The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 24, 1954, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Thursday, June 24, T954
Editorial Page
Conference Clouds
Page 2
Two events on campus during the past week might very well
shadow the thoughts and discussions of the teachers who will meet
together next week for the Teachers College Conference. Four
nationally known educators, along with University instructors will
bend their efforts in an earnest attempt to get t some of the
problems facing community schools today.
Naturally, interest in educational problems will hot begin at
the two-day conference, nor will they end there. Last week Dr.
William A. Early, president of the National Education Association,
gave Nebraskans something to worry about when he charged that
this state with too few teachers, too low salaries and low certifi
cation requirements Is facing collapse of the public school system
Unless something happens.
THEN MONDAY at the All-University Clinic, Dr. Leo P. Black
of the State Department of Public Instruction attempted to pin
down visiting Congressman Carl Curtis with a few questions con
cerning federal aid to education. He wanted to know, among other
things, why congressmen seemed to concern themselves with edu
cation only after everything else had been taken care of.
So there we have the cause and effect lack of funds on the
one hand and a poor education system on the other.
When teachers meet next Tuesday, their discussions will prob
ably 'not reach the weighty problem mentioned during the week.
The conference is designed to discuss classroom and community
BUT If what has been charged" in the past week is true
even if it is only half true then it might be well for all teachers
in Nebraska to give considerable thought to the problem during
summer session and until it is solved. They are a part of a school
system which has been said to have one of the lowest educational
standards in the nation.
Of course, the problem is not theirs completely, either to take
the blame or arrive at a solution. Education is a part of every man
and group in the state, and the problem rests on all of them.
SOMETHING SHOULD be done. The question is when, where,
and most important, how. The most reasonable place for a start
is with the state's educators, for they know more of the specific
problems involved.
We do not charge that nothing has been done or is being
kme. The -clinics and conferences of Summer Sessions is a part
of advancement A successful program is hoped for confidently
next week. But little problems are only a part of the big problem,
and we hope that the big one is iot forgotten for the little ones.
. By Hobe Hays, Summer Nebraskan Cartoonist. s.
What Do You Think?
McCarthy -Hero Or Heel?
From Other Pens
Why Study Languages?
From the Farthest-North Col- languages when we must be busy
legian of the University of Alaska mastering a continent? Do we
at College, Alaska. not have all the goods, all the
An article by an assistant pro- political power? So we must
lessor of French and Russian, send our children to the techni-
Yictor C. Strash, is devoted to cal institutions to be trained for
the question "Why study foreign money-making careers,
languages?" "Is it not timely, for a change,
. . . to raise a voice favoring expan
se auinor aeienas uie siuay sion of a libera 'education to
?.L.Iorei,gn .lansuages ?y saying, students in all fields? This is the
The physical separation of the education which stresses the
JZJ5ra m ies xm urope Dy wholeness of life, which chal-
o,uw mues someumes uuat-ures enges us to think and be intel-
the- fact that intellectually we ectuallA curious, which makes
are both heirs of and participants our undergraduates (and gradu-
ln Western culture. We, m the ate students, as Well) compare
United States, speak; a European ideas by confronting them with
language; our religious, pnno- other ideaS- several of our aca.
sopmcai. etnicai ana moral demic subjects do all that; the
thought runs in the same chan- modern languages do just that,
nei!LuM .?ufiope5n Sht. when properly taught.
"Should It not, therefore be
one of the aims of our university WHITHER THEN, is the
to make the students more aware righteous way? As teachers of
of their heritare and of their liberal education, we will do well
participation in European cul- if we succeed in developing in
tore? Can we afford the luxury our students an awareness of
of any isolation and provin- our intellectual and spiritual
eialisra? heritage, and a sense of partici-
The professor continues, "True pation in European culture. In
Americans, as English cousins, order to participate we must be
inherited the feeling of a certain able to communicate In order
insularity and smugness. Why to communicate, we must know
should we have to learn any other the languages of our fellow man."
Summer Nebraskan
Member Associate Collegiate Press
Th Summer Nebraskan is published by the student of the University of
Nebraska in cooperation with Summer Sessions, under the direction of Frank
Sorenson, aa aa expression of students newt and opinion only. According to
Article 11 of the a-oveniing atari ent publications and administered
the Board of Publications, "It Is the declared policy of the Board that publication
under its Jurisdiction shall be free from editorial censorship on the part of the
Board, .or on the part of any member of the faculty of the University, but the
members of the staff of The Nebraskan (and Summer Nebraskan) are personally 1
responsible for what they say or do or cause to be printed."
The Summer Nebraska is published weektr for eNrht week during summer
school. Single copy is five cent. Entered as second clans matter at tip Post
Office in Lincoln. Nebraska, under act of Congress, March S. 1878. and at special
rate of pom ape provided for to Section 1103. Act of Congress of Oct. 8, 1917,
authorized Sept. 10. 1922.
for any information regarding news content of the Bummer Nebraskan and
business or advertising call or go to the Nebraskan office. Ext. 4225, Basement,
Student Union, any afternoon Monday through Friday.
Editor Kay Nosky
Assistant Editors Barbara C'ark, Dai win McAfee
Success Manager ... Chit Singer
This man McCarthy! What is
to be done wh him? What will
become of him? Is he destined
to become a great hero or pos
sibly a martyr to the anti-communist
cause? Or will his fol
lowers wake up one day to find
that McCarthy, with their rabid
support, has succeeded, not in
getting rid of communists but
in destroying many of the basic
doctrines which they hold dear
and upon which this nation was
founded? Among ihese are due
process of law a man is inno
cent until proven guilty free
dom from fear, freedom to ex
press oneself as one wishes with
out fear of being investigated by
any individual or committee and
freedom to associate with others
without regard for race, color,
creed or political convictions in
an atmosphere of mutual trust
adn confidence.
In the first column dealing
with McCarthy we questioned
his motive, recorded his rather
dismal record for actually un
rooting communists and pointed
out two aspects of the personal
power which Joe seems to be
desirous of obtaining. The two
aspects were financial solvency
and control of public opinion.
Another factor of power, pos
sibly the least significant, which
the senator has manipulated to
his benefit is that of personal
prestig-e. This has to do with
his "illustrous" war record
which included awards of some
air medals which he did not de
serve. He finally wangled them
out f the Marine Corps in 1952
and received them with cere
mony comparable to that riven
to Congressional Medal of Honor
Included also is the commen
dation for bravery shown after
receiving an injury in the haz
ing ceremony administered while
crossing the equator in the Pa
cific. Another prestige adding factor
has been the tremendous amount
of headlines and newsspace
which McCarthy has had alloted
uj him by newspapers and mag
azines. Probably the most vicious as
pect of power which good friend
Joseph has found necessary to
use to the best possible advant
age is elimination or domina
tion of opponents and critics.
and adverse criticism get to be
a thorn in his side McCarthy
lashes out in revenge. The list
of outstanding persons who have
been victims of his malicious
cmear tactics is long. The tech
niques used and results obtained
are indicative of the abysmal
depth of politics in which Mc
Carthy operates.
Only a few of ths many 'Joe
has attacked will be dealt with
When McCarthy charged the
VS. Army had tortured Ger
man war criminals found guilty
of murdering American prison
ers the man who investigated the
charge was Sen. Ray Baldwin,
Connecticut Republican, who
found McCarthy completely
After Joe stormed out of the
hearings denouncing them and
charging that Baldwin himself
was "criminally responsible,"
the disillusioned Baldwin re
signed from the Senate.
Sen. Millard Tydings, veteran
Maryland Democrat investigated
McCarthy's charres that there
were 295 ' car -carry Inr com
munists in the State Department
and branded the story a "fraud
and a hoax." McCarthy claimed
an attempt was bein made to
whitewash the State Department
and carrying the fight to Tyd
inra home state, helped defeat
him tor re-election.
Joe's campaign against Tyd
ings was so dirty that the Sen
ate Elections Committee investi
gated and referred serious
charges to the Justice depart
ment. McCarthy jumped clear,
however, and one of the lesser
campaign workers took the rap
for it.
The lady senator from Maine,
Margaret Chase Smith, one of
the original circulators of a
"Declaration of Conscience"
against McCarthy, won her bat
tle with the Wisconsin strong
man Tuesday when she defeated
Robert L. Jones for- the Repub
lican senatorial nomination. It
has been contended that McCar
thy threw Jones into the race to
try to defeat Miss Smith.
senator, Robert Hendrickson of
New Jersey, who igned the re
vealing report on McCarthy's
finances, got axed ty Republi
cans in the White House who
pressured him to yield in the
race for re-election.
It is interesting 1o note that
Joe was given numerous invita
tions to appear before the com
mittee investigating his finances
to maks a statement, but he re
fused to do so.
Edward R. Murrow, famed
radio and TV news commenta
tor, came in for his share of
abuse when he accused McCar
thy of habitual use of half
truths and of "repeatedly step
ping over the line between in
vestigating and persecuting."
Good Joseph struck back and
said that Marrow was ore a
member of the Industrial Work
ers of the World, which Murrow
termed as false, and stated that
as an ex-official of the Institute
of International Education Mor
row had been an "American ad
visor to a Communist propa
randa school." Murrow replif d
that when he was assistant di
rector of the HE in 1935, it had
planned a summer school at
Moscow University and several
other foreign centers bat that
Russia had cancoled the school.
McCarthy doesn't stop with in
dividuals but also vents his in
discreet fury on institutions and
organisations. Probably one of his
most ridiculous attacks ws on
the New York Times which he
contends is a "left-wing" news
Can a nrma become so engaged
in a crusade, whether it be hunt-
ing communists or desire for
personal power, that he looses
sight of truth? What do you
mm McCarthy wM deal Mh Hmimn
Cmtf49fl nV atftsnl nsBul fllM tfvWIPt fffC
which they have.)
Lino1: "Princess of the Nile,"
1-00, 2:45, 4:30, 6:15, 8:00, 9:50.
Stuart: "The Gladiators," 1:08,
3:13, 5:18, 7:23, 8:28.
Nebraska: "Man From Cairo,"
1:18, 40, 8:02. "Queen of
Sheba," 2:52, 6:14, 9:36.
Varsity: "She Couldn't Say
No, 1:19, 3:23, 5:27, 731, 9:35.
State: "Fight Picture," 1:28,
3:29, 5:30, 7:31, 9 33. "Overland
Pacific." 1:48, 3:49, 5:50, 7:51,
Hayloft: "Angel Street" 8:30
Minx mam
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Roger Warner
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