The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 12, 1954, Image 1

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    TTysrsiininy Hy invest igafioo'
Citizen Watchfulness Indispensible
Alan Barth, editorial writer tor
the Washington Post, spoke to a
University audience Thursday
laying that the motto inscribed
on the State Capitol, "The sal
vation of the state is the watch
fulness of the citizen," is an "ad
mirable doctrine to be set forth
in a University community." Ho
said this kind of watchfulness
among citizens is indispensable
to a state.
Barth condemned the abuse of
Investigating power by invading
a "characteristically legislative
function," because "the congres
sional committee does not have
detailed knowledge, the trained
personnel, the detachment form
political pressures required for
this sort of business. And sec
ondly, that if policy were to be
carried out by the same branch
of government that authorized it,
there would be no check upon
performance, no counter-balanc-1
ing of power."
'Feudalism1 Protested
In District Of Columbia
Journalist Seeks
Secession from the Union or
addition to the republic was ad
vocated for the District of Co
lumbia by Alan Barth in a Ne-
braskan interview,
Ha spoke of the "feudal"
TvOitiral svstem which exists
there, for no representation in
governing is granted to the
populace. "Every time a new ad
ministration comes into power,"
h. District of Columbia is
tfikn over bv a large oecupa
vnai force" which establishes
an "absolute tryranny.
The democratic process
doesn't exist there," he saia,
NU Theater
Of Play Crew
Made By Block
Production staff members for
'The Man Who Came To Dinner"
mere announced Thursday by
Frank Bock, technical director.
Assistant directors are Glenna
Berry and Margo Hunt Manager
of the property department is
Karen Peterson. George Hunker,
Tom Brozek and Harriet Green
lee will be assisting her.
Jane Laase is manager of the
wardrobe department with Joyce
Fangmaa and Joyce Stratton
The make-up department con
sists of Gloria Kollmorgan, man
ager and Jean Weddle. Ron
Becker is in charge of publicity.
Director for the University
theatre production is Dallas Wil
liams, instructor of speech and
dramatic arts.
May Queen Election
Invalidated, Re-Set
Election of May Queen was
invalidated because the name of
a candidate was omitted from
the ballot.
The election has been resched
uled for Tuesday, according to
Mortar Board Neala O'DelL It
will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Ellen Smith Hail and Ag
Block, Bridle Club
Applications Open
Ag students may obtain appli
cation blanks for membership in
Block and Bridle, animal hus
bandry departmental club, in
Animal Husbandry Hall.
Requirements for membership
in Block and Bridle are a 4.S
average, animal husbandry 1 and
an interest in animal husbandry.
Major activities of the club are
the annual Block and Bridle
Spring Show and students live
stock judging contest.
Meeting time of Block and
Bridle is 7 p.m. Thursday in
the Meats Laboratory.
The Outside World
Staff Writer
House Passes Tax Bill
WASHINGTON The House overwhelmingly passed a bill to
cut about 25 federal excise taxes by $P12 million and it appeared
likely that the bill would pass the Senate also. Despite the oppo
sition from the Eisenhower administration, the bill passed through
the House by a 411-3 vote. , ,
The cuts in this bill represent the first major downward
revision of the excise or sales taxes in 20 years and itwouM add
almost $1 billion to a deficit already forecast by the President at
$2.8 billion for the year starting July I. ,
Another feature of the bill which the administration wants
and had figured into its budget for fiscal 1655 is extension of
some steeper excises voted after the Korean war began. The,
Treasury would lose another $1,070,000,000 in revenue if these
were to expire April 1 as scheduled.
COP Plus Peace McCarthy? .
WASHINGTON Republican leaders are seeking peace in the
McCarthy controversy before it damages the admmifitration s
program in Congress and the chances for the party m the
November ejection.
Although President Eisenhower realizes that he has no power
to pure" a senator since that was tried in past administrations
without notable success and a congressman is free to say what he
plenties, he warned that it is essential to the party to end the
McCarthy problem as soon as possible, said Senate GOP Leader
William Knowland. . .
Sen. McCarthy agreed that the GOP is suffering damage but
he said it was from his critics not from him. McCarthy added that
those at fault are a few Republicans who are condemning those
who are doing the task of digging out Communists. McCarthy will
appear on television Friday, March 12, at t p.m.
Demos Back Alaskan Statehood
WASHINGTON The proposal which would add Alaska to
the Hawaiian bill was expected to be put ud for vote Thursday
in the Senate. The Alaskan proposal is sponsored by the Democrat
and the Hawaiian bill is being backed toy the GOP. The fate of
Hawaii depends upon the outcome of this vote. Republican leaders
have warned that the House-panned Hawaiian statehood bill
would be jeopardized if Alaska ifc.tied to it.
The Demwrats are in favor of combining the territories into
single statehood proposal while the Republicans are generally
oprtmted to this mrrve. Several hours of debate were expected
before the first major vote could be reached.
the judicial domain took the form
of "legislative trails," Barth said,
and "The investigating power has
been used to punish men for
thinking 'dangerous thoughts'; for
having dangerous associations;
for expressing 'dangerous' ideas.
The prosecutors have been judge
and jury, and mere association
has been taken as evidence of
guilt and mere accusation as pos
itive proof."
"No system of government can
survive such assaults," Barth
said, when individuals are "pun
ished by publicity for a crime not
punishable by law
Barth condemned the practice
of making the church "Render
unto Caeser what is Caeser's
and also what is God's" to the in
vestigating committees as the
clergy was questioned concerning
personal belief and other things
for which they should only be held
accountable for to God and their
Right To Vote
"for we are taxed and governed
without the right to vote."
BARTH HOPED the people of
Nebraska would exercise their
influence to secure the rights of
the people of Washington, D.C
"It is a nuisance to represen
tatives and senators, besides be
ing a blot on the American way
of life," he said.
Ke felt the district's status is
lower than that of Nebraska
when it was a territory and be
low that of occupied Japan. "A
condition of serfdom exists,"
Barth said.
Barth said that he thought the
late Robert Taft behaved "ad
mirably" in his manner of
handling Senator McCarthy with
"a kind of impatient tough
ness." Barth stated that there de
finitely is a danger to Academic
freedom from Congressional in
vestigation. He believes Uni
versity faculty should have the
right to choose fellow profes
sors and faculty members. This
right should be guarded jeal
ously," he added.
SC Commends Lambert
For 'Best Teacher1 Idea
Students To Aid In Nominations
A resolution, concerning the
"Outstanding Teacher" award
and commending the action of
W. V. Lambert, dean of Ag Col
lege, for providing students with
an opportunity to participate in
the nomination of outstanding
instructors, was unanimously
adopted by the Student Council
at a meeting Wednesday.
The "Medal for Distinguished
Teaching," recently established
by the University Foundation,
had undergone some criticism
lately because students had not
been given a chance to partici
pate in the choice.
Mary Stromer introduced the
resolution which stated,in addi
tion to commending Lambert for
his action, that the Student
Council believed the opportun
ity for students to participate in
the nomination of outstanding
instructors should also be ex
tended to the entire student body
through the deans of the various
stated that the soundness of the
riteria offered by Ag College in
considering candidates might
well be incorporated into stu
dent considerations and nomina
tions. IT WAS announced by presi
dent Rocky Yapp that the Big
ference would be held April 11
and 12 at the University of Ok
Seven Student Government Con
lahoma. Usually the outgoing
president and the newly-elected
president attend the confernce,
but since th Council prsidency
shall not be known at that date.
Council members were asked ,to
To Curb Abuses
"THE NOTION that religion,
the press and universities should
serve the state is essentially a
Communist notion. Any attempt
to subject the church, the press or
the institutions of higher learning
to congressional control amounts
to a corruption of the essential
character of American life,"
Barth said.
"Taking governmental author
ity into areas where it does not
belong," Barth said, such as re
ligion, journalism and education,
was a "subversion" which is
"threatening to establish in this
country a legislative tyranny.
The governmental authority, he
said, was being abused in the
form of congressional legislation
sional committees was said to
serve three purposes, according
to Barth, and these were: A
means of studying matters about
which Congress wishes to adopt
laws, a means of carrying out in
formative functions and a means
of imposing an effective check on
the executive branch.
Investigations, Barth said, have
at times, undermined the char
acter of American government,
but they also have produced val
uable reforms. The problem, he
stated, is to find "the limits of
investigating power" and although
the investigating power is an in
dispensable power, it must be
kept within limited grounds."
"UNDER THE guise of investi
gation, certain committees are
undertaken to perform functions
that are obviously administrative
and obviously in the executive
branch of government," Barth
stated, "the government is taking
on another branch in addition to
the legislative, judicial and exec
utive branches, and that is an
investigating one."
He cited the announcement "by
the chairman of the Senate's per
manent investigating committee
(Sen. McCarthy) that he had ne
gotiated an agreement with the
Greek shipowners of 242 merchant
ships to stop trade with North
Korea, Communist China and
Russia's Far Eastern ports." The
chairman then referred to State
Department attempts as a "dis
mal failure."
He closed by quoting an old
London Times editorial which
stated "Great tyranny has the
smallest beginnings."
apply to the faculty advisors,
Miss Mary Mielenz and Robert
Knoll, and the hold-over mem
bers, who would choose the Uni
versity representatives. A mo
tion that the University should
offer its facilities for the next
Big Seven Student Government
granted one appeal and an
Conference was also carried.
Pat Graham and Brock Dutton
will be council representatives at
the World University Service
meeting March 16 and 17.
Two Predict !
'54 Outlook
Economic activity in 1954 will
depend upon the combined ef
forts of the consumer, the indus
trialist, and the government, said
Charles S. Miller, professor of
business organization and man
agement, in a seminar discussion
Adam Breckenridge, chairman
of the political science depart
ment, added that the economic
outlook for this year is unlikely
to change because of the stable
condition of industry. He warned
that surpluses, cutbacks, and ris
ing unemployment are the prin
cipal "soft spots" in our econ
omy. These factors may cause
our views during the next five
years to undergo a drastic revi
sion. The seminar was the eighth
in a Union-sponsored series.
Topic for the next discusnon,
to be held Wednesday at 4 p:m.
in the Union Faculty Lounge,
will be 'Communists in Latin
Speakers will be Carl J.
Schneider, assistant professo- of
political science, and Stanley R.
Ross, assistant professor of his
tory. Prospective Teachers
Offered Scholarships
Zeta chapter of Delta Kappa
Gamma is again offering an an-;
mil $75 scholrship to an under
graduate woman.
Junior graduating in 1855
with majors in education may
apply. Application forms ma e
obtained at the office of the dean
of women.
Blanks mfttrt be completed and
returned by March SI to Miss
Carrie King, 1615 South 20th
Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1
Monday Deadline Set
For Tri Delt Awards
Monday is the deadline oi
applications for the two scholar
ships -offered University coeds by
Kappa chapter of Delta Delta
Any fCffcd may apply for a
scholarship. The tl00 awards
will be made on the basis of
scholarship and financial need.
Application blank may be
obtained at the dean of women's
office in Eiicn Smith Hs.Il. Re
cipient of last year's Tri Delt
acholarfchip v a GJona Kollmor-
pen, sophomore in Teachers
Volume 54, No. 64 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Friday, March 12, 1954
ADD WomeiTD Ulecfooon
Le(LQ irons AoDDDOnooDced
Vv 11 J YV XX I
L i
Marilyn Brewster has been
named president of the As
sociaed Women's Student s'
Board. Eileen Mullarky was
elected vice president.
Miss Brewster was AWS noti
fications chairman last year and
past secretary. Her other acti
vities include Alpha Lambda
Delta, -Pi Lambda Theta, secre
tary of Tassels, secretary and
publicity chairman of the
Teachers College Dean's ad
visory committee. She is a mem
ber of Alpha Phi.
Miss Mullarky is AWS Coed
Follies chairman, vice president
of .Builders, member of the
Teachers's College dean's ad
visory committee Delta Gamma
and Pi Lambda Theta.
The Five senior board mem
bers chosen are: Joyce Benning
ton Alpha Chi Omega, presi
dent of Tassels and Betty Habik,
president ot the Home Ec Club.
Nancy HemphilL Pi Beta Phi,
Katheep. O'Donnell, Chi Omega;
and Ann" Skold, Kappa Alpha
The seven members of the
junior board elected are: Paula
Broady, Mary Domingo, Clare
Hinnman, Mary House, and Kay
The seven new sophomore
board members are: Beth Kee-
nan, Carol Link and Kay Skin
ner. Also selected on the board were
Muriel Wright, Charlotte Benson
and Courtney Campbell.
It has been announced the in
stallation of the newly elected of
ficers will be held Tuesday at 5
p.m. in Ellen Smith Hall.
Lecture Feature
Polio Prevention
Scherer Discusses New Method
Dr. William F. Scherer, of
the department of immunology
and biology of the University of
Minnesota, spoke at a public
lecture on "Tissue Culture and
Poliomyelitis Wednesday at
7:39 p.m. in Bessey Hall Audi
torium, Scherer's lecture concerned a
method of using human cancer
cells, -grown in the laboratory,
to detect the dreaded polio dis
ease. Scherer collaborated with
J. T. Syverton of the University
of Minnesota in perfecting the
method. Both believe that the
detection method will aid in
other phases of the fight against
Schere and Dr. Syverton found;
that cancer cells of the body!
will support the growth of polio,
and other viruses. With this in-i
formation, they perfected ai
Rifle Tournament
Scheduled For Saturday
The first annual invitational
rifle gallery championships on
the University campus will be
held Saturday, beginning at 7;30
Seventy top marksmen from
nine colleges and universities in a
four-state area will participate
in the competition. The schools
sending representatives are: Iowa
State, Kansas State, Missouri
School of Mines, Creightan Uni
versity, Omaha University, the
University erf Iowa , Washburn
College and Coe College.
The University team is made
up of Paul Jordan, George Med
ley, Thomas Mc Andrews, Don
Perrenoud, Bruce Lippke, Duane
MeCutchan and Don Oden. The
team of Phi Delta Theta fratern
ity, which won the university in
tramural rifle tournament last
week, will be represented by A3
Gotharo, Jim Donelan, Bill
Hamsa and Lee Roberts plus
Gary Burchfield, Val Anderson
and Richard McKee, members of
the varsity squad.
a iM-inch cold display award.
will be presented by University
ROTC etudents. Six god, six sil
ver and eight bronze medals will
be swarded the top cor lenders in
the team and - individual rifJe
matches. High scorers in individ
Dottie Sears is the 1954 presi
dent of Barb Activities Board for
Women, and Joan Joyner was
elected vice president
Miss Sears, a junior in Business
Administration, is president of In
ternational House, a member of
Coed Counselors, YWCA and
treasurer of Kappa Phi and Phi
Chi Theta. She was the former
secretary for BABW.
Miss Joyner is a junior in Arts
and Sciences, a member of Tas
sels, Student Council, YWCA, and
activities chairman for Towne
Club. Miss Joyner was the for
mer BABW publicity chairman.
The newly elected members of
the senior board are Martha
Heuerman, junior in Ag College,
and Wilma Larson, junior in Busi
ness Administration.
Junior Board members are Bar
bara Colbert, Teachers College
sophomore; Doris Frank, Sopho
more in Teachers College; Doro
thy Frank, sophomore in Teachers
College: and Marlene Hutchin
son, sophomore in Ag College.
The four sophomore board po
sitions will be held by Charlotte
Sears, Ag College Freshman;
ol Anderson, Teachers College
Carol Anderson, Teachers Col
lege freshman; Marion Janda,
freshman in Ag College; and El
len Jacobsen, freshman in Ag
procedure for detecting polio
virus. An anti-body was used
in the experiment. If cells in a
tube containing polio anti-body
were healthy and those in the
other tubes dead, the bacterio
logist concludes that the virus
is polio.
Scherer believes that the polio
virus kills all cells except the
ones protected by the polio anti
body. This detection method is
now being used to a fairly great
extent in Minnesota, according
to Scherer.
Dr. Coherer, who is engaged
in research at the University of
Minnesota, graduated from the
School of Medicine and Dentis
try at Rochester University.
The department of physiology
and the Institute of Cellular
Growth sponsored Sherer's lec
tures at the University.
ual contests win receive mer
chandise awards.
The competition will be spon
sored by the military science
department and the University
Army ROTC The University Rifle
Club will play host to the visit
ing marksmen. CoL Hames H.
Workman, professor of military
science and tactics, will be of
ficial sponsor of the match, which
wi2 be conducted by members of
the Army, Navy and Air Force
Adelphi Initiates
Eleven NU Coeds
Adelphi, independent women's
social organization, initiated 11
coeds to active membership,
Feb. 27.
Initiates are: Claire Baade,
Gloria Byers, Marcia Dennis,
Nancy Perkins, Doreen Krueger,
Margery Polzkill. Veronica Row
ley, Roxanne Simmons, Carol
Swartz, Yvonne Tevebaah and
Bette Weber.
Forty couples attended the
Adelphi Sweetheart Ball which
followed the initiation ceremony.
Jeanette Hilyard, junior in
Teachers College, was presented
as Adelphi Sweetheart. Other
finalists were Joan Rciling and
Carlia Walker.
Coed Counselor
Carol Gillett has been named
president and JoAnn Meyers vice
president of Coed Counselors in
the all women elections Thurs
day. Miss Gillett, a member of Al
pha Omicron Pi, was secretary
of Coed Counselor Board, mem
ber of Tassels and Red Cross
Miss Meyers is a member of
Delta Gamma, Tassels and was
Coed Counselor Penny Carnival
Elected to the senior board
are Joe Johnson, Alpha Zi Delta,
Coed Counselor board, vice
president of aTssels; and Dot
Sears, International House, Coed
Counselor, YWCA, BABW trea
surer, Student Council activities
The eight members elected to
the junior board are Phyllis
Cast, Delta Delta Delta; Laura
Garcia, Women's Residence
Halls; Cynthia Henderson, Kappa
Kappa Gamma; Joan Knudson,
Alpha Chi Omega.
Sherrie Mangold, Gamma Phi
Beta; Barbara Pape, Towne
Club; Carol Thompson, Alpha
Chi Omega; and Virginia Wil
cox, Alpha Omicron Pi.
Six sophomore board members
include: Carol Anderson, Towne
Club; Jeanne Elliott, Kappa
Kappa Gamma; Mary Hall,
Delta Gamma; Emily Helmhill,
Chi Omega; Marilyn Lingo, Love
Memorial Hall, Ag Union, 4-H
Club, Home Economics Club
council; Dorothy N o v o t n y, j
Gamma Phi Beta.
Faculty Group Reports
On Chancellor Search
Hicks Says Project Continuing
Clifford VL Hicks, chairman of
the special faculty committee ap
pointed to assist the Boara oi ne
cents in the choice of a Univer
sity chancellor, reported to the
Faculty Senate Tuesday that the
project was being continued with
He told the Senate that nearly
100 names had been sifted by the
committee and 13 had been rec
ommended to the Regents.
IN REVIEWING the work of
the committee, Hicks said the first
task "was to establish a working
relationship with the Regents." He
told the Senate that at the out
set the committee and Regents
agreed that to "eliminate unde
sirable publicity, gossip and ru
mors, no statements concerning
the work of the executive offi
cers of the Board of Regents and
Home Economists
Convention Set
For Saturday
Nebraska home economists and
home economics students will
meet on Saturday for the seventh
annual convention of the Ne
braska Home Economics Associ
ation and the Nebraska Dietetics
The one-day convention will be
held at the Lincoln Hotel. The
convention will open at 7 a.m.
with registration and a breakfast.
Mai Hansen, farm service di
rector of WOW, will speak on
"Radio and Television: Project
ing Mediums for Home Econom
ics. DB. LOOSE Stedman. director
of the School of Home Economics
at the University of Minnesota,
will tpeak at the noon luncheon
on "Home Economics: the Inter
national View."
The following divisions are
planning special programs for
their division meetings: design,
clothing and textiles, housing and
equipment, family relations and
child development.
urday evening with a banquet at
the Lincoln Hotel Dr. Frank
Sorenson of the University will
ppeak on "Dividends from our
Foreign Investments.
Home Economics exhibits will ,
be on display in the Lincoln Ho
tel during the convention. They
will be open to the public on Try-:
Kathy O'Donnell was elected
president of Women's Athletic
Association at the all women
elections Thursday.
Miss O'Donnell, a junior in
Arts and Sciences, is a member
of Chi Omega, YWCA, and past
intramural coordinator of WAA.
Her other activities include Uni
versity Theater and Nebraska
Katy Kelly was elected vice
president. Miss Kelly, a junior
in Teachers College, was last
year's secretary of WAA. She
is a member of Chi Omega,
YWCA and Nebraska Masquers.
THE 1954 WAA secretary is
Shirley Jesse. She is a sopho
more in Teacher's College, a
member of Alpha Omicron Pi
and a Coed Counselor. Miss
Jesse is also a member of
Orchesis, the Student Council,
and is a Union committee
Mary Kay Beachler was
elected treasurer of WAA. Miss
Beachler is a sophomore in Arts
and Sciences and a member of
Kappa Alpha Theta. She is a
Union committee chairman, a
member of AUF solicitations
board and was last year's duck
pins sports head in WAA.
Nu-Med Meeting
A NU-Med meeting has been
scheduled for Wednesday at 7:30
p.m. in Love Library Auditorium.
Speaker will be Dr. Frank Cola
who will talk on anesthesiology.
the committee wouja oe maae.
"Fortunately," he said, "no
outside pressure has been ex
erted on the faculty committee.
K. Selleck praised the work of
the committee and said "the Re
gents are grateful to the commit
tee for its help."
In other Faculty Senate action,
reports were received from the
student loan, memorial and hon
ors convocation committees. The
Senate voted to hold a special
meeting March 25 for the purpose
of nominating and voting upon
candidates for special degrees.
Second Night
Set For Three
NU Lab Plays
Laboratory theater productions
win be presented for the second
night Friday at 7:39 p.m., in
Room 201, Temple Building.
Plays being presented are
"Hello Out There," "An Old
Lady Shows Her Medals' and
"Conversation With a Ghost
Carts include Bin Israel, Lea
Schropfer, Shirley Holcomb, Lu
anne Raun, Judy Kraft and Al
berta Kaspan'k: Morse Weisgurt
is director of "An Old Lady Shows
Her Medals.
Cart of "Hello Out There is
BiU Wagner, Ana Corcoran, Den
nis Wemsley, Marilyn Brrifelder,
Jim Copp. Jay Schmidt and Harry
Parrott. Carol Jones will direct,
"Conversation With a Ghost
cast includes Fred Ashley, Mary
Lou Pittack and Bob Lundberg.
Dick Marrs is the director.
Prodiartkm managers are Pat
Haun, Kay Barton.
NU Alums Display
Pointings In Paris
Phyllis Moyer and Lois Fred
erick, recent University grad
uates, are displaying paintings
in the fifth annual Salon of
Young Painters in Paris, France.
A IS 53 graduate frcaa Fre
mont, Miss Moyer has water
color (displays. Miss Frederick, of
Hay Springs and a 3852 grad
uate, has displays done in cJ.
THE TWO women are study
ing painting in Paris as scholar
ship winners. Miss Moyer is a
Voolley Foundation award win
ner, while Miss Frederick is
Pul bright scholarship manner.
From approximately 2.CO0 en
tries only about 209 paintings
mere selected lea- the Salon.