-hursdcy. April ), 1954 54 THE NEBRASKAN Pegs 3 & st ii tmlcf me now wds -jus s r J vhe the; etei th i i ar. ajci l4l n r racl ' on bar is i at ti Phd ronff denl 1 d :h cool . thJ il e W ay ?s h :ohci m: o c n df r a: ick-: se: ns; I out kne caf bui, x. o si les, ly : lis ; ad i ed i gn Hal: tf.q 55 ritfci Mm U null :th: lNg: 1 a jrei : sr., eiti ..75 i n st lerJ t u; d fi ikiri -n y jua! tfc miifh To oehrllop Br LOTO MOUTH orts Staff Menace uv- i-aoh Bill Glsssford re- .f-vecl c-r.e big ?w Wednesday ihe". he was trfocrr.ed that two . v see :oeios-.er. oj ' i -.-.v Loehr. wo xJd rvc: be w;th the for aniret ice c.rei !.c u...t . few days after the close VH.fcJ. s srriar foolbull l ' ir.Uh. ho bad been counted lo -Tv wach tt the load at iit fu'.ack po$itioa. announced rne5-iay that he was unable .nl (r fMttiill hMinu it -------- f a trr.'.ict wiia cis eness c- ivitirs. mita siropiy saia taat ute normeast corner ot ine main t diilr chess workouts were flx-r in the Student Union Boild sst roufh for him to carry in. it N I t , - Smith's With Him This distir.cuished ger.tlerr.aa is Kcary MoGulLgaa. coach, cf the Nebraska chess corps. McGul 1 c a expressed sa'usfacticr. w.a the aaaouaccraeat that ere cf his ace perfcrraers. Bob Sr.ith. had dropped foottill to Pittsburgh, Philadelphia Baseball's Best Baseball is just arouad the orr.?r aad the current favorites o take it all ia the Na ci Araericaa Leagues are the burgh Pirates and the Phil ilPl) ,ia Athletics, Ia fact they are r?2r!y rated "crr.ches to be -too 5 it e each other in the 3'orld Series r.ext fall The Pirates hare a bard-fcit-ans crew, sporting two .408 sitters, and have two 20-game tinners. They are currently -idir.r an lg-game winning jreak in Grapefruit Season oIit. Philadelnhii has been re- mtd to as the -class cf the American League." They have verjthing, according to the baseball experts. Tr.e l:w:y New York Y'aa ees are slated to be down ia he taseraent of the American league, or at least close to it. :og: Ferra. the Yankee catcher, s c:r.5.aered to be one of the 'or- a ; KStcps in league s ci the weakest nature. 'Welcome Back, An unidentified cheerleader Turhes un to the ramp of the P'ane that brought Nebraska's Jed Connor back from the National diving championships ' iron Flats, Arkansas. Con nor took top honors on the 'she : '$ 1 w beta I ' " leri I t f lit lis is it X" - let 1 r -' x O .'X- , J, ' X '- ! q 4 A i I f . f I - I l? l ;T ' ! J f- 0-Y0 Champ Challenges Men .Arabella Airedale, yoyo cham n of the women's physical ed jon department, rias chal 'Sed any University male to a this spring. Women have ten considered 8njficant long enough," she .. a- "1 aim to prove that men et'Sily be out-vovoed. After :,' .es w practice, I have per i ( f my n7te and am confident sa 1. can beat snv mM male. fu-yo competition has been ne- ay vness es o Mew two sports at the same time. THE rougher the sport was. the be liked it" so he decided berer to ceo- tc;: As &r.:th put it: "I have nothxf ajau.?: the g.rr.e cf footbaU. but i rawer p&mc:ps.e in a, garr.e which the y rougher sa I kv to wak . ,k." Today we found Smith busily at work en the sport he ehse te keep. Sweat was penrin doww his brow as he and his fellow rhi tTnmt r -. . -7 . inroujtn a Prists pracure session in , cor.oer.rrate oa his chess activ ities. MoG ullicaa adaiitted that it would have been difficult for Sra:;h to c.vade his chores be tweea the football ar.d chess teaats. Huskers Get New Q-Back Prospect C.-i.-h Bill Glassford had a ae.v car.didate for the cuarterback position ca the Nebraska football team Wednesday. Dei Kardiag. a sraart, reuaa.e T-forraatioa sp eia-ist for Luacc.a high severai years ago. nas aaaouaeeo taa; ae will try for a position with the teara whea the fall drills begin ia August. Big Bill Johnson Bean Bag Leader t B.1I Johr.scr. flashed to ar. early ; iead :a the All-Ur:vers:ty Bean Bag coatest Thursday. Johnson, who tossed a two-ounce tag. passed the other ccatestaats u - f-rst few raiautes cf tae game. Some doubt has arisen as to whether or cot his hesitation pitch was more effective thaa his over head backhand. Johnson said th -e secret c. bis success was his overhand backhand. "The toss is extremely cifficulfy.'- he said, aad must be . practiced for years before it caa be delivered w.th any degree cf , accuracy." Johnson has trained " for the match for 6 raoaths. Ted 3-centimeter board which is considered his ipecialty. Shown with the Husker champion is Bill Schabacker, another contestant in the big event. glected in the University sports schedule, Miss Airedale feels. "I hope the new athletic director will emphasize it. sne saia. She also indicated shyly that if prizes were awarded to official yoyo champs, there might be more incentive to compete. She suggested a four-year scholarship as a possible reward. "If awarded a scholarship. 1 would even be willing to eat at the training table," she added. CVvach Ke-rv X'Vi -i year. The cirer.i sw-i -A - -r practice w-l e-i tt rv ule ber-"--6 ia the ci Septerr-ber. ---.--i - .v. attSef ad w- Biases .a .wvw w.ta the rvussiaa Acaaeray cf wt.;ca last year -ere upse: fcv the Nebraska tearr.. Arx-J;er "rr.et w-JI send the suad foe a two-ga-.e ser;es w-.th the Texas S--i "-i-..c... i seS5 e csr, i p.i.T. Koh t.v T-.i.-k The Loehr incider.t cair.e as a shocker to the Kusker and to bus rr.aay Xr.eads. No one reaUj- kr.ew too much about the rugged ead's rorr.ar.uc le. but :t was a coar.plete surprise when his pa'.. N:ck Adduce truora:.ed Coaca Glassiord that Loear was ia New York, happjy rr.arr:ed and uaaixe to return to school. Accordinr to Adducl. who many believed putted the same stoat seTeral years as only to haTe University otficuis find out that the Army jot him, Loehr mar ned a iiss Beulah BeJiadorfer. a former coed at Slippery Rck 1 etchers a no. up to Mondar, a Elria Watch Co.. employee. Loehr. a to-usa. due-fr.gered erd for the Husker ioctba tea, the '.as; iew ear. had beea ccuated oa hea-ily by G'.assford. G'.ESstord surr.rr.ee ur the s;:a tion by statua: "We certa-ualy can't let football ir.tsrfere w-.th Aadv's a-.arr.ed life. We wish hira the best of luck.'" SORRY An ancle coaoeraiac Pitcher Eod Cerv's chaaoe cf wiaruag carats tor the Baitiraore er.tr ;a the Arr.ericaa Learue this season was expected here. The amc'.e w as to cor-.e from Ge-orge "Peso" Payaioa. Mexican writer a a d former FINK F.AG sports editor. who is rurreatly vacaticruaz aith his vsa'e aad four kids in k -: ft"- ' ikl- V LI f V- T You Guessed It es. these are the trophies that I ere rerer.av won cy iea toa- wiaaiag their respective events, nor. Bill Kolioraa ar.d Jerry A". h ee ;'vi comc-eie o Miarack La the recent Big Seven the NCAA meet this weekend, gyraaasties meet. All three dis- Bus Whitehead Back Again For Year With NU Cagers Coach Marry Good, thanks to a rew B:e Seven ruline. should have . a pretty gcod basketball season i rext year. The Conference rules j committee announced today that ar.v aV.swr: rf r "R: (T Cevxn school may pi basketball at I that schoo! for another year if he so desires. I Action cn this was said to hare occurred because of the genera! feeling throughout the conference I that graduation losses w ere just too heavy this year. Most of the coaches, including Good, ap I peared enthused OTer the new ' ruling. It was learned today that big , Bus Whitehead, a former star , center at Nebraska a few years ago. will take advantage of the . ruling. Whitehead announced to-; day that he will re-enter the ; Husker institution fcr another : year of basketball. Whitehead is reported to be in fine playing ' condition. ! Others expected to take adrant- j age of the efier at Nebraska are ( said to include Bill Johnson, Don : Weber. Fred Seger. Bob Pierce. I Joe Good, Jim Buchanan, Bob ' Gates, Claude Retherford. Anton j La wry and Kod Cox. There are ! others who also might return for ! another fling at college basket-. ball. Nebraska won't be the only i Bie Seven school benefitting from the new ruling. Kansas released today that they expect Gaude Holden To Swim English Channel Joan Holden, Phi Beta Kappa recenUy announced she u tram-,. ine in the placid waters of Salt reeai prcjjuiujg w - , Ugun winnn u, c . near luxure . " . wmxer w . in an - . -It wiU be cold." Although she . wiU be covered with oil, during the swim, that is. Miss Holden expects to keep warm in her . new electric swimming suit. Miss Holden may currently be J seen studying her English very 1 rabidly because she believes, "when in England do as the , English do." I 1 K i i t 1 a I ! L .-.:.A I Concerned Over Andy Nw ."-a .u A ..-.w - ....... . s-aowa oa the tc.err.oe-e ta a oor.servat.oa with N.cs Adduc: is Adaat Kuga'.bee. aa assataat stalct.c director receatlv r poiated to aid Bill Oris. Kuga'l- roe is try ir e to co. e e oa the reoer.: e'.orer r I" 1 played f r.e-and-smocth forr ran ia Lovellette. Charlie Black aad Dean Ke' ev book fo: other sea- son of college competition. Kansas Slate v co" Gene Knosta-aa tack while Missouri and Okla- h wa - t Vwir r, fught cagers to return. V I t "4. A i, : -St' t rW i. ' V 4 ' if i I. v.. V - - Happy Harry Elated over the new Big Seven j ru.e that should strengthen the 1954 Husker basketball team is Coach Harry Good. Notice the grin. : SENIOR MEN AND WOMEN A roprocontouTe iron Hallmark A 2 . ea 5. . ' , , end womon lor positions in Kansog City. Idllto .B jugin.M odmmi,. ttatioft. Secrotarial .ubiectt. Art rotafliBg end markoUog. cceountioo. moth.maticm. mar- IJ9 aoHoa JT mffT ... . n . . ' qualify you for an inlorosting ... h m Clan,, rr,T.n, Inr Affl r..w ... R. M. Beurno. Chairman Committoo on Placomonts Collea of Business , Administration Tp u in SIT Aaay Loar -C.. t..e era coots or. : t ?..-. at a is araarer.t Husker f.v.ball .oa: rv:-t. Loehr a New York a -ord re'oeive-a hv is r.Uii.re. NU Football Stock ! Could Be Booming .re v.:: anaour. ce-d re c: Aa iss.or.s has the arrlioaaoas for traasfer cf a large b..v of Ckla- Amor.g the re-auests for traasfer were discovered the aaraes cf beta tie first aad sec-cad Okla homa foctb-al". teams. This prompted THE PINK F.AG to make several phone calls to the Oklahoma campus to verify these actions which have proved to be true. Because cf these transfers an en: r.as reer. received. from he L nter 00.-: tie c iiicma foct-; the intramural fect- ra prcgrara next fa... iaese actions have caused great consternation in Big Seven schools. Aa aaaouaceaieat is ex ported momeatano". aaao.1r.01ag a fa program of c.-.aa sta tcuraa meats to replace football at all E.g 1 schools Head football coach at NU Bill Glassford. could not be reached at th.s time f:r comment. - - Geier Signs Fact ithPHt Oe.er. pro harder cf the -f the Nebraska baser svuad. signed r.tract ol. the p -c-c cuit s: wita j.- -V Geier was" believed to have re- ceive.i aearly SfO.OD for ir.kiag the Pirate coatraot. The bin Luacclr. southraw was imeo.iate.v inserted irt V e Buc lineup in s game with the pete are Bob Oberlia. Gar.- Ken New Ycrk Yankees Wednesday relm.-.a. Cal Bentz. Dick Lauer. ar.d he promptly silenced them Don Glsr.tr. Willard Facler. D.-n or. a lone base hit during his six Hodge. Pat Mallette and Crarley ir.air. stint. Bryaat V -. V- t . 'Acn, lit i ttt-tI iottiH) uwext autmott ot COCA COLA BOTTLING toft." n i 4 0 0 j-DD(S. Ted Connor, Bill Hard For NCAA By FOX SOKENTO Sports Seme thine Ir.trsrr.-ura: Director Ed K:fsf bothara hss ar.rur.ced the rew earfed ari expa-dei Ir.:ra-v ral profraaa forkO-.e schcvC e. r Sports ia which tearr.s or iasi. viduals raay eater are bll bo.uio iag. aetless vcCleybiU, crow h.v. ir. parachute ;ua-.?u-.s. tra -. o".? raUia;. hotrod racis. hoj ci'.: ias. f.ea scratchiai. a-.ud p.e ra a k i c j crestiver.ess . h..'.a daacias. koayak drir.kirc. br: caa beading, tj'pi"? 'speed', bar rel roulir.c.. pledge psddl.aj:. te.e phoae bock teariag. brie); th row -la.c. house r-.s?.hir.i iKallriveea eveat . tire chaasias. racket ess teaa:s. tihr ire wa.k.aj. r : a f throwiaj. duck va'.kir.jc. i.er hur.ur.f . gorilla wrestliag and art trackiag. Of all the CTeriU the ant track ing is probably the most difficult and requires a treat deal of study prior to competition. The black ants are not so hard to iimi-rt irrn .....' ft ft ... 14. . v $ i. avw A Send-Off For Max This is :ust part of the celebra- Radio City. New Y ork. Kitce 1- tioa that gave aa agile lilsx man. v. hrse e!r;i:eat form ar.d Kitoelmsa a big send-off Wed- grace whipped all comers at r.esday for the men's ballet Nebraska, is a heavy favorite championships to be held ta to dance to top honors at the Big Running Event For Saturday Coach Ed Weir aaro-nced to- day that the ar.av.al cross-ceuatry face will be held Saturday start- -r-g at the Coliseum. The event, considered a snap by many, will cover eiht miles over the Ne- braska couatryside. Weir also released the names cf several top-flight individuals who are expected to take rart :a the big race. Exrected :o co n COCaocxa covt t COMPANY OF LINCOLN C tfc. U. Ck Cmmi . ar r f d Ant Holloran, Jerry Minnick All Prepare Gymnastics Tournament This Weekend track etc Utfh they are smal ler. HowTfter. .j re4 ants kaie feet fck-a are atxached back w ards. If cce s .-t fasvlEar with the .r charicter.st.es. which is so e--...ves ui.k.rc ackwrd to ixl iv.sect h.-i.-j: -era-.ia. he -a h.rk ..'; a.;-. left the.r hc.'.cs :'rc-t:.r te-f- they hae act--;-ll- gore c ;m a ' backward fcr thc.r airr.vc siesta. A tracker is also cauticced to he i f:: :'.: t? raay go rere t.-.ey hve be- and rsot where trey ire cc ioout to be. Lead trophies will be awarded to e wiarctj vins three years after the eets The deiay is t. allow the CfrirtmeBt to check all rosters ai-i results in order to make sere i one wsed trailed acts. usderweifht gorillas, top heary traits or fake grass skirts, etc. 0-cr ia "e htero.v.eg au- o.o of paysical educauo:-. o:a.-h Jake Ge:er r- t tare of his tor gyra-Hcl.-ffaa, Ted Coc.rer Mu-.asck, have c,oa. -ceo 1 V1 .ilO-.V Jf ' I' .-.... .-.V.-. :-:-? -0 -V ,' v -onr- w,'.'?.,vp j v . -. ; - i' ot. v. . Xfr-ru w s Y"t i Campus Wolf Looks Over Underwear Situation! if ft W M - 'l Vj I'll . r ? 1 v,titVr x yiv "GRESRl' says Lupo Leer, notorious roue and fa mous library lover. "Yes, GRReat is the word for those comfortable Jockey brand Shorts! Don't over Jock a good thing... get Jockey and comfort is in the hooks for vou!" Ves.ccWeqe men choose Joiky ccmfbrtl T don't have to be a wolf to appreciate the sni.g-tiiting, tailored-to-fit comfort of Jockey brand Shorts! Jockey comfort g--s for rvyfcrfy, because. . . tJ iifttittt ewntourvd pitw it- tu.i.ullv cxafied into one smooth-fitting garment. Nawr-4.iep4 heat resistant rubber in waistband outlasts other leading brands. Nott atrial rvoboe in leg oprnings elimi naies ssg or bind around the legs. Uniajua ixkf front opening never gaps. a! uivtM fits jrwi cciSige bJI 9iv yeu A U SlOln! i racicing tra murals - f-- .o .io-.fy to the NCA.K ro.ee; tifur pet oer.ts. --' -orit. -ho re-otr.Cy wc- tht ra-.-ca. i-;ic-::.t oor.tcst. perrcc-- r .gocird bccr.oia -o -e.gr.t. ta evert ia whKa he -raetfi:; fee tie crrer .--. -e f; cccrpet ir. tie '-f a-' - kre-e ,-:i'..., a rata t: r'i. veat a.oh is graded or. bfirr. r.cro. ar.d speed. teaat u? with tie ca-el a:k." a - ia e.fort as is the elerhar.t a-s ut a.ca Maa.ck ar.d Coo roc ocrarete. Ctcir's pet ereat U hi.hhar beodj. ta eeet which reim fwra, onricality. creaurenes d C-ise a fcid fc-r new hifV bars, CeBAr. yoa kaew. has Jbsi revrrced rnom the aabosal diT- lt coc;esu where he took tp hoeors o the J centimeter beard. A..r.r..ck. who reoer.tly 'eft his : roo.-.e'.ir.g Maidcatom bras, s retired to school ia order cccr.p'.eie hi, degree in butter- catciag and c pe evert rr.st ew-iag aa ea-uag ".at sucoessiOia- rc evert this weekend. Ar- mraaying Max is bs ocAch. ke Mulligan, s former great his ballet days. 1 iecftry T S rtl full comfort! '.-.-.V . " 11 lfrJ.H." .'--rt 0Kf -JJKt,e. '- - j , ,.' 1 O- 1 WtHl-. ."Ho JfXl le 1 1 ... ft. 4 1 1 ,. i r j 1 1 9 1 : " i' u' t. m ,. s 0? jt-w f V . -' - it 1