-MJH Wednesday, March 24, 1954 Page 2 THE NEBRASKAN EDITORIAL PAGE LITTLE MAN on campus by Dick tibur The Student Forum IP" I II v ' i i ;i . 4 s 1 ..3 I k 1 v - V 1 , . -i - vs PI 5 'Five llor Years . . Senate investigations, McCarthy, hearings and the Secretary of the Army have eaten up miles of newspaper copy, thousands of radio words and hours of reader and lis tener time. Although investigations have come under heavy fire and been defended with equal vigor, the general American reading and listening public has not been able to draw definite conclusions. If some thing is really amiss or to what extent gov ernment is being infiltrated has not been determined but officials are busy making threats and counter-threats among them selves. However, Americana have had a good look at the ways government officials and legislators "handle" that capricious element publlo opinion. Roy Cohn, special investigator for Sen. McCarthy's committee, "made one statement that stuck in the reader's memory. Cohn said, according to Time magazine, "He (Mc Carthy) has five more years in the Senate A Question Of Goals What is the highest goal that we set for ourselves? Most students would agree that the goal would be a composite of freedom from fear, anxiety and care. These freedoms compose Webster's defi nition of security. But the Question is what does It mean to the student, and how can he attempt to attain it? The students main aim in college is the attainment of knowledge which will enable him to find satisfactory employment so that he can live comfortably and securely when he graduates Irom college. His parents are sending him with the hope that he won't have to go through the struggle that they did in their first attempts to attain a com fortable living. They may say that they want their children to have security with out having tq go through the school of hard knocks to get it But does security come as easily as that? Will the person with a college education be guaranteed security on a silver plater when he is graduated? Can this goal even be reached? Perhaps a more modern definition of security would be "What you ' have after you slit your throat" In that case, we should envy those long-gone fathers of our country. They have, after all, reached the real security. Every aspect of life carries an element of insecurity, therefore, the complete meaning of the world could only be fulfilled after death. However, it is a part of our upbringing to work all our lives for this highest step on the ladder of happiness or success. Yet with each small goal accomplished, there is still another higher and more unattainable rung just ahead. We humans are never satisfied. Espe cially those1 of us who are college students. We may own 1954 Cadillac convertibles and think that we have reached the ultimate in happiness. Yet there is always something else that would make us completely happy .if we just had it. Perhaps that extra some thing which would be the recipe for perfect happiness would be a roomful of cashmeres or a summer vacation in Europe. Let's face it, absolute security is unattain able. What we can attain, however, is a sense of security. We can feel secure in our relations with others, in satisfaction in the work we do and through our contribu tions to society and the security of others. G. H. Will Never Work Safety on the highways is a never-ending problem, treated by most students by most driver, in fact as a casual principle which should be observed but which they have no serious intentions of really adher ing to. Safety campaigns have been endless; road signs are profuse. Highways are well designed; common road courtesy demands consideration of the other car. And yet traffic death tolls mount every year. But hope never dies in the human ani mal, and still another proposal has been sug gested to help curb the rate of traffic acci dents. The president of the Automobile Safety Association has proposed that cars be designed on the order of city line busses and milk and delivery trucks, with the driver perched out ahead of the front wheels. This new arrangement would eliminate the left-fender and engine-front blind spots of modern car styles. Also, the driver, pro jected beyond the body of the car, will lose that complacent sense of protection he feels when installed behind a formidable hood. The driver would be able to see better, and his psychological insecurity would alert him to the dangers of a collision. The more one thinks about the idea the sounder it seems, but there is one insur mountable objection. Cars nowadays are chosen for style, not safety. Or, who wants to drive a bread-truck besides a baker, that is. M. H. and they like him a lot in Wisconsin." He went on to say that McCarthy would weather the current storm without danger of losing his seat in the Senate, his public reputation or his popularity in his home state, regardles of the opposition building up against him and his methods. If nothing else, Cohn's statement can serve as a guide post to the American pub lic, especially college students who have had concentrated doses of the current Army Committee debate. First, the public is something that must be kept happy and made to feel important by appeals and special news bulletins cen tered around replies and denouncements, etc. Second, a charge, though it may carry grave consequences, can be weathered if the person on the receiving end has enough time in office or power to allow the public to forget. Third, sectionalism in the United States is a definite, positive control or factor in politics. Though the rest of the country may be up in arms to do away with an elected official, the home state or constitu ency has the final say on his political fu ture. Voters can elect a man hated by everyone else; they may defeat a man gen erally conceded elsewhere to be necessary in the House or the Senate. Cohn's statement is galling to many public-minded citizens and. responsible voters throughout the United States for two gen eral reasons. First, it is so completely and terribly true. McCarthy will weather this storm without losing his seat in the Senate.. His committee, though it may have to "adjust" its methods, will continue to function. Es sentially, he will continue business as usual. Second, the statement shows a contempt for public opinion and action. Cohn, who has been called a "bright boy" by both Mc Carthy and his enemies, is secure and knows it because the American public will forget the issue's real importance, if not the fact McCarthy ever had a disagreement with the Secretary of the Army. They can be re minded, but the incident will not assume the same importance five years from now as it holds today. The fact remains that McCarthy has in curred the wrath of many, who though they did not favor. his methods, were willing to go along with what he was trying to do. Now, even these persons are becoming mem bers of the steadily expanding anti-McCarthy group. And yet Roy Cohn, a man whose fate is intimately bound up with McCarthy, poo-poos those who feel that McCarthy is in danger. He may be whis tling in the dark, but his statement carries 'more weight than theatrical braveness. Wrong or right, McCarthy's actions have stirred up public indignation and dissatis faction, but he doesn't have to worry he has five more years and the public forgets Quickly T. W. Margin Notes Strange Request Many strange requests have been printed in The Nebraskan, but there is one story currently in the news that is a real corker. It seems the Coed Counselors have in vited girls, with special qualifications, to apply for a position known as p "Big Sister." Certainly, this is a fine ihing for any girl to do. But one begins to wonder if the Coed Counselors haven't tackled a project just a little bit too large when they attempt to radically change normal biological forces of nature. The question should be asked: "Since when do girls apply for a position of a "Big Sister." Whot Hoppen? Spring has arrived. Downslips have been out long enough so that everyone has had time to rationalize his inadequacies. Blue Monday is over, and the campus seems to have pulled through another weekend. Everything is going according to schedule with one exception. Tuesday afternoon, the office of The Ne braskan was so quiet that the copy editors could actually hear a pencil drop. (The test was made, and the sound was heard rever berating throughout the entire office.) Something must be wrong amidst the otherwise normal University. As a rule, along aobut 3:30 p.m. one can't hear a per son screaming next to him, let alone the drop of a pencil This writer is completely lost for an ex planation for this phenomenon. Surely spring cannot be this potent. Maybe Rose-Colored Ones?' Over 5 nillion pairs of glasses are sold annually in the United States. It seems funny, then, how blind we can all be at times. J Jul Tkbha&kui, FIFTY-THIRD YEAB Member: Associated Collegiate Press Advertising representative: National Advertising Service, Inc. 420 Madison Ave., New York 17. New York Aha Kstmcliaa H PBblbd trf tha atnoaaM af tha EOtTOXLaX BTAIT tMvwntts' tteltraaaa mm mm axnraMrtoa a twUmta' .mm an. nw ami mplnUmt oiy. Aeeordlnt to Artleta II f the .nana HO I r-Lam awamlina utodent pubitractnni and admtnlatrrad Editorial Par Edltar ..Tea Waodward ' hi tli Beard af rutiiinationa, "It to the darlamd potlrr . Manarlnf Edltar Jmm Barrlm f tia Board that publication under tU turtodktttaa hxU v . r . fca tam tram editorial aanannhia oa too pan of taa 2"? rSL "imi'itaia." ' ni.wrJKV tMard, mr an taa Bart af aa member of U faaaltr of topT dttat inner Carman. Dick FeUman, t-n ! Rrst7, but tka nonhm af tba ataff at Tba Marl anna Haaaaa. Graca Hurry T,.?2.JZ?.. "?-" , M Sport Edltar Gary r randan M it est mWexa raw, I aaaiird. Stasia copr it fix BErOKTBKo aert. Published on Tneadar, WaAneadar and Friday rVrerl Derp. Harriot Itwrf, Ladrraoa Hwttiar, Jaek daring tba aenool raar, except mention and examination Praadaen, WlUlametta Death, Barbara Eleke. Mania nerlotia. Ona uwoe anhlfeoed during tba month af An MJekelaan. Sara Jenien, Barbara Clark, Granny Warren. ut aactt raar by tba imvpralty of Nebraska under tba , esMnristaa at tba Committee of Student FnMlrattoaa. BUSINESS STa.ro ..tared "" elaea natter at tba Foal Of flea tat BnalneM Manager.......... , Sana Stank) i4ia, Kebraakn, onder Act of Oagreea, Mama, S, Aaf't Bnainow Manager Chat Singer, Doraa Jacob, i-vtis. and at eoeebil rate f aoatare provided for la Beott Chile um. Act ad Coogrcaa af Oct. (, aatborlsod Circulation Managa . .'"f" . ii. tj kiihi Htm.. ........................ .....DM r annua ' "' ' Ami Ifm as, -hii -- -' liiar If If ere .Are tfe? "It's a material quite popular with the faculty, sir A 'tweed is SUPPOSED to look baggy." The Challenge Writer Thought, Worked; Fruits Of labor1 Below By KEN R. KELLER Tom Woodward, a young man I have come to know quite well from his semi-annual appear ances before the Committee on Student Publications, telephoned me the other day to ask whether I would write "A Challenge" for The Nebraskan. I said I would. I said that because I was not thinking. If I had been thinking, I would have asked him, "What's a Challenge?" Some railroad has a train, or used to have a train, named "The Challenger." For a time I thought I might write about that Then I figured Tom wouldn't like it So I had to ret up and get the dictionary. It was quite an experience. In the first place, it has only been in the fleeting years since I left college and, believe me, that's quite a fleet that I have come to bother with a dictionary at all. And being forced into looking into one even now by a mere strip of a Nebraskan staff member such as Tom who is only about 2 and one-half axe handles high with a weight of about 13 stone, was not to my liking. a And, second, the way the dic tionary goes about dealing with challenge is ' remarkable. For example, the dictionary doesn't just say something like: "with an r' added a challenge is a good name for a train." Oh no. It says, and I quote, "challenge (chal'eng;-inj;119), n. bracket .ME. chalenge claim, accusation, challenge, fr. OF. chalenge, chal onge, claim, accusation, contest fr. chalengier, chalongier. See CHALLENGE, v.; CALUMNY, end bracket." I submit if anybody thinks a grant-in-aid program is not jus tified, just let them look that over. I'll meet you half way. That "ME." means Middle English (ho-ho to the mechanical en gineers!), and the "OF." means Old French. But you tell me what "-inj;119" means. If it's how many Indians Custer faced, I'm dead. a Now, let's consider the mean ings; abbreviated, of course. 1. An accusation; reproach; objection. Obs. (Just when you think you have something right off the bat they tell you to for get it; it's obsolete.) 2. An invitation to engage in a contest or controversy; a de fiance; specif., a summons to fight (Woodward wants a fight yet!) 3. A claim; a demand of a right Obs. 4. (a) Act of calling to ac count, (b) Act of calling in ques tion. . . 5. An exception to a person as not legally qualified to vote. It must be made when the ballot is offered. U.S. 6. Hunting. The opening and crying of hounds at first finding the scent 7. Law. A formal exception taken to a juror or jurors. 8. Mil. Act of a sentry in questioning. a a AH right There we have it Woodward has asked me to: 1. Accuse or reproach or ob ject to somebody or something. I won't do it. "What chance has an inexperienced accuser got these days? The job's already filled. 2. Engage in a fight. No thanks. 3. Make a claim. I already did. The Government of the United States owes me $1.63 income tax refund. 4. Call somebody to account. For what? 5. Take exception to some body as not legally qualified to vote. Oh, come now, Tom. . 6. Bay like the hunting hounds. 7. Reject some juror. I don't even know any jurors. Dear Mr. Woodward: It is with considerable regret that I must tell you I do not feel qualified to write "A Challenge." I think one of the greatest needs of our day is to recapture, or just capture, some method of com municating with each other even In English. By BERT BISHOP People are always remarking that the proper business of ed ucation is citizenship. What seems to escape the attention of these casual philosophers is that there are well-educated Fascists, Communists, Monarchists, thieves and murderers as well as enlightened model citizens. However great a blow it may be to the Russians and their Marxian art (culture, learning, knowledge, etc.), as well as to those of us who would like to make Americanism an interna tional synonym for wisdom, the business of education is peculi arly non-political and non-national. It is no more proper (or prof itable) for the professional pa triot to determine the curricu lum in a school than it is for a professor of biology to tell a blacksmith how to sharpen a plow. There are different worlds, with different rules to govern them. But because they are sep arate, they are not necessarily antagonistic, as many are quick to suppose. We in the United States be lieve that the general form of government of our country is, the inevitable result of the free choice of enlightened men. We believe that, wherever intelligent people should gather with the hope of establishing a govern ment freedom and benevolence will result This belief Is some thing completely apart from na tional pride and stems not from indoctrination but from wisdom and judgment. a o The belief indicates a funda mental respect for man's ability to reason not only with facts and situations, but also with ideas and ideals. It is this belief which resulted in a government allow ing all men to participate, in confidence that more than chaos would result. In this are of brainwashing there are those who seem to have lost this confidence in man's ability to think. They preach a different doctrine . that man is fundamentally stupid and needs a strong hand to guide his actions. They advocate either a com plete change in government form so that the citizenry will not lead itself into disaster, or, more often, a subtle shift in the edu cation of the citizenry so that It will learn by rote what, before, it was allowed to discover for Itself. The strength of our nation has been the complete trust we have had in its principles and pur poses. Whenever we seek to tamper with our system of edu cation to insure a slant toward our own position, we are admit ting that we do not trust either man or the obvious right in our governmental system as it was conceived. It is admittedly more expedi ent to condition youth instead of to furnish it knowhedre to make Its own decisions. But expedi ency Is the moral standard of 'despotism, and has no more business governing what we do than any other tyrannical prin ciple, no matter how effective. As a consequence, liberal ed ucation will continue to seek its own ends, confident the result will just as certainly, If not as quickly or directly, be good citi zenship in the educated. 00 It will do so in spite of efforts made to censor, coerce, frighten or blackmail it to do otherwise. And, at the end of the next two hundred years, it will look back upon the neuroses and paranoia of this age with the same curi osity with which it now looks upon the wrinkles in the history of two hundred years ago. This is its greatness. from Syracuse Brain Thief, High Pressure Student Types Condemned r (Thu article aepeered ttrel la Tba Itallr Kaiaaa and b reprinted treat the Miami Rarrkane. Both of thM aewioaoori re. rioted the atorr front the cellea new, aeper at ByracaM.) Speaking on "How to Win Friends and Influence Deans," a Syracuse professor listed com mon faults of college students. "We always have the time hog," he said, meaning, "the stu dent who takes up time the rest of the class should have." Also condemned were "weep ing willows" who were said to appear about mid-term and those students who try to "high pres sure" the instructors. "We have next the brain theives," he said. "They are those who cheat on exams. I do not know anything that makes the professor madder ' than this." A girl who tries to talk her boy friend into buying her a silk nightgown usually ends up with her boy friend trying to talk her out of it a a Lucy "Oh, Percy, you're too slow." Percival "I'm afraid I don't grasp you." Lucy "Yes, that's Just the trouble." a a Bill "What are you wearing a letter on your sweater for? You aren't supposed to wear a letter unless you have made the team." Millie "Well?" The Syracuse professor also mentioned the heckling student "One type is the one who thinks he or she is being cute. The other is the student who asks questions by starting from noth ing mentally." University Bulletin Board WEDNESDAY , Dr. Gerrett Bevelander Den- . tistry Lecture, 2 p.m., Bessey Hall Auditorium, and 3:45 p.m., Andrews 301. ASME Meeting, 7:15, Richards Lab. Provost Corps, 7:30 p.m., Mili tary and Naval Science Building. THURSDAY E rural Munter Lecture, 7:30 p.m., Ag Engineering Building. Moot Court Finals, 7:15 p.m.. Supreme Court Hearing Room, State Capitol. FRIDAY Orchesls Sprinr Prorram, 8:11 p.m.. Grant Memorial Hall. Dr. Gerrett Bevelander, Den tristy Lecture, 3 p.m., Andrews Hall. ' SATURDAY All-Sports Day, all day, Coli seum and Stadium. v Orcheiis Spring Prorram, :15, Grant Memorial Hall. Audubon Series, 8 p.m.. Love Library Auditorium. SUNDAY Omicron Epsilon Pi Monthly Meeting, Colonial Cup, 7 p.m. Elections Exchange Copy A Student View Of Direct Primaries Threaten Necessary Parly Discipline According to Sen. Paul H. Douglas, "There is a knock on the door of the smoke-filled room." The people want to come in and take a hand in the selec tion tf candidates for presiden tial nomination and thereby re duce the power of the political bosses who gather in the back rooms at national conventions to determine who will be the nom inees in the Presidential cam paigns. For many years plans have been advocated for the reform of the presidential nominating procedure. The reform programs started as a part of the progres sive movement for popular con trol of government in the early SOth century. In 1951-1952 a flurry of en thusiasm for the extension of the Presidential primary system to all the states occured. In sessions of the 80th, 81st and 82nd Con gresses, Sen. George Smathers of Florida presented proposals for a constitutional amendment in this regard. These proposals were designed to prevent nomination by the traditional conventional system and to bind the parties in their choice of nominees in line with the preference of the people as expressed in a national primary. In 1953 Sen. Paul H. Douglas introduced iifio the Senate Joint Resolution Number 2570 which was simultaneously introduced into the House of Representa tives by Representative Charles Bennett The provisions of the resolution include the following: The Attorney-General is au thorized to enter into agreements with the states to hold presi dential primaries of the two ma jor parties. The Federal Government will meet the primary expenses up to a maximum of twenty cents per vote. State and local governments will conduct the elections and utilize their registration and election facilities, but a share of the costs will be borne by the Federal Government The bill will preserve the freedom of the prospective can didates to withdraw. The results of the primary will not be binding upon the con vention. In support of this resolution, Senator Douglas stated: ". . . the proposal of this bill is in line with the historic trend to broaden the opportunities of the people to take part in the nomi nation and election of Presi dential and Congressional candi dates. It seeks to offer the states help in meeting the costs of the primaries and .to encourage ac tion on their part to establish such preferential primaries. The results of the primary would not be binding upon the convention but would have strong persuas ive influence. In our democratic system of government It is vital that the President govern by and with the consent of the roverned. The Executive should be the "peo ple's choice" and the people should have the opportunity to participate in his selection as well as his election. To effect this opportunity, reform is needed in the Presidential nomi nating procedure; however, the present proposals for change in the Presidential nomination pro cedures (the Smathers amend ment and the Dourlas-Bennett Bill) are not adequate to meet the reform necessary. The Douglas-Bennnett Bill will not accomplish its - purpose of giving the people a more direct choice of candidates for presi dential nomination. Both of these proposals may inflict harm upon our basic two-party system. Candidates for office must have some sort of sponsorship. Few men could possibly afford to carry on a nationwide campaign for nomination to the Presidency. Most men have neither the time nor money. a a a In considering this problem, Adlai E. Stevenson stated: "Many Presidential possibilities will in evitably be incumbents of poli tical office, and I simply do not see how it is possible for thrrn to discharge the duties of their offices properly and at the same time campaign in each of the 48 states to the extent necessary to make their views sufficiently known for purposes of an in formed election." Because of this need for sponsorship, party organ izations will continue to support candidates. To attain successes in winning, strong organizations must prevail and to maintain strong organiza tion in the party, an inner core of leaders will develop. Thus, the same factors that promote "boss ism" and party control will ex ist whether or not there are di rect preferential primaries. The party organization will merely adjust itself to this new proce dure of nomination. What has happened in the states that have installed the direct pri mary? The party organization has been adapted to the direct primary and by holding pre-pri-mary conventions or meetings in troduced slates of candidates to be sponsored in the primary. Po litical parties make the Presi dent and will continue to make him under any system. ' a a a The extension of the Presiden tial primary to all of the states would have the effect of weaken ing our basic two-party system in the United States. To main tain this system, there must be party responsibility and disci pline. If the direct primary were to be installed on a nation-wide basis, party responsibility and discipline would be weakened by permitting popular but inexperi enced individuals to capture the nominations. Under the primary plan, it would be quite possible to have conventions that would be wholly out of sympathy with the party nominee selected in the primary. The party program would be wholly out of sysmpathy with the party nominee selected in the primary. The party program would be chosen by men who had no vote in selecting candidates. The candidate might well have to campaign with a program that was sharply at variance with his views. Further, candidates nominated would not owe their responsibility to the party for nomination. This is demonstrated In the Senate where party responsibility has been extremely weakened by tba popular election of senators. Party responsibility, discipline, and compromise must be retained if the two-party system is U pre vail. Breakdown of our basis two party system could only result in chaos and confusion and lack of majority rule. iiniiiiiiiiiiiin!iii!ii!ii!!niiiiiiiiiiiniiiii!iiiiiin!iiii!!iiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiD!g I LENTEN WORSHIP 1 WEDNESDAY-7:00 P.M. "The Cross for Victory Over Selfishness" UniVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 15th and Que Visitors Welcome A. J. Norden, Pastor 5 i 1 i 3 n'!!IIIDI!l!ll!lll!IOI!llimilliaillllil!!Ilinillllll!Illinilin IIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIflllllHiDii '!iSP (rJW1w-!L 'f