Page 2 SUMMER NEBRASKAN Thursday, July 15, 1954 What Do You Think? 1 . -4 MIDSUMMER SCHOOL DREAM Research At NU One of the greatest activities of a university and perhaps one of the last to receive public notice, is that of research being carried on in line with academic pursuits. During the past week, two areas of University of study and research were brought to the attention of The Summer Nebraskan, and we feel that they should receive at least some note of acknowledgement. One of these is being carried on by the University's cerebral palsy workshop directed by Dr. Dean A. Worcester. The group is working with and studying cerebral palsy children at Park School in Lincoln. The ten University students who are enrolled in the workshop are teachers who may in their special interests come in contact with children who are victims of cerebral palsy. In connection with this, a nationally-known expert on problems of . cerebral palsy children will be on campus to speak to the group fit a luncheon and seminar. The need for teachers who have had some experience with dealing with cerebral palsy children is great. Ten teachers leaving the University this summer with even a minimum of increased knowledge will be an important addition to Nebraska schools. The other area of research is a recentlv undertaken nroiert f - - 1 of the Institute of Cellular Research -dealing with human cancer cells. Under the direction of Dr. Donald M. Pace, the Institute is culturing the cells in order to conduct studies of them. However, the cancer cells can be kept alive and observed only if they are provided with an environment of human blood serum. The insti tute is putting out a call this week for aid from those willing to donate blood so that the research can be continued. To those who see the worth in even the smallest attempt to gain knowledge of a disease that causes so much misery, donating blood would be worth the time and effort. Can We Afford Isolationism? New Theater The newest facility of the University will be opened to the public tonight for the first time. The nearly completed Howell Memorial Theatre with its modern equipment and ultra-comfortable seating is a vast improvement over the old Temple. Theatre. Although it contains only 378 seats and is not yet air-conditioned, the new theater "has the essential facilities for up-to-date play productions and for instructions in dramatics. Now that the University has a comfortable, attractive theater in which to attend the productions of the University Theatre, there will be a marked increase in attendance which should produce more incentive on the part of the dramatic students who have done such a good job with facilities in the past. Tut, Tut, Men! Who says it's not a man's world? Has anyone noticed the bold few making the rounds of the campus in their "walking" shorts? It used to be that women were the ones who were the brunt of public criticism for wearing shorts. Not complaining, boys just jealous. Everyone wants to beat the heat these days! Summer Nebraskan Member: Associate Collegiate Press The Summer Nebraskan Is published by the students of the University of Nebraska tn cooperation with Bummer Sessions, under the direction of Frank Borenson, as an expression of students' news and opinions only. According to Article 11 ot the By-Laws governing student publications and administered by the Board of Publications, "It Is the declared policy of the Board that publications under Its Jurisdiction shall be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Board, or on the part ot any member of the faculty of the University, but the members ot the staff of The Nebraskan (and Summer Nebraskan) are personally responsible for what they say or do or cause to be printed." The summer NebraBkan Is published weekly for eight weeks during summer school. Single copy Is five cents. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office in Lincoln. Nebraska, under act of Congress, March 8, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for In Section 1103, Act of Congress of Oct. 8, 1817. authorized Sept. 10, 1922. , For any information regarding news content of the Bummer Nebraskan and business or advertising call or go to the Nebraskan office, Ext. 4220, Basement, Student Union, any afternoon Monday through Friday. STAFF Editor Kay Nosky Assistant Editors Barbara Clark, Darwin McAfee Business Manager Cne Singer By DARWIN McAFEE Columnist IT SEEMS to this writer that many people in this country are in a rut insofar as their under standing of international and, at times, national problems is con cerned. Much of or at least part of this lack of understanding might be attributed to the fact that people don't get or won't take the opportunity to travel either at home or abroad. Many of those who won't take the opportunity are extremely apathetic towards gaining or promoting a better understand ing among their neighbors whether it be a state "next door" or 'a foreign country "across the alloy." The most advantageous way of learning to appreciate neighbors is to visit or live with them and try to understand what makes them think and act tne way tney do. Too often the apathetic per sons are only too willing to criti cize their neighbors without any actual sound foundation for that criticism. Generally if they would be able to meet and get acquainted with the neighbors they would probably find that their criticism was not valid. On the other hand, however, they might find more to criticize but at least" they would have a basis for it. There seems to be a particular lack of Interest in neighbors, especially those "across the alley," in areas which are more or less wnnarawn jrom me pressures of interdependence. The general feeling in these areas is: "We don't need any thing from those neighbors Therefore why should we con cern ourselves with their prob lems and waste our time in getting acquainted with them?" Generally, these, areas, are more or less untouched by the influx of foreign immigrants and therefore are even more with drawn from the problems of in ternational co-operation. But in some areas even the presence of immigrants or foreigners causes no concern or creates any in terest. The attitude here is generally: "We'll, as long as they stay on their side of the fence and keep out of our way we won't bother with them." In many colleges and univer sities throughout the United States there are programs which provide for exchange of students among .countries. On the Uni versity of Nebraska campus, for example, there are numerous foreign students from various countries. There seems to be a genuine feeling of respect and admiration among these students for Americans in general and Nebraskans in particular. THIS WRITER feels that too often this feeling of respect and admiration is not returned as it should be. Certainly this is probably not due to any ani mosity towards the foreign stu dents but rather to a general lack of interest. What about the American stu dents who study or travel abroad? What is their reaction to foreigners in native countries and how are they treated by hosts in those countries? By now the reader has prob ably surmised that we have been discussing certain aspects of isolationalism. It has been a simple "down to earth" intro duction to the more serious and delicate issue of international co-operation among: govern ments. In short our foreign policy. . The trend of foreign policy seems to fluctuate from time to time and administration to ad ministration. We have had the Monroe Doctrine with its America for Americans theme of isolation. Under Woodrow Wil son we reached a high degree of internationalism as evidenced by the First World War and Wil son's efforts in establishing the League of Nations. However the United States did not join me of the U. S. from the United Nations if Red China is admitted as a member. Granted that Red Chinese membership in the UN is not desirable does that give us leave to pack up our marbles like a small boy and go home just because we can't have our way? At present we seem to be laboring under a sort of foreign 'policy paradox. We have poured billions into foreign aid and it seems that some of the recipients of that aid might take drastic steps, in their pursuit of peace and personal welfare, which to us are pure folly. We can go Just so far in pressuring others to go along with our view and then we get stumped. Because we have so much invested in our allies we might eventually find ourselves in a position where we will have to com promise more than we want to. This writer feels they have us over a barrel because he thinks that we need every ally we can get and keep to thwart the threat of communism. Of course the isolationist will say: "We don't have to go along with anyone. After all we have the H-bomb and if it comes to a showdown we have as good a chance if not better of winning as the reds." . MAYBE. BUT if it comes to an all out M-DomD war its unilCU Oldies urn uu v..- - - ... . League partly because of the ef- pretty good bet that its going f.rtc rf isolationists who feared loss of some of our independ ence. Herbert Hoover's administra tion was badly split over isola tion. Eventually the high tariff isolationists had a hand in wrecking the economy. And when the international isolation ists pulled Hoover far enough away from the liberal Republi cans led by Henry I Stimson, they contributed somewhat to precipitation of World War II. AFTER THE war, with the advent of the jet and atomic ages, it was generally felt that the world had grown too small for isolationists to live a normal healthy life. We reached a peak of international co-o p e r a t i o n under the Marshall Plan, Point 4 and the Truman Doctrine. However there has been a gradual drift back to isolation. This would indicate a traditional trend inside the Republican party to erect "high tariffs, cut or end foreign aid, drastically curtail the armed forces and in general pull away from the rest of the world. Latest indication of this isola tion attitude is evidenced by the rigid position taken by Senate Majority Leader William Know land who advocates withdrawal T mtLLERS )f Summer Tics . . . SPECIALLY PRICED through Special Purchase Usually 2.50 All pure silk! A, MENSWEAR . . . First Floor fTliLLER C PAifl "AT THE CROSSROADS OF LINCOLN to leave a nasty mess of destruc tion and this time we'll get a good share of it. Stop and think about it. Is a policy of isolation really worth the possible con sequences? What do you think? Main Feature Clock SchMalct Fmlshesl bf Theaters) Lincoln: "Tanganyika," 1:40, 3:40, 5:45, 7:45, 8:50. Stuart: "Garden Of Evil," 1:09, 3:14, 5:18, 7:23, 9:28. Nebraska: "Monte Carlo Baby," 1:10, 4:08, 7:04, 10:00. "The Limping Man," 2:41, 5:38, 8:34. Varsity: "The High tfnd Tho Mighty," 1:00, 3:39, 6:25, 9:03. State: "Witness To Murder," 2:08, 4:39, 7:20, 10:00. "Rebel City," 1:00, 3:31, 6:12, 8:53. Capitol: "Texas Stampede," 1:00, 4:02, 7:04, 10:03. "The Jazz Singer," 2:07, 5:09, 8:11. Joyo: "Prisoner of War," 7:08, 10:20. "Top Banana," 8:35. Starview: "Cartoons," 8:25, 10:45, "Carnival Story," 8:55, 11:05. West O Drive-In : "Rob Roy," 8:30, 11:55. "Flight Nurse," 10:15. Hayloft: "The Two Mrs. Car rolls." 8:30. 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