The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 01, 1954, Image 1

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    Volume 54, No. 4
Thursday, July 1, 1954
New Unjoin Family
Takes v
Dr. Clifford Morris Hardin,
former dean of agriculture at
Michigan State College, officially
took over the duties of Chan
cellor of the University today.
"It is difficult to say what my
first official action will be," the
chancellor said in a Summer Ne
braskan interview, "until I "have
a chance to become acqquainted
.with the University better."
He expressed a deep interest
in finding a way to meet Uni
versity students personally and
becoming friends with them. He
said that he had thought some of
doing this through University
student organizations.
The friendly, somewhat quiet
man outlined some of the things
he considers important to the
University. The heart and soul of
Smart To Give Address
At Religion Convocation,
Englishman Author Of Eight Books
The minister of one of the
largest congregations in west
tngiafcj md author of eight
books will be guest speaker at
the first Religion at Home and
Abroad Day at the University
Dr. W. J. Smart, pastor of
launton Methodist Temple at
1 j
f - V
Camrijea S4r Journal and Star
Somerset, England, will speak
at the All- University convoca
tion at Love Memorial Library,
11 a.m. Friday.
HIS CHURCH was built by a
grateful convert of John . Wesley
over 150 years ago, and contains
the same oak pulpit from which
John Wesley preached when he
first visited Taunton in 1743.
His first book, "Christ of the
Thames Embankment," was the
best religious seller of that year.
Sciences To" Hold
July Open Houses
Open house will be held in
University science depart
ments, beginning July 7 and ex
tending to July 22.
Purpose of the open bouse is
to acquaint teachers with the
science facilities of various
science departments in the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences, and to
discuss common problems in the
stimulation of scientific interest
among students.
Times for open houses are:
i Chemistry July 7, Wednes
day, 2 and 3 p.m., Avery 207;
Physics July 9, Friday. 9 and
11 a.m.; Brace 203; Geology
July 14 .Wednesday, 9. 10 and
11 am., Morrill 112; Botany
July 15, Thursday, 9, 10 and 11
a.m.. Bessey 210; Zoology July
16. Friday, 9 and 11 a.m.. Bessey
102; Bacteriolog y July 22,
Thursday, 9, 10 and 11 ; ajn.,
Bessey 110; Physiology July 22,
Thursday, 9, 19 and 11 a.m.,
Temp. 'Cn 101; Mathematics
(any time), Burnett 211.
Some of his books have been
translated into German, Dutch.
Swedish, Norwegian, and parts
una Japanese and Lninese. His
book on London during World
War I brought him an invitation
from the United States to tour
the states lecturing on London
in wartime.
The Rev. Smart will spend sir
weeks in July and August oc
cupying the pulpit at Pearl Mem
orial Methodist Church in
Omaha, in an exchange arranged
by the Methodist World Council.
The pastor of Pearl Memorial
Methodist church, the Rev. Glen
W. Marshall, will preach at the
Methodist Temple in Taunton
during the same period.
THE PROGRAM for the Re
ligion at Home and Abroad Day
will include an informal coffee
hour at 9:30 a.m. at the Wesley
Foundation, the convocation at
11 a.m. and a buffet luncheon at
the Union at 12:15 p.m.
Tickets for the luncheon are
$1.25. and may be obtained at
the Wesley Foundation, 1417 R.
St., or at Room 312, Teachers
The program is being spon
sored by a campus committee
consisting of Niles Barnard, pro
lessor of mechanical engineering;
H. M. Cox, director of the Bureau
of Instructional Research; John
Paustian, assistant professor of
mechanical engineering; Arthur
A. Hitchcock, director of Junior
Division, and Francis A. Ha sk
ins, agronomy assistant.
a university is teaching, he said,
and the number one qualifica
tion of a great university is that
it must have good teachers. ,
"We must also have a strong
research program," the new
chancellor said, ""and it should be
developed in co-operation with
the departments of the Univer
sity. HE SAID that intercollegiate
athletics should form an enjoy
able part of college life, and that
he does not wish to see athletes
either persecuted or coddled.
With Dr. Hardin were his wife
and four children, a closely-knit
group who joke among them
selves and with visitors.
"I hope all women's organiza
tions of the University use this
home for their meetings," Mrs.
Hardin said. She said that they
also hoped to entertain students
in their recreation room.
Dr. Hardin said that his new
job would keep him busy and
that there wouldn't be much
time for leisure activities. "I
don't play golf," he added with
a smile.
"ACTUALLY. THE children
are our hobby," the Chancellor's
wife said. Their four children are
Sue, 12; Cynthia, 6; Nancy, 5;
and Cliff, whose eleventh birth
day is the day his father takes
over his new job.
The Hardins arrived in Lin
coln Thursday and are almost
Ataxy's '
? - I ) u f !
lor's residence.
Union To Sponsor
'King Richard II'
"King Richard II," a kinescope
television production of Shake
speare's famous drama, will be
presented Thursday, July 8, at
8 p.m. in the Union ballroom.
The Maurice Evans-NBC pro1
duction is sponsored by the
Union as a special addition to
the summer artist series. It is
the first major live television
production to be made available
for educational distribution.
MAURICE EVANS is the pro
ducer and star of the two-hour
film which received favorable
comment from critics and view
ers at its initial presentation
over the Hallmark Hall of Fame.
Chancellor's Family
Pictured above is the family
of the new chancellor. Dr.
Clifford Hardin in their home
at 2110 A St. They are (seated,
1. to r.) Cynthia, who will be
in the third grade in school,
Nancy, Mrs. Hardin, Dr. Har
din, (standing, L to r.) Cliff,
who will be in the sixth grade,
and bue, woo is the oldest and
will be in the seventh grade.
Second Public Affairs Clinic
To Feature Pakistan Diplomat
The Pakistan ambassador to the
United States, Syed Amjad Ali,
will be featured in the second
All University Public Affairs
Clinic scheduled for July 12.
Because of the large attendance
at the last clinic featuring Ne
braska s Representative Carl Cur
tis, the clinic will be held in the
entirely moved Jutw the cli a iil evthrtotr"
instead of - Love Library Audi
torium. -
AMJAD ALI came to Wash
ington in February of 1953 to
represent his country's interests
in the U. S. Emergency Wheat
Aid to Pakistan. His mission was
completed when President Eisen
hower signed the bill on June
25, 1953. He has been ambassa
dor since his return to the United
States last September.
The 45-year old statesman first
entered diplomatic life in 1949
when he was appointed Minister
of Economic Affairs at the Em
bassy of Pakistan in Washing
ton. Since then he has been ac
tive in United Nations affairs.
having served as chairman of
the Social. Humanitarian, and
Cultural Committee and as presi
dent of the Economic and -Social
Council of that organization.
In 1952 he was elected to a
committee of nine experts ap
pointed by the U. N. Secretary
General to draw a plan for an
International Fund. In 1950 and
1952 Amjad Ali took a leading
part in the activities of the In
ternational Bank and Monetary
TTma Tinkering nti
ico City.
He led the Pakistan delega
tion to the International Cotton
Committee and the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the
U. N.
In his own country he devoted
his time, without salary, to the
Pakistan Industrial Development
Corporation, a state-financed con
cern currently underwriting proj
ects costs $75 million.
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Teachers Discussion
Members of a Teachers Col- ond general session of the con-
lege Conference panel ask ference Panel members are u.
question of William E. Hall,
(standing) professor of educa
tional psychology and measure
ments, who spoke at the see-
to r.) Walter K. Beggs, (hid
den by speaker) professor of
school administration; Sam
Dahl, dean of Wesleyan Uni
versity; W. C. Meierhenry, as
sociate professor school ad
ministration; Charles Ford,
editor-in-chief of Compton's
Encyclopedia, and Florence
Jenkins, instructor at Lincoln
High' School. Story of con
ference on Page 4.
Tolch Names
Summer Play;
Tryouts Set
John Tolch,- director of the
University Theater's summer
play, has announced that "The
Glass Menagerie" will be pre
sented at 8 p.m.. in Howell The
ater July 27 and 28.
The drama was written by
Tennessee Williams, author of
"The Rose Tatoo" and "Street
car Named Desire." " The Glass
Menagerie' is one of the most
popular modern shows and one
of the best plays of recent
years," Tolch stated.
THE STORY is about a family
who evades the realism of the
present and lives in the glorious,
but dead, past.
Tryouts for the play will be
held Tuesday in Temple Room
210 from 2 to 3 p.m. and from
7 to 9 p.m. Tolch urged all in
terested persons to attend the
tryouts. He suggested that those
unfamiliar with the play should
read it before trying out. Per
sons unable to attend tryouts
Tuesday should contact Tolch at
University extension 3267 before
Phi Delta Kappa
Phi Delta Kappa, men's edu
cational honorary, will hold a
luncheon meeting at 12 noon,
Tuesday, July 6, in the Union.
Ralph Brooks, superintendent
of schools at McCook will be
the speaker. Tickets are $1 and
may be purchased , in Room 312,
Teachers College, through
July 3.