The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 15, 1954, Image 1

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    Volume 54, No. 6
Dr. Langeveld To Visit
SSSU Monday, Tuesday
Dr. Martin J. Langeveld, to
ternationally known education
ist and head of the department
of education at the University of
Utrect, Holland, will speak to
University educational groups
Monday and Tuesday.
Monday noon he will speak at
the cerebral palsy workshop
luncheon in the Union, followed
by an address on 'The Child's
Experience of His Body" at a
seminar of the department of
education and related depart
ments who are interested, from
Doll To Speak
At Palsy Meet
One of the nation's leading au
thorities on problems of mental
deficiency and cerebral palsy
in children, Edgar A. Doll, will
be on campus Wednesday, July
21, to speak at the cerebral' palsy
workshop luncheon and seminar.
The luncheon will be at noon
in the UnioiC followed by the
seminar in the Union Faculty
Doll is at present director of
reesarch at the Vineland Train
ing School in New Jersey and
is a consultant for the United
Cerebral Palsy Association and
the National Society, ior CrinruWi
Children and Adults.
HE WAS one of the first men
able to show that many cerebral
palsy children have high mental
ability and to enable the chil
dren to make use of the ability.
He was formerly professor of
abnormal psychology at Ohio
Staff University and worked in
the Devereux Schools for handi
capped children in Pennsylvania
and California.
Those interested in hearing
Doll speak are invited to attend
but are asked to make reserva
tions at the department of educa
tional psychology, Ext. 3222.
Lester, Way
Named For
The cast for "The Glass
Menagerie" has been announced
by John Tolch, director of the
University Theatre's summer
play. The cast includes Amanda,
Betty Lester; Laura, Mary Way
man; Tom, Bill Walton; and the
gentleman caller, Jack Parris.
Betty Lester received her
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree
from Columbia University in New
York City where, she was a mem
ber of the Columbia TheaVe As
sociates. She appeared in several
Play 'Leads
Reading the script of "The
Glass Menagerie," the sum
mer play to be presented by
University . Theater July 27
and 28, are the recently an
'3 to 5 p.m.. in the Union Faculty
HE WILL give a public lecture
Monday at 8 p.m. in Love Li
brary Auditorium on "The Im
pact of an Educational System on
the Development of the Child.
Tuesday noon at the Union he
will address a luncheon meeting
of Phi Delta Kappa, men's teach
ing honorary, on the topic "Euro
pean Educational System, Back
ground and Difficulties."
DR. LANGEVELD'S specialty
is child growth and development,
although he has studied and
written on a wide variety of edu
cational questions. He conducts
a private child guidance clinic
and has served as adviser to the
Queen of Holland with respect
to, the education of the princesses.
Active in the promotion of
better international relations in
the field of education, Langeveld
participated in ihe UNESCO
Seminar on the Training and
Education of Teachers in 1948.
More recently he has been in
vited to lecture and take part in
conferences in England, France
and Germany. He is working
with Dr. Walther Merch, director
of the UNESCO Institute for
Education in Hamburg, Ger
many, on a plan to found an In
ternational Journal of Educa
tion. 'Your Investmenis' Panel
To Discuss Professions
"Your Profession is an Invest
ment in the Future" will be the
topic of a panel discussion in
the Union series, "Your Invest
ment: Finances, Family and
Future," to be held at the Union
Tuesday at 4 p.m.
Dr. Wesley C. Meierhenry, co
ordinator, teacher placement di
vision, will serve as moderator.
Dr. Walter K. Beggs, professor
in school administration, will
discuss the "psychic incomes" of
man, Walton, Parris
'Glass Menagerie' Cast
off-Broadway shows there. She
attended the University for two
years where she appeared in the
University production of "Idiot's
Delight." She is now attending
the University summer sessions
working toward a teacher's certi
ficate. MARY WAYMAN appeared in
the leading role in the 1953 Uni
versity Theatre production, "Light
Up the Sky." She has had major
roles in "Street Scene" and
'Idiot's Delight" and has ap-
nounced leads. They are (from
1. to r.) Betty Lester, Jack
Parris and Mary Wayman.
Not pictured is Bill Walton.
Jt it
t 1
Folk Opera
Rehearsing a scene from the
University summer ch o r u s
opera, "The Devil and Daniel
Webster,". are the leads (from
1. to r.) Amer Lincoln, Leon
ard Blinde, John Poutre and
tAt "K"
'Devil, Daniel Webster'
Summer Chorus
Folk Opera Thursday, Friday
A folk onera. "The Devil and
Daniel Webster," will be pre
sented Friday at 8:30 p.m. at the
new Howell Memorial Theatre
by the University summer
chorus, directed by Earl Jenkins,
music instructor,
nin to the Dublic. Jenkins an
nounced, since reauests for free
tickets far exceeded the amount
ALL TICKETS for the Friday
night performance will be hon
ored until 8:15 p.m. At that
time any available seats will be
given to non-ticket holders.
The two-act opera by Dauglas
Moore and Benet stars John
Poutre as Jabez Stone, Marian
Brinkman as Mary Stone, Leon
ard Blinde as Daniel Webster
and Amer Lincoln as Scratch.
THE STORY is built around
Deared in several other Uni-
versity.plays. In 1952 she received
her Bachelor of Arts Degree from
the University where she was a
member of Nebraska Masquers.
She is attending the University
summer sessions working toward
a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Bill Walton, a June graduate of
the University, is a member of
Nebraska Masquers and Purple
Masque, dramatic honorary. He
has appeared in "The Man Who
Came to Dinner," "The Hasty
Heart" and several other Uni
versity productions. He also
served as the director of "Room
Service," presented by the Uni
versity during the past year. This
summer he is connected with the
Hayloft Theatre in Lincoln. Wal
ton will return to the University
in the fall for graduate work in
speech and dramatic art.
JACK PARRIS, junior in Teach
ers College majoring in speech,
has been seen in University, pro
ductions, "The Little Foxes,"
"The Hasty Heart," "Phoenix
Too Frequent" and several
laboratory plays. Parris also ap
peared in "Light Up the Sky,"
University Theatre 1953 summer
production. He is a member of
Nebraska Masquers and has spent
the past two summers working at
Hayloft Theatre. Parris is attend
ing summer sessions at the Uni
The Tennessee Williams produc
tion will be presented July 27 and
28 at 8 p.m. at the Howell
i -
i I
Marian Brinkman. The opera
will be presented tonight at
7:30 p.m. and Friday at 8:30
p.m. at Howell Memorial
To Present
the troubles of a New Hampshire
farmer in the 1840's whose wed
ding is threatened by the 'dis
covery that he has sold his soul
to the devil. Daniel Webster
steps in to defend the farmer
and bring a happy ending to the
Donald Goodrich, Delores Blondi,
Robert Wallace, Edward Wells,
John Schwartz, John Moran,
Gerald Lawson, Jack Wells and
Gene Knepper.
MEMBERS OF the choreo
graphy team are Jane Freitag,
Janice Fullerton, Vivian Robb,
Nancy Norman, John Moran,
Stanley S h u m w a y, Norbert
Schuerman and Edwards Teg
meier. In addition to Jenkins, the pro
duction staff includes Karl Sit
tler, stage director; Margaret
Fox, choreographer; Shirley
Hurtz, accompanist, and Charles
Peterson and Mary Sigler, tech
nical supervisors.
Blood Serum
Needed By NU
For Cell Study
Blood donations are needed
by the University's Institute for
Cellular Research under the
auspices of the director, Dr. Don
ald M. Pace, for research re
cently undertaken by the Insti
tute in human cancer cells.
The cancer cells are being cul
tured and studied by the Insti
tute. The strain, usually called
the HeLa strain, is the same that
is used for testing polio anti
bodies. -
HUMAN blood serum is needed
to sustain the cells, which can
be cultured and maintained for
study in the laboratory for an
indefinite period of time pro
vided the environment is suit
able. Those interested in donating
blood are asked to phone the de
partment of physiology, Ext.
3212. Arrangements can then be
made with the University Health
Center to have a medical techni
cian drawthe blood.
Sports Shots
A bowling picture and a table
tennis picture, "Set 'em Up" and
'.tTabie Tennis" will be pre
sented at the Sports Shorts pro
gram Thursday from 11:45 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. in the Union Main
The film series is sponsored by
the Union and the physical edu
cation department.
Thursday, July 15, 1954
Afd Aslied
lo kU Turk
Dr. E. F. Frolik, chairman of
the agronomy department, and
George S. Round, director of
public relations, recently re
turned from a three week visit
to Turkey, report that the , Uni
versity has ben asked to assist
the Turkish government and the
U. S. Foreign Operations Admin
istration in establishing a new
Ataturk University in eastern
Frolik and Round said that
Turkey desires not only to es
tablish a new agricultural col
lege but also three other col
leges in veterinary science, arts
and engineering in scattered
portions of eastern Turkey. Tur
key's President Bayer is among
the supporters of the higher edu
cation project and Parliament
has already appropriated funds
for construction of buildings at
four proposed sites.
FROLIK AND Round met
with top Turkish officials and
the Ataturk University execu
tive committee as well as the
Faculties of Agriculture and
Veterinary Science at Ankara
University during their stay in
Ankara. They found enthusiasm
and great support for the found-
Terrrca arrer mrexna-u;rant
College System in this country.
The Turks desire to get away
from the classical type of higher
education now ottered at the
three universities in Turkeyv -
The report of Frolik and
Round would call for a trip to
the United States by top Turkish
officials in order to acquaint
them further with the Land
Grant College system. Also, the
University would organize a
study group to go to Turkey for
a six week to two month in
tensive study of proposed plans
and to then suggest modifica
tions of present plans.
THE THIRD proposed phase
would consist of an exchange of
professors between Ankara Uni
versity and the University of Ne
braska to train staff members
for the agricultural faculty of
Ataturk University.
The report is being submitted
to Dean Lambert and Chancellor
Hardin for consideration and
probably then will be submitted
to the Board of Regents for
Ratner Plans
Bridge Lesson
A bridge tournament climaxing
the summer bridge lessons spon
sored by the Union will be held
Wednesday. July 21, in Union
Room 315 from 3 to 5:30 p.m.
Robert A- Ratner, assistant
professor of mechanical -mgineer-ing
and instructor of the lessons,
said that any University student
or instructor can be in the tour
nament if he did not participate
in lessons.
based on "tournament-play"
bridge, in which the same hands
are played by each couple. Those
interested in the tournament are
encouraged to come with their
own partner, Ratner said.
Two prizes win be awarded:
One for the highest north-south
score and one for the highest
east-west score.
Those interested may obtain
futher information at the Union
Activities office.