2 - rf t ! I I A ,J ... f J V: F '.'IB ' 4 Page 2 Lincoln, Nebraska Wednesday, November 17, 1954 Editorial Comment Is mt Enough Though comparatively few newspaper readers realize it, members of the Senate and the House are thinking along lines other than pro or anti McCarthy. One pf the really big issues scheduled for debate on the floor in Congress is Universal Military Training. This issue has been discussed at great length ' from many points of view, with comparatively few definite conclusions except one. The ma jority of persons concerned with drafting any UMT law agree that such a program is neces sary. The major source of debate stems from varied opinions on the methodology to be used In setting up such a program and administer ing it when once it is established. One of the more recent plans calls for a six months training' period for alh physically fit young males when they reach the age of 18. After the six month stint, these boys will be assigned to reserve units, in which they will serve for nine and one-half years for a total of 10 years military service. Certainly, reserve duty for so long a period is not particularly appealing to those who might be forced to fulfill such a requirement. How ever, this same reserve duty might appear very attractive to individuals currently involved in a two, three or four year enlistment in some branch of the armed forces. The most logical objection to this most recent scheme points out that our military establishment is not lacking semi-skilled army, navy or air force personnel. What all branches need are men who know their jobs better than the basic training given during their first, early years of service. Though their authors may scream this is not so, all UMT plans to date have more or less included the same, basic scheme in their for mat. All programs seemed to be aimed at giv ing great masses of young men a brief taste of military life with assignment to reserve units to occur as soon as possible after this brief smattering. However, our basic problem in keeping the military forces up to snuff is not in procuring untrained personnel. . The big problem is that comparatively few persons ever seriously con sider making the military a career, hence there is a constant turnover in manpower and the resulting lack of men with military know-how. There are many theories or explanation on this lack of career military personnel. One factor which seems to appear in all the individual ex planations is that civilian life is so much more appealing than military service. Greater per sonnel freedom, higher income and greater chances for success seem to be high on the list. Since there is no indication that anything can or will be done to make civilian life more unpleasant, it is only logical that something should be done to make the military mode of living better for the individuals involved. This is not to say there should be a movement to make the military a cushion existence and give persons in uniform a government paid tour through life, but our legislators should take some of the recent actions which could be classified anti-military into consideration for possible changes. Recent changes in the re tirement regulations and rulings concerning military operated stores for service personnel should be high on the list of actions to be re considered. UMT and the several plans proposed for its establishment and operation are aimed at im proving our military strength. The plans sug gested thus far center around producing greater numbers of men with a small amount of mili tary training. Military leaders say the major problem in the armed forces at this time is not having large masses of men with little train ing, but keeping highly trained, highly skilled persons in the military establishment. An economy minded Congress has done much to make the none-too pleasant military life even less satisfactory, particularly for persons who follow the life vof a soldier, sailor or air force man on a long-tferm basis. It would be far wiser for critics of UMT to stop the gabble about the danger of a police state such a program might bring, and think about spending UMT destined funds to combat the really basic reason for our military crisis. Though laws may be passed making compara tively small periods of military service neces sary, these same laws will not finally solve our nation's military woes. When the military can offer a rewarding vocation is when we can look for a definite improvement within our armed forces. Merely drafting plans for mass, short-term military service is not enough. T. W. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS fey Dick ftiblcr Copped Copy Technique For Sleep Learning Discovered From the American Collegiate Press comes the startling revela tion that some student has devel oped a "sleep-learning" technique which got him through college. His name is A. W. Turnbow, a 1954 Nebraska college graduate now supposed to be president of Sleep Learning Research association in Omaha. It seems Turnbow first read 2,000 Russian vocabulary words into a machine, then gave the English meaning to each. The results were so successful he read his notes into the machine and thus developed his sleep-learning tech nique. , Turnbow said it was hard at first but "anyone can learn while he leeps if he sticks to it." And to think he is a Nebraskan and we have never heard of him! It's certain that if University stu dents have heard of Turnow, he would have been the most famous man on campus and the wealthi Nebrashan Lelterip... (Editor Note: Hereafter letters submit ted to The Nehrmkan will not be printed If ther exceed maximum of 250 words. Tills maximum has been set duo to space shortage on the editorial page.) Attention Juniors! Dear Editor: The 1954-55 Innocents Society, In keeping with the high standards of eligibility for its organization, has set as its minimum scholas tic requirement for membership an overall weighted average of 6.0. This rise in the scholastic re quirement will go into effect im mediately. The Innocents Society is looking for members who are outstand ing in both activities and aca demic achievement on the Univer sity of Nebraska campus. Our Constitution definitely states that the Innocents Society has been "organized for the welfare and interests of this university." It is our feeling that the members of our Society can best fulfill these purposes only if they are superior in all phases of campus endeavor. THE INNOCENTS SOCIETY Nom de Plume (Editor's Note: The following- letter came to The Nebraskan unsigned except I'or the obvious fictitious name of von Sigafoos. The Nebraskan felt that It was too humorous a letter to pass up. How ever, we would like to know who the author really ii.) Dear Editor: I am mad. And when I get mad, I get mad. Mr. Maximillian Shulman, In his column in The Nebraskan, has consistently endeavored to ridi cule and defame the great clan of Sigafoos, by slander and mockery. The disgrace of sitting by, un able to avenge this great misde meanor has for the pst few weeks caused me insufferable hardships. I have been reduced to a mere shadow of my former self, due to the scurrility of these ar ticles. I have been scorned and snobbed by my friends, jeered at on the street, and made the laugh ing stock of the campus. Heretofore, we Sigafoos have been a proud race, undaunted in the face of peril, trustworthy, loy al, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful, and peace-loving. We have been idolized by all; looked down upon by none. In keeping with the age-old pol icy of the Sigafoos family, I have suppressed the urge to seek re venge. I have for the past few nights been spending quiet even ings in seclusion, puffing serene ly on my imported barium-plated opium pipe; we Sigafoos don't be lieve in smoking, as recent medi cal tests have definitely proved that tobacco is the major cause of copper diabetes, gout, the gapees (which usually take effect in Eng lish classes), hoof and mouth dis ease and hangnails. I have been consoling my ire by enterprising myself in onehanded games of red dog, and casually sticking pins into Mr. Shulman's image, so deftly created for me by my aunt, Claudia Sigafoos, ere she was burned at the stake by the Mau Mau terrorists in 1934. Pondering upon the idea of re taliation, I find I can no longer bear the disgrace. Unless Mr. Shulman ceases this degradation, of the appelation of my family, I will be forced to fling down the gauntlet, and I can assure you, we Sigafoos have power. For example: The Mafia in New York is headed by Marconi Antonio Sigafoos; the NKVD is under the supervision of Boris Ivan Sigafoos; the FBOU is led by Sir Cedric Edmund Beaumont Sigafoos IV; the city of Wuchang, China is controlled by Chan Sin Fu Sigafoos. A word to the wise, Mr. Shul man, leave the"' name Sigafoos alone. A.ESOP Fredrick Antiochus Bruno von Sigafoos Opinion Or Fact? Dear Editor: Yesterday's editorial stating why The Nebraskan will continue to print the statement, "God Has a Place on Campus," shows a lack of understanding on the part of the writer as to the meaning of the statement, as well as of the reasons it . is objectionable. It claims that the statement is a fact, and that it therefore is not editorializing to print it. "The statement, "God Has A Place On Campus," refers not to Cod as such, but religious belief and activity. It states, as the Professional Religious Workers perceived, that students ought to find a place even for religious ob servance among their many activ ities. Editorializing Is the statement of an opinion in a news story. The criterion by which distinction is made between fact and opinion is not majority belief, as the writer seems to think it is, for that would still be nothing more than widely-held opinion." The criterion of a statement's truthfulness is the extent to which it can be sub stantiated. When a newspaper has good reason to think that certain information is true, it will print it, even if the majority of the readers think otherwise. Certainly the formerly-held belief that the world is flat did not make the world any less round. The statement, "God Has A Place On Campus," may be true. It may also be untrue. The writer of yesterday's editorial believes it is true. That is her opinion. There are some who think it is untrue. That is their opinion. There are still others who don't think there is a preponderance of evidence either way. That is their opinion. Thus, the editorial defends a state ment which is not only unsubstan tiated, but disputed as such, it is an editorialization. It would be an editorialization even if we accept the strict meaning the editorial writer belioyes it has, for it would still be an opinion. " Yesterday's writer used the in teresting argument that even though the existence of a god cannot be shown logically, it can be accepted on faith. But how can one decide whether a question can be decided on faith or not? What about those people with faith that there is no god? The believer is still left with the problem of show ing why his "faith" should be accepted over the unbeliever's "faith." I hope that I have made the is sue sufficiently clear, and that The Nebraskan will be persuaded of the advisability of removing the statement in question. F. JAY PEPPER Final Remarks Dear Editor: The issue which Mr. Cooper III, and I have carried on in this paper has degraded to personal attacks upon both Mr. Cooper and myself. Really I did not intend this to be the case, so I shall end this discussion with the following re marks. 1. Mr. Cooper shows no knowl edge of the basic democratic prin ciples such as: What is demo cratic discipline. What is demo cratic integrity. What are the du ties of democratic countries. 2. Mr. Cooper regards himself as an authority when he states thus, "The United States policy in respect to these nations (meaning the Continental Chinese govern ment) is wrong." I might ask if Mr. Cooper is. such an authority, why doesn't he hold Secretary Dulles's position? 3. Mr. Cooper holds that my views should be reviewed from the psychological viewpoint. What does Mr. Cooper know about psy chology? 4. As far as I am concerned I have backed democratic govern ments ever since I could think for myself, and since our democratic way oflife (Panama) was nearly terminated in the year 1951, I have learned to appreciate what it is to be a citizen of a democratic country. 5. Mr. Cooper III should just go to a psychiatrist, or sit in some dark little corner and brood over his maladjustment to our way of living. Criminals as the Chinese Communists have no place in our society. 6. If we start trading with lie Chinese Communists, this will lend to strengthening their position with FIFTY-SECOND YEAR . Member: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated terrify of Nebraska as xwrasshM tt students aewi and The Aebrasfcaa a rubiuhm by tueats of the Lu. vtoMMU oty. According to Article 11 of the By-laws overling student publications and administered by the oard of Publications, "it is the desired poller of lb Hoard thai publications sindes its luritdictio shall be free from editorial censorship ea the part of the Board, or so the part of any member of the faculty of the lalTinrty, hot do members of the tutf of The Nebraskan are porsoaaUs respontibl for what they say or do or cans to bo prlMed." goberrfptioa refer are ti a semester, 12. 3D mailed or $ for the college year, S4 mailed. Hingl copy dc Pub limbed tare times a week during the school year except vacations and examination periods. On issue la published glaring august by the L'afversity of Nebraska ander the snpervUion of the Committee oa Student Publications, frrtered as oeeoad elase . matter at the Post Office la Lincoln, Nebraska, aadei act vt Congress, March , 87, aad at special tat of postage provtded for la Sectloa 110S, Act of Congress of October'!. 1917. aathortr. September ID, 11)22. EDITORIAL STAFF Klitot.. . Tom Woodward Kdilorlal Page Editor Jan Harrison Managing Editor kay Notky News Editor Marianne Hansen Copy Editors Bruce Brugmann, Writ Fellman, Sam Jensen. Marilyn Mitchell Sports Editor . Howard Vann feature Editor Cra-e Hnrvev Ac Editor Gary BtirchflrJd REPORTERS Beverly Deep. Fred IMly, Joanne Junge, Bang Jelger huls. Boger Hrnkle, Luclgrace Kwltzer, Julie' Marr, Barb Rharp, Jrre DeVllblse, Barbara Sullivan, Eleanor Plfer, Peggy Voltke. t'orrine Kkstrom. Fran Belstorff, Judy Boat. Ron Warloskl. Ulllan Hasconlldge. Annette Niras, Connie Hurst, Kuthe Rosenqulst. Pat Brown, Marietta Kantln, Jean Johnson, Kay Law son. BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Cbel Singer Ass't Business Managers Be Belmont, Barbara Kick. George Madseo Andy Hove Circulation Mwnager Nell Miller Night Njwi Editor .Sat Jtasea Russia. (See Foreign Affairs, An American Quarterly Review, Oc tober 1954, Vol. 33 No. 1, page 110.) . 7. His behaviour (Mr. Cooper III) may be due to this pseudo Intellectualism that is flooding our universities. This makes a person unfit to live with himself, unfit to live in our democratic system of government, and lastly it would make him unfit even for the Com munists to use as a dupe. This factor leaves him in an unhappy niche. FRANKLIN SOGANDARES BERNAL Washington Quoted Dear Editor: Washington was anxious in his Farewell Address to impress upon the mind of the American people the necessity of morality in govern ment and that it is preferable on practical grounds.. But consider this passage: In the execution of this plan (the practical grounds. But consider experiment of moral government) nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies shall be excluded and that in place of them just and amicable feel ings toward all should be culti vated. The nation which indulges toward another a habitual hatred, or a habitual fondness, is in sone degree a slave. It is- a slave to its animosity or to its affection, eu.ier of which is sufficient to lead it as tray from its duty and its Inter est. Antipathy in one nationxagainst another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of upmbrage, and to be haughty and intracta ble when accidental or trifling oc casions of dispute occur . . . Every phrase is germane today. Take the figures which we hear on the numbers of executions and imprisonments in China. Now it is one of the misfortunes we experi ence by not having any represen tation in that country that they probably have their origins in the waste-paper basket of the British Embassy or in the tips which we get from the spy system we main tain in the country we are told we must ignore. Setting that aside, however, and taking them liter ally we must ask ourselves if they constitute a larger percentage of the Chinese population than did the dispossessed and murdered Tories of our own revolution or the vic tims of the numerous civil troubles of England as it came into being as a nation or those of the Reign of Terror and Jaquerie. We must read the surveys or conditions in the factories of the industrial revo lution and consider that China will not have the help of a virgin con tinent's resources in her battle for a modern capital-labor ratio, nor is theirs a central American civil ization for her to plunder or an Africa and India to exploit. Only when we have thus considered may we begin to cast stones. Humility is still a virtue. Perhaps with its aid we will come closer to success fully cultivating a "just and am icable feeling towards all." j Washington says a nation may j be "a slave to its animosity." How j better could he have described the relatoinship between American foreign policy and that of Russia? A.11 we really know is that we are against whatever the Russians are for, and they are quite subtle enough to make use of this fact. When they tell us they want- u to recognize China we eat it up. They advocate China precisely to make sure we oppose it. The greater coup of Russian policy was not to bring about it Communist revolu tion in China, (they had rather less to do with that than is commonly supposed) but rather to immedi ately take all the credit for it. The most plausible explanation of Ko rea is that it was engineered by the Kremlin using the government of North Korea which it did control to gain control of .the .Chinese Communist government which it did not. When we were incensed into driving north of the treaty parallel their fondest hopes were realized, for it brought the Chi nese into military conilirt v ith i ; United States and the only two na tions from which the Kremlin has anything to fear became enemies. Even better than the drain on American .manpower, .materials and attention was the increased control Russia gained in China which had to turn to Russia had created in the form of supposed U. S. far-eastern imperialistic in tentions. Washington is quite right and those who "indulge in" hatred of Russia are often her most per fect dupes. The Farewell Address goes on to speak of a nation's duty and inter est. This is very close to the meat of the question, for they are not spoken of as contradictory. The sense is more that they supplement and condition one another. Suicide is never a moral act. A nation may violate its interest only so far and then that violation is immoral. We may be repelled by the philoso phy of the Chinese government, its methods and deeds, but we are not required to spite ourselves by re fusing to have anything to do with it. The hope that we might be able to do anything, once represented in China, to modify the policies we dislike, or that Chinese participa tion in the UN would bring pres sure on them sufficiently to bring this about is only a modest thing. But what can we hope to achieve by the hollow and perhaps truly callous gesture of a self-righteous pose? Are we to declare war on China, conquer it a-d im-"e c" ideas. Such seems to be the only alternative suisviteu so ia. The U.S. would not consciously do such a thing as seek war with China. Once our armies were en gaged there the Russians would have a free hand onthe rest of the world. They could and would overun both Europe and the Near East. We would, then have to with draw from China and would prob ably be unable to defend our own own shores. Getting us Into such a war is the logical next step in the Russian scheme. There are those who think we should fight China over airplanes shot down near their borders. They should think about the last words In the section quoted above. GUY I. COOPER III Woman's View Ancient Marbles Found The Daily Californian reports that a prehistoric Las Vegas, Ne vada, has been unearthed in the neighboring state of Utah. Analysis of relics recovered from the area of a 1000-year-old Indian village in southwestern gaming pieces. Among the dis coveries were a number of stone balls about the size of golf balls that seem to suggest a prehistor ic version of "skill ball." This "sports-minded" communi ty, inhabited some time during the 10th century, was a sizable one. It contained several dozen buildings of wood and adobe. Strange Procedure Results In Beaufy . i t By MARILYN TYSON If you men only knew the trials and tribulations your lovelies go through to be lovely for you! There's really a story behind the beautiful gal with gleaming hair that walks down the stairs to meet you on Saturday night. It isn't ethical to devulge her se cretes but the time will come when you must know. Providing of course, you don't Intend to keep your coveted title of bachelor fore ever. v For a big date, such as the Military Ball or Mortar Board Turnabout, preparations begin at least a week and a half in ad vance. The gals turn their attent ion first to the face. Yeast packs, cold cream and facials are in or der. The yeast pack is the latest rhino- nn camnus for the coed. She takes one cake of yeast and a little bit of cream and mixes them inrn n crooev eloD. Then the mess is slaDDed eenerously all over her face. After if dries, the coed re moves the pack and presto ra diant beauty! This process has a rather displeasing odor but dis comfort is woth sacrificing for beauty. The next thing on the agenda are the hands. After being neglect ed all semester, it takes week to get them back in shape. Not much equipment is needed for the nails just cuticle oil, cuticle remover, file, clippers base coat, polish and polish sealer. The dav before the big event, the cals rush to the "parlor" to have Ethel, Mabel or Helen do their hair as only Ethel, Mabel and Helen can fix it. After the hair appointment, in ventory of clothes is taken. The coed takes her favorite dress out of the closet, but alas! When Mary borrowed it last week, she spilled orange juice on it and for eot to tell her. So, back to the closet she goes and the frantic search begins. The dress must be just right for her coloring and hair st.vle. it must eo with her favor ite jewelry Ind her best shoes must look perfect with it. When the dress is finally touna, it must be pressed, the shoes must be brushed and stocking. should be checked for runs. The night of the event, the coed finds it hard to get dressed. There is a mile-long line for th showers, people are rushing In and out of rooms to borrow jewelry or "18 ask, "I know you're busy, but can't you hook my dress?" .. Then, when the time for your date draws near, there is the last minute purse-stuffing ceremony. It is a severe test of a coed's mem ory to remember everything she will need during the course of an evening. And if she isn't sure just exactly what she will need, she decides it's better to go prepared than to be caught without the need ed article. So in the purse goes lipstick, comb, compact, hair-pins, safety pins, needle and thread, handkerchief and kleenex so the handkerchief won't get dirty, some change in case there is a need for a cab home, nail file, identi fication, an extra pair of earrings and finally a date book in case her date asks her out for the next weekend. But when the date calls up to say he has arrived, everything always seems to fall into place. Your date, not more than twenty minutes late, glides down the stairs looking like a page from Vogue. THE 1954 HOUSING ACT MAKES IT EASIER FOR VETERANS TO GET AN ADDITIONAL Gl LOAN FOR MAJOR ALTEKAT inn,. IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS TO THEIR CI HOMES O : a- mwl ram 1 mm ii inimi,ini ii i, Per fell information contact mr Merest VETERANS ADMINISTRATION ee MO fAutker of "Ban foot Bop With CUk,U.i DECEMBER AND MAY: ACT I Of all the creatures that inhabit the earth, none Is so fair, so warm, so toothsome, as a cood. , This is a simple fact, well-known to every campus male, and, to most campus males, a source of rejoicing. But not to all. To some, the creamy brows and twinkling limbs of coeds are a bane and a burden. To whom? To professors, that's whom. Professors, according to latest scientific advice, are human. Stick them and they bleed, pinch them and they hurt, ring a dinner bell and they salivate, comfront them with a round young coed and their ears go back, even as yours and mine? But, by and largethey contain themselves. After all, they are men of high principle and decorum, and besides, the board of regent has got stoolies all over. So, by and large, they contain themselves. But not always. Every now and then a coed will come along who Is just too gorgeous to resist, and a professor - his clutch worn out from years of struggle - will slip and fall. White though his hair, multitudinous though his degrees, Phi Beta Kappa though his key, he is as lovesick, moonstruck, and impaled as any freshman. But he's far worse off than any freshman. After all, a freshman can thump his leg, put on his linen duster, and take out after the coed with mad abandon. But what can the poor smitten prof do? How, in his position, can he go courting a young girl undergraduate? In this column and the next one, I am going to deal with this difficult question. I will relate to you, in the form of a two act play, n account of a professor's attempt to woo a coed. The scene is a typical office in a typical liberal arts building on a typical campus. In this shabby setting, we find two men, Professors Twonkey and Phipps. They are lumpy and bent, in the manner of English lit professors. Phipps: Twonkey, a terrible thing has happened to me. A terrible ghastly thing! I've fallen in love with a coed. Twonkey: Now, now, that's not so terrible. Phipps: Oh, but it is. Miss McFetridge-for that is her name-is a student, a girl of nineteen. How would her parents feel if they knew I was gawking at her and refusing my food and writing her name on frosty windowpanes with my fingernail! Twonkey: Come now, Phipps, no need to carry on so. You're not the nrsi, teacher to cast warm eyes at a coed, you know. Phipps: You mean it's happened to you too? Twonkey: But of course. Many times. Phipps: What did you do about it? r,nIorrEY-: ?kedlat I" knees: never fails, Phipps. No matter how pretty a girl is, her knees are bound to be knobby and bony and the least romantic of objects. nJtHMABL McFetridge's-for that is her name. They are aoft and round and dimpled. Also pink. Twonkey: Really? Well, 111 tell you something, Phipps. If I , ever found a girl with pink knees, I'd marry her. Mtrz&i&ttif?' how can profeMor ot fift Twonkey: Very simple. Ask her to come to your office for a conference late tomorrow afternoon. When she arrives, bt wbane bt charming. Ask her to sit down. Give her a cigarette! "Dane, Dt Phipps: A Philip Morris. Twonkey: But of course. pangfor !m?co7um y0U mentined th The'" Twonkey: Give her a PhHip Morris. Phipps: That's right insouciant Keep her laughing for an hour or so Then look atour Phipps: Yes, yes? showVS Tell her that vou'v !i ' 8 thouKh on a sudn impulse, Phipps: Yes, yes? with candles and checked tablecloths Hv W tE h 0UJkn0Wf Philip Morris. Be witty. B Tea? Jil i Gallic HrS eun nd year old girl resist such bllndhments? ' ' W mneteea in Tfi'J b -hooting fish the poor little innocerTt lt Uklne Unfa,r "tage f Twonkey: Nonsense, Phipps. All's fair in love and war Phipps: You're right, by George. H do itl (So ends Act I. Next week, Act II) CUai Shulasa. 1S34 This column brought to you. by the rtaker. of PHILIP MORRIS who thtnk you would enjoy their cigarette.