The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 22, 1954, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Poge 4
Thursday, July 22, 1954
Handicapped Children
Cerebral Palsy Workshop Students
Study Park School Class Methods
Assistant Editor
Summer Sessions students en
rolled in the cerebral palsy work
shop are gaining valuable experi
ence and understanding of the
problems involved in working with
handicapped children. Each of
the ten students enrolled received
$100 scholarships for the Univer
sity course. They receive six
hours of credit for their par
ticipation in the eight-weeks
The summer workshop, made
possible by a $7,900 grant from
the United Cerebral Palsy Asso
ciation, is held in the Park School
of the Lincoln School system
Rooms, equipment and personnel
which are employed during the
regular year have been utilized
for the workshop.
cally handicapped children attend
the school. Most of the children
were members f the school dur
ing the past year or are to be
in classes next year. They are
grouped into older and younger
classes either on the primary or
elementary level. Included in the
classes are children with cerebral
palsy, brain injury, muscular dys
trophy or post polio.
Visiting instructors, Mrs. Maude
Buckingham and Miss Marguerite
Wilson, are-m charge of the acad
emic worx. in addition to in
structing the children in such sub
jects as mathematics, reading and
writing, the visiting instructors
help the University students plan
activities for the children.
CLASS WORK and the various
therapies are arranged so that
each child can have his needs
serviced with as little as possible
conflict in his program. The chil
dren attend classes in the morn
ings and also participate ;n spe
cial sessions with therapists.
V v
(. f - ; ,
Physical, occupational and speech
therapists included in the regular
staff of the Lincoln School Sys
tem are working with me chil
The University students in the
Pi Lambda Thetas
Initiate Seventeen
Omicron Chapter of Pi Lamb
da Theta, women's educational
honorary, initiated 17 women at
a meeting July 137 followed by
a dinner with Phi Delta Kappa.
New members are: Nova Bal
lard, Margaret Bock, Hilda Buet-!
tner, Mary Clarke, Vera Earl,
Oneta Holmes, Helen James,
Gayle Jenkins, Dora McHenry,
Elsie Miles, Pearl Schaaf, Ethel
Sievers, Mary Sloan, Alice Su
roski, Irma Tackett, Mary Way
man and Laura Wilson.
Officers of Pi Lambda Theta
are: Marlys Johnson, president;
Pat Tincher, secretary, and Min
nie Schlichting, treasurer and
summer sponsor.
Fraction Lesson
Mrs. Maude Buckingham physically handicapped cnil-
(extreme left), visiting in- dren. Observing Miss Buck-
trurtor for' the cerebral nakv jngham s methods of instruc-
structor lor tne cerebral palsy tion are students enrolled in
workshop, instructs children in the University summer ses-
fractions at the workshop for sions course.
course meet with the therapists
and visiting instructors at least
once a week for luncheon and for
a discussion led by some ipecial
ist in the field of problems re
lating to the work. Conferences
and motion pictures on cerebral
palsy are also held for the group.
THE UNVERSITY students en
rolled in the workshop accom
pany the children to the various
therapies and stay with them
during treatments. In this way
they become acquainted 'vitb the
things the therapists are trying
to accomplish and are informed
of ways in which they can help
reach the various goals of the
course as well as learning what
phases of treatment they cannot
Dr. Dean A. Worcester, chair
man of the University department
of educational psychology and
and measurement, is the gen
eral director of the Cerebral
Palsy Workshop. Administrative
arrangements were handled by
Miss Esther Anderson, principal
of Park School, Julius Human,
director of special education in
the schools and Dr. Janet Smith.
city school phychologist.
Union To Play
Hi-Fi Records
Of Mantovani
The last Union Album Hour of
the summer sessions, "An Hour
with Mantovani," will be pre
sented Monday at 4 p.m. in the
Union Music Room.
"Mantovani and His Cascad
ing Strings," recording for Lon
don .Records, was the first or
chestra featured on high fidelity
record reproduction which Lon
don Records calls ffrr (full fre
quency record reproduction).
THE PROGRAM includes:
"Poems;" "Charmaine," Manto-
vani's theme ong: "It Happened
in Monterey;". "At Dawning" and
other selections.
As a special feature, an album
entitled "Mantovani Christmas"
from the collection of Ernie
Bebb, Union activities director,
will be played. The album is a
unique interpretation of Tamiliar
Christmas carols. Bebb stated
that the album is being presented
with the thought that many
people might want to add these
unusual carol arrangements to
their own record collections.
Blood Serum
Still Needed
For Research
The University's Institute for
Cellular Research needs blood for
research in human cancer cells
recently undertaken by the In
stitute. The research is under the
auspices of Dr. Donald M. Pace.
The cancer cells are being cul
tured and their rate of growth
studied by the Institute. The
strain, usually called the HeLa
strain, is the same that is used
for testing polio anti-bodies.
The Institute needs human
voh cornm in sustain the cells.
If the environment is suitable,
the cells can be cultured and
maintained for an indefinite pe
riod of time.
So far, five have donated blood.
Those interested in donating are
asked to phone the department
of physiology, Ext. 3212. Arrange
ments will then be made to have
a medical technician at Student
Health Center draw the blood.
Bridge Winners
Winners of the bridge tourna
ment held Wednesday in the
Union left before their names
could be obtained, Robert Rat
ner, bridge instructor, has an
nounced." He asked that first
place winners pick., up their
prizes in the Student Union Ac
tivitipc Office "" .
Winning north-south team vras
team one, Col. James H. Work
man and Captain Nevin L. Mc
Cartney, who were contacted
after the tournament. Other
north-south winners were: team
four, second, and team two,
East-west winners were: team
two, first; team five, second,
and team three, third.
Graduate Section
Planned In Dorm
Don J. Carlyon, director of the
Residence Halls for Men, has an
nounced that a special section of
the newly constructed men's dor
mitory will be set aside for gradu
ate students. All graduate students
will be housed together and will
receive the same privileges and
services as the undergraduate stu
dents. A total of 330 room contracts for
the new dormitories has been
filled. Carlyon announced that ap
plications are coming in regu
larly. An increase in applications
is expected by Aug. 1, he added.
Main Feature Clock
(Schedules Furnished by Theater)
Lincoln: "Tanganyika," 1:40.
3 40, 5:45, 7:45, 9:50.
Stuart: "Her Twelve Men.'i
1:19, 3:25, 5:31. 7:37, 9:43.
Varsity: "The High and The
Mighty," 1:00, 3:39, 6:25, 9 03.
World Premiere Showing
Louise Baker"s Novel on the Screen!
freer GARSON Robert RYAN
EXTRA ! Tom k. Jerry Color Toon
65c Til 6 Then 80c Kids 2c Any Tim
Opt". It AS
0 to f .
Then 75
Kiddles 20c
Cartoon Western
-2nd Smash Week
Stereophonic Sound
mjst It 'fi u
6Se till t p.m. ?5e to
Then 0e Children 2
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