The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1954, Image 1

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    Fifty-Three Chosen
For Men's Glee Club
Group Formed After 13 Year Lapse
...three members of the new-1 Baritone- Walt, cl.-ji
nftv-three members
w formed University Men's Glee
rlub were announced Tuesday by
nale B. Ganz, assistant professor
voice, who will direct the new
Mr! Ganz said the Glee Club is
.omposed of men students who are
Li-music majors but are inter
ested in singing. Members will
meet Tuesdays and Thursdays each
week, starting Teb. 8, and will re
vive' one-hour credit.
The Glee club has been formed
after an absence of 13 years from
the University campus. Two hun
dred twenty-five men took part In
editions which were held last
week in the Music building.
During the coming year, the Glee
Club is expected to perform for
both campus and off-campus
.vMits. Ganz said.
Members selected after a try
out are:
First Tenor: William Raecke,
Edward Kemble, Dennis Coleman,
John Chappell, John Nelson, Jay
Coffin, Steve Simmons, Richard
Hill, Richard Farner, John Coover,
Marx Peterson, Bruce Martin, Jim
Feather and Jim Jacques.
Second Tenor: Richard Lannon,
Donald Fitzgerald, Dale Lewis,
Tom Olson, Jim McGath, Gerald
Rounsborg, Gene Hiatt, Jerry
Swncer, Scott Beadle, Larry Ep
stein, Parker Shipley, Don Chil
coat 'and William Harris.
Air Cadets
To Take 2
Field Trips
Air Force ROTC senior cadets
will make field trips to Florida and
California during Christmas vaca
tion to become acquainted with the
tvpe of training they will receive
r ... n rc:
after graduation as nymg uiuceis.
Approximately 20 cadets will fly
to Nellis Air Force Base at Las
Vegas, Calif, and other bases near
Los Angeles. Nineteen seniors will
visit Bartow and Orlando training
bases in Florida.
The California field trip will
leave Saturday and return Dec. 23.
Students going are Kenneth Phil
brick, Martin Nielson, Joe Kroese,
Donald Summers, Charles Arm
strong, Harold Salber, Jerry Fla
herty, Tim Hamilton, Homer Ken
nison, Charles Betzelberger.
Eliot Pyle, Glenn Burgess, Philip
Haas, Leonard Singer, Gordon Pe
terson, Rodney Schroeder, Norman
Francis, Raymond Hruby, John
Jeffery, Arthur Raun, Bennett Zin
necher, Gary Koberstein.
The field trip to Florida will
leave Dec. 28 and return Jan. 3.
Seniors making the trip are: Daryl
Wood, James Lowell, Allan Aden,
Murray Backhaus, Charles Mar
shall, Roger Richards, Gene Scran
ton, Dale Nitzel, Jack Stiehl.
Samuel Bell, Richard Faes, John
Barkey, Norman Reed, Donavan
Tadken, Donald Oden, Lawrence
Ackland, Jack Geist, Duane Te
Selle, Ronald Longacre.
Money Given
To University
Memorial Fund
An addition of $83,759 for the
support of the William E. Sharp
Memoral Scholarship Fund at the
University was announced by
Perry Branch, director-secretary
of the University Foundation.
The money was received alter
the recent settlement of the estate
Mrs. Lila E. Sharp of Lincoln,
ho died Dec. 5, 19.")2 in Hastings.
Branch said the additional
money will assure an increase in
both the amount and number of
scholarships given each year to
Vorthy students.
The William E. Sharp Fund was
established Feb. 26, 1947, by Mrs.
Sharp in memory of her husband
v'ito a gift of $5,000.
irradiation Studied
Staff Writer
Two psychology graduates, Wes
ley Blair and Sachio Ashidia, are
forking under a contract with the
Atomic Energy Commission to in
vestigate the effects of cranial ir
radiation of rats.
Dr. William Arnold, associate
Professor of psychology, applied
.toe contract by submitting the
Project plans for consideration by
80 AEC committee two years ago.
' Rats Learn Faster
contract was approved and
Wanted to the University psycholo
gy department under the supervi-
,u oi Arnold. It is renewed on a
Jearlv ho;,. j
applied for another renewel for
next year
tU ? pro-'ect of investigating the
ects of cranial irradiation in
w insists of many different ex
tents. One of these experi
n. conducted by Blair, found
Baritone: Walter Schmidt. Mar.
von Gilman, James Shook, Bob
Knapple, Jim Kane, Jim Carson.
Frank Tirro, Allan Schmid, Jerald
Hurtz, Will Else, Richard Stopher,
Charles Hitt and John Noble.
Bass: Frederick Stelling, Bill
Alexander, Dean Davison, Peter
Anderson, Charles Thompson, Bob
Hinman, Alan Anderson. Jim Hof
stetter, Lonnie Bayer, Nathan Mil
ler, Alien Ackerson, Chuck Hood
ana tsryce Johnson.
To Feature
Eugene List
The annual University Symphony
Concert will be presented Jan. 9
in the Union Ballroom at 8 p.m.
Ticket distribution will begin Jan
3 at 10 a.m. Due to the limited
seating capacity of the Eallroom,
admission to the concert will be by
ticket only. Tickets may be ob
tained by students at the main of
fice of the Union upon presenta
tion of ID cards. Tickets are lim
ited to two per student.
The symphony concert will fea
ture Eugene List, nationally-known
pianist. He will present a solo,
"Piano Concerto In C Minor, No.
2 " by Rachmaninoff.
A duet by' List and Emanuel
Wishnow, symphony conductor, will
be "concerto in F Major For Vi
olin and Piano," by Haydn.
Other numbers on the program
will be: "Overture to Russian
and Ludmilla," by Glinka; "A
Night on Bald Mountain," by Mous
sorgsky and "Prelude, Choral and
Fugue," by Bach-Abert.
IFC Schedules
Yuletide Party
For Orphans
Eighty-three children from White
hall Orphanage will be entertained
at a Christmas party sponsored
by the Interfraternity Council
Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Union
A chili feed will precede a visit
from Santa Claus, who will pass
out presents donated by IFC mem
ber organizations. Entertainment
will be furnished by the Trend
Four combo and Jan Harrison,
Each fraternity will send ap
proximately five members to the
party so that each child may be
entertained by one or two men.
Members of the D?C will also at
tend. In previous years individual fra
ternities planned parties to enter
tain the orphans in groups. By
having one big party the IFC hopes,
to contact more children and to
give each child more attention, ac
cording to Tom Woodward and Walt
Wright, co-chairmen of the party.
Dick Reische is in charge of en
tertainment. Santa To Attend
Builders Banquet
The first Builders Christmas Din
ner will be held Wednesday at 6
p.m. in the Union Parlors XY.
President Muriel Pickett will be
Tickets, at $1.50, are being sold
in a Union booth and by Board
members and representatives in or
ganized houses.
The program will include a short
talk by Andy Smith, Builders treasurer-elect,
and selection by the Lin
coln High Boy's Octet. Each per
son .attending will bring a 25-cent
gift, and Bill DeWulf, vice-president-elect
will act as Santa Claus
to distribute the presents.
Cathy Olds, president-elect, and
Judy Joyce, membership chair
man, are in charge.
that irradiated rats learn faster
and retain the knowledge longer
than common rats.
This effect was obtained from the
maze learning and retention pro
cess which contains 14 units
formed in a pathway to the food
with side branches in the wrong
direction.' Half of the rats were
normal and half were irradiated.
Hair Falls Out
The irradiation process exposes
only the rat's head to the x-rays,
by placing the animal's head in a
lead form called an exposure cyl
inder. The x-rays cause the hair
on the rat's head over this area to
fall out, and the rat becomes sick
for a week so that he does not eat
or drink much water.
About two weeks after the irradi
ation process, the rat becomes
normal again and will be sold for
breeding purposes. The electrical
engineering department helps the
Vol. 55, No. 36
Army ROTC Seniors
Assured Commissions
Army ROTC cadets who complete
their advanced ROTC traininz and
receive diplomas before April 30,
1956, will be assured of commis
sions, Col. Chester J. Dieste, pro
fessor of military science and tac
tics, announced Tuesday.
According to present plans, seven
Army ROTC cadets are expected
to receive commissions in Febru
ary and 112 in June.
Before the Department of Army
decision, cadets had received no
positive assurance that they would
receive commissions, Col. Diestel
said. It depended on the number
that the Army could absorb on
active duty, he explained.
February graduates will be or
dered to active duty prior to June
30, and those graduating between
May 1, 1955, and April 30, 1956,
will be ordered to active duty be
tween July 1, 1955, and June 30,
While newly commissioned sec
ond lieutenants can expect to be
Union Seminar
Five-Professor Panel
To Speak On Turkey
The recent trip to Turkey to or
ganize a new university will be
discussed at the student-faculty
seminar on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
in the Union faculty lounge.
A panel discussion by five men
who participated in the organiza
tion of Ataturk University in east
ern Turkey will be featured.
The men are Dr. A. T. Anderson,
associate professor of history; Dr.
K. O. Broady, director of Extension
Division; E. L. Lambert, dean of
the College of Agriculture; Dr. El
vin J. Frolick, chairman of the
agronomy department, and Dr.
Carl Olson, professor of animal
pathology and hygiene.
The faculty committee worked
for six weeks assisting in the es
tablishment of a university similar
to American land grant colleges.
The group toured eastern Turkey
and decided on the best site and
form for the new university. The
project of locating the university
in the eastern section of the country
For Summer
Study Offered
British Universities in England
and Scotland will offer American
students an opportunity for study
during the summer ot 19o5.
Fields of study are Shakespeare
and Elizabethan Drama at the
University of Birmingham to be
held at Stratford-On-Avon; art, lit
erature and music in England
1660-1780 at University of London;
nolitics and literature on the 20th
Century, University of Oxford, and
European Civilization, a Historical
Survey, University of Edinburgh,
firaduate students or qualified
juniors or seniors are eligible to
apply fr admission, expenses xor
the six weeks of study will aver
age approximately $200 and travel
from $340 to $470. A few scholar
ships are available which provide
for the remission of a part of the
tuition fees.
Further information may be se
cured in the Graduate. Office,
Room III, Social Science.
Philosophy Club
Philnsonhv Club will hear Keith
Rrheer. graduate student in phil
osophy, speak on the subject. "De
terminism or Libertananism.
The meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Room
118, Burnett Hall. The meeting
U open to all interested students.
phsychology department in the ir
radiation process.
500 Rats Used
Two kinds of rats are used in
the experiment. These are white
rats and black and white mixed
variety. The two kinds differ only
a little in temperment. '
During the two years, 500 rats
have beeen used by the psychology
department because rats of the
same age, three months old, are
used in all experiments.
Blair, a part-time assistant, de
votes between 12 and 15 hours a
week to his experiment, although
on some weeks there is more work.
Even though he is working in the
experimental phase of psychology,
he some day wants to participate
in the academic side
Blair commented that the area
of irradiation was new compared
to other areas in psychology. Also,
he said, there are few publications
dealing with this subject.
ordered to active duty in the Army,
those individuals who have had
prior military service can qualify
for draft-deferred status, Col. Dies
tel added.
Graduates will be permitted to
volunteer for the particular month
of entry to active duty within quota
limitations, Col. Diestel said.
"Last year some ROTC graduates
received commissions in branches
of the Army other than those in
which they had been enrolled for
ROTC training," Col. Diestel stated.
Whether this will be necessary for
current graduates will not be
known until mid January 1955.
Although the Department of the
Army has not announced a def
inite policy, it appears likely that
students now enrolled in advanced
Army ROTC who normally would
graduate in June, 1956, or Febru
ary, 1957, will be commissioned and
ordered to active duty as officers,
Col. Diestel added.
in Turkey has been in considera
tion since 1929, when Memal Atta
turk, then ruler and after whom
the new university is named, first
introduced the idea.
The establishment of a univer
sity in Turkey patterned after
American colleges will be a new
development in the new East. Most
of the other universiites in the area
are patterned after European uni
versities. Instructors will have to
be trained in the United States.
AUF Donates
Drive Funds
To 4 Charities
All-University Fund's $9,840 col
lection this fall has been distribu
ted to the Lincoln Community
Chest, the Mental Health Associa
tion, Cancer Society and World
University Service.
Thirty per cent of the total, or
$2,952, has been given to the Com
munity Chest. Approximately 29
organizations, including University
YWCA, receive support from the
The Mental Health Association
will receive $2,460, or 25 per cent
of the total.
The Cancer Society will receive
$1,968, 20 per cent.
World University Service an in
ternational student-supported organ
ization, will receive $1,968.
The remaining 5 per cent will
be used by AUF for campaign ex
penses next year and kept as an
emergency fund.
Character Building
Navy Program
Described As
F. a. wintersteen, curt, unapiain
Corps USN, spoke Tuesday after
noon on the Navy's Character Build
ing Program to University NROTC
The Navy's Character Building
Program, a program instituted at
the request of the Secretary of
Defense, is only in experimental
stages now, said Chaplain Winter
steen. but it has been highly suc
cessful in its uses so far.
The purpose of the program is
aimed at helping men to think
clearly when making decisions
which involve moral issues rather
than telling them what to do.
Approval for this program has
been expressed by parents of boys
entering the service. Parents seem
more satisfied to know that the
Navy is helping to build the char
acter rather than destroying their
sens' morals, according to Winter- j
steen. 1
Chanlain Wintersteen has spoken I
to University NROTC Midshipmen
three times within the past three
years,- He is connected witn tne
9th Naval District in the Great
Lakes area.
NU Radio, TV Honorary
Initiates 7 Members
Alpha Epsilon Rho, radio and
television honorary, initiated sev
en members Monday, according to
Ingrid Swerre, vice-president.
Janice Carmen, Barbara Clark,
Beverlee Englebrecht. Jack Hale.
Margo Hunt, Joan Knudsen, and
Jane Lasse are the initiates.
Active members presiding were:
David Chapman, president; Miss
Swerre, Leigh Cartwright, secretary-treasurer
and Gail Katskee.
Christmas Services
Christmas services will be held
Thursday at 7:15 a.m. by the
YWCA at Ellen Smith Hall.
Services have been held every
morning this week. Mary Lou Lu
ther is in charge of the services.
Breakfast is served after the
Lincoln, Nebraska
Group To Record Thursday
NlaiHioBiial Broadcast"
T luicSy
The Madrigal Singers have been asked to appear by tape recording Christmas Day
on the, Columbia Broadcasting System.
James Fasset, program director of CBS and master of ceremonies for the Phila
delphia Philharmonic Orchestra, issued the invitation to the University group.
The Madrigals, under the direction of Dr. David Foltz, chairman of the department
of music, will give a 30-minute presentation of Benjamin Britten's "Ceremony of
Elaine Barker will be harp solo
ist and Bill Bush and Ernest Har
rison, pianists.
Vocal Soloists
Miss Barker is a junior in Teach
ers College and a member of Al
pha Phi. Harri
son is an asso
ciate professor
of piano in the
School of Mu
sic. Bush is a
sophomore i n
Teachers C o 1
lege. Vocal solo
ists will be
Shirley Alpuer
to, sop r a n o;
Nancy Nor
Courtesy Sunday
Journal and Star
man, soprano, and Imogene Davis,
Madrigals were the only college
group chosen to appear on the
CBS annual Christmas broadcast.
The group was chosen because of
a performance of the work five
years ago, according to Dr. Foltz.
"Ceremony of Carols" is a new
work of a noted young British com
poser who also wrote the opera
"Peter Grimes." At present, Brit
ten has a new opera opening on
Broadway, Foltz said.
Thursday Program
The work was originally written
for treble voices, but Madrigals
will use an arrangement for mixed
voices. Part of the work will be
sung a cappella.
Madrigals will tape the program
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Howell
Theater Auditorium. The group
will sing traditional carols before
they make the tape recording.
Limited seating capacity for the
performance will be available.
The performance will be piped to
local radio stations for broadcast
Thursday night.
Last year Madrigals appeared
on an American Broadcasting Com
pany presentation.
Madrigal members are Shirley
Alpuerto, Elaine Barker, Marilyn
Blackburn, Nadine Bosley, Imo
gene Davis, Delores Garrett.
Charlotte Hervert, Barbara
Jones, Frances Leacock, Sandy
Lowenstein, Joan Marshall, Carol
Newell, Nancy Norman, Muriel
Pickett, Jeanine Schliefert, Patri
cia Syfert.
Roger Brendle, Bill Bush, Den
nis Carroll, Jack Chedester, Don
Goodrich, Morgan Holmes, Bruce
Martin, John Poutre, Dan Rasdal,
Wes Beist, Gary Renzleman, Jack
Rhoden, Phil Robinsc-n, Stan
Shumway and Bob Van Voorhis.
Madrigals are selected on the
basis of musicianship, voice qual
ity, personality and intense inter
est in detailed musical work, Foltz
Due Dec. 17
For Builders
Applications for Builders Board
must be submitted before Christ
mas vacation, according to Cathy
Olds, Builders president-elect.
Positions open are: two assist
ant treasurers, one in charge of
advertising and one in charge of
sales; First Glance. Special Edi
tion, New Student Handbook, Cal
endar, Student Directory, tours and
conventions, high school relations,
art, 'office manager and publicity.
Ag campus positions are: Ag tour
membership and publicity.
Interviews will be Jan. 8. Appli
cations may be turned in to the
Builders office, Union Room 308.
Library To Open
Part Of Vacation
Saturday noon, the Union will
close for Christmas vacation. The
Union will remain closed until
Monday morning, Jan. 3.
The Ag Union will close Friday
afternoon at 5 p.m. and will also
open the morning of Jn. 3.
For the benefit of students who
will remain in Lincoln over the
holidays, Love Library will re
main open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Monday through Wednesday, Dec.
20 to 22, and Monday through Fri
day, Decv 27 to 31.
Opera Crew
Crews are now being organ
ized for ."The Consul," an opera
by Gian Carlo Menotti, which
is the next University Theater
production, in cooperation with
the Department of Music. It
will be presented Feb. 15-19.
Students interested in working
on one of the crews should
contact John C. Tolch, technical
director of University Theater,
in Temple Building, Room 8.
a i . , nwm ii'in
I i
Georges Rene k i
'West-West Issue
Must Be Dissolved'
Staff Wrifer
Before settling the East-West
conflict, the free world must dis
solve the West-West issue, a direc
tor for political activities for the
European Youth Campaign, said
in a Nebraskan interview Tuesday.
Georges Rencki, active in the
free Polish resistance movement
during the war, was brought on
campus to address the Christmas
meeting of the Nebraska Univer
sity Council on World Affairs.
"A Western Europe divided into
18 little countries cannot resist com
munism effectively," he said. "It
is unable to do so not only for
military reasons but also because
economic and social problems pre
vent the creation of a large single
French Offer
30 Graduate
The French government is offer
ing 30 university fellowships and
40 teaching assistantships to Amer
ican graduate students.
Assistantships will afford lan
guage teaching experience and an
opportunity to become better ac
quainted with France. Recipients
will teach conversational English
in secondary schools, teachers'
colleges, and universities in
France. These posts are intended
for future teachers of the French
Graduate fellowships are open to
students in all fields of study. Fel
lows will study in French univer
sities and other state institutions.
Students interested in further in
formation should write Kenneth
Holland, President of the Institute
of International Education, 1 East
67th Street, New York City.
Follies Traveler Acts
A meeting for all coeds interested
in t.rvinir nut for Coed Follies Trav
eler Acts will be held Wednesday
at 7:15 p.m. in Union Room 31o.
The Outside World
Staff Writer
'No Deal' For Prisoners
The United SSates ruled out any "deal" with Red China to ex
change 35 Chinese civilian students in America for the 11 U.S airmen
imprisoned inside China. State Department Press Officer Lincoln White
told newsmen: "There will be no deal."
The comments came to questions about a Peiping broadcast which
alluded to the 11 airmen held as "spies" and said he United States
would be flouting international law if it held the 35 Chinese students
in retaliation for the jailing of the airmen, 'ine oroaacasi cameo me
broad hint that the Communists were trying to coax the U.S. into a
deal. . ,
White said the airmen and the Chinese students were in entirely
different categories. The airmen, shot down and captured two years
ago during the Korean War, are legally prisoners of war entitled to
full international rights as such, he said. The students are civilians
under study, he added.
Ike To Consult Democrats
President Eisenhower intends step-by-step consultation with con
gressional leaders of both parties on problems of foreign affairs,
national defense and mutual security, the White House said Monday,
alter a conference of Republican and Democratic leaders.
After the conference it was announced that the President will
deliver his State of the Union message to Congress, in person, on
January 6 the day after the new 84th and Democratic-controlled Con
gress convenes.
In advance of the meeting. Sen. Russell (D-Ga) said he will oppose
any administration program of dollar economic aid for Asia "or any
where else." Russell is in line to become chairman of the Senate
Armed Services Committee when the Democrats take over control of
Congress next month.
Shah Visits Washington
The Shah of Iran called on Western nations to "lend a helping
hand" to assure political stability and economic recovery in his oil
rich homeland. The Shah made the appeal in an address prepared
lor a lunch given by capital newsmen and photographers.
"Iran is of such importance to the general role of covilization and
global strategy," he said, "that her physical strength must not become
flaccid lor want of timely help."
The Shah arrived in Washington for a three-day visit. After leav
ing the capital, he will fly to San Francisco and later will visit Sun
Valley, Idaho, and Florida. He expects to return Feb. 3 to New York
City where he Lgan his visit
The Shah said Iran's dispute with Britain over nationalization of
the nation's oil industry resulted from efforts of "subversive elements
. . . to establish chaos and mob rule." He said the plot failed and Iran
is now making steady progress toward modernization.
Labor Merger Predicted
David J. McDonald, head of CIO United Steel workers predicts that
in 1955 members of CIO and AFL will merge in a "New United Labor
He said: "We can work all our problems out, every single one of
them, as men of good will, as men believing in one another, as men
believing in the fundamentals of American trade unions." .
The steel union head also said Uat his hope of an early merger
oi the AFL and CIO was based on "many factors, the first and most
important of which is that the people want labor unity."
Wednesday, December 15, 1954
market," Rencki brought out.
Rencki commented on the Eur
opean concept of American domes
tic policies. "The average man in
the street knows America by two
men President Eisenhower and
Sen. Joe McCarthy," he brought
"Overwhelmingly Europeans art
opposed to McCarthy," Rencki said,
"not because of his anti-communist
measures, but because of the
way he applies his measures."
Europeans would not favor an
American blockade of China,
Rencki said, because the risks of
European occupation are greater.
They do not believe a blockade
would produce the results the
Americans seek, anyway, he added.
"I was amazed to see American
students so interested in general
international affairs," Rencki said,
"but they do not know enough
about European unity."
Members of the European Move
ment suffered a major defeat when
the French Parliament voted down
the European Defense Community,
the Polish-bora internationalist said
"When the West substituted the
Western European Union for EDC,
the integration of a supranational
system was replaced by a military
alliance of states which retain their
sovereignty," Rencki said. The
European Movement had hoped to
establish a unified Europe with a
federal government patterned aft
er that of the United States.
AWS Tells House
Rules For Closing
All organized houses and resi
dence halls for coeds will be closed
by 2 p.m. Saturday and will open
at 2 p.m. Jan. 2.
The Associated Women Students
Board, who announced the rules for
coeds concerning Christmas vaca
tion, said that special permission
must be obtained from the house
mother if a coed wishes to leave
before Friday. Special permission
; den nopriprl if a resident plans
to return later than the regular
closing hour on Jan. 2 or earner
than 2 p.m.