The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 10, 1954, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, March 10, 1954
Laboratory Theater Productions
Scheduled For Thursday Evening
University Laboratory Theater
will present three one-act plays
Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m.
"Hello Out There" a drama by
William Saroyan, concerns a man
m prison who is faced with a
lynching mob. Cast in the play are
Bill Wagner, Ann Corcoran, Den
nis Wemsley, Marilyn Britfelder,
Jim Copp. Jay Schmidt and Harry
Parrott. Student director is Carol
a man and the ghost of his past
furnish the plot for "Conversa
tion With a Ghost."
Fred Ashley, Mary Lou Pit
tack and Bob Lundberg are cast
in this fantasy. Dick Marra will
Kill TsraAi T n fthrvwfAv Ch;.-
... . I . . . . H.l V.llI . kJlllt'
Alan Barth, editorial writer fori W Hnimmh I nsnno na x,a
wie vasningran t-osi ana autnor Kraft and Alberta Kasparik will
lo apeak
Geography Group
of manjr short stories and articles
will speak to a convocation on
'"Current Affairs" in the Union
at 4 p.m. Thursday.
Barth has been editorial writer
for the Washington Post since
1943 and served as editor of re
ports, Office of War Informs
tion, in 1942. He was special as
Fistant to the Secretary of the
treasury m 1341
Friday at 9 and 11 a.m. Barth
will speak to
A NTEMAX Fellow at Harvard
In 1949 he received a Bachelor of
philosophy degree from Yale in
1929. He has received the Hill
man Foundation Award, the
American Veterans' Committee
Award in 1951, Sigma Delta Chi
Award m 1949 and the American
Newspaper Guild Award for Edi
torial Writing in 1948.
Barth is the author of "The
Loyalty of Free Men." published
in 1951. Recent publications by
Barth have appeared in "Harp
er s weeKiy- ana the American
Association of University Profes-
sors Bulletin" as lead articles.
give "An Old Lady Shows Her
J. M. Berrie wrote the whimsi
cal story concerning an old lady
who adopts a ficticious son. She
invented the son to keep up with
her neighbors during the war
when talk turned to the affairs
of their soldier sons. Norse Weis-
gurt is the director.
Pat Hann, Kay Barton and Bar-
two journalism Dara are serving as produc-
uou managers ior we piays.
To Speak
Members of Alpha Phi chapter
of Gamma Theta. Upsilon, na
tional professional geography
fraternity, are (seated, 1. to r.)
Arthell Kelley, vice president;
Andrew Morris, president; Dr.
Esther Anderson, faculty spon
sor, and Sara Larson, secre
tary-treasurer; (standing, 1. to
r. Hoc co Castellano. Lovd
Collier, Vincent Larocco, Mor
ris Lewis, Arthur Schmieding
and Richard Montgomery. Al
pha Phi chapter was recently
established on the University
On The Social Side
University Coeds Receive
Five Diamonds, Two Pins
A joint meeting of the student
and professional branches of the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers will be held at the Un
ion Wednesday at 6:15 p.m.
Professor Ben G. Elliott, chair
man of the department of mechan
ical engineering at the University
of Wisconsin, will speak on "Some
Problems in the Training of En
Elliott was twrn in Wra-th Plsttn
Top rankintr sttudents
School of Journalism for the first versity faculty from 1915 to 1917.
semester have been announced Po crrarinatoH fvnm h pca
by Dr. William F. Swindler, di- Polytechnic Institute at Terre
rector. Haute. Ind VYnm 1911 tn IQis ha
Freshmen named are Ttewrlxr
Ann Deepe, Marilyn Gordon. Ka- TTniTOj-citv wicwicm
f5 Mcirace Switzer and serving at the University, he re-
Swindler Cites
Top Students
In Journalism
Elizabeth Ann Weber.
SOPHOMORES are Betty Ann
Bay, Marianne Hansen, Cynthia
rienoerson, fnyiiis Hershberger,
Marilyn Lee Mitchell. KsthWn
Nosky and Shirley Jean Rosen
Juniors include Lyle W. Den-
Biston, Ronald Gibson, Nanev
Odum, Berneta Rosenquist and
ueiDen o. snodgrass.
seniors are Barbara Adams
Marjorie Moran, Shirley Murphy
Maly, Richard C Reid and Ken-
Beta ir. Kystronu
Students To Give
Musical Program
.television station KFOR-TV
wm present a half-hour show.
turned to Wisconsin.
Elliott is vice president of Re
gion VI of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers.
The auxiliary of the ASME will
hear a lecture on "Interior Deco
ration in the Home."
Society Editor
Five engagements and two
new pinnings among University
students were disclosed the past
Alpha Chi Donna Borgaard
announced her engagement to
Tom Tobin, Phi Gam. Donna, a
junior in Home Ec, is from Lin
coln. Tom is an Ag College jun
ior from Tekamah.
Anne Sidner passed candy to
the Thetas to announce her en
gagement to Everts Sibbernsen
from Omaha. Anne, a transfer
student from the College of Will
iam and Mary in Virginia, is a
junior in Teachers College from
Fremont. Everts was graduated
from Rollins College, Florida.
Their wedding will be June SO.
Pi Phi Sally Warren revealed
her engagement to Bob Messmer,
a former University student from
Omaha. Sally is a junior in Ar
chitecture from Lincoln. Bob is
presently serving in the Army.
Connie Lindley, president of
Terrace Hall, has announced her
engagement to Vernon MagilL
Delta Sigma Phi. A senior in Ag
College, Connie is from Anselmo.
Vernon is from Curtis and is a
junior in the College of Engineering.
Announcement has been made
of the engagement of Eunice
Anderson and Richard Ernst, a
sophomore in Business Adminis
tration. Both are from Lincoln.
An April ll wedding is planned.
Spefcher-Lindw all
Sandy Speicher, Kappa pledge,
has announced her pinning to
Rodger Lindwall, Beta sopho
more at the University of Colo
rado. Sandy, a finalist for 1954
Comhusker Beauty Queen, is a
Teachers College freshman. Both
are from Omaha.
Alpha Xi Bonnie Splichal and
Delt Dick Grant revealed their
pinning Monday. Bonnie is a
sophomore in Teachers College
from Lincoln. Dick, from Co
lumbus, is a sophomore in Busi
ness Administration.
Socio Calendar
Kappa Delta White Rose
Formal, Lincoln Hotel.
Students' Key To Knowledge-Reading;
It's In The Books' For M Learners
Puzzled Pupils Advised To Take Junior Division Class
. f . .
Copy Editor
Have you realized that reading
is one of the best mediums of
getting knowledge?
No matter what type of know
ledge you are looking for, it's in
the books!
Most of our studying involves
reading; but much of our read
ing does not concern what we
are studying. Textbooks can be
interesting, however, and they
are one of the best media of in
creasing knowledge.
BUT WHAT of the poor stu
dent who does not understand
what he is reading? He can be
heard saying, "That professor
must be off his rocker! Did you
hear how much reading he has
assigned us for Friday?"
Then the puzzled student if
he is one of those rare individ
uals who studies sits down and
meticulously tries to digest the
reading assignment. He usually
manages to plow through about
one-third of it before he most go
to class, study another subject or
go out with the boys ... or
girls, as the case may be.
Out with the crowd, he in
variably finds some "smarty"
who has read two or three chap
ters in the time it took him to
cover eight pages. And miracu
lously the smarty understands
what he has read. Our typical
tudent begins to see the light
his reading is too slow, too poky,
too time consuming. j
not travel quick like a flash to
Junior Division and sign up for
the next course in "How to Read
Better and Faster."
The final University-sponsored
three-week reading improvement
class opened Monday. During the
course, students will learn that
efficient reading does not involve
paying infinite attention to de
tails. Rapid readers generally
have better over-all comprehen
sion than slow, careful readers.
A typical student's potential
rate of understanding is approx
imately 25 to 50 per cent faster
than his habitual, untrained rate.
Imagine all the high grades and
extra coffee hours possible if
your reading comprehension rata
increased that much.
The University provides the
opportunity. Why not take ad
vantage of it? What can you lose,
Mr. Typical NU Student?
Panel Of Specialists To Talk
On Child Problems, Guidance
Promotions Announced;
New MP Officers Elected
The following cadets have re
cently been promoted to higher
Cadet Major: Clinton W. John,
W "2 .r.' Ordnance branch.
"f. u, weanes- t CaDtain: Ronald r
l..p-7r . iT,e program ! Powers and Darrel D. Puis, both
Z.J", vversny xaient. Ordnance
r a proaucer m tne Cadet 1st Lieutenant: Charles
show will be Nick Amos. W. Schuerman, William E. Bonn-
Members of the cast include stetter, Donald M. Anderson, Al-
x. uuus, aviarsnau nnsten- bert L. Curtis, Richard H. Eg
eon, Carol Jean Armstrong, gert, all of whom are members
reie Anoerson, jean Carol De- of the Ordnance branch.
iong, Jack Lindsay, Jan Harri- Engineers promoted to cadet
son, jtsoo Knapple, Marian 1st Lieutenant include: James L.
Erinkman, Howard Thrann. I Atkinson, Arnold C. Glesmann.
Marilyn Kennedy, Ron Smith Donald L. Madsen and David B.
nd Fat Alvord. Phillips.
The first show will feature Duane L. McCutchan of the
tongs from 'Kiss Me, Kate" Military Police corps, Philip M.
Next week's show will feature Aitken of Artiller and Water B.
selections from "Showboat " The Korff of Ordnance branch were
following week music will als0 promoted to Cadet 1st Lieu-
from "South Pacific."
Physiologist Plans
Wednesday Talk
Dr. William F. Sherer will give
public lecture on culture tis
sue at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in
Bessey Hall Auditorium.
Dr. Sherer is presently enpatred Til lhllr-."l ft tinner
In research at the University of Mart? rriorfmot,
AT A recent meeting Provost
Corps, a social professional hon
orary fraternity for advanced
military police cadets, elected
new officers;
Gordon Fitzekam, pro vost
marshal; LeRoy Schizas, deputy
provost marshal: Allan Crounse.
finance officer; Ronald Brandt,
officer, and
I geant.
RCCU Honors Banquet
lanned For Thursday
Top Workers To Receive Awards
Fed Cross College Unit will
Jiold its annual Honor Banquet
Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Union
Parlors ABC.
Red Cross workers who have
done outstanding work during the
past year will be honored at the
banquet. Marv Strom er, presi
dent, wiH present the awards.
Fran Loocke, vice president, is
In charge of the banou;t Marv
Strorner will be master of cere
monies. SPEAKER FOX the hanquet
will be Gene Berg, founder and
first president of the Red Cross
College Unit. Berg will discuss
the history and work of the col
Jepe unit.
The first Red Cross Honors
Banquet was held in May, 1951,
and toss since become a Red
Cross tradition.
AH students who have previ
ously participated in the activi-
.! :rr Ereckenridge
To Discuss Economics
'Hie eighth seminar in a Union
r po'are4 series will be held Wed
i'.rsd:.y et 4 p.m. in the Union
2,-"."l.7 Xuuige.
T""'C will be the "Economic
kUtx.k for 1854."
Speakers will be Charles S.
, Jir, rrofes-wr of business or
p Mttion and management. ,and
J dim Lrrckenridge, chairman
.f the political science depart-
ties of Red Cross may attend the
banquet. Students unable to at
tend the dinner may come at
7:15 p.m. for the presentation of
Tickets for the banquet will be
on sale in a Union ticket booth
until Wednesday.
Week Includes
RC Displays,
TV Showf.To
In conjunction with Red Cross
Week a showcase consisting of
Red Cross symbols and commit
tee pictures is being displayed
in the main lounge of the Union.
The display features the Red
Cross emblem and pictures of the
Urban League. Orphanage, Watet
Safety and Orthopedic Hospital
Red Cross Board members will
present a half-hour program on
KOLN-TV tonight at 6:30 p.m.
A tea will be given for the Lan
caster County Red Cross board
members and the college board
members and officers on Friday
from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.
"Red Cross members from
Omaha University, Nebraska
Wesleyan University and the Jun
ior lied Cross Council of Lincoln
will be campus guests at a lunch
eon Saturday.
Also elected was an executive
council consisting of Marv
Stromer, Paul Scheele and
Charles Anderson,
Name tags are being issued to
all cadets and instructors this
week. The purpose of the tags,
according to Captain Robert
Law, assistant professor of mili
tary science and tactics, is to in
crease esprit de corps among the
cadets and instructors. Captain
Law pointed out that the name
tag system is used at many Army
schools to create a feeling of
lamiuarity among the students.
Qualifications for Minute Man
awards will be held Thursday,
March 25. The awards, made an
nually to outstanding freshman
cadets are made on the basis of
the "ten commandments of good
citizenship." The commandments
include the use of such qualities
as dependability, coooeration.
leadership, patriotism, discipline
courtesy to the United States
flag, defense of the Constitution,
inspiration, duty and hope.
iors and instructors will fly to
Cocoa Beach, Florida, during
spring vacation to inspect a
guided missile center there.
The IB students who will fly
south in two military planes will
be accompanied by instructors
and several state representatives
The group will Inspect the in
stallation of the missile center
and do some deep-sea fishing
during the week-end stay from
April 10 to 13, accordine to Can-
tain Edward S. Nyland. assist
ant professor of air science and
Registration Begins
For Block, Bridle Show
Registration for the Block and
Bridle Spring Show has opened
in Animal Husbandry Hall.
Contest events will be held in
cattle, sheep and hog showman
ship. The contest will stress show
manship and grooming of ani
mals. Animals will "be furnished by
the Animal Husbandry depart
ment. Contestants will draw for
the animals tbey will show.
The 20th annual spring show
will be held April 24 at the State
Fair Coliseum.
WANTED F)t plnmatw. Vut be mf
feHont. OkI) Ptek Plnchlry, inrk
Kplln. Bkip Johnmm, Cmmo Thorpt, or
Lou Lriiu;
Vcnt Aprtm!it for two montlw
April 1 -J line 1. 8 rooms furath4
lih kmth. gmmg, tiwnrm lur TV.
Call 4-S148.
TV Show Staged
By Delta Omicron
Delta Omicron, national orofes-
sional music sorority, presented a
naif hour television show on
KFOR-TV Sunday at 6 p.m.
A musical tour of New York
City, Ireland, Vienna and Paris
was the theme of the program.
The cast included a chorus and
solos by: Marian Brinkman,
Yvonr Moran, Janet Christensen
and il Armstrong. Marian
Brinkr. and Maurice Niebaum
interpre.-d a Viennese waltz.
The selections included in the
program were: "New York, New
York," "My Wild Irish Rose,"
"Panis Angelicus," "I Am In
Love With Vienna," "That's
What Makes Paris" and "This is
My Country."
Health Day
H. A. Rusk
To Address
Dr. Howard A. Rusk, authority
on rehabilitation, will address an
all-University convocation on
"Back to Living" Friday at 11
a.m. in the Union Ballroom.
The convocation is a part of
the sixth annual All College
Health Day program, sponsored
by the University Health Serv
ices, University convocation
committee and department of
AN ASSOCIATE editor of The
New York Times, Dr. Rusk is
professor and chairman of the
department of physical medicine
and rehabilitation at New York
University College of Medicine,
and is director of the Institute of
Physical Medicine and Rehabili
tation at New York University
Bellevue Medical Center.
Dr. Rusk has received awards
in recognition of his achieve
ments in the field of rehabilita
tion. These include honorary
degrees from the University of
Missouri, B o s t on University,
Westminster College and Hahne
mann Medical College.
A panel discussion on the topic
"Does Your Child Sometimes
Puzzle You?" will be held in the
Union ballroom Thursday at 8
The panel, sponsored by the
Lincoln and Lancaster County
Child Guidance Center, will con
sist of four specialists Dr. R.
Hugh Dickinson, psychiatrist; Dr.
Kenneth J. Fijan, pediatrician;
Dr. Art A. Kramish, psycholo
gist; Mary Jane Young, social
case worker, and Mrs. Roscoe
Hill, a Lincoln mother.
DR. D. STEWART MacDonald,
executive director of the Child
Guidance Center, will moderate
the panel discussion which is open
to the public without charge.
Dorothy Pile, executive secre
tary of the Nebraska District
YWCA, will open the program
with a dramatic reading of "My
Little Boy."
The panel discussion will be of
the question and answer type.
There will be opportunity for
questions from the audience.
Young Demos
Young Democrats will meet
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Room
313 of the Union.
The agenda for the meeting,
according to vice-president San
dra Daley, will include announce
ment of the coffee hour with Alan
Barth of the Washington Post,
and reports by various commit
tees. Those members who have not
signed up for a committee cai
do so at the meeting. The nom
inating committee for the April
elections will be appointed.
1 II pnrapi
the case of the six-cent patsy
Once there wis a Senior
i up against the
ospect ol Oraduatine.
Spcnritr 42 Tear
away, lie rccoeoitei the need of
a jok to Tile Him Over.
So be harrowed nanfofly through
Classified Section, nnder "Help
Wanted", in search of the Right Niche.
Spotted it, too. A hooey. The right field,
a Substantial Salary, fine location, ten
sions and benefits Up To Here, The
ad asked for Brief Histories from
He wrote immediately. Not cocVfly
bat convincingly. A masterpiece that
took fonr nights and filled several pages
with Deathless Prose, It left no doubt
that here was The Man for the Job.
He slapped on a 6-cent stamp, dropped
it into the box, and sat back waiting
for The CalL .
P.S. be didn't get the job. His epistla
wound up 334th in the pile, and they
never got down that far. Hired ooe of
the first eight, as a matter of fact all of
whom had had Enough Perspicacity t
flash the data by telegram and (and
On Top of the Heap.
Before you start jockeying (or a johj
be sore to latch onto voor free copy of
the Telegrammar, Western Union's
ingenious pocket-size guide to srie.
graph nse. (Just write Room 1727
Western Union, 60 Hudson St New
York City.) And remember, whatever
the Project, yon're smart to se Tele,
grams to Get the Jump on the Cora
petirion. Telegrams get In, get Read, get
the Reaction you want. Wonder-workers
in all kinds of ventures . . ; whether
von 're Dickering for a Date, a Hotel
Reservation, or Pesos front Pop. jat
call Western I'nion.
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When you come right down to it, you
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So, for the enjoyment you get from
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Be Happy Go Lucky. Get a pack or a
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