The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1954, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, March 16, 1954
eff f Lockers
rompfs Warning
Coeds Taking Phys Ed Advised
To Keep Gym Compartments Closed
Theft of approximately $30 from
lockers in Grant Memorial physi
cal education building, has
brought a warning and explana
tion of the locker system from
Miss Dudley Ashton, chairman of
the department
"At the beginning of every
semester and again at each eight-
week terra, classei are checked
and locker assignments are def
initely made. Each girl is asked
to secure her locker assignment.
We ourselves do not have copies
of the combinations of lockers
in this building, in order to pro
tect the girls."
"EACH GIRL gets a slip with
her combination on it. The only
record is the number of the locker
assigned to her. Her locker com
bination is a confidential matter
between her and the assignment
committee. We ask that every
time she uses the gymnasium fa
cilities she lock up all he valu
ables in order to protect them.
It is her responsibility."
The theft occurred Wednesday
Art Works
By Worth
Staff Writer
The work of art is contained
within itself and the intent of the
artist does not have to be dis
covered in order to enjoy the
painting, Peter J. Worth, acting
chairman of the art department
said Sunday.
His lecture, "A Matter of Inter
pretation, was the fourth in a
series of lectures about the Ne
braska Art Association's 64th an
nual exhibition.
Worth chose Ben " Nicholson's
"Two Forms, Version 3." Al
though this oil is an architectural
abstraction, he said, it conveys
definite emotions to the viewer
through the intrinsic or "iconic"
values of form and color.
"A block of red, he said, not
only represents "brightness," but
suggests a certain warmth and
vivaciousness. A trumpet is used
for military rallies because of
the tonic effect of its tone. Worth
IX THE same way, a certain
color may be employed to convey
a definite motional effect, he said.
Worth pointed out that iconic
meanings are also present in gest
ures, postures and the arrange
ment of forms. While studying the
order and regularity of "Two
Forms" the viewer is instinctively
impressed with the calmness em
bodied ia the painting.
ALTHOUGH THE presentation
of forms may be simple, he said,
it often represents complex emo
tions. The question and answer ses
sion following Wortly's lecture
centered about Kline's controver
sial "Painting." Many appeared
to be repelled by the painting.
Worth compared its force to the
impact of two skiers in collision.
The next lecture in the series
will be presented by Wilbur Gaf
fney, assistant professor, of Eng
lish, Tuesday. His topic will be
"Art as Stimulus."
between 4 and 5 p.m. while girls,
all physical education majors,
were in class. Peggy Larson re
ported $17 missing, Cynthia Lons
brough, $10, and Dorothy Frank,
According to Miss Ashton, this
is the first time a theft in the
building has been reported this
year. During her two years at
the University, only one other
such occurrence was reported.
That was for a small amount
last year.
JUNIOR AND senior women
who are no longer taking physical
education do not have assigned
lockers, although they may be
participating in sports activities.
Miss Ashton stated that although
no formal arrangements have
been made, such arrangements
could be made at the coed's re
' Matrons are on duty in the
locker rooms .from 7:30 a.m. to
5 p.m. Girls have been warned
to keep lockers locked at all
times, but many fail to do so.
During tournaments which are
held between 5 and 6 p.m., the j
matron is not on duty and the
building is open.
The possibility of that could be
eliminated, according to the in
structors, if all women in the
physical education department
would keep their lockers locked at
all times.
;f I-
"to.-- y """""w TTt H
Dietetics Award
Courtesy Minday Journal and Star
Phys Ed Fraternity
Elects Wear President
Dr. C. L. Wear, assistant pro
fessor of physical education, has
been elected national president
of Phi Epsilon Kappa, profes
sional fraternity for men major
ing in physical education.
Dr. Wear is, faculty adviser for
the Nebraska chapter. He will
go to New York in March for in
stallation ceremonies.
Extension Division
Correspondence Courses
Discussed M Meeting
Moot Court
Stephanie Allen, University liate internship in dietetics from
senior in the College of Agri- Xfrn W'ains of Dut ,,Shc
. received the award at the Con-
culture, receives the T. V. ru- ference of Nebraska Home
Bois scholarship for post-grad- Economists in Lincoln Friday.
Feeney Chosen To Head
Newesf NU Department
Biochemistry, Nutrition Created
Home Ec Group
Hears Speech
By Sorenson
International barriers must be '
Dr. Robert E. Feeney has been
named chairman of the recently
formed Department of Biochem
istry and Nutrition.
Feeney came to Nebraska after
seven years' work with the West
ern Regional Research Labora
tory of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture. -He obtained
his Ph.D. degree from the Uni
versity of Wisconsin, and for two
years was in the facultv of the
parasites of livestock is being ini
tiated by the department of Ani
mal Pathology and Hygiene.
Other major areas of study by the
department now include listeriosis
; and bovine hyperkeratosis.
Four Law
To Debate
Supreme Court
To Hear Cases
Finalists in the Allan Moot
Court competition will argue their
cases in the Nebraska Supreme
Court chambers at the state capi
tol March 25.
Those in the final round are
Janice Lindquist and Eleanor
Knoll and Richard Hanson and
Kenneth Legg. With the excep
tion of Hanson, they are all in
their fourth year of Law Col
lege. Hanson is a third year
This is the first time a wom
en's team has competed in the
final round, according to Gerry
heilman. publicity chairman for
the competition.
Miss Knoll was a winner in
TO IMPROVE the animal dis-,
rCA3rnh r f err n rvi tV. rem raat i
staff members have ' been ap-1 natuio"aI .mo?tT c?un comPe
pointed. They are Dr. Alvin B. ! tl.llon held ln Washington this
Hoerlpin animal nathnlncict Vtr- i Winter.
Harvard Medical School. Dur- Connell L. Marsh, biochemist and ' The final round will be judged
ing World War II he served with , Dr. George W. Kellev. parasitolo- b.v three Nebraska Supreme Court
the Army as a Food and Nutri-j gjt. judges. Winners will have their
tional officer. i rjr. Marsh and Dr. Kelley both i names inscribed on a plaque in
! received graduate degrees" from j e University Law College.
THE DEPARTMENT of Bio-1 the University of Nebraska. Dr.!
cnemisu-y ana iuiriuon was noeriem received traimne in vet-
removed so that Droducts and ormed by combining the Depart- erinary medicine at Colorado
ideas can be moved quicklv Dr. ment of Agricultural Chemistry A and M College and additional
Frank E. Sorenson. chairman of ! and department of Lhemurgy
the deDartment nf prinratinnai I Junctions of these departments
services, told the Conference of I wil1 be continued by the new de-
Home Economists Saturday. ! partmeni.
training at Cornell University.
He spoke at the closing session
of the conference. Theme was.
"The Investment in Humanity."
Janet Lindquist, University
junior, was elected president of
the College Club division of the
Nebraska Home Economics As
sociation. Jo Ann Heilman,
sophomore, was elected secretary-treasurer.
Home economists and home
economics students from all over
the state attended the annual information to the other depart-
meeting of Nebraska Home Eco- ments of the Experiment Station,
nomics and Dietetics Association, New research in swine diseases.
held as part of the conference. grass tetany in cattle and internal
University Rifle Team Takes
Second Place In Touramnent
University riflemen took second Perrenoud. Bruce Lippke, Duane
Centennial Show
I Opens On Monday
"Opportunities Unlimited." the
1954 Centennial Vocations Expo
sition, will be held at the Univer
sity of Omaha Fieldhouse through
Designed to supplement voca
tional guidance programs, the ex
position will feature 125 exhibits,
informal talks with business rej
tion. in the work of antibiotics, i lems and can be mutually help-! resentatives, demonstrations and
laitis uii vniiuuK careers.
The exhibit hall will be open
Nebraska Experi-i rom W a.m. to 6 p.m., and from
-Quarterly, stated I 7 P m- to 9 P-m- e entire week.
"TO FIND answers to animal
disease problems, we need co-
Biochemistry, literallv li fe ; operative work bv men trained
chemistry, has become so vital I in different branches of science."
to modern agricultural science ' Dr. Carl Olson Jr.. department
that it is used in solving nearly i chairman, said. "Our new staff
every research problem. For j members form a research group
example, biochemistry is em- j that can use several avenues of
ployed in basic studies of nutri- i approach in solving our prob-
insecticides and weed killers.
A MAJOR function of the new
department will be to spply basic
place in team competition for the
Invitational Gallery Championship
held Saturday.
Coe College of Cedar Rapids
won the competition with a score
of 1.394 points out of a possible
1.500. The University scored 1.383,
and the third place winner. Om
aha University, tallied 1.381.
Winners were presented with a
23-inch trophy and five gold med- j
als provided by University RVlx,
students, according to Capt. A.
L. Belknap.
MEMBERS OF the University
team are Paul Jordan. George
Medley, Thomas McAndrews, Don
Physics Professor Perfects
Unusual Low Cost Hi-Fi Set
Dr. Donald Moore, acting chair- lor approximately $800. He esti
man of the department of physics.' mated his model cost him
has perfected a unique design of j around $40.
folded exponential horn for loud; Robert Lee of the photo-repro-speakert.
j duction department gave him
Explaining bow he came to j what Dr. Moore termed aesthetic
work on this project, Dr. Moore ; assistance with the project. The
said. "I have always been inter- i reason for this, he continued was
ested in good music, and lacking that "my wife said that the next
the money to purchase high fi-itime I made something, I had
McCutchan and Don Oden.
Winner of individual competi
tion was Claire Seglem of Kansas
State University. Over-all winner,
who was awarded the Van Every
trophy, was Paul Kosek of the
University of Iowa.
Sixty-three riflemen from nine
colleges and universities com
peted in the tourney.
NU Alum Wins
Purchase Prize
At Art Show
Former University student, Lois
Frederick won a purchase prize
for her painting, "Autumn Eve."
at the fourth annual Mid-America
Artists Association exhibit now
in progress in Kansas City.
Miss Frederick has been study
ing in France on a Fulbright
scholarship since she graduated
from the University in 1952.
ful to one another."
Marvel L. Baker, associate di
rector of the
ment Station
that this new department should
serve as a cataiyst for improved
research throughout much of the
Station. The iflcrease in person
nel and support for animal dis
ease investigation will help us
meet an important problem of
better understanding and control
ling livestock diseases.
given to studies of principles,
sometimes referred to as "basic
research," as well as to studies
that have immediate application
to farm, ranch end home prob
lems. Ultimate progress depends
upon knowledge of basic principles.
Unusual? Yes!
Such was the meeting held in
the offices of the Extension Di
vision last month.
Why? Because it was the first
meeting of its kind in which all
correspondence instructors rep
resenting the 17 departments of
college instruction in the Exten
sion Division were present.
When a University wishes to of
fer its college courses to those
unable to attend regular classes'
it does so through correspond
ence courses. These courses are
handled through the Extension Di
vision. Seventeen departments in
the College of Agriculture, Arts
and Science. Business Adminis
tration, Engineering and Teachers
offer the courses.
LAST YEAR these departments.
through the Extension Division,
"taught by remote control" 3.000
students over 40,000 lessons.
Forty-six instructors work for the
various departments in conjunc
tion with the Extension Division.
The program of the meeting
centered around a panel discus
sion. Dr. Gayle B. Childs, special
ist in high school and college
correspondence instruction: Mrs
Grace Griffin, associate editor of
college correspondence courses,
and Miss Evelyn Splichal. super
visor of college correspondence
instruction, presented some of the
problems that exist in correspond
ence study.
Dr. Childs discussed corre
spondence study and what it
means. He pointed out that cor
respondence study differs some
what from other extension in
struction in that it is an individ
ual rather than a group device.
It may thus be used in a situation
where one person, or at the most
a very limited number of people,
want instruction in a particular
Ag Quartet To Entertain
At Wednesday Meeting
Ag College male quartet will
entertain at a Business and Pro
fessional Women's meeting Tues
day at 7:15 p.m. in the YWCA
Members of the quartet are:
Kenneth Schuette, first tenor;
Jim Dunn, second tenor; Robert
Sorenson, baritone; Kendall At
kins, bass. Carol Palme is the
subject where the establishment
of a class would not be feasible
THE POSITION of the depart
ments offering correspondence
study was reviewed by Dr. Childs.
The department is the unit of or
ganization through which courses
are offered. It is responsible for
providing teaching materials and
instruction. The job of the Exten
sion Division is to provide the
administrative facilities neces
sary to make this material and in
struction effective and available
to those who need it.
The determination of course
content is the responsibility of
the department. Other respon
sibilities include approval of
course writers and teachers, and
the granting of credit to those
who successfully complete their
correspondence work.
MISS SPLICHAL concluded oy
explaining some of the things
which Extension Division does to
help instruction in college cor
respondence study. She listed the
mailing of the Extension Re
porter, a news sheet, to students;
the provision of advisor's slips
for guidance to matriculated stu
dents at the University who study
through correspondence, and the
furnishing of kits' and reference
A question and answer session
concluded the meeting. Plans are
being made for a future similar
meeting which would further fa
cilitate discussion in an attempt
to improve the University's col
lege correspondence study program.
Two Faculty Members
To Receive Recognition
Two members of the Agriculture
Extension staff will be honored
at a recognition dinner Thursday,
Dominic Gross, extension agron
omist from 1921 to 1953, and
Willard E. Lyness, associate ag
ronomist who will retire t h i s
spring after 33 years of service,
will be the guests of honor.
The dinner will be held in th
Union at 6:30 p.m.
Missouri Valley Advertising Exhibit
Winners Announced By Schwindler
gories from a field of 75 entries.
The Ayres Advertising Agency
of Lincoln and the Bradley Lane
Advertising Agency of Denver
are the winners of the Missouri
Valley Advertising Art Exhibit.
The exhibit w-as shown in Mor
rill Hall in honor of the 60th an
niversary of journalism educa
tion at the University.
Dr. William F. Swindler, di
rector of the School of Jour
nalism, announced that the win
ners were judged on six cate-
THE AGENCY swept the contest-winning
first place in news
paper advertising, layout, adver
tising color art, single sheet
mailing pieces and booklet mail
ing pieces.
The Bradley Lane Agency won
first place in magazine advertis
ing layouts and posters.
Gamma Alpha Chi, national
advertising honorary for women,
sponsored the exhibit
HELP WANTED: The Student fnio
nedi part-time Mudent help u wait,
era. barmen. bu bova. checkatand, eta.
Apply Room 1 Student Lnion.
WANTED: Girl Pre-achool ass latent.
Wednesday roominga 10-11:30. CaU
Imported briefcase. Flneat eraftaman.
ahip. Leather thai will last a llfetlma.
JdeaJ for student, rof esaor or bual
nesanutn. Call: 7-14S5.
to make it look like a piece of
furniture instead of a packing
case." The cabinet which they de
signed to house the horn follows
delity record playing equipment,
I decided to work on it myself.
marketed hi-fi equipment, his 'imp nf mnrWn art
born gives a brilliantly faithful re-
production of the recorded tone. ADDITIONAL ASSIST ANTE
Dr. Moore said that while equip- j was furnished by Neil Munson,
ment equal or possibly superior j acting chairman of the depart
to his can be purchased, it sells , ment of practical arts. He helped
Five Authors
Publish Works
In Periodicals
Five people associated with the
University have had articles pub
lished ln recent periodicals.
Roberta White, graduate stu
dent. Dr. Carl E. Georgi. pro
fessor of bacteriology, and Dr.
Walter Militzer, dean' of Arts
nd Sciences, are co-authors of
"Heat Studies on a Thermophilic
Bacteriophage.' The article ap
pears in the January issue of
Proceedings of the Society for
Experimental Biology and Medi
cine. JULIUS SAMUELS, assistant
professor in the Graduate School
f Social Works, is the author
of "Modern Recreational Prac
tice for a Modern Hospital,'
which appears in the February
Issue of the Journal of the Na
tional Association of Recreational
Dr. J. E. Weaver, professor
emeritus of plant ecology, is the
author of an article in the Janu
ary issue of the American Jour
jssl of Botany. The article is en
titled "A Seventeen-Year Study
f Plant Ecology."
ftsfiglous Council Plans
iMssf For Wednesday
A mecUl of the city campus
Fci'gioiis Council will be held;
V, edrwfsday in Parlor Z of the Un- j
i .r,. !
Tae meeting will begin with j
tf-nner which will be served at 61
p'ta. Di-'iner tickets are $1.00 andj
;i tmmben must attend, i
with the woodworking which was
done in the basement as a part of
a talk on high fidelity record play
ing equipment at a dinner meet
ing of the Unitarian
League Tuesday.
SIX OTHER entries from the
University, including one piece of
sculpture are included in the
show. They are:
LeRoy K. Burket, assistant pro
fessor of art, oil and lacquer
painting. "Figure in Flight."
Rudy Pozzatti, instructor of art,
oil painting, "Roman Fragment,"
painted during his recent year
in Italy.
Peter J. Worth, acting chair
man of the art department, ebony
sculpture. "Four Little Solids."
Students whose entries were in
cluded are: Bruce Conner, oil,
"Pariah." and Carol Haerer, oil,
These were among 1G2 entries
from six midwestern states which
Layman's i were judged by ballot of gallery
t visitors.
n n
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So, for the enjoyment you get from
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Be Happy Go Lucky. Get a pack or a
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