The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1954, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, April 30, 1954
Statement Of Policy
One of the more difficult tasks of any
newspaper, student or commercial variety,
is to admit making a serious error. Re
tractions, corrections, etc. often do not en
tirely clear up the mistaken impres
sion created by an inaccurate news story
. or other type of coverage, and, at best, puts
the publication in a bad light.
However, The Nebraskan must admit that
it did make a serious error in connection
with letters-to-the-editor concerning the
controversy on religion that started with a
Nebraskan editorial by Jancy Carman
come weeks ago.
The editorial was aimed at showing the
reasons why Religious Emphasis Week was
not observed at the University this year.
Several letters concerning the question fol
lowed, with Marv Friedman and F. J. Pep-
per taking two opposite views on the ques
tion. There were other letters, but Pepper
and Friedman were the big names in the
controversy. It has been proved to our sat
isfaction that several of these other "let
ters" from persons other than Friedman
and 7epper wer ghost writte .
Ordinarily, letters are checked with the
Student Directory andor with the office
of registration to make certain they were
Fun And Knowledge
Last summer two University graduates
won $1,200 on a New York quiz show for
recognizing a song from Finian's Rainbow.
Two months ago a coed was able to an
swer an instructor's question in class be
cause she had seen some demonstrations
and displays in last year's E-Week.
Several years ago a coed attracted the
man of her dreams by her ability to dis
cuss and opine on a choral work by Bach.
Perhaps these testimonies -seem remote
to most of us but practically speaking they
deserve some thought.
This week on the University campus
there are offered an overwhelming number
of cultural and educational events. They
are not just entertainment or traditional.
If the student attends the Kosmet Klub
show he will be able to add to his store
house of knowledge the plot and music of
a top broadway show.
If the student attends the E-Week pro
gram there is no end to technical know
ledge he may pick up.
If the student attends the King David
production he may experience understand
ing of a musical masterpiece studied and
presented by persons who are t of high
standing in that field.
These events are all beneficial and any
student who seeks to round out his under
standing: and knowledge by exploring what
other professional fields have to offer has
the opportunity at his fingertips.
The play is taken from a top notch book.
King David relates to the Bible and is a
musical expression of Biblical emotions.
E-Week is the tangible product of techni
cal knowledge resulting from study and
careful planning.
On Agriculture campus students have
planned Farmers Fair activities, not just
for entertainment but for a display of skill
in organization, competition and technical
knowledge ranging from bronco busting to
pie eating.
Practical? How could the opportunity to
learn so much in one week-end not be
practical? J.H.
Ever Wonder?
Have you ever wondered how many
words are in the English language? Our
language is constantly changing. Some
words are dropped from ordinary speech,
while other words at the same time are
being added.
When a new dictionary was made some
years ago, it was found that the invention
of electricity alone added 4,000 new words
to our language.
Who in heaven's name, you might say,
would ever waste his time counting a 1 1
the words that might exist in the English
language. To what extent this kind of
study may have been made, we don't know,
however some interesting observations
have been made.
Most of the words are purely technical
words, but as the language grows many
of them become common. If we include
most of the "good old words" that are now
on their way out, and most of the newcom
ers that have not yet formally been ad
mitted, the total of the English words is
over 300,000.
In ordinary reading and writing, we use
less than a tenth of all the words in the
dictionary. The average educated man or
woman uses from 3,000 to 5,000 words, but
a person can manage very well with a few
Even some famous authors have used a
comparatively small number of words. Mil
ton, for example used only 8,000. Shakes
peare used 15,000. J.C.
written by legitimate students, or efforts
made to definitely identify the author.
However, the standard operating procedure
in handling "Letterips" was not properly
followed and the "ghost letters" got into
print with non-existent "students" passed
off as the authors.
The reasons for the slip up are not im
portant they can be placed under the
general category of "carelessness." The
checking procedure has been a regular part
of Nebraskan policy, for the ghost writing
attempts are not new things to staff mem
bers. To insure that a similar error does not
occur at a later date, The Nebraskan here
with sets forth the regulations governing
future letters-to-the-editor.
First, letters shall not be more than
100-150 words long. In some cases, letters
over this length might be fully printed;
however, because of space limitations, they
will ordinarily be edited. The Nebraskan
feels that persons writing letters would
much prefer to do their own editing, and
encourage- future letter writers to ob
serve the length requirement.
Second, letter writers are urged to type
their letters, double spaced, on one side of
the paper. However, handwritten letters
will be typed by Nebraskan staff mem
bers. Third, the author's full, legal name must
accompany his letter and must be signed in
handwriting, not simply, typed on. The au
thor's name will be withheld if he desires,
but in every case, the letter must be signed.
Pen names must be accompanied by the
author's legal name. If the author is not a
University student, his address and tele
phone number must accompany the letter.
Fourth, letters to the editor become the
property of The Nebraskan and cannot be
The Nebraskan is truly sorry that its
student readers were presented letters on
any topic, especially one as important as
religion, from persons who did not exist.
The error is a serious one, and will not
The Nebraskan also reminds its readers
that there will be no exceptions to the
above listed regulations governing "Let
terips." T.W.
Margin Notes
Rather Confusing, Isn't It
University zoologists, tak note!
In Strensall, England, a swan and a goose
became the parents of three little well?
Sweese? Gwans?
Two of the young'uns have the yellow
feathers, beak and legs of geese. The third
has the longer neck and gray coloring of
an infant swan.
Living Room Lumber
There is a rumor that some peple have
bats in their belfry, but here is a man who
has a tree in his parlor.
A giant elm tree fills the parlor of an
Oklahoma City home. The owner built his
residence around it 13 years ago when it
was just a sapling. Now, however, there is
more tree than living room and the giant
must be cut down.
Sentimental and resourceful, the owner
plans to use the stump for a lamp base.
Ice Invades The South
The Florida Chamber of Commerce
would never admit this, but the land of
sunshine has an unusual problem.
The coast guard recently discovered an
18-ton iceberg 300 miles off the coast. The
weather bureau couldn't explain how the
hunk of ice got so far south and couldn't
suggest a practicable solution.
Looks like the best thing would be to
just let it melt.
Pretty Fishy, Mister
Fish stories, no matter how far fetched,
never fail to amuse and bring a sly chuckle,
of "You can't fool me." Here's one, as good
as any, that feigns honesty!
A fisherman in a West Virginia state
park vowed he'd beat the rush at the be
ginning of the trout season, so he carefully
planned his tactics. Holding a line a foot
over the lake, he waited until the 6 a.m.
opening to drop it in.
It wasn't his fault, he protested, that a
trout leaped up and snared the bait 10 min
utes before official opening time.
So go the "facts" of the case. Backing
up the fisherman's claims are four witnesses.
Cabinet TNT
A warning was voiced by the city health
commissioner of Cincinnati telling all citi
zens to get rid of the things in cluttered
medicine cabinets. Old adhesive tape, cot
ton and jodine can cause a lot of trouble,
he told a newsman.
"Most medicine cabinets are loaded with
dynamite," he tersely added. The usual
items of first aid should be kept, he said.
The idea sounds good for medicine cab
inets. It might occur to students that the
admonition could be applied to cabinets of
many other types.
JIul VkbhasJum.
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
Advertising representative: National Advertising Service, Inc.
420 Madison Ave.. New York 17. New York
Tkm fttW-aakaa M putillah bf th atndanta at tha
iiwjTwrwirf anr neorsaaa aa an prita)n at atudxnca'
KtoKin only. Aaaurtllm to ihiii 1 1 4 .a.
My-lMt (nvarnini aludi-nl puhllrntlon and 4mtnlstnrf
bf lit Boor at fulillrnUmu. u tbc 4ielrra ao!Sc
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w or mu la b orlntaa."
tubwHntot intra an $t a tamntar, rl.tol mailed.
i for I ha colllr. .,,, n niaUr. Hlnl cup la fla.
aania. ftibllkltrd aa ruaadaa. HadnrMlat and tridai
turn tOa arftiml rf, txrept variation nd examination
Sarfcxta. line la.u puhllxtird durtni lb amintb l Aim
M Ma ink b tba llnlvrnlta n Nrhrantaa undrtr tb
miMirviKii ml tba iummtllra lit Stiirtrm V uhllratliuM.
,iar aa awrotid elaaa matter at the fnat litfle la
MrtitoM, NabnMk. erutoa r at linuwraaa. Marrb 1.
avnd t tprt.l rata r.1 (malar a provided tar la
twH'tloa lifrt. Ae of Congrasa f ttet. S. 1017. authorlM
MPt. IS. ISit,
Sally Rati
.Ton Woodward
. . alM Harnaoa
Kdltnr ,
Editorial rare Editor
Manaslnt Kdltor.
wa Editor , iu Noali.
l opjr editor! June Carman. Dick rellman,
. . Martaim Haoaan. time Harvra
S t Man retereon
" Kdltor Gary rrandaes
Hevarty Deepo, Harriet Kueicc, l.iirUrar Hwltzer, Jack
Kramlarn, Vtllllamette Dearh, Barbara Klrke. Marrla
Mlrkrlaen, Ham Jrtiarn. Barbara Clark, branny Warren,
Harold Kiiaellua, Rutb Klrlnert. Burton Mann, Ixwrll
V ratal. Kalpb Nlrkrl, Brure Mlntrrr, John Teriill, tenia
Hall. Herman Anderaon, Lark (iihha. Bruce Hruajmann.
Hndra Curraui.
B 1181 NljB! STAfr
Bnaliicee Manager Man Hippie
Aaa't Bualnoaw Manager ... Chet Slnrer. Dnrnn 4awba,
Hrnll Chile
t'lri'iiiaitnn Manager Ron Inne
Mint Kevvi Grara Harvey
The Slide Rule
The Student Forum
Gaining Purpose Of Life
Aim Of College Learning
What Ment . . .
Dr. James A. McCain, the
speaker at the recent honors
convocation, gave us something
to think about when he spoke.
But first let me summarize his
background so that we might
know the basis for his thoughts.
Dr. McCain succeeded Milton
Eisenhower as president of Kan
sas State College in 1951. From
1950 until 1954 he was president
of Montana State University.
Previously McCain served, as
dean of personnel at Colorado
State College from 1938 to 1940
and was later director of Sum
mer sessions there. In 1940, he
received his doctorate degree
from Stanford University,
I think that Dr. McCain's mes
sage might give a key tothe
question of what positive action
night be taken, if any, to culti
vate a degree of quality in our
selves before graduation.
Dr. McCain brought out a sig
nificant comparison when he
stated that in the year 1952-53
Russia graduated 40,000 engin
eers as compared to some 24,000
j graduated in the U. S. however,
he asserted, tne u.a. maintains
a superior quality of human re
sources. "These qualities are
our freedom and our system of
universal education," said Dr.
He went on to note, "Freedom
of inquiry, to follow the search
for truth wherever it leads,
has given us maximum bene
fits from human intelligence.
The wide access our youth have
to university education has ena
bled us to cultivate our human
resources to a degree unequalled
McCain then pointed out that
the larger Russian population
makes it unlikely that we will
ever match Russia numerically
in graduates. Our sole course
of maintaining superiority there
fore lies in a superior quality of
g r a d u a tes, engineering and
A serious underlying purpose
then, we might say, should aug
ment our time spent in college,
We might go on to assume that
our guiding principles are hon
orable as well as feasible; in
short, that our purpose in life
be developed while we are here
at college.
But what do these phrases,
"underlying purpose," "guiding
principles," and "the purpose in
life" really mean?
They mean just this: The
integrity of the graduate should
have been developed to the state
at which he can be depended
upon to function as a mature
The mature individual might
assume a number of character
istics according to his work, but
there are a few characteristics
On The Light Side
Moose Lids
Time is running out for that
group of four-year students who
will soon be disposed of.
What is this entity labeled Sen
iors? They belong to that group,
which for four years could hardly
wait to be seniors, and when
they achieved this distinction
would then like to pull a blanket
over their heads and momentarily
forget where they've been or
where they're going.
They are also that group who
have built four homecoming dis
plays, listened to culture rules
on "How to Treat a Date" for
four years and have consumed
approximately 3,000 cups of cof
fee. Undoubtedly the 1954 class has
shown no unusual earmarks of
superiority over previous classes.
However, I am sure this class
will remember the extraordinary
events which have made their
four years different from any
The indecision of quitting
school with the outbreak of the
Korean War, the memories of
the now famous panty raid, and
the historical feats of Husker
worrier, Bobby Reynolds, are all
significant flashbacks to the
class of '54.
Like every senior class, this
group is busily, or lehargically,
eyeing the future.
Senior coffee groups no longer
ponder over next year's, class
schedule or whether there will be
a Mortar Board Ball.
Instead future plans, as vari
ated as the individuals, hold full
sway in bull sessions.
Such plans range from the
novel ... as selling tomato juice
on Mondays at Roca, to the am
bitious ... as repainting the
painted desert.
Other planners are earnestly re
ducing their beltlines to fit into
those Uncle Sam uniforms wait
ing for them after June.
Still others can't quite forget
the smell of new textbooks and
the pride in freshly written term
papers as they pursue their grad
uate work plans.
a a
There ae also those whose ini
tial plans involved touring the
continents and perhaps remain
ing abroad to work who are now
seriously contem plating such
points of interest as Waverly a
the thought of making a living
becomes a closer reality.
Finally, there are just those!
Whether it's an honor or a
frustration to be tabbed a senior
belongs to the individual.
However, at times the only
group who Is aware of the glory
and superiority which supposedly
accompanies senior standing are
the seniors themselves.
For example, one senior dis
covered her "has-been, fading
away" status when a freshman
busy-body blankly approached her
to work in activities.
See you at the freshman work
ers' mass meeting!
that can be counted upon to
show in every man.
First of all, a graduate should
assume a sense of integrity when
dealing with his fellow man.
Integrity is reflected by the abil
ity to shoulder responsibility as
well as to carry through on a
job that is started. I would
suppose that a man is considered
more of a success if he carries
one job to completion than if he
vascillates between three or four
jobs without success in any of
his assignments.
Other signs of maturity be
come evident in an individual
when he stands for his convic-
tions. In most cases he will '
have made sound decisions as far
as his economic, political, and
religious beliefs are concerned,
and he can be counted upon to
maintain these views. Further
more, he can be expected to
make further decisions in what
ever field he is concerned with
equal confidence.
These are just a few of the
characteristics of a mature and
quality graduate. These quali
ties do point towards one thing,
however, and that is a real pur
pose in life.
With this kind of an attitude,
then, we may graduate with
some essence of the quality .of
which Dr. McCain speaks, as
well as the experience of having
dealt with each other as men
and women instead of boys and
There certainly has been a lot
of hustle and bustle around
school this week. Baggy-eyed
Kosmet Klubbers have been
working night and dav making
final preparations for their
Spring Show, energetic Engin
eers have been assembling their
weird demonstrations for E
Week, and the Cow College
Crew have been busy polishing
their spurs for Farmers Fair. Al
so this week, the air was filled
with the excitement, and disap
pointment that always accom
panies the NROTC Awards, the
selection of the new Cornhusker
staff, and the presentation of the
new Corn Cob Officers. Corn Cob
initiates were seen parading
around wearing corn cob neck
laces which the seniors had
placed on them, and one or two
discouraged juniors were later
seen hobbling.
All oi' the above, and more
events forthcoming, indicate that
' the year is drawing to a climax
as well as to a close. From now
on, most students will be going
from crisis to crisis until the
last exam is over.
But getting back to the organ
ized entertainment scheduled for
this week, I think that the
Farmers, the Engineers, and the
Kosmet Klubbers all deserve a
round of applause and certainly
full-fledged student support in
their endeavor to contribute
something worthwhile to our
I haven't as yet had an
opportunity to partake in E
Week or Farmers Fair, but I
did see "Finian's Rainbow," the
Kosmet Klub show. Uo say the
least, I was quite impressed: I
was amazed at the quality of tal
ent displayed, and awed by the
size and splendor of the under- '
However, I was not surprised
when I learned that Nick Amos,
the boy lead, has appeared pro
fessionally with the Chicago Mu
sic Theater in such top musicals
as "Kiss Me Kate," "Allegro,"
"Carousel," and "Brigadoon." I
also learned than Jan Harrison,
the girl lead, has done summer
stock work the past few seasons
with the Springfield Municipal
Opera Company. In addition to
such shows as "Desert Song,"
and "Vagabond King," Jan
played the lead in Victor Her-
bert's "The Only Girl."
I hardly recognized Marv
Stromer. who plays the title role
of Finian, for he looks truly like
a little old Irishman. Other per
formers appearing in the show
such as Hank Gibson, Dick
Marsh, Elaine Hess, Peggy Lar
son and several more are veter
ans of the University Theater.
And incidently, there is a cute
little red -head, Who takes th
part of a tobacco sorter, that
dances like something you would
see at Minsky's Rialto.
I am given to understand that
"Finian's Rainbow" is the biggest
production Kosmet Klub has
ever attempted. It seems that in
the past, Kosmet Klub has pro
duced hit Broadway shows of the
twenties, such as "Girl Crazy,"
"Good News," and "Anything
All in all, "Finian's Rainbow"
is a great show. May. I recom
mend it to you?
Applicants This Spring Have an Advantage
In Room Selection
' Apply Now and Select Your Room For Fall
All accomodations are for room and board
Rates, $260 per semester.
Payable quarterly or in lump sum.
In addition, the Residence Halls will offer a television
room, ping-pong and game rooms, a snack bar and a
complete social and intramural program.
Application and contract forms are available at the University
Housing Office, Administration Building, Room 209.
Complete information is included on the contract form, or
call the Residence Halls Phone, 2-7651.
Graduate students will be accepted in the Residence
Halls beginning this fall. One entire section of the Resi
dence Halls will be set aside for graduate students.
i iiilill 'KBSsmK"
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itaiamraiiiawaar" 'm-mrimmi-mmmmmm'mmmmmmmmmmmmwiiimm
"Training can really be interesting. I
found that out when I joined A.T.&T.'s
Long Lines Department after getting
my B.A. at Cincinnati and my M.A. at
' Michigan in '52. Long Lines is the
organization specializing in Long Dis
tance communications. I was put in the
training program, and there wasn't a
dull minute. .
"For instance, one of my jobs in the
Traffic Department was estimating the
exact number of calls that would be
placed in a city on Christmas Day. My
estimate was off by only 68 calls!
"Then in the Plant Department, I
made a study of damage done to a certain
cable. Found out that the most damage
occufVed in an area used by hunters.
Some special public relations work
among hunters helped improve that
Mi t
i Dick Wallneb, '52, loft a
trail of work M he whirled
through a year of telephone
training. Here he recall -the
variety of hi training job.
(Reading time: 36 teconds)
"And in the Commercial Department,
1 helped analyze the communication prob
lems of one of the largest textile com
paniesit had widespread offices and
plants. The recommendations made ara
now in use.
"The variety in my training has carried
over to my regular job here in Cincinnati,
My job is to see that good service is
maintained for private, line customers
pipeline and power companies, theater
TV and the like. Every day is different
"As far as I am concerned, I've found
my career."
Like so many college people who have joined
the Bell System, Dick has a job he enjoys.
There are also job opportunities with other
Bell Telephone Companies, the Bell Tele
phone Laboratories, Western Electric and
Sandia Corporation. This is a good time to
see your Placement Officer for full details.
'Hp? yrtw-