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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1954)
Page 2 THE NEBRASKAN Tuesday, March 16, 1954 EDITORIAL PAGE The Opening Wedge A member of the University faculty has recently been commended by the Student Council for "the action of . . extending, to his students an opportunity to participate in the nomination of outstanding instructors." The man, W. V. Lambert, Dean of the Paradise Almost Do you ever feel you want to get away from it all? Do you gaze with envy at pic tures of sun-tanned men and women loung . lng on tropical beaches? Have you been looking for the perfect "con" that would get you away from the .. day-to-day vexations of a struggling college student? Well, here Is the answer to all your prayers. Why not rent an island? The Government of the Seychelles, a Brit ish colonial outpost consisting of something like 82 islands in the Indian Ocean, an nounces some of its islands are "to let." Tenders have been invited for 30-year leases on Aldabra, Assumption and Cosmo pledo. Anyone can apply. Offers already have been received from many countries, Including places as far a part as Egypt and Eire. As yet, however, the Government re ports no requests from Lincoln, Nebraska, USA Attractions include one of the finest cli mates in the world. Bathed in almost con tinual sunshine, the islands' temperature sel dom rises above 84 degrees or drops below 72 degree's. This in itself, especially at this time of the year, seems to make the offer rather attractive to even the most loyal Corn husker. There is aboundant fish and fruit. There are no taxes and the cost of living is prac tically non-existent. There is even a rare and special species of turtles living on the islands which will appeal to the many peo ple who are attached to the tender little creatures. About one hundred people live on each of the islands and whoever purchases a lease would become a virtual sovereign. All this sounds too good. It almost seems that the age old dream of wine, women and song all alone on an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean could be found in this offer. There is just one catch. The tenant would not be able to loll be neath his palm trees all day. Before the Seychelles authorities consent to rent you one of their islands you must convince them you are prepared to make a commercial suc cess of whatever local industry your partic ular island supports. This could be fruit or vegetable grow ing, the export of copra or even something much more alluring. (The latter had better remain nameless.) In any case, amid down slips, exams, no money and what have you, there is a place where we could , all be happy. It sure is a pity we, have to be practical. D. F. Coed Election Thursday's all-women elections were a huge success except that one election had to be re-scheduled, many ballots were partly Invalidated and coeds claimed they did not know for whom they were voting. The election was a success quantitatively t any rate since the vote was the biggest recorded. On the other hand, officials found great difficulty in counting. Entire ballots are theoretically invalidated if any part is marked Incorrectly. But when those persons in charge discovered more than 60 ballots wrong out of the first 400, they began invalidating sections of ballots only. The difficulty was that coeds marked two and three names in sections in which the instructions read, "Vote for three." This stemmed from, "I didn't know who they were" complaints. Of course not every coed new personally all the persons whose names were on the ballots. However, The Nebras kan devoted enough space to factual election data tha; interested persons easily could have found the candidates' qualifications. The most pertinent objection coeds voiced was this: Some Boards require representa tives of groups within the large coed group Independent, Lincoln, sorority, etc. This was not indicated on the ballots. For example, a board, requiring election of one sophomore independent coed, one sophomore Lincoln and one sophomore Greek would simply have the ballot printed, "Vote for three." Thus, voters would expect the three girls with the most votes to be on the board. This, obviously, would not necessarily happen. The Nebraskan feels that elections can not be conducted with competence unless an Indication is given the voter that certain categories are set up within which a candi date most fall to be elected. It would be a imp! matter to make the ballots read, "Vote for three on Independent . . , etc." Then each candidate's name could be followed by KB Identifying word.. g. h. College of Agriculture, has made the first move to allow students to express their opin ions as to who should receive the newly established University Foundation award as a "Distinguished member of the University faculty." In addition to the commendation, the Student Council further stated, "We (the Council) feel and urge that this same oppor tunity should be extended to the entire stu dent body through the dean of the various colleges within the University." The Student Council's action in request' ing that deans of all colleges allow stu dents within their particular part of the University a voice in making the nom inations to a selection committee to be set up by the Chancellor is, itself, command ' able. The Council has re-stated The Ne braskan view on the matter. On Feb. 9, The Nebraska editorial page carried an ap peal that students be allowed some voice in the selection. In giving students an opportunity to make nominations, Dean Lambert also suggested criteria by which students might judge fac ulty members they would like to suggest. Dean Lambert's criteria as a basis for selec tion were: 1. the instructor's experience and positions held; 2. community activities; 3. ability to inspire students, ability to present his subject in an interesting and effective "manner; 4. interest in students as expressed by his teaching, advising ad sponsoring of student activities; 5. demonstrated profi ciency in his own field of learning; 6. his fairness in testing and grading; 9. the use of examinations as a teaching tool. Dean Lambert's suggestions to the stu dents should assist rather than dictate stu dent nominations. His action shows a faith in the University student body that some deans apparently do not feel. If this move remains isolated to one col lege, students from other colleges will be cheated of an opportunity to do a service for their University. Student opinion is necessary and impor tant in the selection of a distinguished in structor. They have the right to and do ex press their opinions about insructors to their friends, and in some cases to the In structor himself. But if other deans take the same action as has Dean Lambert, student opinion will be good for more than conversation over coffee. This opinion could be channelled into productive lines if the deans will allow it by opening the nominations to active student participation. T. W. Margin Notes Not Necessarily When a circus gorilla reached through the bars of her cage and wiggled her fingers last week a noted human brain surgeon sighed with relief. "This is a very good sign she is recover ing from her paralysis," the famous doctor said. Toto II, the ailing gorilla, had been paralyzed for almost nine months due to a growth on her brain. One could almost wonder what the doc tor would say, noting the lack of growth in some college brains and the rather extensive movement some students exhibit. Kommie Klassification The Great Soviet Encyclopedia of 1954 has just rolled off the presses. y The facts or is it fiction included about America as new to Americans, as well as the Russian populace. For instance, Colo rado and California can't be found under the letter C, but classified under K. And Holly wood, "a hotbed of reactionary cinema prop aganda," is renamed Gollyvud. The volume claims that Russian settlers played a great part in the exploration and settlement of Kalifornia and also in the de velopment of its economy. Which, inciden tally, has gone definitely to pot since the United Stales stole the territory from the Indians. Kolorado beetle rates a paragraph of its own, and is classified as one of the most dangerous pests. "But there are none in the USSR, thanks to a strict quarantine." Which all goes to prove that the Russians could use a little more factual information to clear up their konfusion oops, confusion. On Bottles Some weeks ago, The Ncbraskan printed an editorial warning all enterprising Uni versity businessmen to shy away from the bottle business. "Don't go into the bottle business," The Ncbraskan admonished. "The days of bottle makers are numbered." Now the facts are available, the truth must be heard. The New York Times reported last week that sales of bottles set a new all-time record. The president of the Glass Container Manu facturer Institute reported that 1953 ship ments were 7 per cent above 1952 and 5 per cent above the all-time peak of 1946. The Nebraskan offer its deepest apolo gies for such misleading advice. FIFTT-TEIRD TEAS 1 Mmben Associated Collegiate Press Advertising representative) National Advertising Service, Ine. 420 Madison Ave., New York 17, New York J'jhiy'l'"l. '" f "w itnaanta Bf flha EDtTOKIAL STAFF ma imi uvtoinn anly, Aexwrilnf to artlala II of tha B0,wf SU Fr-tAw Ktnmmin tiiKmtt ciuhliration an simlnitn4 Editorial Put Kflltoc. ...... ., ,.Ta Woodward tha oar of f-uhlirtH, "! to In dmlnrad !' Managing Editor Jaa Harrtem fa turn Srem a4ltoai nmnhi an aa aar af tjaa 7 V i.V. I .. " m an U part of any mntr w ha faculty af o,to' ' trman, Dlok Frilman, t'-m lirMfty, but Um mmmhm of I ha ( at Taa Hanann Banian, Gram Haror ,ii?mmm ara tOTuHtally rxopaoalbla far raa tba aa a. Kdltnr Man fVtanim tr m etMHW la ha nrlMaa." rail .?ZZ12 ,,hm,am rasaa a l a .nwtr, f.M mallrd. ar Sp", MU" l'"! Franaara i jta w awllffa ar, M malii-d. Slngla np la flva RBFOKIEKS ;!. rubUahad aa TtwAay, Wannawla? and Frfcla ftrvrrly Dmp, Harriot Kwii, Lorlrraaa ftwltaar, Jaak iS)!f til aitnai raar, axren Taxation and axamtnatloa Fraiidam, Wllllanxitta limn-h, barbara Blrba. Mania gwruMia, Ca laua puMlshad duilm tha atnoib of Am- Mlchelnrti. Sam Jonnxn, Barbara Clark, Cranny Warren. i awl r M liajwrattjr of Nulimalia under Uia , atrilaa Caramlttaa at Stiidwit Fahllnatlana. USIWi;iHI STAr ) nurM aa ala otattar at the Feat 0ke la ftaelnera Manager Staa fll atria i i-..K.i, ftViKTCMika under Art at Vmumna, Man S. Aa'l BMlnee Manajrura. .. ..Chat Slniw, Dnraa Jamba, j, , ;a. (and mi eiMx-lai rata ft pnatnre amvioed la Mrntt hllne m. As Conines el Oct. S. 1911, aataafteed nrriilatlna Maneaar Ron Iniwe as, Ml. ewi .aiw JeMr Carman LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibior The Student Forum "Run downtown and get 100 pounds of hamburger, some buns, an' make 50 gallons of coffee . . . and hurry . . . they're having an all school assembly next hour." Aggie News, Views Grade Policy Explained; Inconsistencies' Rapped By DWIGHT JUNDT ' Guest Columnist An article appearing in last Friday's issue of The Nebraskan called for the clarification on the policy of grading used at the College of Agriculture. The ar ticle, appearing in a column edited by Bill Devries was la beled the "A College Farce." After reading the article, this writer definitely agrees that clarification of the subject is needed. The second sentence in De vries' column reads: Under the Ag College policy, instructors are permitted to record failures (flunks) as incomplete. This is correct. The Ag College faculty voted to try this system . for one year merely as a test. Many of the instructors feel that the present set-up is unfair. If a flunk is recorded a student is given a one out of the course. If he takes the course over, and receives a seven on his second try, this gives him an average grade of four for the course. This grade of four does not re flect what the student knows about the course, which a grad ing system is supposed to re flect. The proposed system of the Ag College faculty would be to wipe the record clean there then being no record that the student took the course and he wouhl be permitted to retake the course if he desired. However, the grading system is left en tirely up to the Instructor, vh other he gives a nine, a flunk, incomplete or wipet the record clean. This is true of all instruc tors in the University (except English). Every failure in a course on Ag campus has not been wiped off the record. No instructor has been told to do anything specific in regard to this system there has been no dictum to anyone. I would venture to say that the percentage of grades that have been wiped off the record on Ag would differ little if compared to the percentage on city cam pus. Also, this is not nearly as sig nificant as Devries (among oth ers) seems to think. An A stu dent is not affected in the least by this policy. An A student's weighted average is not damaged by failures, not because of this policy, but because an "A" stu dent does not flunk courses. This whole discussion seems to bring up one point. An inconsist ency in the grading system of the University as a whole does exist. However, this inconsist ency is not between the city campus and the Ag campus. Rather, it is between the indi vidual instructors. Some favor the issuing of flunks with no exceptions, some favor the issu ing of flunks with exceptions when the record would be wiped clean, while still others think that no flunks should be given. Personally, I favor the system where no flunks would be given. This method is being used in other colleges and there is no reason why it wouldn't work here except for the refusal of administrative heads to recog nize tha value of such a proposal. Copped Copy Eastern Coeds Decide Against 'Cool' Engineers By BRUCE BRUGMANN "Verily I say "unto you," ad vise the Bucknell Engineers in the Syracuse Daily Orange," marry not an engineer for he picketh his seat in the car by the springs therein and not by the damsel beside him. "Always he carrieth his slide rule with him and he entertaineth his maiden with steam tables. "Verily, though, his damsel ex pecteth chocolates, when he calleth he brings samples of iron. "Yea, he holdeth his damsel's hand, not only to measure to the heat content thereof, and kisses but to test the viscosity. "Even as a youth he pulleth a girl's hair to test its elasticity but as a man he discovereth dif ferent devices. "For he would count the vibra tions of her heartstrings and reck ons her strength of materials. "For he seeketh ever to pursue scientific investigations, and his marriage is an equation involving two unknowns and yielding di verse answers." e a a "Men of distinction" were sport ing blue fingers at the University of Oklahoma. Diligent students did their cramming for finals in the city dump where, rumor had it, exams stencils bad been dis carded. a a At Iowa State a male student discovered woman is not neces sarily the weaker sex. Attending an early morning class, he found a large hole in one of his woolen gloves. Using the point of a pencil and a thread from her coat, the girl sitting next to him rewove the wool and patched up the hole. a . a Donald Chinshky, senior at the University of Missouri, recently received a letter from his girl friend 12 feet long. The massive missive cane in an ordinary let ter envelope with 18 cents worth of stamps and contained 1,600 words typewritten and penned in green, blue, purple, and gold ink. Fastened to the letter at various points, "just to break up the monotony," were, cartoons, a cross-word puzzle, a cigarette, a napkin, an aspirin, return postage (air mail) and a penny "for your thoughts." a a a Mascots in the form of three animated little goldfish have be come mascots of . th Oklahoma University Daily, student news paper, and have proven excellent source material for those with a bent for practical jokes. Ono day they were found swimming con tentedly in the water cooler and staring at unwary watersippers. Kappas at the University of Wyoming have really come up with something. At least the male segment of the campus seems to be pretty excited and have conscientiously been brushing up on their deficiencies. It's a smooch-rating chart no less. Here's the breakdown: 1. Gooey. 2. Gooey but nice. 3. Gooey la teeth. 4. Pantinr and passionate. 5. Dashboard variety. 6. Naughty but nice. (This, they explain, is the best rating pos sible.") 7. Good way to pass the time. 8. Can't tell ear from mouth. 9. Vacuum cleaner type. 10. Quick peck. 11. Don't! 12. Tight lip. a a a A coed at Minnesota University entered an American Tobacco contest and reclved S25 for this jingle she wrote: "Though winters may be long and cold We're happy as can be: The students here like Lucky ' Strike, On this they all agree." a a Humor has replaced traditions in valentines at the University of Minnesota. Instead of the tradi tional mush ("Roses are red, vio let are blue . . .") they are saying in verse "My heart beats fast, my legs grow weak, each single time I hear you sneeze." 4 Second Glance By PAUL LAASE Todays world Is one of cold, unpleasant facts. There are many things which are neither enjoy able nor pleasant. We cannot, however, remove these unpleas antries by ignoring them. One such unpleasant fact today is Communist China. For some years, our policy has been to ignore the Chinese Reds. This does not, by any stretch of the imagination, remove the problem. As much as we hate to admit it, the Chinese Communists are a fact a powerful fact in our world today. Yet by refusing to recognize their regime, either "de facto" or "de ure," we have been, in effect, ignoring them since 1949. What is the situation today? The Chinese Communists are in sole control of the Chinese main land. They exercise political, so cial, and economic control over the 450 million people who live in the vast area marked "China." On the island of Formosa is the Chinese Nationalist Government. They have control over Formosa and a few other near-by islands with a population of around 20 million. Yet they claim to repre sent the people of all of China and are recognized by the United States as the government exer cising political control over the lives of 450 million Chinese. There is, then, no factual basis for recognizing the Chinese Na tionalists as the government ex ercising political control over China and the Chinese people. The U. S. Government, however, continues to do so. As long as we refuse to recognize the Chi nese Communists their govern ment, officially, does not exist. On April 26, our Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, will sit down at Geneva with a repre sentative of the Chinese People's Republic. This is indeed strange, for how can we negotiate with a government that does not exist, or is not the government of China? If the Chinese Communists are no true government, then who governs the millions of the Chi nese people? The United tSates has not reco gnized the Chinese Communist government because we do not approve of the methods used by the Communists in attaining power. It is quite often dangerous to pass moral judgement upon one's neighbors, especially when one's neighbor is quite powerful. Further, this is very inconsistent with past U. S. attitude. a In recent years we have recog nized in Asia, .the Republic of In donesia, which was born of rev olution. We recognized the Chi nese Republic in 1912, which was a revolutionary government. In South America, we have not re fused recognition because a gov ernment came into being through revolution. Panama gained its in dependence through revolution (perhaps U. S. inspired) and was immediately r e c o g nized. The United States even recognized the Soviet Union in 1933, as well as the Communist satellites in Eu rope after WW II. Why is U.S. ac tion in this case inconsistent with past U.S. policy? The United States does not need to recognize the Chinese People's Republic as the legal, or "de Jure," government of China. But a continued refusal to grant "de facto" recognition is an out right denial of the factual situation. It is wishful thinking; it is an at tempt to ignore the unpleasant. "De facto" recognition of the Chinese Reds would not necessar ily mean the end of the Chinese Nationalists. The Nationalist Gov ernment could be continued to be recognized, as the Republic of Formosa, a new state. In this manner we could continue to sup port the Nationalists, if such was desired, while recognizing that the Communists do exercise political control over the Chinese mainland. Letterip Relgious Emphasis Week Argument Goes On-Pepper Hits Friedman Reply I have read Marvin Friedman's Letterip of March 10 in which he attacks my recent letter to The Nebraskan. Mr. Friedman is really writing on three different topics, whether he realizes it or not. They concern Religious Em phasis Week, knowledge, and re ligion. We seem to be in at least partial agreement on each of the first two, but in complete dis agreement on the last. a a a Mr. Friedman was a member of the group which decided against holding Religious Emphasis Week this year. He admits now, as he did then, that this decision was because of the great lack of in terest in the project on the part of the students. He attributes this lack of interest to the stu dents' gross""Ignorance, however, while I believe it is more the re sult of an intelligent choice. Since he thinks student ignor ance is the culprit, he talks at length upon the desirability of knowledge. Here again we are in perfect agreement. There is little question in my mind that the more knowledge we have, the better we are able to examine a problem. The question which con cerns us is: What light does more knowledge throw upon the prob lem of the validity of religion? In spite of Mr. Friedman's be lief in religion, he makes only one feeble argument for it. Ha speaks of "the terror of our ex istence." What he fails to realize is that "the terror (if it exists) of our existence" no more indicates that there is a God to make it less terrifying, than his hunger indicates that he will be fed. In deed, he doesn't even state whether a God would make ex istence more or'less terrifying. Mr. Friedman asks whether re ligion is able to "withstand in tellectual examination." My an swer is that it is not I, too, am aware of my own ig norance, Mr. Friedman, but I do not pretend that my aware ness makes me any less ignorant. F. JAY PEPPER From The Daily Bruin Jitney's Demise Marks End Of Inexpensive 'Juke' Music if past performances runs true to form, the dime recording will emerge. The old saying "what this country needs is a good five cent clear" is being changed to "what this country needs Is a good five cent nickeL" Let's face It. The nickel is becoming extinct. Phone calls, coffee, most candy bars and soft drinks have risen out of the five-cent bracket. Even newspapers and gum show signg of junking the nickle. 'eo ple don't ask anymore for change of a dime. There's no need to. a a a So like the penny, the nickel has seen better days. Aside from being used for tipping and pay ing amusement taxes, the iive cent piece has served it purpose. Jefferson will see less of the corner cigar stand than he tver dreamed of and the buffalo will have to seek greener pastures. Five will get you ten that the dime is sweating it out. IThl. artlcla erliinallr editorial of Mm Dally Brula, a California Uuoant arwiaapari One of the last five-cent lux uries for students went the way of all good nickels' this week. No longer can one hear Johnny Ray cry or Glenn Miller string the pearls for one-twentieth of a dollar. a a a It now takes a dime to set the juke box in the Slop Shop jumping with music. Howcer, you still get the same for your money. One dime equals two recordings. Instead of allotting the previous single plays for a nickel, the juke box now ac cepts a minimum coin injection of 10 cents, Gone are the days of the five cent juke box. Sooner or later, University Bulletin Board TUESDAY Art Lecture, Wilbur Gaffney, 8:30 p.m., Gallery B, Morrill Hall. May Queen Election, 9 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Ellen Smith Hall; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Ag Union. Food Handlers Institute, 7:15 p.m. Room 108, Burnett Hall. WEDNESDAY City Campus Religious Council Meeting, 6 p.m., Parlor Z, Union. Pi Lambda Theta Meeting, 5 p.m.. Room 316, Union. Union Seminar, 4 p.m., Faculty Lounge, Union. Food Handler Institute, 7:15 p.m., Room 108, Burnett Hall. RESTRINO WITH -1 1 jL- APRIL FOOL Send a friend a funny April Fool friendship card, GOLDEHROD STATIONERY STORE 22S North 14th Stret STANDS OUT in play Herder Smashes Setter Cut end Spin STANDS UP in your rmkwt Moisture Immune lasting Liveliness costs ms than gvl wnox. sniNema costi Pre-Pactadlrald..$.O0 Mu!H.PIy Braid $5.00 At tennii shop and porting good itores.