The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 06, 1954, Image 1

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Volume 54, No. 74
Aid To Easter
Dr. Leroy T. Lasse (left),
chairman of the department of
speech and dramatic art, ac
cepts check of $42 from John
Sacharia and Peggy Albert
for the Nebraska Society for
Crippled Children. The money
Era rss
Four Groups To
Cancer. Mental Health, World
University Service and Commu
nity Chest will be the four
charities supported by All Uni
versity Fund in the coming year,
Phyllis Colbert, president, an
nounced. "AUF has tried to achieve a
balance between local, national
ind international charities,"
Miss Colbert told a group of
prospective workers in a mass
meeting held recently.
part of the AUF drive for the
first time and will receive 25
per cent of the funds collected.
The organization was considered
lest year and the AUF board
felt that the change would be
wise. Mental Health was rated
high on the AUF student poll
conducted earlier this semester.
Fifty-one ' per cent of all stu
dents in hospital beds are men
tall patients, the board pointed
Cancer Is the other national
charity represented by AUF. It
has been supported in past years
and ranked first in the poll.
Twenty per cent of the money
received will be given to the
national cancer organization.
ice will receive 20 per cent of
the funds collected. The organ
ization is entirely dependent on
students for funds. WUS is at
present conducting a research
project on the University cam
pus. The student organization
aids student by supplying them
with food, clothing, medical
care, books and housing.
WUS has the support of 600
American universities in addi
tion to help given for foreign
' "THE LINCOLN Community
Chest provides a local touch to
the group," Miss Colbert said.
Thirty per cent of the donations
will be given to this organiza
tion which in turn supports 29
other charities. Community
Chest gives $8,000 to University
YMCA and YWCA each year.
"There is nothing more Im
portant that helping others,"
Rocky Yapp, former AUF presi
dent, said at the mass meeting.
"AUF provides an opportunity
to do real service for the Uni
versity," Yapp said. He con
gratulated the AUF Board for
Philosophy Club
Philosophy Club will meet
Wednesday, at 7:30, in the Union
Faculty Lounge.
. Current topics will be dis
cussed informally. The meeting
Is open to all interested students.
The Outside World
Staff Writer
Democrats Refuse Support
WASHINGTON National Chairman Stephen A. Mitchell de
tiied the Democratic Party's support to James Roosevelt and Rep.
Robert L. Condon. The reasons given by Mitchell for withholding
support for these candidates is that Roosevelt has been charged
with adultery by his wife in a separate maintenance suit. Condon,
a first term member, is seeking re-election in the face of charges
Which he has denied that he is a security risk.
Condon said that he resented the contents of Mitchell's letter
and said that he believed Mitchell cannot speak for thousands of
Democratic voters who evaluate political candidates upon their
fitness and basic Democratic philosophy.
Mitchell said he believes most Democrats feel candidates serve
their parties best by standing aside from election contests until
personal problems are disposed of in the proper place.
Toscanini Retires
NEW YORK World famous Arturo Toscanni, conductor ji
the NBC symphony for the past several ye'ars, has retired. The
announcement was made Sunday night by Brig. Gen. David Sar
noff, chairman of the board of RCA and NBC, following Sunday
night's concert which marked the end of the winter season of
the NBC symphony. Toscanni is 87 years old.
A letter from Toscanni said that "now the sad time has
come when I must reluctantly lay aside my baton and say goodbye
to my orchestra."
Toscanni, the son of a tailor from Parma, Italy, had a dis
tinguished career as an opera and symphony conductor when he
came to America in 1908 to conduct the Metropolitan Opera. From
1926 to 193& he directed the New York Philharmonic-Symphony
Lahiel AttockeB
PARIS Premier Joseph Laniel had his shins kicked and
Defense Minister Rene Pleven had his hair pulled when a scream
ing mob attacked a ceremony at which officials were honoring the
heroes of Dien Bien Phy at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at
the Arch of Triumph.
This is the first, time in the modern era anyone succeeded
, in making a physical attack on a French Premier or Cabinet
Minister under such circumstances, the police said.
Seven of the hundred demonstrators were arrested. Members
of the -crowd were identified as supporters of Gen. Charles de
Gauile or Monarchists, however the police said it was possible that
tome Communists were present
Seal Fund
was raised by University for
eign students and speech ther
apists who assist them with
their spoken English, and will
be turned over to the Lancas
ter County Chapter for its
Easter Seal campaign. Sach-
a n nn
;eceive 4yir
Receive Donations
its selection of charities.
BASIS FOR selection of chari
ties, Miss Colbert explained,
was by a thorough investigation
of each charity through utiliz
ing the Better Business Bureau,
National Information Bureau
and the National Community
inest. Anoiner reason lor se
lection, she said, was informa'
tion derived from the student
Oft n three y
Hunter, Gerlach, Maxe Represent Law, Teachers, Dentistry
f w, I I Ij I ,;vl
Courtesy Sunday
Journal and Star
Courtesy Sunday
Journal and Star
The University Regents named
recipients of three Donald Wal
ters Miller Scholarships, two
Regents Fellowships and three
Franklin E. and Orinda M. John
Regents To
Facilities Offered
University regents have author
ized George S. Round, chairman
of the University television com
mittee, to investigate an offer to
own and operate Channel 12 in
President of the Cornhusker Ra
dio 4t Television Corp., John E.
Fetzer of Kalamazoo, Mich., has
offered the University or some
other educational institution the
opportunity to acquire the facili
ties of the channel for $100,000.
ROUND IS authorized to make
a thorough study to determine the
cost and educational benefits of
accepting the offer.
- !
Courtesy Lincoln Star
aria is a graduate student from
Palestine and president of the
Cosmopolitan Club. Miss Al
bert is senior clinician in the
Speech and Hearing Lab
oratories. suDtoor
From Fund
poll. Balance between local, na
tional and international chari
ties and health, social and civic
organizations was also consid
ered, she said.
Five per cent of the total will
go into a fund for expenses and
special emergencies. Miss Col
bert explained. Students wish
ing to work in AUF may still
sign up in the AUF office in
Union Room 306.
son fellow
ships. Ronald W.
Hunter, Don
Gerlach and
William Maxe
are winners of
the $1,000 Don
ald Walters
Miller S c h o 1-
arships. A stu-
-a dent ii
jto re
is named
pre sent
Law. Teachers
ySKd Dentistry
Maxe Colleges.
HUNTER, A junior in Law Col
lege, was graduated magna cum
laude with a Bachelor of Arts
degree from Wayne State Teach
ers College in 1951. He was a
TV Channel
For $100,000
Fetzer's offer is understood to
mean that the University would
program Channel 12 from studios
on campus or elsewhere for a
period up to two years. The Corn
husker Radio & Television Corp.
would continue to maintain and
operate the present Channel 12
at no charge to the University
until July 1, 1955.
At the end of one year the
University would have the option
of buying the tower and trans
mitter for approximately $100,000
from the firm. During its opera
tion the University would be ob
ligated to provide studios for pro
gramming, some equipment and
production and engineering per
sonnel. The television committee has
made no commitments and the
University is not obligated in
this matter.
DURING THE meeting, the re
gents authorized Dean W. V. Lam
bert of the College of Agriculture
to present his proposal for re
designating the home economics
department as the School of
Home Economics.
The proposal for redesignation,
to be discussed at the next re
gents meetings, is intended to pro
mote the home economics division
as a school rather than as a
department. It was estimated that
the cost of making course and
personnel changes might be as
high as $10,000.
The board authorized Hazen
and Robinson, Lincoln architect
ural firm, to prepare plans for a
$600,000 administration annex to
Teachers College. Plans have al
ready been approved by the
The regents accepted five bids
from Miller & Paine of Lincoln
and one bid from Doup Co.,
Omaha, for furnishings for the
three new men's dormitories.
Biz Ad Council
Filings Now Open
Filings are open until April 22
for positions on the Business Ad
ministration Executive Council.
Students may file in Room 210
Social Sciences Building. Posi
tions for three seniors, three jun
iors, and two sophmores are
Elections will be held May 5.
All students in Business Admin
istration College are eligible to
Three members will remain on
the council from last year. They
are Jerry Jensen, president,
Homer Kenison and Martie Hill.
Tuesday, April 6, 1954
Filing Open
For Offices
Four To Se.rve
Interim Term
As part of a re-organization
effort, new officers to serve an
interim term will be appointed
for the Nebraska University
Council on World Affairs.
Anyone interested in the offi
ces of president, vice-president,
secretary or treasurer of the or
ganization may secure applica
tion blanks from the NUCWA
box m the Union basement. Ap
plications should be 'returned to
the box by noon Friday.
tee is composed of Dr. Frank E
Sorenson, Dr. Norman L. Hill
and Dr. Stanley R. Ross, faculty
sponsors, and Jim Collins, Neala
O'Deil and Nita Helmstadter,
senior board members.
The appointment of new offi
cers is part of a re-organization
plan undertaken alter a resolu
tion was passed by the NUCWA
board last week which stated:
"Be it resolved that the Ne
braska University Council on
World Affairs be declared in a
state of re-organization and in
termediary officers be appointed
. . . These intermediary officers
shall serve until election shall
be held under a new constitu
tion member of the 1953 University
national Moot Court champion
ship team, and will be the new
editor of the Nebraska Law Re
view. Gerlach, a senior in Teachers
College, is a candidate for a
Bachelor of Science in Education
degree this June. He plans to
study next year for a Master of
Science in Education, majoring
in history.
A junior in Dentistry College,
Maxe attended Brainerd (Minn.)
Junior College and the Univer
sity of Minnesota before coming
to Nebraska.
WINNERS OF the $1,500 Re
gents Fellowships are Roger J.
Hanson and Donald Ziegler.
These Fellowships also give re
mission of tuition.
Hanson, who is working for a
Ph.D. in physics, has also at
tended Dana College and Gus
tavus Adolphus College.
Now at the University of Mun
ich, Germany, as recipient of a
Fulbright Fellowship, Ziegler is
working for a Ph.D. in history.
He is a graduate of Doane Col
lege. Rules Set
For Ivy Day
Coed Sing
Groups Limited
To 25 Members
Rules for the Ivy Day Inter
sorority Sing have been an
nounced by Nancy Hemphill,
All organized women's groups,
except honoraries, having at
least eight and not more than 25
members including the director
may participate. Freshman wo
men are eligible to participate.
All members must be carrying at
least 12 hours this semester and
have no failures from last sem
ester. NO PROFESSIONAL person
may assist in the preparation of
the song, although non-professional
alumnae help may be
used. The director of the group
must be active in the group
she represents and be regularly
enrolled in the University.
Song regulations are: medleys
of songs, songs longer than five
minutes in length, or songs used
last year may not be used.
All groups must remain' after
their participation for recall.
A fee of $3 must be submitted
with the director's name, the
name of the song and a list of
singers in alphabetical order to
Nancy Hemphill at Ellen Smith
HalL Deadline is Tuesday.
Coed Rifle Club
To Meet Tuesday
Rifle Club, a newly organized
shooting club for women, will
meet Tuesday in Military and
Naval Science Building. J
Individual shooting times are
scheduled in Grant Memorial
Hall. Members are asked to be
on time and to wear blue jeans.
Any interested coed who did
not attend the organizational
meeting last Tuesday should see
Mary Jean Mulvaney, instructor
in physical education for women.
Superior Senior Scholarship
Four hundred thirty-four Uni
versity students, who rank in
the upper 10 per cent of their
classes, were honored Tuesday
at the 26th annual Honors Con
vocation. Forty-eight seniors having
superior scholarship were indi
vidually honored oh the Coli
seum stage. Rolland W. Ahrens
is the senior with the highest
scholastic average in four years
at the University. The 20-year-old
student, whose accumulated
average is 94.5 per cent, received
the C. W. Boucher Memorial
Senior Award, consisting of a
certificate and scholarship key.
AHRENS, A chemistry major
in the College of Arts and
Sciences, said he "studied long
and hard" for his top grades,
"but it didn't seem like work. I
was so interested in my courses,
especially chemistry and mathe
matics." After receiving his Bachelor
of Science degree in June, Ah
rens plans to continue with his
studies, seeking a Master's and
Doctor of Philosophy degrees. He
plans to become a research
Ahrens is a member of Phi
Beta Kappa, national honorary
scholastic society; Sigma Xi, na
tional scientific research society;
Provost Corps To Hear
Experiences Of Westrup
The Provost Corps will meet
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the
Military and Naval Science Build
ing. Guest speaker will be Lieu
tenant Colonel Charles M. West
rup, assistant professor of mili
tary science and actics.
Colonel Westrup will discuss
"The formation of the Korean
national police," and "my experi
ences as Provost Marshall of
Refreshments will be served fol
lowing the meeting.
Donald Jensen and John W.
Carson received the $1,000 Frank
lin E. and Orinda M. Johnson
Fellowships with remission of tu
ition. The $500 partial fellowship
went to George McMurray.
lor's from the University in 1951
and is now serving in the Army
overseas as a first lieutenant.
He plans to return to the Uni-
Belsheim Granted
Leave Of Absence
Benjamin Appointed Assistant Dean
Of College Of Medicine Saturday
Courtesy Lincoln Star Courtesy Lincoln Star
Belsheim Foster
E. O. Belsheim, dean of the
College of Law, was granted a
year's leave of absence from the
University, and Dp. James W.
Benjamin was named assistant
dean of the College of Medicine
by the Board of Regents Sat
urday. t
Belsheim was granted leave
without pay for the school year
beginning September 1 to serve
as visiting professor at New
York University's School of Law
in the field of corporations.
David Dow, professor of law,
was named to serve as acting
dean of Law College during Bel
sheim's absence.
and professor of anatomy at the
New York University School of
Medicine, was appointed to the
newly-created post of assistant
dean of the College of Medicine
at $9,000 a year.
Henry H. Foster Jr., professor
of criminal law, resigned to ac
cept a professorship at the Uni
versity of Pittsburgh where he
has been teaching the past two
Caleb Foote, associate director
of legal research atv the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, will suc
ceed Foster. Thomas M. Franck,
assistant professor in legal writ
ing at the Harvard University
Law School, was named assistant
professor of law.
DR. SAUL T. Epstein, Boston
University instructor, was ap
pointed assistant professor of
physics, effective September 1.
Dr. Ernest Feder of South Da
kota State University at Brook
ings was appointed associate pro
fessor of agricultural economics
effective May 1.
In other action the Regents ac
cepted the following resigna
tions: Jean Ann Schropfer, instructor
in surgical nursing; five phys
icians who have been serving as
preceptors om a non-pay basis
Dr. W. Ray HilL Dr. R. L. Hook,
Dr. Otto A. Kostal and Dr. Ray
S. Wycoff; Meryl R. Hunt, re
search associate in agricultural
economics, Eva M. Thomas, ex-
Pi Mu Epsilon, national honor
ary mathematics society, and
Phi Lambda UpSilon, national
honorary chemistry society. He
NU Play
To Begin
Final Week
Arena To Hold
Last Production
"The Man Who Came to Din
ner" will begin its final week
Wednesday evening in the Arena
Theater, Temple Building.
The play, in its second week,
is the fourth and final University
Theater production of the 1953
54 season and the last major
production in the Arena Theater.
Play director Dallas Williams
commented that the play had
received excellent audience re
action Friday and Saturday and
that the entire cast turned in
excellent performances.
mind students holding season
tickets and who are planning to
leave on vacation Friday will
have a chance to see the play
Wednesday and Thursday eve
nings. The last performances will
be Friday and Saturday eve
nings. Williams explained that "the
plot is pure fabrication designed
entirely for the purpose of giv
ing Whiteside an occasion to
flaunt his eccentric personality
in the face of a group of artifi
cial characters." Hank Gibson
portrays Whiteside.
Reservations for the play may
be made at the University Thea
ter box office in the Temple
Building from 1 to 5 p.m. daily,
pnone 2-7b3i, extension 3263.
versity in June to continue his
studies toward a Master of Arts
degree with a major in psy
chology. Working for a Masters degree
in history, Carson earned his
Bachelor's degree from the Uni
versity of Arkansas in 1938.
McMurray, a graduate Of
Mexico City College, is working
toward a Ph.D. in romance lan
guages. tension assistant in home econ
omics, and Eugene E. Taylor, ag
ricultural extension assistant.
A LEAVE of absence for six
months with pay was granted to
Dr. Boyd G. Carter, professor of
romance language and depart
ment chairman, for research in
Dr. Edgar N. Johnson, profes
sor of history, was granted a
leave of absence without pay for
one year, to complete work on a
four-vovlume work. Alberta Mc
Leod, staff nurse, was granted
a leave of absence without pay
because of illness in family.
The Regents made the follow
ing appointments: John Muehl
beier and Harry A. Steele, re
search assistants without salary;
Don Strasheim, assistant foot
ball coach for one year; William
Samore, teaching assistant for
one year, and Patricia M. Lam
mers, staff nurse.
Regents adjusted the work and
salary of A. J. Lewandowski
from a temporary rate of $9,900
to regular business manager at
Five Speakers
Plan Lectures
During Week
Lecturers who are speaking
on campus this week include two
Australian scientists, two botan
ists and a historian.
The historian. Dr. Arthur E.
Bestor, of the University of Illi
nois, will give two lectures,
Thursday. At 3 p.m. he will speak
on "History and the Social Sci
ences" in the Social Science Au
ditorium. At 7:30 p.m. in Love
Library Auditorium he will dis
cuss "Future Direction of Ameri
can Education."
THE TWO botanists are r.
Paul Sears of Yale University
and Dr. Edgar Anderson, profes
sor of botany and genetics at
Washington - University. Dr. An
derson, will give a public lec
ture, "Garden Flowers as Keys
to the Past" at 7:30 p.m., Wed
nesday. Dr. Sears, chairman of Yale's
conservation program, will dis
cuss "Natural Resources The
Scientist's Dilemma" at 10
a.m. in Room 310 of Daily In
dustry HalL
Australian scientists who will
give a series of technical lectures
are Dr. F. P. Dwyer, senior lec
turer in chemistry at the Uni
versity of Sydney, and Dr. Syd
ney D. Rubbo, bacteriologist of
the University of Melbourne.
was awarded a Regents' scholar
ship for all four years at th
University and is the recipient
of the Merck Award, given t
the top senior chemistry studnU
DR. JAMES A, McCain, presi
dent of Kansas State College,
gave the principal address en
titled "The Premium on Excel
lence." Acting Chancellor John K.
Selleck presided at the convoca
tion, and the University Sym
phony Orchestra, directed by
Emanuel Wishnow, conductor
furnished the music.
Others receiving top scholas
tic awards at the Tuesday convo
cation were:
Donald P. Geesaman, who hat
a 93 per cent average, received
the C. W. Boucher Memorial
Senior ROTC Award.
Clifford H. Dale received th
C. W. Boucher Memorial Senior
Athletic Award. He has an 89
per cent average.
THE AWARDS were estab
lished by Dr. C. S. Boucher,
former University Chancellor.
The Delta Sigma Pi Scholar
ship Key, awarded annually t
the graduate of the College of
Business Administration with
the highest four-year average,
went to Robert L. Baskins.
Students honored were:
(Sniion in the upper 3 per cent of thetf
respective coll cues lor the past two M-
Rolland W. Ahrens. Arts and Sclencea
Lynn R. Brady, Pharmacy
Barbara Colwell. Am and Sciencex-
Howard L. Copas. Arts and Science!
Shirley Lyiinaer La then on. Busmen Ad
ministration Gerald W. Eriksen, Engineering and
Pavid M. Gradwohl. Arts and Science
Joan P. Holden, Butinesa Administration
Thomas Iwand. Business Administration
Wayne D. Johnson, Arts and Sciences
Homer B. Kenison, Business Administra
E. Gordon Kruse, Ensineerins and Ar
chitecture Charlotte L. Mason, Teachers
Valters E. Nollendorfs, Teachert
Verlin L. Rasmussen, Business Admin
istration Marlene V. Rodgers. Nursing-Medicine
Curtis E. Sorensen. Engineering anal
Kenneth M. Stone, Agriculture
Robert J. Tockey, Engineering and Ar
chitecture Harriett G. Wen lie Campbell. Business
Leslie I. Grace, Jr.. Medicine
.Richard T. McDonald. Medicine
Ieryl D. Swanboo). Dentistry
Vernon G. Ward, Medicine
(Seniors who have been on Honors List
every year since they were freshmen.)
Rolland W. Ahrens, Arts and Sciences
Richard D. Ayers, Engineering and Ar
chitecture Ruth E. Greer Bell, Agriculture
Edson L. Bridges. Business Administra
tion Jane A. Calhoun, Teachers
Barbara Colwell, Arts and Sciences
Clifford H. Dale, Teachers
Shirley Lysinger Eatherton. Business Ad
ministration Fay Thomson Freauf, Teachers
Donald P. Geesaman, Arts and Sciences
Madeline M. Gourlay, Teachers
David M. Gradwohl, Arts and Eciencea
Lura A. Harden, Agriculture
Joan P. Holden. Business Adrnintstratioa
Robert B. Johnson, Bushiest Admin
istration Wayne D. Johnson. Arts and Scieoctai
Connie Clark Karges, Agriculture
David K. Kauf, Arts and Sciences
Homer B. Kenison, Business Adminis
tration Paul L. Laase. Arts and Science
Lewis E. Lawson, Engineering and Ar
chitecture Charlotte L. Mason, Teachers
Thomas L. Miller, Business Administra
tion Verlin L. Rasmussen, Business Admin
titration .
Susan Reinhardt. Arts and Scienceg
Teachers , .
Marlene V. Rodgers. Nursing-Medicine
Curtins E. Sorensen, Engineering and
Janet L. Steffen, Teachers
Kenneth M. Stone, Agriculture
Robert J. Tockey, Engineering; and Ar
chitecture Lloyd D. Van Vleck, Agriculture
Harriett G. Wenke Campbell. Business
Carol A. Wright. Teachers
Gene A. Yost, Engineering and Archi
Robert C. Chase, Medicine.
Richard T. McDonald. Medicine.
James R. S. Miller, Medicine.
Charles H. Newell, Jr., Medicine.
Vernon G. Ward, Medicine.
(Continued on Pare 4.)
Daily Services
During Lent
Planned On Ag
Lenten morning services will
be held every morning this week
at the Ag Student Center.
Services, sponsored by the Ag
YM-YWCA, will include break
fast at 6:45 a.m. and worship
from 7:00 until 7:45 a.m.
Discussion topics are chosen
from the significant event of
ich day during Holy Week.
Rev. Virgil Anderson of Warrea
Methodist Church will lead the
Topics are: Monday,- "Whea
Religion Needs Cleaning Up";
Tuesday, "The Great Command
ment"; Wednesday, "The Quiet
Before the Storm"; Thursday,
"Victoriories are of the Fruit";
Friday, "One Man's Prayer of
YW, YM To Hold
Lenten Worship
YWCA and YMCA will hold
Ienten Service Wednesday at 7:15
p.m. at St. Paul's Methodist
Dr. Frank Court will speak oa
"Christ, the Hope of the World."
Psalm 121 will be interpreted in
dance by Peggy Larson, Jacy
Mathiesen, Mary Mong and Diana
Peterson. -
Kitty Wilson will present a song
selection. Nancy Timmons is in
charge of general program ar
rangements. Hospital Workers
Schedule Meeting
Mass orientation meeting of all
Veterans' Hospital Red Cross
volunteers from Lancaster coun
ty will be held Wednesday from
1 to 4 p.m. at Veterans" Hos
pital. County Red Cross executives
and hospital "heads will speak to
the group. The volunteers will be
taken on a tour of the, hospital.
Workers ere requested to at
tend part or all of the meeting
and should contact Ginny Wil
cox at 3-5701 Tuesday evening to
arrange for transportation.
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