The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 26, 1954, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, March 26, 1954
Page 2
The Student Forum
Little man on campus
by Dick Bibler
" 1
'' I
Fffl By Headline
In a quick succession of events the Uni
versity lost a prospect lor the Chancellor
ship and the Lincoln Journal and the Uni
versity became markedly more antagonistic
toward one another.
Dr. J. W. Ashton asked that his name be
withdrawn from consideration for the post
of Chancellor; the University attributed his
withdrawal to an "expose" of his Chicago
Interview to the Journal, and the paper re
taliated in a lengthy editorial Wednesday.
The editorial said, "Out of all this the
real issue is becoming more clear." The Ne
braskan with this agrees. We do not agree,
however, that the issue is the one defined
by the Journal
That paper stated the issue thus: "It is an
issue based on the principle of the peoples'
right to know about the public's busi
ness . . . this right of' the people to know
what business transpires in their name, so
that they may exercise their citizenship in
telligently, is essential to democracy."
The Nebraskan wonders what the phrase
"so that they may exercise their citizenship
Intelligently" means In this Issue. Does the
Journal want a vote taken on the subject?
Does It want public hearings, conducted by
the Regents, to decide? Or does th Journal
advocate that the currently popular "trial by
headline" be used In Chancellor selection?
Trial by headline would be the result of
open interviews of prospects. The candidate
to make the most startling statement, the
most outspoken stand, would receive the
biggest headlines and therefore the most
public attention.
Is this the way in which the people may
exercise their citizenship intelligently?"
Label-giving an aspect of the trial by
headline technique has already come about
The Journal editorial said, "If they could
have had secrecy, "would they (the Re
gents) have hired what they themselves
would call a New Dealer and one who ex
pressed, himself as somewhat less .than en
thusiastic about their ideas on rebuilding
Nebraska athletics."
Of course, no one will know, since the
The Subtle Torture
A few days ago a Navy board of inquiry
was meeting in Arlington, Va., to hear the
case of ex-POW Col. Frank Schwable.
In the near future, the board will make
Its recommendation. It must decide whether
CoL Schwable should be completely exon
erated or be court martialed. A grave issue
will be determined.
Should a man who buckled under Red
brainwashing, causing the United Nations
forces undeterminable damage, be returned
to his Post as a commander of young men, or
should he be condemned for his actions? On
the other hand, can we honestly condemn
such s man? There Is no simple answer to
this thorny Question,
Yet, in a case like this, one must look to
the record.
Annapolis-man Schwable has served his
country very honorably. He has seen duty as
a pilot in Nicaragua, a combat commander of
a nightfighter squadron in World War II and
finally as chief of staff of the First Marine
, Aircraft Wing during the Korean War.
Shot down over enemy territory in July,
1952, he could have saved himself, (but he
waited for his co-pilot. He confessed, as
many other lower ranking men did, to the
hideous lie that the US used germ warfare
against the Chinese Beds.
"The hardest thing I have to explain,"
Schwable said, "is how a man can sit down
and write something he knows is false and
yet so sense it, so feel it, to make it seem
General Dean, the highest ranking officer
captured by the Reds, said he would never
go to war again without a suicide pill as
Insurance against captivity. A noted psy
chiatrist testified that any man would
eventually confess under the duress of Com
munist mental laceration.
People seem to tmdersand physical torture
nd pity for the victim. Such thorough
brainwashing, of the Red variety, is new for
most Americans. We seem to think a man can
control his mind and not bow under.
Perhaps I would have been fortunate to
have had physical torture, Schwable said,
for people understand it. This was torture
cf a more subtle form."
Schwable has s fine record. He lived
ftVoBgfc lordships that we cannot under
stand. Some ef his punishment Is almost toe
bad U attempt to describe. Surely the man
Is not a traitor. Ne one claims he is. But
people raise their eyebrows at him.
The board of inquiry has a thorny problem.
Zt must not condemn a man who has given
such service to his country. The decorated
Marina Corps pilot should be fully re-instated.
The people of America must realize
that torture of the mind is Just as severe,
and Just as uncontrollable, as torture of the
body. .
It would be grossly unfair to condemn a
man, such as CoL Schwable, when he was
th victim of something beyond the control
of any man D JF.
Regents could not now hire Ashton if they
wanted to. But anyone can guess as the
Journal did and anyone can label the man
"New Dealer" as the Journal did.
This labeling process is undoubtedly one
of the reasons the Regents and their pros
pects asked for privacy.
With candidates labeled "New Dealer,"
"Reactionary," "Against Re-emphasis of Ath
letics" and "For Athletic Re-emphasis," with
headlines giving varied facts and opinions
about each candidates merits and faults, and
with newspapers and private persons picking
over the prospects as they would shoes at
a bargain counter, the Regents' Job would be
come merely that of clerk.
This is not the purpose for which that
body was elected.
The Nebraskan is vitally concerned about
who will lead the University. It also recog
nized that the Board of Regents has
bumbled several matters this year. We do
not believe, however, that the trouble was
caused by "secret" decisions, but rather by
failure of the Board to be informed about
the implications of those decisions. But this
is not the context in which to debate the
competancy of the Board.
This is, however, the context in which to
look again at the basic issue involved. The
Nebraskan believes the issue to' be: "Will the
Board of Regents be allowed to select a
Chancellor or will that be done through a
trial by headline?" S.H.
On Hospitality
All Sports Day, three little words that
carry great significance for both the Uni
versity and the people of Nebraska opens
March 27. All Sports Day, like the state
basketball tournament, will bring hundreds,
even thousands of persons to the University
For the taxpayer here is a chance to see
what their money is doing. Even if the in
dividual does not take the time, (and who
could with a "filled up" program as that of
All Sports Day) to go into the buildings
where his sons and daughters are or will
receive their college education, he can see
a campus steadily being improved and
For the high school student, the atmos
phere of All Sports Day is entirely different
from that of the State basketball tourna
ment. The University is putting on the show
for him, flexing its athletic muscles, in a
variety of sports football, basketball, track,
swimming and tennis.
For the college student, All Sports Day
represents the same situation as vere. Univer
sity activity groups are planning for the
high school student arrival. Tours, dances asd
high school student arrival. Tours, dances and
the whole show athletic and entertainment
wise will be only as good as each individual
student wants it to be.
Institutionalized entertainment is good
to a point and after that point is reached,
the entertainment is nohing more than a
confusion factor. But personal contact on the
individual basis can hardly be so pronounced
to reach a point of diminishing returns for
the effort expended.
Each student could do much to sell his
University by showing our guests on All
Sports Day the best in college personality
development, the best in courtesy, the best
in friendliness. T.W.
Margin Notes
The Problem
Yep, it's a tough world.
The poor freshman is beset by countless
worries. World conditions are unsettled; the
future is grim. The pace of keeping up with
classes and homework is terrific. The pres
sure of exams, competition of athletics,
struggle with finances and the Endless dat
ing problem combine to provide the new
college student with plenty of headaches.
Concerned for the sanity "of American
youth, Oklahoma A&M College officials made
a survey to discover what worried a fresh
man the most. The result was surprising.
The biggest worry turned out to be:
"Where can I park my car?'
Sticky Problem
Gum manufacturer Philip K. Wrigley
Tuesday said his company, while on a hunt
for gum that wouldn't stick to plastic den
tures, found a plastic denture material that
won't stick to gum.
Mr. Wrigley told a stockholder's meeting
that the company still is searching for a way
to keep the gum from sticking to the plastic
The plastic dentures that won't stick to
gum, he said, aren't on the market yet
So far, the problem hasn't been solved by
this writer. ,
JltSL Vb&JtasJwui,
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
Advertising representative: National Advertising Service, toe.
C3i Madisea Ave, New York 17. New York
Ffc Kebnuftaa to nMMM S flu Jtaatoata af J TOtTORlAi. STATS'
(JMnW af &ttil aa mm aspnaalaa mt mtmammm editor
tmi mmtmm . MvmmMitw a Arttola M af turn ' "1L-
I-- ffwfhis WMMMH iwMinettaaa an mmttmm4 tattoruu rasa Kawa. ...........
mr a wt us fahwmiii aa, "It e Met mtmtmn mutm Haiflnt Editor. ......... ............
' s ''! tfc pDMtaaiuaa amlar Ms turlMtuitiaa aaaS era rifttor . . . &ae Mask
rjtjrrjz i-aTSX'a aLftZLtL
t nnt Um mmmttnm9 ml m vmM mt T mmwrnmrn nam, urea narray
j . . mtm pwwMMily iwwMafa tor mrmut Vmm mom A( Editor. Stan rHanaaj
at m im grratiaV Saarta auditor. .Oar PranaaM
wi, taa ra ara M a tiiawrtat. tS.Sa aaalM, mt ftEPOETEKS
$ r f'm ar. $4 awlll. Slnirla H' la Wt
amtta. PaMbalaoS aa Tanday, Wadnaaday and Prlda Hrwl Uavpa. Barrti Rawt. Lwilrmw awltner, Jaak
rt. ol raw. raeatlua and cuMalnattua muutaea, Wllllametta Uaaca, Barbara Wrlta. Manila
awnxia. 4m HMua auhlihd diulnc tba ataBta ef ur- Miekelwa, Sam Jama, Barbara Clark, Oman wama.
m aw U l)iinr af Kunmaaa aadar Um BUSlircSB tttm.Hi
I mm mmt tea wmmm a a Part Mm Baalnaaj aaar. . . v . .. .. .r-j - ,!?!?",!!' TT
:2 mmlm. a at mt Congrmm. Mmmm S. hunlmm, MaaaW. ....Chat Otasar. Dmimy
s a art r mt P-a J? ,., naar R lnmaa
ttsp. IS,
"I somehow managed to ignore his advances last term.'
On The Light Side
If Loose Ends
The sun was ghastly hot. And
the sand . . . the endless scorch
ing, silent stretches of sand.
Slowly, oh so slowly, two fig
ures inched their way through
the drifting agony of sifting
sand. Perspiration outlined their
white skin seeti through their
sweat-soaked, clinging robes.
What brought these intruders
into this naked region?
Their story can only be told
by those who know it . . . them!
"WHAT are we doing here?
What ARE we doing here? What
are WE doing here? What are
we DOING here? What are we
doing HERE?" These were the
Questions that took form in these
two travelers minds, who, upon
examination resembled each
other closely except one had a
red beard and the other a
knarled black one.
Measuring their words as care
fully as sand sifts through an
egg timer the two foreigners un
raveled an account of their
strange and income tax free mis
sion. a a a
"We're twin brothers," they
began. "My name is Gaso, and
my brother's name is Vaso Leen,"
the red bearded one gasped.
Finished ringing out his hand
kerchief after mopping his brow
Gaso continued. "We're Ameri
can research scientists from
Kleenex, Mississippi on leave of
absence from Phoni Home Per
manent Co., who for years has
specialized in beautifying the
busy housewives of our country
until now . . .
Brother Vaso picked up bis
partner's narrative. "Alas, a
crisis has befallen our Phoni
Home Permanent Co. In the last
few months we have been be
seiged by sobbing, hysterical
women who all had one thing In
common . . . they were BALD.
In re-examining our chemical
formula we have discovered a
weird bacteria growth has coate
over our chemicals which upon
application to the hair destroys
their roots.
The strangest part of our dis
covery, Vaso explained, was that
not one scientist in the United
States recognized this type bac
teria. However a mysterious lit
tle man by the name of Ripley
came to our aid just when we
thought our home permanent
business would have a parting
of the waves. He told us through
consultation of his mystic and
honorable almanac he had come
upon this same type of bacteria
which could only be counter
acted by an ancient formula
found only in Egypt.
Naturally our spirits rallied,
the black bearded one continued,
and we began to make plans to
fly the formula over in a TWA
Constellation. However, our
hopes crashed once again when
Ripley told us the formula was
lost to the world.
On our indignant questioning
in rather strong language he re
luctantly told us that the for
mula was carved in heiroglyphics
in the lost tomb of the once vain
and proud monarch AH Made Me
Passhe located in the equally
lost city of Itchandscratchibul."
(Not to be confused with Con
stantapple.) Almost as silently as they first
appeared on the desert scent the
two men again took up their
seemingly impossible search for
the lost city of Itchandscratch
ibul. Weeks later, Just when they
were ready to surrender their
withered frames to the desert
elements they spotted a ruined
city which wasn't located on
their AAA maps. This, they
blubbered together, must be
a a
After frenzied digging and
shaking with excitement the
Leen twins opened the jewel
bedecked vault door and stum
bled inside. Everything Ripley
said was true. The time-worn
walls were covered with sym
bolic figures spelling out the
formula, and in the corner lay
the mummified body of Ali Made
Me Passhe in a solid gold coffin.
Suddenly the coffins lid, un
touched fey human hands for
thousands of years, slowly be
gan to raise. Even more petri
fied than the mummy Gaso and
Vaso Leen stood transfixed.
The ghostly spectre noiselessly
unwrapped the silken bandages
from his mouth. Critically eye
ing his two unwelcome visitors
he pointed his boney fingers at
them; and witlv a deep breath
that doesn't come easy for one
so out of condition he screeched,
"Hey you gone guys don't forget
to take a LATE DATE tonight
and give a financial boost to the
Mortar Board Foreign Student
Two On The Aisle
'New Faces' Fine; Stars
Eartha, Eartha, Earfha
With probably the most appro
priate tag yet on a movie, "New
Faces" is scheduled to hit the
Stuart Theater with a bang Fri
day night.
The face of Eartha Kttt i the
only familiar one in the Broad
way musical revue, and even her
sensual countenance is new ta
the screen. Besides Miss Kttt,
the cinemascope production fea
tures Ronny Graham, Robert
Clary and Alice Ghostley In star
ring roles.
The movie "New Faces" is a
filming of the highly successful
Broaflway revue of the same
name which launched Eartha and
her repertoire of sexladen songs
to juke-box fame. According to
all reports, the movie was filmed
exactly as the show was played
on Broadway, and with the same
"New Faces" is strictly a mu
sical revue, and is not compli
cated by anything more than
faintly resembling a plot. It is
strictly a song, dance and fun
routine and offers no characters
to "identify" with, no story to
escape with; in fact nothing for
the audience to do other than to
sit back and really enjoy the
movie. Besides the torchy songs
and gesticulations of Eartha,
there are dances galore and
some of the zaniest comedy rou
tines ever to come out of the
"promised land."
s. Costumes are great, ranging
from from a "scoop shovel" gown
you have to see it to appreciate
it to a fur stole (that's all)
draped over Eartha during her
seductive rendition of ""Santa
Baby." As a matter of fact. Ear
tha was generally not overly cos
tumed. a
It is Eartha who opens the show
and Eartha who closes it. open
ing with bewitching "C'est Si
Bon," and closing with equally
great "Monotonous." Eartha
also contributes "Uskadara,"
"Bal Petit Bal," and ""Love is
a Simple Thing."
The fun is mostly contributed
by Robert Clary, who, as someone
commented, is what Jerry Lewis
should be. Clary's comedy is
somewhat more "sophisticated"
than the Lewis brand and conse
quently much easier to take.
Ronny Graham also contributes
to the humor especially in an
extremely funny scene of a bop
ster being called before a Senate
investigating committee investi
gating the effect of bop on youth.
Choreography for the dance
routines seemed only fair. But
the music and lyrics accompany
ing the steps more than made up
for it-
"New Faces" would probably
have been Just as good on the
ld-style flat screen as it is la
cinemascope. But the wide screen
plus stereophonic sound gave
more of the effect of seelnr It oa
the stage ... which seemed to
be the main thing the movie was
striving for.
Imported brtofeaaM. Flnaat eraftiman
nip. Lmtbar that will laat a Ufatlma.
JAaul for atudent, proteaaor or bual
Daunuui. Call: 7-14BS.
LOST: PhUlnhave electric Haver. Reward.
9-80M evenlnge or Avary Lab Library.
- A VAKJ for JCaatar. tor Mother'e day,
AVUrl fat youreeUT. Cali 7-J71T.
Whet faf . a .
The recent announcement of
new members of Phi Beta Kappa
and Sigma Xi gave me the in
spiration to write today's col
umn. I mused a moment as I
read the names of the new mem
bers, thinking of the countless
hours of concentration, the anxi
ety, and the sense of accomplish
ment, which accompany such an
honor. Then my thoughts turned
to our country, the United States
of America.
a a a
At the dawning of our country,
the vast majority of those who
landed at Jamestown or Plymouth
came in search of freedom they
were unable to find in their own
countries freedoms we still cher
ish today: freedom of speech,
freedom of religion, freedom from
fear, and freedom from want. We
have achieved, to some degree,
those four freedoms today. And
yet there is a fifth freedom, basic
to the others and certainly funda
mental to the American way of
life that we are in danger of los
ing. This fifth freedom is the free
dom to be one's best.
The freedom to be one's best is
the chance for the development
of each person to his highest de
gree. If, as I am convinced, we
have begun to lose this freedom,
why have we lost it? How can we
regain it? I believe it has started
slipping away from us because of
several great misunderstandings.
First of all, I think there is a
misunderstanding of the meaning
of democracy. The principal of
one of Philadelphia's great high
schools is driven to cry for help
in combatting the notion that it is
undemocratic to run a special
program of studies for outstand
ing boys and girls.
When a good Independent
school In Memphis recently had
to close its doors, some thought
ful citisens urged that it be taken
over by the public school system
and used for boys and girls of
high ability. The citizens thought
the school could have entrance
requirements and offer a top
notch program of studies for su
perior students. The proposal was
rejected because it was undemo
cratic! Does not this hamper the
freedom to be one's best?
Second, the loss of our fifth
freedom stems from the misun
derstanding of what makes for
happiness. The aims of our pres
ent society lean toward ease and
material well being, shorter
hours, a shorter week, more re
turn for less accomplishment. In
our public schools this trend is
seen by the fact that high school
graduates enter the University
with little or no conception of
spelling, punctuation, or funda
mental grammar.
a a a
In a recent article on Progres
sive Education, there appeared
this almost unbelievable quota
tion: "The writer has seen a
class of six hundred and more
graduate students in education,
comprising teachers, principals,
and superintendents, vote their
opinion in overwhelming numbers
that Greek, Latin, and mathemat
ics offered the least likely possi
bilities for educational growth;
and with almost the same unana
mity they placed dancing, dra
matics and dollplaying high on
the list in this regard."
What Phi Beta Kappa, or
member of Sigma XI, or any
intelligent person for that mat
ter, would stomach this tripe?
Who has freedom at the piano,
the child who bangs on it where
ever he likes with his fist, or the
Chopin who pours out the music
of his soul through his trained
fingers who has so developed
his technique that the instru
ment is his servant rather than
his master?
Third, along with the demands
for more return for less accom
plishment, and softening of stan
dards, come cries for more
security, more benefits, less
competition and so on. But let
the U.S. beware when security
means being taken care of from
the cradle to the grave by the
Federal Government. Security
should mean simply one thing:
the ability and the willingness
of each individual to contribute.
It is still possible in America to
go from a plain cabin to a cabin
, plane in one generation, but
those that have done so have
not waited for a hand-out.
While it is easy for a mediocre
person like me to point out the
problem, it is more difficult to
arrive at an adequate solution.
This fifth freedom, this freedom
to be one's best, is slipping away
from us through mistaking com
monness, the average, for demo
cracy, through mistaking the
easy, the soft, for a means to
happiness, and perhaps by drift
ing awayafrom faith in God.
We, asTJniversity graduates, as
voters, and as citizens of the
United States will have an op
portunity to preserve and protect
this fifth freedom. We will have
the opportunity to influence our
public school systems such that
our children will have the
chance to grow intellectually to
the highest degree.
We will have the opportunity
to show the next generation that
freedom is not only a privilege
but a test that initiative and
competitive spirit rather than
hand-outs are the keynotes of
And finally, we will have the
opportunity to show our children
what values WE have found
truest that atheistic pragmatism
will not work.
In a local church a few weeks
ago there appeared on the pro
gram the announcement of the
hymn: "Rise Up. O Men of God".
And following It In parentheses
were the words "The congrea
tion will remain seated". Will
our congregation remain seated?
Bulletin Board
Orchesis Spring Program, 8:15
p.m., Grant Memorial Hall.
Dr. Gerrett Bevelander, Den
tistry Lecture, 3 p.m., Andrews
Laboratory Theater Plays,
7:30, Room 201, Temple.
Palladian Society, 8:30 p.m.,
Temporary J.
All-Sports Day, all day, Coli
seum and Stadium.
Orchesis Spring Program," 8:15
p.m.. Grant Memorial Hall.
Audubon Series, 8 p.m., Love
Library Auditorium.
"Come to the Mardi Gras",
Union Talent Review, 8 pjn.
Union Ballroom.
Omicron Epsilon PI Monthly
JVIeeting, Colonial Cup, 7 p.m.
Dob's Dillies
Anyone can bring happiness
Into the world, though by differ
ent ways. Some by entering a
room, others by leaving It.
a a a
Amanda had trouble with her
hand and leg. Her hand's all
right now, but her leg is still in
the hands of thedoctor.
a a a
There is always thd girl who
kissed her violin goodnight and
took her bow to bed with her.
a a a
A bachelor is a man who has
taken advantage of the fact that
marriage is not compulsory.
-the magic
The unrestrained
Broadway musical hit ' j
that will tickle your fl
risibilities and leave lftl
your inhibitions in :fA
a glorious state Vv
of shambles!
s . v ,v iv v.
. l I 'iVV' h-c
fcw.iiiii.iiin .. 1
eaiaWr t . I
i if i . j & i
r. s m t M ML. y
'If. II m
af i
Haor EARTHA Kin ting
atONOTONoui, At atrrr bai,
iOVi S3 A HMfU TMNei
PtOGKAM a e .
Technicolor CinemaScope Short Subjects
Alfrai Newnuui Coataettnc fce
ttm daatarr-r e MyaBMir Oroheatra mat Charm ta
"Polovetzran Donees from Prise !;or"
"Tournament of Roses"
KarrataS br Daa Datlrr
Aleo TeeJmJeoiar Oartoaa IMirht