The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1954, Page Page 3, Image 3
n, , i. il Tin-' irmrni -itn-ilnr im n.. .1 mi ft iimhi'm , .mi.U' ni MalffiftMnaMiW Tuesday, April 27, 1954 THE NEBRASKA Pag S ask Met Husker Mush Mmmed pji nl Coach former Pro Cage Star n K. n Gerard L. (Jerry) Bush Mon day was named basketball coach at the University of Nebraska, Athletic Director Bill Orwig an nounced. Bush, 39, is presently head coach at the University of To ledo where he has been since 1947. His teams have won 129 games and lost 59. In 1954 his Toledo team won the Mid-American Conference championship, losing to Penn State in the NCAA Championships. "The University of Nebraska is very fortunate to be able to procure a basketball coach whp has all the capabilities possessed by Mr. Bush," Athletic Director Orwig said. "Bush hat a vast knowledge of the came and is an excellent teacher. He possesses a bubbling personality and is a pleasing pub lic speaker. "Mr. Bush was selected from fine 001 TEH lImTllllE, . A TIME!'? 'THE QUEST OF EVERE ir V Print. Isnf TECHNICOLOR fi lfinf Hist rf finriHnnnci T am looking forward to great things in the basketball department at the University of Nebraska." Bush, a Scotch-Irishman, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y. in 1915, graduating from Erasmus High School there. A Methodist. Bush attended St. John's College, gra duating with a Bachelor of Sci ence degree in 1938. He played three yean of var sity basketball and baseball there. He was named an All- American in basketball in 1937 and 1938, All Madison Square Garden tournament player in 1936-'37-'38 and All-Metropolitan In the same period. He later played professional basketball with the Kate Smith Celtics, 1938; Akraon Firestones, 1939-'40-'41; Rochester Royals, 1942; Fort Wayne Zollners, 1943-'44-'45-'46-'47. He won AU-Ameri-ean Professional team honors five years and was selected as one of the 10 best all-time all professional players. Bush is married and the father of three daughters. He is 6 feet 4 and weighs 225. Seven Softball Games Played As Spring Campaign Opens Bush is a low 70 shooter in ant ind roaphpd the SDort .it Toledo along with the basketball team. He comes to Nebraska on a three-year contract at $8,200 a year. He will how tne ramc oi an associate professor. Ttimh win assume his new du ties here June 1 but will be here the week of May 16-23 to meet the Cornhusker players ana to at tend the Big Seven Conference meetings at Boulder, Colo., where the 1955-56 conference schedules will be drawn. By FRANK SORENSON Sports Staff writer i v it K : Y In Fourteen team saw artlon Thursday and Friday nights as the ball met the bat to inaugu rate the 1954 Intramural Soft ball Tourney. Of the ten games scheduled for play only seven were played. In the closest battle of th first two days of action, Alpha Tau Omega downed Sigma Chi 4-2 In a game marred by er rors by both teams. The Sigs jumped off to a 1-0 loo I 4n ,h ton of the first in- nintf and added their second and last in the third frame to lead 2-0. In the bottom of the fourth Mac Bailey came across tne plate on a hit by Ken Kunes to n Then In the fourth frame three Tau players scored to end the scoring lor xne eve n in ff in th too of the sixtn me Sigs had a chance to win or tie the game with the bases loaded, hnt rood nitching by Larry Wilson ended the rally. A pe culiar mark of the fame wii that each pitcher rave up only two hits. Kunes and Bill Weber connected for the winners while Jack Todd and John Carper nn safely for the Sigs. Phi Kappa Psi rolled up sir runs in the first inning and then on to hold off the Phi Delta Theta nine lor five in nings to cop their initial win 6-2. Numerous walks in the first inning by Phi Delt pitcher Bob Knapple hurt the loser's cause. ir fnur frpA trios in the opening frame and then went, on to only walk two more the rest of the game. The score books were not ..oiioKio fnr the rest of the CI v (w - - - - irnmpc that were Dlayed. How ever, the scores are available. rial Tti rtita ia. xifftna rvju . Ritrmm Phi Kmilon 12. Phi GlIBini isciia a. , . i Beta Tneu n U sigma Aipoi ion z. Siima Alpha Ma 18, Delta Siana Phi S. Zeta BeU Tau, F, Theta Chi. F. fii S1 O TP Cornhusker Co-op 3. Nebraska Co-op F. vootA leans flfoppco irom unnnuucDi. 4 TtnaiBg lorlrty in a e& from "Coaqnest of E?-ertt". K-Sfafe Topples Huskers Kansas State's surprising Wild- tc hanHoH thp TTnivprsitv nf Ne braska basbeall team their third straight B i g Seven - defeat in Manhattan Monday, earlier tne Scarlet had suffered a pair of uraalranri talents in Tnicht.v Okla homa. The Cats took care of the Huskers 6-0. Both tangle again today. Mhniiilca Brown 3b Becker It Seter 2b Novak lb Mallette rf ibhet 4 13 3 4 0 2 0 4 1 S 3 4 0101 4 10 0 Cederd'hl cf 4 0 3 0 Lohrberac 2 0 11 Coufal n 3 0 2 1 Bsckhnul 110 0 Wriiht p 4 10 2 Total! Kansas State R Whitehead V Stnt ah h a a Whiteh'd 3b 4 1 0 3 Prigmore n z 1 4 1 Reite'er If Myers c Hartsh'n lb Logsdon c( Zeller rf Hen'ssey 2b Rhoades p 3 15 0 4 15 0 4 3 7 1 10 5 1 3 10 1 8 0 0 0 4 0 11 34 5 24 11 Totals 28 8 27 8 OOO OIK) ouu u 023 010 OOx 6 Prigmore, Keitemeier, Goffers Lose Husker Tennis Squad Takes First Win Of Young Season Coach Ed Higgonbotham's University of Nebraska tennis team picked up tneir nrsi win of the young season over the weekend. The Husker netters edged Creighton University 5-4 FrMav then suffered a 7-0 white-washing by the University of Kansas Saturday. Both of the matches were on the University's courts. Roy Col son, Jim Campbell, Marshall Becker and Norm Veitzer picked up wins in the singles against Creighton while the doubles tan dem of Colson and Campbell also stopped the Jays duo in straight sets. Hartshorn 2, Zeller. EPrigmore 2. Hart shorn, Becker RBI Zeller 2, Relterne er, Hartshorn, Myers. 2B Whitehead, Reite meier. HR Zeller. S Logsdon. Hennessey. DP Seger, Coufal, Novak. Left Kansas State 7, Nebraska 8. BB Wright 5. Rhoades 2. SO Rhoades 5, Wright 1. R-ER Rhoades 0-0, Wright 8-5. WP Rhoades. W Rhoades. L Wright. U Marsh and Rowen. Time 1:55. Will CamnbelL th squad's lon returning lettermen, won their singles matchei in straight sets while Becker and Veitzer were extended to thre sets. Other Husker netters tak ing part in the two meets include Bill Roy and Steve Sutton. Kansas also defeated tha Husker golf team on Saturday 7-5 on the Lincoln Hillcrest course. It was a close meet with two Kansans, Bob Richards and Harlan Hise, edging out win with birdies on the 18th bole. A a result Nebraska's Dick Ander son and Jack Moore were both one stroke losers. Herb Mayer was the only Nebraska winner, defeating John Prosser 2-1. Tom Tolen was the fourth NU golfer. Use Nebraskan Want Ads For Best Results amammmmmmmmmmmmK 5 1 Main Feature Clock (HetiedulM Fiirnlahed by Theater) Lincoln: "Rhapsody," 1:00, 3:04, 5:08, 7:20, 9:32. Stuart: "Ma & Pa Kettle At Home," 1:39, 3:41, 5:43, 7:45, 9:47. Nebraska: "Both Sides of the Law," 1:18, 4:37, 7:56. "Forbid den," 3:03, 6:22, 9:41. Varsity: "Lucky Me," 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20, 9:20. State: "Duffy of San Quen tin," 1:21, 4:06, 6:51, 9:36: "The Crime Wave," 2:41, 5:26, 8:11. Blessing, Phi Delts l-M Golf Wheels For the second straight time Al mecnr nf Alnha Tau Omega osntTvul first riav medalist honors in the Intramural Golf Tourna ment Last fall his two-under par 70 grabbed medalist honors for the tourney and this spring his four-over 76 enabled him to go three strokes up on Sigma Chi's Warnie Christensen who hit a 79. Nelson Jensen, of Phi Delta Theta, follows close behind with an even 80. Tn rnmnutine? team scores the top six men from each house or organization are compuea. ine final round will be played on the morning of May 8 to arrive at the final team standings. First round team standings: Phi Delta Theta 509 Sigma Chi 535 Sigma Phi Epsilon s3 Delta Upsilon 588 Phi Gamma Delta 604 Nil's Ted Connor Honored Again Ted Connor, senior tackle on last season's University of Ne braska football squad, has re ceived another honor in the trriAirrm snort recently. Connor, a native of Hastings where he was an All-State luii back, has been selected to per form with the College All-Stars against the best of professional football, the Detroit Lions. 9 ' uHUtld SittWaaattsaal nl u C J UUL3 L3 i staws TODAY Six savage hours in a fighting man's life, from the ambush on a lonely trail... to the shoot-down cantina! Now! During this week only, you can receive 2 Free packs of Philip Morris Cigarettes (Regular or King size) with each purchased pack containing the U. of N. seal This offer good at the following Pubs: Campus "Dirty Earlfs" Inn Uni Drugs AND "The Shack" across from the Girls' Dorm BUY PHILIP MORRIS WITH THE SNAP-OPEN PACK HOW. ! I7fl villi bo UMLj NOW UNDER WAY v n I krvM " . M Warner Bros. RANDQ f - f V3 lki'-- AT? The 4th Annual Contest to select FORMAL at UEiflASifl fi!ivtir unnnio nM JOAN ViELDON Each year AFTER SIX, America'! largest malcer of men's forma! wear; ipbiaon the "Mr. Formal" contest to choose the man on campus who looks best in the AFTER SIX White Dinner Jacketl Every campus group Fraternities 1 Societiesl Clubs! Independent Groups! can enter a candidate and take part in the exciting, prize-peppered competition! Read the interesting details nd join the fun! "Mr. Formal'1 wins ail these valuable prizes! COMPLETE SUMMER FORMAL OUTFIT Your choice of a comfort-easing single or doublc-breaited AFTER SIX dinner jacket with the new miracle "Stain-Shy finish . . . midnight blue summer formal trousers . . . cummerbund and tie "Formal Pak" . . . and AFTER SIX dress shirt. ID Qo 11 I I 0 o fcsta'l'tiyMi' IttlV sWfir IiV.iiOrMIM'j-JMafW. WWV J-WMBsaytMaayBa W Tim. k'l lit. rclMM. M'l ootl HERE'S ALL YOU DO... PIONEER COMPLETI FORMAL SET lodudlnt cufftlnk. ftuda. ismriaa4braewl KAYW00D1E h Wutifal wbita briarl 1. Every campus group chooses the member it wants to represent it as "Mr. Formal". 2. A photo is taken and placed In competition with the other group winners, & The time, place and method cf choosing the campus "Mr. Formal" will be announced by the Campus Representative. TO 7 IX f r Sold by ttAGBES unmnimt m sms OFFICIAL CMZKl m d .a n 10 EXTRA "THE MONROE DOCTRINE" KWNT)