The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1954, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
Since the opening of grade and high schools
throughout the country several weeks ago, news
organs of all types have released stories high
lighting tho reactions of persons living in states
that have been affected by the Supreme Court
anti-segregation ruling earlier this year. Of
course, there has been considerable agitation
to preserve the old segregated public school
system in the deep South. This was expected;
very few persons familiar with the situations
that brought about the Supreme Court ruling
were much surprised at it.
Persons with varying views on the matter
trf segregation were shocked or pleased with
the different attitudes of state legislators and
executives in their efforts to combat or cooper
ate with the federal ruling. However, there
has always been the question of how far pro
ponents of segregation are prepared to go.
Pro-segregation factions undoubtedly were
happy with the move, in one southern state,
to abolish the public school system in an effort
to combat the Court's ruling; however, anti
segregation groups have received an even better
idea of how far their opponents are prepared
to go,
A newspaper article of September 28 included
this information: "Heated sentiment against
racial integration in public schools mushroomed
throughout lower Delaware Wednesday as
white students continued to boycott classes in
increasing numbers." The story goes on to say
that the boycott began when some 10 Negro
students were admitted to a high school.
This and other happenings like it would
lead the average person to believe high school
students are so imbued with prejudice the act
of merely sitting in a class room with an indi
vidual whose skin is darker than his own is so
The Rise
The Watkins' committee report recommend
ing censure of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy is
an example of congealing trends since the
Army-McCarthy hearings of last spring.
The hard core of intensity generated by
the circus proceedings has since withered, but
in political circles it soon afterwards assumed
the position of an endurance contest in which
neither side could claim victory yet the steam
of battle still hovered over the arena.
Using the Army's own terms, both sides were
forced to refrain for the moment from direct
frontal assault since neither emerged with su
perior strength. Each dug in for a campaign
of attritional warfare fought in the form of
forays and flank raids. But with no hint of a
settlement, truce or compromise.
Even this skirmish-type warfare should have
posed no problem for a man with the bravado
and blasting genius of the Wisconsin senator.
He could whet his Communist axe on the grind
atone of newspaper headlines and begin right
where he left off. But things weren't quite so
simple for Joe.
Before the hearings McCarthy enjoyed almost
complete strategic mobility. He rose to an un
precedented poll popularity at the beginning
of the year. No coalition had been formed
against him. He was free to pinpoint his own
targets and spreadeagle them against the wall.
There were no pressures on his flanks nor any
undercurrents within his own forces. He could
bore in on his objectives then retreat discreetly
to a new area of political pyrotechnics. The
initiative was his.
With the exception of Allen Dulles at the Cen
tral Intelligence Agency and Edward R. Mur
rcrw, CBS news commentator, he was able to
always patch up some kind of hasty settlement
on one front in order to concentrate elsewhere.
Thus, on the same day the Senate confirmed
the Russian ambassadorship of Charles Bohlen,
which McCarthy had fought most vehemently,
he announced the sensational news that he had
successfully negotiated an agreement with the
Greek owners of 242 ships.
Opportunity Knocks
Complaints about campus publications is one agency charged with looking after the opera-
cf the least practiced though most dearly loved tions of both publications, is to have three new
rights of all university or college students. In student members one from the Sophomore,
many cases, readers of The Nebraskan or Junior and Senior classes. These new members
Cornhusker feel perhaps rightly so) they could will be appointed by the Student Council to
do as well or better than those unfortunates serve for the period of one year. In the mam,
involved in producing the two publications. their duties will be tied up with appointing the
-Ar individuals who will actually publish The
More often than not, these opinions are Nebraskan and The Cornhusker.
prefaced or followed with the notation that the ' ic
Individual does not have sufficient time to The j n important one, and has the
work with student news organs. The Nebraskan "vantage of not requiring great amounts of
is not interested in debating the validity of IT consummg work by the student members.
. , The competition for the three positions is orn
Remarks, or are student, particularly to any interested student from Z SZ clZ.
Interested in reading the words attendant to mentioned.
Such a discussion. The Nebraskan news columns carry informa-
However, this article is aimed at those people tion 00 the requirements for membership on
who are not satisfied with the "status quo" 'be C0""- For those interested in, un-
, v , , happy with or happy with the student publics-
erf fee newspaper or year book. tions here opJJrtan
The Committee On Student Publications, the into action. T. W.
FIFTY-SECOND YEAR Umtotm, Ntvaa, wader art w (.,, Mmt . mt
Member: Associated CeUegUte Press 'TaTi inErt
IaiereoUeirlale Press
ReBreseataUvet Natiemal Advertising- Service, tuiTORIAL STAFF
Iecerperateo- Jj . ..""ZmSSZi
IfJts. f L- nEt m'hn,
twreMf t Nf4 a wrumi ml Meti' eri mm Lewr Edtaen ' Brace RrveaueeTlii! r.IEI
rata mmtt. Accaediasj - Aftkri. II tfce I4-Us ilTuS!. uJOLJ r2E
mmmmtM Medea pakUcatieas aae adasMsteree1 mr (be Bewrts Mil of .. Jeeera. Hrrltt Hmtm,
feard mt tmviKMUmM. -It to Ik e-re telle, of .be iTTTur, J dll ..... f.rH.rfTT
i Ike rrMtcrttam wmmm Ms tertxUcttoa shall Im rf
tree frees erttteetej untl mm nut ml (fee Beard. 7DTl ' ft.1l H.hK.:..; ' .' ' ' 1 - L j'
r m ska mmt ml aae ml the facelty ml Che , Iair, Hill Hrr.hbrrr. Jmm jenre. Bah, eertw-
I'KtNMft. mm aae mSmi ml tarn staff af Tee Keaeaakae Henkle, Merrta Mtrketsm. (itH rum,
am manaaltr riietaMees tee- what easy aa mw mm m tJlea, LeK-lrrare fSlU-r. Tm TM, Jain
mmt ee fce rrtM'4." Terrell. Steve W l-twt.
vmtMtn tmtmm art 91 wiiit, SZ.M anile ar RI'CTVITC VTLW
OS far Mw mnmm wr, St auttai. Btori w Sc. Pea- OLSUtJJ SlArr
hMft IM DM a wm eartas araeal rear rmmt . Cmmt tasar
WJslem mm4 eiailneHia pertoei. Oae Me to raMbaei Am Batlaew Maaacen Ba Belateat. Barbara Ekka,
tiwria Aae mw taa terwraM f Nearadu aeetr lac . . Watt Hernias, Ae4 Hee
ooarrbiaa af I'mMin mm taara PMtcieei. rtrrulatloti Maaaaer , NHI Miller
fcamrW at mn (tew MtUr at ke Peel Office b. Meat .Vrwf Eaiter Harriet Been
In Hiding
repulsive that he would rather stay at home
than go to school.
This is pure bunk.
What appears to be an effort to show that
students cannot bear the thought of non-segregated
schools should fail miserably if other
young people take time to think over the mat
ter. First, it doesn't take much pressure
from any direction to make a high school,
grade or even college student fail to attend
school. Second, the adolescent's desire to con
form to the behavior of others around him is
very strong during the years an Individual
spends in school before coming to a university
or college. Third, a parental order not to
attend school when there is little or no chance
that lengthy makeup work will be assigned is
particularly lucrative, especially when there is
an element of excitement and action about that
Though not a proved fact, intolerance seems
to be almost a direct function of age up to a
point when the proportion becomes inverse
rather than direct. For those who would debate
this, consider the discriminatory feelings of
a five-year-old with those of the man-of-the-woiid
The Nebraskan is very intolerant of those
adults who seek to manipulate their juniors
toward ends which might be unlike those of the
younger generation. Also, The Nebraskan is
equally intolerant of an effort to compound an
already difficult situation by adults by using
younger persons.
This boycott of schools in Delaware smacks
strongly of this type of activity. If adults in
that state want to continue segregation, let
them campaign for those ends, but they should
not attempt to hide a shoddy end behind their
school children. T. W.
And Fall
But now, with the reverse of the coin, Mc
Carthy's opponents are no longer divided among
themselves. Since the hearings, an informal
coalition with a general clearing house in the
White House has been formalizing into a
farmidable, unified front. From that focal
point come coordinated assaults.
In a long series of events Clifford Case, Re
publican candidate for senator in New Jersey,
made a definite stand against McCarthy. He
won in the primary. Senator Flanders intro
duced his proposal for a simple vote of censure
against McCarthy. The proposal was the spark
triggering the Watkins committee and subse
quently the special session of Congress to re
view the censure charges.
The important thing to be noted, however, is
not that Senator McCarthy will or will not be
censured though disapproval by a closely-knit
family of men such as the United States Senate
could be damaging. The important thing is that
the junior senator from Wisconsin no longer
has the initiative. He must defend as well as
attack. He cannot devote full strength to
offensive operations but he must fortify his own
bastions and protect his own ranks. He is being
harassed from many sides. He cannot be sure
where the next attack will spring forth. His
inner core is still unshaken but fringe allies are
dropping off along the way.
The opposition has not only gained numbers,
courage, and daring, but they now have a
unified central force. And perhaps even more
significant, if a leader comes along with plans
for an attack he is given support, advice, tacti
cal assistance, and a media of communication.
No longer will a Harold Stassen or Walter
Bedell Smith make a stand individually and
be ordered to abandon it.
No longer do people believe McCarthy's song
and dance, "You are either for me or a
friend of the Communists."
McCarthy has nearly circled the circumference
of the sphere he has been traveling. He is
definitely on the decline. B. B.
Lincoln, Nebraska
Press Cards And Pencils
Falter' eetri Tkli ! ! tre" t a
rrl of arllrlM atieul The Ncbrmkui,
It eprralion n purpoic.
The role of the reporter on a
newspaper is one of initial im
portance to the rest of the staff.
A reporter must be able to gather
news and compile it accurately so
as to speed up the work of the
other staff members.
On The Nebraskan a student has
a particular advantage. A report
er receives the opportunity to find
out the "inside scoop" on happen
ings around campus and keep up
with the latest event in admini
strative and student news.
"The pencil sharpener seems harder to
Snarf moved it up front."
Church Editor
Lutheran Student House
Sunday 10 a.m. Bible study; 11
a.m., worship; 5:30 and 6:30 p.m.,
Dr. Robert E. Van Deusen, Wash
ington Secretary, division of pub
lic relations department of Na
tional Lutheran Council will speak.
Sunday 5:30 p.m. Forum dis
cussion on "What Do We Be
lieve?" with Rex Knowles as
St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel
Sunday masses 8, 9, 10, 11, and
12 a.m.
Student Fellowship of Baptists
and Disciples of Christ
Sunday 5 p.m. Student fellow
ship with the student panel dis
cussing, "Why Have a Student
Religious Group?"
University Lutheran Chapel
(Missouri Synod) 15th and Q
Sunday 10:45. Worship; 3:30
Gamma Delta picnic, students
meet at Chapel for rides.
Daily Nebraskan
CALL t-7631 EXT. 26
For txjf. Tuxedo. ii7 3S-40 purchased
at Simon. Temponry aHerttiortt. Worn
only onre. Hhirt. lie. rusprnrter in
cluded. Only $LS5. Phonr S-"-315.
For Sair: 19i0 t door Ford. Radio,
hra'tr, bauk-up light, ipol l.tfHt. Prae
tlr:,y nr entnn See to appreciate.
Your loi M 34. Call J-illfc.
Jkttmtkm Independents: xrelltnt board
trig facilities ut-allnble at Cornhusker
'o-oi. If you are ditatlsfied alth your
ftrenent tut'tiu arrangement, try us
Only t blocks front campus. IH rne&la
a k for $. Mt tj". Telephone
Wanted: Koom tn return for mora. Wee
Mr. Kalgren, Room Aomiauttration
FOR SALE : Portable Typewriter. IMS
"Arrow" Roys). Practically new. CaU
Robert Myers 3-13!) after pa
Holdreee House. 3259 Holdreee. rooms
for be' s. Ieals if desired. Keasonabie
FOR SALE: Drafting nosrS 3x60 fit
4" tabia or desk. 3-447.
And Hb Fine Orchestra
Dancing 8:30- 12:00
Adm. 1.50 Couple
Come dressed as you are.
( y 1
1 '- ! '
Is The Nebraskan
dents for other jobs. A person
who is on his toes, keeps facts
accurately, remembers the previ
ous articles concerning a runn
ing story and who is courteous
to all he meets is qualified for
most jobs.
A student who is making a vital
Interest In the campus is a use
ful and needed addition td the
staff. Reporting is done primarily
on Monday, Tuesday and Thurs
lay afternoons with special assign
ments for stories not breaking on
those days.
Reporters cover speeches, in
As the news editor receives story
tips, he gives the partial informa
tion to a reporter who then "cov
ers" the story. A reporter must
keep in mind that this news is
fact, to be clearly written, with
important ingredients carefully
checked for accuracy.
One of the objectives in becom
Ing a good reporter is to delve
into the minute facts of a story
and bring out a here-to-fore hidden
story. It is curiosity and per
serverence that make a good re
porter. Being a reporter also trains stu
by Dick fctbler
' Birdogfting' at
the Hideaway
crank since Professor
Adm. $1.80 per
"-S Lincoln's Bu
S Department Store
Get Your FREE "N" Feather at GOLD'S
Store . . . Street Floor Sportsirear Shop . , , Second Floor
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Friday, October 1, 1934
terview faculty members, attend
organizational meetings, summar
i7e national news, cover the social
world and report sports events.
For those who show promise n
reporting and a desire for ad
vancement on the staff, there are
openings each semester for staff
positions. Reporters are recom
mended by other staff members
who have Judged their ability.
For you who want to find out
more about the campus and be
come an inner part of its workings.
The Nebraskan staff is open for
questions and information.
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