The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 15, 1954, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, July 15, 1954
Page 3
Foreign Affairs Clinic
Syed Amjad Ali Calls Communism
Greatest Problem Facing Pakistan
Two great problems in Pakis
tan today are the pressures of
communism from inside and out
side, His Excellency Syed Amjad
Ali, Pakistan ambassador to the
United States, said Monday.
In an address at the second
All-University Public Affairs
Clinic, the ambasador said that
his country is facing the problem
"strongly, forcefully and with a
straight hand", and that the
Communist Party has been
banned in Pakistan and a num
ber of communists imprisoned.
"The menace will grow with
out a system of collective secure
ity," he said. He pointed out
that for this reason his govern
ment had signed a treaty of
friendship with the government
of Turkey which he said - he
beieved should be extended to
other governments.
THE PAKISTAN diplomat,
who was introduced by Clifford
M. Hardin in his first official
appearance before students, as
chancellor, devoted the first hour
of the forum to a description of
the problems facing Pakistan
today as a new nation.
He explained that Pakistan,
under the federal constitution
given her by Britain in 1935, has
a government which follows the
British system, consisting of a
legislature and a ministry re
sponsible to the legislature.
Since 1948, an assembly has
been deliberating over a new
contitution. The main difficulty
faced by the assembly, Amjad
Ali said, was that of representa
tion. West Pakistan, which has
a smaller population, but which
consists of six provinces was
opposed to representation based
on population, a plan which
East Pakistan, with only one
unit but a majority of the popu
lation, wanted.
IN THE last three months, the
ambassador said, the assembly
decided on equal representation
from both so that neither side
would have a majority in the
legislature, and also stipulated
that any legislation passed
should have a certain percentage
of affirmative votes from each
Amjad Ali said that the. devel
opment program of Pakistan has
been largely been towards build
ing up industries for the coun
try's main products, cotton and
jute. Pakistan lost trade markets
in 1948 when India refused to
trade with her because she was
the only member of the British
Commonwealth who did not de
valuate her currency at that
industries have been started, he
said. He stated, however, that
Pakistan feels she "can't run
until she can walk" and that
Pakistan will not move headlong
into industrialization without
trying to raise the standard of
living first.
Following his main address,
questions were directed at the
ambassador by a panel consisting
of Dr. George Rosenlof, dean of
admission; Dr. Otto G. Hoiberg,
associate professor of sociology,
and Dr. Russell Fitzgibbon, visit
ing instructor in political science.
Dr. Rosenlof asked the ambas
sador for suggestions concern
ing the universities role in pre
paring exchange students to do
various jobs in their country.
Mr. Amjad Ali related the
Seats 378
NU Howell Memorial Theatre
In Use For First Time Tonight:
Editor's Note: This Is the
fourth In series of articles on
the University's building: pro
era m, financed with funds from
the ten-year Institutional Building-
The Howell Memorial Theatre
will be put to use for the first
time Thursday night in the pro
duction of "The Devil and Daniel
Webster," although the theater
will not be formally dedicated
until Oct. 10.
Begun in November of ' 952, the
theater is completed except for
finishing touches such as placing
furniture and varnishing igain
the floor of the stage. Estimated
cost of construction is $400,000.
Three hundred seventy - eight
cushioned, self-rising seats will
accommodate a capacity some
what smaller than that of the
Temple Theatre. The slope of
the auditorium and the "stagger
ing" of the seats will permit an
unobstructed view of the stage
by every member of the audi
ence. There is more than ample
floor space between the rows of
seats to insure very comfortable
THE NEW electric lighting is
controlled through vacuum tube
dimmers designed and built by
Century Lighting Co. specifically
for the Howell Theatre.
A combination of speakers,
microphones and turntables will
enable production of sound ef
fects which were impossible un
der the old sound-producing sys
tem. The stage can be "miked"
for voice amplification and re
cording purposes. Speakers are
located in all the lobbys to which
appropriate music or the produc
tion itself may be piped.
Stage improvements include
four new sets of draperies, 27
backdrop lines and a 12 by 14
foot elevator in the center of the
stage which operates from the
basement to three feet above the
floor of the stage. It will be used
to bring property from the stor
age room in the basement to the
stage and for appearance and
disappearance of actors.
THE HOWELL Memorial The
atre is more than a remodeling
of the Temple Theatre; it is
really a renovation of it. The
only parts of the old theater
used in the new theater are the
outside walls, the ceiling and
some of the foundation.
Stage space is 12 feet wider
than before, measuring ZIVz feet
wide and 26 feet deep. Beneath
it, a property workshop, showers,
plumbing, and property storage
space are located.
Other new features include an
observation window and booths
in the rear of the theater which
will be used for the observation
of plays by a class or a group of
people while a play is being
given. The booths will enable
discussions to be held concerning
the production and scenery while
the play is in progress aythout
disturbing either the audience or
the actors.
The theater also houses provi
sions for projecting equipment
and air-conditioning but lacks
funds to buy the necessary equip
ment to install. '
THE DESIGN planning for the
new theater was done by Dallas
S. Williams, director of Univer
sity Theatre, who was assisted
by the Theatre staff. Architects
were Unthank and Unthank.
"The theater was renovated by
the University for the Univer
sity," Mr. Williams said. 'Any
University organization can
request and will probably be en
couraged to use the new theater,
although its seating capacity
may make the presentation of
some programs unwise."
Although lack of seating capa
city may necessitate running
plays for several nights, John C.
Tolch, technical director -t Uni
versity Theatre, said hat the
small seating capacity is advan
tageous. It allows the actors and
audience to share a closer bond
while the play is going which is
very important-
Both Mr. Tolch and Karl Sit
tler, stage director of "The Devil
and Daniel Webster," expressed
the opinion that the Howell The
atre ranks among the top dozen
University, theaters in this part
of the country.
The theater will be dedicated
to Miss II. Alice Howell, chair
man of speech at the University
for more than 30 years.
story of a group of people sent
by Thomas Jefferson to Europe
to study the roads, bridges, cos
tumes, habits and diets of
HE WANTED to use the
knowledge in the development
of the United States," he s-i'd.
"Today you are sending them
again to learn 'about people. But
you are not sending them for
your benefit for you have most
of the things you need. You are
making them learn so that you
will be able to help these people
in their problems."
"This is the surest way. of
bringing two peoples together,"
he said.
In response to a question con
cerning U.S. military aid to Pa
kistan, Mr. Amjad Ali said that
there is a definite agreement that
the aid will only be utilized for
purposes of defense, and that a
military mission is being sent to
each country that would be in
the field in case one breaks the
fcr iw iw
Public Affairs
Pictured above is .His Excel- and economical developments,
lency Syed Amjad Ali, Pakis- in Pakistan at the second All
tan Ambassador to the United " University Public Affairs
States, speaking on political Clinic Monday.
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