J.'-.r- - . ( .. ., ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiillililllwrllWT11T'"',J"""''''"'' "' '-"" ' '- .ii-xii&t Friday, April 2, 1954 Page 2 THE NEBRASKAN EDITORIAL PAGE byoickeibier The Student Forum LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS Spring 'Mi The Bomb Spring tentatively approached the campus Wednesday after a late snow had dimmed "Spirits of vacation-bound students. Awesome -facts about the 1952 hydrogen bomb ex " plosion were released almost simultaneously. ; Spring made professors and students a - -Utile uncomfortable in heavy winter coats. TJTews of the bomb made them more uncom fortable as they thought of what an H-bomb could do to New York, Washington or .LlJncoln. r:.."' J The delightful aspects of spring are easy "to point toward. After being -couped up in side classrooms with "sickly yellow walls for -months, students and professors alike jump " t any chance to be out of doors. Small in- formal groups gather in the fresh air to drink; beer and talk about nothing serious. The always-newness of spring refreshes No Tears mm, The Class Officers have officially been voted out of existence by the Student Council. , In a meeting held Wednesday afternoon, the long battle between the Officers and the Council judicial committee came to a 'close; with the Officers officially removed for at least a one year period.. The action Wednesday was not a surprise to anyone who followed the controversy, nor was it the end of a worthwhile tradition on the University campus, except there will be no election which made the All University Party nominees the official officers. The reason the Class Officer group was ended was quite simple. A crack-down on campus activities by the Student Council, aimed at cutting off the deadwood in cam pus organizations pointed up the fact the Class Officers have done very little for a long time. Since one of the criteria for stay ing in "official existence" (by being ap proved by the Stuendt Council) was fruitful and productive action, the Class Officers were given the word to do something or else. ' Several of the class officers this year did their best to set up a new constitution which would allow for the organization of Class Councils, with the officers as leaders. The Council was to be the scene of their "productive" action. However, the constitu tion had to pass the Student Council judiciary committee. Thus, the Class Officers, without anything to do, became deadwood and were officially cut off the activity tree at the University. The end of the Officers ends a tradition true enough. However, the quality of this tradition is questionable if the officers were allowed to function as they have been. In this respect the Student Council did the right thing by putting an end to a do nothing organization. The Class Council idea has merits and if those merits can be incorporated into a con stitution with Class Officers included in the scheme of things, the Council and Officers should be revived. But at this point, the tradition passes, with no tears from anyone. T.W. Possible Change? Just how important are these United States Atomic energy top secrets? When powerful warfare discoveries are made by one nation, it seems only logical and -right that this information should be kept secret for defense purposes. The New York Times has recently reported , a British pamphlet, which sells to anyone for about 70 cents, containing atomic energy " information of a type which has long been kept secret in this country. This pamphlet was written by K. E. B. Jay of the Division of Atomic Energy of the Minister of Supply, and is now being studied by leading American scientists "with avid interest. The Times writes that the pamphlet tells, in complete detail, all about the atomic - energy production in Britain. It tells in de . tail how the British enrich uranium to fis- sionable levels and how they produce plu- tonium, material for the atomic bomb. This information, printed for the public eyes, is enough to send a person to jail if he were to publish It here. Most of these techniques were developed , in the United States, but security regula ; tlons, established by Congress, require that all such information be classified, and de- tails are known to only a few American scientists. . Surely a country such as Great Britain -wise enough to know what information is - tnd is not essential to keep from the public ; and outsiders, or in this instance Britain has forgotten the importance of keeping secret " certain atomic knowledge. A move to revaluate the classifications of government information,' which has received President Elsenhower's approval, has met with some success. Information is now placed " in one of three categories: confidential, secret and top secret. ' . Perhaps this revaluation should be applied to certain information concerning atomic - energy. J.C. I bored minds and tired bodies. The most jaded and cynical persons feel a lift of spirit that is at once familiar and strange. To ask stu dents to think of serious subjects when spring first appears is a little like requesting a man to stop living: or the wind to stop blowing. Yet revelation of the bomb's power does not ask all men to think seriously this news demands it. "The island . . . vanished," said the story. The beautiful and the terrible in nature are closely allied. The same feeling of small ness, of aloneness, of insignificance that looking at the stars on a warm spring night produces is felt when looking at the cloud formation of an exploded hydrogen bomb. Spring and the bomb. They must combine in our thoughts, our judgments, our actions. A convocati6n speaker Thursday said, in another context, that spring was a marvelous thing to make the sap rise in trees. He ex pressed the belief that the hope of man is rising, like that sap, to a high point above fear and ruin. Spring and the bomb. We must think about them together. We must combine the ever new and rising hope of spring with the awesome realization of the bomb and from the two produce sanity and order. S.H. Extra Half Day? Spring vacation will officially begin at noon, April 10, and extend through the 18th. Therefore, 99 per cent of the student body will leave for home after (and in some cases before) their Friday classes. Students can spend the whole week prior to Easter Sunday at home, but they must return to Lincoln that day. Therefore, those who live in the western or northern parts of the state or out of state are forced to start back to school early Sunday. If this is spring vacation timed so that it comes at Easter time, why not give students an opportunity to spend Easter at home? Students at Colorado Women's College are allowed an extra half day for both going home and coming back to school. If this were the case at the University, classes would be dismissed either Friday or Saturday noon and would convene again on Monday noon, the 18th. t According to Frank M. Hallgren, asociate dean of student affairs, the reason the University has planned spring vacation to begin Saturday noon and extend through Sunday is because it balances out the num ber of classes missed. In addition, they feel that students would rather have that extra day and a half from Saturday noon until Monday than just a week from Monday noon to Monday noon. Howere, if University officials gave stu dents an extra half day of vacation, the majority of them could spend Easter at home. Thus the purpose of delaying spring vaca tion until Easter could be realized. Other wise, why not have vacation earlier as most other schools do? G.H. For The Birds Last week, the residents of Lincoln County, in and around North Platte, played host to some 35,000 visitors. This is some slight in crease over the Counties normal population of nearly 28,000. The transients were merely pasing through Nebraska on their way to the Arctic Circle, where they plan to spend the summer months. These guests attracted national attention, for one ' of the world's foremost ornitholo- gists, Dr. Lawrence Walkinshaw, a dentist from Battle Creek, Mich., and Alfred Eisen staedt, photographer from Life Magazine, spent the week cramped in duck blinds along the North Platte River just to see them. The guests Sand Hill cranes. The reason: according to Dr. Walkinshaw, the area con tains probably the greatest concentration of the birds in the world at this time. D.F. Margin Notes In Reverse This could be frustrating. For 25 years the city-county building in Pittsburg has been freezing in winter and roasting in summer, and officials suffered accordingly. But ' apparently nobody got around to doing anything about it. Finally, the building was slated for a face lifting. First thing the carpenters discovered was that the thermostats were marked in reverse-cold instead of hot, and vice versa. Wrong Solution This business of taxation, and deductions and interest and folderol is a big headache to everyone even machines. County employee's paychecks in Cincin nati, for instance, became so overloaded with deductions that the payroll machines couldn't handle them. The wrong solution was found, however. The county simply got new machines. Jul 7bd$haAkmh FTFTY-THraD TEAK Member: Associated Collegiate Press Advertising representative; National Advertising Servies, Ine. ' 429 Madison Ave.. New York 17. New York ' t Mtfc fcf the a&me af am EDITORIAL STAFF 'Tl"! KUHMlN el itndMitt' Editor TZ.'.. fttll mMmm enijr. Aaaortifaf M Arttei I ,t tlat Editorial Far editor. ............. .1" . tm . f VfMM famine owit publicans, ftori ft4atBj.tS Maying ""tor ........ ......... . . im touZEl ' feMrS. part tiww f ftmlty of ' Marianne Smim, Gim Harver lVso Ctfowiii, feat ttaa Bmiwn of the stafi of Too MmrJt rrUwami htmh an omomMtf mpouiklo for tr(a4 tta au Sport Editor . . . ..... Garr rraofexa tv or waco to ko oris tot." . RBPOKTEIU T'.'T r9I' 'A w" Mtek-lr-n, ,,n.,n, Hirhkra t ..rk Or.ny OSS rsbttsteoS os TooMlfcy, Wom! m4 Kr!(Sj Harold Rou-lla. Ruth Klrlwrt. Rortno Mann. Lmtpll osaool W, except vaeatioa and xamlnattoa Vntai. RalplK Mrkrl, time Mlnteer, John Trrrlll. Kill. oorii-J. Ooo Imim i aablMwd rtt Mw Matk of Aac Rail. Hrrmaa Andraon, tark Glhbn, Brue Brurmann, F car rmt tr tbt fJntTrraltr af Ntihraaks Dtr Um Sandra Curran. ' raMrrl( of ho Comalttm of Stndact PnbllraNoBa. BUSINESS ST A ft wd H fmd ( matter at tha Poet Of flea la SaitnoM Manaror Stun Slpnio ' Hf-smm. Ktbtaoka, andor art of Oontraaa. Marrfe S. An't BiMlnaat Mjtatn Cnot Blncar, Doraa Jaunt. at. aad at asocial ntt of poatat provided for la Beott ( Mlra ' eMi litis. Art oi CaaaToM f Oct. S. 1(11, autkarlaai Ctrr illation Manacar Ron Inruw Scat. It, ma. WISM Ktm &ditor Dlek rdltnaa "It's me, Freda, I'm back with th' refreshments." On The Light Side At Loose Ends By JOYCE JOHNSON The pink rag issue yesterday did my heart good. The color of the paper was more than appro priate. I imagine there were more than one who blushed a glorious pink after digesting its off color columns. However I would like to make a correction. It was printed that I am to speak to all closet girls on "How to Get a Man." My subject instead should have read "It's Bigger Than Any Of Us!!!" It's a good thing for me that there's some April Fool in every day. . . . $ither that or my column would, be read weekly by an thropologists as the missing link between the period of homo and sapiens. Speaking of missing links, with the help of Student Council, sorority sisters and Bob Peter son's slide rule I managed to get my college scrapbook off the shelf to discover what I had been doing with myself these four years of college. Believe me I found everything from the label off my first Hadacol bottle to my latest church key. I even found my date of last weekend whom I forgot to turn in after "Late Date" night. While thumbing my pictorial diary I came upon a copy of the "Daily Ashcan," the 1951 Ne braskan's April Fool issue and was amused to find that the people and places it chose to jest or joke at are still being jested and joked at. Whatever would our campus humorists do without such sub ject material as Student Council, Innocents and Mortar Boards, ROTC and Senator McCarthy? As was depicted in yesterday's issue the two senior honoraries were again holding a joint frolic , to admire one another and sign autographs. The only writing that I can remember on the recent MB, Innocent excursion was the signing of AAA pledges. As per usual Student Council took a beating. In both the 1951 and 1954 issues the elected rep resentatives were quiting in chaotic confusion. In the "Daily Ashcan" publication the retiring faculty advisor was quoted as saying, "The work of the Coun cil this year compares." I wish you the best of luck I ut don't count on it. Today might be yesterday or it might be to morrow, I wouldn't want to say". Remember the Alamo and I'll see you at the next Council Beer Bust which is what I've always contended! As for the ROTC boys their future as outlined in the Pink Rag was considerably brighter with the addition of girls. How ever in the 1951 issue it was reported that 13 cadet, officers were shot at sun rise each month. The reason for the exe cution was, "It's better to rid the world of these misfits now than to save them for the army merely to be cannon-fodder for the taxpayer's money. We play for keeps." My good intentions went out the window. I had previously planned to write an expose on the "One-Party" press, but my mind got channelled on the wrong party. Two On The Aisle HardRidingVanJohnson Lead In Formula Western By DICK RALSTON Panoramic Productions present Van Johnson, Joanne Dru in "The Siege at Red River" Across the painted desert of the old West rides Van Johnson and his cohort selling Doc Sutherland's cure all, singing "Tapioca." But Johnsen isn't what he is pretending .to be actually he is a Captain in the Georgia Volun teers, sent up North to steal a Gatling Gun and smuggle it down South to the Johnny Rebs. The Gatling Gun is a strange new weapon, fires over 250 rounds per minute, will revolutionize warfare. It could win the war for the South. If Van could get it there. He has no trouble stealing the gun off a train. It is then hidden in the pianno used to accompany ''Tapioca" and "Doc Sutherland" and "Mr Faraday" start on their long trek south. Along the way. stranded in the middle of a river, they find Joanne Dru playing nurse to an Indian mother-to-be. Joanne and Van make eyes at each other and find out they are headed the same way. So Jo anne decides to ride with Van. He should have known that wo men are bad luck to a rip-roarin' son of a gun out of the ole West (or South, in this case). The bad luck comes when a Pinkerton detective and the Yankee cavalry find out that Johnson isn't what' he is pre tending to be that he is actu ally a Captain in the Georgia Volunteers, sent up North to steal a Gatling Gun and smuggle it down South to the Johnny Rebs. The Pinkerton detective and the United States cavalry hi-yo their silvers after Johnson who has hi-yoed his silver after ihe culprit who stole the Gatling Gun and Joanne Dru from him. Johnson recaptures Miss Dru; The United States Cavalry captures Johnson; and the culprit sells the G. Gun to the Indians who try to capture , the United States Cavalry. But Johnson, the PinAerton detective and the United States Cavalry all make heroes out of themselves and kill the villian, capture the G. Gun and route the Indians. a Throughout all the violent ac tion Joanne Dru the stouthearted, strong-of-spirit pioneer woman follows her man. ' You can bet Van Johnson doesn't escape this woman! Attention Oradtiating Engineers Cecil M. Johnson, Chief Engineer of Fisher Governor Company, Marshalltown, Iowa, will be here at the University of Nebraska Monday, April 5th, to interview applicants for design and research engineering department positions. Fisher Governor Company is the world's larg est manufacturer of pressure and liquid level con trol equipment, including automatic controllers for the process industries, power plants, oil and gas production, transmission lines and the liquefied petroleum gas industry. Fisher Governor Company, established in 1880, has one of the most modern manufacturing plants in the midwest, employs 1200 people, and is currently constructing a large new engineering and research building. Marshalltown has a popula tion of 20,000 and is located in central Iowa. Def-zfl-p oppm By DEL HARING Well, All Sports Day is over, the Oscars have been awarded and we have a new athletic direc tor quite an eventful two weeks. The lack-luster varsity basket ball showing the only bright spot being the play of Stan Matzke plus the surprise White team win in football doesn't point to too rosy a season for either of the two major sports next year. The appointment of Bill Orwig as athletic director appears a wise one. Although he has had no previous experience as an athletic director, his sports background and coaching record are excellent. But I must say, he won't need experience except as an errand boy unless the cumbersome Ath letic Board, which serves no good purpose and does little but tie the athletic director's hand, is abol ished. The favorite rumor seems to be that the Board will soon abolish itself. But I think the significant thing in the hiring of Orwig is his sal ary 812,600 a year. Note that is $600 a year MORE than the head football coach receives. This, let us hope, is a sign that FINALLLY the athletic director will really run athletics at the Univr-sity and have control of athletic schol arships as well. If these things happen it will be a pleasant change from past practices, a - See where the Omaha paper is somewhat less than overjoyed at Orwig's appointment. It's not too surprising as it is noted for its PRO-Glassford sentiments arid probably realizes the appointment of Orwig lessens Glassford's ath letic powers. Hoo bad. On a more pleasant athletic sub ject, congratulations are in order for Max Kitzelman, who placed third in the recent NCAA Wres tling Championships. In his first year of varsity wrestling Max had phenomenal success. After spending half of one or these columns last fall raving about Audrey Hepburn I was de lighted to see her get an Academy Award for her "Roman Holiday performance. To top it off, in ad dition Sunday she 'was awarded a "Tony," (Broadway equivalent to an Oscar) for her performance in "Ondine," which is only her her second broadway play. Quite an actress. And after seeing "From Here To Eternity" for the second time I still think Montgomery Clift shouldn't have been passed up for an Oscar. Entertainment prospects for this weekend look rother poor. No above-average movies sched uled, and LHS "Joy Night" is sold out. But there's always Passion Pit, appropriately located on the "miracle mile." Here there's never a dull mo ment around the Girl's Dorm lately. First, a housemother be stowed the power to "campus" on each and every girl fortun lately no one got drunk with power. Result: the girls numbered their rooms a la prison and put a "Warden" sign on the house-, mother's door. Seems some of the housemoth ers have been known to rudely break up osculating couples on the front steps and jerk the sur prised girl Inside "to safety." But the latest episode deals with the housemother who, doubtlessly on her evening walk, went BEHIND the Dorm and surprised two couples by opening their car door. Reason given: "Oh, I thought there just were two boys here and I was afraid they might have been overcome by motor fumes." P. S. The motor wasn't running. GAlfE on your trip Home for EASTER I i. W T 7 II WmAHkJ aaJk Take advantage of big savings offered by Greyhound and have more to spend at home when you get there. You'll find many frequent Greyhound schedules maka it possible to leave and return at times best suited to you. After the last class get the gang together and maka it a party traveling home for Easter by Greyhound! Compare these Greyhound fares en Easter Trips! Towns Des Moines 4.3S Kearney 3.10 North Platte , 5.25 ntll TAX Sioux City 3.60 320 Souf 13th 2-1071 VDflOBOKIlD w,t i (A f-J Style. Flash in lyi tAUMUS ana TAILORING Hairline Flannel suits by Th ticket pockat and axact tailoring is tha crowning point of tha mo darn "poliahad look". It's both aye-catching and smooth, and th tickot pocket Is convenient for tickets, keys and coins . . . and this, plus the fine Hairline flannel fab ric, equals a picture of smart good taste. In greys and tans. $65 Second Floor i : i ' ft'. A ; '7 I v . ' I- Li