The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1954, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
Lincoln, Nebraska
Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1954
A Personal laffe
As the University faces a new academic year
it will also face a new social year which prom
ises to introduce a new phase in social judg
ment on the part of University students.
Our social program at the University pro
vides for mixed functions under the supervision
and guidance of the Division of Student Affairs.
University men are under the jurisdiction of
the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women over
sees coed social activities. These two officials
are directly responsible not only to the Univer
sity which hires them but to the parents and
people of the State of Nebraska. In turn the
students who participate in social activities are
directly responsible and subject to the Univer
sity's ruling on social standards and require
ments. This jurisdiction has its limitations, however,
and individual dating has always been a mat
ter of personal taste. No University official can
tell any student whom he can or cannot date.
The organized houses on campus, whether
they be Greek organizations or cooperative
houses, have their own social standards. That
is, each house has its own rules on drinking,
behavior becoming to members and balance
between social and academic life at the Univer
sity. But as to whom a person dates? It is still
a matter of personal taste to every member.
There is no problem yet evident concerning
the presence of datable males at the Lincoln
Air Force Base. But rumbling and grumbling
undertones have been heard and the future situ
ation is evident.
The presence of any military installation in
a city brings uneasiness to the populace be
cause of the inherent nature of such an installa
tion. The men stationed in the city are from
all parts of the country. Some are educated,
some are not. Some have high moral standards
and some have none. Some wear their uniforms
proudly and some do not. Some were brought
up in homes that taught respect and gentility
and some were raised in slum districts and
tenements of the big cities.
The age old proposition that every single male
Is looking for female companionship cannot be
overlooked or dismissed. It is a recognized
natural law of human behavior.
The Air Force does not set a social standard
for its bases. Men stationed at a base are dis
ciplined according to law, not social standards.
There is a certain respect for a uniform that
is taught, and it is encouraged that a respectful
attitude toward the community in which the
Air Force men spend their leisure time be main
tained. But again, who an Air Force man may
choose to date is his own personal matter.
Because a college community offers many
girls in the same age group as most Air Force
personnel it is only natural that dating atten
tion be focused in that direction. As for the
college women, they have the choice of accept
ing or rejecting an invitation from any man
college student, Lincoln resident or Air Force
The University standards were set long ago
for the explicit purpose of combating any prob
lems arising from a coeducational set-up. Hours
were set for coeds because in our society it is
the woman who is expected to keep the hours
not the boy. It is an indoctrination begun at
the time a girl starts dating providing that she
schould be discreet about the hours she keeps
and in doing so' set a standard for the boys she
dates. So it is at the University. The women
are looked to for setting the social standard.
Among those factors which mothers have
been particular about since the beginning of
time is the knowledge that daughters are keep
ing company with friends and not strangers.
At school a coed accepts a date upon very little
knowledge of the man who calls except that
he may be a member of a certain fraternity
or attends the same class or is a friend of her
friend. However, the great difference between
dating at college and dating out in the wide
world is that the social standards for college
students are unified and specific call it a com
mon bond.
Whatever the pros and cons are for college
coeds dating Air Force personnel it still remains
a problem of personal taste. When a boy or
girl reaches University age and level of matur
ity the processes of selectivity have either
been learned and digested or they have been
thrown to the winds. This process of selectivity
is the basis of each coed's judgment.
Unless specific barriers are erected prohibit
ing dating freedom by either the University or
the Lincoln Air Base that dating freedom will
go on as it has before with each coed at the
University using her own judgment as to whom
she chooses to date. It is not probable that legis
lation of this nature would be brought to bear.
Therefore,' with objectivity and common sense
the students must accept this situation. J. H.
Common Sense Reaction
Two polio cases in less than seven days here
at the University. The number in itself is not
particularly shocking when the many, many
others throughout the country are stacked along
side them; however, the fact that two students
are now in a Lincoln hospital, seriously ill, is
chocking. Tragedy always takes on a more
real quality when it strikes so closely to us,
particularly when a close friend, classmate or
fraternity brother is the victim.
Students here at the University have un
doubtedly heard about the two young men who
have contracted polio. Many of their close
friends have been forced to take gamma glo
bulin shots,, a none-too-sure preventative of
polio, since McMasters and Dunning have been
hospitalized as known polio victims. The sober
ing effect of their illness has been felt by mora
than a few students.
Though the two polio victims' illness has taken
on all the aspects of personal tragedy for soma
of us or given rise to sympathy and compassion
for others, it has been encouraging to note the
definite lack of a feeling of panic by the general
An Integral Part
Throughout ' the campus organizations are
soliciting for members. Throughout the campus
students are ignoring this plea because of their
seeming disinterest in such affairs.
All students should desire to be an integral
part of the University by joining organizations.
One can meet students with similar academic
and social interests in this way.
Every" organization, no matter how large
or small, has a vital interest in the welfare of
the University. It is these groups that unite the
campus after classes are over and studying
is finished.
Many organized houses require their mem
ber to join at least one such organization. This
is d- t.w to keep the students occupied or
necessarily to gain offices, but to show them
the real advantages of extra-curricular organi
sations. Due to the size of the campus there is an
organization available for every student interest.
Political, academic, publicity and social groups
bye been formed over a period of years to
fulfill the student's wishes.
Besides offering an opportunity for relaxation
and group environment, some of the clubs com
bine useful knowledge about various academic
subjects which helps to stimulate a real interest
in college. For those who care only for academic
achievement, these groups can give new insights
into facts already discovered.
There are several organizations which are
helping to promote the University as a whole.
.These inform prospective students of the work
the University is doing. An opportunity to keep
abreast of the goings-on at the University is
important to a majority of the population of
It is after working with organizations that a
graduate can say, "I am proud to have been
a part of the University of Nebraska." They
art able to say this only after they HAVE
been a part. H. R.
student body. So far, there have been no long
lines waiting for preventative shots, no great
exodus from the campus by students, no marked
lowering of the class attendance rates. On the
whole, the student body seems to have taken
a warm human interest in how the two vic
tims are coming along but have kept calm,
though there is ample reason for hysteria.
There are, however, several facts we might
all do well to remember about polio. First,
it is a serious disease. Even in the very light
cases, the affected individual is in serious con
dition. There is a very real chance for lasting,
damaging effects, though modern medical pro
cedures have done much to limit the effects of
polio. Second, this is the polio season, the time
when there are many new cases of the disease
each day. Third, it is possible for you to con
tract polio. General physical well being does
not seem to remove all possibility of becoming
a victim. McMasters was a varsity performer
in gymnastics and Dunning a baseball player.
Lastly, there are several things you can do
to lessen the chance of contracting the disease.
Dr. S. I. Fuenning, director of Student Health,
told Nebraskan reporters yesterday there were
several things students could do to avoid polio.
Among his suggestions were: get plenty of
rest to avoid fatigue; avoid exposure to persons
with polio, and follow an adequate diet.
More than a few students will chuckle at any
advice including such phrases as " . . . plenty
of rest," by saying, "I've been trying to get
enough sleep ever since I came to college."
Their humor would be more apropos if the rea
sons for giving such advice were not so deadly
The Nebraskan wishes to congratulate a level
headed student body on what they have done
to date and urge them keep up the common
sense. The entire staff hopes for a speedy, com
plete recovery for both polio victims. T.. W.
Harvard Freshman, 1813
In 1813 Stephen Salisbury Jr. had been in
Harvard only a few days before he received
a note from his father tendering this practical
"Whenever you send your clothes home, you
will first put them in the inside Bagg & Tye
that Bagg up & put them into the Sulkey Bagg,
Remembering to tye up the Strings tc Buckle
every Strap that belongs to the Sulkey Bagg,
that nothing may be lost out on the Wagon."
But Stephen had more to worry about than
his wearing apparel. His room needed four
short curtains because, as he wrote his mother,
"when we are dressing, nothing hinders people
who are going by to look in upon us . . . some
saucy fellows even look to see if they are
strong enough to oppose those within ... If
they are, they strike on the window to frighten
us and almost push it in . . ."
Sometimes we think we have troubles.
by Dick tibiae
Man&er: Associated Collegiate press
Intercollegiate Press
Representative: National Advertising Service,
Tho Hthnwkaa a HUkM hr thjdenta af Am l"a
wrttry M Keimnka n eieretaloB a ttudeoti' mi and
wMnn awlr. Attentats w Arlkle II af the Br-lawa
rvnM atncJan aaetieattew and administered a the
- Poare! af FaMlrattoai. "It M (be aird aoUcy af Iba
fld ) wbltcatmM eadtr Ma tarUriktloe hail ba
S (rea tram edltirtal CHionbla mm Iba earl at Iba Boar 4.
n n MM Part af trni aiembw of Iba fatnltr at Iba
V f)Frrtrir. ba Iba aterohen of Iba awff a Tee Nebraofcaa
ar awnwaailr rwewttlMe for wfeal they far ar da a
aaaa to ba afifK4."
V . Mtriwriatioa eenneler. tl.So aMiled ar
St lor the ea rar, l mailed, rtlnale envr Sc.
tio h,k4 three " the erhnal "ar '"""I
,.uik aad cuaailnalloB aeriiKls, Oar lse b published
ttieusl br larerH a Nebraska ander Iba
!i.ioa irf (ba Imnaitttce aa Mtar.l PabilcatkHU.
ZZt4 mKwl cl attf at Iba Pom O!!. la
Uacoja, ftebmka. aader act of CanartM, Marrb S. lift,
and at "HtUJ rata af aortate arorMaa for la fteeOna
110, Act af f'oneme af October a, l17. aatboriied
haptember to, 1K22.
KdMot , . . Ian Woodward
Kdllarlal Pan Kdttor Ju Harrlaoa
Manaetna Kdltof liar N'aek
Newt Kdltor Mariana Hanaea
Coar ivdlton Brace Braaauma, Dirk Ftllmaa
Saaj Jeaaaa. RarrMI Kuan
Saarte KrfKw Howard Vaaa
1 rat urn Kdltor ..lira Hanray
Rporlrra flavrrlr Drrpr,
r'rrd Palry, Phil Hrrnhbrrcrr, Joanna Junta, llaba Jxrarr
bult, Rogrr Henkia, Marela MlrhrlMin, (onnia Piatt,
Mary hhWlrd. I.orlirara Swltzcr, Tom Tabot. John
Trrrrlt. Ktrrr WlnrhrnMr.
I brl Mincrr
Bra Rrlmont, Itarhara Klckc.
Wall Horalna. mj Hora
I'lrruluHon Mmiaarr Miliar
dajH Nii MUm Sa Jaana1
Ethics And Ink
"Oh, my roommate is a nice enough guy it's just that he's so
dang big."
Womans View
Parental 'No' Backed
By Local Muni Code
Every college student pricks up
his ears at the word "minor." To
them, it seems the word has one
meaning. If you are doing some
thing you shouldn't and are under
age, be careful. You're in trouble
if you are caught.
Perhaps students would be in
terested in some of the things
"minors" are not, allowed to do in
the city of Lincoln. I so just hap
pened to be thumbing through the
Lincoln Municipal Code this morn
ing and found a long list of laws
pertaining to minors.
One law that is of particular in
terest to students and which, in
my opinion, has been exaggerated
in the student's mind is the liquor
law. The Lincoln Municipal Code
of 1936 says no person shall sell
or give any alcoholic liquors to,
or procure for any such liquor to
any minor.
Here's a law I'd never noticed
before. The code says it shall be
unlawful for any minor to partici
pate in any public dance or to
enter, frequent, or remain in any
dance hall, unless accompanied by
a parent and it shall be unlawful
for any person conducting any pub
lic dance to permit any minor to
participate in any public dance.
Attention all you Friday-Saturday
Arthur Murrays.
Shame on you 17-year-olds who
have been smoking! It is against
the law, you know. The Code says
"it is hereby declared unlawful
for any minor under 18 years of
age to smoke or use cigarettes,
whether made of tobacco or other
material," (that goes for corn
silk, too), "cigars or tobacco in
any form ..."
This wasn't meant to be a lec
ture. I just thought you might
like to know that there are some
laws behind these things people
tell you not to do.
Copped Copy
Students Find Danger
In Glass Architecture
Modern architecture can be and
is to most people pleasing to the
eye, however, comments the Kan
sas State Collegian, it can become
a dangerous attraction, at least
to the unwary person.
Modern architecture, which fea
tures plenty of glass, has caused
a little confusion at a couple of
new fraternity houses on the In
diana University campus.
One student got up from his sup
per in his new fraternity house
and headed outside for a stro'l.
Only he forgot about the ;Iate
glass window reaching from the
floor to the ceiling and just eased
his way right through.
He was reported in good condi
tion by the student infirmary and
is using the door fronv'now on.
Another student, a freshman, also
had his troubles with a new and
modernistically-designed home. He
received a cut over his eye as he
waded through a wall of his fra
ternity house. Some walls there
are also made of plate glass.
Nebraska's State Teachers Col
lege has announced unofficial rules
for their now officially opened
homecoming beard-growing con
All types (of beards) are welcome
no special trimming necessary;
grow 'em long, short, anyway at
all. So far ao set rules are rec
ognized, except that at a recent
meeting it was decided that no
girl contestants will be admitted.
They can wear our clothes, copy
our hair styles, b t us In our
own game of poker, but be darned
if they're going t get the' finger
in this pie, no matter how long
her beard is.
In a serious vain the University
of California has recently made
what may be an important scien
tific discovery.
The cultivation of successive gen
erations of normal human cells
on glass something long sought
achieved for the first time by a
team of scientists in the Univer
sity of California department of
The feat of growing living bits
of norma human beings in test
tubes provides science with a new
tool which will open new avnues
of research in virus diseases like
polio and cancer ;.id in under
standing living human cells.
To place a classified ad
Stop in the Business Office Room 20
Student Union
(all 2-7631 Ext. 4226 for Clari
fied Service
Hours 1-4:30 Won. thru Frj
No. words jl day 1 2 days 3 daysj4days
1-10 $ .40 j $ .65 $ .85 I $U)0
11-15 .50 .80 FY.05 J.25
16-20 7 .60 .95 1.25 J1.50
21-25 J .70 j 1.10 Q. J 1.75
26-30 .80 I 1.25 I 1.65 j 2.00
For Bala: 1940 two door Ford. Aadlo,
heater, back-up light, apot light. Prac
tically new angina. See to appreciate.
Voura for 164.34. Call 8-2118.
HutineM Maaaeer
Am't Batlneu Waaaaera.
Attention tndependenta: Excellent hoard
ing taclIltlM available at Cnmhiinker
?o-op. 1 you are rllanHtln'led with your,
prenent eating arrmig-menta, try ub.
Only I 'a hlockn from campus. 1H menle
a w-clt tot 19. 1440 "Q", Telephone
What Is The Nebraskan?
War.ted: Room In return for work. Sea
Mr Halgren, Room 209, Administration
FOR BALE: Portable Typewriter. 1953
"Arrow" Royal. Practically new. Call
Robert Myers 3-1392 after t p.m.
Hnldrege Hmine. 3259 Holdrega. rooma
for boys. Meals If desired. Reasonable
FOR SALE: Drafting hoard 3x0 fits
48" table or dek. 3-4479.
(Kdllors note! In the past few years H
hat been aotlceahle lo members of Ine
Nebraskan staff lust how little seems to he
known about The Nebraska except that
It Is published and distributed to the student
body of the I nlversity three times a week,
la a series of articles, of which this Is the
first. The Nebraskan, its purpose and Its
functions will be enumerated and explained
In order that 1 mora, clear and Informative
picture may be available lo Its readers.!
The Neoraskan is a student pub
lication, written and edited en
tirely by students. It is the offi
cial student voice at this Univer
sity and is recognized as such by
University officials and the stu
dent body.
Responsibility for the publication
is expressed in The Nebraskan
masthead which appears on the
editorial page as follows:
"The Nebraskan is published by
students of the University of Ne
braska as expression of students'
news and opinions only. According
to Article II of the By-Laws gov
erning student publications and
administered by the Board of Pub
lications 'It is the desired policy
of the Board that publications un
der its jurisdiction shall be free
from editorial censorship on the
part of the Board, or on the part
of any member of the faculty of
the University, but the members
of the staff of The Nebraskan are
personally responsible for what
they say or do or cause to be
printed.' "
The Board of Student Publica
tions, a sub-committee of the Com
mittee on Student Affairs, is made
up of faculty members and student
representatives. At present those
members representing the Univer
sity faculty are Frank Hallgren,
Dr. Nathan Blumberg, Irving Si
mos, W. J. Arnold, chairman, and
W. C. Harper. Also a member, at
the request of the board, is Ken
Keller, a member of the Univer
sity's public relations department.
In addition to the faculty members
are three student members, one
from each of the three upper
classes, who are appointed each
year by the Student Council to
serve on the Board of Student
Publications. Two members are
held over each year and one ap
pointed to fill the place left by the
graduating senior. Dave Erickson
and Walter Wright are the student
members at present.
The duties of this board is to
act as a liaison between The Ne
braskan staff and its business con
tacts, direct the financial end of
the paper to its best Interest and
be available for any advice or
guidance requested of it by The
Nebraskan staff.
In addition, the Board or Stu
dent Publications interviews and
selects 6taff members on the basis
of experience, capability and in
terest. A new editorial staff is se
lected each semester and a new
business staff excepting the busi
ness manager who maintains his
position for the year.
the main objective in having
Board of Student Publications is
to see that the University students
have a publication, see that that
publication is kept free from out
side influence and to insure a staff
able to maintain a high standard
This is the foundation. From
here on The Nebraskan is a busi
ness, a training field for students
interested in journalism and a rec
ognized University activity. The
benefit is twofold satisfaction on
the part of the students who work
on .The Nebraskan and satisfaction
on the part of the student body
that there is a newspaper repre
senting them and their school.
Main Feature Clock
. (Schedule 1'tirnlt.hed by Theaters)
Lincoln: "Knock On Wood,
1:10, 3:15, 5:15, 7:20, 9:20.
Stuart: "The Black Shield of
Falworth," 1:00, 3:08, 5:16, 7:24,
Nebraska: "Genghis Kahn,''
1:27, 4:47, 8:08. "The Marrying
Kind," 2:56, 6:16, 9:37.
Varsity: "Susan Slept Here,"
1:09, 3:17, 5:25, 7:33, 9:41.
State: "The Jackie Robinson
Story," 1:10, 4i01, 6:52, 9:45. "The
Well," 2:36, 5:27, 8:20.
t a t ..
1 Author "Barefoot Bo With Chttk," ote.)
First of all how come?
How do I come to be writing a column for Philip Morris in your
campus newspaper? '
I'll tell you how come:
It all began on a summer night. The air was warm, the sky was
full of stars, and I sat in a cane-bottomed chair on my verandah,
peaceful and serene, smoking a cigarette, humming the largo from
Death and Trannfiguration, and worming my dofj.
Into this idyllic scene came a stranger a tall, clean limbed
stranger, crinkly-eyed and crooked-grinned, loose and lank. "How
do you- do," he said. "My name is Loose Lank and 1 am with the
Philip Morris people."
"Enchanted," I said. "Take off your homburg and sit down." I
clapped my hands. "Charles!" I called. "Another chair for Mr. Lank."
Obediently my dog trotted away and returned directly with a
fan-back chair of Malayan rattan. He is the smartest dog in our block.
"I'm sorry I don't have a Morris chair," I said to Mr. Lank. "That
would be rather more appropriate you being with Philip Morria
and all."
Well, sir, we had many a laugh and cheer over my little witticism.
When we had finished laughing and cheering, we wiped our eyes and
Mr. Lank pulled out a fresh package of Philip Morris. He yanked
the tape and the pack sprang open with a fetching little snap.
"Did vou hear that fetching little snap?" asked Mr. Lank.
"Yes," I said, for I did.
"Cigarette?" he said.
"Thank you," I said.
We puffed contentedly for three or four hours. Then Mr. Lank
said, "I suppose you're wondering why I'm here."
"Well," t replied, my old eyes twinkling, "III wager you didn't
come to read my meter."
You can imagine how we howled at that one!
"Thai's a doozy!" cried Mr. Lank, giggling wildly. "I must re
member to tell it to Alice when I get home."
"Your wife?" I said.
"My father," he said.
"Oh." I said.
"Well," he said, "let's get down to business . . . How would you lika
to write a campus column for Philip Morris?"
"For monev?" I said.
"Yes," he said.
"My hand, sir," I said and clasped his. Warmly he returned tha
pressure, and soft smiles played on our lips, and our eyes were bright
with the hint of tears, and we were silent, not trusting ourselves
to speak.
"Cigarette?" he said at length.
T nodded.
We lit up and puffed contentedly for eight or ten hours. "I under
stand you've made quite a study of college students," said Mr. Lank, i
"Yes," I said, blushing modestly. "I have been collecting them for
years. I have over four thousand students in my basement right now."
"In mint condition?" he said incredulously.
"Students don't come in mint condition," I explained. "They g;o ta
great expense to acquire the 'beat-up look.' "
"How interesting," he said. "Tell me something more about them
their feeding habits, for example."
"They are omnivores of prodigious appetite," I said. "It is wis
not to leave food about when they are present. Their favorita food
is a . dish called the Varsity Gasser one scoop raspberry ice, ona
scoop raw hamburger, leeehee nuts and maple syrup."
"Fascinating," said Mr. Lank. -And what are students interested
in chiefly?" ' - -
"ftaeh other." I replied. "Boy sMdents ar' interested in girl
students, and girl students are interested in boy students."
"This seems to me an admirable arrangement," said Mr. Lank, i
"But is it true even in these parlous days of worldwide tension and I
dreadful armaments?" ;
"It is always true," I said. "It isn't that college students dontj
know what's going on in the world. They know all too welL They'ra '
perfectly aware of the number of lumps waiting for them... But
meanwhile the limbs are springy and the juices run strong and
time 'is fleeting."
"What will you write about in yoor column?" asked Mr. Lank. '
"About boys and girls," I said. "About fraternities and sororities
and dormitories and boarding houses and dances and sleighrides
and hayrides and cutting classes and going to classes and cramming
for exams and campus politics and the profits of bookstores and con
vertibles and BMOCs and BWOCs and professors who writa new
texts every year and the world's slowest humans - the paga boya
at the library."
"And will you say a pleasant word about Philip Morris from tima
to time? asked Mr. Lank. v
."?ir,".1 rP1.ied. "l cn think of no other kind of word to say about
Philip Morris. ;
We shook hands again then, and smiled bravely. Then he was gdfia
- a tall silhouette moving erectly into the setting sun. "Farewall.
good tobacconist!" I cried after him. "Aloha, aloha!" - j
And turned with a will to my typewriter. omu aiia. ioM
This column i brought to ynu bp thr. vtokrrn af PHILIP MORRIS
vho think yon would rnjoji their cigarette.
. ' -