Classes meeting at II a.m. TThS or any one or two of these days
All sections of Speech 9. 10
Wednesday, Jaa. 2
Classes meeting at 8 .m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two
of these days
Classes meeting at 12 a.m. on 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two
of these days
Classes meeting at 10 a.m. TTH8 or any one or two of these day!
Tkarsday. Jaa. 2T
Classes meeting at 11 a.m. 5 or 4 day! or MWF. or any one or two
of these days
All sections of Education 61. 62 (Coliseum
AU section of Business Organization 3.4
Friday. Jaa. 28
All lection of Math 11. 16. 41. 105 (Coliseum)
All sections of Math 14, 15, 17. 106 107 (Coliseum)
Classes meeting at 4 p.m. 5 or 4 day, or MWF, or any on or
two of these days
atarardar. Jaa., 2(
Classes meeting at 9 a.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two
of these days
Moadar, Jaa. 21
All lections of English 2, 3. 4
Classes meeting at 3 p.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or
two of these day
Classes meeting at 5 p.m. 6 or 4 day. -or MWF. or any on or
two of these days
Classes meeting at 5 p.m. TTh or either one -of these days
Classes meeting at 7 p.m. TTh or either one of these days
Classes meeting at 7 p.m. MWF or any one or two of these days
TsassUr. Feb. 1
Classes meeting at 2 p.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or two
of these days
All sections of Economics 3. 11. 12. 115 (Coliseum)
Classes meeting at 2 p.m. TTh or either one of these day
Wednesday. Feb. t
Classes meeting at 10 a.m. 6 or 4 days, or MWF, or any one or
two of these days
Classes meeting at 1 p.m. TTh or either one of these days
Thanaay. Pb. 2
Classes meeting at 4 p.m. TTh or either one of these day
Classes meeting at 8 TThS or any one or two of these days
All sections of Mechanical Engineering 1
All sections of Home Economics 41, 42
All section of French 11, 13
All sections of Spanish 51. 53
All sections of Business Organization
Friday, Feb. 4
AH sections of English B. 1 (Coliseum
i-iiuM nwtint at a n m. TTh or either one of these days
1-4 p.m.
9-12 am.
'i - 5 p.m.
9-12 a.m.
2-5 p.m.
9-12 a.m.
2-6 p.m.
8-10 a.m.
11 a.m.-l p.m.
2-6 p.m.
9-12 a.m.
9-12 a.m.
2-5 p.m.
9-12 a.m.
2-5 p.m.
9-12 a.m.
2- -5 p.m.
9-12 a.m.
2-5 p.m.
9-11 a.m.
2-6 P.m.
Classes meeting at 9 a.m.
AU sections of Sociology 53
luck . . .
Unique Type In
Hebiraska Lab
One of the unique and probably
least-known operations carried on
at . Ag College is the Nebraska
Tractor Testing Laboratory.
The laboratory, started in 1919,
is the only one of its type in the
United States and tests made here
are accepted as a world-wide stan
dard. A number of foreign coun
tries will not import American
made tractors unless they have
been tested by the Nebraska lab.
The laboratory is governed by
a state law which requires that
all manufacturers must have one
tractor of each new model tested
here before the tractors can be
sold in the state. The tractors
are tested mainly for maximum
horsepower and fuel consump
tion. One traxtor can be tested in
about 45 engine-running hours, or
approximately one week.
Elections .
(Cont. from page 1)
The new YW officers will be in
stalled at a mass meeting for all
YW members and faculty women
Jan. 13 at 7:30 p.m.
The slate of officers nominated
for the Ag YWCA elections in
cludes secretary, Lou Lingren and
Ardie Young; treasurer, Charlotte
Sears and Mary Sorenson and Dis
trict Representative, Ann Luch
singer and Twila Riley.
Miss Hutchinson is the present
District Representative and Work
shop chairman of AG YWCA. Her
other activities include Student
Council, vice-president of 4-H club,
BABW Board, Ag Religious Coun
cil. She is also a member of Coed
Counselors, Phi Upsilon Omicron
and Vocational Homemaking Edu
cation Association.
Miss Splittgerber is the present
Social and Music chairman of the
Ag YW. Her other activities in
clude: Home Ec Club Cabinet, Ag
Exec Board, Secretary of Ag Re
ligious Council, Alpha Lambda Del
ta, Phi Upsilon Omicron, UHEA
and LSA. '
Miss Reeves is the treasurer of
the Ag Y. She is also in Home
Ec Club, is president of Ag In
terdenominational Youth Fellow
ship, vice-president of Ag Relig
ious Council.
The runner-up for president will
Physics Lecture
A lecture on "Interactions of
Atomic Beams with Gases" will
be given by C. E. Kuyatt, research
assistant in Physics, Thursday at
4:15 p.m. in Brace Laboratory 211.
Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m.
mto,ni J , ".rr7r Wednesday
hour of their !'" T"?'n" ' ciImTot
their meeting; Friday or Saturday classes on
. .. ., h,. K-n
oe examinro j jr- --, -
... . .,.
for all section in me loiiowin v:
11. 12. 115; Education 61, 62: Mechanical
at another time.
TThS or any on or two of these days
There's nothing like a telegram to give
the team a big boost just before a tough
game away from home.
Just descend on Western Union. Make
your message as witty ... as crazy as
you like. The boys will know you're
behind them, even though you can't
be there rooting them op.
As a matter of fact, telegrams are
perfect for any occasion . . . birthdays,
anniversaries or making a date. Just
call Western Union.
121 South 10th St.
Lincoln, Nebr.
Tel. 3-6894
The tractprs are tested on a pre
pared dirt track. Attempts are
being made to build a new con
crete track which would require
less maintainance.
The. official testing season runs
from March 1 to December 1.
Last year, a total of 16 new mod
els were tested. According to H.
A. Lentfer, 'assistant engineer,
this number is about average for
each year. 'Since its beginning, a
total of 531 tractors have passed
through the laboratory. Charles
Warner, lieutenant governor of Ne
braska, was one of the original
sponsors of the lab.
English, French Models
The lab has tested an English
and French tractor and also tests
most of the models manufactured
in Canada. The French tractor
. .
be vice-president and the other
candidate will have her choice of
cabinet positions.
Lou Lingren is the membership
chairman of the Ag YW. She is
also on the Home Ec Club Council
and is a member of UHEA, and
Phi Upsilon Omicron.
Miss Young is the service chair
man and .is on the Ag Exec
Board, Home Ec Club Council
and is a member of UHEA and
Phi Upsilon Omicron.
Miss Sears, who is the present
Bible Study chairman is also a
member of BABW Board, Out
standing Coed Counselor, 4-H Club,
Ag Union and Ag Interdenomina
tional Youth Fellowship.
Miss Sorenson is the present
chairman of the study group on
"Your Freedom is in Trouble" and
is also WAA representative, a
Coed Counselor and a member of
Miss Luchsinger's activities in
clude VHEA, Home Ec Club,
Alpha Lambda Delta, Coed Coun
selors. Miss Riley is a member of Tas
sels, Home Ec Club Council, VHEA
Council, Ag Exec Board, Ag In
terdenominational Council.
Home Ec president nominee Miss
Lindquist i. the present treasurer
and a past historian of the Home
Ec Club. She is president of the
College clubs department of the
State Nebraska Home Economics
Association, secretary, of the Ag
YWCA. She is a member of the
Farmers' Fair Board, VHEA, LSA
Regional Executive Board, Ag Re
ligious Council, Alpha Lambda Del
ta, and Phi Upsilon Omicron. In
addition, she was the 1954 Hello
Girl and a sophomore attendant
to the May Queen.
Miss Taylor, the other presi
dential nominee, is a member of
Home Ec Club CouncU, Ag YWCA,
VHEA and Phi Epsilon Omicron.
The runner-up for president will
be the vice-president.
Other nominees are secretary,
Ruth Ernst, Lous Lindgren and
Marilyn Anderson; treasurer, Ann
Luchsinger, Marian Sokol and Mar
gie Edwards, Historian, Joan Nor
ris, Lorajane Baskin and Marie
Miss Ernst's activities include
Home Ec council, Ag YW Cabinet,
Coll-Agri-Fun Board and Phi. Up
silon Omicron.
Miss Lindgren is a member of
Home Ec CouncU, YWCA, Ag Union
and Phi Upsilon Omicron. Miss
Anderson is a member of Home Ec
Council, Phi Upsilon Omicron and
Alpha Lambda Delta.
Miss Luchsinger is active in Coed
Counselors, YWCA, VHEA and
Home Ec Council.
Miss Sokol is a member of Home
Ec Council, Newman club, VHEA,
Ag Union, 4-H Club and Alpha
Lambda Delta.
Miss Edwards is in Home Ec
CouncU, YWCA, WAA Board and
Coed Counselors. Miss Gerdes be
longs to 4-H Club, Home Ec Club,
Miss Baskin is active In Ag YW
CA, Rodeo Club and Ag Union.
ullai ixOfiia ia t iiiciuucr of 4-1!
Club, Ag Y and Delta Gamma.
One WeeU Special
Nylon Hosiery
Miller's own brand
Arlure hosiery featured for
15 denier. 51 gauge, reg.
30 denier, 51 gauge
and 15 denier, 60
gauge, reg. $1. Sizes
8 ot 11 propor
tioned in short, me
dium and long.
Blush lure and
Taupelure shades.
Hosiery, First
Wednesday, January 5, 1955,
was the first and only European
model to be tested here.
With the exception of two Eng.
lish industrial engines which were
tested, the lab makes tests only on
tractors. Tests have been made
on a one-wheel, one-half horse
power garden tractor up to the
larger diesel caterpillars. Each
year, Professor' C. 'W. Smith,
chairman of the tractor testing
board, tests 20 farm tractors in a
project to determine amount of
wear after farm use.
The lab, which is self,
ing, is under the supervision of tha
Department of Ag Engineering.-Lr
F. Larson is the chief engineer in
Approximately 125 visitors from
foreign countries visited the lab
last year. A number of foreigners
in engineering and other fields vis.
it the lab each year. Last .year,
Professor Smith went to Italy
where he assisted in organizing a
tractor testing laboratory there.
Summary Sheet ,
Each year, the lab puts out a
summary sheet of results of tests
made on all models of tractors.
A report is also issued on each
new model as it is tested. Re
ports are used by farmers, dealers
and manufacturers in farming ar
eas throughout the United States.
In past years, many College of
Engineering students have made
visits to the lab as part, of the
training. According to Lentfer,
the lab is always open to visitors
who want to know more about tha
tests carried on here.
NU Maytag
A $200 scholarship, to be known
as the "Maytag Scholarship in
Business Administration," has been
established at the University by
the Maytag Co., Foundation, Inc.,
of Newton, la., Dr. R. M. Bourne,
chairman of the scholarship com
mittee of the College of Business
Administration, said Tuesday.
The scholarship will be awarded
to a male sutdent for his senior
year of study. The recipient must
rank in the upper quarter of his
class scholasticaUy and be of good
character, outstanding technical
and administrative potential and
must need financial assistance.
The University is one of five
schools in the nation to receive
such a scholarship in business ad.
ministration from the Maytag Foun-
dation, Bourne said.
for Exams?
Ficjit "Bosk Fatigue" Safely
Your doctor will tell you a
NoDoz Awakener U safe as an
average cup of hot, black cof
fee. Take a NoDoz Awakener
when you cram for that exam
...or when mid-afternoon
brings on those M3 o'clock cob
webs." You'll find NoDoz givei
you a lift without a letdown . . .
helps you snap back to normal
and fight fatigue safely I
IS tablets
my tilt
Gtk a
D'KKil 60 lobtats
m.,,.,.-,., .,.,,. w --tltl1ttat-, a rgtiiarnnmissrsui j.n hilihi
1 11
! '- 7
. n