Free Admission WiiHh) IMy Svorolhioiiw x 1 X - - ; ' ft ; ' i -iimiiiinnn'rmm ' iV EUGENE LIST Courtesy Lincoln Journal Tickets On Sale rubeck To Present Two Jazz A jazz combo with nation-wide appeal Dave Brubeck and his quartet will give a two-performance concert in the Union Ball room Jan. 18 at 4 and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale at Union booths and the Dietze Music House. Matinee tickets are $1 and evening tickets are $1.50 and $1.25. The combo features Alto Saxo- Nebraskan Posts Open For Filing ' Applications are now being ac cepted for positions on the second semester Nebraskan staff. The Committee on Student Pub lications has tentatively announced Interviews will begin at 4 p.m. January, 14 in the Union. Applications are available in the Nebraskan office or the Public Re lations office, 1127 R Street. All applications must be submitted to either office before 5 p.m. Janu- 8IFinal arrangements for the in terviews will be made later, the Committee announced. Dr W. J. Arnold, committee chairman, said that any student in terested in serving on The Nebras kan may apply. In making its selections the committee considers interest, experience, ability, schol arship, and previous service to The Nebraskan. A weighted scholastic average of at least 4 is required. The following positions are open: Editor, $65 per month; News Edi tor, Managing Editor, and Editor ial Page Editor, each of which Agricultural Editor, $20; Business pays $45 per month; four Copy Edi tors, $35 each; Sports Editor, $45; Manager, $60; four Assistant Busi ness Managers, $20 each plus com missions; and Circulation Man- eger, $50 fhe Outside World U.S. Declares Off-Limits Areas In retaliation to Kremlin restrictions on the r United States citizens inside the Soviet 27 per tent of eUAw declared off-limits for Russians. This is the first time barrea areas and closed cities have been created Inside this country. The notice, announced by Secretary of these curbs on travel might be dropped if the are also lifted. The Soviet restrictions on travel have been in effect lOT Stirriepartrent spokesmen said the restrictions total 8 prct of the U.S. land area and include part of 29 states, most of the Mexican border and the Great Lakes section of the Canadian border. Manila Pact Members To Meet The United States and its seven Manila pact partners announced they will me Feb 23 at Bangkok, Thailand, to discus, "the peace and seurS" of Southeast Asia. The official announcement was made simultaneously in all eight capitals. ,,.. The purpose of the session is to begin implementing the defense agreement signed Sept. 8 at Manila by representaUvs d Britata, France, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Thailand, and Philippines and the United States. The three Asian members-Pakistan, Thailand and the Philippines-have been invited to an Afro-Asian meeting of 30 nations to be held in late April. Whether these two meetings will conflict in aims and purposes will be judged by the three countries who share mem bership in both groups, Dulles said. Russia To Free Two Americans Two jailed Americans are expected to be freed from a Russian jail momen Sly with no strings attached. A United State. Embassy spokesman said Russia promised to inform the Embassy a. won as 0,6 TTemoaykesman said the Soviet Foreign Office stated in a note that "there had been a favorable decision in the cases of Mar chuk (William T., of Brackenbridge, Pa.) and Noble (John H., of Detroit, Mich.) and that they would be released In Berlin In informing the embassy of its intention to free the two Ameri cans, the Soviet Union brought up the issue of 11 children held by American authorities in West Germany and the United States. Release of the children, whom the Soviets claim are of Russian nationality, was not listed by the Soviet Union as a condition for the release of the two jailed Americans. Nehru Refuses U.N. Suggestion Authoritative sources said Monday that Indian Prime Minister Nehru has refused a suggestion from U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold that a senior Indian diplomat accompany, him to Peiping. These sources said Nehru based his refusal on the contention- that India had abstained from the General Assembly vote under which Hammarskjold is making his trip.and therefore could not associate itself fuly with the mission. Hammkrskjold had his only meeting with Nehru Monday morning when they tilked alone for two hour, and were then joined by other Indian officials. Neither Nehru nor Krishna Menon had been at the airport to greet Hammarskjold on arrival. Only lower ranking officials none of min isterial rank were on hand to see the party's takeoff for China. Eugene List will perform as a guest pianist with the University Symphony Orchestra in its annual concert Sunday, Jan. 9, at 8 p.m., in the Union Ballroom. No admission will be charged but it is necessary to secure a ticket. Tickets will be available at the Union office for students and faculty Tuesday. Since tickets will be available to the general public starting Wed nesday it would be advisable for students to get their tickets Tues day according to Roy Keenan, publicity chairman. ID Cards Needed Each person will be allowed two tickets, but students must pre sent their ID cards. List made his musical debut at the age of ten when he appeared with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. At 13 he received a scholarship to study under Olga Concerts phonist Paul Desmond with Bru beck at the piano. Drummer Joe Dodge and Bss Player Bob Bates complete the group. Popularity Pons Last year Brubeck won "Down Beat's" popularity and critics poll and "Metronome's" All-Star Poll. "Man, they wail!" wrote the Jazz Editor of "Down Beat." The Co lumbian Records' jazz expert who brought them to that recording co pany said, "A kind of teamwork which is without parallel in the entire field of music." Introducing what many call to be a new kind of jazz, Brubeck's quartet had its start on the West coast. ' It has now grown to na tional jazz appeal, especially on college campuses. The quartet has played at Zardi's in Los Angeles, Boston's Storyville and Manhatt an's Basin Street and recently gave a concert in Carnegie Hall. Recording Star Last June Brubeck made hii first record, "Jazz ' Goes to Col lege," and it outsold other re cording artists for four months, Brubeck thinks that the popu larity of jazz reflects the Ameri can scene. It is tremendously com plex, but free, he believes. A six-page article of Brubeck's life stvle and personality was pub lished in the Nov. 8 issue of Time magazine. Time describes Brubeck's style as "creating an illusion of danger, as if he were a race driver who says Pave, is going to stay out there until he drives faster than anyone else." Brubeck thinks his technique is getting smoother all the time. "Everything we play is superim posed on the tune, and each chor us is superimposed on the one be fore it." The combo's performance is spon sored by the Union. Samaroff Stokowski in Philadel phia. The young pianist is probably best remembered as the "Potsdam Pianist" when he was summoned to play provately for the Big Three Churchill, Stalin and Truman. He won standing toasts from Stalin, warm congratulations from Churchill and the lasting friendship of Harry S. Truman. Two European Tours Two tours of Europe and several full-scale recital tours of this coun try have won wide acclaim for the young artist. He opened his 1954-55 fall season with the Philadelphia Orchestra in a joint concert with his wife, Carroll Glenn, at the Worcester Music Festival. Other highlights of his present tour will include appearances with the New Philharmonic in two spe cial Gershwin nights, with the Den ver Symphony, the Oklahoma City Symphony, the Providence Phil harmonic, the Springfield Sym phony and the Blooming Sym phony. Wishnow to Play Solo List will play "Piano Concerto in F Minor, No. 2" by Rachmaninoff. In his other number, "Concerto in F Minor for Violin and Piano," List has asked Professor Eman uel Wishnow, conductor of the Uni versity Symphony Orchestra to play the solo violin part. The numbers to be performed by the orchestra include: "Over ture to Russian and Ludmilla," by Glinka; "A Night on Bald Mountain," by Moussorgsky, and "Prelude, Coral and Fugue," by Bach-Albert. List's appearance is being spon sored jointly by the Union and the School of Fine Arts. Journalist Washington Post Given Harvey Bam Chief Journalist Harvey J. Da vis, University staff member in the Navy department, "will begin work under the Secretary of Navy this week. Davis will leave for Washing ton, D.C. Wednesday where he will work in the office of chief of Navy information in the public in formation section of the Pentagon. He will be concerned with public information media released through the office of the Secre tary of Navy. Lack of Publicity When Davis joined the Univer sity 15 months ago ,he saw the need for Nebraska high school stu dents to receive a more unbiased view of their military responsi bilities. Scholarships for regular ROTC students were not being ap plied for because of this lack of publicity. The native of Mesquite, Tex., started a "selling campaign" that took him to 28 Nebraska high schools the first year his program was instituted. The following year he traveled 7,000 miles in two and one-half months as he visited 75 high schools. Applications Increase The results of Davis' work are obviously noticeable. Applications for ROTC scholarships increased by 150 percent. The state super intendent of schools lauded Davis' program which attempted to fit the military, responsibility of high school students into their life plans. Explaining the part this program played in Davis' recall to the Pentagon, Capt. W. O. Gallery, professor of naval science, said officials in Washington "realize the splendid publicity work" that the officer has done. . Retirement Planned Davis will retire from the serv ice this summer after 20 years of service. He plans to return to Washington state to work in the field of Chamber of Commerce publicity work after retirement. "I believe my stay on the Uni versity campus has been some of the most rewarding years of my life," Davis said. I had the oppor tunity to meet such interesting people and to attend some Uni versity classes which would have been impossible for me other wise." Davis was editor of the Whid- bey Island, Wash., station paper from 1950 to 1953. He was sta tioned in China in 1946 and 1947. Foreign Student Tour Planned By Council The second foreign student tour will be held Saturday sponsored by the Student Council Foreign Students Activity Committee. Any foreign student may attend. The group will tour the Lincoln City Mission and KOLN television station. They will meet at 1:45 p.m. Saturday at the Union. The first foreign student tour visited the state capital building. Vol. 55, No. 38 New Rules Formulated ytstraondlooii jirtfi)DEniaij"Qnis JI I Inlll.Kl m9K s -i ft 4 Courtesy Lincoln Journal Park Olson Morgan Professor Writes Book On President Robert J. Morgan, assistant pro fessor of political science, has com pleted a book on the administra tion of President John Tyler, 1841 44. Tyler, who was the first vice president to succeed to the presi dency, had one of the politically turbulent administrations in Amer ican history, according to Morgan. Each president has formed his own conception of constitutional theory and practice and the book is a study of Tyler's policy and the issues he faced, Morgan said. The book, "A Whig in Battle," deals with Tyler's departure from the traditional Whig party line and his vigorous use of the veto power. Tyler was the first president since Jackson's administration to invoke the veto frequently. Tyler also vetoed a bill to re charter the United States Bank, continuing the war on national banks started in the Jackson ad ministration. Benjamin Harrison, who was elected to the presidency in 3840, died after a month in office leav ing Tyler to succeed to the presi dency. "Tyler was one of most obscure v. sidents and also one of our worst ones," Morgan said. These factors are two of the reasons Morgan chose his administration as the subject of his book. Issues peculiar to that period show Tyler's interpretation of his political power as president, Mor gan continued. His foreign policy and free use of power are also discussed in the book. "Tyler decided to be a pow erful president and there would be no monkey business about it," Morgan said. Morgan has been at the Univer sity since 1951. He received his doctor of philosophy degree from the University of Virginia. Humor Magazine Meeting Planned Students interested in promot ing a humor magazine will hold an organizational meeting Jan. 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Nebraskan of fice. The meeting will be for the pur pose of making plans for raising the necessary money and select ing a temporary staff. All students who have attended previous metings and others who want to work on promoting a cam pus magazine may attend this or ganizational meeting. Budget Request Made Son Lolhirs)LrQs By MARIANNE HANSEN News Editor Love Memorial Library, although one of the newest and largest in the midwest, is the only university library in the immediate six-state area which is not open on Sundays. The Universities of Kansas, Colo rado, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois and Oklahoma are all open on Sunday, although the extent of service var ies. The Universities of Missouri and Oklahoma are open three hours; the University of Colorado, three and a half hours; th University of Kansas, eight hours; the Univer sity of Iowa, 10 hours and Univer sity of Illinois three hours plus evening swdy hall. With the caption of the Uni versity of Colorado, all the libraries are open more hours during the week than Love Library. Love Library is open 75 hours, whereas Colorado library is open 72. Each library service schedule varies somewhat, to adjust to local Lincoln, Nominations for "Outstanding Nebraskan" student be turned in now in the box outside The Nebraskan Office, basement. Nominations must be submitted by Jan. 18. Any student may nominate an "Outstanding Nebraskan" by signing their name and stating reasons for their choice. Each semester The Nebraskan awards an out standing faculty member and a student with this title. Rules governing the nomination and selection of the candidates have been changed this year to make it clear to student and faculty members just how the winner will be nomin ated and seletcd. In the past there has been considerable confusion as to who was eligible for the award and how the winner was selected. The new rules are: 1. The candidate must have made outstanding contributions to the University. 2. The candidate must either be a senior or graduate student or faculty member who has served two years as a staff member. 3. Anyone may make nomina tions. 4. Candidate must not be con nected with The Nebraskan in any way as a staff member, reporter, columnist or member of the Com mittee on Student Publications. 5. A letter of nomination must be submitted in writing and signed by the person making the appli cation, although the name of the person making the nomination will be kept confidential. S. The letter of nomination be comes the property of The Ne braskan. Any andor all parts of the nomination are subject to re print in The Nebraskan. 7. Winners of faculty and stu d e n t "Outstanding Nebraskan" awards will be decided upon by a vote of the paid staff members of The Nebraskan. During the second semester last year, Don Olson, assistant profes sor of speech and coach of the de bate squad, and Eldon Park, a sen ior in Business Administration and president of Innocents Society and Builders and vice-president of Stu dent Council, won the "Outstand ing Nebraskan" awards. The first semester winners were W. V. Lambert, dean of the Col lege of Agriculture, and Eleanor Knoll, senior in Law School and winner of the national moot court regional finals in St. Louis and national finals in New York. Appointments With Advisors Due This Week All students should make ap pointments with their advisors this week for second semester registra tion which will begin at 9 a.m. Jan. 17 and continue through Jan. 20 in Military and Naval Science Build ing. Students will be admitted accord ing to the number of hours Dhey accumulated before Sept. 1, those with the most hours entering first. Freshmen, who must pick up registration tickets by showing identification cards at the M&N Building, will draw tickets accord ing to the initial of their last name: A G, Jan. 12; H N, Jan. 13, and all others. Jan. 14. All tickets are divided into three groups, giving all freshmen an equal chance of drawing an early registration. This semester two-fifths of a stu afternoon andor on Tuesday, dent's hours must be taken in the Thursday or Saturday morning. budgets and personnel problems. Kansas library is able to open for eight hours on Sunday because it is able to limit staff service to one full-time employee and student assistants. Iowa library keeps open until midnight on weekdays and Sundays because the collection is entirely open shelf, and students are able to assist easily themselves with a minimum of professional help. At Missouri, the library is open for studying and referennce work, but no books may be checked out. The libraiy at Oklahoma, open only three hours on Sunday, re ceives many requests for longer opening, but lacks the necessary funds, according to the university director of libraries. Two years ago Sunday service was stopped there due to budget difficulties. However, the director stated that this curtailment aroused consider able hardship among students and most of the hours were restored on a limited service basis. All five of these University li braries have budget problems, but they are open for at least a. few , Nebraska Registration For Classes Dr. Hoover Explains Two-Fifths The following explanation from the office of Dr. Floyd Hoover, di rector of Registration and Records, concerns the two-fifth rule in re gard to registration for classes. "For several years there has been a steady drift toward a Mon day, Wednesday, Friday morning pattern of classes. Two separate surveys of the extent to which our classrooms and laboratories, par ticularly our classrooms, are used showed clearly that we are not making maximum use of our fa cilities. They are used heavily Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, but in the afternoons, especially Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, a disturbingly large number of our classrooms lie idle. "The situation was brought into focus once again when we as sembled the schedule of classes for the second semester of the current year. We encountered al most as much difficulty in assign ing classrooms as we did in 1949 when our enrollment was in the neighborhood of 10,000. On Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday morn ings our classrooms are used al most to the saturation point. At other times, however, we have ample space. "Unless this drift is arrested, money must be found to provide more classrooms and more in structor" for" Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning classes to take care of our present enroll ment, to say nothing of enroll ments in the near future which bear promise of increasing. In view of the fact that we have classroom space to take care of our immediate needs, asking for money seems hardly justifiable when all we need to do is make better use of the space we have. "We are- asking, therefore, that each student assume his share of the responsibility for utilizing more fully our facilities by sched uling two-fifths of his classes and laboratories in the afternoons or on Tuesday, Thursday or Satur Humanities Research NU Fellowship Program Receives Woods Grants Two fellowship programs and a community development plan will be established at the University because of $68,000 recently con tributed by the Woods Charitable Fund, Inc., of Lincoln to the Uni versity Foundation. Of the total gift, $40,000 will be used to establish a special fund to encourage scholarship in the humanities through the sponsorship of a leave-of-absence-with-pay pro- hours on Sunday. In the whole area, only Love Librar is closed. Frank Lundy, director of Uni versity libraries, has stated his de sire to open the library on Sunday. The Student Council has passed a resolution expressing their support of extending the hours. Jack Rog ers, president of the Council, will appoint two Council members to meet regularly with library depart ment heads to discuss library prob lems and student suggestions. The first step toward adding Sun day hours has already been taken. The University budget for the next two years, which includes a re quest for $7,401 a year to finance this extension of service, has been submitted to the state legislature for approval. Sometime this month the legis lature will set up a committee to investigate the budget request, and in the spring the budget will be voted upon for approval. For sev eral years the University Budget has included the request for addi tional funds to extend thu library hours, but the total budget has never been approved. al Tuesday, January A, 1955 and faculty member may Room 20 in the Unioa Rulim day mornings. It Is not fair to ask only some to assume the re sponsibility. The rule must b uniformly applied, "Some students are likely to protest the application of the two fifths rule on the grounds thr: it denies the privilege of free choice of hours. Free choice, however, has been exercised by only the lucky ones who registered first. The less lucky have too often been forced to enroll in whatever was available. So free choice is, after all, only relative, and it exists for only some students. "Others are likely to protest that the application of the rule will in terfer with their work schedules. This may be true in the cases of students who are undertaking mora outside work than is reasonable. But let me quote from page SO of the current General Information catalog: ''Remember that carrying a full load of 15 or 16 credit hours is a full-time job. It means that you will spent at least IS or 16 hours a week in class and at least 39 hours studying. That make a 4S hour week. If you plan to work outside of school about 15 hours a week, you will be undertaking 60 hours of work each week. Ask yourself if you are willing to work ten hours each -day six day a week for the next nine or ten months. A few students have un dertaken even more than that, but all too frequently their grades suf fered and they have been unable to gain as much as they should from the University. 'If outside employment is nec essary, you should ordinarily reg ister for less than the usual num ber of credit hours. You might be obliged to attend school an extra summer or two, but you will at least have sufficient time to earn good grades and at the same time take an active part in campus life.' "It is probable that the applica tion of the two-fifths rule will re Contlnned en Page 4 gram for faculty members of tha College of Arts and Sciences wish ing to do research. Leaves f Absence Known as "The Frank H. Woods Fellowships for Scholars in the Humanities," the grants will be for $2500 for leaves of absence for a half academic year and for $5000 for a full academic year. Also, $18,000 wOl be used to set up a fund for the support of two year fellowships to qualified stu dents entering the Graduate School of Social Work. The number and known as "The Nelle Cochrane Woods Fellowships in Social Work,' will be determined by the Foun dation on the recommendation of the School's director. Nea Credit Training The remaining $10,000 will pro vide non-credit training sessions of from eight to 12 weeks on a grant-in-aid basis to young men and wo men in the 18-25 year age group from the rural areas of Nebraska. Preference will be riven those un able to obtain a University edu cation. Of this, $8,000 will be applied as grants-in-aid to the trainees and $2,000 for travel, supplies and in struction material. The program will be under the direction of Dr. Otto Hoiberg, sup ervisor of community services. Tha intent of the program is to de velop more effective lay leaders "willing to guide the thinking of their citizens on matters of community-wide interest." Mental Health Program In 1952, the Woods Charitable Fund gave $100,000 to the Univer sity of Nebraska . Foundation for the establishment of a mental health program which is known aa "The Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Woods graduated from the University in 1892, and Mrs. Woods, in 1894. The Fund was organized in 1941 by Frank H. Woods, his wife and their three sons and received substantial endowment after the deaths of Woods in 1S53 and Mrs. Woods in 195L