Friday, Qctober 22, 1954 Lincoln, Nebraska Page 3 Here Are Your Winners -Wr X You can win this pipe. Medico Football Forecast Visitor ) Wisconsin, ) Purdue ) Texas ) UCLA ) Kansas Home Team Visitor Home Team ) Colorado ( ) Nebraska ( ) Ohio State ( ) Missouri ( ) Iowa State ( ) Michigan St. ( ) Oklahoma ( ) Kansas State ( ) Rice ( ) Indiana ( ) Iowa ( ) Oregon State ( ) Michigan ( ) Minnesota ( ) So. Methodist ( NAME PHONE ADDRESS (College games of October 23. Coupon due at The Nebraskan by 3 P.M. October 22. Box in front of door of Nebraskan office.) Total Points Scored by Winners ( ) Contest Rules 1. The object of the The Nebraskan Medico Pipes Football Forecast is to select winners of 10 college foot ball games to be played each week ' end with the total points scored by the combined teams to be used to break ties. 2. The games are listed on the official contest coupon. Place an "X" beside your forecasted win ner or a "T" if you predict a tie. Leave the blank opposite teams you predict to lose blank. 3. One may enter only one entry blank per week. The contest win ner will be published Tuesday of the following week of the game. 4. All ' postponed games will be eliminated from the contest. 5. No member of The Nebraskan is eligible to participate in the contest; otherwise the contest is open to all Nebraska University students and members. I to USC I Minn. I Mich. St. I Penn. I Wise. Rice Okla. Mo. Army I Princ. I date Cal. Mich. j Purdue Navy Ohio St. Texas Kan. St l-St. Colum. Cornell Howard Vann 688 USC ' Minn. Purdue Navy Wise. Rice Okla. Mo. Army Princ. Bob ZubeT j.688 Cal. Minn. Mich. St. Navy O.-St. Texas Okla. Mo. Army Princ. C. Freidman .663USC Minn. f Mich. St. Navy Wise. Rice Okla. 1 Mo. Army Princ. Chet Singer p.662 USC Mich. Purdue Navy O.-St. Texas Okla. Mo. Army Princ M. Kreitman .635jUSC Mich. Mich. St. Navy OSt. Rice Okla. Mo. 1 Army Princ. Dick Reisch .587 USC j Minn. Mich. St. Navy O.-St. Texas Okla. Mo. Army 1 Princ. M. Steinberg .588 j USC ( Minn. Purdue j Navy O.-St. Texas Okla. Mo. Army Princ. D. Campbell P563jCal. j Minn. Purdue Navy Wise. Rice Okla. Mo. Army Princ. Dick"" Watson .563"USC Minn. Purdue Navy Wise. Texas Okla. I Mo. Army Princ. ShermNefskyl .563 USC Mich. Mich. St. Navy Wise. Texas Okla. j Mo. Army Princ. T. Woodward .562pJSC pMich. 1 Mich. St. Navy Wise. Tie Okla. Mo. Army Princ. Overtime Victory To TKE's; Zeta Beta Tau Edges Acacia By BOB ZUBER Intramural Sports Writer Only a few football games were played by the intramural teams last Wednesday. All of the games were close, as no team won by more than one touchdown. Zeta, Beta Tau edged a rough Acacia outfit, 7-0. Coke Fried man threw a ten-yard pass to Jerry Krupinsky in the second quarter for the only touchdown of the game. Friedman ran around end for the extra point. This was the second game ZBT has won in as many starts, and they have been unscored upon in both contests. Methodist House lost out to the Phi Psi C team as Jach Haldi men intercepted a Methodist pass in the second period and raced 30 yards to score. The Phi Pais now have a record of one victory and one defeat. TKE's Win At the end of the fourth period, Pioneer House had tied Tau Kap pa Epsilon, 7-7, but the TKE's won the game on the yardage play. In the only other two games played, Presbyterian House edged Lutheran, 13-6, and Ag Mens beat Clippers on the yardage play after neither team had scored during the regulation time. Nebraska Cornhuslcer Football Eleven Determined To Spoil Buffs Homecoming The University of Nebraska Cornhuskers move westward this week to meet the current leader of the Big Seven race, the Colorado 'Buffaloes at CU's homecoming. Colorado, undefeated in f i v e Starts, has defeated two Big Sev- FOOTBALL STATISTICS (4 tames) .JiKBRASffA OPPONENTS 35 1st downs famed 42 12 1st downs passim 12 ! 3 1st downs penalties 3 ! 60 Total first downs 57 (1010 Yards sained rushing 796 IS Yards lost rushing 112 I (92 Ket sain rushint 684 30 Passes attempted of) 14 Passes completed 24 ' 2 Passes had intercepted 3 S Scoring passes 0 IflO Ket gain passing 2"5 1152 . Total net yards gained (M9 199 Total plays 260 5.8 Offensive average n.S 15 Punts 22 i 37.1 Punt average 34.6 ' 23 Fumnles 17 13 Fumbles lost " 17 Penalties 25 205 Penalty yardage 255 SCOKIXO a? A T . j i Art. June ru xi. Korinek Erway Smith, R. Evans Greenlaw Clark ' Torcioo Harris Edwards Giles Rolttoa , Loeht NEBRASKA OPPONENTS 11 7 Ereenlaw Clark , Erway WcWilliams KERRASK K OPPONENTS PCNTlNf! No. Vds. 1 48 A R35 7 2.13 1 32 A.g. Blkd 48.0 0 37.2 O 36.1 O 32.0 O 18 22 6fiS 7S2 37.1 34.6 KICKOFF RETURNS Korinek Edward Smith, R. Clreenlaw McWUliamt Hark Br raler NEHRRASR,. OPPONENTS Harris. S. Bcherer, L. j Edwards, J. Korinek, D. Cnmstock, O. dark. R. Gleenlaw, W. Fmith, R. Englert, G. ploore, K. fclcWilliams, J. brown, D. Erway, D. Kolston. D. Margheim, D. 1 1 2 3 12 2 1 Ida. 34 26 47 B2 23 13 2 O 1 At 34.0 26.0 23.5 20.7 11.5 6.5 2.0 12 13 RIRHIXG TO 1( 207 231 17.3 17.8 2 1 10 13 3 28 20 31 2 1 10 38 6 2 2 24 134 100 31 161 120 145 7 3 30 124 8 0 0 YL 0 0 6 2 0 n 20 2 0 0 7 42 10 6 Ket Ati. 63 31 14 128 158 31 150 100 143 7 3 23 82 24. 12.8 12 3 10.3 5.4 5.0 4.6 3.3 3.0 2.3 2.2 2 0.3 6 3.0 12 12 6.0 KEBRASKA OPPONENTS Greenlaw Johnson Clark Erway grows Englert 169 1,010 118 201 796 112 PASSING Art. Confp. Pet. 2 2 1.000 1 i 4 3 .750 11 8 .545 10 2 .200 2 0 .000 892 684 5.3 3.1 Net InicTD 41 0 0 39 0 1 37 0 0 127 0 2 16 2 0 C 0 0 NEB. PPON. Holston Butherus Greenlaw Clark Loehr Giles Comstock gVEBRASKA OPPONENTS 30 14 .467 260 B9 24 .407 255 J'ASS RECEIVING A. "a. 39 28 65 18 56 42 12 Avg. 39.0 28.0 21.7 18.0 14.0 14.0 12.0 3 0 TO 0' 1 0 0 1 0 14 24 260 55 18.6 10.6 en teams, Kansas (27-0) and Iowa State (20-0). Bob Faris, Cornhusker freshman coach, who scouted the Buffaloes in their victory over Iowa State, describes the Buffaloes as a "ter rific offensive ball club. All of their backs pack that home-run punch. They can go all the way if given half a chance." The Colorado-Nebraska teams have played 12 games. Nebraska has won 6, lost 5 and tied one. Not Since '49 Not since 1949 has the Nebraska eleven been able to defeat the Buffaloes. The 1952 contest, played at Boulder, was one of the most thrilling battles in the midlands that year. The Buffs managed a 16-16 tie in the last minutes of the game when Carroll Hardy, then a sophomore, got deep into Ne braska territory with the return of a kickoff. The only common foe which the two teams' have met this season was Iowa State. Nebraska won from the Iowans, 19-14. Colorado pounded out a 20-0 victory on the Cyclones' home sod. Nebraska's big problem this week will be switching the defen sive alignments to meet Dallas Ward's potent single -wing attack. It will be the first time the Husk ers have been against this type offense since Colorado played here in 1953. Dan Brown, senior quarterback from Sioux Falls, S. D., will be game captain. Fischer Returns Rex Fischer, Oakland junior, originally slated for the No. 1 quarterback spot, was back in pads and going full blast in this week's workouts. He has been sidelined since Sept. 10 with a leg injury. With Jim Murphy also back in pads after missing the Oregon State game, the Huskers should be M sWudl fc iAvaril OB NOW at full strength for the crucial Big Seven battle this week. Murphy is a sophomore guard from . Colum bus. Although the Nebraska eleven completed 7 to 11 passes against Oregon State for 157 yards and two touchdowns, Coach Glassford said he did not think this was a true test of the Huskers passing ability. Probable Lum-Vm " Colorado P os. . Nebraska Lamar Meyer LE Andy Loehr Dick Golder LT 'Bill Holloran Dick Stapp LCr Charles Bryant Don Kamoscak C Bob Oberlin Dave Jones RG Robert Wagner Walt Schneiter RT Don Glanti Wally Men RE Jack Braley Sam Maphis Q B Dan Brown Carroll Hardy LH Ron Clark Frank Bernardi RH Willie Greenlaw Emerson Wilson FB Bob Smith Officials: Referee, Cliff Ogden, Wichita; Umpire, John Waldorf, Missouri; Lines man, Bo McAliater, Oklahoma A&M; Judge, C. A. Bidwell, Pittsburg Teachers. See You At Tulagi's AND TO OUT-OF-TOWN EVENTS 1 Take a Greyhound and SAVE money! Frequent depar tures make it easy to leave and return when you want to CHARTER A GREYHOUND Keep the gang together! You'll enjoy yoar trip more wlthyour own private Greyhound! 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