Wednesday, March 24, 1954 THE NEBRASKAN Page 3 AII-I? m Pocked; Becker Finke, Mutzebaugh, Gallion, Hart Also Named To Top Five yd) ITS By FRANK SORENSON Sports Staff Writer Don Becker, mainstay of the Phi Delta Theta team, leads the All-Fraternity B selections which was chosen from votes turned in by the various teams in the leagues. The prolific aggregation, which averages a mythical 56.7 points per rame by compiling their in dividual averares, is made up from one member of each of the five top-rated clubs In the final Standings. Walt Finke, who led his Alpha Gamma ftho teammates to the Fraternity B championship, joins Becker as one of the best floor men on the number one team. Both are guards. LARRY GALLION of the second-rated Sigma Chi outfit is the leading pivot. The 6-3 center hits best from the keyhole area and has an effective jump shot to team up with Finked long one handers. Don Mutzebaugh of Sir ma Phi Epsilon and a forward nominee leads the mythical five In the scoring department with a 12.7 average. His side shot and one handers were effective through out Rounding out the first team is Phil Hart of the tournament final ists. Phi Gamma Delta. Hart, a forward led his team through a relatively poor season and then was the instrumental factor in their rise to the B finals against the AGRs. AMONG THE members of the second team were Guards Tom Weekes and Bill Harm from Beta Theta Pi and Delta Tau Delta Sid Mason Pi Kappa Phi Bob Kirkendall-Phi Gamma Delta Bob Davey Theta Xi Tom Weekes Beta Theta Pi Bill Harm Delta Tau Delta Fraternity 'B All-Star Team FIRST TEAM Pos. SECOND TEAM Don Mutzebaugh-Sigma Phi Epsilon F Phil Hart-Phi Gamma Delta F Larry Gallion Sigma Chi C Don Becker-Phi Delta Theta G Walt Finke Alpha Gamma Rho G THIRD TEAM: Charlie Hopp, Phi Delta Theta and Herb Mayer, Phi Kappa Psi, forwards; Charlie Ferguson, Phi Gamma Delta, center; and Roger Ess man, Alpjia Gamma Rho and Haps Gosch, Beta Theta Pi, guards. HON ORABLE MENTION: Long, Delta Upsilon; Hebard, Moore, Thompson, Welch, Phi Kappa Psi; Tooley, Burnham, Delta Tau Delta; Wright, Shaw, Sigma Phi Epsilon Arndt, Zucker, Beta Sigma Psi; Gray, Niehaus, Sigma Chi; Jef freys, Vance, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Anderson, McKenzie, Jensen, Phi Delta Theta; Fagen, Pickett, Beta Theta Pi; Innes, Phi Kappa Phi and James, Al pha Tau Omega. Expert Rewarded Nation's Basketball Officials Change Charity Throw Policy By GARY FR AND SEN Sports Editor There will be more emphasis from the nation's coaching pro fession, basketball-wise, on free throw practice from now on, you can bet your last plug nickel on that. It was made a virtual cer tainty Monday when the Na t i o n a 1 Basketball Committee adopted a new, drastically changed rule on the controver sial free throw policy. Lost in the muddle of the con ference at Kansas City was the old one-and-one rule which was constantly Involved in a multi tude of differences of opinion during- its two-year stay on the basketball courts. The new ruling on the shoot- respectively. Both were the lead ing performers on their clubs and both were strong contenders', for berths on the first team. Included on the second five were Sid Mason, PI Kappa Phi; Bob Kirkendall, Phi Gamma Del ta; and Bob Davey, Theta Xi. Mason and Kirkendall hold down forward positions while Davey earns the nod at the center slot. On the third team Charlie Hopp, Phi Delta Theta and Herb Mayer, Phi Kappa Psi were placed at the forward spots; Charlie Fer guson, Phi Gamma Delta was named at center, and Roger Ess man, Alpha Gamma Rho and Hans Gosch, Beta Theta Pi were ! 1 ' X If ' " - " tjf . W,, & p r Alumni Leader One of. the expected leaders for the Alumni basketball team against Coach Harry Good's Varsity cagers on All Sports Day Saturday will be big Bus Whitehead, a 6-9 cen- Courtem Sunday Journal and Star ter who formerly played with the Phillips Oilers as well as for Nebraska. Whitehead is currently living in Lincoln and is a player-coach for the Storz basketball team. WHEN YOU USE , 7bd)MAkcuv assiiioii To place a classified ad Stop in tbe Bundcm Office Room 20 Student Union Call 2-765 Ext. 4226 for Classified Jerri co Hours 14:3d Mon. thru frl THRIFTY AD RATES No. wordi 1 day 2 days 3 day 1 Idcry MO S .43 fM ( $ .85 I $1.00 IMS iO 1 -S3 I 1.05 U5 16-20 .60 -S5 1.25 140 " 21-25 I .70 1.10 1 1-45 1.75 2S-"30 -SO I 1.25 1.65 2.00 MISCELLANEOUS N lmimrtrd brirfcnr. Finest crsfUmsn- hip. leather that will last a lifetime. Ideal for student, professor or busl- Mssman. Call: 7-14S9. FOR EASTER AVf"rJ "or JCsster. for Mother's day, AYUIl for yourself. CsU 7-1717. Huskers Prep For All-Sports Day Scrimmage Coach Bill Glassford sent his Husker football team through a snappy two-hour drill Monday which consisted chiefly of going over some of the mistakes the squad made in Saturday's initial game-type scrimmage. In the only big chan.e Jerry Peterson, a Cambridge tackle, was moved np to the top left tackle slot on the White squad. Outside of that everything re mained pretty well the same. Glassford's number one Red outfit still had Andy Loehr and Don Hewitt at the ends; Bill Holloran and Don Glantz, tackles; halfbacks, and Bob Smith, full guards; Bob Oberlin, center; Red Fischer, quarterback; Jon Mc Williams and Willie Greenlaw, halfbacks; and Bob Smith, full back. AT THE SAME time the Husker head mentor was still strongly considering the proposed idea of attempting to establish a fall practice camp at the Fort Rob inson site in northwest Ne braska. Glassford said the proposal was made to him from the team physicians who thought a condi tioning program away from the campus would be the best for the Husker team. The Husker coach added that they will first look the place over to see if it would be suitable for the program and then would come the problem of expenses and obtaining permis sion to practice off campus. Colorado To Hold Big Indoor Meet The University of Colorado will be host to the 13th annual Colorado Indoor Invitational meet this Saturday. Invitations have been mailed to schools in the Rocky Mountain and Big Seven area, approximately 100 in all. Powerful entries from Colo rado A&M, defending Skyline Conference champion; Kansas State, perennial Big Seven giants, and Colorado, climbing back up the track ladder, are expected to head this year's field. stationed at the guards. FERGUSON IS the third Phi Gam performer to be named on one of the first three teams. Hart held down a first-team forward spot and Kirkendall won a second-team berth at the forward position. On Friday the All-Independent team will be released. Next week the All-Fraternity A team and the All-University basketball teams will be announced. Ballots can still be turned in for all selections. Athletic Meeting To Be Held Here "Government's Role in the Problem of Health" will be the topic of Nebraska Gov. Robert Crosby who will be the prin cipal speaker at the first gen eral session ot the Central Dis trict convention of the Ameri can Association for Health, Physical Education and Recrea tion here April 7. The four-day session will be held at the Hotel Lincoln. Besides two other general meetings, the convention of dele gates from nine states will in clude section discussions on camping, research, teacher edu cation, therapeutics, dancing, the public schools, recreation, men's physical education and athletics, girls' and women's sports, health and student participation. Collegians Bowled Over Say r Arrow GABANARO Fits Perfectly Sports Shirts Feature Exact Collar Sizes and Sleeve Lengths 4 1 - V4 - ' iiiiiiM inn " wt TfaWW----JKiK' i"H'rilnmir According to college men, Arrow "Gabanaro" is the best-fitting sports shirt on this and every cam pus with built-in comfort . . . neater, smarter lines. "Gabanaro" features a wide range of colors in washable rayon gabardine. ARROW TftAQE ft MARK SKIRTS TIES UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS SPORTSWEAR ing of charity tosses is in direct contrast to the former clause that provided for a second shot if the first was missed up to the last three minutes. Starting next winter the ex pert from the bread line wilt re ceive a deserving reward for his accuracy. The rule now states that if a player drops his first shot, he gets a second try at the bucket. If the first Is missed, the ball Is In play. Another excep tion Is that there will still be two free throws awarded tn the last three minutes. There were other changes in the 1954-55 basketball regula tions such as eliminating quar ters from college action in favor of two 20-minute halves, but the free throw change is the only big one to come out of the recent huddles. Personally, we are very much satisfied with the new ruling. It's about time accuracy was re warded more than inefficiency from free throw stripe. Before, skill didn't benefit, now it does. What do you think? Cerv Socks Four Doubles Monday Rookie Outfielder Bob Cerv, a former University of Nebraska standout on the diamond and currently in the thick of the fight for a berth with the power ful New York Yankees, contin ued his heavy Grapefruit League hitting with four big doubles against the Philadelphia Ath letics Monday. Cerv has been on a batting splurge much of the current spring baseball season, and his four two-baggers were instru mental in the 16-hit Yankee at tack that kayoed the A's 12-6. Cerv also has five homers to his credit in the early Florida action. Alain Feature Clock (Selwdults Famished by Thsstrs) Lincoln: "Saskatchewan," 1:25, 3;30, 5:30, 7:35, 9:40. Stuart: "Night People," 1:20, 3:23, 5:26, 7:29, 9:32. Nebraska: "Easy to Love," 2:53, 6:13, 9 33, "Steel Traps 1:18, 4:38, 7:58. Varsity: "The Command," 1:26, 3:22, 5:32, 7:35, 9:38. State: "Living Desert," 1:32, 3:14, 4:56, 6:32, 8:15, 9:55. THE VILLAGE WILL BE JUMPIN'-FRIDAY! lit. J ssras f "A HIT! EARTHA KITT SENSATIONAL , . . flashy beanty, In sinuating and tantalis ing as she sinrs her bracenly lusty songs!" World Telegram A Sun "The Surprises of the Year! THE SHOW LANDS IN THE LAP OF THE CUSTOM ERS. Even more per sonalised than before!" Times S '1 0 E ''::..- ! iacnun eg sun t - "The Surprises of the L , Year! THE SHOW P ' LANDS IN THE LAP OF THE CUSTOM- ERS. Even more per- 5 sonallsed than before!" iMiiwniiwi ---Times L-J SowobY I . J U VO&OTii EXTRA: ADDED ENJOYMEXTt At u u, 1 Cinemascope Featurette Aonf B "POLOVETZIAN DANCES" 1 SiolPtVll0' From Prtoe, Ir) Tms "TOURNAMENT OF ROSES" Then SM .V . - f W9 . . 1 SlWP' -1 Ses HIshltrhts of the Pande 1 0" and FeotbsJI Came! How the stars got started j a I "I was a Hollywood f ,. , ' wfkT 1 fij stagehand. One day , , V' I m I fell 20 feet off a ' . ' ) X. scaffold. I wasnt hurt, but I ( - tvV , l i i - -ijS" I decided acting was safer. I went to acting school, played bit parts TT ''r ' ' ' START SMOKING CAMELS 1. . . finally I hit pay dirt in j - " W.V, YOURSELF! Smoke only Camels This Gun for Hire'." - , for 30 days and find out why I .v:, ' ' '' Camels are first in mildness, flavor vmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmm- VjU-T' and popularity! ee how much ' : ' , pure pleasure a cigarette can , I ; 'X'X "- give you! S -X i mmi SMOKING CAMELS VV '' fc I J' K A ( BECAUSE SO MANY OF MY ' 07' Jn FRIENDS DID. ONCE STARTED, j If Qv KNEW CAMBLS WERE FOR ME. J ' j Affi .f . V WU CANT BEAT 'EM ! j J$7 r-uaCflH8 AGREE W MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE