The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1954, Image 1

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Lake (c
amid To"
IFir W
Orchestras Hit
Failure to organize quickly and.tion to contract a name hand fnr
hesitation to risk more than a mod-
erate amount of money were two
direct reasons why the COA failed
to bring a well-known band to the
1954 Military Ball, Duane Lake,
managing director of the Union,
said in a Nebraskan interview
These reasons, along with the
difficulty for any school organiza-
Student Opinion Study
Discussions Planned
A special committee to discuss
student problems with the Chan
cellor was formed and the Young
Republicans Club declared defunct
at the regular Student Council
meeting Wednesday.
The organization of the Student
Activities committee was outlined,
and reports were given by the Pub
lications board.
Marvin Breslow, member of the
University Faculty Senate Sub
tions, said that the Publications
group has returned to AUF the
page in the Nebraskan sold at the
AUF acuction.
In Union
Annual Tea
To Foffoiv
The traditional Candlelight Tea
will be held Sunday in the Union
Lounge, immediately following
'The Messiah."
Eggnog and cookies will be
served to guests, according to Lu
Makepeace, chairman of the Union
hospitalty committee. The only
lighting will be candles, a Christ
mas tree and the fireplace, Miss
Makepeace said.
Dr. David Foltz will direct the
600-voice Choral Union of the Uni
versity in a performance of "The
Messiah" Sunday at 3 p.m. in the
Soloists will be Mrs. Shirley
Alpuerto, graduate student, so
prano; Mrs. Ina Probasco, student-at-large,
alto; Helmut Sienknecht,
graduate student, tenor; and
Marshall Christensen, senior, bari
tone. The Choral Union is composed
of: Agriculture College Chorus,
Altinus Tallis, conductor; Univer
sity Singers I, Dr. Foltz; Univer
sity Singers II, Dr. Arthur West
brook; University Chorus I, Earl
Jenkins; University Chorus II, Dr.
Foltz, and School of Nursing
Chorus, Richard Duncan.
Admission to the concert is free.
Traditional Christmas carols will
be played from the Mueller Caril
lon Tower preceding and following
the performance. Carilloneur will
be Donald Kitchen.
Robert Amick
Elected Head
Of Air Group
Robert Amck was elected com
mander of the Joyce - Johnson
chapter of Arnold Air Society Wed
nesday night. Don Tadken was
former commander of the organi
zation. Other officers elected were Jerry
Flaherty, adjutant recorder; Don
Hilkemeier, executive and public
information offcer; Ronald Ren
mueller, treasurer, and C. J. Ste
wart, operatons officer. .
Twelve new members were initi
ated at the Wednesday nght meet
ing. These men are: Jerry Flah
erty, Raymond Hruby, Don Hilke
meier and Julio Machuca, seniors;
Verone Gibb, C. J. Stewart,
Charles Stuart III, Ronald Rein
mueller, Rodney Link and Delain
Earl Barnette, juniors.
Admission To UN?
Two Professors, Debaters
Communist China
The fourth" in the American Film
Forum series opened with a film
"Should Red China be Admitted
to the United Nations?" featuring
Hon. Richard Crossman, member
of the British House of Commons;
Dr. Chih-Mai Chen, of the Na
tionalist Chinese Embassy, and
News Columnist Marquis Childs,
"Every nation should be includ
ed in the UN," Crossman believed,
"and Communist China shoud be
admitted especially since she is no
longer in an act of aggression.
Talk of excluding a nation is mak
ing the UN a club of the. majority
against the minority."
According to Chen; the admis
sion of Red China would not com
ply to UN principles of making
qualifications for membership.
A panel consisting of two mem
bers of the University debate squad
and two University professors dis
cussed the quttion following the
believed the United States, the free
world and the UN would benefit
by admission of Red China by
Snag On Dates,
a specific date and the fact that
the University is in a bad area
j for name bands to travel through,
caused the COA to contract a band
other than one they had selected
In One Of Worst Areas
"We are in one of the worst
areas of the country as far as
picking up these bands is con-
Breslow stated that the buyer
had misrepresented himself to Lin
coln business firms as a member
of The Nebraskan staff in order
to sell advertising for that page.
The page was not to be used for
advertising purposes, Breslow
pointed out.
Chancellor Discussions
Jack Rogers, Council president,
said the Chancellor has expressed
to him the desire to hold informal
meetings with students in order to
advise him on student problems
and opinions.
Acting on a suggestion by J. P.
Colbert, dean of student affairs,
that the group be formed of Coun
cil members, the Council voted to
set up a program for discussions
with the Chancellor. The program
provides for small groups to meet
with the Chancellor on a rotation
Council members also voted to
declare the Young Republicans
Club defunct. Action was taken
after Art Raun, chairman of the
Judiciary Committee, told that the
Young Republicans had not been
active this year and had appar
ently elected no new officers or
held any meetings.
The Council voted to declare the
now inactive Architectural Soci
ety, the Christian-Student Fellow
ship and the Pan-American Club
defunct, and reapproved a list of
other organizations. ,
Activities Committee
Muriel Pickett, chairman of the
newly-formed Committee on Stu
dent Activities, reported that her
committee has been divided into
small groups in order to complete
a survey of public opinion on stu
dent activities.
The groups are: Agricultural
Campus, Ivan Althouse, Sis Matz
kee and Marlene Hutchinson; Stu
dent Leaders, Carole Unterseher,
Sam Ellis, Fred Stauffacher and
Joan Knudson; Administration,
Gail Katskee and Gary Lucore;
Facultv. Sherry Mangold. Norm
Veitzer, Bill Engelkemier and Bar
bara Clark, and Statistics ana
files, Norm Creutz, Mary House
and Margie Antes.
Extended Vacation
Rogers told that Dean Colbert is
planning to ask the Faculty Sen
ate for permission to allow excused
absences the first few days after
Christmas vacation, for the bene
fit of those students who wish to
go to the Orange Bowl.
The Elections Committee report
ed that studies are being made
of the YW-YMCA representative
election rules, of the selection ot
a Dental College Student Council
renresentative and of the possi
bility of a centralized' authority
for punching identification cards
at elections.
Math Group Holds
Initiation Banquet
Nebraska Alpha Chapter of Pi
Mu Epsilon, national honorary
mathematics society, held an initi
ation banquet in the Union Tuesday
New initiates are: Wallis Cram
ond, Roger Hanson, Robert L.
Johnson, David McCammon, Glenn
R. Norris, Kenneth Philbrick,
Wayne B. Roelle, Darrell Schind
ler, John Skinner, Fred Van Vleck,
Gerald Weinburg, Charles R. B.
Wright, Dale Wurst and Ann Yeak
ley. An award was presented to Alan
Heeger, outstanding freshman
mathematics student.
"securing a convenience, not con
fering a compliment."
Allen Overcash said such ad
mission would contradict the UN
charter and principles by hav
ing as a member a nation which
violates its rules and even ignores
the existence of the international
body. Red China's membership
in the UN would not only enhance
the prestige of the Communist
government, but would also lower
the prestige of the United States
by necessitating non-support of
Nationalist China..
Dr. Norman Hill, profeasor of
political science, said that refusal
to admit Red China because it
has committee aggressive acts is
invalid. The term, "peace-loving
nations" is used in the UN Charter
to apply to states coming Into the
UN. China is already a member
of the organization, he pointed out,
and therefore this qualification to
membership does not apply.
NU Locale
cerned." Lake said. Lake acts as
'a contact between student organ
izations wishing to hire a band
and agencies contracting the
At the present there are only
three major agencies that are
handling 85 per cent of the well
known good bands in the country,
he said. It is hard for these age
cies to fit the itineries of these
bands into the one or two specific
dates a college will set for their
major social functions.
Underwriting Difficult
It is also. difficult for a student
organization to underwrite the cost
of a big name band. "It costs
from $3,500 to $4,000 for a student
group to finance a big function,"
Lake said. Students have to un
derwrite the cost of the Coliseum,
job-pool labor, sound equipment
and the like, he added.
The COA had to pass up possible
chances at bands such as Billy
May and Ray Anthony which were
offered tentatively by the Gener
al Artists agency, he said.
These bands were on a list sent
by the agency as possibilities for
the date set for the Military Bal!.
Since the COA does not begin to
organize until school starts, they
could not act on these offers. It is
always the policy of the Corn Cobs
to begin organization for the Home
coming Dance in the spring.
Cobs Offered Three
The Cobs faced a different situ
ation. Billy May was offered by
an agency for the Nov. 13 date
as early as Aug. 23. The Uni
versity confirmed the choice. On
Aug. 31 the agency said May would
not be available, but offered Jerry
Gray was accepted by the Uni
versity, but the agency notified the
Com Cobs again on Sept. 30 and
said that Gray had been carried
over at the Palladian and could
not deliver.
Finally, contracts were sent to
the Commanders as an optional
choice. The contracts were re
ceived from the Commanders Oct.
21, putting them in as the 1954
Homecoming Dance band.
The main trouble with getting
bands here, Lake said, lies with
Nebraska's location off the main
lines of travel for good dance
bands. Bands dislike a series of
one-night stands, and union rules
forbid them to travel more tha
250 miles between dates.
Advance Schedule
Student organizations can seldom
"pick up" a good band on one
of its cross-country tours because
the date of a college function is
set well in advance, while a band's
schedule is never set far in ad
vance while on a tour.
Another reason is the fact that
there are no good dance towns
near Lincoln, he said. "If Omaha
were a good dance town, we would
do better," he said.
(Cont. on Page 4)
AWS Informs
Coeds-Of Hall
Closing Hours
Rules for coeds conc'erning
Christmas vacation have been an
nounced by the Associated Women
Students Board.
All organized houses and resi
dence halls will be closed by 2
p.m. Saturday, Dec. 18, and
will open at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 2.
Special permission must be ob
tained from the housemother if a
coed wishes to leave before Dec.
17. Special permission is also
needed if a resident plans to return
later than the regular closing hour
on Jan. 2 or earlier than 2 p.m.
Crew Calls
Crew calls are out for "T h e
Consul," by Gian Carlo Menotti.
"The Consul" is the next Howell
Theater production.
Any student interested should see
Mr. John C. Tolch, Room 8 in the
Temple Building, Friday from 1 to
5 p.m.
"The Consul" will be presented
Febr. 15.
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Music Activities
Mu Phi Epsilon, music sorority,
members sample some of their
own goodies before the bake sale
they held Wednesday. Coeds are
left to right. Jeanne Broady,
Joan Marshall, Carolyn Roxberg,
Carol Newell and Billie Croft.
Two new patrons of the sorority
Vol. 55, No. 34
l r ' -? ?)
Spangles And Sparkle
Plastic foam balls are trans
formed by Builders workers into
gay Christmas decorations for
the Builders banquet Wednes
day. Busy dipping the balls
Builders Board To Hold
First Christmas Dinner
Tickets are now on sale for the
Builders Christmas Dinner Wednes
day at 6 p.m. in Union Parlors XY.
Tickets may be purchased for
$1.50 in a Union booth Friday and
Saturday and from Board mem
bers and representatives in organ
ized houses.
Because of the desire for more
Has Rhodes
David M. Gradwohl, 20, of Lin
coln, has been chosen as one of
two state candidates to appear be
fore the district Rhodes Scholar
ship Committee at Des Moines,
la., Saturday.
Gradwohl is a senior in the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences. He is
a member of Phi Beta Kappa, a
two-year letter-man on the swim
ming team and a three-year
member of the debate team.
At the district meeting Satur
day, Gradwohl will be one of 12
candidates from a six-state area
area including Nebraska, Minne
sota, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri
and Kansas. From these 12 can
didates, four will be selected as
Rhodes scholars.
The four selected at the Des
Moines meeting will join 28 others
throughout the country in receiv
ing 600 English pounds (about $1,
684) for two years study at Oxford
University, England.
The two Nebraska candidates
were chosen from six students
from Nebraska colleges at an in
terview in Lincoln last Wednes
day. Also included in these six
students was Jack B. Rogers, also
a senior in the College of Arts
and Sciences.
Walter E. Militzer, Dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences, was
chairman of the committee which
interviewed the six Nebraska can
didates Wednesday, Also on the se
lection committee was Dr. Nathan
B. Blumberg, asst. professor of
were recently installed. They
are Robert Beadell, instructor
of theory and instrument, , and
Thtyuas Wckstrom, assistant pro
fessor of music education. Dora
lee Wood, a sophomore in Toch
ers College was initiated into
the active chapter.
sifry ISyaud
Olds 1955
into paint and sparkle are Mary
Hall, Polly Downs, Mel Fahrn-
bruch, Linda Nelson, Chris
Mastos, Cathy Olds, Judy
Joyce,and Sara Kirkman.
integration and 'unity among the
various Builders committees, the
usual Board party was extended to
include workers and assistants,
said Cathy Olds, co-chairman of
the event.
Miss Olds explained that if the
dinner is a success, it will become
a Builders tradition. Judy Joyce
is also co-chairman.
Andy Smith will give a short
talk about Builders, and the Lin
coln High Boys Octet will sing.
Acting as Santa Claus, Bill De
Wulf will direct the gift exchange
following the dinner. Each per
son attending may bring a 25 cent
grab bag gift.
The dinner and party will be over
in time for members to attend
other Wednesday evening events,
Miss Olds said.
NUCWA Christmas
European Youth Leader
To Tell Plans, Projects
A candy-filled pinata, Yuletide
legends and an address by a direc
tor of the European Youth Cam
paign will be included in the NU
CWA Christmas party Tuesday
Georges Rencki, director of po
litical activities for the European
Youth Campaign, will be the guest
speaker at the festivities to be held
at 7 p.m. in Union Room 315.
The pinata, a paper-mache ani
mal or fruit, will be broken by a
blindfolded person. The candies it
holds will be distributed among
the observers.
"Adios Lucretta," a Central
American dancing game, will be
played following the address. For
eign students will tell the origin
of legends about Santa Claus and
religious variations of the Christ
mas story.
Rencki plans and organizes a
varip'y of activities throughout the
fourteen countries in which the
Campaign operates. One such pro
ject is to debate the leading Euro
pean issues and work out a com
mon program for the major youth
organizations. v
Rencki, who lives in Paris, was
born in Warsaw in 1926. During
Check Offered
For Seniors
The Office of Registration and
Records is continuing to offer re
quirement checking to all students
having junior standing.
Mrs. Hazel Miller, registration
staff member, urged all first se
mester seniors to have their sched
ules checked -to make sure they
are meeting all graduation require
ments. Students wishing this service
should make out applications for
checking at B9, Administration
Building, and they will receive an
appointment yme. The staff will
make out an analysis and give
the student the program he must j
take in order to graduate. The
staff requests that students apply
in person, raher than by phone.
The staff includes: Miss Shirley
Thomsen, Arts and Sciences and
Business Administration, Mrs.
Geulah Read, Ag, Engineering,
Law and Pharmacy, and Miss
Evelyn Nelson and Mrs. Miller,
Teachers College.
Class schedules for the second
semester of 1954-55 are now avail
able at the Office of Registration
and Records at B7, Administration
Mitchell, Swerre, DeWulf,
Gordon, Smith Form Council
Cathy Olds was elected Builders president at a Board
meeting Wednesday evening.
Assisting her next year will be : Marilyn Mitchell, vice
president in charge of high schools; Ingrid Swerre, vice
president in charge of City campus and alumni; Bill De
Wulf, vice president in charge of Ag campus; Janet Gor
don, secretary, and Andy bmith, treasurer.
January Installation
The new Executive Council will
be installed in January.
Miss Olds, a junior in Arts and
Sciences, headed the Builders
Scarlet and u
uream. ne is r
vice president $
of AUF, mem-
ber of i Alpha
Lambda Delta
and Delta
Gamma activ
ities chair
man. Editor o f
B u ilders
First Glance,
Miss Mitchell
Courtesy Lincoln Star
is a junior in Arts and Sciences,
Nebraskan copy editor, secretary
of Theta Sigma Phi, member of
Gamma Alpha Chi and Pi Sigma
Alpha and Pi Beta Phi correspond
ing secretary.
Miss Swerre is Builders art chair
man. She is a junior in Arts and
Sciences, Alpha Epsilon Rho pres
ident, member of Tassels and Kap
pa Alpha Theta activities chair
man. Currently Ag Builders public re
lations chairman, DeWulf is an
Ag College sophomore. He is a
Corn Cobs worker, Ag Union dance
committee chairman and a mem
ber of Ag Religious Council, New
man Club and Farm House.
A junior in Arts and Sciences,
Miss Gordon edited the Builders
Special Edition of The Nebraskan.
She is Cornhusker managing ed
itor, vice president of Young Dem
ocrats, member of Alpha Lambda
Delta and Sigma Delta Tau press
Andy Smith, business manager
of Student Directory, is a junior
in Arts and Sciences. He is AUF
president, member of Student
Council and Kosmet Klub and Beta
Theta Pi alumni chairman.
the war he was active in the free
Polish resistance, participating in
sabotage operations and editing an
underground youth paper. He
fought in the famous Warsaw re
volt in 1944 and was decorated for
bravery. Upon the fall of Warsaw
he was captured by the Germans
and spent a year in the Murnau
prison camp. He joined Polish
forces in Italy at the end of the
war and made his way to Italy.
The Outside World
Staff Writer
Russia Accuses U.S. Of Aggression
Russia accused the United States of aggression against Red China
and called upon the UN for a vote of condemnation. The new Soviet
charge came as the UN debated a demand by the United States and
her Korean War allies for the release of 11 American airmen held as
spies by the Peiping regime.
Peiping, in a belligerent broadcast heard in Tokyo, made it clear
it had no intention of releasing the 11 airmen under discussion, but
the United States hoped for a vote.
UN Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., chief U.S. delegate, said
the Communist case had collapsed with an admission by Russia's
Jacob A. Malik that the 11 airmen were captured in full military
uniform. His view was supported by other Western delegates.
Bates To Study Penitentiary Problem
Stanford Bates, internationally recognized prison expert, has been
engaged by the Nebraska State Board of Control to make a study of
the Nebraska State Penitentiary. Bates said he will probably survey
the Penitentiary the week after Christmas.
Bates, a resident of Trenton, N.J., is a former federal prison
director and has held responsible penological petite in New Jersey and
New York. He is retired as commissioner of New Jersey J restitutions,
but is still available for counseling.
Board of Control Chairman William Diers said. "We havent
been dilly-dallying as some say. If they want an investigation, let
them have it." Asked for comment, Gov. Crosby said, "Another
investigation certainly can do no harm."
Mundt Tried To Dissuade McCarthy
One of Senator McCarthy's closest friends. Sen. Mundt (R-SD),
disclosed Thursday that he tried vainly to dissuade the Wisconsin
Republican from making his statement blasting President Eisenhower.
He said he told McCarthy that "Everyone knows Ike is not for the
But, he said, McCarthy replied: "They're shooting at me down
there and I've got to say something." By "down there," he apparently
was reierring to the White House, Mundt said. He added that he
thought Eisenhower's praise last Saturday of Sen. W'atkins (R-Utah)
"triggered" McCarthy's blast.
Watkins was chairman of a special committee which recommended
censuring McCarthy for his conduct. The Senate rebuked McCarthy
last week by a vote of 67-22T The White House quoted the President
as having told Watkins he had done "a very splendid job" as chairman
of t!he committee.
Massilndictment In Phenix City
An unannounced number of persons has been indicted by the grand
jury in Phenix City, Ala., in the June 18 murder of vice crusader A.
L. Patterson. The number of indictments and names of defendants
were withheld until arrests could be made.
The vice cleanup in Phenix City which resulted from Patterson's
death ended Wednesday when special state prosecutors cleaned the
court docket of all pending cases.
Friday, December 10, 1954
Filings Open
For Positions
Until Dec. 17
Builders Board applications are
due Dec. 17 in the Builders office.
Union Room 308. All underclass
men may apply.
Two new positions are assistant
treasurers, one in charge of adver
tising and the other sales. Scarlet
and Cream and the membership
committee have been eliminated.
Other positions include: First
Glance, Special Edition, New Stud
ent Handbook, Calendar, Student
Directory, tours and conventions,
high school relations, art, office
manager and publicity.
Ag campus positions are Ag
tours and activities, public rela
tions, membership and publicity.
Interviews will be Jan. 8.
Seats Left
To Comedy
Students with season tickets for
University Theater productions
should make reservations for "The
Madwoman of Chaillot" immedi
ately if they wish to see the pro
duction, said Max Whittaker, play
Friday night's performance is a
sell-out; only Saturday night seats
are still available. Students wish
ing to make reservations may call
the Temple Building box office.
Josephine Margolin is featured
as the Madwoman in Jean Gira
doux's comedy fantasy. Marv
Stromer plays the Ragpicker.
The rest of the cast includes:
Joyce Fangman, Madame Con
stance; Marilyn Breitf elder, Ma
dame Gabrieth; Luanne Raun,
Madame Josephine; Ron Green,
waiter; George Hunker, waiter;
Eugene Peynoux, prospector.
C. T. Weatherford, president;
John Forsyth, Inron; Carol Jones,
Therese; Len Schrofer, street
cleaner; Beve. 1 e Engelbrecht,
flower-girl; Mary Lou Pittack,
Paulette; Jim Copp, deaf-mute.
Katy Kelley, Irma; Carl Gerle,
shoelace peddler; Ted Nittler,
broker; Illar Sirk, Dr. Jadin; Jim
Boling, doorman; Wallace Reed,
policeman; Bill Wagner, Pierre;
Larry Hanson, sergeant, and Louis
Cohen, sewer man.