The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1954, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, April 7, 1954
The Disgusted Dean
In The Nebraskan for Monday of this
week, the "Margin Notes" column carried
one of the usual small, facts and opinions
about the national, international or college
scene. This particular announcement noted
the fact that half a dozen pocket books and
magazines were banned from sale in the
student union at Brown University after a
dean read one and called it "disgusting."
The fact seemed an Insignificant one. The
Nebraskan passed .on the information to read
ers at this university without a thought
noting only, "University students have many
complaints, but one which has Brown Uni
versity buzzing hasn't cropped up yet." Yet
the seemingly unimportant action by one
., dean at that University does carry serious
Importance when considered in another light.
First, whether the books were actually
disgusting (as was probably the case from
the type of literary effort reprinted in some
" of the "pocket books") or not, a university
r faculty member, in. effect, dictated what type
' of literature should be sold to students in a
book store which was closely connected with
. that university.
Second, a university faculty member was,
la effect, dictating what kind of literature
the students would be allowed to buy or
possibly read.
The Brown University dean was probably
acting only to remove the books which gen
erally fall into the classification "skin books"
-ft-om a book store connected with the uni
versity. Perhaps he was trying to help the students
or improve the appearance of the store to a
visitor. Obviously, it would not be at all
aatisfactory for a parent, already worried
about a son or daughter "going away from
home" to see a cheap, sex story on display
t a university book store.
The fact remains, however, that the dean
was able to classify certain books "disgust
ing" and make that opinion important enough
to stop the sale of the books so labeled. The
Give Him A One
Emphasis upon the practical in teaching
methods has some merit. A fourth grade
class will learn more quickly about the local
creamery if they see It, than if they are
merely told about it. A college English group
will learn effectively the elements of a short
story if they are required to write one.
An instructor at Yale, evidently felt re
cently that this practicality of teaching should
be extended to economics. Robert E. Will
decided to give his freshman class a practical
demonstration on the workings of the stock
market He passed on a tip that a Canadian
oil company "was on the way up and a good
Within no time the freshmen had given
Will money to invest in oil and the head of
the economics department was censuring the
action as "rather imprudent." A reported
16,000 shares were bought, but the economics
chairman said the number was only 1,600.
The "practical" instructor has been or
dered to reimburse his students for the ven
ture. However, a slight misapplication of
principle showed up, and the stock has fallen
slightly instead of rising. Will stands to lose
five cents a share plus brokerage fees if
he sells immediately.
Moral ef this story: Don't take practicality
too literally. It Isn't always practical. S H.
The Exception
A sincerely modest and humble man does
not usually gain recognition. Such men are
increasing rarities In this age in which the
professional windbag and the "shocker" are
horribly evident
Dr. Lane Lancaster is among the former
roup. His lack of desire for personal ac
claim leads us to refrain from commenting,
except very briefly, upon his selection as a
distinguished teacher.
The Nebraskan will take this occasion,
however, to say "Congratulations" to Dr.
Lancaster, of course, but mainly to the Uni
versityfor giving first honor to a professor
who is, quietly and completely, "representa
tive of outstanding teaching at the Univer
sity." S. H.
Tightness of such an act depends on that par
ticular person's definition of "disgusting."
The word might possibly bo used by an
other dean to include the book "Gone With
the Wind." After all, the volume is noted
to contain several passages devoted primar
ily to the sexual activities of the leading
characters. Perhaps this book might be clas
sified "disgusting" by another dean the fact
it is one of the most popular long-term best
sellers would have little or no effect.
The dean's action at Brown University,
is not, in itself, particularly good or bad. It
will not stop the students there from buying
the books removed from the shelves. In
fact, the action may make the volumes even
more popular at other outlets for the little
gems. Also, there is really nothing wrong
"per se" in removing some book that is of
the Spillane variety from the shelves of a
university book store (or one that heeds the
desires of university faculty members so
closely as to what they order).
The precedent set by such an action Is
dangerous. The dividing line between dic
tating what books will be sold and what
books will be read is extremely thin. This
same Brown University dean mirht call a
book on Communist doctrine, anatomy, crim
inology or sex disgusting purely for personal
The decision of whether or not anything
is "disgusting" when left to an individual
may be fair, depending on the individual's
tastes; it may also be arbitrary and dicta
torial. To take a comparatively small issue out
of context for discussion perhaps is not fair.
The dean at Brown might well have intended
to do the right thing, but the fact that "dis
gust" on his part was enough to remove the
book from the shelves of any book store is
fieiinneiy wrong. T. w.
An Ounce Of . . .
After the recent atomic bombings in the
Pacific Islands, one can easily understand
the mortal fear that has engulfed many
When one bomb, considered up to date
over a year ago, can completely wipe out an
island and hurt fishermen some hundred
miles away, it takes little imagination to con
ceive the effect of a bomb falling on any city
in the United States, annihilating the city
and an area that continually expands from
its center.
The Civil Defense Administration released
a 28-minute film of the pioneer hydrogen
blast "not to scare nor encourage hopeless
ness, but to furnish basic facts about -the
new and terrible weapons."
Former, Gov. Val Peterson, now director
of the Civil Defense Administration, said the
"picture is being released as a means of
keeping the American people informed about
the effects of nuclear weapons and civil de
fense measures necessary to protect our com
munities against them In the event of an
enemy attack on the United States."
The same principles 0f Individual pre
paredness and community organization that
could cut casualties in half, Peterson said,
could minimize our losses in case of a hydro
gen attack.
This advice could hot come at a more op
portune time. Certainly, the American popu
lace, or at least thinking members of it, will
take this sedative well.
There can be no denial that the thought
of the bomb literally "scares the livin' day
lights" out of everyone.
But there must remain some semblance
of order amid this scare. We cannot forget
that something will remain even after the
most devastating attack that any enemy
could launch. In our complacence or our
fear, we are prone to overlook the positive
side of defending ourself against an attack.
The government has made a wise invest
ment in the film on what to do in case of an
attack. The' University should make every
possible attempt to secure this film as soon
as possible.
The old saying "an ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure" will certainly
again prove itself a universal truth if just
one person can apply one single principle of
defense in any type of future atom raucous.
We all sheuld see the film. D. F.
Margin Notes
New Limit
Lincoln drivers who have been bothered
by the 30 mile per hour speed limit on ar
terial streets may soon feel relief. That is,
relief to the tune of 5 miles per hour.
The new city traffic code, which has been
introduced and given two readings by the
City Council, provides that a change from
30 to 33 miles per hour as the basic speed
limit on arterial streets be initiated.
However, there will probably still be as
many students arrested for driving 37 miles
per hour as there were when they drove 32
In 30 mile per hour speed zones.
Glorified KP
The Lincoln Air Force base plans to in
augurate the new Air Force policy of food
service as a career field. Modernization will
spread throughout the kitchen, and all cooks
and other attendants will be professional
The former unfortunate KP will become
a "food service attendant." Mess hall is
newly rechristened "dining room," mess is
now a "meal," and mess sergeant will be
known as "food service steward."
Sounds good. But, a rose by any other
name ...
J Jul ThbhoAkmv
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
Advertising representative: National Advertising Service, Ine.
20 Madison Ave., New York 17, New York
tmlB student puhlleatlons Md adoTlnSred Mn2Sn BdLi To7
kr torn Board ef Publications, H thedrX noli Managing Editor Ja Harrison
J fins, from editorial eeneersnip m the ptutot Urn " Editors Jane Carman. Dick Oilman.
SUTf-' ULSLJVL1 "ember M faeilt of MswlBans) Hum, Gram Harvey
tfwifi'TT"' " ? " ef tE i?" Marx Peterson
tMraskaa are mmmmHf ranwwlbl tot wtas torn w 8HHia Ba" Oarf rrsndsea
r V M mm tu b fftateeV W REPORTERS
nfeMtiptfoa rates nre II as a i . Bererly Deep. Harriet Rnrn, LueUreee S witter, J ark
W 4or hTeU!i. reVr H .T5 mui'-tt rnnd.en, WUllamette Deeeh, Barbara Eleke, Marrla
wrtT tobU, .m'J.AwLiZ ". Sam Jensen, Barter Clark. Granny Warren.
ISrm the eVnool rLr TrlJZl ' "" . Ruth Kleiner. Burton Mann. Lowell
wSX. o tSJuZFsSEZ LJSailm V R",n " Mlnteer, John Terrlll, Ellis
nrs ?z tr tr,.t;ir1o7 iZzzL rsAndmm' cwk otbb BruM Brutmann
wpenrMoB the Committee ef Student FonlleaUona. BUSINESS STAFF
ISTLd fimZJFZL -t0"!:.. S?"Th . Business Mana.ers Chef Sinter. Doren J.nb.,
IMW. mm st pental rate of aoetss;e provided for la Scott ohtlea
flmUtm UW. Art tt CmcraM Ovt. 8. WIT, authorised ClrenlaMoa Menace Ron Innee
cot. 19, lisi. M(ht New Editor Grace Harvey
LITTLE MAN on campus
by Dick Blblar
"This is the last tim I lulm rnmmltt rennrta Tha Ana
today Just dismissed class to go have coffee."
The Challenge
The Midnight Oil
(Dr. Norrli li a professor and chairm
an of the Denartment of KIAftri&i v.n.
Ilneerlng. The Nebraskan believes his
article Is particularly apropos se soon
after the announcement of the outstand
ing, students at the annual Honors Con
vocation yesterday.)
One of our former students
who has done remarkably well
since being graduated from the
University of Nebraska, was in
my office several weeks ago and
in the course of our conversation
he told me that, in the profes
sional world, one who has ability,
Initiative, and the willingness to
work can climb to a position of
prominence much more easily
now that one could twenty years
He said that today many indi
viduals seek the top positions
with the glory and authority that
may or may not be attached.
However, the large majority of
these individuals today are not
willing or able to put forth the
extra effort required to achieve
the necessary distinction and
therefore fail, to climb very far
up the ladder of success. Thus
the individual with ability, initia
tive, and the willingness to work
soon passes the rank and file
(some of whom are brilliant men
tally) on his way to higher posi
tions. There may be something to the
argument of this individual. Those
who are playing "first violin" in
the orchestra of life are those who
are devoted to their work and put
in long hours to become perfec
tionists. Those who do not have
the ability or are not willing to
put in long hours to become mas
ters of their subjects must be
content to play second, third or
possibly tenth violin.
In my own experience, I have
seen hundreds of engineering stu
dents complete their formal
Letter Includes Quote From Hedley;
Turns Down Pepper's Debate Offer
Dear Editor:
In reply to F. J. Pepper's "Let
terip" of April 6, we wish to
quote Dr. George Hedley from his
book, "The Superstitions of the
Irreligious." "Ignorance and
stupidity are well-nigh universal
mark's of. mankind: and they are
no less prevalent in medicine,
law, and transportation than they
are in religion . . . What is a
matter of knowledge for one per
son may be necessarily an opin
ion of another. Where knowledge
is available, knowledge must be
sought; and that by knowledges'
own proper techniques of scien
tific method. Pending proof, we
are permitted to hold opinions in
the realm of fact.
"A scholar in the field of re
ligion must deal with facts factu
ally, with evidence critically, and
with hypothese logically. He
has been misunderstood by many,
even as were Galileo and Dar
win in their labors. Religion as
an academic discipline yields
nothing in rightful status, noth
ing in inteddectual integrity, to
any department in the catalogue.
Its practitioners, however, are
humble men, and they have
made less noise about their
achievements than they might
have been Justified in making.
These modern unbelievers are
superstitious because they have
chosen to fear and to avoid with
out even having used their abun
dant opportunity to learn and to
know; and that mood is the very
essence of superstition. Yet the
real tragedy of the whole case is
that in truth the great majority
of the self-consciously irreligious
are not irreligious at all.
They are devout seekers of
truth, so long as it is not called
religious.' They are loyal de
fenders of value most of whose
sources they have forrotten or
ignore. How much better they
would understand themselves if
they knew from whence their
dearest values come. How much
better adjusted they would be In
the world If they could but rec
ognize their essential member
ship in a world force they have
affected to despise.
If after investigation they, de
cide against religion, that Is
their privilege. At least they will
be entitled to an opinion, which
now they are not. He who rejects
for reasons even they may be
mistaken, but he is intellectually
respectable and to be respected.
It is just the rejecting or religion
without reasons that is the mark
of irreligious superstition."
In concluding, we wish to point
out that the City Campus Religi
ous Council cannot debate reli
gion with Pepper, or sponsor
such a debate, not becauses of a
lack of courage of convictions, but
because Pepper can obviously ad
mit to no common ground of ar
gument or agreement; for if he
did, he would be admitting that
religion has knowledge and val
ues which are worth debating
properly ... a fact which he con
tradicts in his letter.
Ellie Elliott
Richard D. Rowen
Headline Trial
Dear Editor:
Congratulations on your edi
torial "Trial by Headline." Your
point about newspaper "labeling"
was especially telling in a most
vulnerable spot.
In a period of nearly eight
years of observation of editorial
policies of the Lincoln Journal I
have observed that the important
thing is whose ox (or sacred
cow) is being gored. Nothing
makes that newspaper scream
louder than to be denied free and
complete access to any informa
tion its fancies.
I am convinced that the issue
is primarily the posited right of
the newspaper to publicize any
and everything it desires irre
gardless of the wishes of those
directly concerned. Probably you
have hit upon the motive back of .
this yen for coverage as you
suggest a desire to conduct a
"trial by headline."
Raleigh J. Peterson, Jr.
Student Pastor
Bulletin Board
Lenten Services, St. Paul Meth
odist Chapel, 7:15 p.m.
Lectures by Dr. Sydney Rubbo,
Bessey Hall Auditorium, 4 and 8
The Student Forum
Where ke We?
schooling, obtain their degrees,
and go into the professional
world. Of the many whom I know
that have reached positions of
trust and great responsibility, not
a single one was a member of the
"8 o'clock-to-5 o'clock" student
group of his time. All were so de
voted to their respective fields
that they burned much of the
"midnight oil" to become masters
of their subjects. They were never
passively contented and satisfied
with their existing state of knowl
edge but instinctively were al
ways probing deeper for a better
understanding of their subjects.
Probably all of these success
ful individuals think of their work
as the late Dr. Williams E. Wick
enden did. Dr. Wickenden, presi
dent of the Case School of Applied
Science in Cleveland, president
of the American Society for En
gineering Education in 1933-34,
and president of the American
Institute of Electrical Engineers
in 1945-46, summed up his feelings
toward his work when he wrote:
"Every calling has its mile of
compulsion, its daily round of
tasks and duties; its standard of
honest craftsmanship, its code of
man-to-man relations, which one
must cover if he is to survive.
Beyond that lies the mile of vol
untary effort, where men strive
for excellence, give unrequitted
service to the common good, and
seek to invest their work with a
wide and enduring significance:
It is only in this second mile that
a calling may attain to the dig
nity and the distinction of a pro
fession." For those who are not devoted
to their work and are not willing
to put in long hours, this is a
cruel world if they seek impor
tant positions, and complaining
or shedding tears will not change
matters one iota.
The junior division at the Uni
versity attempts, through a se
ries of interest and aptitude tests,
to help an undecided student de
termine what he is to do with
himself. Such a procedure, if the
tests are valid, should tend
toward some kind of perfection
in the motives of the seeking stu
dent. It should resolve many of
his doubts, and result in confi
dence that, at the end of four
years, he will commit himself to
a life of which he will not tire
and in which he can be reas
onably happy as he earns his
Many have gone so far as to
question the seemingly obvious
wisdom in this categorizing and,
further, the wisdom in attempt
ing to coagulate real interests
in a vocation. They ask these
questions, which, in spite of
their surface pessimism, deserve
answering in a most sober man
ner: Should any man oblige himself
to making a business of some
thing which he holds as really im
portant? Is it possible to remain
happy In an area rich enough
to stoke an ideal, when it comes
under the glaring, uncomfortable
light of the paycheck, the boss,
and the regiment of the time
clock? In other words, why push into
the realm of the bourgeois sn in
terest which, because of its per
sonal meaning, has already be
come independent of profit and
loss? This is the question which
every truly devoted person must
ask before he chooses how to
feed and clothe himself.
The artist asks, "Can I take
my painting, in which I believe
so strongly, to the auction block,
where what I have made my
brush do in feeling becomes
translated into figures and deci.
mals or worse, into an invest
ment." The man of strong faith
asks, "Should I take my belief,
which I have found to be of
more than casual importance to
me, into the ministry, and al
low what I feel right to be doml.
nated by appeals from the pul.
pit for money, letters from the
bishop on doctrine, and pressure
from the community to avoid
discussion of race prejudice?"
The student of literature wants
to know, "Will my conscience
survive if I take my love of the
great into a classroom where
men who have forgotten why a
man writes tell me what I should
teach, and people who are more
interested in English require,
ments than poetry sit bored in
the seats from day to day?"
There is great pesce in the
laity of any worthwhile helrarchy.
But each man must decide
whether thst pesce is worth the
sacrifice of forty hours of every
week of his life to something
meanlnrless and Inoffensive. He
must determine how far he can
compromise sn Ideal with the
mathematics of the payroll. Ha
must decide whether to watch
from a nook of peaceful medi
ocrity, or to walk Into the slow,
painful grinding which, If he Is
patient, he may surpass only
with his own excellence.
The huge hurdle to greatness is
tedium, the act necessary to
achieve it, a condescension, the
reason behind it, an ideal which
will not be cheapened. This calls
for a kind of bravery which few
understand, of integrity which
few possess, and of determina
tion which few have willingness
to accept. In this age, we ask, "Is
it prudent?" With no hesitation,
we must answer, "Infinitely."
Guest Column
Student Digging Reveals
Letters Of 'Statesmen'
Salt Creek-Platte Waterway
While doing research on some
of the most controversial papers
of the early decades of this cen
tury, a history student has un
earthed a number of hitherto
unpublished letters that should
come to the attention of every
alert and patriotic citizen. Of
course everyone knows the
background of the great WA
TERWAY scandal, and for that
reason it is not necessary now to
go into details of the building of
the navigable canal between
' Salt Creek and the Platte River.
Let it suffice to give the thoughts
of a few of the influential men
who sponsored this plan. The
most thoughtful of these letters
Washington, D. C.
October 28, 1900
Dear Governor:
Thank you for the hunting
stool. Also for the rubber boots,
jacket, and ear-plugs. I am late
thanking you, as I have gone
hunting every day since receiv
ing them. I guess I never did
thank you for the fishing tackle
you sent me last spring. To date
I haven't caught anything but a
rejd. Ha, ha. But I have not
missed a single day either hunt
ing or fishing for the past ten
years that I have been fn the
Senate. Give my love to Lucy
and the kiddles.
As ever your servant,
Senator J. E. D. Moot
P.S. Forgot to mention the
proposed Waterway. Will write
The persuasive eloquence of
the governor is shown in his re
Ply. The Honorable J. E. D. Moot
Senate Office Building
Washington, D. C.
Dear Jack:
You've been missing a lot ef
good poker games lately, and
we've been mitising you. Have
got ten shiners ahead. Will that
tempt you to come???? Haven't
been out to the "big ditch" lately,
but hear that the canal is com
ing along fine. The Janitor here
keeps me informed, as he likes
to get out. The boys are waiting
for the game to open, so must
close. Best personal regards
Your humble servant,
Washington, D. C.
Dec. 29, 1900
Dear Governor:
Have only a moment to thank
you for the bountiful Christmas
gift Haven't got it all drunk yet.
but am working on It Thanking
you again, I remain.
P.8. Profound regret I eannot
push Waterway now, as have Just
heard rumor that war was de
clared last week against Jugo
serblt, and all internal construe
tlon stopped.
These letters are only a few of
the examples that show the su
preme statesmanship of these
great men who have guided our
destinies in the past, and it is to
be regretted that our schools of
today are not producing genius
of like caliber.
Reprinted News
North Carolina To Use
Instructor Rating Plan
(The Nebraskan thouiht this mrmm
reprinted frosa the front rate at The
Dally Tar Heel of the UalTenlty of North
rarollns. was Intercstini in the listht of
he attempts at our own atvenity for
student ratine of their Instructors. The re
sult of the evaluation are et to he seen).
Does your professor . . .
(1) Welcome discussion even
though students may disagree
with him?
(2) Limit discussion more
than is desirable for the best in
terests of the class?
(3) Give little or no chance
for questions or discussion?
(4) Become frequently dis
tracted on questions and get
away from the subject?
This is just one of the cate
gories students will check out
their instructors on in the campus-wide
faculty rating to be
conducted next Wednesday.
The ratings will be made on
questionnaires distributed to all
dormitories, sorority and frater
nity houses. The forms, which
cover five main points, will be
picked up the same night as dis
tributed. Students will rate each of
their last semester teachers on
"clarity of presentation," "op
portunity for questions and dis
cussion," "ability to arouse in
terest in course," "attitude in
class toward students," and "at
titude toward subject."
At the end of the forms, stu
dents will evaluate each course
sors from "A" to "F." Space Is
provided for "particularly out
standing qualities (good or bad)
which the teacher may have"
and suggestions for the "Im
provement of the course."
"These ratings are designed
to help your instructor as well
as to aid you. Think carefully
before marking," says the stu
dent opinion form.
The student government of
fices have sent letters to faculty
members explaining the poll,
other letters were sent to each
University resident house ask
ing co-operation with the poll.
Results of the poll will ba
computed in the Psychology De
partment on an automatic com
puter. Students won't be asked t
sign their names to the forms.
In Haircuts
124 N 15th