The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 17, 1954, Image 1

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tfysfcer Basfcefbaf, Football
Teams Carry Coors Down Soufh
Durng Vacafon See Page 3
Vol. 55, No. 37
Lincoln, Nebraska
Nebraska n Clarifies, Repeats
Stand On Column Slogan, 'God
Has A Place On Campus' Pg. 2
Friday, December 17, 1954
SC Committee
No Purpose Found
For Class Officers
A soecial committee on class
officers reported to the Student'
Council meeting Wednesday that
it could find no reason to rein
state class officers at the Univer-lity.
The committee reported that
fter investigating the advisabil
ity of having class officers, they
found no function for such a
group. Andy Hove, reporting for
the committee, said that class of
ficers would have a purpose only
if there were a seniors' day in the
spring, or a freshman tug-of-war
In the fall. "
Exec Slate
Russel Lang and Marvin Coffey
have been nominated for the pres
idency of Ag YMCA. The runner-
up of the election, to be held Jan.
, will serve as first vice-president.
Nominated for second vice-pres
ident are Mark Clark and Bill
Reed; secretary, John Burbank and
Shad Gager; treasurer, Lonnie
Wrasse and Kay Knudson, and dis
trict representative, Benny Carter
and Bob Lubruska.
Russel Lang, a junior, belongs to
the 4 H Club and First Methodist
Youth Group. Marvin Coffey, a
junior in Farm House,' is a mem
ber of the Agronomy Club, Alpha
Zeta and Ag Interdenominational
Youth Fellowship.
Mark Clark belongs to the 4-H
Club, Square Dance Club, Union,
Voc Ag Association and is a sopho
more in Alpha Gamma Rho. Bill
Reed, sophomore in Alpha Gamma
Sigma, is a member of the Block
nd Bridle Club.
John Burbank. soDhomore. is in
the Dairy Club, Ag Interdenomi
national Youth Fellowship and a
member of Farm House.
Shad Gager is in Ae Men's Club.
Agronomy Club. As Religious Coun
cil and an active member in War
fen Methodist Church.
Lonnie Wrasse, junior in Alpha
Gamma Sigma, belongs to the 4-H
Club and Aeronomv Club. Kav
Knudson is in the Block and Bridle
Club, Pershing Rifles, Lutheran Stu
felt Association and Alpha Gamma
Sigma. ,
A freshman in Alnhn Hamma
too, Benny Carter belohgs to Build:
s, 4-H Club and Ag Interdeonm
inational Youth Fellowship. Bob
Lubruska belongs to Agronomy
Ciub and is a freshman in Alpha
Gamma Sigma.
The polls will be open from 8
' m. to 6 p.m. Jan, 6. Only mem
hers of Ag YMCA may vote.
Hove stated that the committee
felt that the election of class offi
cers was rightfully discontinued
and should not be reinstated. This
decision was the result of consid
eration of University faculty opin
ion and the situation of class offi
cers at other universities.
Loss Of Tradition
The class officer committee re
ported to the Council that faculty
opinion was that there would be
no purpose for class officers on
this campus since existing organ
izations can handle any tasks
which might be done by class of
ficers. Some faculty members
also felt that additional activities
might work toward the detriment
of student scholarship. Som? fac
ulty members also felt, however,
that elimination of class officers
would mean the loss of some of
the University's tradition.
Other Schools Contacted
The committee also contacted
several Big Seven and Big Ten
schools concerning class officers
and found that many of those
schools contacted either had no
class officers or are in the process
of eliminating them.
The special class officers com
mittee, selected by the Student
Council, was composed of Phil
Visek, Marv Stromer, Len Barked,
Tish Lowe, Sis Matzke, Marianne
Hansen, v Wade Dorland, Arley
Waldo and Andy Hove.
The Council also voted to pass a
resolution by Muriel Pickett to set
up a special committee composed
of interested students to study the
adbisability of sponsoring a spring
event comparable to Colorado's
CU Days.
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Courtesy Lincoln Star -
IFG Orphans1 Party
A Christmas party which fea. dren, from Whitehall Orphanage,
tured a i chili feed, entertainment Members of interfraternity
Santa Claus and gifts was held
Wednesday in the Union Ball- Council sponsored the party, and
room for approximately 83 chil- Bruce Martin acted as Santa.
Gather Round, Children
It was incorrectly reported in
Wednesday's Social Column that
Hie Smith was pinned to Walter
Gerlach, Phi Gamma Delta.
Circle K Club
Collects Toys
For Children
The University Circle K Club,
student organization sponsored by
the Kiwanis Club, collected dis
carded toys this week for homeless
A one and a half ton truck was
filled with the toys which included
small parlor games, bicycles and
wagons. The Lincoln Air Force
Base Fire Department will recon
dition the toys and distribute them
to local orphanages.
Dr. C. M. Elliot, professor of
economics and insurance, is the
University sponsor of the organi
zation. Col. Francis F. Greenlief
of the National Guard is the Ki
wanis sponsor.
Jim Collman, Circle K president,
said that he is looking forward to
an "eventful year." He said that
the club was planning an ice cream
social, Jan. 5, at the home of Lou
Kallar, 714 So. 17th. All male stu
dents are invited to attend.
You Might Disagree, But
Jhete h A Santa Claus
Through the stillness of the snow
drifted night comes a tiny, merry
sound. Soft and high at first, it
sounds like the chuckling of the
wind, until it comes closer and be
comes more distinct, and a sound
of tapping as from tiny hoofs is
heard on the shingles.
Not everyone can hear this
merry, jingling sound; perhaps it
is only the wind through the trees.
But children can hear it, even if
grownups cannot. It is the sound
of Santa Claus and his reindeer
and his sleigh. ,
Santa Claus is strictly American,
like baseball. Like baseball, he
derived himself from customs and
traditions brought over from Eu
rope by his ancestors. In Europe
it is Saint Nicholas and cricket;
in American it is Santa, Claus and
Popular Saint
Saint Nicholas is a popular saint.
He is revered by both the Greeks
and the Latins on December 6.
Belonging to the fourth century
of the Christian " era, he was a
native of the city of Patara, in
Lycia, Asia Minor.
Saint Nicholas has always been
a very busy figure. He is the pa
tron saint of Russia, the patron of
robbers, special guardian of vir
gins, children and sailors and the
protector of scholars. He is also
New Year's Trqditions
first footfall Jells
To most people, New Year's
ve consists of four loud chourses
Auld Lang Syne sung in shaky
wmony; enthusiastic shouts of
PPy New Year" and a clap
.th- back to friends, foes small
cludren, and muzzled dors; ?"d
any toasts sprinkled liberally
"oughout the evening to Baby
Ae Year and Father Time.
Along with these customs is the
adition of making resolutions,
wji occasionally some I'm-go-6
to - turn - over - a - new -Person
actually makes These
solutions seldom go beyond the
paPer stage.
In other days and other countries
re were other traditions that
followed on New Year's Eve.
ere are some relatively unknown
stoms and sundries that were
"ce associated with the liiot day
In , Germany ead was melted
in a spoon over a candle and
thrown intd water. From the dif
ferent formations of the lead,
omens were drawn. In Lithuania
various symbolic objects formed
of dough were baked and laid un
der platters. Each person would
then take up three and whatever
he chose was symbolic of his
future for the year.
Two olive leaves representing a
pair of lovers were laid on cinders
in Greece. As these curled, ap
proached, recoiled or flamed up,
so would be the result of the
This may be much more effective
than twisting a straw or plucking
petals from a daisy.
Another custom was the "first
foot" tradition. It is based on the
belief that the character of the
bid's f uture
first visitor on New Year's Day
effects the welfare of the house
hold during the year. This super
stition was found in many coun
tries. In England the mort important
prnciple was that if luck was to
ppst nn n house, the "first foot"
must, not be a woman. To avoid ;
unlucky accidents, people would j
often engage a boy or man toj
mnkp nn pnrlv call. i
For good fortune to prevail
throughout the yar, there were
other qualifications and limitations
in some places. The "first foot"
would not only have to be a man
or boy, but it was necessary for
him to be dark-haired. In Nor
thumberland the man could not
be flat-footed. What luck there is
in the first footfall of a size 12
boot is hard to understand.
known as the patron of pawn
brokers, through no fault of his.
Because he once made gifts of
gold to a man to provide dowries
for his daughters. Saint Nicholas
started the idea of giving presents
in secret. A legend attributing him
with miraculously restoring the
lives of the three boys killed by an
irate innkeeper, Saint Nicholas has
been deemed the patron of chil
dren. For a long time, the celebration
of Saint Nicholas Day was import
ant in the Low Countries and the
Rhine provinces. Growing concen
tration on Christmas Day and the
Christmas tree have caused Saint
Nicholas to be absorbed into
Christmas celebrations.
Drops Gifts Down Chimneys
In Europe he visits houses on
Christmas Eve, dropping gifts
down the chimney much like our
own Santa Claus. Children place
their shoes, stockings and baskets
under the chimney to catch rJre
gifts being dropped down. He is
reputed to ride a white donkey
or a gray horse. The children put
out hay ahd water for his steeds,
receiving candy in return.
The Dutch brought the Saint
Nicholas customs to New York
from where they spread across the
country. Santa Claus is a corrup
tion of the Dutch "San Nikolass."
Santa has since spread back across
the Atlantic to England, down to
India, and across the jungles into
Australia, where he is as popular
as in the United States.
Santa has become immortal
through the famous poem, "The
Night Before Christmas," by Cle
ment C. Moore, which makes him
a jolly old elf "Saint Nick," who
rides "in a miniature sleigh drawn
by eight tiny reindeer" a far cry
from a gray horse and a white ass.
So, on the night before Christ
mas, countless tiny ears will be
glued to the chimney, vaiting for
a tiny, ageless sound of sleigh
Four-Piece- Combo
Jam. 11
Dave Brubeck and his Combo will give a two-perform-1
ance iazz concert in the Union Ballroom Jan. 18 at 4 and
7:30 p.m.
Brubeck, considered by jazz masters as "the most
exciting new jazz artist at work today," is now in the
midst of a nation-wide tour including numerous college
beck's quartet had its start on
campuses. ,
The combo includes Brubeck at
the piano, Paul Desmond with the
alto saxophone, drummer Joe
Dodge and Bob Bates with the
Introducing what many acclaim
to be a new kind of jazz, Bru-
Honors Convo
To Recognize
Total Average
Cumulated grade rages will
be used as the basis it lass Hon
or Lists in the Honors Convocation
program instead of the present sys
tem of counting only two-semester
The University Faculty Senate
voted to honor seniors whose cum
ulated averages place them in the
upper 3 per cent of their respective
colleges and those whose averages
place them in the upper 10 per
cent of each college class.
This present system is a two
semester sampling of the total
achievement of the student while
the new plan will recognize high
achievement resulting from sus
tained effort.
The adopted device is consistent
with the present practice determ
ining graduation with distinction.
It is also used by the scholastic
honorary societies as the basis for
eligibility for membership.
the West Coast. It has now grown
to nation-wide jazz appeal, espec
ially on college campuses. He has
played at Zardi's in Los Angeles,
Boston's Storyville and Manhattan's
Basin Street and recently gave a
concert in Carnegie Hall.
'Tremendous Drive'
Brubeck has developed "a kind
of teamwork which is without par
allel in the entire field of music,"
said jazz expert George Avakian.
His music has "tremendous drive
and surprising warmth," acclaimed
critic John Hammond.
Brubeck thinks his technique is
getting smoother all the time.
"Everything we play is superim
posed on the tune, and each chor
us is superimposed on the one be
fore it."
Saxophonist Desmond says, "The
melody is just a vehicle. It's like
an old Ford with a new Cadillac
motor put in."
Wins Polls
Brubeck's popularity was given
a large boost last year when he
placed first in both the popularity
poll and the critic's poll sponsored
by Down Beat, national jazz maga
zine. He also won Mentroncne
magazine's "All-Star" poll.
Starting his musical career as
a college jazz pianist, Brubeck at
first planned to be a veterinarian
and help his father in the ranching
business. He couldn't "keep himself
away from music, he says.
Contemplating current trends,
Brubeck thinks that jazz reflects
the American scene. It is tre
mendously complex, but it is free.
He and his combo keep playing
their "new style" never playing
a tune the same way twice, but
relying on melodious and rhythmic
Kappa Epsilon
Kappa Epsilon, professional fra
ternity for women in pharmacy,
recently pledged three women at a
meeting attended by two national
New members are Karen Green
lee, freshman; Kathleen McCul
lough, senior, and Barbara Shull,
freshman. President of the Uni
versity chapter is Jo Heelan,
NU Professor
Asked To Join
London Club
Pro"essor kobert P. Crawford's
book "Techniques of Creative
Thinking" has brought him an in
vitation to become a member of
The London Author's Club.
The club, founded in 1891 by the
Victorian novelist Sir Walter Be
sant, has had as early members
Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Hall Caine, Henry Harland, Mor
ley Roberts and Anthony Hope.
Crawford received a request
from the Copenhagen Graduate
Business School for further infor
mation on creative thinking. "I am
organizing and leading all over
Scandinavia management confer
ences which are based more or
less on the subject of idea organi
zation," Palle Hansen, director of
this conference, wrote. j
Press Impartiality
Biumberg Tells Danger
Of Pre-Election Polls
Six ways newspaper coverage of
political campaigns can be made
more objective were outlined by Dr.
Nathan B. Biumberg, assistant pro
fessor of journalism at a Grinnell
College convocation in Iowa re
cently. The United Press sent the re
lease on its national wire to news
papers throughout the country.
Lowell Thomas, national newscas
ter, commented on Dr. Blumberg's
suggestion for improving the im
partiality of the press by con
sidering the value of pre-election
Dr. Biumberg said these polls
in the pasl have been "worthless"
but now have become dangerous
as potential oolitical weapons. The
record of pollsters forecasting elec
tion results "is so ludicrously
bad" it is a wonder anyone takes
the seriously, he said.
Another suggestion offered by Dr.
Biumberg was that every news'
paper should assess its news pre
sentation every day, both before
and after publication. He said
"newspapers which employed con
scious devices' of shared display
and relatively equal space received
less criticism from their readers."
Newspapers need a more balance
photo coverage, Dr. Biumberg
He also suggested the press open
its columns to candidates or their
spokesmen, giving them equal op
portunity to express their views
on current issues in special pub
lic service series.
Editorial cartoons on the front
page of newspapers tend to cause
readers to suspect the impartiality
of the paper, Dr. Biumberg main
tained. Dr. Biumberg based his con
clusions on a study of press per
formance during the 1952 political
campaign contained in his newly
published book, "One Party
i Press?" and on a forthcoming
article on the usefulness of pre
election polls. .
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See You Next Year
Gathered around a Christmas
tree perched atop the copy desk
in the Nebraskan office are
members of the Cornhusker and
Nebraskan stsufs. Journalism
was forgotten Wednesday after
noon as the staffs combined to
throw their annual Christmas
party and celebrate the close of
another year.
Orange Bowl
Bets Placed
By NU Frats
Several fraternities on the Ne
braska campus have received
challenges from their chapters at
Duke University concerning the
outcome of the Orange Bowl game.
Zeta Beta Tau has wagered
bearskin that Big Red will win.
No points were given. If Duke
wins by 14 or more points, the
Nebraska Sigma Nus will forfeit
a cowhide.
A letter received from the Duke
Theta Chis stated that Nebraska
chapter "may as well send the
skin now." The Nebraska chap
ter replied that they "scoffed at
any early shipment of the skin."
Kappa Sigma has bet a chamois
skin on the game which is a tradi
tion with the fraternity. Pi Kappa
Phi has bet a banner with their
Duke chapter.
Bill Campbell, president of Phi
Gamma Delta, said that he knew
of one person who was anxious to
bet on the game. The -dean of
men at Duke, whom Campbell met
during the Interfraternity Council
convention in Philadelphia, is will
ing to give 40 points to any takers. .
Phi Kappa Psi received a chal
lenge from their Duke chapter,
asking them to bet a chamois
skin. The Phi Psis accepted the
bet and stand ready to collect,
according to Joe Smith, Phi Psi