Page 2 Foot In Door The United States seems to be in a serious dilemma in- regard to her foreign policy, and the two solutions offered so far make it a situation of picking the worst of two evils. According to Wednesday's paper, President Eisenhower has said. definitely that he Is opposed to admitting Communist China into the United Nations, but is also opposed to the suggestion recently submitted that the United States withdraw from the U.N. if and when the Peiping Regime is admitted. Certainly, the Piping Regime, with Moscow encouragement, has been fighting and will continue to fight to become a U.N. mem ber. Their sitting in on the talks at the Geneva conference was somewhat of a "foot in the door" situation, and one can help but wonder if, as in Dagwood, the Red supersalesmen won't manage to force themselves all the way in. Thf other Western nations are watching all this ith equal 1 doubtfulness, but it must be remembered that although they "would not be pleased with the nwUXw-to '" " -TC-y' thought such a step would ease world tensions. The United Slates could not afford to be placed in the position of a stubborn nation standing in the way of even temporary rest from continual near world blow-ups such as Korea and Indochina. So with the insistence of Red China and Russia and the lack of confident opposition in some of our Western friends, it seems as though the Communists might have their own way. The ironic thing, and everybody knows it, is that the Chinese Communists, in Korea End Indochina have committed acts in direct opposition to the moral obligation of the U.N. to be a world force for "justice, fairness and right in international affairs. The question is: can the free nations of the world keep their scli'-respect while sitting across the conference table wth a nation like Communist China? If admitted she would become another power of the Communist block in the U.N. and could throw even more cold war water on what the organization is trying to do to bring about a lasting peace. If it happens that the Red Chinese win a seat in the U.N., it has been suggested, then the only self-respecting thing to do would be lor the United States to pull out of the U.N. This would put us right back where we were belore the second World War, and that position, if we remember, was not good. The United States is a world leader and a world organization without us could not hope to exist as such. Such an act then, would probably mean the essential decline of the United Nations The U.N. has not been enough of a failure as yet to warrant such an end. If the Red supersalesmen have their foot in the door, we are still in a position to argue. But if we attempt to run out the back door, then we may find them waiting there too. As in Dagwood, we Just may have to buy their wares whether we like it or not, and they will be in a position to ask a higher price. Summer Nebraskan Member: Associate Collegiate Press Th Bummer Ne&raBkan la published y the etudenu mt the University of lOebrueka in cooperation with Bummer Sessions, undr the direction of Fran Boreneon, a an xpre8sioa of etutienu newe and opinion! only. Acordlnf to Article 11 of the By-Lw govern!!)- rtudent publication, and fi Ministered toy the Board of Publications. -It Is the declared policy crt the Board that publication, under It. .ctiun .hall , fre LUTkS Board, or on tne pan or any mwuow - - - " " ii nW.ber. ot the ..Iff of The Nebraskan (and Bummer Nebraskan are ,-r.onaUy rMmrmBibie tor what they .ay or do or cause to be printed. mPTSrtJJ NebrVkan m published weekly for .M wj. durln rnool. smele copy five cent., entered a. wond claw a?liecua Office Lincoln. Nebraska, an.ier act of Conp-e a"f " f ol. 8. mT. . rate of pewtase provided for in Section 1104. Ax of Conp-ess tf . fc w. authored Bept lB22.r d(n8 content of the Bumn-r aska. tusines. or advertluir call or to to the Kebracan office. Ext. Bament, Student Union, any afternoon Monday throurh Friday. STAFF . Kay Nosky fi':::::::::::::::r -gygij; Business Manager SUMMER NEBRASKAN What Do You Think? aro Housing-Foresight Needed? By DARWIN L. McAFEE Columnist A SITUATION which exists r.t;nnniiv on1 T inrnln is no exception-is the problem of housing for minority groups. In T.;m fh -activation of the Lincoln Air Base has magnified this problem especially as per taining to housing for Negroes. In 1951 the city council de feated a resolution for a pro posal of public housing which posal of public housing wnicn was designed to provide low- l4i ..;,. oi;m;Q d,h. rost rental units, eliminate sub standard dwellings and relieve the tight situation of minority housing. It was hoDed then, by vari ous groups and individuals as ous groups ana inaiviauais as- social 5th problems, tha. thev could be solved before re activation of the air base with an estimated 350 Negro families accompanying it. Has the problem been solved? Despite claims by the Home Builders Association president that all airmen, Negro and white, desirinx rental units have been placed and that units to be and now being- built will take care of all future needs, it was found, after a series of interviews with persons directly associated with the problem, that an unhealthy situation still exists. It is a generally recognized fact that the majority of Ian coin's estimated 1,900 Negroes are crowded into the so-cailed "restricted area" encompassing 19th to 25th streets and R to Vine. Some Negroes own lots outside the "area" but have not built on them because they can't qualify for loans. SIDNEY ALEXANDER, ex ecutive director of the Urban League, maintains that finance companies object to mortgages for Negroes because they leel they are a bad risk and fear other investors will withdraw loans if the company loans to Negroes. George Randall, Lin coln's only Negro realtor, states that mortgagors are not luiiy co operative and that they want to loan Negroes money to build Mly on lots where the mortgagers think the Negro ought to live. Alexander feels that there is an agreement among realtors not to sell or rent to Negr"es. Randall, however, asserts there is no such agreement among realtors. He points out that he has rented homes to Negroes in areas where no Negro has uvea before, that they moved in with out any publicity or fanfare and have had little if any trouble. Ray Bartlett, a Lincoln real tor, supporting; Randall's stand, claims that as a builder and realtor he is in business to make AT m.LLER'S Bargains Galore ' 0 jPJcS H a 2S 1 1 DARK- I Gn Every Floor 8 crasr V 0 fete Sea (totnedy f (I fl tflOOIfS fete III a r4e f , A 0 rrrvS7 l I V TUESDAY "TANGANYIKA!" U 1 1 J! WOW e4 X t -mm II fmlflMltjl sin fcaj a MH if ktl WL ft xLttHlilllC S 7"T r - a I Drastic retluctiont mean valuable U U saving lor you in i amnions lor men, a j 1 5? women, uiiuj rii auu uwut, i a rti 'iiti it Tiir nrKtioini rJf liMCOLK" V ESlVSl orYen bom, Tta d, and VeVefore "the prob Jitio" U any man pro- lem of making a decision as to .Kble to the 2!25f" surrounatng propery. on and money to pay for w an- Bartiett states ui. " . arise as long as the Negroes son Negroes have not purchasea housed satisfactorily else homes is that they are generally can l oenw u in a low income bracket and u u thfa that have larger families and there- -bove statement reveal a iore iac. cannot anoiu u.c Ji ments necessary for home own- ments necessary for home own- ership. Alexander points out that 30 per cent of the Negroes in the 5ro" are home owners wnue most of the rest rent from white --- . . ,r..- xss Hall Hted one case where tour families were living in one house and a garage for which they were paying $180 rent). THE ARGUMENT which many white land owners, who oppose Negro infiltration, use in debat ing the problem is that property values drop when a Negro moves into a neighborhood. Alexander maintains, and is supported by Randall and Bartlett, that this is an immediate hysterical reaction or state of mind. "It is not a problem but a situation," he said, "which could be alleviated, but it remains a problem in peo ple's minds only because they want it to." What about Negro airmen who are looking for living quarters? Have they been taken care of as the president of Home Build ers Association maintains? CoL Ervin Wursten, air base com mander, reported that IS Negro families had been placed in town as of the first of June with 22 men residing at the base who have not brought their families here because they cannot find satisfactory housing. What is to be done in solving the problem? Randall believes that non segregation in the forthcoming Home Builder's Northeast Lin coln building project could contribute much toward solution of the problem. He points out that the Air Force, with its policy of integration, has become a minority within itself with a great amount of cohesion built up among tthe whites and Neffroes. He feels that "if Negroes are not allowed in the whu will obiect so much as the whites who have gone thrxigh a great deal of service with them." WHAT DOES Ervin Peterson, president of Lincoln Home Builders Association, say con cerning the situation? Petersons feels there Is no problem. "We are not crusad- Thursday, July 8, 1954 . - . . U V n7 foment the pressing thing at the moment We must get the new units built nQ dlfflcultlM very important aspect ot wie n- tire problem concernint noiomr . ,.. Kt bates hoslB but h ther petty hates amJ prejudices and many of the problems whlch plague minority ' That is, that the major- ity of jtitiaens tend to avoid the situation in hopes tnai u wui pass them by or will never catch up with them and force them to make a decision which they feel might have unpleasant con sequences. However, the status of min ority groups, although leaving much to be desired, .has been and is continuing to be much improved. Eventually theirs will be a loud voice in affairs which the majority groups now con trol and govern. Are the major ity groups then to sit back and ignore the situation, letting a few interested persons or groups take responsibility for improv ing the lot of the minorities? Or should they meet the prob lem head on and thus avoid eventually being slapped in the face with the realization that the lot of the majority has been hurt because they had not taxen enough swift and positive ac tion? What do you think? Main Feature Clock Sek4alt PmbM kr Theater) Lincoln: "Johnny Dale," 1:35, 3:35. 5:40. 7:40, 9:45. Stuart: "The Student Prince," 1:00, 3:12, 5.1T, 7:29, 9;40. Nebraska: "Stage Door," 1:08 4:32, 7:56. Without Reserva tion," 2:49, ' 6:13, 9:37. Varsity: 'Indiscretion Of An American Wife," 1:00, 2:50, 4:40. 6:13, 7:52, 9:42. in s i lllWHT 4mt In Trvhntmtm. Alt Baraeir Bear Ceterteea "IUDISCRETIOlf aetUMtvticMtuE-" KXTMAI AUTUMN IN ROMS INOI8CKETION Ckecfcrate r MM "! I ?mm. COMINOi "The Hit m4 tmm Migtur