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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1954)
yen Glairsnie Off Shugrue, Mapes Selected For Nancy Odum, junior in the school of Journalism, was named editor of the 1955 Corn husker, and Mike Shugrue sophomore in English, was chosen Business Manager. The announcement was made by the Committee on Student Publications after interviews held Tuesday evening. Fourteen persons applied for the nine po rtions that were open. A new position, layout editor, was created, replacing two copy editor positions previously on kthe staff. Sue Ramey, sopho more in Journalism, wll fill the newly created post. She' is a member of Builders, NUCWA, Tassels and Gamma Phi Beta and was previously a section head. Miss Odum is a junior ma joring in English and journal ism and was a managing editor this year. She is a vice-president of Builders and member of Gamma Phi Beta. Shugrue is a member of New man Club, Corn Cobs and Phi Kappa Psi. He was formerly, an assistant business manager on the Cornhusker. Mary Janes Mapes, junior ma joring in English, was appointed associate editor. She is a mem ber of Gamma Phi Beta, vice president in charge of publicity for AUF and was a managing editor on the 1954 yearbook. John Gourlay, sophomore ma joring in political science, was appointed to one of the three managing editor poistions. He is a Cam Cob, a member of Beta Wilson, Castner Named Soloist, Chain Director Ivy Day Processional Planned Kathleen Wilson and Rosemary Castner have been selectetd as soloist and chain director for 1954 Ivy Day festivities. During the processional of the Ivy and Daisy Chains, Miss Wil son, a senioir music major, will sing "Ivy Song." Miss Castner, a senior in the Wilson Castner Awards To Go To Sororities, Fraternities Recognition will again be given to men and women's organized houses for scholarship and ac tivities on Ivy Day, May 6 Awards are based on scholar ship house activities and repre sentation in extra-curricular ac tivities. Blanks have been sent to all organized houses for "infor-na-tion concerning the participation of members in campus activities and scolastic records. Each ac tivity position, as well as scholarship, is pointed accord ing to a specific scale. On the basis of the compiled results of points, the awards are made. Last year's winners of the Mortar Board award were Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Gamma r.nd Kappa Kappa Gamma, respec titvely; winners of the Innocunts sward were Farmhouse, Zeta Beta Tau and Beta Theta Pi, respectively. Barbara Raun and Neala O'Dell are in charge of the Mor tar Board award. Bob Peterson is chairman of the Innocents award committee. .-V . ..vJ E-Week Spillway Display One of the displays to be the Hydraulics fD'"dl"! i u tt.wooU rwn Verl Clausen (left) operates House Thursday will be row section of a spillway roirDysiicer Theta Pi and previously was a section neaa. Carole Unterseher, sophomore in elementary education, was appointed managing editor. She is a member of Delta Gamma and was a section head. Janet Gordon, sophomore in English, is the third managing editor. She is a member of Builder's board, Sigma Delta Tau and was a section head on this year's book. Dick Reische, freshman in arts and science, was appointed as sistant business manager. He is a Union worker and a member of Beta Theta Pi. Dick Odum. freshman in business administration, is the ilcjf To Sponsor rtiosp Wednesday Activities To Include Tours, Coed Style Show, Luncheon Home Economics Hospitality Day activities Wednesday will include tours, a style show, a variety of entertainment, a luncheon and a panel discussion. The all-day occasion will ac quaint more than 800 high school girls from all dver the state with the University home economics department. Morning activities school of music, has been direct ing the chain bearers in their singing, Miss Castner and Miss Wilson were chosen by Moortar Boards as two of the outstanding senior women in the field of music. MISS WILSON is president of Mu Phi Epsilon, music sorority, and a member of Madrigals and University Singers. She is also directing the Kappa Delta Ivy Day sing. Miss Castner is a member of Delta Omicron, music sorority, a choir director and a member of Madrigals. She is affiliated with Chi Omega. Miss Castner and Miss Wilson will direct practices with the chains Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Union and Tuesday at 5 p.m. in Temple Building. The 40 members of the 'ivy Chain and 75 members of the Daisy Chain will be announced Friday. Darlene Goodding and Connie Clark Karges are in charge of the chain members. SC Candidates All candidates for Student Coun cil representatives who did not have their pictures taken for the 1954 Cornhusker should contact Muriel Pickett at 2-7875. Dimeirs Plans For Display Include Initial Showing Of Color TV Engineer's open house Thurs day from 2 to 10 p.m. will commence Engineer's Week activities. Some of the items which will be on display during open house are: musical grinding wheels, rubber roads, ramjet and turbo jet engines and the initial showing of color television in Nebraska. A Van DeGraff generator will this the pump as John W. Tom- in barce and Robprt Peterson, Top Posts other assistant business man ager. He is" assistant business manager for the Student Direc tory and a member of Sigma Chi. Both Reische and Odum. were Cornhusker business workers this year. Barb Adams was 1954 Corn husker editor and J. Benedict was this year's business man ager. . Dr. William J. Arnold is chairman of the publications board which is composed of fac ulty and student members. The board will conduct interviews for Nebraskan staff positions May 13. Applications may be nicked .un at the nublir rela- tions office and are due May 10. ifsaiity Hoy will begin with a style show in which scholarship activities and other aspects of campus life will be interpreted through cos tumes made by coeds in home economics courses. At a luncheon the visiting high school girls will be entertained by a series of skits and acts. Rocky Yapp will emcee the pro gram. THE AFTERNOON program will include tours of the campus buildings. Students will witness food and nutrition and clothing classes in session. The prepsters will visit the food-nutrition lab, child development lab and ap plied arts department. The students will be divided into groups and participate in a panel discussion. A puppet show will be presented to each dis cussion group by Jeanette Selk. Home Economic Hospitality Day is sponsored by the Home Economics Department. Dr. Jo sephine Brooks, associate pro fessor of home economics, is fac ulty chairman. Barbara Raun is student chairman. Seven other chairmen are assisting Miss Raun. Farmers Fair Schedule FRIDAY 9:00 a. m. Tours begin on campus. 12:00 a. m. Midway opens. 2:00 r. m. Rodeo. 5:30 p. m. Barbeque west of Ag Union. 8:00 d. m. Dairy Royal in Horse Barn Arena SATURDAY 9:00 a. m. Tours begin on Ag Campus. 10:00 a. m. 11:30 a. m. Parade througn downtown Lincoln. Pie eating contest at Ag Union. Midway opens. 12:00 a. m. 2:00 p. m. Rodeo. Cotton and Denim 9:00 p. m. Dance, Ag Union. cause spectator's hair to literally stand nn end and door knobs to glow. The electrical engineers are planning to put approxi mately 200 people in their elec tric chairs and apply a half million volts. Liquid air, which freezes a rubber ball so hard that it shatters when bounced, will also be shown to approximately 10,000 visitors. ALL OF the displays and Weelc Ac With peon :S's'v f'nuriiw Hundny .Imirmil ami Suit co-chairmen ol Open House, look on. The displays will be open to the public from 2 to 10 p.m. Volume 74, No. 81 The opening performance of Kosmet Klub's Spring Musical, "Finian's Rainbow," will be pre sented Thursday in the Nebraska Theater at 8 p.m. Tickets priced at $1.80 for re served seats, $1.50 for general admission and $1.10 for upper balcony seats can be purchased from Kosmet Klub workers, booth workers in the Union, Walts Music Store, or the University telephone number, 2-7631, may be called night or day to take names Lab Plays To Begin Thursday Program Includes Murder Mystery Three one-act laboratory thea ter plays will be presented Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 201 Temple Building. "The Wonder Hat" is a farce which centers around love and confusion caused by a wnder hat and a magic dinner. Written solely for entertainment, the play will be directed by Barbara Leieh and produced by Morse Weisgurt. THE CAST will include Jim Boling as Harlequin; Amer Lin coln, Pierrot; Jim Copp, Punch inello: Jean Carol DeLong, Col umbine, and Marilyn Breitfelder as Margot. "The Eldest," directed by Neala O'Dell, raises the problem of sacrifice required by one member of the family when the mother of the family becomes an invalid. CAST MEMBERS are: Luanne Raun, Rose; Clare Hinman, neighbor; Rod Holmes, Pa; Ted Nittler, Al; Ann Corcoran, Floss, and Charles Klasek, Henry Selz. "Trifles," directed .by Morrel Clute and produced by Charles Klasek, concerns the fact that a man is found murdered in his bed. As his wife is the major suspect, the play is concerned with the question, "Did she mur der her husband?" INCLUDED IN the cast are: Jean Weddle, Mrs. Hale; Valerie Hompes, Mrs. Peters; Jack Par- ris, Mr. Hale; Don Bartlett, sher iff, and Bill Doleman, county attorney. The lab productions are open to the public. No admission win be charged. I demonstrations are based on a principle which is widely tsed in present-day mausxry. mpua- sis is made on the eaucauonai aspects of the displays in an attempt to eive high school stud ents a preview of what they will be studying it tney major in engineering. An engineering convocation will be held on Friday at 11 a.m. in Love Library. The speak er will be Harry Wesly Brown, a University alumnus now pro duction design engineer ior a California aircraft company. Rrown will speak on "Engin eers in Industry," part of which will be concerned with the ram jet engine (to be shown at open house.) He plans to show a film revealing the first actual flight in which an aircraft was sus tained in flight by the use of a ramjet engine alone. BROWN ATTENDED t h e University from 1935 to isjh after transferring from Wayne State Teachers College. While at the University, Brown was a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Sigma Xi science honorary, vice presi dent of Sigma Tau and c mem ber of the Engineering Executive Board. As a senior in 1938, Brown was given the O. J. Fee award for outstanding achievement in the College of Engineering and Architecture. He received his B. S. in mechanical engineering in 1938 and was graduated with distinction. IN 1941 he was an instructor in the Aeronautical Course of Engineering Defense at the Uni versity of Texas. He received his Master's degree in Aeronau tical Engineering from the same institution in 1944. The engineer's annual picnic and field dav events will be held Friday afternoon al Pioneer park. The finals of the soft ball tournament between the various engineering departments will be held at the picnic. Other events such as egg throwing and a tug-of-war are also planned, j(k s Ifflimoatn) s 11 Opeon Tickets, LINCOLN, ulniyn In All Price and addresses for those wanting tickets. More than 60 people including leads, dancing and singing chor uses will be featured in the Broadway musical. Starring in the production are Nick Amos as Woody and Jan Harrison as Sharon. Hank Gib son will portray Og, the lepre chaun; Elaine Hess, Susan Ma honey, the dancing leads and Marv Stromer tne title roie ieaa, Finian. Supporting cast includes Dick Marrs, Ben Zinnecker, Janet Boyd, Fred Coats, Charlie Way mire and Sue Ramey. The plot of the musical con cerns Finian McLonergan of Glocca Morra, Ireland, who knows why all Americans are millionaires. (Everyone in the world thinks so; everyone except Americans, that is). By a process of mathematics, logic and moonbeams, he devises the McLonergan theory which re veals the answer: The magical soil of Fort Knox that gives gold phenomenal qualities hitherto unsuspected by even the gold it self. In order to come to America, Finian "borrows" a pot of gold that provides the power to make wishes for the mortals of Ireland from gnomes, elves and lepre chauns. Finian arrives in Rainbow Val ley with his daughter, Sharon, and plants a pot of gold. The leprechaun comes in pursuit, ut tering dire warnings of misery and destruction. Wishes are made on the pot of gold, and history veers crazily from its path. The news gets out that gold has been discovered on McLon ergan's property and credit, cal ico gowns and tractors pour into the valley. Sharon is about to get the rain bow her father has always prom ised her a boy for her heart and pennies for her purse when the leprechaun's predictions materi alize. The play, based on a book by E. Y. Harburg and Fred Saidy, opened on Broadway in 1947 and went on a national tour in 1948. Songs include: "How Are Things in Glocca Morra," "Old Devil Moon," "If This Isn't Love" and "Look to the Rain bow." John Tolch, technical director of the University Theater, is the director of the show. Frank Bock, instructor in speech and dramatic art, is technical direc tor. "Finian's Rainbow" will be presented Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. "Most Eligible Bachelors" will be presented at intermission Thursday night. tflVflDies To complete the day, engineers will assemble in the Hotel Lin coln Ballroom for the 1954 E Week banquet. After the smor gasbord dinner, the awards for E-Week and outstanding engin eers will be presented. Don Madsen, editor of the Nebraska Blueprint, monthly magazine published by Univer sity engineering students, will present the awards for Blueprint sales and work done on the Blue print. The Sigma Tau freshman award will be presented by Dan Rasdal, vice-president of Sigma Tau. THE SIGMA Tau freshman award consists of a gold medal given by Sigma Tau, engineering honorary fraternity, to the soph omore engineering student who had the highest academic aver age in his class. Bob Petersen, retiring presi dent of Sigma Tau, will present the Sigma Tau class memorial, a picture of Dean Stout, former Dean of the College of Engineer ing and Architecture. The pic ture is to be hung in the newly remodeled Civil Engineering building, Stout Hall. Roy M. Green, dean of the College of Engineering and Architecture will present the Ferguson award to the outstanding senior in the College of Engineering and Ar chitecture. This award is given to the outstanding senior in the College of Engineering and Ar chitecture who best personifies the ideals of professional service and good citizenship. The award will consist of a brief citation and a gold key to be given to the honoree. BOB PETERSEN will present a plaque to the engineering de partment winning the field day events. John Tombarge, E-Week co-chairman and president of Eta Kappa Nu, electrical engin eering honorary, will present the plaque to the winners of the overall -Week competition. Fallowing the banquet and awards, engineers and their dates will dance to the music of Jimmy Phillips and his orchestra in the ballroom. NEBRASKA n VP Saax7 isv Ranges, Finian's Rainbow In a scene from "Finian's Rainbow," Kosmet Klub Spring Show opening Thurs day, Marv Stromer (right), as Finian, comforts his daughter, Sharon, played by TC Park Named Top Senior Midshipman; Watches, Medals, Sword Given Sixteen University NROTC students received awards Tues day at an annual proficiency awards program. Eldon Park, top midshipman graduate of the naval science four-year course, was awarded a wrist watch. James Skinner, outstanding senior graduate of the Marine Corps course was presented a Marine Corps dress sword. BERT BISHOP, senior mid shipman with second high schol arship in the naval science four year course, received a wrist watch. William Bailey, senior mid shipman who displayed out stand aptitude in the four-year coure in naval science, was also presented a wrist watch. James Tangdall, senior mid shipman who displayed out standing proficiency in naval engineering, was given an elec tric shaver. Thomas Woodward, junior cited for contributing most to morale and esprit de corps, re ceived a wrist watch. GERALD ERIKSEN, junior midshipman who displayed out standing proficiency in naviga tion, was given a wrist watch. waiter Brestel, jr., sopnomore midshipman who displayed out standing proficiency in naval weapons, received a bronze plaque and luggage case. Donald Shaner, sophomore midshipman who displayed greatest improvement, was pre sented a wrist watch. Donald Beck, freshman mid shipman who displayed out standing proficiency in naval Ivy Day Sing A complete list of chorus members participating in the Ivy Day Fraternity Sing com petition must be submitted to Marshall Kushner no later than Friday. The Outside World By WILLIE DESCH Staff Writer J Dulles Wins Victory GENEVA A diplomatic victory came for United States Secre tary of State Dulles when the 16 nations which fought on the United Nation's side in Korea decided on a compromise formula to rotate chairmanship ot the sessions at the Geneva conference Thailand, Russia and Britain will have charge of the session. Dulles had warned that he would walk out of the parley imme diately if the Chinese Communists were permitted to preside. The reason for the compromise by the Soviet delegation they said was in order that the serious business at hand peace in Indo-China and a settlement in Korea could be discussed. Mrs. Bowring Sworn In WASHINGTON Mrs. Eve Bowring, newly appointed Senator from Nebraska to fill the vacancy created by the death of Dwight Griswold, was sworn in as the second woman in the Senate. Vice President Richard M. Nixon administered the oath. Mrs. Bowring was introduced to the Senate by Sen. Hugh Butler, senior senator from Nebraska. Mrs. Bowring refused to say what stands she will take on legislation but she added that she is not unaware of the current activities in Congress. Army-McCarthy Hearings Continue WASHINGTON The cross-examination of Secretary of the Army Stevens continued into the fourth day. The charges are that Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) and his aides sought special military favors for a former aide. Pvt. G. David Schine, and counter charges are that Army officials sought to halt or divert McCarthy's search for subversives in the Army. It was announced by- Chairman Mundt (R-SD) that any surprise "mystery" witnesses would be barred from testifying in the senatorial inquiry. Wednesday, April 28, 3954 Available Jan Harrison. Sharon hat just been accused of witch craft because a wish she had made over a pot of gold came true. ii .waras orientation, was given a wrist watch. BRUCE LIPPKE, cited as dis playing outstanding marksman ship, received a silver medal. Richard McKee, cited for ex cellence in marksmanship, re ceived a silver medal. John Thomas was cited for ex cellence in naval science. Floyd Mason and Robert Johnson were cited for excellence in marine science. John Marks, senior midship man who was outstanding in electrical engineering, received a gold medal. The awards were contributed by Lincoln business firms'. A. Q. Schimmel of Lincoln was prin cipal speaker. Captain Davis To Orient NU Army Cadets Advanced Army cadets who are about to be commissioned will be orientated Thursday by Captain Davis, representative of Fifth Army Headquarters. Davis, an officer of the trans portation division of the Army, will present an illustrated orien tation on the Army Aviation Program including explanations of qualifications for Army avia tors, training involved and duties to be perrformed. AN INCREASED need for Army aviators has opened op portunities for Army officers to receive pilot training. With this training, they are able to qualify as pilots of light planes and helicoptors used by the Army for observation and transporta tion purposes. Students who have further in terest ,3 the training program will be invited to attend a group talk by Davis. They will also be given an opportunity to reg ister for individual interviews. v J g , .f I ' 1 : fh i t ' Lo U A.