Page 2 THE NEBRASKAN .Friday, May 21; 1954 EDITORIAL PAGE Compromise Necessary A quiet bombshell burst early this week between the University Theater aud the Kos met Klub. The explosive had been resting, un- Big Contradiction It is over. Four years of our lives. Four years spent in one place, doing one thing and they are gone. All seniors are nostalgic . . . and bitter. Hopeful , . . and without hope. They are '.' adults . . . and children. They are glad . . . ' and sad. They muse quietly and philosophical ly ., . and get roaring drunk to end it all. Seniors think of all sorts of thlng;s, the big ones and the small. They wish they had studied harder , . and had more fun. They wish they had taken time to be friends with their professors and their classmates. They realize they have learned a lot . . and know nothing-. They were in, or watching, the panty raid and "small riot." They thought it was dis gusting . , . and fun. They wish to be left alone to manage their own affairs . . . and, want to be told what to do. Seniors know they haven't done very well with their four years . . . but they would do things the same way again. They realize the "University will get along perfectly without tVioYn hut. that, there will never be a class like theirs. T . 1 . IT. .' FTM .... seniors wouia cnange many muigs. mcj would do away with the corruptive suspicion - which exists in the governing of women stu , dents. They would quiet the clanging of the Singing Silo. They would make class attend- IWould become better and bad ones would be forced .put. Seniors would and could do many things but It's too late for most of them. They know things should have been done . , , but they mi didn't do them. . .-The things seniors do best is remembering. .!TT- "They remember the great days of Bobby Reynold's football . . , and the uproar over Bill Glassford. They remember a childish bat tle over E. N. Anderson . . . and a more petty one about Clyde Mitchell. They remember the slush of parking lots in midwinter . . . and the stifling heat of a classroom in May.' ' They remember the snake dances of pre football game rallies at Kings . . . and all night gab sessions with buddies. They are the ' last class to recall the Fink Rag , . . and THE trouble. They remember that The Nebraskan was once a Daily . . . and they saw Ferguson Hall being built. Seniors remember the big things . . . and the little ones. They are glad to be leaving an imperfect institution . . . but know that thd fftnr vfiarc were emrA a-nA worth while. They also know that never again will they be so young and .carefree . , . and old and responsible. They know that the last four years have been one big contradiction school dooks Desiae Deer mugs, iormais Desiae Diue jeans and fun beside agony. This conditioning to opposites is perhaps the reason a senior is neither fish nor fowl. The reason why a look into the, future is pre faced with a long, nostalgic glance at the past. S.H. Back The Idea Ideas, both good and bad, have been in great supply at the University during this and past years. Ideas have been attacked, adopted, dropped, forgotten and assailed throughout the 1953-54 session. For the most part, the ideas have been forgotten as quickly, if not more so, than they were conceived. One Idea, though late in coming, has all the ear marks of a good one. The idea is the Senior Day (or days if you will) to be held at Capitol Beach for those who are about to leave these hallowed halls. ,So far as past records and recollections have shown, this is the first attempt to do some thing for the graduates other than pressing a degree into their hands and filling their ears with windy, impassioned speeches on Com mencement Day. However, this idea, like many others that have come to and gone from the campus scene requires one necessary element that is often sadly lacking. The element is student support, in this case attendance by those who will gain .from the idea the graduating seniors. Student support has been asked for to put many ideas over the hump that eventually leads to establishment of a regular campus tradition. By the complaints of "tradidonless ness" so often brought to the fore, it is readily apparent that this necessary element of student support is seldom given. Whether this lack of the students' backing is because of laziness or as a result of poor ideas is a matter of conjecture. No matter what the ease may have been in the past, the Senior Day idea promises to be st rood one. If those Involved will take the Cme to make use of something that has been planned for them. You Seniors have nearly made all contribu tions you can to your University, this is one test chance you have to do something. For Jour own sake, for those who will follow, do Jrour best to make Senior Day a lasting part f the campus scene. T.W. touched and unnoticed by people outside the two groups, since sometime in mid-March. Amid the clamour that can now be heard both pro and con there seems to be 1 one strange element that has gone unrecognised. Both organizations have made offers, counter offers and attempts at compromise. But now that the split is a reality! both groups seem positive that they can continue without the help of the other. This sophomoric pride is basically unjusti fied. Now that the groups are officially served, Kosmet Klub must produce its spring show without the technical assistance of the Uni versity Theater. This will necessitate added work on the individual members and added cost on the budget. By the same token, and this point must be understood, the University Theater will in deed be fortunate; rather they will be lucky, if they can sell the amount of tickets they demanded from the Kosmet Klub. The Theater, during the conferences held previous to the break, said the Kosmet Klub must sell 1250 tickets, worth $7500; and in event the Klub failed to meet this number, the difference would be paid by the KK from 1 the earnings on the fall show. It seems much too hopeful to think the Uni versity Theater, using any method thus far discussed, can sell more season tickets than Kosmet Klub workers have been able to in the past. Simply stated) it seems both organizations are inter-dependent Working together, as they have In the past, they have been able to accomplish the maximum amount of good. It is a pity for the University that this break might endanger the accomplishments of either group. It is a greater pity that, in the heat of the disagreement, neither group real izes they are harming the University. As the situation now appears, the demand that the Klub sell 1250 tickets seems unrea sonable. According to Kosmet Klub's consti tution, the organization was formed for serv ice to dramatic interests at the University. The group does not have the financial resources to underwrite the demand made on them by the University Theater. The Theater, it seems, has been unwilling to compromise on any of its basic issues. Kos met Klub has offered compromises. The com promises could have kept the two groups to gether, benefitting not only the two groups, but also the University in general. Both groups have stated that no animosity exists. For the sake of the University, we can well hope this is true. "By next September, the tempers involved will have cooled. Maybe at that time a fair solution can be found be tweeen the quarreling groups. The University Theater deserves and needs more ticket sales, but the way to get them is not be turning a cold shoulder to the sources of the biggest ticket sales. Kosmet Klub needs the University theater, as they will realize next spring. New methods must be found for the distri bution and sale of tickets for the University Theater plays. The Kosmet Klub must see the cold facts and use the resources of the Thea ter. Both organizations must stop warring for their own good and come together, in some sort of peace. A solution of this type takes no great gen ius. It merely needs a compromise. Both or ganizations will have to conceed on specific points. D.F. Margin Notes Insomnia Maybe? A New Haven factory worker complained to a judge. The man explained he did not mind working nights to support his wife and her five unemployed brothers, but he wished they would allow him to sleep during the day. Maybe a few students could take note, now that finals are here and hours become "slightly irregular." Luck To The Rescue Gamblers can be found many places, but it is slightly unusual to see a divorced couple engage in the recreation. sYet a Los Angeles man each week delivers $24 to his estranged wife. But the payment does not end at that point. The former hus band insists the wife play gin rummy with him. There has been no report of how much the man wins back however. Those Wise Men There seems to be a few practical men in El Paso, Texas. Four burglars broke into a restaurant, but were side-tracked in their at tempted raid. The mission: cook and eat one seven and one-half pound goose. Bad Luck Accidents seem to happen to some people , more often than others, but a Malone, N. Y, man seems as though he was headed for trouble from the beginning. He was fined $5 for having inadequate brakes. The motorist's name: Howard La- ' Brake. . FIFTY-THIRD TEAK " Member: Associated Collegiate PreM Advertising representative: National Advertising Service, lae, 429 Madison Ave., New York 17. New Tort TK HcAruArmt H paMtaaca by tlx -tiHinf f e EDfTOSUAl! STAFT Ctsfvomlty of bralia m m ipmi of uto" Mttav Solly Hog mm m mili only. AcwimMng to ! U t ht HMttarfal Pat editor........... Tern WanSwaml -' nlart saaiu-atiaa mn4 4tniMM4 Kwutflnc atfltar .tea Bwnm trj fcwj fflt PuMtoatima, "It t Uw sMiunna potter (few RHtr ft. Wn. tMi4 tM pnhliMbttona amtsr It ttiM.ou-Uoa afcai (Jnvr rrtltmi Inner Karmaa ' hViiairi,iiiH . f wt t mmabff M tin funis, f . Edttot mmnmoat hmm ' - ."v, t mm nlm M la atatt at Th. ZZJr editor " f.?ZZ2 mmmm v tm print." PORTE M taw,- . . wU Oenfw, Hart Rwikk, lwlrrn awltsar. Jut T"; ""' ! W t t MK.ktl.ea, Sam Jemwa, ftarha.rm vtmrk, Omim? Vrr, ". W te4 o Twwaair, KMHtMsay and tit Harm ftnartliM, Rnta KMnrrt, Rnrtnn Maim, LowrH T" h""1 " "! K n numwttM Vtwtal, Ralph Nlrhrt, Brm Mtntror. 4ha TmtIII. Kills wrtniia, w mm ipuhiHH aortnc tlw awntta i Awr- Rail, Hrrman Anaerto, Clark GUbs, Braoa Brnrmsna, aa ". fm hp Urn Lemnlu of Nchraaka i-r to Saodnt Cbttm. wt ' iommti nf StiMnnt fabiitiaHnaa. fltlSIKESi 8TAK9 V,tf a wwt ciMw ttmttmt at tlw Peat ia a Mairtnra Managnr.,, Staa mprw Hn-vtm, ymu-hm, iwrt-e art at Mxtnm, Mar. , Aaa't Bailnaac Majwn CM 9to.fR. Ooraa Jaonha, Ifcj. mi-4 it vrtM ws of mar pnrriM It tm Scott hl twi-tn Act f VKvuom nt Ht. S, lull, aataoriae Irtnlatloti Maaar Kna Innra eft. l. . Mt:ht Sewt Editor Marianne Hmw LITTLI MAN ON CAMPUS by biek Btbier The Student Forum vat tlx, "Let's gret in this long one They're either' lined up for 'snap' course or a good teacher." On The Light Side At Loose Ends By JOYCE JOHNSON The saga of a University stu dent is coming to a grinding close. . . . Thus, as the movie travelogues express it, we take leave of this our fair institution and ence aeain lose our Identity as ingred ients of NU to assume the role of the hometown boy and girl. Everywhere students buzz with plans for summer ... a time to build up the pocket book, the brain, and the brawn. " Needless to say, more than clothes will fill the suitcases as each one of you reports to your particular summer front. The beer mug, symbol of gay, carefree companionship and cause for that over loaded, over worked over weight Appearance, will indeed find its place in your prized possessions. Ah, yes. The faded corsage and ticket stub will also be included, for they are the key to each student's hidden, or some not so hidden, desire to find romance and to be one glorious part of the social festivities. a Ah me. The worn -looking football programs. Another catch for collected dust whose ripped covers symbolize the sweat and boisterous enthusiasm 'each of you puts forth to help your team gain that winning ground. What's this, left-over bills! These too are deposited in the suitcase and are significant in that nowhere do you find so many outlets for that green stuff as in a University environment. If there's any room .left in goes the reasons for all the rest. The textbooks, the ones you couldn't sell or hock; or the ones, silly sentimental fool that you are, you decide to keep. Evidence of both grim and grateful stu dious results of a year of fun, fear and fever. Finally, the yearbook is stuffed in before the suitcase completely bends at the seams. Your Corn husker, a neat, but sometimes conservative, summation of your University status. The parents will enjoy flipping its passages to look at your friends, your fac ulty heads, your University, and there on page 134, YOU! As the last article is chucked in the weary bag you think, an other year down, some more to go. However, you know by next fall you'll be ready once again tor the good life, to seek its heights and to overcome its depths. If you, the senior, feel an added nostalgic twinge which seems unbecoming to you, you'll quickly- peel the college stickers off the suitcases and quietly... perhaps even humbly . . mur mur, Thanks far the memories and for the future ... Two On The Aisle 'River Of No Return' Is 'Poor Man's Shane' By BOB PEARMAN Old movie reviewers nevjr die they just graduate. Friend Dick Ralston who usually brings you this weekly lampooning of the world of celluloid, asked me to write today's review since it would be my last opportunity to get a byline in the Nebraskan. Thanks Ricardo. Back in the days when I was staff movie reviewer for the Rag 1 never let a M. Monroe epic go by without taking a few verbal liberties with it. That still holds. a Currently showing at the Stuart is a Monroe bit entitled 'River of No Return." (Ironically enough the last time I was in the Stuart Theater Rise Stevens sang.) Anyway, Mrs. Joltin' Joe, Robert Mitchum, and Director Otto Pre minger of "Moon is Blue" fame, teamed up to distill this poor man's "Shane" Into film, even CinemaScope, yet! - I could burden you with the plot, but I won't. Of cours?, Joe and Jane College fans of Mari lyn's will go see this movie any way. But just in case you wouldn't normally go see Mari lyn, I'll tell you that this is the best job she's done so far. Playing the part of a bar room Sally, she pointlessly saunters through a couple of songs to get the movie off to a pointless start. Soon, hwever, Robert Mitchum, who is this simple love story's hero, sets out with his son to become a dirt farmer in California at the time when all of the other immigrants are, searching yonder hills for precious gold nug gets. His logic is that he may not make as much as the gold seekers who strike, but he'll make more than those who don't strike. (This Isn't really good logic, but he winds up with Miss Monroe at the end of the movie and who cares about logic at a time like that.) a a As I said, I won't burden you with the plot there is one, and that is remarkably unusual. It is University Bulletin Board FRIDAY Lab Theater Plays, 8 p.m., 201. Temple. SATURDAY Phi Lambda Upsilon Spring Picnic, 12:30 p.m.. Pioneer Park. SUNDAY Annual NebrasksB Cornhusker Picnic and Baseball Game, 2 p.m.. Union. a rather thick one even sort of pasty. Not pasty enough to stick together well, but sticky. Due to an unfortunate incident with one of Marilyn's admirers, Mitchum, Monroe and Mitchum's nine-year-old son battle the rapids down the "River of No Return."' It's one of those death defying trips in a hand-hewn raft. On the way to their destination Mitchum subdues one mountain lion, two crooks, several score of red-skins, the rocky rapids themselves and even Miss Monroe. He gets shot at, clawed, knifed, pelted with ar rows, and falls out of the boat at precisly the worst moment at the time they are shooting the rapids. Probably all in all Mitchum won't get an Oscar for his efforts, but perhaps a citation for gallantry, a a Marilyn and Mitchum's number-one-son endure no small amount of inconvenience themselves, but they all triumph in the end. I should mention that Mitchum's first wife died sometime before the movie started, so it is strictly kosher for him to marry Marilyn at the last. The movie ended in a tribute te Canada, for letting 20th Century Fox use Us rifver. The scenery was fine, as it to in most CinemaScopie productions. CinemaScope makes scenery of the outdoor variety look better, but it doesn't do mach for a four walled room. This is mostly because the camera blurs when it makes a fast pan shot, and besides Hollywood has trouble keeping m closet from looking like the ball room of Windsor castle when you see it on the wide screen. .." That does it for this semester. Hope you'll be able to struggle along with "Time" for your movie critiques until next September. . Ktr. I JgaiMHaWamhlaMa SEPARATED R30M SECVTCE IXr-CCE AUGUST 30, 1952, MUST" 5iA5?TTU& R KOREA 61 6lLU TRAINING 6Y AUGUST eat$sh"io GET" UNUfcVi lHfc VfcAUUNfc I ("'--Lr tV 9 I v Def-zd- By DEL HARDING Four years ago it was Lincoln High's 83rd annual commence ment, and this year it's NU's 83rd annual. Was in on the first event and looks like I'll slip through to the second. Came to " this campus , three days out of high school and entered my first class, Poll Sci 1. Today I went to my last, Poll Sci 2. Lotta progress in four years. What does a '54 senior remem ber about his four-year univer sity stint? Quite a conglomera tion of things. That freshman year, when Bobby Reynolds was the magic name and football was the fav orite topic. The once-yearly male gate-crashings of Coed Fol lies The panty raids. The Sad , lers-Wells Ballet, this year's Omaha "Boston Pops" concert, and the '52 Homecoming Dance with Billy May. You remember your toughest final and your easiest course. ' You remember "the" girl who impressed you most or try not to, if she's married. And if you were lucky, as I was, you'll never forget the won derful summer sessions at the beautiful University of Colorado. -You remember the people you've met, the friends you've made and wonder if you'll ever see them again. If you're a PBK, you can look back and be Justly proud of a fine' scholastic record. Or If you're a lousy student as I am, you look back and rationalise that "you coulda done bettor" If you'd have studied. But if you had it to do over again you'd probably do things pretty much the same way. You remember the cokes in ' the Crib, and the midnight chili stops at the Senate. You remem- !l fOUllHI ber the '30 war scare when so many students rushed to the re cruiting stations, and the Omaha flood scare. . You remember Lincoln in gen eral, and wish that the city would furnish some decent places of entertainment a la Tu lagl instead of the , roadside dumps it now . has. ' And you hope that Llncolnltes will someday east aside . their Ironically puritan Ideas concern ing: student morality, and realise the area north of R Street Isn't a monastery inhabited by senile conformists but an area of young people with a normal if some times Impetuous sest for living-. And there are even some of us who remember a warm, schol arly gentleman affectionately known as . Gus one of the na tion's greatest educators and chancellor for our first three years at NU, Dr. R. G. Gustav son. ' So now most of us male gradu ates will be "working for our uncle" for the next few years. Uncle Sam, that is. , It's Naval OCS for this one. then two jolly years of sea-faring adventures! Quoting from Dale Reynolds' excellent Tuesday column, "And in a couple of weeks, I will march to the commencement ex-, ercises with the rest of the group, and take my place with the many who are soon forgotten. "And Nvhile half listening to the commencement speaker tell us that we have not reached our goal, that our work is not done, and the world is Just beginning for us, I will sit with mixed emo tionsthinking 'Thank God it's all over, and at the same time wishing I could do it over again." So with few regrets and a trunkful of . memories it's so long, NU . . . it's been fun. letterip Phi Chi Member Gives Behind Scenes Picture Of Sing Participation Events Dear Editor In the Letterip column of May 11, "Discouraged" questioned the "irregularities" allowed in the Fraternity Ivy Day S:ng. His questions were straightfor ward and certainly his facts were correct. He was referring primarily, of course, to Phi Chi's winning the Fraternity Sing. Al though his remarks were not directed at fhe winning group, it might nevertheless, be worth while to hear the facts regarding Phi Chi's participation in the Sing. About four weeks ago, we called down to Lincoln to fnd out whether or not Phi Chi could sing at Ivy Day, and whether or not we could com pete and . what the rules were this year.- We were told several days later that we eeuld come and slnr, that there was no up per limit on the slxe of the rronp, but that we were too late to enter the competition. We went ahead and planned to come down and sing anyway. A week or so later a member of one of the other medical fra ternities asked us if we had heard from Lincoln and we told him the above facts. He had entered his group previously aflS thought they were competing. He called a Kosmet Klub mem ber who said that he would do all he could to get both of he medical fraternities '. into the competition since neither ona of us had received an official entry form. Nothing came of this, a a Then on the Saturday after noon of Ivy Day, representatives of both medical fraternities talked with the Kosmet Klub member in harge of the Sing. We inquired whether or not we were to compete. He said that he personally would prefer that we didn't but that we could if we wanted to. I said that if wo were eligible, Phi Chi would hk to compete. He said O.K., a ' - Most certainly we did not in tend to break any rules. We concur fully with the attitude of "Discouraged" and are per fectly willing to return the trophy so that it might be pre sented to a more proper winner. We are sincerely sorry that our participation has caused hard feelings or resentment a Our position regarding our participation is this. We are stu dents in the College of Medicine just the same as the Lincoln stu dents are students in the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Dentistry, Agriculture, etc. We are all part of one University. The medical fraternities are very much like the Lincoln fraternities. (Many of us are former members of various ones.) We root for tho same football team. We are con tacted each year by AUF solicit ors from the Lincoln campus and we take part in other University functions, although admittedly, our extracurricular activities are limited somewhat due to the relatively greater demand on our time for school work. . We would certainly appreciate the courtesy of an Invitation to participate in the Interfraternity Ivy Day Sin-. We certainly would abide by the rules. Sinoa we did not receive an entry form this year, we did not ret our application In soon enough, wo did not know about the rules on the size of the group, etc Yours in the interests of a bigger and better Ivy Day. CHARLIE CURTISS. Copped Copy Congressional Record Shows Involved Methods VETERANS AIM1NU1 &4TIUM aftaa Mr. GOLDWATER obtained the floor. Mr. MURRAY, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator from Arizona yield for that purpose? Mr. COLDWATER. I decline to, yield for that purpose. The PRESIDING OFFICER: The Senator from Arizona de clines to yield. ' Mr. GOLDWATER. I should like to know whether it is within my prerogative to refuse to yield. '. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator is correct. He may refuse to yield. The Senator from Artsona declines to yield except for a question. Mr. MURRAY. Do I understand that the Senator from Arizona refuses to yield for the purpose of having a quorum? a Mr. GOLDWATER. The Sena tor from Montana understands the junior Senator from Arizona correctly. , Mr. MURRAY. It seems to me that in connection with legisla tion of such importance as that pending before the Senate oday, we should have a quorum pres ent. Mr. GOLDWATER. It is the opinion of the Junior Senator from Arizona that the Members of the Senate are fully aware of their responsibilities. . Mr. LEHMAN. Mr. President, I make a point of order. Mr. GOLDWATER. Mr. Presi dent The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator from Artsona yield to the Senator from New York? Mr. GOLDWATER. I yield tor a question. ' Mr. LEHMAN, f make a point of order. . , The PRESIDING . OFFICER. Does the Senator from Artsona yield for a point of order? Mr. GOLDWATER. I yield only for a question. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Arizona yields only for a question. Mr. LEHMAN. Does not a Sen ator have a right to raise a point of order? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Not unless the Senator from Art sona yields for that purpose. Mr. LEHMAN. This to a most unusual procedure. (Laughter.) A Yale university economics instructor became tangled up ia his own ticker tape. Instructor Robert E. Will decided to give his class a practical demonstra tion of the working of the stock market. He passed on a tip that New Bristol Oils, Ltd. was on the up. Taking his advice, 'Buy," the members of the class gavn . Will money to buy 1600 shares but the stock fell Then the head of the econc jnics department got wind of the deal, labeled the venture "rather imprudent" and ordered Will to reimburse the students. Will stands to lose about a nickel a shareplus brokerage fees if he sells now. He had no com ment for the press. , Dick Cook, columnist In the Wyoming Brand, passed on ano ther crazy cat Joke. Seems as though a cat Just got a brand new Jaguar and he and a spooky friend decided to try it out He floor-boarded the iron starting v with 70 miles per hour . and gradually increasing it to 135, muttering occasionally, "Man, what an iron!" Just as they .were hitting top speed, the rat who wasn't driving noticed that1 his door wasn't quite shut so he shut it with some effort The cat driving glanced over and said calmly, "Who got in?"...